Invictus Games–My Tribute.



After watching much of the Invictus Games over the past few days I have been in awe of these men and women who have shown such courage and determination in overcoming their tragic circumstances. Many of their stories brought tears to my eyes. Not only have they had to overcome their physical injuries, but they and others who have suffered such trauma have had to over come their mental barriers which often can take more healing than their broken bodies..

Turning our lives around after such an experience is often hard..

Sport has brought many of them back from their lonely ordeal of recovery.. Being part of a Team, encouraging and pulling each other up when things get tough is what unifies and brings  I AM into focus..

I couldn’t sleep the other night and wrote this Poem in Tribute to ALL those who have taken part, and those who have helped them to get to the point.. You are all truly Invictus ..



I see your spirit riding high

Every challenge you meet you pass on by

You’ve pulled yourselves up within your hearts

Conquering obstacles right from the start


At times the odds were not stacked in your favour

But the I AM Will Power you have savoured

There must have been times when you felt so low

But your determination, True Grit is what you show.


Let us not forget your sacrifice

As those who rule roll the dice

In Games of War that snuff out life

To cause such suffering, grief and strife


Pride and admiration I have for your spirit

Invictus Hero’s each pushing your limits

All of you have come through so much

In Victory your medals to clutch


But Winners you are without a medal to hold

Be proud of the challenge to which you rose

You have connected to the I AM that we all are

And No Limits restricts the Light of a Star…

Well done to all..

An affirmation..

“ I place no limits and no restrictions on all that I intend to accomplish from here on in”




invictus m (feminine invicta, neuter invictum); first/second declension

  1. unconquered, unsubdued
  2. invincible, undisputed, undefeated



81 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Dr. Rex
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 16:58:12

    Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Invictus Games ….. be proud!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2014 @ 18:35:17

      Thank you for the Reblog Dr Rex.. many thanks for passing along. 🙂



      • Dr. Rex
        Sep 15, 2014 @ 18:38:13

        You are very welcome …. I’ve been learning about this from a friend in Wales!! This is the kind of news we need to have more of .

        Hugs …. 🙂



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 15, 2014 @ 18:43:26

          I totally agree… Good News.. But then these brave people should never have been subjected to the environments they were sent. If our prospecting governing bodies had not interfered in the first place… We are leaving an even bigger mess before this all started by interfering in others ways of being.. We do not see how so called tyrants kept control, as bad as they were.. Now its various fractions are causing even more terror and suffering… Sigh.. its just too awful to even contemplate how brutal some humans are to another.



  2. David
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 16:58:15

    Unfortunately we cannot get the games here, but well said Sue a beautiful tribute. Love, David



  3. prenin
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 17:01:07

    Brave people – May they ALWAYS be respected and revered!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs!




  4. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 17:01:44

    your words carry much further than a show….it carries within each heart that has broken and struggles to reconnect, it whispers to those lost with no hope, that there is hope if only a distant star to show one the way….it soothes the chaos and turbulent emotions of those who have had life changes that seem insurmountable to bring into a peace-filled moment…
    Beautiful words My Sister of Spirit….just beautiful…
    Thank you for sharing…
    Take Care…You Matter ….

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2014 @ 21:25:21

      Dear Maryrose..
      Thank you. They have brought much inspiration, and it shows how we can pull ourselves up from the brink.. And it puts into perspective our own worries… So much love your way.. Hugs to you .. Many thanks for your lovely comment x Sue



  5. Wendell A. Brown
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 17:34:03

    Sue, my heart overflowed with tears for your awesome message and the magnificent poem you wrote from deep within. My wife and I, both being disabled Vets are proud of all of our brothers and sisters who currently serve and who have served in the past and who have suffered many disabilities yet have not let it hold them back. They are our pride and joy always…I have seen no greater love in what they gave and still give to us each day with the living inspiration they provide. Thanks again for all, for this wonderful blessing you shared from a selfless heart I have come to know so well! Hugs and blessings to you and your family always!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2014 @ 21:32:39

      Dear Wendell, I had no idea you and your good lady were disabled veterans.. and I am in no doubts of your pride in your brothers and sisters around the world.. Many thanks for you wonderful comment Wendell.. You have only served to increase my own admiration for you, for your Spirit shows in all you write.. Love and Blessings to you and your good lady wife.. wishing you both much love.. Sue x

      Liked by 1 person


  6. E.D.
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 17:56:30

    yes too sides to the prince of darkness and his family. sorry.. But I have heard so much about them in regards to their fun and games.



  7. E.D.
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 17:57:29

    sorry still a bit angry at this fella.. Will have to read your post later on.. Excuse me, won’t you?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2014 @ 14:54:51

      I am sorry you feel this way E.D. I respect everyone has their opinions, including yours… My post is not about the Royals.. its about the Men and women who serve their countries, and come home having given their all.. Some their lives, and some so wounded they wonder how on earth they can build their lives again… Taking part in these games.. have given many and those watching who have their own obstacles to overcome impetus to focus upon their recovery, and channel it into Sport and achieve something with meaning in their lives.. Its about educating others into acceptance that disabled in body, does not mean they are disabled in mind and in their feelings.. Its about educating the M.O.D. into constructing channels to enable them not to feel like they are left on the scrap heap.. Prince Harry has served with some of those taking part, and if we learn not to judge a book by its cover, we take great leaps into being Tolerant .. Something this world needs to learn.. If we each looked within our mirrors, mine included, we all are often too quick to judge without really understanding the true facts ..
      Thank you for taking the time to leave me your Drum beat.. I hope E.D. you will enjoy much more as you travel through Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary
      Blessings for taking the time to comment.. And I Hope you will return to read the post in full which contains my poem..
      Regards to you and yours..



      • E.D.
        Sep 15, 2014 @ 16:34:07

        I think my comment was meant for another post. The other post was about blood sports.. Sorry about this confusing. I had already posted the comment then realized, i had made a terrible mistake.. i did give an apology.. eve

        thanks eve



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 15, 2014 @ 16:56:12

          Eve that’s fine.. do not worry over it.. Like I said there are things about the Royals too I do not like we all have our own opinions.. I’m only sorry we got introduced this way too.. As I have been over to your blog which is very nice by the way.. 🙂 Lets both just put it behind us.. Many thanks for coming back to explain. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • E.D.
            Sep 15, 2014 @ 17:01:24

            I am very sorry. totally irresponsible on my part.. I was not well yesterday, so probably was no using my full concentration.. But no excuses for my stupid comment. hugs eve xx

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Sep 15, 2014 @ 17:06:19

              Look Big Hugs to you Back .. I am laughing now about the whole mix up.. One thing its broke the Ice between the two of us.. Keep smiling! 🙂 xxx


            • E.D.
              Sep 15, 2014 @ 17:19:58

              😉 – yes – 🙂 odd way to meet, I agree. I have to admit to being pretty lousy with comments. The boxes just throw me off anyway, then the reader.. OMG! Have a good evening.. eve

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Sep 15, 2014 @ 17:22:57

              Im smiling, I encourage debate.. 🙂 I too reacted as I couldn’t understand your gripe.. Now I do… and hey you didn’t get deleted… hehe… You too enjoy your evening Eve… Take care..


      • E.D.
        Sep 15, 2014 @ 16:39:35

        The comment was meant for Dr. Rex’s post or reblog on Blood Sports.. So please do not publish it.. I somehow got the two posts mixed up.. I guess it was the pic. of Harry that brought about the confusion. “oppps”.. I had been reading Dr. Rex’s post, where a pic. of harry standing proudly over a dead buffalo had caught my eye.. I don’t like the killing of innocent animals in the name of sport.. I know he does his bit in the public eye, but this was a pic. from a private source. (I believe.) – Still, I am so sorry your post had to take the hit. No intentions towards that at all. eve

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 15, 2014 @ 17:00:12

          If it was against Blood sports you have my own full backing.. And that is one thing I do not agree with in any shape or form no matter if they are Royalty or not..
          Although coming from a small village in my childhood I was brought up on Game from damaged birds which we got via ‘ The Big House’s ‘ Game Keeper… It was the only meat we had along with Rabbit when younger… I have since changed my eating habits by the way… 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  8. Writing to Freedom
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 18:08:12

    Nice poem and tribute and poem Sue. I appreciate that you care as do I. And yet I must admit that I have mixed feelings. I yearn for the day we don’t have wars, and quit glorifying war and making heroes of soldiers. It’s a dirty, ugly business run by the power hungry to grab more wealth, power and resources. I pray for peace.

    blessings to all who have suffered.

    Liked by 1 person


  9. coastalcrone
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 19:17:38

    A very fitting tribute for these individuals! Well done.



  10. Eric Tonningsen
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 20:20:43

    Fortunately, this worthy endeavor has celebrity backing. Yet I wonder about all of the promising initiatives ‘out there’ that have no name recognition or finacial support and go unrealized. The recipients of this kindness are, I’m sure, grateful. My wish is that more people with the power and connections to bring worthy causes alive, would do so instead of basking in the lights and on red carpets. Individually and collectively, we have so much more to offer – in compassionate action.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2014 @ 15:14:19

      Yes my wish too Eric that more would take a leaf out of these Games to help others.. War victims are often left on the scrap heap of life to just get on with it when turned out of their units because of illness or injury.. I hope these Games have highlighted the true Spirit within is always present, no matter what they have endured..
      Those who glamorise War, in recruitment of joining the forces should see what these young men and woman have gone through in serving their countries.. And Those Famous Film stars on the Red carpet who portray War as victorious in Films should visit the shattered lives of women and children, old and young alike in the aftermath of war.. War is brutal.. I agree Eric.. we have so much more we as individuals can offer.. Let is constructively join in unity for Peace.. Thank you Eric for your most welcome visit.. I am doing my catch ups and will be with you shortly

      Liked by 1 person


  11. litebeing
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 23:40:11

    “ I place no limits and no restrictions on all that I intend to accomplish from here on in”

    What a great affirmation Sue and beautifully written poetry to celebrate the human spirit. I did not know of these games, but got the essence of them through your passionate words. Thanks for the inspiration!


    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2014 @ 13:45:20

      They were remarkable, I can only imagine the atmosphere in the stadiums where the competitors competed, the crowds were amazingly supportive of all..

      Yes I have had that affirmation for some time and can not remember where I came across it… It fitted perfectly here.. And its one I use constantly, especially when I meet a challenge.. 🙂 Good to see you and as always I appreciate your feed back Linda.
      Hugs Sue



  12. silentlyheardonce
    Sep 14, 2014 @ 23:48:38

    This is so thought provoking and a powerful message. Well done.



  13. dilipnaidu
    Sep 15, 2014 @ 02:15:52

    A beautiful tribute to the courage and inner strength of humans. Thank you Sue.



  14. Alex Jones
    Sep 15, 2014 @ 07:38:38

    Where I live (Colchester) is an army garrison town, so these games have a special relevance to us. The Invicta charity has a strong presence here too.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2014 @ 13:23:45

      Yes Alex I was both delighted and touched to see how this event has given purpose not only to those taking part, but to many who have lost hope in themselves.. Seeing those taking part and their spirit has given I am sure many a new focus of being able to achieve much more than they thought themselves capable of . 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  15. Gray Dawster
    Sep 15, 2014 @ 08:19:54

    It’s nice to see Prince Harry doing something like this, perhaps he has finally grown up? 🙂 Have a wonderful Monday Sue and thanks for adding such an important posting, I am sure everyone will have a big thumbs up for this one my dear friend 🙂

    Andro xxxx



  16. giselzitrone
    Sep 15, 2014 @ 12:41:24

    Einen schönen Montag liebe Sue guter Text es regt zum Nachtdenken an aber ich Denke doch jede Mutter ist stolz.Ich wünsche dir eine glückliche gesunde neue Woche.Lieber Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2014 @ 14:41:13

      Ja jede Mutter möchte ich bin sicher, ihre Kinder sicher zu sein und gut, vor allem, wenn sie in die Streitkräfte gehen .. Ich wünsche Ihnen auch eine wunderbare neue Woche liebe Gislinde .. Liebe Sue xxx



  17. inavukic
    Sep 15, 2014 @ 13:34:29

    Awesome event! RESPECT! Love your tribute, Sue 🙂



  18. Eddie Two Hawks
    Sep 15, 2014 @ 16:18:11

    Many of us carry on in the face of extreme odds. Some hampered by physical injury, others by psychological struggles, and still others by the both of these. It is truly a blessing to heal these wounds and carry on with life in a somewhat ordinary way. Thank you Sue for this homage to those who carry on and succeed despite difficulties.
    enjoy a most peaceful week, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2014 @ 17:03:38

      Thank you Dear Eddie, yes so many struggle not only with the physical but the psychological healing… One member of the British Team said it was several years later after he had thought he’d overcome his physical difficulties, he then had a breakdown.. Many were also in tears as they recounted their stories of comrades who were not so lucky who they left behind. Wishing you a peaceful week also Eddie

      Liked by 1 person


  19. narf77
    Sep 15, 2014 @ 21:08:31

    Being antipodean and not in the loop of current tv shows I don’t really know what this is all about but I do remember Prince Harry going to Antarctica or something with a group of disabled ex army men…was that part of this? Anyone who can pull themselves back from injury and terrible situations like this and refocus, not on their loss, but on the future is a perfect example to us all

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2014 @ 21:22:12

      Yes, this is like the Paralymics, I watched some amazing team events such as wheel chair basket ball, wheel chair rugby, amazing along with swimming, cycling, archery, volley ball, and other sports.. such as running .. The coverage also told those taking part their stories, it was very moving for them and for those watching.. Their courage in bringing themselves often back from the brink of death is a remarkable tribute, and they have inspired many who were giving up to take up sport.
      Yes his trek to Antarctica was with the soldiers who were wounded ect was part of the promotion leading up to the Games.



  20. lavendermoongirlblog
    Sep 15, 2014 @ 21:13:17

    It is wonderful that these very brave people have achieved so much. I am so proud of them. :-)xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  21. Fiestaestrella
    Sep 16, 2014 @ 01:56:25

    “Being part of a Team, encouraging and pulling each other up when things get tough is what unifies and brings I AM into focus.. ” I can always appreciate being inspired. Lovely read, Sue. xxKa

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 16, 2014 @ 10:41:47

      Ka, thank you so much, Yes I so agree, helping each other whether being part of a Team or Part of a Community, is the way forward.. Many thanks for your visit, your lovely comments are always appreciated.. Hugs Sue xx



  22. lscotthoughts
    Sep 16, 2014 @ 16:16:29

    This is a beautiful tribute and powerfully written from your loving heart, Sue…♥ xo



    Sep 17, 2014 @ 01:39:36

    You are such a considerate person dear Sue ! Your humanistic approach to those brave and mentally strong people was really moving ! I wish we could have such Invictus Games in my country too.TV programmes prefer to show cruel war events and atrocities instead of the aftermath of wars.Your so thoughtful and full of sympathy poem brought tears to my eyes as it was even stronger than Henley’s Invictus poem.I found your ” I A M ” a powerful non-military weapon that helps invictus re-build their utterly torn lives on solid and healthy ground.
    I will finish my comment with Henley’s words as I am not a poetess like you :
    ” I am the master of my fate,I am the captain of my soul ” … Many thanks dear Sue for reminding me with your post that we can see our boundless potentiality only when we lose things that we take for granted.
    Sending love,hugs and kisses, Doda 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2014 @ 09:40:20

      Yes that is what their I AM stands for on their sports wear. I twisted it around to incorporate the I AM to give it the meaning of ALL.. for we are all part of the I AM..

      We are the I AM Presence, if we trust in our highest selves… And this is what each of these brave individuals have done.. They have reached inward and found that which carries them through all obstacles..

      Many thanks for your amazing comment.. Much love to you Doda.. 🙂 Love Sue xox



  24. Aquileana
    Sep 17, 2014 @ 04:56:39

    Very powerful… I love the poem dear Sue… My favourite verses there were: True gifts is what you show… I found them ready -witted and truly inspiring, my friend.
    Many hugs to you and best wishes, always,
    Aquileana 😀

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2014 @ 09:47:43

      Dear Aquileana.. Loved that you picked that line.. Yes each one, in fact everyone of us have our own gifts to share and show others.. We perhaps often do not realise just how one helps another in small ways, .. The amount of effort in training just to get to the point of these games was remarkable enough..
      It has I am sure inspired many more experiencing similar situations be it from traffic accidents, or injury how we can still find purpose and meaning..
      You too bring me a gift in your knowledge.. I learn lots from your amazing myths dear Aquileana..
      Much love my special friend.. >3 xxxx Sue



  25. europasicewolf
    Sep 18, 2014 @ 00:00:44

    Fantastic people! Inspirational! Didn’t get to see it but heard about it on the news etc 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person


  26. cheryoncake
    Sep 18, 2014 @ 07:05:38

    You’re so right, Sue – the games were really inspiring and I love your poem.
    “No Limits restricts the Light of a Star” – that’s just lovely

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 18, 2014 @ 13:30:23

      Bless you Cherry, and so GOOD to see you hear again… Hope you too have been enjoying your creative time.. 🙂 I have now joined the ranks of early retirement and I am busier than ever! 😉



  27. Aquileana
    Sep 18, 2014 @ 20:56:07

    Hi there again Sue!,
    Just dropping by to tell you that I have nominated you for an award. Check out the nomination here (Just scroll down the page and look for your blog’s name):

    Greek Mythology: “Eros and Psyche”.-

    Congratulations and best wishes,
    Aquileana 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 19, 2014 @ 13:45:13

      Dear Aquileana.. oh my, how kind of you.. Thank you for considering me fora an award.. 🙂 Will be right along to see and catch up. You are now the priority of my afternoon, as I log on to find this comment.. 😉 xxx Hugs to you Sue



  28. aFrankAngle
    Sep 19, 2014 @ 12:45:57

    Very inspiration … and I can feel the emotion in your words.



  29. IdealisticRebel
    Sep 20, 2014 @ 01:29:40

    Oh, Sue, your poem made me cry. It is a beautiful tribute to these courageous young people. They have given so much and need to know how appreciated they are. Hugs, Barbara

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2014 @ 12:43:35

      Barbara, oh thank you, watching these fine warriors also made me cry, as they told their stories which also had them in tears of comrades who were not so lucky to have survived… Bless you for your comment Barbara.. I hope you are well, and get to enjoy your weekend. xox



  30. Maria F.
    Sep 20, 2014 @ 02:13:45

    I love the video and your poem, so inspiring! Thanks again for being so motivating in spiritual matters! You’re a therapy session in itself!

    Liked by 1 person


  31. chicasl10
    Sep 20, 2014 @ 12:30:48

    Hi Sue
    years ago a fysio colleague of mine,He was training guys in wheelchairs ( paraplegics) and made them fight to go on. Day after day.
    After a while they were so good and played international matches
    Much respect for the coach and the boys.
    Fight and having dreams.
    Good weekend Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2014 @ 12:45:54

      A wonderful man by the sounds of him coaching Paraplegics .. You know MJ.. we get to hear the many awful things that are happening.. Yet I KNOW there are many many more good deeds being done.. We have to start and look for the Good.. Thank you xox



  32. aishasoasis
    Sep 20, 2014 @ 15:31:20

    Bless your compassionate soul, dear Sue! Your thoughts and your poem are so uplifting and encouraging! I especially love the last line, it gave me chills! ❤❤❤;^)

    Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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