Times are a Changing!

We are now baring witness to the Earth Changes, that will incorporate life changing events and Global upheavals. But I ask you to embrace these challenges and look back at those past events which taxed your  own spirit of endurance, knowing that as they changed you and others, they brought with them the experience for you to be where you are today..


So too as the World is posed yet again for Major upheaval, I see this as a necessary process before we grasp the Unity and Oneness needed to move forward into a more harmonious World.

Remember that you are part of that ‘Oneness’ look at the sky, the stars and the Sun and Moon knowing that you are part of all of it.. So too are you part of the Earths shift as it too evolves..

We each need to Keep our Hearts open, act with kindness, and those who do not embrace Love and Kindness, Bless them anyway. For none of us realise that those who come onto our paths instilling a turbulent storm of emotions and pain are perhaps our greatest teachers who help us through our own initiations, as we have come into this incarnation for the experience it brings..

The World is to experience a Shift in consciousness, as it alters its dimensional frequencies we are each of us Feeling on edge, uncertain and perhaps experiencing personal challenges which bring Fear into our lives.. So many things are accelerating now at a faster pace. This is being amplified daily into our homes as the Media belches out its stories telling us only the negative outcomes of World events, one after the other in a never endings stream it seems of doom and gloom… One thing we must do is not allow ourselves to be drawn into the Fear.. For Fear holds us back, and draws us into a downward spiral of discontent..

We need to envisage a future where harmony is possible and one where those who rule by power and terror tactics will not succeed.

Our world is already experiencing  many changes whereby as the Earth purifies with water, we have seen this in the numerous floods around the planet. Whole communities have had to learn to come together to survive.. This is not just on one country but all over the world.. 

Mankind is learning to co-operate, not compete to produce his daily needs. And circumstances will dictate communities to pool their skills and resources, and goods and services will be freely exchanged. People are learning to do unify through these disasters.

One example here how one call for help brought the community together!


Too good to be true I hear many of you reading this saying!!!… Yes upon the surface it may seem so, for much chaos will be unleashed upon our world before these things manifest. But Life will become simpler as we shall once again hold respect for the land and each other working in harmony and balance once again with Plant and Animal Life.  The Earth has shifted many times before… We just now happen to be here to experience it..   

You are in charge of your own Destiny, you are responsible for  your own actions and so don’t give Your Power away to some other authority… Think for your Highest Good, Be in command, and draw that Power to where it rightfully belongs.

But always Act from your Heart!.. 

For YOU are the I AM… A Light worker who chose to be here at this time of Change..

Its Time for Change as Times are a Changing! 

View the Lyrics of Bob Dylan’s Song…

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Sources :Quote:http://mkalty.org/change-quotes-2/

77 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Line
    May 07, 2014 @ 11:22:19

    Such an extraordinary post!! 🙂 I love it! It is true, the world is shifting, towards Love and Light and Unity and Innocense! It is a beautiful thing! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 14:50:24

      Thank you Line… I hope it begins to see what we are becoming before its too late .. And shift in the right direction of Love and Peace.. Sending you a Hug and hope you are having a Happy time and sending you some thoughts .. Enjoy your weekend.. Love Sue



  2. prenin
    May 07, 2014 @ 11:39:24

    Change is indeed coming hun and the longer before it arrives the harder it is going to hit… 😦

    Love and hugs!


    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 14:48:16

      I wish I didn’t have to agree with you dear Prenin, but you may be right.. The longer we bury our heads in the sand then the harder it will be.. 🙂 … Lets hope the world soon awakes to itself hey?.. Lets hope so.. xxx Hugs Sue



  3. Amy Pinkrose
    May 07, 2014 @ 12:27:42

    Sue, I am covered in goosebumps. I have known about this change for a long time, and the “push” to get from where we are to “there” has been tremendously difficult at times. I stay away from the news, refusing to allow the “loaded gun” to blow my brains out. And that is exactly what the news does. Yes, we are the I AM walking this earth, we are, and that means we are no-thing but Love. Oh, Sue, this message needs to go viral. I mean it. The Voice is so Pure and though I have heard this so many times, coming through you, it is being said with such gentleness and Love. I am shaking as I write this. PEOPLE WAKE UP and HEAR!!! This is what I say all the time, especially with my “higher messages”. It’s like blip and they just don’t get it. FEAR is blocking their ears, Sue, and putting blindfolds on their eyes. I am helping you, my Sister of Light, to remove these barriers. Bless you for this message. Bless you from the bottom of my Heart!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 14:45:12

      I will try again now to answer your comment as my PC did an unexpected shut down..
      Amy it you who gives me Goosebumps as we recognise our Light-working connections as we work with Mother Nature.. We are here to bring a message and I am sure you feel as I do that we are set upon a Mission here to complete… In bringing around that love and care… Both in awareness and in our own hearts as we meet and greet others…

      I thank you dear Sister for the kind support you bring.. You have a wonderful Gift of Love… And I thank you for sharing it with me.. Love Sue (( Hugs ))xxx



  4. David
    May 07, 2014 @ 12:35:23

    If we focus on the problem we will get more of the same, the answer is for us all to focus on the remedy. Love, David

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Valentine Logar
    May 07, 2014 @ 12:49:33

    As you always do, you bring to the forefront what is happening throughout the world. The great upheaval and shifts. Truly Sue, I am beginning to believe what is wrong in the world is because so many are pushing back, afraid of the change.

    I long for peace.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 14:22:09

      I long for Peace too Val, and until we each find it within our own hearts space, I doubt the world will find it before we do, Because we are the world..

      You are right in that you say people do not want change.. they are burying their heads in the sand hoping everything will get back to normal.. Except THIS IS the new normal.. This is it.. we are in the Change.. and as it stands at the moment, it can swing either way… Its up to us to ‘Push’ it in the right direction.. We need to see Change happen.. within our own homes… we need to love and care more.. We need to embrace and work together within our communities.. as I said co-operate not compete..
      We all need Food, cheaper energy, cleaner air… We have to discern in life what it is we do want… For we can not keep wanting peace if we who are greedy want more land, more control over another -be that an individual or a Nation..
      We are seeing the climate change rapidly before our eyes and yet we are still buying plastic, using oil.. throwing away mountains of wrappers, plastic bottles.. waste…
      We sit by and watch violence on our TV- Films.. Video Games, and then wonder why the crime rates are so high… We watch mass shootings, kidnappings of school girls, and disasters on huge scales, And we think it is never going to come knocking upon our own door… Its ok, its happening over there or to someone else..

      When in fact its not.. Its happening to ALL of us…
      We are ALL of us part of the Human Race…

      We sit and keep taking hits on the chin from one legislation to the next, both over here too in the UK as well as in your part of the world Val,, and we say there is nothing we can do… Its the law.. But we put the law-makers in power.. to oversee our rights… Rights which in your own constitution are being stripped away daily..

      If we want Change to happen then its not up to our neighbour or our governments… We each of us need to start and change our own perceptions and alter our own ways of thinking and acting…

      We need to start and CARE about each other.. WE have got to stop this thought of ‘I’m alright Jack.. and help each other..
      We need to live from our hearts, and stop being controlling, judging, and look in our own mirrors at our own reflection as to what we put out…

      Sorry to get on my soap box… but Bog Geldof got it right when he said these words here Val…
      Just wait for the video link to load after the adds…
      Hugs and Love Sue




  6. Paul Handover
    May 07, 2014 @ 13:46:07

    Fabulous post, Sue. For some reason when I read your words the advice given to me by a dog trainer years ago came to mind.

    She said that dogs learn from being rewarded for doing things right, not from being chastised for getting it wrong.



  7. lindalitebeing
    May 07, 2014 @ 15:16:50

    Wonderful Sue. Very interesting that you titled your post with the featured song Times are a Changin. During the 1960s Uranus and Pluto were together ( conjunct) wreaking chaos, awakening, experimentation, new ways of living, questioning authority, peace seeking and the ecology movement. Here we are 50 years later with Pluto square Uranus ans we are riding the second wave!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 13:49:10

      Linda I was thrilled you picked up this point about the planets in their alignment.. It again shows how we are ALL connected and how patterns repeat and come in cycles…
      Personally I think we are in for an interesting 2014…

      I hope we all learn to balance ourselves accordingly for the Second Wave I feel may well be a bumpy ride..

      Love to you dear friend.. Love Sue xoxxox



  8. Joe Bradshaw
    May 07, 2014 @ 15:25:23

    Lovely post Sue~ Thank you for sharing it and your heart in doing so…:)



  9. Eddie Two Hawks
    May 07, 2014 @ 17:11:12

    A must read for anyone experiencing difficulties during these current times of change; great suggestions Dreamwalker! and right on time!
    sending love, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 13:45:00

      Eddie, I appreciate your reading and comment… We who understand beyond words, know that we are fast approaching the Time of no return… Mother Nature will always bounce back given time.. as for the future of Man, well he must pay heed to his heart and be led by it in the direction of Peace and Harmony.. He has always been given Free-Will choice..
      As individuals its up to each of us to follow our hearts, once we understand all our hearts are joined, We not only alter our own state of being, But by listening and changing our own ways we then affect the whole… And so we Change the World..

      I hope we choose wisely ..
      Blessings to you dear friend



  10. Eclipse
    May 07, 2014 @ 18:17:51

    “We need to envisage a future where harmony is possible and one where those who rule by power and terror tactics will not succeed.” – these words are the key of it all.
    Love and light your way!



  11. Maria F.
    May 07, 2014 @ 18:45:39

    I agree, I hope that we all alike have time to hear birds sing and feel that earth’s rhythm beneath our feet, so that we foster spiritual growth and harmony as one.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 13:39:44

      I am in total agreement Maria.. Nature is all about rhythm and cycles.. We think we own the land and can do as we please.. But we forget we are also part of the Earth and also subject to Universal Law..
      We are seeing now events that are shaping our tomorrows of who we are to become… We need to foster that spiritual growth like you said. And seek out harmonious ways of living in unity as one…
      If we continue along our path of self destruction, Then I have no doubts Mother Nature can well build a new from scratch without the need of Mankind upon her back..
      She has after all… All the time in the world to rebuild.. and she will… I just hope Mankind heeds all the warning signs we are being given..
      Blessings Sue



  12. BloomLisa
    May 07, 2014 @ 19:43:45

    There is no going back to the way things were. Big change is a’ com in’, I agree with you. For many it will be harsh but it necessary to live more sustainably and in harmony with mother nature if we are to be allowed to stay here me thinks. I often reflect back to how the First Nations lived in harmony with the earth and how the white man came and called them savages and obliterated their lifestyle. We could learn more than a thing or two from them. Be well Sue! Another motivating and enlightening post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 13:35:08

      Lisa, yes, I am pleased you see this as clearly as I do… The First Nations people foretold of this time .. They understood Nature’s cycles, and the planetary alignments that go with it… They also understood how the nature of man would and has overtaken the world via its greed..
      Nature giveth but nature taketh.. Its all about Balance.. And we Humans are the ones upsetting Natures Balance… She will bring us back into alignment ..
      We need to see how we can work with and along side.. For we are not separate from her.. But we are part of her.. We are the Children of Mother Earth.. and like all good mothers know, we often have to chastise our children now and again to bring them back into line..

      We are only just seeing the beginnings of such lessons..

      Blessings Lisa for your presence and input .. Many thanks



  13. Jo Bryant
    May 07, 2014 @ 21:20:35

    wonderful post Sue…a great message for those of us struggling



  14. lavendermoongirlblog
    May 07, 2014 @ 21:43:28

    You’re so right Sue. Love the Dylan song too. 🙂



  15. marina kanavaki
    May 07, 2014 @ 22:48:44

    Beautiful messages from the heart… thank you, Sue!
    🙂 xxxxxx



  16. aFrankAngle
    May 08, 2014 @ 01:54:39

    I see your point, but the the human selfishness and the desire for power & control tends to get in the way. Look at China’s way of the governance or many from the control of a few. …. but I wish your point would become the normal.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 13:01:27

      Frank many thanks for taking the time to read and leave me your comment..
      Yes I know it seems a task we will never ease. But that’s just it.. We believe its not our job, that we can have no affect.. But if each of us altered our own greedy ways of living and being and started to act less selfishly and not judge and condemn and treated each other as we ourselves would wish to be treated.. Then our families would be more loving, our communities would knit together and so too then would society change..
      The responsibility is ours and ours alone.. For we need only look in our own mirrors at our own reflection .. Its our selves we have to change.. Our habits of buying, greed, always wanting More.. Our throw away society… Going into debts for things.. Putting ‘Things’s Profit first instead of people..
      These are the values I speak of which all of us are guilty to one degree or another of..
      We have grown up within a culture of wanting more.. of wanting to own and control because we have been in a way taught it..
      “Work hard and prosper” Loosers fail… Money gets you places.. it may well do.. But it can not buy happiness..

      China is governed in a way which for those growing up within its culture they know nothing else… Its the same as those whose cultures look down on women, its indoctrinated into them from birth..

      We have been brought up within our modern day world learning the history lessons from our various nations books.. We believe them to be true because we have been given no reason not to think otherwise..
      Our monetary system is failing because it cannot be sustained … Things have to move on, alter Change…
      We are the ones Frank who have to create our NEW NORMAL.. way of being… but first we have to let go of the old…
      Listening to our hearts is telling many of us now.. Its TIME for a Change.. we need it in order to survive…

      Many thanks Frank for allowing me to ramble away here… You see how you set my train of thought..
      Keep Dancing my friend… We all need to become more sure -footed in the future.. 🙂 And watch which direction we are stepping… As we embrace the positive and send out our Love..

      Love and Blessings… 🙂 Big Smiles.. Back.. Sue



  17. Dilip
    May 08, 2014 @ 06:35:38

    A beautiful message spreading positive vibes. Summed up by the powerful words “But always Act from your Heart”!
    Thanks dear Sue and cheers 🙂



  18. jacksjottings
    May 08, 2014 @ 08:16:19

    Keep the positive, Sue the optimistic and the fearless working to show the unenlightened that fear and force is not the way to change.
    ‘Come senators congressmen, please hear the call’
    People are waking and spreading the word, that the media is owned by the affluent few.
    Weapons of mass deception will not do.
    We are waking to the devious advertising that promotes greed.
    For things we don’t need.
    We are aware the greedy commercial system keeps the truth hidden.
    The individual hippie style was turned into a money making fashion.
    As Bob Dylan went electric.
    That is ‘blown in the wind’ now we, as individuals, will change things.
    In small but persistent ways, there will be a change, from fear and greed to love and kindness. _/\_ .



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 12:42:21

      Loved this reply Jack..
      And very poetic…. 🙂 Yes we are very aware of the systems that keeps the truth hidden… All we can do is live from our own hearts and hope by example we spread that love around showing kindness and care… Small steps but always positive ones are gaining ground…. I see the small things which make a difference everywhere..
      And one day I know more will wake up to themselves.. And wonder why they had slept so long…

      Blessings Jack… I so appreciate your presence and energy here _/\_ 🙂



  19. Gray Dawster
    May 08, 2014 @ 09:57:30

    Community spirit is a wonderful thing and needs to be more widespread. I really like your posting Sue, but then I always enjoy reading whatever you have to say as it makes so much sense to me 🙂 Have a lovely Thursday my sweet friend 🙂

    Andro xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 12:37:18

      It is indeed Andro.. We saw it in action upon our very own cul-de-sac when we all got blocked in on our drives with the snow the other year.. Every one came out to help each other as many of us could not get out or up the hill… People came out to push cars and move snow.. and fetch shopping for the elderly.. Up until that point although many knew each other by sight.. They didn’t know each others names.. It brought many new neighbours together! 🙂



      • Gray Dawster
        May 09, 2014 @ 19:00:46

        That’s a nice story Sue, I think there are still a lot of people willing to make friends in our neighbourhoods but are a little afraid of how they will be taken.

        It’s a funny mixed up kind of world now but your recollection of the bad winter just goes to show that communities can come together and excel 🙂 I like that Sue 🙂

        Have a lovely evening and
        weekend my sweet friend 🙂

        Andro xxxx



  20. Christy Birmingham
    May 08, 2014 @ 18:50:05

    Your point about blessing even people who do not embrace kindness is a good one. We have to be open to love and help others see that is the only way to really make a difference in this life. Sending you hugs, my lovely friend!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 13:58:33

      Thank you Christy, yes we do have to be open to love one another… We each can make a difference to the way of the world by opening our hearts more, and caring more… Showing love and compassion, giving a helping hand… even the simplest of things, just to smile at a stranger, opens up hearts and heals our communities.. Sending our positive thoughts and not holding onto the fearful ones.. Each of these simple things we can do at no cost… But each action creates a reaction.. Let it rebound with Love..

      Many thanks.. ( Oh and by the way Christy, I had to rescue you from my spam box.. I do not why you were sent there?.. Good job I trawl through it most times I come on, as often people are getting placed there… Just in case any more of your comments go missing once you have posted to a blog… )
      Love Sue xox



  21. Aquileana
    May 09, 2014 @ 02:46:21

    Dear Sue.

    Thanks for sharing your insights as regard to changes and challenges… (Maybe we can also see changes are “chances”)…

    I am highlighting two excerpts of your post:

    1) “One thing we must do is not allow ourselves to be drawn into the Fear.. For Fear holds us back, and draws us into a downward spiral of discontent”…

    I agree. Fears hold us back and we need to move forward no matter how bad thigs are…
    I have found this quote which seems truly eloquent in this context


    2) “We each need to Keep our Hearts open, act with kindness, and those who do not embrace Love and Kindness, Bless them anyway”.

    Beautiful message, dear Sue… Compassion and kindness wil give us the strenght to be each day better persons.

    I am really grateful to know you. Thanks for letting us see through your bright positive vibes,

    Aquileana 😛



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 11:48:16

      ” False Evidence Appearing Real “… I liked that Aquileana.. Many thanks for your wonderful compliment and like wise its so good to know you too 🙂 I am learning lots about the Greek Gods.. 🙂 and Mythology from your good self
      Hugs Sue



  22. beverley
    May 09, 2014 @ 10:28:32

    Each generation brings a cycle of change. The people of the world should not fear the floods but the baptism by fire that is coming. I hear people cry about wanting a simple life and yet they continue to live with their big houses, their cars, their big screen TVs, their mobile phones that have more technology than my computer and there is the computer. Those who survive will be those who know how to turn their hands to the soil and grow the food they need to eat. In the beginning we talked about the big bang in the end there will be a ‘pop’, something so catastrophic we won’t know what has hit us, yet people will survive. Most of the rising generation do not know how to make a simple soup, or bake a loaf of bread and milk comes from the supermarket and not from a cow. They do not know how to sew a simple seam, or replace a button, yet all these skills are the ones that we will need to survive. We cannot envision a time like this and we talk of love, but the scriptures talk about when men’s hearts will fail them. This time is upon us, few they be that heed the call to stop, look around and help someone else.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 11:39:36

      Yes I agree Beverley, the basic everyday living skills are being lost as those skills are not passed down… No one knows how to knit, sew or cook or hunt for food. Growing up for our future generations may well teach some harsh lessons in survival skills..
      The change is already here.. and yet so many have their heads buried within their IPads, Tablets and phones.. Even science is some quarters is in conflict as to the climate changes .. We are still exploring Old methods of extracting fuel from the ground and not investing in the alternatives which are out there.. Instead those who rule with greed keep the monopoly on the Big Power Games being played ..

      The acceleration is speeding up, and we so need to connect back to our hearts Beverley because at the end of the day we will need to rely upon each other in order to survive..
      Many thanks for your input here I appreciate your comments 🙂
      Love Sue



  23. The Conservative Hill Billy
    May 09, 2014 @ 17:31:27

    I get what you are saying here Sue. The way my times are changing is that I just want to be left alone. Get the feds out of my daily life. It is amazing how good people are to each other when there are no politics involved. I dream of living out of a motorhome, dogs packed in, fridge full of beer, golf clubs and bowling ball waiting to break out at a moments notice. I figure got another forty plus years to hang around and goof off. Just want to fish, smile, and tell bad jokes to whomever is sitting on the barstool next to me.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2014 @ 17:39:35

      I can relate to that.. 😉 I hope you get your 40 plus years… and plenty of goofing off time too 🙂 .. I like the idea of one man and his dogs… just travelling 🙂 Many thanks for dropping in John



  24. Aneesh
    May 10, 2014 @ 04:46:54

    “You are in charge of your own Destiny, you are responsible for your own actions and so don’t give Your Power away to some other authority… Think for your Highest Good, Be in command, and draw that Power to where it rightfully belongs.”

    Indeed we need to fight our fear and give our highest good…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 11, 2014 @ 11:53:53

      You understand Aneesh.. and we must always ask ourselves this one question.. in all our actions.. Is this for my highest good?..
      Wonderful to have you here again Aneesh and I am pleased this paragraph resonated deeply for you too 🙂

      Blessings Sue xox



  25. giselzitrone
    May 10, 2014 @ 10:23:30

    Einen schönen Samstag liebe Sue so ein schöner Beitrag wieder mal,ich fiede jeder ist für sein eigenes Schicksal und für alles verantwortlich den jeder hat einen Kopf zu Denken.Wünsche dir ein gutes und schönes wee-kent.Liebe Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 11, 2014 @ 11:04:47

      Liebe Gislinde, ich bin mit einem fabelhaften Wochenende so weit. Viele Dank für die Einstellung in das Lesen und geben Ihre wunderbare Unterstützung des Traum Heiligtum.
      Ich hoffe, dass auch Sie, die Sonntag 🙂
      Liebe Sue x



  26. Duma Key
    May 10, 2014 @ 17:00:10

    As always a rather challenging but thought provoking post, I like reading your blogs you spin the negative into something more positive and I always leave feeling more content.
    I know what you mean about this anxiousness, I seem to be stuck with this kind of feeling that something isn’t right, and some pretty strange dreams of late.

    Sometimes we don’t realise just how lucky we are to be here, I was stood outside a few nights back, everything felt at ease around me, tranquil, the breeze was warm, the stars shone and I couldn’t help thinking how perfect the reality of the world is once you step aside from this man made crap, this crazy system, that’s lost it’s way. Just the pure beauty of the planet, it’s is pretty amazing how perfect it works, how simple, and easy it is and how often we forget to see.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 11, 2014 @ 11:48:07

      “…and I couldn’t help thinking how perfect the reality of the world is once you step aside from this man made crap, this crazy system, that’s lost it’s way. Just the pure beauty of the planet, it’s is pretty amazing how perfect it works, how simple, and easy it is and how often we forget to see.”..

      Loved that you are seeing this Duma.. Yes the world is very simple in its needs.. Everything is designed to live in co-operations of each other.. One species dependant upon another.. right down to the humble Bee… Keeping our Food chain going… We are dependent upon its work for pollination..
      Nature as far as I can see it has no need to depend on Man.. Our only contribution has been to upset Earth’s natural balance.. including our own.. As we have messed and interfered, not only with nature but in each other’s lives.. Controlling, Dictating, confining and restricting.. Law making, Greed, slavery, debt..

      To stand Free… truly Free and be at one with the stars and feel a part of nature is what we have lost, as we have pursued the material trappings in life.. Thinking THINGS bring us Happiness!.. We have become slaves to owership of things! going into debt to own a piece of land, a home a car or what ever else we desire.
      We just have to look Really LOOK like you did that night up at the stars and be amazed and what we take for granted and how simple if we followed only the Universal Laws Life would be..



  27. shamanictracker
    May 11, 2014 @ 16:04:32

    I reviewed some past experiences in my latest post and expressing them differently brought me healing I have been looking for since a long time. When we let the spirit guide us, we always come out better people 🙂 xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 11, 2014 @ 18:26:48

      I agree dear Shamanictracker… We often carry so much baggage, often its buried so deep into our core, we hide it and try not to dwell there hoping it will disappear.. But its been my experience that at some point something will trigger its uprising to the surface… So we have to found ways of dealing with it .. Healing often comes in our acknowledgement and in our forgiveness of either others or ourselves…
      When we are ready, and the Universe always knows when we are ready.. Then we are guided to overcome all our obstacles..
      The release is immense.. as we free ourselves …
      Love and Blessings and Many thanks for sharing, I will be along to read your post.. 🙂
      Sue xoxox



  28. Kourtney Heintz
    May 13, 2014 @ 17:01:46

    Love that quote. Better to build than tear down.



  29. Lois Field
    May 17, 2014 @ 06:43:27

    Sue, I was mentioning earlier this week to a friend that looking at my lake and the field filled with life that it’s hard to believe the destruction happening around the world already and what is yet to come. That’s how I keep from losing myself in the grief of the changes yet to come. I do my part and then appreciate what I still have. Thanks for reminding us not to get too down.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 17, 2014 @ 09:54:38

      Yes, that is all we can do Lois.. know in our hearts we try our best to give back .. Working along side Nature and her creatures is all we can do.. At the end of the day we are only responsible for our own actions.. All we can do is point others hopefully in the right direction of living more simply as you do Lois and conserving our environment more..
      If I looked too deep, It would I know hurt too much at the destruction and damage we are doing.. Which is know only too well is affecting so much wild life..
      I know I will leave this planet knowing I did my best.. thats all we can do..



      • Lois Field
        May 18, 2014 @ 20:45:33

        Sue, you have been a beacon of light in how you address the issues we face through your blog which I how I “met” you and I know through those you come in contact with.

        Your little one is blessed with the time she has with you to learn what you have to share.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 19, 2014 @ 10:00:00

          Thank you Lois… my aim is to try and teach her Nature’s Values.. Sorry only just getting to answer you.. I have not been on my PC all weekend… There is far too much in the garden to attend to. and the weather is glorious at the moment, so do not want to waste a moment of it 🙂 I am sure you so understand 🙂 .. Much love and thank you again.. I am so happy our paths crossed xxx



          • Lois Field
            May 20, 2014 @ 00:40:41

            Sue, I know exactly what you mean about being outside and off the computer. I worked all afternoon in the little cove digging up weeds and getting the area ready to plant. I finally had to quit when I could no longer lift my arms. 😉 How good it felt to work outside in the dirt.



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              May 20, 2014 @ 17:52:06

              Oh I do hope Lois that you don’t over do it.. I know how easy it is to get carried away.. I did a little too much the other week, and my back let me know about it.. 🙂 .. But its sure feels good to be connected to the Earth 🙂 I so agree 🙂


            • Lois Field
              May 20, 2014 @ 20:47:33

              Sue, I hope your back is better. I over did it. 🙂 I am so stiff and sore today, but it will heal and I’m glad I had the time yesterday because it’s raining today which keeps me inside nursing my muscles. Hopefully by the time this system passes I will be good to go again.


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              May 20, 2014 @ 20:59:31

              Oh dear.. thats our trouble when we feel good and the weather is great we go out guns blazing LOL… Yes the back is better… I did it last week, but it took a few days to settle.. I had to do some stretching exercises to ease it .. I have been taking it easier.. Painting lol helped.. 🙂 The Mouse I did, The bigger tub is still waiting all primed green ready.. But I have had my little one .. We have enjoyed our painting too. She painted a small wooden heart box I got her.. Its taken 3 weeks and she has been patient.. She painted its lid red.. then had to let it dry the sides she painted blue and let dry.. then I showed her how to paint white daisies.. She did an excellent job.. And then used gold glitter glue for the centres..
              She took home on Saturday.. I wish I had taken a photo of it… I gave her some small pieces of jewellery, she couldn’t have been prouder of the crown jewels lol in her hand made box.. I wrote on the bottom made by her aged 3.. I hope she keeps it and remembers the time we painted together 🙂 I am sure she will xxx


            • Lois Field
              May 21, 2014 @ 01:25:43

              So your little one will be following in your footsteps as an artist as well. 🙂 I am sure she will cherish it forever not only because it was her first painted piece but because it was created with you.

              Yes, I am doing some mild stretching to keep from tightening up too much. I don’t regret it though as today is too cold to be out working.


  30. Tom Merriman
    May 23, 2014 @ 10:55:54

    Another great post, Sue… through chaos will be found order. Concentrating on the good is always… erm… good! 😀



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 23, 2014 @ 11:27:26

      Yes thats all we can do Tom.. what we think is what we create, is what I am always saying, So we have to embrace change but adapt and change things for the better, not keep hanging onto old methods that no longer are working..

      A bit like the political scene today! Lol.. as the 3 main parties are panicking for once!.. The People are ready for Change and are speaking with their votes! Competition will shake a few of the old ideas to reform me thinks.. 😉



  31. aussieian2011
    May 25, 2014 @ 00:33:06

    Your perceptions on change are forthright and true Sue.
    The world is changing rapidly, and I believe that through natural disasters mankind will alter its beliefs, and a cohesive and harmonious future will emerge.



    • Paul Handover
      May 25, 2014 @ 13:21:47

      Ian, I so hope you are right!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 22:02:07

      Our planet Ian is pointing out the changes.. It is WE who are not changing to conditions and altering how we live and adapt. We can not keep taking and taking, and not giving back.. there has to come a point when we will exhaust her resources.. And there are far too many of us on the planet these days to sustain us in this throw away plastic world we are creating..
      Our Earth Mother can well manage without the Human species and we have become like parasites who are an irritation upon her skin…
      She is washing us off on one hand.. as she cleanses with water.. We must await when she shakes.. because I feel she will shake, like a shaggy dog once wet… and then we will be flying in all directions! … ( just my own feelings Ian ).. But you know that Ana, and I have a similar sense.. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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