People Power and Plants..

I asked you in a  post last year How do we put the world to rights? Suggesting we look in the mirror starting with ourselves.. As Spring is urging us to start and plant seeds as those who grow their own vegetables like my Hubby and I, we have  already prepared the ground and the veggie seeds are already germinating.

Below you will see a short TEDx talk from Pam  who is a co- founder of the Incredible Edible Todmorden initiative, which encourages ordinary people to take control of their communities and their surroundings through civic engagement and food.

I urge you to listen to Pam who  6 years on from starting the project informs with her humorous  banter how that transformational journey in her town of Todmorden has progressed..

She shows how through planting and growing food and sharing it with the town, by turning waste land into gardens that produce food which all the town are invited to pick and eat for free.  She has shown  how the Belief in small Actions have snow balled  in a knock on effect in the community..

And it shows how we each of  us can make a difference in creating a better world.. Where we are not relying on the local authorities.. She speaks how it has set in motion a chain of interests which have benefited local farmers, shops and education as children get involved. And how people are sharing their skills with each other.. 

Change Begins with Us.

We are the Change

She speaks of how crime also was reduced and people started to take pride in their environment… And how local police liaised better than ever with their local community.

Enjoy the video and expect to laugh as some of Pam’s expressive language.

As I go and plant some More Seeds !


Thank you for reading and viewing..


33 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. aFrankAngle
    Mar 25, 2014 @ 20:21:29

    Interesting how many ask for change then resist it. After all, change absolutely begins with us.

    A special thanks for stopping by during my absence due to packing and unpacking.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 29, 2014 @ 16:23:30

      No problem, Frank, I hope the move and the boxes nearly all unpacked now.. and I too have had some Me time these last few days.. we can only all stretch ourselves just so far..

      And yes agreed.. Change begins with each of us … Big smiles and many thanks for your welcome visit 🙂
      Sue xox



  2. penpusherpen
    Mar 25, 2014 @ 21:51:20

    What a fantastic and funny woman, Sue, she puts the point across so well, with good humour and a down to earth outlook that reaches out to everyone. World wide connections, Canal planting, and pollination street, to mention only a few of their projects… Incredible stuff, and it all started with an idea and her friends help. Wonderful viewing and gives you a zest and belief that things will improve, for attitudes are changing right now, slowly but surely, if people will only join together , community-wise, as she has shown so well by example. Many thanks for the sharing.. And happy seed planting, by the way… Love and light and hugs to you. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 29, 2014 @ 16:20:24

      Yes Pen, she is a wonderful lady, and makes you laugh.. I was born in Sheffield and I guess my own accent is tinged similar to hers, except mine now has the Derbyshire/ Nottinghamshire lilt to it as well haha…
      But it just shows if people pull together what can be achieved..
      I came off the allotments this morning having taken my Son there to see what we had been up to.. And people were busy in the Sun digging and planting, Many strangers to us, but we each passed the time of day, smiling and happy with our work and many pass on plants they no longer need… We had a Mediterranean Large Blackberry shrub given us last week.. And we passed on some other plants too… Its about sharing and giving,..
      Once people learn to give, share and stop mistrusting motives.. its surprising just what community spirit can be achieved.. 🙂
      Thank you Pen for your wonderful comment…
      I will be catching up with your posts next week my good friend… Love ad Light always sent your way xxx Sue xxx



  3. marina kanavaki
    Mar 25, 2014 @ 22:13:16

    What an idea!!! Once you start watching her speak, you can’t stop!!
    Happy planting, my dear Sue!!! 🙂 xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 29, 2014 @ 16:14:43

      Agreed Marina, She is an inspiration, and to say it all started with herself and her friend… Just shows how that ‘Ripple effect’ we speak of Marina can flow and spread

      I have been planting and helping Hubby, and hope to show you some allotment news soon… Plus I painted one day too.. 🙂 for my granddaughter.. She loved the results so thats all that matters…
      Have a wonderful Weekend Marina, and thank you for your lovely support xox Hugs Sue



  4. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Mar 25, 2014 @ 22:58:17

    Excellent post! Hope you are having fun planting. And Happy Spring! Blessings!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 29, 2014 @ 16:12:08

      Yes lots of seedlings now spouting Mar.. and I had fund painting a Angel picture for my granddaughter too… I hope to share in post next week..
      I have had some Me time.. away from WP and enjoyed the Sun today too… As my Children came to visit as its Mother’s Day here tomorrow.. But as I am working tomorrow they came today instead. 🙂 its been lovely! :-)..
      I hope you are well too.. Will catch up next week.. 🙂
      Big Hugs Sue xox



  5. Paul Handover
    Mar 25, 2014 @ 23:34:39

    Well done! Will get watched this evening.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 29, 2014 @ 16:09:49

      Hi Paul I hope you managed to find time to watch, I wish more communities would see the benifits for pooling together and growing their own, and sharing skills etc.. Once you can do this and co-operate with each other instead of competing with each other.. Sharing becomes a habit as we then break down the barriers of mistrust of motive… As we have for so long thought we don;t get anything for nothing, as we are taught there is always a price to pay for everything…
      I loved how the knock on effect had brought the town together 🙂 in so many various ways..



  6. prenin
    Mar 26, 2014 @ 04:12:58

    WIsh I was able to do as you do Sue, but alas I cannot! 😦

    Love your tales of the allotment though!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs! 🙂




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 29, 2014 @ 16:06:34

      You may be subject to some more tales of the allotments very soon Prenin… apologies I have been absent for a couple of days.. I just needed some me time again and chilled out away from WP for a time..
      Hope all is well with you and I have next week to catch up.. 🙂
      Hugs back



  7. shamanictracker
    Mar 26, 2014 @ 08:51:52

    Excellent! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
    Yes, there are always things we can do to make a difference.I always always push my clients until they come up with at least one very small thing they can do every day to change something for themselves. Just like you said, the change always starts with us… And there’s not one person who can claim that there’s nothing they can do. I don’t accept that 🙂 xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 29, 2014 @ 16:04:50

      So right…. We each can make a difference true Shamanictracker.. No matter how small.. And love you challenge your clients to find just one small thing to change, even if its to appreciate themselves more… It all adds to sending more positive vibes around our world..

      Many thanks for your welcome visit… and apologies I am only just answering.. I have been a little selfish on some Me time myself! 🙂 and have been painting and in the garden.. 🙂 xxx



  8. Valentine Logar
    Mar 26, 2014 @ 13:21:37

    Thanks, I have to watch later but I bookmarked.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 29, 2014 @ 15:57:22

      Val thats fine,, its 20 mins, but she makes you laugh and her accent I think perhaps is not far off from mine.. I was born in Sheffield 🙂 I just love her humour as she calls a spade a spade xx



  9. europasicewolf
    Mar 26, 2014 @ 20:21:02

    Coming to the rapid conclusion I need to make changes to choice of laptop! It’s becoming more and more obnoxious and difficult to use by the day 🙂 Theoretically this would be an excellent choice of changing something for the better for myself…trouble is I don’t like the price tags on the ones that I consider suitable!! The small changes, fast becoming large changes occurring inside this machine are having a big, big impact on everyday life! Perhaps I need to plant some seeds in the keyboard!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 29, 2014 @ 15:51:58

      Sorry to hear you are having a bad LP day.. LOL, loved your analogy Wolfie.. I hope you got some new seeds to grow a new keyboard or at least some plant food to give it a boost… 🙂
      Hope the rest of your week went smoother and Hope too you are having a good weekend… xox Hugs Sue xx



  10. Professions for PEACE
    Mar 27, 2014 @ 19:46:53

    Love it Sue!! Thanks so much for sharing this important point of how many positive ripples emanate from even seemingly-small changes. How wonderful! xo Gina



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 29, 2014 @ 15:42:49

      Glad you enjoyed Gina, it just shows when people care, and come together Changes for the Community can be brought about.. And once the Fear of mistrust of motives have been over come, everyone can pull together and make it work. xox 🙂 Thank you xox



  11. Visionkeeper
    Mar 29, 2014 @ 17:49:03

    I so agree….Eat your landscape 🙂 VK



  12. Kourtney Heintz
    Mar 29, 2014 @ 19:23:38

    It’s amazing what happens when people care and come together. Great video and amazing woman, Sue!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 31, 2014 @ 12:08:31

      Thank you Kourtney, Yes she is one amazing lady, and she shows how sharing together in the community has brought the community much closer together .. Thank you for watching.. 🙂 and wishing you well upon your week and journeying xox



  13. becca givens
    Mar 30, 2014 @ 20:45:28

    Happy Mother’s Day, dear Sue! Trust it has been a very blessed day! 😀



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 31, 2014 @ 12:01:08

      Thank you Becca, I had my Mother’s day on Saturday with visits from my children, Which was really wonderful, as I had to work on Mother’s Day yesterday… I hope you enjoyed your Weekend also, and thank you for stopping by.. Much love back 🙂 xx



  14. jacksjottings
    Apr 01, 2014 @ 11:11:33

    This post will get people thinking positive.
    We can make changes by making personal changes.



  15. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Apr 02, 2014 @ 09:38:20

    Just watched the beginning Sue – I really like her! Will watch the rest a bit later. ‘Actions not words’ – so right. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 02, 2014 @ 10:16:21

      Thank you Ruth, yes its long I know 20 mins but well worth the listen and laughs she makes along the way.. And so interesting to see how those first actions have over the 6 yrs brought so many others together and are now all working more closely as a community.. As communities should.. Showing how co-operation and not competition are the key factors in sharing skills and resources to help build and make a better community.. We could all learn much from this stance… 🙂 xxx Hugs to you xxx



  16. aussieian2011
    Apr 10, 2014 @ 12:36:17

    A humourous look at theuse of our environment, in a productive and healthy way.
    Winter setting in here Sue and, I am going to try something impossible, and that is to try and grow tulips in our climate, just for the pleasure and beauty.



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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