Taking a Look at One’s Self.


~”I am open at all times to communication from my inner self, and that communication leads me to my Highest Evolution” ~

~ Stuart Wilde ~

All Seeing

       Often even those of us who travel through our lives giving support and guidance come to a point in our lives when we too seem to pause for breath as energies change and we hang onto the familiar.. Life has been no different for me than any of you.. I often would look at these times as doubts crept in as failures, and yet they can be the prelude to the next growth spurt of our life experiences as we endeavour to take the next steps on our never ending journey into unknown territory.

We are here upon this Earth to grow and learn through our experiences.. To understand we are not just our bodies or our emotions and see we are all part of something which is infinitely bigger than any of us can comprehend. For we are all of us part of that God Force being taught through our Daily lives that which we know will strengthen our evolution through to those higher dimensions.

I have held hands with many emotions upon my journey.. and recently the energies which have been changing and swirling around this planet, left me swirling yet again in uncertainties and insecurities, so much so that even the humdrum of clicking onto my blog got too much.. So I needed to recharge and rebalance my own energies as I looked within.. 

I so value my community of friends that I have built up here at WP and some of you I have got to know very well. Others we pass like ships in the night as we acknowledge each other’s postings.. But I count each one of you as blessings as we share our thoughts and our different worlds through our teachings, and experiences, both in word, poems and photographs… We each of us are adding to the whole Community and to the Collective Consciousness which all of us are a part of, as we endeavour to spread our lights into the world through our various experiences, be they good, bad, or indifferent.

We each must learn to take on responsibility for our own circumstances which each of us are experiencing. And those experiences are vital for our growth in this moment of time.

I have come to understand that there are no Accidents or Victims, each of us pull to us the experiences in life, that which we need. While it may sound inconceivable that we should go through some of our traumas, we do not see the whole picture of which we are part of within the creation of our God force which together make up the whole experience..Karma here is also playing its hand.

I have cried and laughed alongside you.. I have felt your Joy and your sadness.

For a long while I felt I needed to share my life’s story.. of which I started to write in My Soul Journey series … which when we think about it we all have ‘that story’ which shaped us to follow our path and without which we would not be who we are today, for it moulded us to be stronger, and more self aware in our need to delve deeper as we searched for who we really are.. But sitting in my own silent power over the last few days, I know if I am to move forward, I also need to let go of the past. And so while my journey may be an interesting one for the reader, it is only serving to keep me held within my past…

Letting Go of hurts and pain, means that when we have viewed them and looked at why we needed their experience we then can let them go with love in our hearts.

When we agreed to come here in Human form we entered this realm of reality called Earth, our Energy entered by choice the body we are in. We chose the circumstances of this life because we knew it was the next stage in our development through to those higher dimensions. And those circumstances through our experiencing Joy and pain would enhance and expand our Spiritual growth of that expression of our living Spirit, that God force.

Each of us have within us a Mission, a Goal to accomplish, many forget as we enter this dimension, but the Deep Inner You, remembers and for me that has been my driving force… I had this unknown Mission in my life which drives me to keep searching to find answers to Life, Questions we each ask as we yearn to seek who are we truly are?.

For me I have discovered I am a Powerful Being and the only restriction in unleashing that creative power force is Me…

Life often takes us on a pathway fraught with obstacles and hurdles to overcome, but even these can be the very things we need to strengthen us to remember who we are.

No one can unleash that Inner Spirit, that Hidden power we all of us possess  we look to find our answers by reading books, and following Guru’s…

but when it comes down to it no one can unlock the Inner You, but YOU.

I only write of my own experiences, each of us needs to understand the Universal Laws, for these govern All life forms. We all of us at times yearn for what we think is impossible as we put limits upon are achievements as we perceive within our established belief systems that miracles don’t happen.

Miracles don’t happen because we believe that they can’t …

Today I am making a commitment to myself… And that is I am on My Mission and it’s Not Impossible to Change the world, because I know I can change myself..

Sue Dreamwalker

59 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. John Hayden
    Feb 02, 2013 @ 17:30:48

    Godspeed on your Mission! I hope you will be able to continue to post on WP, as time allows.



  2. rickbraveheart
    Feb 02, 2013 @ 17:51:48

    It’s such a joy to share in this community of friendship with you as well Sue. May we all do our part to create that change.



  3. Eddie Two Hawks
    Feb 02, 2013 @ 20:32:16

    Blessed I am to call you friend and share this journey of discovery. with love, Eddie



  4. cat
    Feb 02, 2013 @ 22:57:22

    So true … often whe I come home from work I feel drained and and amazed at the same time … drained, because I gave it my all … and amazed, because my patients gave me so much insite …



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 03, 2013 @ 11:42:18

      Yes the work we do Cat both drains and uplifts at the same time.. I don’t think many understand how mentally draining Supporting others can be… especially an 8 hour day one on one..
      But the rewards far outweigh the negatives…. Its just at times when our own energies feel de-pleated the energy drain on our systems often flows into others rather than in reserve for ourselves… and thats what I need to watch.. 🙂 Hugs to you my sister! xx



  5. prenin
    Feb 02, 2013 @ 23:26:16

    As someone who has changed greatly in the past sixteen years I can only agree hun.

    Experiences can be good or bad, but all teach lessons which we need.

    I have suffered much from early childhood to the present day, but today my life is better and I have learned to appreciate the simple gift of peace and happiness! 🙂

    Love and hugs always!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 03, 2013 @ 11:44:00

      Prenin, my friend, you know since coming to know you I have only admiration for how you have turned your life around… and its good that you can see how far you have come also… Many thanks for your supporting comment my friend… Hugs back Sue xox



  6. beeseeker
    Feb 03, 2013 @ 00:20:27

    Inspirational and thoughtful, glad I found your blog, take care, be happy.



  7. Visionkeeper
    Feb 03, 2013 @ 12:28:53

    Excellent DW !!!!.You grabbed the kernel buried deep and so now you can move outward in your healing from the core. People always use the analogy of the peeling of the onion which is so true. Whether it’s peeling or digging, you still have to get down to the very core or kernel and begin there. Healing all the outer layers is wonderful but the core continues slowly rotting away. These have been very trying times and are challenging us at every turn, yet at the same time you can sense a blanket of love floating lightly around us as well. It is what is allowing us all to keep going. It IS time to let go, we are in 5D now and we must not contaminate our 5D worlds with 3D poisons…You have done so well my friend and will continue to do so. We all take time to regroup and adjust as our world continues to change. Thank you for all of your wise words and caring. I for one now feel the new forward motion we are all in, one of action and creation…We are there, we are doing it and we will reap the rewards one day soon. Stay light DW….Blessings…VK
    P.S. Great minds think alike. I wrote several posts the other day to try and get ahead and one of them is about life laws! I just didn’t want you to think I stole your ideas. We are sharing universal thoughts now so easily and this idea I guess was floating out there in the ethers of universal consciousness…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 03, 2013 @ 13:45:33

      VK Thank you so much my wonderful friend, for those wise words… and I would never think that of you my lovely friend…. I know only too well how the Universe delivers its messages and often I am amazed at how many of us have such a similar theme at times, as we unconsciously link into its energy…
      Yes I am digging out the core… and feeling lighter by the minute… 🙂
      Bless you VK….
      Love DW xx



  8. europasicewolf
    Feb 03, 2013 @ 13:27:14

    We are all much stronger than we think, and mostly we never give ourselves the chance to find out, choosing to stay with the more familiar sense of failure we are unfortunately all too used to, and so are more “comfortable” with. Taking personal responsibility for our own lives and actions is something that we must all learn if we are to progress towards happy and fulfilled lives where we also see we are strong people who do not have to fail at anything if we learn the right way to deal with the issue in hand 🙂 I am glad you too are back on track again…it’s inevitable there are going to be times when simply cannot hold to our positive principles and have no choice but to accept and own those feelings whilst, as you say recharging our batteries ready for the next stage of our journey through life 🙂 I hope that today finds you happy and relaxed and fully able to enjoy life to the full as we all occasionally manage to do!! Not easy though!! Wolfie hugs my great friend and a big Wolfie hooooOOOOoooOwWWWWWwwwwwwLLLLLLLLLL of encouragement for when the going gets tough! 🙂 x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 03, 2013 @ 13:48:23

      Bless you my four-legged furry friend 🙂 and for those wise well chosen words of encouragement I thank you most sincerely.. I am back in the Dreamy-Mode… once again…. Refreshed 🙂
      Love and Howls back.. xox



  9. Valentine Logar
    Feb 03, 2013 @ 14:22:26

    I have missed you Sue, missed reading you as I always gain such insight and solace from your words. Today, your last sentence sent an arrow straight through my soul.



  10. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Feb 03, 2013 @ 20:38:19

    Hi Sue, I agree so much with you about letting go of the past. Sometimes what is interesting for others and even helpful for others can often be constantly painful or unhelpful for the individual to keep disclosing. I always remember, years ago, a victim of torture I knew of used to speak publicly about her experiences. She wanted to help the world understand about what had happened to her and what was happening to others. She helped so many others but in the process drained and damaged herself almost beyond repair. I think we must learn from the past and understand it, we also need to help others, but vitally we must take care of ourselves – for we are nowhere without that. Sending much love to you dear Sue and take care of you. xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2013 @ 10:12:05

      Ruth, those are very wise words… I saw first hand how hanging onto a past experience embittered and twisted my own Mother’s perception on life. And she became a very lonely soul I feel as she cut herself off… Exchanging one kind of prison to another of her own making within her mind..



  11. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Feb 03, 2013 @ 21:46:27

    Thank you for another great post, Sue. I wish you well on your mission, you’re already changing the world!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2013 @ 10:16:08

      Tom Bless you for that… All we can do is change ourselves, so as I catch myself within those critical or judging moments I need to stop and take a good look within, And see just what is mirrored back at me.. 🙂



  12. timkeen40
    Feb 03, 2013 @ 21:47:25

    Change will not happen because someone believes it “can”, or believes it “will”. Change will only happen when someone believes it “must”. This is a very powerful post and I believe you believe it “must”.

    I would wish you luck, but then again, luck has nothing to do with it. Just tell me about the change when it happens.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2013 @ 10:18:45

      Change also happens Tim when one knows it already has…. Change is Happening right in front of our eyes every day… We have to believe it is for the betterment of us all… So nice of you to drop in its been a while, so I am so pleased you came and left me your comment Tim… Many thanks to you 🙂



  13. prenin
    Feb 03, 2013 @ 23:11:22

    Hi Sue! 🙂

    Thanks for the visit and comment! 🙂

    Yes, life is better and looks set for a bright future! 🙂

    My books are for sale on http://redmundpro.com/book-store/ and they are called ‘Jabberweil Hunt’ and ‘Songs of Angels’.

    At $2.99 each they won’t break the bank and are sold as Kindle files, epub files which can be read on your PC using a freeware program called Calibre you can google for and as a PDF.

    They are also, hopefully (I haven’t checked yet), available as printed books! 🙂

    Have a read – you wont be disappointed! 🙂

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2013 @ 10:22:27

      I read the reviews Prenin and I have no doubts what so ever that they are a marvellous read… So I will go check that out.. and can recommend that they will be well worth the read to any other friends who drop by and click your link… Thank you my friend… Hugs Sue xox



  14. Christy Birmingham
    Feb 04, 2013 @ 00:37:00

    Your post touches me deeply, Sue. I love that you do not listen to people who say, “I am only one person”. Instead, you say: “I can do this!” and “I CAN make a difference”… Sending you blessings for being a friend who I value. xx



  15. just Kevin here
    Feb 04, 2013 @ 03:45:52

    Sue, your words are very emotional and empowering.
    Your commitment to your ‘Mission’ makes me one of your cheerleaders as I walk along in this journey of life with you over the airwaves.
    I am inspired by your passion.
    It reminds me of something Margaret Mead once said:
    “Never doubt that a small group of thoughful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
    I feel that energy from you.
    Onward and upward.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2013 @ 10:33:41

      Kevin, thank you for cheering me on… where to as yet I have still to discover, but I am all recharged with enthusiasm to help others see the Power of our Thoughts! If only we could see the energy Kevin each of us discharge out from our being as we send out a thought… We would soon watch them carefully if we saw the damage they could do… and Ultimately as we are their source of creation because they are energy, they come back in a circle.. ( What goes around comes around ) and they gather to them similar vibration.. Hence the saying we (reap what we sow ) and get back (Ten Fold that which we send out ) so… Our Thoughts Do change the world… Because they are ENERGY …. So lets all of us create some Changes and as you say

      “Never doubt that a small group of thoughful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

      Thank you so very much for your encouragement ~Sue



  16. giselzitrone
    Feb 04, 2013 @ 09:19:36

    Hallo liebe Sue wieder ein schöner Bericht ,ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und eine glückliche schöne Woche,und alles liebe von mir.Gruß und Freundschaft Gislinde.



  17. poet365
    Feb 04, 2013 @ 11:26:33

    A powerful post that shows how life should be harnessed through the abundance of knowledge and wisdom, and then using it to fully understand and appreciate life. Sometimes this is lost as humankind are often flawed in logic but with the learning curves being so positively charged everyone should reach out for this energy of light and use it for a better world.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2013 @ 11:54:38

      Thank you Poet365 for this comment.. Yes many do not understand that we are first and foremost energy beings and as such we have a choice to be positively charged or follow a more negative one..
      We being given ‘Free Will’ have a choice which energy we wish to attract and sustain..
      If we could see the damage we do to each other via our sending of negative thoughts alone, I think many would change their thought processes… For at the end of the day like I said to another commenter here on this post… that is why what goes around comes around..for we with our thoughts are the creator…
      So in order to alter the world.. I first need to alter the way I think and perceive ….
      Many thanks and thank you for following Dreamwalkers.. Its nice to meet a fellow Poet.
      Sue Dreamwalker



  18. Aneesh
    Feb 04, 2013 @ 17:39:30

    The next post i am gonna post , i feel is pretty similar to this one but not nearly as good as this one 😀

    Firstly Awesome post :),
    Second , i feel we should not let go of our past, it is what that defines us… and from the past sorrows, happiness, pain etc we should make a better future(experience) we just need to realise it..
    Third , yes we can change this world :).. i am with you on this 🙂
    Thank you for the post…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2013 @ 17:47:01

      Hi Aneesh, so pleased to see you here… and thank you for your compliment…
      The Past is there for a reason.. we needed the past for it was once-upon-a time our Present… and within its teachings it held a ‘Present’ for us, for those experiences came into our lives for a reason.. To enable us to learn and grow from… they were in fact a ‘Gift’~
      So while I thank those things in the past for their experiences… what I am saying is not to hold onto them.. For many people hold onto emotions created by past events.. such as anger~ Regret~ hatred~ Sorrow~ and yes at the other end of the scale we have Joy~happiness, etc….
      But often we hang onto the memories which caused us hurt and pain… thats what I am speaking of here… So I choose to let that go… Not the lesson.. But rather see the experiences for moulding me into who I am today….
      I hope this explains my meaning of Letting Go of the Past more clearly … 🙂

      Love and Blessings and THANK YOU for your most welcome comment 🙂
      Sue xox



  19. Red
    Feb 04, 2013 @ 21:29:46

    Aye, changing ourselves indeed changes the world. We influence the collective as a stronger, brighter force. You are a delight, Sue. Many blessings on your journey ❤ xxx



  20. pendantry
    Feb 04, 2013 @ 23:09:32

    Typo alert:
    The Eye See’sSees Everything Except Itself

    That image that drew me in, because I wanted to share…

    We usually neither see nor hear ourselves as others do. I see myself most often in a mirror, reflected; so photographs look odd because ‘I’m the wrong way round’ (to me — but not to you). Similarly, what I hear as I speak includes sound transmitted to my ear via the jawbone (which is not how others hear me); and so when I hear a recording of my voice I recoil: “But that’s not me!” while my friends, naturally, exclaim “Of course it is, silly!”

    … and having been drawn in, I find that your words, though they speak of ‘I’, could as easily be me. You’re absolutely right, we are all connected. One day, maybe, I’ll find a way. Thank you, bless you 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2013 @ 18:40:33

      Thank you Pendantry, or should that be pendantry! 🙂 😉 LOL,,,, Smiling here with your Typo corrections….. LOL….
      I am pleased that when you got passed the ‘Error’ and read my post it resonated with you ..
      And instead of waiting to find a way ‘One day’ why not start to find away Right Now!…..
      Blessings returned 10 fold! 😉
      From~Sue who ‘sees’ nothing and everything!



  21. Shakti Ghosal
    Feb 05, 2013 @ 06:30:20

    This is a brilliant post Sue and I needed to re-read it to fully appreciate its great message and learning. What particularly jumped out at me were the lines,

    ” Letting Go of hurts and pain, means that when we have viewed them and looked at why we needed their experience we then can let them go with love in our hearts.”

    Indeed, as we shift ourselves to be able to discover the positivity in our hurts and pain, we gain the capacity to move forward unfettered and unhindered. For what are these hurts and pain and how do they impact us? In almost every case, they really have nothing to do with us really. On the other hand, they have something to do with the turbulence inside the perpetrator. Could this realisation allow us to discover our own peace, our intention to forgive?





  22. wightrabbit
    Feb 05, 2013 @ 11:08:58

    Our experiences appear to be in alignment right now, SD. I am processing an earthly tragedy, the like of which I never dreamed I would experience and would never have wished to ~ but I guess I signed up to it in Spirit. In the past I would have ‘written it out’ ~ either in my journals or through blogposts. But this isn’t my drama to impart; it involves one of the three people closest to me and I find myself sitting in silence, listening. The learning and evolution come to me almost instantly, rather than taking time to emerge. Blessings to you for this wonderful piece, which echoes my thoughts exactly. WRx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2013 @ 19:09:14

      I am sorry that it appears you are witnessing your own drama’s through others tragedies WR. Sometimes we who stand back can see the ‘Whys and Wherefores’ to such events.. But those who are going through the experience cannot…
      Even WE at times when we step into our own experience need to look back in hindsight and see the lessons which they brought ..
      I am pleased that my post echoed your own thoughts..

      love and Blessings Sue xox



  23. summerrain63
    Feb 09, 2013 @ 11:35:39

    Just good to see you have recharged and you are well….smiles and waves…



  24. Alex Jones
    Feb 14, 2013 @ 22:25:05

    Hello Sue, all changes start with self. Self is the stone that hits the water and thus sends the ripples of change into the world.



  25. mellasweden
    Jul 28, 2016 @ 21:12:23

    Thanks from me and Sweden Love to read what you write I coming back every time hugs Mella



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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