Inspiration at its Best.


If anyone was inspired by the Olympic Games in London 2012, then they are surely Doubly inspired in the Paralympics London 2012..

What an absolute joy to watch as you see these athletes regime of training come to fruition as they reach to attain new heights of personal achievements as they set the standards ever higher, smashing personal bests times and records, along with breaking new Olympic Records..

As you know I do not watch much TV, but I was so happy that Channel Four here in the UK are devoting over 400hours of airtime. You can view on line here at  to show how these special individuals who have not only overcome so much in their lives in their various disabilities, but how they have dedicated  themselves to become Super human individuals as they put their incredible abilities to work that would put you and I to shame with our Woes and Groans on how life is treating us..

One thing that saddens me  is that in some Countries this event isn’t being aired or given the coverage it so deserves.Even our main stream channels haven’t covered the Paralympics as they did the  London Olympics 2012. 

Many of our Military service men and women having their lives and limbs blown apart serving our Nations, are competing in the 2012 Paralympics..

Those with disabilities are not just born with them, many have lost limbs due to accidents as adults or children, along with War situations.     

But these Men women, girls and boys are showing the rest of the world the Power of Now..

They are showing us how to Live in the Moment, as they have set their goals through hard training and focused intention.

I have never been so amazed and what is achievable if one puts their minds to it to overcome their obstacles  as they swim, cycle, horse-ride, play basket ball, tennis, table tennis and compete in athletics and more.

Take a moment to look at some of their remarkable achievements.. each one with their own unique story of insurmountable determination in showing the rest of the world how we can over come with TRUE GRIT and determination ever challenge in life..

Be Inspired..

And then Rethink about YOUR Problems you have in life and Put your determination into Overcoming them..

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The Video doesn’t play, but here is the direct Link


I do hope that you will take the time to go watch some of your countries fine athletes as they give their all in their particular sporting event..

I have become a Fan of Wheelchair basket ball… Be Amazed at their speed and agility ..

I am Humbled and I thank each and every one of you who have taken part in these games..

You Inspire


Sue Dreamwalker

53 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Sep 02, 2012 @ 18:07:18

    Great post Sue. The Paralympic Games have been a wonderful success and full of inspirational stories. You are so right to say about other nations. Let’s hope that this sets a benchmark for others to follow. Keep inspiring Sue and have a lovely, restful break. Take care, Ruth x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2012 @ 18:22:57

      Thank you Ruth, yes I saw an interview with a USA Military gentleman who was not happy his own Country of the USA were not behind their paralympic men and woman, many in the U.S. squad injured during War conflicts. Its amazing how many want to push disabilities under the carpet, as they push statistics of casualties out of the public eye.. I am so proud of ALL our Paralympians And thank you Ruth, yes I sure will enjoy my break… 🙂 xx



  2. Visionkeeper
    Sep 02, 2012 @ 19:17:22

    Don’t you love things that put the world in perspective? It is such a good feeling to be inspired too. The world needs to be inspired. We have been without inspiration for far too long! Thanks for this post. Have a good time off DW…We’ll be thinking about you 🙂 VK



  3. prenin
    Sep 02, 2012 @ 21:23:25

    These people put us all to shame as they prove that ANYTHING is possible!!!

    Pity their home countries don’t give them the support they deserve… 😦

    Love and hugs!




  4. starproms
    Sep 02, 2012 @ 21:27:41

    Well said Sue.



  5. Miro
    Sep 02, 2012 @ 21:32:38

    True Warriors there, people who refuse to let even their own disabilities stop them from their potential.



  6. dontchawannadream
    Sep 02, 2012 @ 23:45:41

    Oh yeah, these guys are so amazing and strong. True inspiration.
    Thanks for sharing this beautiful post, Sue.



  7. becca givens
    Sep 03, 2012 @ 00:41:03

    I wish there was another word for highest inspiration … they are incredible … no excuses for them. Spurring a spark for those with limbs as well as those without. I am sure the stories and feats during these Olympics will be heartwarming — alas, we don’t get much coverage for it. 😦
    Thank you for sharing.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 12, 2012 @ 18:52:19

      Yes Becca.. They are indeed

      Spurring a spark for those with limbs as well as those without.

      And sadly their stories are not shared enough around the world to inspire those who sit with nothing wrong with them saying to themselves ‘I Can’t!’
      These Athletes do not have those words I can’t in their vocabulary. Only I CAN and what can I do next? Heartwarming indeed! xxx



  8. just Kevin here
    Sep 03, 2012 @ 02:02:07

    As someone with multiple disabilities, I am always in awe of what possibility looks like in the face great challenge. The men and women of the Paralympics are the silent heroes who have given us much.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 12, 2012 @ 18:48:20

      Silent Heroes yes, they have given their ALL and given us much to think about as they have faced their own challenges with Pride and Determination which have left us all in Awe.. Thank you Kevin for adding your thoughts ~Sue



  9. Renee Espriu
    Sep 03, 2012 @ 03:41:33

    Between work and home chores I never do end up being able to watch things like this. Did see some of the Olympics but hit and miss and I do know that these athletes are inspiring for sure. Wonderful post! Wishing you a wonderful beginning of the week.



  10. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Sep 03, 2012 @ 03:44:53

    a wonderful post Sue…
    we don’t have alot of coverage here in America, personally I believe because if
    you are not one of the “beautiful people” (celebrity look alikes) then the media is not interested, I tend to stay away from TV …
    our men and women in the service is being left in the dust so to speak
    though I will stop now, this is too beautiful of a post to crowd in politics….
    I couldn’t watch the video in this country, .but I have seen documentaries on these amazing athletes a few years ago….
    Thank you for sharing an inspiring story
    Take Care



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 12, 2012 @ 18:44:46

      LadyBlue, Thank you… So true, Yes those service men and woman are being brushed under the carpet as we say here.. and love your comment when you said

      personally I believe because if
      you are not one of the “beautiful people” (celebrity look alikes) then the media is not interested, I tend to stay away from TV …

      Thank you for adding your thoughts… Sue x



  11. Jo Bryant
    Sep 03, 2012 @ 06:51:43

    Sue you always inspire me and manage to lighten my day – thank you



  12. giselzitrone
    Sep 03, 2012 @ 13:13:52

    Liebe Sue diese Menschen sind grossartige Menschen, können so viel wenn sie nur Wollen.Wünsche dir eine Wunderschöne Woche liebe Grüsse und in Freundschaft zu dir Gislinde.



  13. gingerfightback
    Sep 03, 2012 @ 15:50:18

    I thought Oscar;’s tantrum yesterday was interesting in that he is an icon. Has inspired thousands probably to “give it a go” and now they seem to be beating him. This can only be a good thing. But it also shows that he is humna, ultra competitive and hence a remarkable sportsman! We are all bundles of contradictions!



  14. eddietwohawks
    Sep 03, 2012 @ 22:10:48

    Unfortunately the video is not available to view in the US. But just thinking of the dedication of these atheletes is inspiring. Their heart is full and they know no limitations. Thank you for presenting this wonderful article. always, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 12, 2012 @ 17:54:44

      Their heart is full and they know no limitations.

      Yes Eddie, they know no limits… If we all could but aspire to their own way of thinking and not give up at the first hurdle. We could all attain to greater heights of not only achievements, but also Self worth.. Nice to be Back.. 🙂 ~Dreamwalker



  15. Cat Forsley
    Sep 04, 2012 @ 15:53:41

    Ohhh Sue Sue
    what perspective yes ?
    i could not get to the vid – ? i dunno – i will search for it on youtube ,….or BBC
    i am positive that those amazing human beings wish nothing more than just to be themselves and strive —– 🙂
    That i am certain of ………:)
    Everyone everything positive is an inspiration ——————– 🙂 Truth xx
    It’s all about perspective —- truly is ……….
    Lots of love xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 12, 2012 @ 17:50:16

      Yes sorry about the Video Cat, I usually check but was rushing to post.. I hope you have had a brilliant week.. Ive had a fabulous one..
      And those Athletes have given so much to achieve their goals… It shows we can all if we put our minds to it.. aspire to our goals if we put our Minds to it.. We Overcome and we Shine … I know Ive been DAZZLED by their Glow… 🙂



  16. granbee
    Sep 04, 2012 @ 19:32:20

    These Paraolympic contenders are very speciaL messenger-angels to the rest of us, I think!



  17. Oceanwaves
    Sep 04, 2012 @ 21:12:36

    It is incrediable what the mind can set us to do..something we could all take a moment of complaining and learn from poeple like this who show so much determation and strength!
    Wonderful contribute Sue



  18. adreamonlyforyou
    Sep 04, 2012 @ 22:26:02

    In Drea…M! we live.
    In Drea…M! we give …
    sometimes our life.
    Or a part of our body …
    still … we love life!
    Be great!!



  19. chicasl10
    Sep 05, 2012 @ 18:15:27

    I get tears when i see those smiles when they do their sports.Its fantastic and with so much power .I love it.we see daily on tv Sue.
    We Small Belgium we have more medals with paralympics then the (normal) olympics. Soo Thumbs up for everyone Its just one thing…RESPECT>



  20. Sabina Brave
    Sep 05, 2012 @ 23:25:12

    Yes, it’s very inspiring 🙂
    Hugs, and lots of love.



  21. europasicewolf
    Sep 05, 2012 @ 23:50:05

    You are honoured! Yours must be the first blog recently that I have been able to see the video in! I am suffering black rectange in the video space syndrome in Windows 7 for some reason – it’s fine in Vista so it’s also very wierd! Can’t even see my own on my own blog! It’s only in W/P so it’s not my Flash Driver, all very strange and inexplicable 😉

    You’re quite right about the Paraolympians of course, but for myself half of my captivation with the Olympics was all the mythology and magic that surrounded the Ancient Greek times…it was like walking in the paths of the gods and it touched my heart and spirit in a way I never expected. The flame inspired me and I couldn’t watch the closing ceremony because I’d have cried when they extinguished flame-which took on a life all of it’s own too-and I know I wasn’t alone in that, I gather there wasn’t a dry eye in the stadium at that point in the closing ceremony. I nurse the small comfort that it will be re-lit for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia…

    So whatever the rights and wrongs of my thoughts and feelings here, the Olympics was much much more to me than just sporting events etc. And as the ParaOlympics for all it’s inspirational qualities is simply not rooted in centuries of myth and magic and is much more recent therefore focussed far more on the sporting events and the athletes it just does not capture me in the same way and I haven’t really got into it. Not to say everything you have said here isn’t totally true or that I am right, but that is the way it is for me. Olympic fever was both thrilling and exhausting in equal measures, but post Olympic Depression is far far worse! London was the most awesome place ever for those weeks and the soldiers were amazing…it changed people into much nicer people for a short time…the spirit of the Ancient Greek Olympics burned bright in both flame and hearts. I don’t feel that now despite that these ParaOlympians are awesome sports men and women overcoming huge obstacles. London 2012 was the first Olympics I’ve taken an interest in- because through my blog posts I learned what it was originally and what the spirit of the Olympics was. I learned about the Olympic Flame and the Cauldron. I walked in the Paths of the Gods and I watched my 1st ever Opening Ceremony. The spirit of the Olympics burned in the Flame and when they extinguished it that day they extinguished something else too…But, I will be at the Olympic Victory Parade in London on Monday 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 12, 2012 @ 17:39:41

      Olympic fever was both thrilling and exhausting in equal measures, but post Olympic Depression is far far worse! London was the most awesome place ever for those weeks and the soldiers were amazing…it changed people into much nicer people for a short time…the spirit of the Ancient Greek Olympics burned bright in both flame and hearts.

      Hooooowwwls Wolfie, Loved your reply my four-legged friend… and We can be that place again.. When we join in the mind of one another to encourage and praise and cheer in delight at another’s achievements and successes.. When we no longer think of ourselves and problems, when we see the determination of Spirit in overcoming obstacles that seem insurmountable.. And yet here these wonderful Paralympians show us how despite their personal problems their Will-Power to succeed and overcome has stood them apart from many of us who moan about silly problems..

      My heart goes out to all of those taking part.. and to the thousand of Volunteers whose help was essential in creating such a wonderful Paralympics .. Im sure had I seen that flame extinguished I too would have cried Wolfie and I pray that the Flame of its Spirit is kept burning within many a heart.. For we need its spirit to show us how to overcome and survive in the face of adversity..

      Many Many thanks for your wonderful comment Wolfie.. Hugs.. ~ Let us forever keep that Spirit Alive.. ~Sue 🙂



      • europasicewolf
        Sep 12, 2012 @ 20:29:54

        It was a bit long-winded to say the least! I’d be the first to admit that! I enjoyed our final Olympics event on Monday at the Olympic Victory Parade thanks to a good hearted boss giving me the day off to go. Ended up with 2 friends in tow and they had a wonderful time too. Even if we did have to leave one at the station after he’d bought the wrong ticket and had to wait another hr to travel! We paid for that when we jumped on the wrong train and ended up on an hr long journey to Winchester!! Took another hr to get back after a 50min wait and a missed train due to my friend’s desire for a photo by the Winchester sign to post on his f/bk page!! I think that is what that Olympic event will be remembered for 😉 lol 😀



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 14, 2012 @ 11:47:21

          Wow! WOlfie, sounds like you did your own Olympic marathon journey there.. But so glad you enjoyed your day despite the delays and missed trains.. Thats one day you will not be forgetting in a hurry… Good to know there are still some kindhearted bosses out there! 🙂 Happy to see your paw prints upon my pages.. 🙂 xxx



  22. summerrain63
    Sep 06, 2012 @ 10:40:45

    I think all Olympics and the athletes involved are inspiring….the hard work and dedication….but to watch the Paraolympics….what admiration for the heart of those athletes….truly amazing….



  23. beautifulchaos2
    Sep 06, 2012 @ 18:06:30

    Thanks so much for your visits while I was away Sue. I plan to return to my blog very soon, just getting things sorted after such a long absence.
    The athletes of the Paralympics have much to be proud of. They remind me that most limitations are those we create in our minds.
    See you again soon my dear friend, x



  24. Androgoth
    Sep 07, 2012 @ 00:03:13

    A wonderful posting Sue
    the games have been wicked
    so far and the medals are
    still rolling in too 🙂 🙂

    Enjoy your break my great friend 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



  25. Christy Birmingham
    Sep 08, 2012 @ 21:23:39

    My mom and I were discussing how the Paralympics has received less media coverage than the Olympic Games. These athletes are really what spirit is all about. I wish you a wonderful weekend friend xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 12, 2012 @ 17:23:54

      Yes sad fact of life Christy, the Media have in TV it seems in the past taken this view of less coverage of the Paralympics.. Thankfully we have been blessed with Channel 4’s excellent coverage of the games here in the UK.. But even the BBC didnt cover it as it did the Olympics 2012. Sad for many missed some inspiring and wonderful achievements .. And so right what you said.. These athletes is what the SPIRIT of the games is all about.. 🙂



  26. Marja Blom
    Sep 09, 2012 @ 08:46:02

    I totally agree It has been absolutely amzing and inspiring. It certainly deserves more coverage. Here we didn’t get as much coverage as we wanted either.
    I wish you all the best.



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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