Harvesting~Growing Your Own

Man’s heart away from nature becomes hard.
~Standing Bear ~


There is a lot of satisfaction to be had in harvesting your hard work of growing your own vegetables.

Harvesting the Crops

This year in the Dreamwalker’s Plot, I have managed to get stuck in to help Hubby weed.. And I have come away with aches and pains in places I didn’t know existed! Smile  as I did battle with the never ending strength of Mother Nature as she reclaims back her Plot to be the wilderness she once was .. But the taste of eating your own grown far out ways all the effort, And you always come away feeling refreshed having worked hands on with Nature.

And to say its been hard work, I have loved every moment.  

This Year because of almost 6 weeks constant torrential rain fall its been almost impossible to go and get the weeding under control and as a consequence, several crops such as rows of swedes, parsnips and Carrots and other seeds which were set, just rotted in the soggy ground which didn’t germinate. It was good we tried an experiment this year with planting Carrots in a raised Bed, to combat the problems we had last year with Carrot fly. These are doing nicely..

Carrots in Raised bed

A casualty also is that of the Broccoli which has gone to seed, before even forming tight florets, as you can see from this picture here.. You can see the second to front rows have gone to yellow flower seed.. And many Cabbage tops got eaten by the pigeons this year which have decimated many an allotment holder’s cabbage rows .  

Cabbages and long view of AllomentsWe lost all the Raspberries and only managed to get around a good healthy punnet of strawberries off to eat which hadn’t been rotted and mulched due to the rain. A Big disappointment as we got Pounds off them last year and all my weeding and transplanting efforts, but that’s the name of the game.. You win some and lose some with Mother Nature..

But the Rain has been good for the peasPeas

and Green Kidney Beans With Lettuce and Sunflowers in front.

Lettuce, Sunflowers and Kidney Beans

Another success so far, although we need the SUN to ripen later on is the Sweetcorn, here you can see along with the leeks..after this photo was taken I cut the tops off the leeks slightly so they can thicken out.

Leeks and Sweetcorn

You know there are times when we don’t feel like putting the effort in. But when we can be fully present in every job that we do, and we bring the fullness of our bodies, minds and spirits to the moment, the rewards are harvested in our lives.

We may not think we have  talents or abilities, but when we give them willingly in life… Not only in the labours of gardening, But in life situations, they attract not only good results but also the right people and circumstances into our experience.

There have been days where I haven’t had much energy, but I pushed myself to spend just an hour in the garden, and it helped me feel brighter despite the hard work.. And like anything we do begrudgingly this limits the flow of our energy and closes us off from the good that is available to us in every situation. But by giving the best in us to make the world around us better, we open ourselves to receive the best from the universe in return.

This year despite the weather I have given my energy to add to that of Mother Nature and we are never disappointed.. For her bounties in her harvest is always there to be reaped.We just at times need to look how full our baskets are in life, as we see how empty others are!..

Doing any job from this place of love within us allows us to do our part with humility and gratitude, while also learning lessons that move us steadily toward our goals.

The Bountiful Earth has many gifts, and I give thanks for the lessons of patience, and knowing there are times for reaping as there are times for sowing..Times of rest and time of hard work..

But each one us are important as we give our energies to add to the whole.. And so what ever you do in life, whether it is gardening, creative writing, photography, Arts or crafts.. Know the love you add into the mix also adds that energy of Love into our World..

And you will then also reap what you sow..

To see updates of how the allotment has progressed since April ’12

Click Grow Your Own 

Sue Dreamwalker 


45 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Renard Moreau
    Aug 01, 2012 @ 17:53:56

    [ Smiles ] Well done, Sue!



  2. Visionkeeper
    Aug 01, 2012 @ 18:57:31

    I’ll be over for dinner tonight!!! The veggies look delicious…Beautiful crisp lettuce. I am impressed with your control over disappointment. I think I would have really felt frustrated and angry with the weather as we know so much of it is manipulated. I know, stupid to feel those feelings but sometimes you just get overwhelmed, especially after so much hard work. Glad creator is providing some harvest for you. Probably not enough to put up but definitely some to enjoy! Hang in there DW and know all is as it is meant to be. Good job on the gardening! Blessings. VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 01, 2012 @ 21:14:25

      Yes VK we had the peas, runner beans and potatoes for dinner and lettuce and beetroot in our salad .. Its not use getting angry .. Id much sooner put my energy into some creative thought.. Like how to beat the weeds 🙂 😉 which took a weeks solid hard work to clear the plot so you see it as you do on the photo’s, before we started you could hardly see the crops as the weeds were so big… :-(.. But we pulled together and got stuck in and the end result is what you see.. My neighbours allotment is still covered as he was away only 3 weeks and he can hardly find his crops!.. I am thinking of following our friend Raymonds idea of Mulching next year.. and see how that goes.. Thanks again for your support.. DW xx



  3. prenin
    Aug 01, 2012 @ 19:26:27

    I’m a bit accident prone – when working grandma’s kitchen garden (A quarter of an acre) I managed to spear a hole right through my foot with a garden fork!!! OWCH!!!!!! 😦

    Amazingly my parents didn’t take me to the hospital, but the wound healed eventually… 🙂

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 01, 2012 @ 21:19:51

      BIG Ouch!! Prenin.. I have to say when younger we never were rushed to casualty like today at every little cut and bump.. I remember having bread poultices soaked in hot milk put on a carbuncular type boil on my arm aged 8, I still have a small scar and still remember screaming! too.. 🙂 ..
      Wishing you a good evening Prenin.. and an even better Thursday ~Sue



  4. Christy Birmingham
    Aug 01, 2012 @ 20:27:07

    You have such a good attitude about losing some of the fruit “win some and lose some” – nature really is like that. Go with it and we are free, as well as being open to the change. Thank-you for taking us around your beautiful garden xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 01, 2012 @ 21:22:02

      Hi Christy.. thank you for adding your thoughts here.. well its no good having any other attitude as it will not change things.. Like most things to do with Mother Nature we have to work around her.. and work with her.. I am happy you enjoyed walking around our veggie patch..
      ~Sue x



  5. creatingreciprocity
    Aug 01, 2012 @ 21:07:04

    Absolutely wonderful.



  6. Deb
    Aug 01, 2012 @ 23:13:53

    Hi Sue, I see you lost a bit of fruit this year. I guess we just have to accept what mother nature can do…as I know you do.
    The garden still looks so awesome to me, my friend! You got my mouth watering for a salad.
    Have a most lovely evening, my friend, and thank you for the visit earlier!
    Hugs xx



  7. bibuji
    Aug 02, 2012 @ 08:47:43

    How beautiful they are, the colors of the plants and the soil!



  8. Shakti Ghosal
    Aug 02, 2012 @ 09:49:08

    HI Sue,

    Did you know that you are blessed to have such a garden, aches and pains notwithstanding? I groove the pictures. Seeing them makes one yearn to return to one’s roots.Specially those of us who remain entangled in the hurry burry of urban life.

    Loved the synergy of the pictures and your words.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2012 @ 15:46:50

      Hello Shakti my friend, yes I know how very blessed we are with being able to grow such food.. I always tell those who have busy lives or not gardens, we can grow most things in pots.. given some TLC.. Tender loving Care!.. and even if its some herbs we can enjoy the aroma of them too on our window sills. Thank you for your kind words Shakti..



  9. summerrain63
    Aug 02, 2012 @ 10:23:08

    it all looks wonderful…here we have struggled for rain so many had hard times growing anything….it is hard work that is for sure….I havent gardened for a few years now but I appreciate what goes into the fresh veggies and fruits at the farmers market I go to…and I believe also….you do indeed reap what you sow….



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2012 @ 15:52:59

      I know, so many places dry and parched while others get soggy and flooded.. Yes our own plot is big enough for us and family, as we give lots away .. But nothing beats that feeling of achievement in growing your own, and knowing also nothing has been added such as pesticides etc… Organic does taste much better than the Mass produced veggies that are grown for weight not taste. 🙂 Thank yo Summerrain for adding your comments here today 🙂 ~Sue



  10. Eclipse
    Aug 02, 2012 @ 10:28:45

    So wonderful Sue! Looks as lovely as all your poems 🙂



  11. natswans
    Aug 02, 2012 @ 11:48:36

    Well done Sue there is a reward as I see your lovely produce. Marvellous Work you should be proud of the results.
    Hugs Sheila xx



  12. Cat Forsley
    Aug 02, 2012 @ 12:17:17

    What a beautiful journey of NURTURING 🙂 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love always to you and hubby and your gorgeous garden o love xoxoxoxoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2012 @ 16:00:59

      Hi Cat so happy to see you back my friend, and glowing as usual.. next goal…. Recording studio! Yay… go girl go!!.. 🙂 xxxx Hugs to you..



      • Cat Forsley
        Aug 03, 2012 @ 19:47:37

        I am so happy for you !!!!!!!
        so There !!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxox
        You are glowing too Sue Sue
        look at what you have grown !!!!!!!
        HEAVENLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        you know what – the “finding” of the studio thing is super fun …..
        as for once in my life !!!!!! lol
        i have this new patience thing happening ……..
        with all in my life – all aspects ….. !!!!!!!
        so yeah xo
        I missed U tons and
        Hugs to you and the hub!!!!!!
        love xx



  13. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Aug 03, 2012 @ 00:40:40

    Lovely to see your veg Sue! Raised beds to avoid carrot fly worked for us too – great tip for people. You are so right about nature and gardening being therapeutic. Enjoy your spoils! Ruth x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2012 @ 16:02:46

      Hi Ruth, Im happy that those raised beds worked, ours too is looking good at the moment.. Yes being out in Nature heals us on many levels.. 🙂 Thank you for your encouragement xx



  14. Angelwings6
    Aug 03, 2012 @ 02:18:44

    There always satisfaction in growing your own Vegetables… I usually find myself giving them away as I always grow to many… Better luck next year at growing, you can never tame Mother Nature and we are always at her mercy…



  15. barbaramattio
    Aug 03, 2012 @ 02:20:34

    Congrats! If everything tastes as good as it look you are going to be enjoying a terrific harvest. When I was young with small kids I used to do lots of veggies.



  16. Sabina Brave
    Aug 03, 2012 @ 10:14:10

    It looks so great, that suddenly I became hungry 😉
    Have a wonderful weekend Sue. 🙂
    Hugs, and lots of love.



  17. Valentine Logar
    Aug 03, 2012 @ 11:33:57

    All that lovely fresh food……it was hard for me to move from the pictures to the words. Truthfully, I moved back to the pictures several times just to be in the moment.

    The loss of the fruit would have pained me, but as you say Mother Nature teaches us lessons and we can’t bemoan our losses (much). Your garden is wonderful! Would that we could grow anything here, my Lavender is about the only thing growing this year other than my first year Peach tree actually giving me baby fruit.

    Looking at your veggies, well I wanted to hop a plane and visit.

    XX Val



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2012 @ 16:17:35

      Val lovely to see you among my veggie patch.. Good luck with your Peace Tree.. Peaches we wouldnt be able to grow as its just not hot enough.. But I had a wonderful plum tree until a couple of years ago. Unfortunately the severe frost killed it.. I love Lavender.. 🙂



  18. eddietwohawks
    Aug 03, 2012 @ 14:19:31

    Hard work is eventually richly rewarded. This can be seen in your yummy productive garden and well designed, beautifully illustrated and totally informative web site! I do love it here! hugs, Eddie



  19. rickbraveheart
    Aug 03, 2012 @ 15:11:55

    Hard work, I know Sue. And, when you love the earth as you do, she does an amazing job of providing. Thank you too for reminding us all to be grateful for all we’ve been given. Thanks for letting all of us walk with you through your beautiful veggie patch.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 03, 2012 @ 16:21:12

      living in gratitude helps create abundance in one’s life.. While ever we are grateful we receive many blessings.. It is all about understanding just what those blessings are Rick.. and they are often the very simple things in life. Such as Being grateful for what nature provides.. 🙂 Thank you again for taking time out to visit 🙂



  20. europasicewolf
    Aug 03, 2012 @ 23:45:28

    Lovely sight, the fruit of your labours! 😉 x



  21. aussieian2011
    Aug 05, 2012 @ 15:00:31

    We are only passing through this life Sue, visitors from another time and space , we do not understand that we are but a mere blink in the eye of the universal creator



  22. Renee Espriu
    Aug 07, 2012 @ 02:49:44

    Beautiful veggies! I use to many years ago when I was raising my children plant a garden every year and we had so many fresh veggies! It was wonderful! With years and health issues I no longer can but I so agree that doing so is such a gift.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 07, 2012 @ 20:51:01

      I am so fortunate Renee I know.. and I thought some years ago I would struggle to walk let alone garden. I am sure you too enjoyed your moments when your children were small planting and growing veggies… And it takes such alot of energy. Thank you Renee I so appreciate you calling by.. love Sue x



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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