Strength, Bears, and Pastels Drawings.

I have long known that one of my Power Animals is that of the Bear.

Bears to me a special and it breaks my heart to see them hunted..

Below are two Bears I drew in Pastels, Both were given as presents to those I love as Birthdays Presents. 

For those who are interested in Animal Totems, here are a few things about The Bear that you may like to know. Some of their Traits are… 

Be Strong!

Trust your creative Expression

Look Inward to your Soul’s Den to find answers.

Qualities of the Bear Totem. can be found here and here.

Brown Bear

Polar Bear

Did you know that the Polar Bear’s hairs are hollow transparent tubes? and that is why the bears are white. Each hair acts like a solar heater, transmitting the weak sunlight directly to the skin.  Polar Bears are increasingly becoming under threat.. especially as global warming is melting the ice-caps To find out more click onto WWF Polar Bears

I hope you enjoyed viewing the Bears as much as I did creating them.

And to finish here are a wonderful couple of Quotes


"When all the dangerous cliffs are fenced off, all the trees that might fall on people are cut down, all of the insects that bite have been poisoned … and all of the grizzlies are dead because they are occasionally dangerous, the wilderness will not be made safe. Rather, the safety will have destroyed the wilderness."

– R. Yorke Edwards (Canadian environmentalist)


"The fate of bears in many areas of the world will be decided in the next 10-20 years. The future of several species is in serious doubt. The elimination of bears from 50-75% of their historic range has already occurred and the remaining range will decrease unless serious efforts are focused on bear conservation."

– Dr. Chris Servheen, biologist (1990 Report on the Status of Bears)


Sue Dreamwalker


106 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. douginator
    Jul 13, 2012 @ 17:26:11

    It is a very different reality coming here from my dark universe and always worth the trip. Have a great weekend, Sue!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 13, 2012 @ 17:28:48

      Always pleased to add a little light in any Universe, and who’s to say which Universe is darkest… Only perception.. For without the ‘Dark’ would we see the ‘light’? I think not.. 🙂 😉
      Great that you dropped in Doug..



  2. Visionkeeper
    Jul 13, 2012 @ 17:37:33

    Great art work DW!!! You could create a second income doing art 🙂 I was stunned that the first animal to show itself at my new house was bear…I didn’t get to see it though, just the builder here working. I have a wooden hand carved bear that was my grandmothers that I used to play with as a child and broke the ear off of. Over all my years and travels for some reason that bear came along. I put him on my window sill over my bed when I moved in. Not sure why. then who should show up but the bear! Messages for sure and to be honest they scare the hell out me. I would die if I came face to face with one. I need to go reread bear medicine again.
    Thanks for reminding me….Keep pasteling away DW, you’re good! VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 14, 2012 @ 16:09:21

      I am always amazed at the ‘Signs’ we get via our power animals and that of Nature VK. and often when I send out or ask a question one of them turns up either in the skies or as a symbol somewhere..
      Strange that you should mention about a second Income.. Not that I want to make alot of money from my art.. But I had thought along those lines.. drawing animals especially, as I just love drawing them.. But have to be in the mood.. Just like when Im knitting.. 🙂
      I think your Bear has lots in there for you to find VK.. and I have no doubts too that you will decipher the message you are meant to. Hugs DW



  3. sagekateri
    Jul 13, 2012 @ 18:40:44

    Bears to you are wolves to me. Just always felt connected to them. Your artwork is beautiful! You are very talented!



  4. Cat Forsley
    Jul 13, 2012 @ 20:46:48

    I love the Polar Bear especially ……
    all those amazing facts about their hair – ! amazing ……………:)
    I am Gonna go read the totem animal page now …………
    what a great week – is there sun in UK……
    ? because if there isn’t …………….. you know ………. i have a backlog of happy ….
    just waiting xo
    You’re brilliant Sue Sue ……..
    Bears are beautiful ……
    and so are You xoxoxo



  5. Renard Moreau
    Jul 13, 2012 @ 21:03:33

    [ Smiles ] You have an A class blog here; I am surprised that it is not on “Freshly Pressed.”

    Have a wonderful weekend, Sue.



  6. Gabrielle
    Jul 13, 2012 @ 21:40:15

    I absolutely Love your Bears Sue, they’re beautiful! I wish I was gifted like you are. 🙂 The Bear is one of my totems as well -it’s a wonderful one to have!
    Love, Gabrielle xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 14, 2012 @ 16:18:09

      Hi Gabrielle, like I just said to another Friend We are all in ore of others gifts, when often we do not realise the talent we all have, You my friend have a talent I would wish for too.. And that is your connection to those higher realms, you speak of so eloquently. And why am I not surprised about your Totem the Bear! 🙂 much love sent your way Gabrielle.. ~Sue x



  7. dontchawannadream
    Jul 13, 2012 @ 21:42:12

    Really impressive. You’re so talented, Sue!
    I would love to know my Power Animal.
    You’re lucky ’cause bears are powerful but also very cute animals. When they don’t bite. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
    Have a beautiful weekend, Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 14, 2012 @ 16:25:14

      Arrgh Cha, here’s you calling ” ME” Talented, and the wonderful Art work you produced!… Your own Art is brilliant, I doubt I could do justice to portrait paintings such as to the likenesses you produce in your paintings Cha…
      Bears are cute and yes ALL animals can Bite, even a Kitten.. There is a lot of misconception as to the Bears behaviours, and they are more scared and shy of Man,.. and if left alone for most part will not attack a human,,
      Unfortunately though its the Humans who encroach upon their habitat and drive them to search for food near homesteads, as more and more land they once roamed in disappears.. And as to the poor Polar Bear, His icecaps are in serious danger of disappearing all together..
      We Humans have much to answer for to re-address the imbalance we have brought about in the land of Mother Nature…
      I hope you too have a great Weekend Cha.. Love to you.. ~Sue



  8. Christy Birmingham
    Jul 13, 2012 @ 21:58:23

    What beautiful works of art you have created here, Sue. Your creativity pours into many artistic outlets xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 14, 2012 @ 16:28:36

      Thank you Christy, I try my hand to most things, and I truly believe we can achieve anything.. If we put our mind to it.. I knit and sew and write and paint, I was brought up never to give in, and the word CAN’T doesn’t exist.. For we CAN do most things if we have a mind to.. Mind over Matter! has long been my Motto.. 🙂



  9. Androgoth
    Jul 13, 2012 @ 23:20:06

    You have such a great talent for drawing and painting Sue
    and it is always a pleasure to see what projects you have on
    the go, these lovely looking bears are fine examples of your
    work and thank you for sharing them with us 🙂 🙂

    It is a great worry about all of our wildlife as their natural
    habitats and environments are changing all the time, if man
    could only see the harm instead of constantly looking in
    the wrong direction… They are all precious creatures and
    have just as much right to live on this earth as we do…

    Have a very nice rest of evening and a superb weekend Sue 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 14, 2012 @ 16:33:58

      Thanks Androgoth, and Yes we have destroyed alot of our Wild-Life’s natural Habitat, and all in the name of ‘Progress’ I wonder just whose Progress? Nature has a way though Andro of re-claiming back that which was taken, so I think the Human Race should be on the alert as to just how she may start to re-address the imbalance we have caused. For we have truly scarred and wounded our Earth Mother.. and now we see her weep as she lets her rains fall all over the world.. I hope you too have a wonderful Weekend Androgoth.. ~Sue 🙂



  10. prenin
    Jul 14, 2012 @ 02:41:42

    Beautiful pictures hun – you really are a talent! 🙂

    The bears are not the only thing we’re going to lose if we don’t take care – humans are the most destructive creature on the planet!!! 😦

    Love and hugs!




  11. Doris
    Jul 14, 2012 @ 03:08:49

    Have a great weekend Sue… hugs



  12. aussieian2011
    Jul 14, 2012 @ 10:58:00

    Thanks Sue ,your drawings are a delight and the info you give great , never knew why their hairs were white, the quotes are sadly true in every respect, not only bears but I think all animals face extinction to some extent , maybe not in our lifetimes but many centuries into the future.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 14, 2012 @ 16:38:43

      Yes apparently Ian, unlike white albino bears, the polar bears hairs are totally different in design to help keep them warmer.. acting like a solar panel I guess.. Isn’t Nature absolutely ingenious!!!…. I have to say, our Infinite Creator Knew a thing or two! 🙂



  13. gingerfightback
    Jul 14, 2012 @ 11:23:28

    I’d love to be a bear. Grizzly preferably.



  14. Valentine Logar
    Jul 14, 2012 @ 12:30:46

    Those are really beautiful.

    When I was growing up I had an invisible friend / protector called ‘posserbear’ he was actually a Polar Bear. I had him for as long as I could remember. He aged with me, growing up and stronger as I grew. I don’t ever remember a time I didn’t have him (he ate my veggies even).

    I loved posserbear.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 14, 2012 @ 16:42:37

      ‘Posserbear’ sounded to be a great protector, and I have no doubts Posserbear should you need to call upon that invisible friend again, we stand tall at your side and square his shoulders to help you even now… When things on your plate get too much!.. Glad to know he helped you eat your Veggies… 🙂 ~Sue x



  15. Miro
    Jul 14, 2012 @ 13:18:28

    Beautiful pieces, Sue. Bears have such a magnificent combination of strength and beauty.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 14, 2012 @ 16:46:26

      Yes they do Miro, and It makes my heart cry when I see those magnificent creatures being hunted and killed, held up for a photo shoot so someone can hold a trophy over their mantelpiece with no thought to the animal or its offspring, .. Thank you for adding your thoughts Miro..



  16. becca givens
    Jul 14, 2012 @ 16:38:34

    WONDERFUL pastels of one of my favorite animals … I did not realize about the polar bears … thank you for the visual and mental stimulation for a Saturday morning. It has been a LONG week … working on an organizing project that still has a few days left to it. Happy Weekend Sue!! xoxo Thank you for being a beacon of light!!



  17. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Jul 14, 2012 @ 22:30:50

    R. Yorke’s words are excellent. So true. I remember killing a spider once, because I FEARED it would crawl on me in the night. I sprayed it with insect spray as that was all I had. But that did nothing, so I held the spray down, blasting it, and feeling so so sick as it slowly loosened its grip on the wall. When it fell I jumped back and I looked in horror as the poor spider was wet all over from the spray, hardly able to lift its legs. I was SO SO SICKENED, what I had done. I thought ‘How can I kill it quickly? How can I kill it quickly?’ and then raced to the cupboard, pulled out the vacuum, plugged it in, sucked it up. And then I sat on the step in my (bedsitter, at that time, pre Daniel) and just felt sick, sick, sick. Now, if that isn’t instincts, I don’t know what is. I wish to tell that spider, I am sorry.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 15, 2012 @ 21:28:05

      You are not on your own there Noeleen with the guilt trip of killing insects.. Fortunately I am now over my Spider phobia, and can catch them under a glass and take them outside.. But a story to share with you, when I was 7 I lay in bed very ill from Glandular Fever.. While getting better I spied a small spider in the corner of my room, ( I usually had to share my room with 3 other sisters, but because of my illness I had my brothers small room.. I called the spider ‘Fred.’. And I had one of those small child piano accordions ( Squeeze-Box ) which I had been playing.. So set about over a couple of hours singing to this new friend I had made as I remember my days were long and lonely up in that room.. I sang my little heart out.. And then had the fright of my life.. as Fred decided to pay the musician a visit down a long spiders thread he hovered above me.. So scared was I, I screamed and jumped at the same time, and in the process Fred got squished in the squeeze box.. I too often sent that Spider my sincere thoughts of how sorry I was.. Thank you for sharing that story, and the thing is we have learnt from that experience.. 🙂 .. Hugs Sue x



  18. Renee Espriu
    Jul 15, 2012 @ 02:05:14

    Beautiful drawings, Sue. My totem is the ‘turtle’ (that might be apparent due to the name of my site?) But many people do not know or understand what a totem is so good for you to share some information here. Fighting a headache today so hope you are doing well.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 15, 2012 @ 21:35:00

      Hi Renee, yes I remember you said about your Turtle Renee, 🙂 and its a great Totem to have, I hope your headache is subsiding Renee,.. Maybe some of those Solar Flares have been having an affect. Yesterday I was spaced out for much of the day with a very light head .. Better today after a long walk.. 🙂



  19. Sabina Brave
    Jul 15, 2012 @ 19:54:25

    Your bears look wonderful, Sue.
    Love and peace to you 🙂



  20. kp
    Jul 15, 2012 @ 20:53:23

    Wow…the pastels you have created are beautiful!! Over the years, I have had recurring dreams about several different animals…snakes, then bears, then cougars and then killer whales. I too feel incredible grief when I think of a world without these powerful beings!!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 15, 2012 @ 21:48:05

      Thank you KP. Yes its sad that so many of our species are all becoming extinct and mainly due to mankind.. Why not look up those animals you have dreams of.. Im sure there is a message for you in there from them somewhere.. Blessings sent your way.. ~Sue x



  21. Jo Bryant
    Jul 15, 2012 @ 23:00:14

    Sue the bears images are amazing…both striking for different reasons…



  22. Angelwings6
    Jul 16, 2012 @ 09:12:55

    Always love to see your drawings Sue, Thanks for the information I didn’t know about….



  23. Cat Forsley
    Jul 16, 2012 @ 23:18:51

    RAIN OR SHINE …..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Got me Sue Sue xo
    I love you xo
    always have
    always will xoxoxoxoxox



  24. Androgoth
    Jul 17, 2012 @ 00:52:40

    I am just calling by for another look at this one Sue
    and to say how wonderful your postings are, I know
    that I am behind on so many of them now but there
    will be a time when I can start backtracking a little 🙂

    Well I have to do that on so many Spaces but I always
    try to keep up with everyone, it’s just a tad harder than
    we expected I guess 😦 Have a funtastic Tuesday Sue 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



  25. summerrain63
    Jul 17, 2012 @ 06:02:40

    very lovely drawings….quite a talent you have



  26. Oceanwaves
    Jul 17, 2012 @ 10:52:29

    Wow…gorgeous paintings Sue. They are really good! Just love them! and the totems of a bear. Reinds me of a story book by Jean m. Auel 🙂

    Yes, it is hartbreaking to know many animals are at danger by humans. Nothing is safe. Pollution and waste spilling into the sea freely. The lands being stripped clean.
    One day it may very well be animals become has beens.
    Poor animals they never had it so tough in their whole lifes.

    Much love to you good of you to bring these things under awareness hun.
    Hope you are doing well…hows your crops coming along..? 🙂
    Here had been so much rain fall…incrediable. Hope sun comes again soon.
    Hugs Traceyxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 17, 2012 @ 22:17:56

      Yes Tracey, we often forget the plight of our Animal Kingdom in all of our man-made disasters which affect their habitats I just hope we will begin to see soon the Madness we are creating, as so many of those wonderful Species on our Earth Plane may be lost forever becoming as ‘Dead as the Dodo’ .. And once the leave the Earth Plane, Mankind is the next species to follow.. .. What Mankind often forgets is that we are ALL of us entwined and are One… Each having their part to play.. Mankind, if they are not careful will go down within the Universal History as destroyers of all they touch.. I hope we see soon we are destroying through the power of Greed… Thank you for your generous support Tracey… ~Sue xox



  27. granbee
    Jul 17, 2012 @ 21:05:13

    Dear, dear Sue, I have a vague recollection of learning that polar bears’ hairs are hollow–but had forgotten completely about the heat-transfer properties of those hairs! I have loved polar bears my whole life and try my best to support all actions that benefit them! “As we treat the least of these on earth, so we treat ourselves”, you know! Love every post of yours, dear friend!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 17, 2012 @ 22:23:44

      🙂 thank you Granbee, I love receiving your comments. I think Bears hold many of us in their Spell Granbee, I only hope we can save many from dying needlessly .. Bless you for your continued support xxx Sue xx



  28. zendictive
    Jul 17, 2012 @ 21:54:05

    ah, brother bear… if he and his species perish, the whole animal planet will follow, so much land on this earth and yet not enough for the animals, and our need for energy seems to reach as far as the arctic where polar bears drink from coke bottles rather than the poison water supply… I am saddened when I think about tigers and they say only 3000 + are all that is left in the wild… the time for action is now.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 17, 2012 @ 22:27:14

      I so agree Art, the TIME is NOW.. and yet we as the Human Race think these problems will go away, .. Well they will not go away, And it is only Man’s greed and not respecting the habitats of our Animals that have put them in such dangers.. I think soon however Mankind himself if not careful will be joining the list of Endangered Species.. and also becoming Extinct..



  29. Oceanwaves
    Jul 18, 2012 @ 19:15:02

    I couldn’t aggree with you more Sue.
    Sometimes can be frustrating these kind of matters because we all know better but still changes come slow, and mostly envolving around greed. Money money money..given every time to save the world but really how expensiv can it be to plant a tree?
    Who will fill the gap when nature is over run by man, when we are all gone, who will be left to continue..?
    I only hope mankind will wise up and face the facts, tis is why it is good to spread the word..just like you do.. education is the keyword I think 🙂
    Thanks Sue hun
    Hugs Traceyxx



  30. chicasl10
    Jul 19, 2012 @ 18:06:48

    I read abt the polar bears It such a shame
    they have less place to live
    Like the animals in the rainforests We destroy everything



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 20, 2012 @ 10:42:20

      Hi MJ, yes its not a very nice prospect is it to have the ground melt beneath your feet and drown as a consequence.. But this is a real threat.. as their habitat is slowly disappearing.. It seems we will never learn.. Many with the powers that be, have known for decades the problems of our environment .. And they know the damage being done to our Earth and our Animal Kingdoms… But Greed far out-ways a few extinct species, until that is Man is added to that list!… Which at the rate we are going will not be too far in the distant future..



  31. Oceanwaves
    Jul 19, 2012 @ 21:38:18

    🙂 have a lovely evening dear Sue



  32. marja
    Jul 19, 2012 @ 22:47:11

    Nice to see you again. The paintings show the strength and beauty of the bear. Let’s hope they survive. Be strong Kia Kaha



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 20, 2012 @ 10:44:46

      Hi Marja, So good to see you back.. I hope you enjoyed your time away back in your home-land.. Thank you, We all of us need I think that strength right now Marja… Love to you.. Sue x



  33. eddietwohawks
    Jul 20, 2012 @ 11:43:22

    Thank you for sharing with us Dreamwalker. Your artwork of “power animals” are amazing renditions of these beautiful creatures. May they continue to teach and inspire you. always, Eddie



  34. nyparrot
    Jul 20, 2012 @ 21:38:18

    I love your painting of a Polar Bear. You are so talented!! And I’ve learned some interesting facts about this gourgeous animal. Thank you!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 22, 2012 @ 19:49:19

      NP. thank you, apologies for just getting around to moderating.. A Dreamwalker’s Life has been a little hectic of late.. 🙂 And I will be dropping in again real soon to see your own beautiful ‘Gift’.. 😀



      • nyparrot
        Jul 22, 2012 @ 22:58:20

        Thank you for finding a moment to respond. No worries, we all have people and things to attend to, so it’s totally OK to be absent for a while from our online life:-). Cheers to friendship!



  35. giselzitrone
    Jul 21, 2012 @ 22:34:37

    Hallo liebe Sue mein Urlaub ist leider wieder zu ende war schön viel Sonne. Aber mit den Menschen hast du recht sie sind schlimmer wie Tiere. und zerstören sich selber.Wünsche dir ein schönes friedliches weekend und liebe Grüsse von mir Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 22, 2012 @ 19:55:33

      Sehr geehrte Gislinde, ich bin glücklich, dir hat dein Urlaub .. Wir haben zu viel Regen gehabt .. Schön, dass du wieder da werde ich da sein, Sie bald besuchen … Liebe euch Sue xx



  36. Michelle
    Jul 22, 2012 @ 02:33:58

    Beautiful Drawings Dreamwalker!

    I dreamed of a bear once. We were lying in a grassy field together, but I think I told you about that dream. The Bear didn’t talk, but listened to me. Bears are awesome. My son and I have seen many while we were camping in the mountains, and once was close to two in Colorado. They were so pretty.

    Some people hunt them for the bladder. My brother is a wildlife officer, and has arrested poachers for this reason. He says people from China will pay a lot of money for the bladders as they are used in medicine. Fortunately, I haven’t heard any of these stories lately. I hope that means people have stopped, or at least, not doing it as much.

    We have many bears in our state, mostly in the mountains, and like the deer where I live now, they are threatened by commercial development. I’d like to see a world where we truly cared for every creature in our Eco-system. (Ticks I’m not sure about, lol. I don’t know what they are good for, but they probably have a purpose).

    I hope you are doing well. We are having a nice rain storm here. It’s been hot and dry, but finally it is thundering and raining.

    Big Hugs and Love,
    Michelle ooxxoo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 22, 2012 @ 20:07:37

      Hi Michelle, Sorry Ive not been around much lately, I haven’t spent much time on the PC. too many other things going on..:-)
      I cant remember that Dream.. But Bears are very protective. And if it asked you to talk, then I have no doubts there are many things you still keep hidden and close to your chest..
      Yes it saddens me greatly to see how any animal is hunted down.. and while I respect the beliefs of some, we should also respect the rights of our Animal Kingdom.. I saw quiet a few and was told how lucky I was to have seen them, the Black Bear in Canada in the year 2000, as they came at the end May Beginning of June, to the road side to eat the Dandelions which I was told they loved as they woke up from their slumber..
      Glad you have some much needed rain, We have had nothing but.. But today has been more like a summers day.. and we have a promise of 3 days of sunny shine.. Yippeee!.. after nearly two months of rain EVERY Day.. its most welcome..
      Love to you Michelle and pass on my regards to your Son.. Love and a Big Hug back.. Sue xx



  37. Michelle
    Jul 22, 2012 @ 02:35:14

    PS I hope my comment didn’t go to spam. Believe it or not I haven’t resolved the issue with my email and username. xoxo



  38. giselzitrone
    Jul 23, 2012 @ 10:52:22

    Wünsche dir eine schöne sonnige Woche Grüsse Herzlich Gislinde



  39. marciento
    Jul 23, 2012 @ 12:59:20

    Hello! I wish you great week and invite you to look at my new photos.




  40. Sam373
    Jul 23, 2012 @ 15:51:02

    You have been nominated for the “Very Inspiring Blogger”



    Jul 23, 2012 @ 18:21:00

    Hallo. Freundliche Grüße von uns.
    Gisela und Wolfgang



  42. Oceanwaves
    Jul 23, 2012 @ 20:21:15

    Thankyou sweet Sue 🙂 it just so happened I was about to come over here for a wee visit then I saw a little star lol…. So lovely to hear from you. Hope you are well hun.
    Hey, finally we are having summer here now…it’s about time!

    Hope you are out enjoyingyourself in the garden 🙂
    Have a lovely evening Sue
    Hugs Traceyxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 23, 2012 @ 20:28:09

      Yes I have been at work today, but walked down to the Allotment to see the damage.. .. Weeds Weeds weeds.. have sprung everywhere when you turn your back.. The Rain has played havoc with the soft fruits, rotting them.
      All that rain we had day in day out meant We didnt get to weed.. and they have thrived.. Why is it weeds also do so well and crops get ruined?? 🙂
      I have a couple of days off of work now as I worked the weekend, so Im going to try and get stuck in…
      And yes the Weather today BRILLIANT! we had HOT Sun.. ALL Day hahaha…
      The Sun is just going down, and we came in.. But more sun promised tomorrow..
      Hugs to you ~Sue xx



  43. Oceanwaves
    Jul 23, 2012 @ 20:34:21

    aaah dear, sorry to read about that Sue, thats no good fruit rotting, after you planting it and giving it so mcuh care. The weather is so just never know now adays how it is going to be. Has been here in Holland too lots of rain..and my garden was like a swimming pool.
    And now dry as a bone..will have to go out and water it before some plants die.

    Great that youare off for a few days…enjoy your free time hun and soak up the sun 🙂
    Hugs Traceyxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 23, 2012 @ 20:37:43

      Oh I intend to soak up some Sun, make hay while the sun-shines so to speak.. Although I love rain… and we all need rain water.. Just not all at once and for around 6 weeks day after day.. So the Sun has come just in time for the Childrens holidays. But its only forecast to last a few days so Yes Making the most of it.. 🙂 ~Sue xx



  44. Oceanwaves
    Jul 23, 2012 @ 20:47:06

    I have never heard of that before – make hay while the sun shines lol…
    Well Sue to tell you the truth..I like the rain too but like you said not all at once 🙂
    And I am very pale skin…so I burn if I am out too long in the sun, but I do wear sunglasses and a hat and loads of sunscreen lol..
    Your timing is perfect then to be free….sun shining 🙂
    Have fun hun, love Traceyxx



  45. Deb
    Jul 25, 2012 @ 17:51:15

    I would certainly like to sit right next to you while you do a pastel drawing, Sue! Your work is excellent!
    Hugs xx



  46. Cindy L Riemersma
    Jul 29, 2012 @ 17:20:18

    Such wonderful drawings and so life-like. I have tried to work with pastels, but when I am creating, my hands and arms are all over the place and the pastels tend to smear when I don’t want them to. Acrylic dries fast and mistakes can be painted over. I suppose I have chosen a safer medium for my art. You have done beautiful work here.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2012 @ 18:23:00

      Thank you so much Cindy, Yes I have worked in Acrylic often as well as watercolour.. But at the moment I am happy experimenting with pastels and for animals especially I find that its working well..
      I hope you are well.. Thank you for your encouragement Cindy xx Sue x



  47. simplywendi
    May 29, 2020 @ 01:09:17

    more beautiful drawings! 🙂



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Manifesting Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Poetry Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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