Join the World in Unity of Thought.

I have just come from Vision Keepers  Blog and read about a Global event staged for Saturday 21st of January 2012 at 5pm GMT to send out our thoughts and prayers for World Peace and Unity.. Details of which can be found here  where by you can visualise a world  in which we want to live.. In beauty harmony and peace..

If you remember for the date the 11:11:11 I also asked  for your support in adding your thoughts for a Meditation Prayer to be send out, which can be found Here 

So I ask that where ever you are in the world,, You can use the words on the links or choose your own simple thoughts of Peace, Love, harmony and Unity to add your Light into our World..

For it is the INTENT that our Thoughts are sent out.. Not the exact words… Our Intentions of thought are what generates the energy… So we need to generate, Love, Unity, Peace and Harmony.

What sort of a world do we want to pass down to our Children… We want a Peaceful World, A World Free from Fear and Tyranny, We want to see our Planet our Earth Mother cared for as she cares for us, as she gives us our very Breath…

We need to start and live from our Hearts and care for each other,, It is up to us… NOW to realise that we cannot let this world carry on in the same way… Full of Hate.. Greed,  Control and Fear..

Please take five minutes out of your busy day to watch this Video

and on Saturday at your collective times around the Globe, send out our Earth Mother your collective Thoughts.. For Prayers are Thoughts.. Thoughts are Living Energy as I keep telling you.. Our Thoughts Create.. Create a Better Future a Better World in which you want your families to grow and flourish..

This is something we all can contribute to  so please… Send a Thought to Heal our Planet and its Inhabitants… for Humans and All the Animal Kingdoms.

Thank you..

Sue Dreamwalker x


A Vision of A Beautiful New World

Mathew Hart of Los Angeles, and Pearl Lee-Ora Landsman of Jerusalem Invite you to attend a One Hour World Wide Visualisation/Meditation on January 21st 2012 beginning at 5pm GMT time.. For more information about this event, see the information on YouTube with this Video.

Many thanks…. Love and Gratitude.. to all who join in to add their light around the World.. ~Sue

26 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. granbee
    Jan 19, 2012 @ 21:41:56

    My heart and my spirit are already with you and Matthew and Pearl on this mediation (which I practice at least 2x/day already) for World Peace and Unity. This is what is pushing my critterly friends ever Eastward at! YOU already know that, Sue! Hooray for this post today!



  2. Paul Handover
    Jan 19, 2012 @ 21:44:05

    Sue, thanks for giving me a heads-up on this. Going to participate and will also promote it on Learning from Dogs on Saturday. Blessing to all, Paul



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 19, 2012 @ 21:51:25

      Paul~ Thank you so much, I know you touch many, And I also know some of your thoughts on various Themes which are destroying our environment around our Globe.. Gratitude and thanks.. ~Sue



  3. Raven of Leyla
    Jan 19, 2012 @ 21:56:51

    Thanks for passing on this info, I shall be there! Love and hugs Rx



  4. zendictive
    Jan 19, 2012 @ 22:05:06

    cool beans (~_~) all I have to do is think? that’s easy!
    the video did raise some questions that I better keep to my self… or I’ll make a page of it (~_~)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 19, 2012 @ 22:22:42

      Questions are always welcome here 😉 and although some of the cards held up I thought brought up many perhaps Personal views, the essense of what is needed to change in this world is there.. GMO Foods, Cleaner Fuel, and lots more… A page of your making ~Art would I think be a very interesting Post! 🙂



      • zendictive
        Jan 19, 2012 @ 22:53:05

        I agree with that… the over population problem exceeds drastically. Humans out number cattle and pigs, the u.s. farm fields produce enough to feed about half the 7 million people on the planet now. the only etible animal that exceeds humans right now is chickens.

        but lets stay true the point, one set time for all to focus positive energy through thought is a wonderful idea. I bow humble to the sheer power of the people to unite for a greater cause. (~_~) just didn’t want you to think I wasn’t on board (grin



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 20, 2012 @ 13:54:37

          Yes Art, 🙂 I so understand… I too could rant about very many injustices, but I would only then be adding to the negative Pool of vibration.. The point as you rightly say is to create Positive Energy, and to send that Energy out into the World and the Cosmos,, and unite our thoughts that bring about a sense of Hope in that we can do something, a very simple thing, But the Power of Unified thought can Move mountains and change the consciousness of the dimensions we now reside in.. in which mankind now finds himself trapped within the illusions of his own making.. Blessings to you x



  5. lorrena
    Jan 19, 2012 @ 22:20:30

    I will pass this on my love,one light,one peace unity and a whole lot of us manifesting this together.



  6. The Emu
    Jan 20, 2012 @ 07:53:00

    Thank you Sue and you have my contribution
    Emu aka Ian



  7. giselzitrone
    Jan 20, 2012 @ 10:54:42

    Lieber Gruss Wünsche dir ein schönes week-end und liebe Grüsse von mir Gislnde.



  8. Warrior Poet Wisdom
    Jan 20, 2012 @ 17:15:20

    Great idea. I hope for many it will be the beginning of their daily training. 🙂
    Peace & grace,



  9. Sabina Brave
    Jan 20, 2012 @ 18:32:24

    So tomorrow is big day. I’ll join for sure 🙂
    Love and hugs,
    Have a fantastic weekend Sue 🙂



  10. marja
    Jan 20, 2012 @ 22:17:54

    What a beautiful words I will be there in thoughts but don’t know how the time will work out as we in NZ are some time ahead of other places. For me the most important things to focus on is a clean and green planet for our children and an equal divide of resources and wealth It is so sad that there is such an abundance which is mainly used by only 1% of the earths population.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2012 @ 22:20:12

      Hi Marja that is all it needs, just focus on that and that is ALL it requires Marja our love and intent to see and bring this world into a brighter way of being xx Many thanks for dropping in .. xxx



  11. christyb
    Jan 21, 2012 @ 15:22:33

    Thank-you Sue for sharing the video and writing the accompanying text. I am inspired and feel hope for the future. The video makes changing our devastating practices seem easier and not so overwhelming. I will join you in prayer today.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2012 @ 15:48:18

      Thank you Christyb, I thank you for adding your own energy to that of many, the more the better.. Have a wonderful rest of the day and meditation when sending our your thoughts xxx



  12. rosemarymonteith
    Jan 21, 2012 @ 16:28:00

    Me too, only saw this now, no entry to FB since Friday 13



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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