Which Tale Are You Spinning?

Watercolour ~ Cat Moods ~Art by Sue

 It’s likely that most recently

You felt a shift in Energy

That’s raised your hackles and confused

No doubt its lit your shorter fuse


There’s lots of heated words of air

That fly around to bring despair

For that’s their aim as on target they hit

If you allow them the power to split


Tune out, turn off and instead go within

That’s the only way to shut out the din

Seek Peace with some Solitude

Breathe Deep, Om some love into the Multitudes


Close your eyes and start to fly

Raise your vibration to the sky

See the rainbows after the storm

Give thanks in Gratitude for this New Dawn


Let not your anger add fuel to the fire

Use your hearts to create your desires

So, when you feel your fuse ignite

Don’t raise your voices in Angers might


The greatest tool we have is the Power of Love

How long will we take to learn from Above

So use your Power through love and Peace

You’ll be amazed at its Energy Release

© Sue Dreamwalker 2017-2022

It struck me as I did my laundry, that no matter how many cycles and whatever program you choose, the spin cycle is the same.. All be it different speeds… And that my friends is how at the moment I feel about the world of politics as it spins us into frustration. It’s no coincidence those advisors are called Spin Doctors!..  

Sometimes we have to just tune out and step away from all the energy that is being thrown about right now in the political programming of the machine cycle of world programming, as they press our buttons with the help of the continuous spin of media news that engulfs our homes.

I choose not to get caught up within its energy..

And instead sent out my own vibration of

LOVE, and HEALING into the World..

I hope you will use the tools within your own minds to shift the energies from the ones that are being vented at the moment, into nurturing yourselves and your love ones..

Remember Our Loved Ones are the most important people in our lives . Not those who come through the TV screen..


Remember Thoughts and Words Create Our Future!.. 

In Love and Light to you ALL.. 

Have a wonderful Weekend.. 





131 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Priti
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 14:58:40

    Beautiful! 👌👌

    Liked by 1 person


  2. macalder02
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 15:45:32

    Dealing with negative energies is the best way to prevent them from taking over our lives and, especially, our emotions. A positive mindset is the best way to keep bad vibes away and have good emotional health. Your poem is very explanatory and above all, it indicates the possible solutions to have a full life. Regards Sue

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2022 @ 18:22:14

      Thank you Manuel, I agree, keeping our thoughts as positive as possible and not getting caught in the drama helps us keep in balance.. Our thoughts influence our emotions, as we engage in heated debates which actually serve no one.. Much better if we step out of the fray, observe, and change the only thing we can possible change, and that is ourselves and our perspectives, our attitudes and our behaviours.. Living by Example… and hopefully the inner becomes the outer..

      Gracias Manuel, estoy de acuerdo, mantener nuestros pensamientos lo más positivos posible y no quedar atrapados en el drama nos ayuda a mantener el equilibrio. Nuestros pensamientos influyen en nuestras emociones, ya que nos involucramos en debates acalorados que en realidad no sirven a nadie. Mucho mejor si salimos de la refriega, observamos y cambiamos lo único que podemos cambiar, y eso somos nosotros mismos y nuestras perspectivas, nuestras actitudes y nuestros comportamientos. Vivir con el ejemplo… y, con suerte, lo interior se convierte en lo exterior.

      Muchas gracias querido Manuel ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  3. Erika
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 15:58:38

    Your poem comes so timely. Again, it is amazing how the universe works. On a private side, I spinned a story. Reading your words made me consciously lift myself above it. It makes such a difference. It is crazy how we can fall into that hanster wheel of thoughts and forget that we can exit any time. It is a decision, nothing else.
    Thank you for that and of course, and as we already discussed, regarding the current situation in this world, we need to rise above the negative energy to create good things in this world, Hugs and love 💖

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2022 @ 18:29:39

      Argh yes Erika, that Hamster Wheel is something we all get caught upon for nothing changes as the cycles just keep on repeating my friend.. The trick is breaking the cycle and daring to BE something different… Rise above we all must do, sadly many are just content running in circles being led by the illusion of success and power, and the Pound/Euro/Dollar in their pockets..
      I wonder how Politian’s would fare if ALL stopped voting, would they even notice??? … For as we know I think no matter which way it is cast, the people never Win..
      Much love your way Erika and thank you… As I go back to my crafting for the weekend Lol 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


      • Erika
        Nov 17, 2022 @ 20:06:25

        It is interesting, I often thought about this. What if no one cared anymore about those politicians?However, things will change anyway. It cannot go on like this for long. Thank you, dear Sue, so have a nice, fulfilling and productive weekend 💖

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 22, 2022 @ 17:47:37

          Hi Erika.. I think if we were all to get back to grass-roots level most communities I think are adult enough to get together and manage our priorities. The Control of Money, and how Mismanaged our systems have been.. Which I feel this is what we are witnessing.. As it collapses from within.. We are watching they cycle now coming to its completion.. I hope also we are on that Final SPIN… 😉
          Much love Erika.. ❤

          Liked by 2 people


  4. Val Boyko
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 16:01:55

    I love the spin cycle analogy Sue! When the external becomes chaotic and destructive we can find peace within at any moment. Keep sharing the love my friend 💐💖🙏

    Liked by 2 people


  5. Hannah Kaminsky
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 16:31:19

    We are ultimately the authors of our own stories. It’s up to us to use that agency to write it in brilliance and beauty. You get to the heart of it, as always. Strong words right when they’re needed most. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2022 @ 18:33:09

      I totally agree…. Would that we could be left to write our own stories and get on without interferences.. I am sure given the opportunity we could all manage ourselves perfectly well.. Many thanks Hannah for reading deeply and for your lovely comment… Thank you ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  6. Timothy Price
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 16:37:52

    There is so much spin. They do it to keep everyone dizzy and off-balance. There was a good parody several years back called “The Spinball Wizard”. Love the poem and the cats.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2022 @ 18:35:39

      I thought the Cats would appeal to you Tim… and thank you, yes the Spinball Wizard… a good Parody… Especially when one understands fully the Wizard of Oz…. 😉
      Sending many thanks your way Tim.. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  7. Eddie Two Hawks
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 16:50:20

    Love you too dear heart.
    What gorgeous art work Sue!
    Have a beautiful weekend dear friend! hugs, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


  8. utahan15
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 17:34:13

    giving thanks
    not to old hank pank
    one is out
    the other in
    gist this
    kiss the day
    tho frigid
    and icy blue

    Liked by 1 person


  9. The Path to My Heart
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 17:42:40

    Hi Sue! Love your kitty water color! Believe it or not, I’m not following any politics. Being from the USA living in the UK, people are asking me if I followed the mid-term elections in the US. No, I’m not. What’s the point – from what I can tell, people are delusional if they think their vote counts. It’s a joke, and that’s the way it is on planet Earth at this time.

    I was intent on being involved in the US presidential election 2 years ago – what a disaster, I’d call that a 1400 spin! That was it for me. No more politics, don’t care. It’s all lies and I’ve had enough. I wouldn’t expect anything different so I can’t be disappointed! The decisions they make are stupid and without sense. I wonder if there’s an actual human amongst them! Highly doubtful. All the stops are being pulled out – bring us your most stupid, disgusting, and insane – these are our so-called representatives. 🤣🤣🤣 Enough, really.

    So, as your wonderful poem so aptly stated – I’m following rainbows! (real ones!) 🌈
    Much love and hugs your way!! Donna

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2022 @ 18:48:12

      Thank you Donna for the lovely compliments upon my Cat artwork.. And I can fully comprehend the distance you put between your native land and all the controversy within the American political world right now.
      And you are right… In todays climate of deceit and lies and Algorithms within Machinery of voting systems… And given we have witnessed Millions upon the streets in Brazil as it appears their choice of electorate wasn’t installed, and the same in the Netherlands. You’re so right.. Peoples Votes do not matter for it is plain with eyes for anyone to see, that there are those being put in power who have not been voted in via the people… So one sees a whole corrupted system ..

      And I too wonder about their ‘Humanness’ too Donna for sure none possess any Common Sense.
      Here’s to Rainbows 🌈🌈🌈 and Art and Crafts.. 🙂
      In love and Gratitude Donna… Thank you ❤

      Liked by 2 people


    • SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
      Nov 19, 2022 @ 04:04:31

      Due Sue and Donna,

      Once again, I have enjoyed your conversation here, and I apologize for not being able to comment here sooner due to errands. Now that I am able to submit my thoughts on the matter about spinning tale, here is my vivid and succinct contribution in the form of a pictorial presentation entitled “Political Spin and Media Manipulation with Pseudoscience, Sensationalism, Alternative Facts and Conspiracy Theories“:

      To both of you, I send my Peace and Love.

      Wishing both of you a productive weekend doing or enjoying whatever that satisfies you the most!

      Yours sincerely,

      Liked by 1 person


      • The Path to My Heart
        Nov 19, 2022 @ 09:43:00

        Hi SoundEagle! The time you placed into creating a very powerful and apt pictorial presentation of Sue’s truthful, heart-felt post is well received and appreciated! I’m glad you enjoy reading our comments and want to make a contribution that is personal and meaningful to you. Very nice of you to take the time. Please have a wonderful weekend yourself!

        Liked by 1 person


      • Sue Dreamwalker
        Nov 22, 2022 @ 18:34:51

        Many thanks Sound Eagle for that beautiful appropriate graphic on the Political Spin… We all need to take time out… We arrive when we arrive… 🙂 I appreciate your artwork.. and comments 🙂

        Liked by 2 people


    • SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
      Nov 19, 2022 @ 19:52:09

      Dear Donna,

      I really appreciate your concerns and frustrations. The salient issues of democracy versus autocracy aside, there are many sobering implications of authoritarianism, which is a very topical area to explore the many outstanding tensions between (the sociopsychological states of) sanity/stability and insanity/instability, affecting even the very existence and survival of humanity. In recent years, many citizens have willingly aligned themselves with misinformation, disinformation, post-truth politics, demagoguery, plutocracy, oligarchy, ochlocracy, kleptocracy, kakistocracy, narcissistic leadership, neoliberalism, globalization, clerical fascism and Trumpism. We can also agree that the ongoing chaos inflicted by the Trump presidency finally culminated in the infamous riot at the Capitol. You and I can be justified for being cynical, snide, snarky and facetious in characterizing Trump as the symbolic messiah who is going to lead his misguided supporters, sycophants and funders to glory on Earth and the promised land! It is often futile to reason with such misguided folks. Perhaps only when the country truly becomes autocratic or fascist, or when it plunges into a civil war, will such folks wake up, but then it will be too late. Consequently, any reasonable person can conclude that the USA has been plagued by ignorance, dogma, falsity, blind faith, spiritual stagnation and epistemological impasse . . . . .

      Needless to say, due to misinformation and disinformation as well as the pandemic and other global issues, 2020 to 2022 as well as the past few years had been very difficult and trying, not to mention having to deal with the pandemic. It was all quite surreal, perhaps in some ways more bizarre than ghosts and the paranormal (not that I believe in such things). One could indeed say that we live in interesting times, but often for the wrong reasons. It is all quite a big mess in danger of getting bigger still. Even a global pandemic and an insurrection at the citadel of democracy still cannot unite folks in the USA and wake them up. Perhaps it will take an even bigger crisis to do so, such as a series of climate change disasters.

      Unfortunately, the unsavoury or deplorable nature of corrupt politicians and their funders and supporters can also be found in different ways, shapes and forms in many regular folks, because we human beings are very susceptible to various behavioural traps, cognitive flaws and mental biases. In any case, I would like to encourage you to peruse my post catchily entitled We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology“, the presentation of which is highly illustrative and animated. It is published at

      😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology 🏰🚀

      This is a very substantial and topically important post, even dealing with the fundamental problems and the existential crisis of the human species, looming ever larger. I look forward to your perusing my said post and welcome your input and feedback there. Furthermore, since you like my graphics, you will find that I have created a set of ten poster/billboard-sized illustrations, which is collectively titled “We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology“. For example, the ninth illustration has a resolution of 4038 by 2539 pixels and is titled “We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology with Nuclear Holocaust“. The tenth (being the last one) is the antithesis of the ninth because it portrays an earthly paradise inhabited by and celebrated with love, peace and beauty. Please enjoy!

      Yours sincerely,

      Liked by 2 people


      • The Path to My Heart
        Nov 20, 2022 @ 09:34:22

        Hi SoundEagle,
        The thing is to look at all the pieces that have been in play over the past 3 years (or really since 9/11). We’ve got war, weather, plandemic, Trump, all the alphabet agencies (WHO, WEF, NIH, UN, etc.) divide and conquer, gender confusion, “truthers,” main stream media, food crisis, chemtrails, energy crisis – just to name a few. If one views these ‘events’ as random – then they don’t make any sense. However, if viewed as pieces to a larger, global puzzle – one can see the writing on the wall. These are leading to global rule by the very few of the not-so many who will be left by 2030. The USA, on the trajectory it’s steadily and quickly towards – will look like China soon. 100% control of citizens.

        So goes the world. Everything before our eyes is being manipulated and humanity is being poisoned – air, food, water, information. Children are being tortured. It’s ugly and difficult to witness.

        BUT, and that’s an awful big but (LOL) there is help, and there is a plan. Goodness will prevail – as Sue is always writing about and believes in whole-heartedly, as do I – Time for these bad guys is running out. So best to envision a good result for humanity, keep your own council and use discernment. We will prevail!! It’s already happened!! And yes, I still go through times of frustration. Not in my time, in God’s time. (In my most recent posts I write a lot about having to let go.)

        We are here to survive and witness these times. I’ll go have a look at your post and animations!! Thanks for your comment SoundEagle – I get it and am with you!

        Liked by 1 person


      • Sue Dreamwalker
        Nov 22, 2022 @ 18:40:30

        Lovely to see Free Critical thinking in action and thank you for the links to your post SE. Many thanks for taking time out for such an in-depth comment.. 🙏

        Liked by 2 people


  10. Ka Malana - Fiestaestrellas.com
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 18:15:51

    I focus on my own. There is a spin cycle, and I’m not a part of it at the moment. If i should get hooked, I just step back and unhook myself. Wonderful poem, Sue!

    Liked by 2 people


  11. calmkate
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 20:00:49

    such powerful wisdom that resonates deeply Sue … that’s also the way I choose to live 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  12. Colleen M. Chesebro
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 20:20:25

    Sue, I LOVE the cat art. I so agree with you about the swirling energy… it easier to let it all go and move on to more important things—like poetry!! Happy almost Friday. Have a lovely weekend. We’re expecting snow. ❄️

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Visionkeeper
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 20:42:22

    Spot on again DW! I think we are watching the world reach it’s collective limit as to how much more they will take. Three years and counting of being bullied and abused and demoralized. I am surprised as many survived the journey as have. Time for lots of prayer, not just for this moment in time but forever. It’s time to embrace Creator once again instead of casting him out of our lives. So pray, shine your light and be love and we will get through this tunnel of darkness. Thanks for the reminders 🙂 Happy weekend and Thanksgiving and happy life in general…Hugs and love…VK ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2022 @ 17:56:35

      Thank you VK…. taking time out from all of the information and disinformation I agree, we have all been pushed to our limits in these recent times.. But I do feel Light is showing itself towards the end of the tunnel… How far away it is, I feel is up to each of us too, as we hold that love and Light vibration within our collective..
      Sending love… and Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving.. We have lots to be thankful for dear friend… Much love ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  14. marina kanavaki
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 21:01:59

    What a brilliant thought about the spin cycles! Thankfully they hardly ever coincide with mine, as I’m sure it won’t come as a surprise to you! 😉 🤣
    In Love and Light, my dearest Sue!
    many hugs your way 🤗🌷

    Liked by 2 people


  15. The Coastal Crone
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 21:38:27

    I love your “Mood Cats!”

    Liked by 1 person


  16. Mark Lanesbury
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 21:49:43

    Yes dear lady, it takes some time to ask ourselves to step away from the spinning watch of life. A hypnotic event until we realize we do have the power within us to do so. And like a breath of fresh air become something else inside as we free the dam wall and share a stream so much more clearer and free. Great post dear lady, it is crumbling faster as we speak, all of them 😀❤️🙏🏽

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2022 @ 18:01:40

      Thank you Mark… I have been gulping those breaths of fresh air my friend away from the Computer so to speak .. And Time out away is always productive.. And yes I see the crumbling ever faster and faster… Sending Love and hugs your way Mark.. thank you 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  17. Writing to Freedom
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 22:53:09

    I love your spin analogy and clever verse Sue. It’s easy to get caught up in the media/ corporatocracy spin. Politics is grand drama meant to distract and divide. Uggh.

    Liked by 2 people


  18. Frank @ Beach Walk Reflections
    Nov 17, 2022 @ 23:19:58

    Q A triple treat of a poem, painting, and pose to deliver a good message. Thumbs up, Sue!

    Liked by 2 people


  19. dgkaye
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 00:02:23

    Oh yes, I feel the world spinning beneath my feet. I may have been caught saying, ‘stop the world, I want to get off’ a few times these past months. But always worthy advice my friend. Rinse and repeat is getting very stale. Love, hugs and peace to you my friend. ❤ xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2022 @ 18:12:47

      Love the Rinse and Repeat mention Debby… I feel the more spins we get we are being driven to look inward.. We need to seek out new programmes which we need to input into our own inner programming to enable us to run smoothly.. I had a smooth weekend away from all cycles lol 🙂 Much love your way ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  20. Teagan Riordain Geneviene
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 02:41:26

    Dear Sue, this is so wise and true. Besides, I’m positively giddy over your watercolor! Hugs on the wing.

    Liked by 2 people


  21. daninmaya
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 03:32:40

    We can’t change the world but can perhaps change ourselves or maybe become ourselves….

    Liked by 2 people


  22. Newbloggycat
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 06:22:37

    Aww beautiful watercolor painting, dear Sue. Love the poem too. Tomorrow is our general election. Hope for better days but you know how politicians are. They promise us heaven before the election and gives us hell after. Lol! Have a lovely weekend, my dearest friend ❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗🌺🌺🌺🌈🌈🌈

    Liked by 2 people


  23. Jane Sturgeon
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 09:03:40

    Dearest Sue, your painting and words are beautiful. You flow love always…..thank you. xXx Much love for you both and we’re wishing you a lovely weekend. xXx 💕😘💕🌼

    Liked by 3 people


  24. Miriam
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 09:57:33

    Beautiful wise poem Sue and all so very true. It’s all about keeping the balance isn’t it. I learnt to tune out a while ago. And whilst I’m still aware of all the “spin cycles” and I do sometimes find my thoughts getting caught up in unimportant dramas, I try not to let them drain my energy for too long. Thanks for always reminding us of what’s important Sue and the power we have within us. Sending you much love my friend. 💕

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2022 @ 18:23:57

      Draining energies is what can happen if we do not pace ourselves and take time out to take an overview and observe that which is occurring and know ALL things are Transitionary.. As are we… And we came here to help our World during this time as it transforms.. Watching the Old crumble is not going to be easy to watch or be in.. But we are well prepared of all the programmes within the Machine and which are best to avoid..
      Sending LOVE your way Miriam… And happy travels… ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  25. derrickjknight
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 10:25:41

    The washing machine is a fine metaphor; the drawings are lovely

    Liked by 2 people


  26. Zeenat {PositiveProvocations.com}
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 11:46:31

    Your washing spin cycle metaphor is SO apt and applicable to so many things in today’s world…politics being just one I think. Also, over the years I have stopped consciously seeking out political news. Because as an empath I feel how it rattles my energies. I stay happily away from it and try with all my might to “do” what I can in my little community and my world. No use of me worrying over politics that I have no control over right?
    So happy to come here and read your words. Felt like a healing balm. Big love and blessings to you Sue ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  27. Eugenia
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 15:07:20

    I love your spin metaphor, Sue. Sometimes our minds spin in the wrong direction and we must make sure we’re on the right track. When I feel negative thoughts slipping into my mind, I replace them with positive thoughts. Even the words to a happy song can blot out the negative. Take care, dear Sue, and have a wonderful weekend. 💖 💫

    Liked by 2 people


  28. Avigail (Hineini…I’m here)
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 15:59:05

    Love the watercolor cat moods! Great analogy, Sue. Those spin doctors can really throw us for a loop and then we end up feeling like the spin cycle sounds with an unbalanced load. Wishing you a peaceful day and weekend. 💖

    Liked by 2 people


  29. fauquetmichel
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 16:34:10

    Various ways: painting, poem and text to lauch your message of love and light to the world , Sue.
    Love ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2022 @ 18:30:42

      Thank you dearest Michel… I am happy you enjoyed all three methods of getting a message across dear Michel.. I hope my friend your weekend too was peaceful I took some time out.. I also hope you are healing well also… Much Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  30. Baydreamer - Lauren Scott
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 16:54:20

    Gorgeous painting, Sue, and I love your spin analogy, so clever. Lately, I’ve been living by your motto, “tune out and turn off.” Too much noise! Wonderful message and post, dear friend. 💗💗💗💗

    Liked by 2 people


  31. robbiesinspiration
    Nov 18, 2022 @ 17:26:10

    HI Sue, your poems are always special. You are right that family is everything. Have a lovely weekend.

    Liked by 2 people


  32. boundlessblessingsblog
    Nov 19, 2022 @ 06:42:40

    The painting is beautiful and so is your poem, Sue. Thanks a lot for this wonderful post.

    Liked by 2 people


  33. Bela Johnson
    Nov 19, 2022 @ 23:54:21

    Love this as always. Truth is perpetually beautiful. Love the cats as well!! 💓💓💓

    Liked by 2 people


  34. House of Heart
    Nov 20, 2022 @ 20:14:02

    I enjoyed your inspiring post as always and
    Much food for thought. Reading your comments I certainly pick up on much
    Cynical thought esp voting in America. So far we have retained democracy
    In spite of much hype and social media misinformation.
    We must vote or lose it all.
    Take care my dear 🧡🍂🍁🤗

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2022 @ 18:51:50

      Thank you Holly…. I must say here in the UK at the moment we had two new Prime Ministers in a matter of just over 40 days and neither had a vote from the British People.. But the more and more I look at Politics.. ” Democracy ” is what we have been made to believe we have… Yet our votes count for nothing once the Governments control the things once elected.. regardless on the chaos or suffering they create, or the amount of waste of Tax-payers money they squander.. So do our votes count?? One hopes they do, if they are counted ..
      Many thanks Holly.. Happy you enjoyed the post and the comments 🙂 ❤ 🙏

      Liked by 2 people


      • House of Heart
        Nov 22, 2022 @ 19:08:08

        We definitely have a faction that is attempting to overthrow our democracy. If they will succeed or not depends on whether the radical conservatives are able to accomplish their agenda. Have a lovely day Sue 🍁🧡🍂

        Liked by 1 person


  35. thespiritkeeper
    Nov 21, 2022 @ 13:34:01

    Beautiful art by you of Kitty Kats. Your poem appropriate the here and now. Yes, there is lots of spin doctor. You are right to step away as when you do you will send love and healing in the world. Everyone that sends love and healing to the world joins hand in oneness. ❤ Be well my friend and have a great start with the beginning of the week.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2022 @ 18:54:25

      Many thanks dearest Joseph… I enjoyed painting those Cats.. And I had a long step away weekend absorbed in crafts… And I totally agree, when we send and hold love, we are helping heal not only ourselves but the world..
      Many thanks Joseph… hope you have a good week also ❤ ❤ Much love 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  36. Jacqui Murray
    Nov 25, 2022 @ 18:15:42

    Those are beautiful watercolors, Sue!

    Liked by 2 people


  37. inavukic
    Nov 25, 2022 @ 20:42:34

    It does ring true that our loved ones, family and friends are the most important in our lives, Sue, not those on TV or in magazines. Many people get caught up in the idea of comparing their lives to the lives of those on TVs etc, forgetting that much there is made up and imagined. They neglect their own for an imaginary famous life. How sad because that robs them of true love and peace in life. Hugs

    Liked by 2 people


  38. Hannah Kaminsky
    Nov 26, 2022 @ 14:15:06

    We get back the energy we put out… More directly than just karma; it’s about the environment we create and chose to live in. Gotta set the intention to make it better first, for it to actually get better.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 26, 2022 @ 22:15:21

      I agree Hannah… its all down to Intension… how we think and what we intend doing… No good sitting expecting change if we do not take the trouble to change our own behaviour patterns first…
      Many thanks Hannah.. I appreciate you.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  39. Resa
    Nov 26, 2022 @ 17:16:47

    Beautiful positive thoughts, Sue. I’m with you!
    Love the cats drawing. Wow, you sure are talented. Considering you employ your gifts for light makes you invaluably talented.
    Be well!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 26, 2022 @ 22:18:34

      Aww Resa… Thank you for those lovely complimentary words you left me… I try to plant a few love seeds within every post… and hope people dive within to find a deeper message as they question their reality.. 🙂
      Much love your way and thank you again.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  40. europasicewolf
    Dec 05, 2022 @ 21:46:59

    “Cat Moods” is beautiful Sue! You are so talented with your painting. It reminds me how much simpler it is being a cat! They, like dogs, live in the now, while we tie ourselves up in political knots. Strikes me your cats are very symbolic 😀

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 13, 2022 @ 19:02:39

      Thank you Wolfie… Yes our Cat certainly knows ALL the Moods, lol.. and how to turn his back on you with the slash of his tail to make you know he didn’t get what he wanted for dinner LOL… But his sleeping Mood with paw over one eye, one his best … 🙂
      Sending huge hugs and Howwwlsss your way Wolfie ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  41. festo_sanjo
    Dec 13, 2022 @ 15:40:33

    Yah, this example fits into everyday chaos that’s trying to drain our energies, stepping away and not absorbing bad energies is the best thing to do

    Liked by 2 people


  42. stephensmustang1
    Dec 19, 2022 @ 04:03:11

    Love this. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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