Mountains We Climb and Overcome.

I do not own this image. Unknown source.

Every which way I look, I find a million small miracles each and every day. Each day I wake, I give thanks for all of the blessings in my life, as I send out a thought to all those less fortunate whose struggles at the moment must feel like mountains still to climb.

I look back and think of those days of my own mountain climbs way back in my own life, when I woke with a heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach as I faced another day as I struggled within my own emotional journey.  

Among those inspirational speakers I found in those struggling days, was the late Wayne Dyer, who said.

Upon awakening, let the words Thank You flow from your lips, for this will remind you to begin your day with gratitude and compassion.

~ Wayne Dyer.

I am grateful for so many things in my life… Family, Friends, Nature, food that we grow. And for the gift of my health. Also, for being born in the time period I was born, and for all of life’s lessons along the way.   Including all of the not so good bits, because all played a part, in setting me about learning how to change my outlook on life and finding out who I AM today.

My dis-ease in life taught me to make changes in my career path, along with my mental attitudes about myself. Without which, I wouldn’t have set about my own inner healing journey, as I learned to dive deep within my own shadow-self, showing me that which needed to be pulled out into the Light, which was causing my pain and inner wounding, thus, creating my own health issues.

The transformations didn’t suddenly happen overnight… It took patience, perseverance and intention.  It was a journey that would take me into the past, of blame and guilt, of anger and sorrow. And it took me through the process of forgiveness and learning how to love one’s self when one had felt as a small child, a child that was somehow unworthy of that love.  It’s a story I have told within my blog some years past. This process took not months but years to clear out the unwanted baggage I no longer needed to carry within.

I do not own this image it was gifted me. Unknown source.

 Each of us hold those stories, and each one is unique unto them. Each story no matter how trivial it may seem to others, is one in which it may seem mountainous in overcoming.  And I am ever so grateful, especially when I see the depth of others stories, and the Huge Mountains they too have had to overcome.

My story was discovering how to re-look at my life through a different perspective, other than the one I had grown into feeling and believing was my story.  There are so many stories that shape so many lives.  Each one as important as the next.  

As I look back at the entire tapestry of my life, I can see from the perspective of the present moment that every aspect of my life was necessary and perfect. Each step eventually led to a higher place, even though these steps often felt like obstacles or painful experiences.

~Wayne Dyer

It was a journey of self-discovery of learning who I was, as I learnt to unpeel the layers of not only this life’s lessons, but as I dived into my past lives, I saw the patterns I had held onto which were causing my own inner pain, which was manifesting as my outer pain and dis-ease. 

I wrote a poem back in 1994 about discovering myself. .

 Though the process of deep dives and inner work I learnt how to love myself, and once I did that, it was like a whole new world opened, as I let go of the fear of rejection of not being loved. For I had carried this inner weight and guilt around for so long as I felt my mother’s rejection and lack of love that she unwittingly had passed on into my adult years.

 Yet I was to discover when I looked from a different perspective, I was able to thank my late departed Mother for her roll in what she had gifted me. For through her inability to show love to me, she helped me to look deeper within, to find the love within myself, and in doing so, made me who I am today… For without the grief of wanting her love, I would never really have discovered how to truly love myself..   

   When you meet anyone, treat the event as a holy encounter. It’s through others that we either find or love our self. For you see, nothing is accomplished without others. When you eliminate the concept of separation from your thoughts and your behaviour, you begin to feel your connection to everything and everyone.

~ Wayne Dyer

Today we are all witnessing major changes in our relationships, as we find new soul tribes, we either gravitate to, or we find we maybe drifting away from others.  Many are finding their voices, as they open their throat chakras to speak what is on their mind. We are entering a phase of integrity and authenticity, in which instead of holding back what we really want to say. We are speaking from our hearts.  We are being asked to stretch our minds to other possibilities, other realities, and other perspectives as we awaken to the New Reality of our existence.

So, whatever our truth is, we shouldn’t be afraid to speak it. But by the same token we still should respect another’s right to their opinion.  Being mindful and respectful costs nothing. Being kind and considerate costs nothing. Showing Love and Compassion costs nothing… But the cost to ourselves if we mistreat others may have lasting consequences that may take even more life times to unravel.  

  How People treat you is their Karma; How you react is yours!..

~ Wayne Dyer

  So, Remember …. 

You are a Divine creation, a Being of Light who showed up here as a human being at the exact moment you were supposed to. You are the Beloved, a miracle, a part of the eternal perfection.

Wayne Dyer

So, as each of us climb and overcome our own Mountains, which can at times seem insurmountable, know you are not alone, for these are also great opportunities as we raise our vibrations to meet our challengers.

When your pure heart leads,

you experience a different reality than when your head does.

~ Lisa Transcendence Brown. 


When you know and feel the miracle that you are, you become certain that nothing is impossible for you.

Wayne Dyer

Love and Blessings

Sue Dreamwalker

150 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. litebeing
    Jul 30, 2022 @ 14:16:46

    I enjoyed revisiting your healing journey Sue and all the Wayne Dyer quotes. Forgiveness is crucial is as self love. Often none comes fast or easy, so much un programming to do. My all time fav Wayne dyer quote is ” When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. ”

    much love, Linda ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  2. Timothy Price
    Jul 30, 2022 @ 14:35:55

    Excellent post, Sue. I really like “My dis-ease in life taught me to make changes in my career path, along with my mental attitudes about myself.”

    Liked by 2 people


  3. thespiritkeeper
    Jul 30, 2022 @ 15:03:55

    9 beautiful memes oozing with wisdom. Beautiful poem and a bittersweet but that is what life is made of. A beautiful gift your mother had left you unwittingly and for you to feel more love and to dive within to do shadow work. All your experiences had showed that the spark in you was still there to be ignited and was not tampered where you had no light but a dormant spark. Beautiful post and thank you for taking us on your journey of healing. You touched on love which is the ultimate healer and one to overcome one’s shadow work and as you touched on to love yourself more. You are a blessing in my life. You came at a time where friends were being shed and them shedding from me. I didn’t get friends like the number that left. i did however, get quality instead. Have a beautiful end of the week and i hope the next week will be one of joy, happiness and one filled with love. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Visionkeeper
    Jul 30, 2022 @ 15:36:01

    Great words DW…I remember well way back in the days of you working 24/7 and how difficult those times were for you. And I remember when you broke free and and a whole new you emerged! It was wonderful to witness and I know even more blessed for you to experience! We always seem to bitch and moan about how hard the journey is but we tend to forget, if it weren’t hard how would we learn and grow? An easy journey does not inspire one to reach out for new and better ways to co-exist with life. You have had a marvelous journey DW and thankfully I was able to see it unfold from afar. Thanks for being there and for being you 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend and many hugs and much love sent your way….VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 30, 2022 @ 21:44:29

      Exactly… Obstacles we learn to overcome are great strides in our personal growth. and without them we would not be challenged to do better or be the best versions of ourselves.. I can look back now with Gratitude for those challenging times… But for those experiencing within the moment.. They do not see until looking back in hindsight just how valuable those struggles and lessons were..
      Thank you VK for being a great friend along my journey…. We have witnessed much.. And are about to witness even more… But even these times are so we evolve and grow.
      Sending Huge hugs your way VK.. ❤

      Liked by 3 people


  5. Writing to Freedom
    Jul 30, 2022 @ 15:53:20

    Kudos on being in such a good place with your life and attitude Sue. I’ve mostly learned how to love myself and forgive, but also lost interest in trying to grow or become better.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 30, 2022 @ 21:48:29

      That is wonderful Brad, learning to love and forgive is from my own perspective one of the greatest lessons life has to teach… As for becoming better or striving towards it… I think we just have to be the best we can be.. Which I am certain you are being Brad.. One step at a time.. One day at a time… And we leave the rest in the Universe’s hands… It seems to know what its doing…. Its only Humans who interfere and make a mess of things LOL…. 🙂
      Enjoy your weekend 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  6. Colleen Chesebro: WordCraftPoetry
    Jul 30, 2022 @ 16:22:09

    Sue, there is so much truth in this piece! That is the awakening part (I think) when we reach that precipice and can re-examine our life experiences and learn and grow from them. Your words are a comfort to us all. We should all be thankful to be alive and to experience the beauty of nature every single day. It’s a celebration! Love and hugs to you, my friend. 🥳 💜

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 30, 2022 @ 21:58:47

      Thank you Colleen… this journey is all about self discovery and re- remembering who we are.. I could go into huge detail of those memories and past lives and intuitive thoughts in the now… But people have to begin to find themselves… I and you and others can only point a way… People have to do their own inner work… And it can be far from a bed of roses and it doesn’t occur over night. Then again it can.. 🙂 as people wake up to this reality..
      There is so much to be thankful for and so much beauty in this world.. Yet so many are only seeing what is being programmed into their reality..
      Sometimes it takes the Precipice of life to be reached before they wake… I feel we are about to be pushed nearer to that edge and we then either have a choice… Allow ourselves to be pushed over, or push back…
      Much love my dear Colleen…. and thank you for reading.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  7. balroop2013
    Jul 30, 2022 @ 16:55:28

    I am happy for you Sue that you found solace on the path of self-healing. Even negative experiences contribute to our journey, lets us peep within. I love your thoughts, as they are so inspiring! Thank you for sharing 🤗

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 30, 2022 @ 22:01:47

      Bless you Balroop, indeed it is often only through those experiences we learn to heal from, that set us on our own inward journey of self discovery.. Many thanks for reading Balroop.. I appreciate you doing so.. ❤ Much love ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  8. fauquetmichel
    Jul 30, 2022 @ 18:57:15

    I like reading your thoughts about your( and our) own development asking we are confronted to walls to overcome. You have a powerful writing that makes me in awe .
    The reading of Wayne Dyer’s works has had a great and positive influence on you, Sue . Thnks for the quotes.
    Love ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 30, 2022 @ 22:07:30

      Thank you Michel… Yes Wayne Dyer had a profound effect as did Louise Hay who wrote the book ‘ You can heal your life’ Both inspired me to take back my own power and set about healing myself of inner wounds which reflected out as visible illnesses..
      Many thanks Michel for reading what I know is a long post.
      Wishing you a lovely weekend
      Sue ❤
      Merci Michel… Oui, Wayne Dyer a eu un effet profond, tout comme Louise Hay qui a écrit le livre "Vous pouvez guérir votre vie". Les deux m'ont inspiré à reprendre mon propre pouvoir et à me soigner de blessures intérieures qui se reflétaient comme visibles. les maladies..
      Un grand merci Michel d'avoir lu ce que je sais est un long message.
      Sue ❤
      Je vous souhaite un excellent weekend

      Liked by 1 person


  9. robbiesinspiration
    Jul 30, 2022 @ 19:18:28

    Hi Sue, I was sorry to read this post and learn that you felt unloved as a child. My mom is not an affectionate person but I always felt loved, she showed it in her actions and devotion to her family. I am glad you have been able to channel these hurts and emotions to achieve happiness as an adult.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 30, 2022 @ 22:13:33

      Hi Robbie, I am sure my mother loved me in her own way… Just for me and one other sister we never seemed to feel it. Again all perspectives of feelings and emotions which lead us into our belief systems as we grow.. Then having a similar experience of rejection in adult life from my mother again opened up those childhood wounding’s, which took many deep dives to heal..
      I feel I have come out a winner for dealing with these inner emotions has also helped me see others inner pain from their perspectives and I hope I have been able to say a word here or there to bring comfort and guidance..
      Many thanks Robbie… really appreciate your comments ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  10. boundlessblessingsblog
    Jul 30, 2022 @ 19:35:15

    Who would not love Wayne Dyer. I loved reading and listening to him. What an awesome inspiring person. Thank you so much Sue for such a profound and motivating post. Loved it and yes we all are going through ups and downs and we have to love ourselves first and foremost in order to understand life and others too. Lovely post.

    Liked by 2 people


  11. House of Heart
    Jul 30, 2022 @ 19:52:36

    Thank you for the inspiring message dear Sue. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  12. Trackback: Mountains We Climb and Overcome. — Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary | Sunny's Journal
  13. calmkate
    Jul 30, 2022 @ 23:24:13

    thanks for the intro to Wayne, I’ve already met Louise Hay!

    Our stories are so similar … my poor mother not only withheld love she was downright abusive physically, emotionally and mentally. Yet I have her to thank for whom I am today, without this harsh treatment I may still be stagnate and bogged down in self-pity! We get the perfect teachers for our evolution.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2022 @ 11:16:04

      Hi dear Kate, So many stories of a similar nature, but as we have both learnt from them, and we have grown because of them…
      And so true, we chose to be born to those perfect teachers of lessons we needed in order for our own soul expansion…
      Much love your way Kate… and happy to introduce you to Wayne. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people


  14. Carrie Cannady
    Jul 31, 2022 @ 01:08:52

    Sue, I enjoyed this post so very much. From all of the Wayne Dyer quotes (he’s very much missed) to your story. I appreciate the beauty in the poem you wrote years ago. I always find so much love and wisdom in what you offer in this space. Thank you.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2022 @ 10:49:22

      Aww many thanks Carrie… So appreciate you reading and following the link to my old poem.. Yes Wayne Dyer is missed, but his legacy lives on, and I am sure his work is on going elsewhere 🙂
      Many thanks dear Carrie… Hugs ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  15. Mark Lanesbury
    Jul 31, 2022 @ 01:17:42

    I will never forget that moment Sue, when I realized that each and every step I had taken, good or bad, made me exactly who I now am, and glad to be here. This conditional world sings a truth, even in its seeming craziness, so that we can finally find us through it.
    Now, in hindsight, so much just perfectly fits together. That love that is us will attract the very thing we need to see and understand our journey. In the beginning, no, but it needs to be that so that we will feel that separation to its fullest, so that on the day we see through it all, an appreciation in its understanding is so profound. We must know one to know the other, in all of our experiences.
    Very beautifully written dear lady, you have awakened and appreciated your journey in the love you can now see. And the love in your words are exactly that, the guide within that you share so that others can have hope that there is indeed light within the darkness that our paths take.
    Take a bow my friend and thank you for sharing that love on our paths 😀❤️🙏🏽

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2022 @ 10:47:46

      Bless you and thank you Mark…. Our journeying has taken us over some rocky terrain and yet as you so rightly say… We cannot know one without knowing the other..
      So too as we see our world transforming as it has been given time to evaluate and sift out its inner feelings as it was put on hold, separated and alienated into the labels given it..
      We know our Humanness is all about LOVE, and connection. We are Huggers and need to be hugged.. 😉 And our Human Spirit I know holds vast amounts of LOVE that nothing will divide that Love we hold… No matter how that separation is thought to divide us.

      Learning how to nurture that love often like our experiences through our own stories, means feeling the lack of it…

      We are in that Purging stage right now of opening our awareness of being mindful of what we think, and how we perceive as a collective… We are in the confused stage of finding our inner balance as we reconnect back within our Heart space.

      But I truly feel our World is undergoing its own transformation of ‘Re-learning’ how to love, respect and care for itself… And yes it’s often a challenging experience when we are in the throws of feelings of lack and separation….

      But we will look back as we have done to our challenging times of experience, we are all experiencing in the now moment… To see that it was exactly what the Earth needed to unify us, as we remember its All about LOVE… ❤ ✨💛🙏

      Liked by 3 people


      • Mark Lanesbury
        Jul 31, 2022 @ 12:03:59

        Yes indeed dear lady, it is all reaching that moment as all our moments do. In fact you have just opened something to me, something that I hadn’t seen before yet spoke of in so many ways. We must experience one to understand the other…we are going through this world as it is now, exactly so that we will understand and appreciate the other world coming…the one God had proclaimed would be after this one. I was too busy looking at the ‘now’ of ‘conditional’ so that we will appreciate the unconditional but only in what I was shown…a beautiful place within so full of that unconditional love…that I hadn’t placed it in what He said was to come. I need to see that in its context. And for that I thank you dear lady, love will indeed enter where an opening within is made ❤️🙏🏽

        Liked by 3 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 31, 2022 @ 12:25:16

          Indeed Mark… You could say we are going through the Death of the old, in every aspect as we get ready to rebirth the new… Firstly we have to let go of the material and that is for many going to be the great test as we see our Governments and financial systems fail one by one… But to build anew… We have to dismantle the old… And build new foundations… or we will end up with the same flaws all over again.. But people have to be aware firstly what those flaws are… And that dear Mark is what we will see next as the New Earth will expose that which is no longer needed or working as it ousts the corruption and greed, evil and lies which have woven their way into our existence in this matrix..
          Its going to get interesting in the second half of this year I feel..
          But LOVE is bonding our hearts in Unity and that is what is coming which I have spoken of for several years… Unity Consciousness…
          Though sometimes in order to find Unity we have also to see the separation and that is the wheat from the chaff… We are now in the process of sorting out…

          Sending love and Blessings my friend and thank you ❤ 💖🙏💛✨

          Liked by 3 people


  16. inavukic
    Jul 31, 2022 @ 02:12:08

    The greatest find in life, indeed, is when we discover we love ourselves completely and unconditionally, from that moment I think everything else falls into place, a place that completes us not reduces us. Enjoyed this post very much Sue

    Liked by 2 people


  17. derrickjknight
    Jul 31, 2022 @ 08:17:22

    “I am grateful for so many things in my life… Family, Friends, Nature, food that we grow. And for the gift of my health. Also, for being born in the time period I was born, and for all of life’s lessons along the way. Including all of the not so good bits, because all played a part, in setting me about learning how to change my outlook on life and finding out who I AM today.” This is such a key paragraph with which I think many of us will identify

    Liked by 2 people


  18. David
    Jul 31, 2022 @ 09:30:39

    So much of what I read in this post, Sue, mirrors what I have never seen as Mountains but as Challenges which at the time I felt I would never be able to overcome from my enclosed female environment; all the men away fighting WWII and then out of the blue or an even higher intervention I look back and see now as help from the Divine to help me to overcome. Thank you Sue for putting it so beautifully. Much Love, David.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2022 @ 11:49:37

      I think we often find we are given inner strength in overcoming our challenges… In hindsight I was guided every step of the way…. Many thanks for sharing David, we are each I feel grateful for our experiences, which shaped us into our present day selves.. 🙂 🙏💛

      Liked by 1 person


  19. marina kanavaki
    Jul 31, 2022 @ 10:17:11

    Oh, so very true, my dearest Sue. Every obstacle, every mountain is a teacher. Thank you for yet another wonderful post. Happy Sunday, my dear friend.
    Love 😘❤😘❤😘

    Liked by 2 people


  20. The Path to My Heart
    Jul 31, 2022 @ 10:48:04

    Great post Sue! Our journeys sound very similar, although the events on our path may have varied greatly. You speak truth, the journey of self-discover and self-love are not easy and not for everyone because we are all different in many ways and each have our own experiences. It makes life interesting to say the least!

    Gratitude is great too! Wayne Dyer had so many wonderful things to share. I feel very fortunate I saw him speak years ago now in Phoenix, AZ. In one of my past blog posts I share a story he told about values. It always stuck with me. A great man! We are fortunate enough to see life as a journey and virtually limitless. As we approach the major changes and challenges ahead – I’m grateful for the foundation and perspective I’ve accumulated through my growth process that will hopefully make living through these changes easier. No one knows what’s coming! But I’m sure it will be interesting!

    Glad you were born when you were too Sue!! Thank you for sharing your journey and for all the patience and diligence, honest sharing and truth! Much love, Donna

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 31, 2022 @ 12:11:37

      I agree Donna, Deep Diving within, it’s not for the faint hearted, for it brings up the unexpected which requires work..
      Oh wow… What a privilege to see Wayne Dyer live… I got introduced to his works by Nightingale- Conant back in the 90’s and I wasn’t even on the internet back then so I forget how I first got into mail ordering his tapes…. I think it was via a catalogue. I still have those tapes and others from other inspirational speakers… That is how I first got into Spring Forest Qi Gong too.. 🙂
      Yes he was a great Man…. very wise and His own story came about from forgiving his Father .. After doing his own inner work..

      I am sure we are being given the tools right now to ground us for what is to come… Like you said we don’t know what is coming within our future, but we are seeing I feel people come together in harmony as instinctively we know we have to connect and co-operate with each other. As we learn to live from our hearts space as we let go of fear and conditioning of our beliefs we were ingrained with throughout our past, be it as children or as a society.
      More are listening to their inner guidance and hearts, so I’m very optimistic for humanities journey of rediscovering themselves and reinventing themselves 🙂
      Also, So pleased to be walking this path among such good company as we learn to be patient and diligent in sharing our truth…
      Much love your way Donna and thank you my friend ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • The Path to My Heart
        Jul 31, 2022 @ 17:41:44

        Agree, I’m also seeing people come together, questioning the status quo, and listening to their own guidance. It’s a great thing to be a witness of and to see how this all unfolds! Exciting and unsettling (to the old) as we press on into the unknown!! xx🥰

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 01, 2022 @ 22:40:40

          I am with you there Donna… Lots now beginning to question and open their eyes to Situations and re-evaluate their journey…. Lots of revelations as we set about re-building that which now has to crumble…
          Many thanks my friend ❤ 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  21. Erika
    Jul 31, 2022 @ 12:47:48

    The process of traveling back to oneself is so unique, so personal, and so incomparable to other journeys. Each one is perfect in the way it is traveled because each step is necessary to be taken to lead to the next step that is necessary too. Only that way the individual receives the insight in the way it understands, sometimes it needs the rocky road and then the soft one. It is a perfectly orchestrated route to get the full experience.
    I love the quotes you added, most of all those of our unforgotten Wayne Dyer. Have a wonderful Sunday and thank your for reminding us that whatever we experience is nothing but an act of love to find the love and peace within again. Much love to you, Sue 💖

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 01, 2022 @ 22:46:31

      Thank you dear Erika…. I do believe I remember also you having had the pleasure of meeting Wayne Dyer in a Workshop one time if I remember correctly… Correct me if I am wrong..
      And yes this journey of ours a remarkable one when we see how far we have come and trace back our steps to see how we have navigated ourselves over, in, and through to find ourselves and that which we sort was inside all along.

      Many thanks also Erika for being part of this journey as we discover together our strengths and inner lights…
      Much love ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • Erika
        Aug 02, 2022 @ 14:21:59

        Yes, I met Dr. Dyer three times in workshops to be exact. Also, I have his signature in one of my books. So, when you quote Wayne Dyer, you have my attention instantly… lol
        It is stunning every time again to review events and happenings together with our reactions, actions, and decisions that took us where we are today. Really stunning!
        Very thankful too for walking a part together with you and even more the more I discover of the journey. Thank you and much love to you too, Sue 💖

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 02, 2022 @ 18:28:34

          I am always in awe Erika how we meet like minded souls along the way and how when we look back how many of us were being guided to listen to these inspirational speakers at similar times….

          I guess you could say that our awakening process was way back when… As we began to search, seek and ask questions and so our journeys began…. Mine late 80’s early 90’s where I found many Spiritual teachers just when I needed them the most..
          And I am very grateful our paths crossed and we now find ourselves being guided by similar thoughts and words we are given through the collective ethers we tap into… I feel honoured to walk among such good companions as we share this journey in this life.. ❤
          Much love right back dearest Erika ❤

          Liked by 2 people


          • Erika
            Aug 02, 2022 @ 19:59:12

            It is like a gathering organized in the background – and it actually is.
            Isn’t it always in those times when see the least that we find the essential key? It amazes me and keeps my heart open and anticipatory. I thought back when my journey started… when I thought I had the time frame, I remembered something before and before and before… wow! You totally got me excited again about the greatness of our awakening in smaller and bigger – or in more or less conscious – steps.

            It is not only important that we connect our energies but also a gift for each one of us that we find these connections. It empowers, motivates, and confirms, which in the end, only enhances the power again.

            Thank you again, dear Sue 💖

            Liked by 2 people


  22. Tom
    Jul 31, 2022 @ 13:39:47

    Sue, this is as perfectly a timed post as any could ever be!
    Reading through your post and then the comments, I found myself ticking things off my life’s list as I read along. How similar we all are, even with our differences is astounding.
    I’ve been asking for signs or pointers as to what to do next… I’ve reached a point in my life where everything and everyone I knew is in my past (excluding extended family and Blogland 😊) and I now have to move forward into a new future (especially now that covid is fading away – I don’t care what we’re being told about that now, it’s on its way out)… and only I can do that, no-one can do that for me. I watched the Secret for the first time in years the other day, and the reminders from that and the message I’m taking from your post is to move forward with gratitude; acknowledge and be grateful for everything in my past, move forward positively by doing what is right for me, and be sure to pass on that happiness and positivity to others in the future. I wrote a post about stepping into the future last week… this time, it seems to be less of a step and more of a fabulous leap.
    It’s a pleasure sharing your walk through life with you, Sue. Your posts provide food for thought and and (as in this case!) very helpful pointers at the correct moment, right when needed. Long may our ‘walks’ together continue.
    Now, this comment is in danger of turning into war and peace, and the Sun is now shining in through the curtains, so I shall leave things here.
    Happy Sunday to you… and thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 01, 2022 @ 23:04:49

      Tom, my dear friend… Synchronicity often plays a part in our life’s journey as we put out questions to the universe to give us directions or at least pointers as to which way we should go next in life..
      I found a feather the other day in fact it popped up twice, I ignored it more or less the first time.. The second time it appeared I knew that this post which had sat in my drafts for a while should be posted… And it happened to post just when you needed to read it and comments of others..

      Nothing is ever by chance… And yes I agree with your the Planned Drama’s of these last few years are waning to a degree with new dramas to replace them…. Life is a constant wheel of Drama and Stories…
      How we deal with those stories and drama’s that present themselves in our lives is a personal choice… How we perceive them, How we react to them, and how we choose to believe them.

      The quote which said .

      How People treat you is their Karma; How you react is yours!..

      Is our choice to make..
      Sometimes the leaps of faith take the biggest amounts of courage to take…. I took a big one years ago in a total career path change from the world of Textiles into Support Care. Was I sure at the time… Not 100% no….. But I listened to my gut, I was ready for that change… And I tapped into my heart space, my deep gut feeling as I saw how those synchronicities had come about to invite me to make those changes…. It was all divinely orchestrated when I now look back…

      Another good book which speaks of synchronicities is the Celestine Prophecies also a film… Though I enjoyed the book better 🙂 Showing us how to take note of chance encounters, synchronicities and how signs often point us in the right direction if we start to ask for them, look for them, and learn to read them…
      They come in all shapes and sizes as you know Tom…..
      So I hope you allow your heart, your inner guidance, your gut to guide you in making your choices Tom…. When we use our intuition we are using our inner compass that is helping us navigate to the next stage of our evolution and encounters with others yet to meet..
      And I loved your thoughts Tom…. You know me… I often waffle along with my thoughts and never know when to stop….
      Sharing our thoughts no matter how big or small… Is helping us along with others to discern our truth from fiction and to perceive better our reality that surrounds us …

      So I thank you Tom… and I am pleased my post resonated at just the right moment..
      Many thanks and Much Love ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • Tom
        Aug 02, 2022 @ 20:37:10

        Thanks again, Sue. Inspired by your post, I’ve been doing some soul searching, and have already found a couple of areas that need major changes (I’ve written my latest post on them), and I know there are more changes I need to make.
        I own the book, The Celestine Prophecy, but have never read it, although I have seen the film and enjoyed it… I shall hunt the book down and read it also!
        As I said in my first comment, your post has arrived at a time where other similar messages are filtering through to me, so it is obvious I must take action now! 🙂💜

        Liked by 1 person


  23. Bela Johnson
    Jul 31, 2022 @ 15:29:40

    Yes. Yes! Thanks as always for sharing your life journey. I know you’ve helped many others. 🙏🪴🌎💓💓💓



  24. Eugenia
    Jul 31, 2022 @ 18:42:23

    Such a beautiful and uplifting post, Sue! Your timing is perfect as we face life’s challenges. I love the Wayne Dyer quotes; with many quotes from ago, they seem so fitting today.

    I agree with Derrick’s comment about your paragraph –
    “I am grateful for so many things in my life… Family, Friends, Nature, food that we grow. And for the gift of my health. Also, for being born in the time period I was born, and for all of life’s lessons along the way. Including all of the not so good bits, because all played a part, in setting me about learning how to change my outlook on life and finding out who I AM today.” This resonates with me, as well.

    Our perception of our inner self is most important now. We must be strong for ourselves and others. Hugs to you, Sue! 💖 “The right mindset is the first step towards the journey.” ― Marion Bekoe

    Liked by 1 person


  25. JoAnna
    Aug 01, 2022 @ 02:53:05

    Thank you for this uplifting post! You’ve reminded me that the longer we live, the more we realize that each challenge has something to teach us. We learn that we are stronger than we thought. You and Wayne Dyer help clarify so much that I want to remember.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 01, 2022 @ 22:21:12

      Indeed they do come to challenge us, so true JoAnna… each one makes us that bit stronger, I am a firm believer in looking for the blessings within them.. And Wayne Dyer a wonderful legacy he left with his wisdom.. ❤ Thank you

      Liked by 1 person


  26. Betty Hayes Albright
    Aug 01, 2022 @ 05:40:43

    Thank you for another inspirational post, Sue. ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  27. Miriam
    Aug 01, 2022 @ 08:58:52

    Dear Sue, what a poignant and beautifully written post. Your first couple of paragraphs sums up so much for me, the miracle of life, of gratitude, of giving thanks for all we have in our life, our family and friends, even our trials and tribulations. Thank you for sharing your journey and your heart over all these years. Truly we have much to be thankful for and I give thanks especially to have connected with you on my own journey. Sending you much love my friend. 💗🙏 xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 01, 2022 @ 22:16:51

      Learning to hold Gratitude is one of my own biggest lessons, as I see the orchestration of life and how every hurdle was testing me. I so very grateful for all of the one’s I jumped and the one’s that I knocked over and had to jump again.. 😉 They gave me inner strength in finishing this race we call life 😉
      Much love Miriam and thank you so very much ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  28. Jane Sturgeon
    Aug 01, 2022 @ 10:30:40

    You are an inspiration, dearest Sue. We are all perfectly imperfect and whole, just as we are in this moment. Deep gratitude flows through your words and your poem, which is timeless. How can we love and accept others until we love and accept ourselves? ❤ Every step taken and to be taken create are part of our tapestry. I am so grateful for your presence in this journey we all take together. Much love to you and B, always. ❤ xXx ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  29. Jennie
    Aug 01, 2022 @ 17:05:44

    Poignant, heartfelt, a beautifully written journey. I love the quotations.

    Liked by 1 person


  30. Val Boyko
    Aug 01, 2022 @ 19:53:43

    Thank you for sharing your journey dear Sue. We all have had mountains to climb, rivers to cross …. And it leads us back to wholeness and connection to the loving Source within.
    This week there have been so many experiences of awakenings in WordPress. I love this wave of energy right now 💞💫🌊🕊

    Liked by 2 people


  31. JanBeek
    Aug 01, 2022 @ 20:50:20

    Your transparency is such a gift to your readers. We all love knowing others travel this life journey struggling with some of the same things that trouble us. And knowing they are overcomers, so we can be, too. Yes, it takes patience, perseverance and intention. And companionship with encouragers helps a whole lot, too!

    Liked by 1 person


  32. dgkaye
    Aug 02, 2022 @ 01:49:16

    I loved this post Sue. I think back to when I found your blog, through somebody else awarding me one of your blog awards. We connected and learned we both came from similar ‘mother’ backgrounds. So no doubt this sentence from you struck a chord: “For without the grief of wanting her love, I would never really have discovered how to truly love myself.” How very true. We were a few of the lucky ones who didn’t let that lack of a mother stop us from becoming who were were, learning self love and peeling back the layers.
    I visited your poem for way back before I met you 🙂 It moved me to tears.
    Love and much love to you dear friend. ❤ xoox

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Art Funky
    Aug 02, 2022 @ 04:05:51

    You wrote that poem back in 1994. I think our “selves” know us better than we know our “selves.” Haha. Not sure if that makes any sense. Not that I’m doing this art thing I’m realizing that I have done it my entire life. I just never really gave myself permission to do what I have always loved. I always thought I had to have another career and I drifted from career to career never really feeling all that fulfilled. Doing art and giving myself permission finally feels like I’ve arrived at home within myself. You have the gift of poetry, craft and insight. These have shown through – the entire time I have known you. 💜

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 02, 2022 @ 18:23:04

      Following your heart now is what is important.. You are obviously much more in your comfort zone now you have given yourself permission to do the things you love doing… And as you do so, and open your heart to allow that love of your art within.. I am sure the doors will be opening in all directions for your talents.
      Thank you Cynthia for reading and wishing you well with all that you do…. You have a unique talent my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  34. Newbloggycat
    Aug 02, 2022 @ 10:33:31

    Thank you, dear Sue for this thought provoking and encouraging post. As you know I’m still climbing the mountains in my life and hope one day I shall overcome all the obstacles along the way 😅 I think I’ve never felt better just being myself. And the fact that I’ve acknowledged and accepted the way things turned out in my life has helped me find peace within. They say the wrong road could still lead us to paradise. And I hope that’s true for all of us who have taken the wrong road in life. Life is too short and we don’t have to wait for things to be perfect to be happy. So I’ll just laugh and be happy each day. Sending you much love and hugs, 🫂🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️🌈🌈🌈

    Liked by 1 person


  35. Ka Malana -
    Aug 02, 2022 @ 18:25:02

    We each have our own opinions and that’s part of what makes us one. We need not agree, but we can respect one another. This is a very colorful post! I like how you wove in the quotes. Thinking about that mountain, thinking about multiple mountains… and I think, sometimes, it’s time to take a rest and look around. Set up camp at the base of the mountain or the top–it looks the same while you are sleeping! LOL.

    Liked by 1 person


  36. Baydreamer - Lauren Scott
    Aug 03, 2022 @ 14:04:06

    Thank you for this lovely and inspiring post, Sue, and for sharing YOU! I love these lines: “Being mindful and respectful costs nothing. Being kind and considerate costs nothing. Showing Love and Compassion costs nothing… But the cost to ourselves if we mistreat others may have lasting consequences that may take even more life times to unravel.”
    Your message is one to remember and live by. If only everyone would…
    Sending lots of love! ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  37. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Aug 03, 2022 @ 15:11:58

    Thanks for sharing your journey, Sue.
    I also have taken the journey of self discovery. My story is similar to yours in the respect that I had a Mom who did not have the ability to show affection and love. Most of my family is like this as well. Viewing it all with gratitude, I also have seen this has helped me develop a greater self-love and love for others.
    Many Blessings to you my friend!
    Lisa xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2022 @ 22:26:44

      Thank you Lisa for sharing that story here… It is a theme I have seen repeated several times within my WP family who despite the lack of love from family have an abundance to share with empathy for others..
      So its with much gratitude I give thanks for the gift my mother left me in making me dig deeper within myself to find that love..
      And I know you see that in the same way ..

      Much love and Gratitude dear Lisa.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  38. AmyRose🌹
    Aug 08, 2022 @ 20:48:02

    Beautiful post, Sue. What an uplifting, inspiring writing that transcends time and space due to the honesty and truthfulness it is written from. Healing ourselves is such a courageous act of love for it takes as you say, perseverance and deep deep faith that yes we can do this. It takes a good long look at who we are and why we are who we are in the moment and what we want changed we must learn how to change. So much is being thrown at us today which in turn encourages some to turn away from that typhoon of chaos in order to go within. It is the Inner Journey that changes the Outer in both the personal arena and the cosmic as well. Mother Herself is working so hard and continuously to elevate this world, to heal it and those of us doing the Journey along with Her, know the tortuous road we have been on. To come out the other side is a so hard-won and one which leaves the person bending his or her knee knowing really knowing what Gratitude is. I too every day send perfumed words of gratitude to the heavens and within, thanking both God and myself for who I am today and what I have been blessed with. Every morn I wake up with Gratitude on my lips, knowing this day I am protected and will be given exactly what is required for this day. Thank you for sharing your heart here. I hold so much respect for you!!! Sending you Love, friend. xoxoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2022 @ 17:32:24

      Loved your reply dear Amy… and so agree with your words here

      So much is being thrown at us today which in turn encourages some to turn away from that typhoon of chaos in order to go within. It is the Inner Journey that changes the Outer in both the personal arena and the cosmic as well.

      Many are being challenged by those mountains that they find themselves navigating, are seeing that when they go within and trust their own intuition and inner guidance, just how easier it becomes as they take each step as they come.
      Thank you Amy….. Our roads are often rugged as we struggle in overcoming many obstacles, but as Wayne Dyer shows in his teachings Gratitude helps us in overcoming them.
      Thank you dear Amy for sharing your thoughts and heart..
      In love and Gratitude my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  39. stephensmustang1
    Aug 08, 2022 @ 21:04:46

    I love this post. Yes, it takes years, but the important thing is just take the first steps…whatever those may be for the individual. As for me, still learning, but making needed changes. 😉 Love and hugs, my friend.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2022 @ 17:43:55

      Bless you Elizabeth…. I am pleased to know you are making some changes, that will enable you more rest time… You deserve more ME time… And loved to have you over here dear friend… Much love and Gratitude ❤



  40. insearchofitall
    Aug 10, 2022 @ 13:02:55

    So much good here, Sue. This last mountain I’ve climbed has left me a bit fatigued and in need of more rest than usual. As we change ourselves and it affects those that surround us our energy needs to be replenished. OWH’s Jr. had a great quote. I’ll have to copy the whole photo and keep it. We will miss Wayne until we see him again. He’s left us with so many gifts. I too had a mother incapable of loving in any visible way. We had an entirely reverse relationship. It’s an odd way to grow up but the lessons themselves are worth it. Loving ourselves has to be the first step. Thanks for the reminder. Love and hugs, M



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 10, 2022 @ 17:53:43

      It is amazing how many childhood experiences colour and propel us into overcoming those emotions as we grow and learn to overcome the lack of love we felt, to sharing love with others as we also learn to love ourselves..
      Yes Wayne Dyer was indeed a gift as his teachings and sayings were so profound…
      I know you have had some recent mountains to climb dearest Marlene.. I hope you are resting, and taking time to nurture yourself…
      Sending Lots of love your way my friend… ❤ Sue x

      Liked by 1 person


  41. Hannah Kaminsky
    Aug 11, 2022 @ 06:04:40

    There truly is so much to be grateful for, even in the depths of despair. The key is to keep finding those little, or not so little, things that we take for granted and really celebrate them.

    Liked by 1 person


  42. europasicewolf
    Aug 12, 2022 @ 12:28:12

    Live the images Sue! A lovely post as always🙂



  43. rabirius
    Aug 13, 2022 @ 11:53:21

    Excellent, Sue.
    I have to overcome a lot of obstacles at the moment, so I find a lot useful things to think about here. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person


  44. Serena
    Aug 16, 2022 @ 19:00:44

    Reblogged this on abundiaa.



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    Aug 24, 2022 @ 19:47:51

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  46. donalltrump
    Aug 25, 2022 @ 19:26:57

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  47. lorriebowden
    Aug 28, 2022 @ 16:43:01

    I love this post, Sue, and it is exactly what I needed to read in this moment…of course it is!! 😉 I love all the Wayne Dyer quotes…he was/is such an inspiration to me. I was certain I would meet him in Orlando at a Hay House event I was slotted to attend. Well, I did attend, and he could not as he passed over just a few weeks before. I was amazed at the grief I felt for a person I had never met in person. Yet, I KNEW him, and I continue to be inspired by the words he left behind.
    Thanks for sharing this post and all the loving energy behind it. Yes, we all have a right to use our voice and speak our truth…and it is a given that none of that will be the same. But I am with you…what happened to us being able to think different things…and yet still have respect for the person??
    I hope you are well and that life continues to hug you ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 29, 2022 @ 22:17:00

      Aww Lorrie, so pleased this post so resonated with you.. And yes I agree Wayne Dyer such an inspirational speaker and empath, whose energy aligned with so many of us all over the world..
      I was deeply saddened when he went home.. But his legacy will live long in our human collective to inspire and teach us all about LOVE and Intention and how we use our energy to co-create in this world..
      Exactly…. Each is here in there vibrational capacity no matter what vibration that is on…
      And although we may not align with others we respect their choices as we are all here for a greater purpose. That of our GREAT AWAKENING and moving our planet into its vibrational field so we can move out of the density we have been so long trapped within…

      Sending you all of my hugs back and continue to pray for your Son my dearest Lorrie…
      Much love Sue xxx ❤



  48. europasicewolf
    Sep 22, 2022 @ 16:50:18

    Self-love is so important….took me a long time to achieve some small element of that, but it makes such a difference to your own reality. So many mountains to climb,to quote your good self, and to overcome. With reality shifting and changing ever more frequently there are so many mountains to climb, but the rewards of negotiating and accomplishing are great and the lessons we learn, invaluable. Much love to you my special friend. It takes strength and courage to travel our healing journey and face the things long hidden to bring them into the light. And in doing so to share them with us as eloquently and lovingly as you do. Big Icewolfie hugs xx 🫂 🤗



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 25, 2022 @ 13:15:13

      Thank you for those big Wolfie Hugs my friend.. they mean a lot dear friend.. and so lovely to see so many paw prints on my various posts here today… Mountains yes we have climbed and lessons learned… But each one has and is giving us more inner strength and has led us to this point of our Now.. Making us all who we are today..
      Sending you Love and Healing as we navigate our journey together, hopefully soon all roads will merge towards a similar goal…
      One of Unity as we see how only standing together Unites us all.. ❤ ❤ <3.
      Much love dear Wolfie ❤



      • europasicewolf
        Sep 30, 2022 @ 15:16:35

        The pawprints would love to become a little quicker in their arrival and more frequent 😃 They are annoyingly spasmodic at the moment and usually very late! Me and my paws are working on that!
        We all need to call on our individual strength 💪 and the collective strength in these difficult times, but I’m sure eventually we will walk the Unity of oneness as we learn how to unite and stand together…while we are learning, you are helping teach us all 😊🤗 Big wolfie hugs xx ❤️ 🤗

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 30, 2022 @ 23:26:26

          Aww thanks Wolfie, those words mean a whole lot.. I too am very spasmodic.. Love that word… LOL… My next post may not resonate in my usually so called high frequency.. But we all need to get our act together for what is in the pipe line down the road… To keep our collective on the positive path..
          Sending you Hugs my friend… and your paw prints are welcome as and when you are able… Life is for living and we all need to concentrate on gathering our strength at this time… Sending Mega hugs ❤ and Howwwlss my friend ❤



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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