Divine Mission-Possible~ Seeking Truth.

Mission Possible Linda’s challenge at Litebeing Chronicles 

This is my contribution to Linda’s Mission-Possible  Blog Challenge 2018 the points Linda has asked  us to write about are if we think we are Star-seeds, or Lightworkers and what we think our Mission on Gaia, this Earth is.. The full requests of this challenge is included at the end of this post.


Am I a Star-seed? … To be perfectly honest I don’t know.

We can give ourselves many labels as we want to ourselves. But labels put us all in little box’s for others to point their fingers at and make preconceived judgements given on the labels they read.

Am I Lightworker? Maybe..

But what I try to be, is a ‘Peace Maker’.  This I have known I’ve always been, from my early childhood. As I would step between arguing parents, as I would stand in the middle of them and shout ‘Stop!’

Later I would become negotiator and mediator in my work roles, and often others would seek me out to settle disputes because I brought calmness and reason to their differences. I was even a mentor in a large School Academy in my business and education role. Later still a Care giver for nearly twelve years to Adults with learning difficulties, such as those suffering with Autism, Mental Illness, along with Downs Syndrome, Asperger Syndrome and Adults who had brain damage from constant beatings and abuse as children. 

I could give myself a whole lot of fancy labels during my life, from; Sewing machinist, Supervisor, QFI  Assessor,  Training Manager, from Medium, to Intuitive Empath, to Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Trance Medium, to Healer and Psychic, To Support Worker.   

But all of these labels put you into a BOX, to be judged by preconceived ideas of what the label says

Maybe I am none of them, but then maybe I am all of them and more.

But so are YOU,

Every one of you who are reading this right now you are all Truth Seekers, like me.  It is just some of us wake up knowing sooner rather than later, remembering at an earlier stage, who we really are.

But as my About Me page states, I am but an ordinary woman with a Knowing…. I knew from a young child, I was not of this Earth, and along the journey, between being- Wife and Mother, working a full-time job, I served Spirit and learnt how to traverse both worlds.

We all serve spirit in many ways, by listening and caring, healing, and nurturing others. While others volunteer to shake us awake to the light by creating the shadows they cast.  

Being a Lightworker for me means seeking Truth. But when you uncover the reality of that truth of the world and ‘wake up’, you have to be prepared to receive a shock. You have to become strong, because at first learning the real truth breaks you, it tears you down and rips you apart, especially if your wake up involves understanding all the truths at once.

Because this world is nothing like we have been taught. This world is an illusion, with the grains of truth hidden for us to find. That is why many are waking up bit by bit, as they see this reality and delve into history to uncover what is withheld in history books. To have all of this knowledge at once is often too much and in the beginning, I couldn’t comprehend what I was learning because it took me way out of my comfort zone… This is why many shy away from the Truth, because they can not handle it, so would sooner stay cocooned within their own world where they don’t have to think.

But the world is waking up and more and more now are beginning to see and sense things are not right, so the lies are now being exposed, bit by bit. Slowly we are waking up to this Huge deception, and those whom many thought were Godly and of high places also are being exposed for what they  truly really are.

My Mission: I think I have always known, is ‘Communicator’ (it took me a long while to find my voice, and no one was more surprised than I when people wanted to listen to my demonstrations and talks in spiritual centres)

Start by planting a seed

If I am a Star-seed, a Lightworker, then my mission is to get people to ‘Think’ outside of their boxes by planting a thought, a seed to grow. All seeds start their journey from the dark.  Many do not see themselves as emerging from the darkness, until they learn to plant the seed of love within their own hearts. It is then that the Light work begins.  As they wake up to the love of their own Christ Consciousness within.  

It is not my job to change anyone’s beliefs, because we all of us have Free-Will and choices to believe what we choose. I am not here for that. We all have eyes to see and ears to hear. But when we understand we ALL need to come from that point of love, only then will our external world begin to change into a more peaceful one. 

So we choose what we want to believe, given that we have knowledge and deeper understanding of All the Knowledge available, to make those informed choices.  Yet many do not seek outside their boxes, so only see their truth from their own perspectives. All of us have pieces of truth, and we are all of us trying to assemble them into greater understanding. And we all perceive our pieces differently, given our various backgrounds of knowledge.. 

No one is right, and no one is wrong, but when you come to understand the real truth. You just Know it for what it is. Truth..

Not everything is Black or White, and deception goes along way back, way beyond our many life times. For we have been here many times, repeating this same illusion over and over.

But if you ask me what I believe. I believe am a soul-part of many. And my Higher Divine-Self knows my soul part better than anyone else, because my Higher-self My God part-self Knows all of my other soul parts..

I believe there are Star-seeds, Star-Beings, Lightworkers and Aliens walking this planet.. Can I prove it?.. no… Can you prove otherwise?… No…  But I have come to understand many things which blow your mind on this Earth plane.

And I truly believe that those of us who are on this Planet RIGHT NOW all of us have a Mission..

And all of us have chosen to be here at this time. We chose to be here on Planet Earth at this time of transition of Gaia and ourselves.

We have to begin to wake up to what we are doing to ourselves, and to Gaia, and that many beings are watching what we are doing with our Free-will right now. Because this Planet is important, It is a living library that many Star-seeds have taken an interest in over Aeons of Time.  And NOW is the Time to Choose…

Now is the time to unite, stop finger-pointing and look in the mirror.

Now is the time to go within and re-connect with who you are, and find again that ‘ Christ-Consciousness’ within your heart. Which is your own LOVE Seed..  And you need to allow that love to grow within yourself and spread out that love to your family and friends and project it out into the world.

And Watch it grow.

You need to understand we are eternal beings held within our human form and that there is no greater power on earth than love in overcoming fear that is created to keep you trapped within this matrix.

And when you awaken further you will see how Fear will be used as weapon against us. So Hold light and love in your hearts. Even when the world seems to be going crazy, because this is why LIGHT-WORKERS all around the globe are uniting and waking others up. For they are exposing the world of darkness for what it is. We need to keep focused in that love vibration and not allow ourselves to take sides and be even more divided by the agenda of hate.

And its like the scene I showed a couple of posts back in The Matrix film. It is up to each of us as to

Which Pill do you swallow?

The Future of your Souls.. and this world is in your hands, it is up to all of us to choose wisely.

Our Mission-Possible is about to get Serious.

Lets Make it Together

In love and Light and Peace.

Linda’s Challenge Points

1 – Write about your spiritual mission here on Gaia. Are you a lightworker, Star-seed, forerunner, Indigo, or none of the above? What have you incarnated to do or to be? Describe your mission and your journey to achieve it. Are you delighted to be here? There is no correct answer, by the way. Make it your own.

2- Pick a date and inform me here in the comments section.

3- Include ” Divine Mission-Possible blog challenge ” in the text and link back to this blog post.

4 Copy the blog badge and add it to your site.

Link to this Challenge and other contributors is HERE 

There are only Two Dates left in November left to fill, so I invite any of you to hop over to the link above and book your Mission-Possible..

93 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sageleaf
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 00:16:13

    I love that: I serve Spirit. Though I do this, too, I never stated it quite like that. But I want to use that in my life, now. And Peace Maker: that you are. I loved reading about how you stepped between your parents and had them stop. I did that once or twice with my parents, but I didn’t often. They would get…quite irate and scary. And I was already adopted…I suppose I didn’t want to rock the boat too much. I’ll have to share with you sometime…this meditation journey has involved “purification” and I had quite a moment of reckoning earlier this year with that and my core-identity.
    “Truth Seeker” is something I’ve always been called to do. I remember once seeing a labyrinth (I was still in college and still practicing Catholicism then, and didn’t know much about this whole other Spiritual world yet). I read the description there in the shop and it SPOKE to me. I didn’t have a lot of money to purchase it, but I bought it anyways. I wore it around my neck and I think that, symbolically, that’s when my journey of truth…of getting to the center…really began. I started reading and reading and reading…it helped that I worked in a bookshop. Hehe.
    I love what you say that you’re a soul-part – one of many. We’re waking up, aren’t we? Oh the journey I’ve traversed since I first found that labyrinth and had to dive deep into its meaning.
    And, interestingly, I don’t want to follow any particular religion or philosophy. I think you’re right: it’s what we make it to be in what we choose to believe. I really enjoy investigating the most loving parts of Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sufism, Kabbalah, and other mystics…ancient exercises and philosophies and wrapping them up into breathing and being mindful…and sharing what I learn.
    And you do this, too…leading to our crossed paths. 🙂
    How fun! I was checking my WP reader when I saw your post go live and was able to leave a comment sooner rather than 78 comments later. Hehe.
    Sending you hugs, sweet friend! I wish you a wonderful week filled with love and light. x

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 27, 2018 @ 11:44:58

      Loved your comment Cynthia, and yes we are one of many, and many more of us are waking up now as we rediscover who we really are.
      Big smiles at getting here earlier.. I am late getting to answer, as I had some mittens to finish knitting yesterday for a certain little lady who was sleeping over.. So I didn’t get chance last evening either..
      I agree, our journey takes us along many different paths, and like you have investigated and been part of several religions.. They all of them played a part in their teachings, and contributed greatly to the core of love that resides within each of them. Now I don’t follow any, Just that deep core of LOVE within which to me is the Christ Consciousness, which resides within all of us.. Which is purely that seed of love of self and love of others.. Forgiveness and self and forgiveness of others When we can do that.. We have found inner truth ..
      I scheduled my post so I was fast asleep when it went live.. 🙂
      Good to see you and loved your video, and will be looking forward to your post.. ❤ HUGS and Love to you ❤



  2. Val Boyko
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 00:22:33

    Some times we have to let go of the thinking and acknowledge the truth. Your very being and heart knows it.
    Yes you are Sue 💕

    Liked by 3 people


  3. Trackback: Ready, Set , Blog! Divine Mission- Possible – litebeing chronicles
  4. litebeing
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 00:40:48

    Hi Sue,
    It seems to me that your voice grows stronger with each word that you write. Each message conveys more strength and power than the last. I love your message here! Thanks so much for taking up my blog challenge and designing this beautiful painting that you converted into a badge.

    I agree that the terms are just labels, but I wanted to use those terms to generate discussion. i agree you are a truth seeker and I would add teacher and sounding board to that list. The irony in all this is that while many acknowledge that millions of souls incarnated here in the last 70 years or so to help elevate consciousness. a large number feel very confused and overwhelmed and may have forgotten why they came. Waking up can be so jarring, because when truth is uncovered, the deceptions and illusions can be heart-breaking. We need each other to lift up our spirits and help us gain our footing.

    Thanks again for doing what you do with an open receptive heart.

    love, Linda ❤

    PS, Have you nominated someone to join the challenge as I stated in the directions? My goal is to create an ongoing circle of light. 😉

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 27, 2018 @ 12:01:58

      Thank you Linda.. Oh no, don’t get me wrong, Within this construct we have to have labels to define what it is.. I meant if I put a label upon myself, the label is not who I am.. but the perception of those reading the label is then defined by the knowledge of what the person reading that label has gained about the label.. Like we often get labelled New Age.. Which has many variables..

      I agree waking up does jar the system.. It catapults us into new realms of thought and understanding.
      I am sure there are a few ‘wave’s of ‘Light-workers’- Star-Seeds- Indigo’s and the rest who have incarnated for this very special conjuncture in time and space.. Some have already awoken to their purpose, others still are fast asleep, while others are yawning and stretching themselves, as yet uncertain what to make of the confusion as the vibrations penetrate our world..

      Many thanks for saying my writing is strengthening.. It seems my poetry has left me for a while.. As my journaling is now deeper thoughts.
      It was my pleasure to contribute to your challenge Linda.. I did give an open invitation saying jump in quick as only two places were remaining at the time of my writing. Its right on the end of my post with links..
      And that is a wonderful goal… I know our circle is forever expanding..
      Love and Light dear Linda.. ❤ ❤ And thank you again.. ❤



  5. nhpureandsimple
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 07:18:07

    “It is not my job to change anyone’s beliefs, because we all of us have Free-Will and choices to believe what we choose.”

    This is great. I think that our differences imply our need for love, kindness, and respect. Have a lovely week ahead!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 27, 2018 @ 12:28:11

      I agree Nahla, each of us are unique, and we fathom out life via our own means of understanding and each of us comes to that point of love and respect via many different avenues of belief systems.. Each at their core teach LOVE and respect.. Which is the main Keys of Awareness and Mindfulness.
      I have never been one to preach at anyone.. for we all arrive at our final destination via tour various means of travel..
      What matters is that we arrive in unity to that point of LOVE And Peace..
      You too Nahla.. Enjoy a beautiful week.. Though here in England it is set to be cold wet and windy.. ❤ 😀

      Liked by 1 person


  6. rabirius
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 07:29:00


    Liked by 2 people


  7. New Bloggy Cat
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 07:35:33

    Such an honest and encouraging post, Sue. You are a sage but most of all you’re a beautiful soul and I thank you for your friendship. Much love and hugs, ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡

    Liked by 2 people


  8. Wendy Gillissen
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 11:41:21

    Waking up to the truth of who we really are… eternal beings living multidimensional lives… and uncovering the veils of fear and deception… returning to the love we truly are… Beautfully put Sue, it is the mission of us all! ♥ Blessings, Wendy ♥

    Liked by 2 people


  9. inavukic
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 13:06:04

    I’m wrapped in this post, Sue. Thank you for sharing ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  10. -Eugenia
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 14:44:03

    Truth seekers we are, Sue, and we can’t stop there. Peace and light, Sue, and wishing you a joyous holiday season.

    Liked by 2 people


  11. Writing to Freedom
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 15:22:45

    Thanks for sharing your truths and insights Sue. I resonate with much of what you’ve written, especially about not putting too much on the labels. For me, learning to be more peaceful and loving are what truly matter. Hugs and blessings my friend. ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  12. Jennie
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 16:20:04

    If only everyone had your heart, Sue. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people


  13. laurabruno
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 16:46:24

    Sue, I love this post! So well said and so nice to get even more of a glimpse into multi-dimensional you. Big blessings and love … Laura

    Liked by 2 people


  14. stephensmustang1
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 18:58:16

    As always, an encouraging post. ❤ it. Hugs and love

    Liked by 2 people


  15. Infinite Living
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 19:36:20

    Dear Sue how I love and appreciate this post! I so agree with you about labels only inviting perspectives, judgments that may also sometimes meddle with our path forward in our intention. I too have felt that I am nothing and then I am everything – if aligned I can become exactly all that is called from me.
    Truth when becomes evident all at once does tear us apart – same like living so many lies just breaks us down eventually, until we see the Truth of life and build ourselves again. So amazing how you affirm my internal journey and give it words – I have often felt like it is not recognized in general in the world. I have kept so much of it a secret in the past. We are here surely for a purpose, alive on this planet to feel and witness this transformation. I hope to keep evolving and embodying the truth that has become known to me, radiate love and compassion with equal strength and courage.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 27, 2018 @ 14:09:00

      You are most definitely EVERYthing dear Pragalbha… And so happy this post affirms for you your own journey… There are many like us my friend, who are not on a blog, who feel, and understand as we do.. Which gives me great Hope for Humanity.. In that when we unite our thoughts in love for the good of the whole.. I know we make a difference..
      Sending Huge hugs and love in return ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  16. dreamweaver333
    Nov 26, 2018 @ 22:05:35

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 2 people


  17. dgkaye
    Nov 27, 2018 @ 00:14:10

    Everything you say is truth Sue. I can so identify with your childhood feelings that you were not from this place. I always thought you were a lightworker. I’m not sure what I am, but one thing is for sure, I am not quiet. I spread the truth everywhere I can. It’s very sad that some people just don’t get it. I am definitely a truthseeker and a justice seeker. ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  18. thespiritkeeper
    Nov 27, 2018 @ 01:24:00

    How beautiful is your post and one to share of yourself with your readers! Labels to me and I think for you is a form of separation to further a spiritual divide. In the 1980’s I believe you only heard of starseed and then a whole new chapter and everyone was busy separating more being of lights into the tiniest labels ever imagine. From starseed to aliens we managed to make the slice smaller and smaller.
    A mediator is no small feat and requires tremendous skills. and could be stressful. I did something similar but was being effective behind the scenes. I do love your word now of communicator as it is a word that speaks volume.
    I’m sorry Sue I will continue my response at a later time once I have healed myself of this nasty cold. Twice I erased my response. Persistent as I am I continue. Now I have the chills. Will finish up later.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 28, 2018 @ 12:43:57

      Finally today I get to catch up with the second half of my comments… 🙂 firstly I slept soundly 🙂 thank you for that link Joseph.
      Thank you dear Joseph for your wonderful reply, and for your continued effort and persistence in posting the comment..
      Yes I remember one time attending a spiritualist centre to give my demo and talk to be met outside with around half a dozen people with placards in their hands with slogans painted upon them. Some had red horns on them, lol.. So you can imagine the words..
      People seldom ‘Seek’ knowledge for themselves, and rely upon others for information.. I take no one’s words as True.. Which is often why I say, believe not one word I say.. But Seek it for yourselves.. But when you ‘Dig Deeper’ you come to see this reality from another perspective, but we have to step out of our comfort-zones and our little boxes of narrow views of how we have been taught we are limited, when in fact we are multidimensional beings which have found ourselves trapped within this loop of incarnation of Karmic debt.
      But karma is running at a faster speed, and ending, which was foretold to me many years ago now, When spirit said, The Wheel is about to stop.. I will try and find you that communication. It may interest you Joseph..
      I hope you continue to heal my friend.. sending love and Blessings.. 💜



  19. Adele Marie
    Nov 27, 2018 @ 07:57:29

    Beautiful post and I agree that it is up to us all to find our own grains of truth and follow our mission.

    Liked by 2 people


  20. insearchofitall
    Nov 27, 2018 @ 15:12:46

    I’m a little late here but I loved reading all of this. You are definitely a peacemaker and a lightworker. I learned from my mother that my coming between my parents so often when they fought turned out to be entertainment for them. They would pretend to fight and show their friends how I came between them. Is that nuts or what? I’ve been searching it all most of my life but know that this is all an illusion. Quite the pill to swallow but sure makes it easier in many respects. Keep up your good work and the bringing together on one space the many who are doing the same kind of work.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 28, 2018 @ 13:49:45

      Hi dearest Marlene.. Yes, quite the pill to swallow indeed.. And it doesn’t surprise me either to know you stepped between parents.. We know negative energy even from a young age even if for ‘Entertainment’ … And you required lots of patience dealing with your vibrant young sister LOL…
      Thank you Marlene.. Much love to you I think many now are finding each other who need to unite now more than ever before.. And the light of Love will continue to spread out that I am certain.. ❤ Hugs and take care Marlene.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  21. thespiritkeeper
    Nov 27, 2018 @ 19:18:57

    You’re right we are living in a time where truth is exposed. The word apocalypse meaning the lifting of truth. What appears as a sheep is no more than a wolf inside. Truth does tear you down. Gloria Steinhem said it perfectly that truth will set you free but first it will piss you off. Once you learn that truth there is no going back on your journey. There is only one foot in front of the other. You can stay stationary with one piece of the truth but as you say a truthseeker does not stand still. My personal views are why so many are waking up is that humanity is preparing for a shift where the good is going to be separated from the bad. That is one belief system and one which makes sense to me as we prepare to shift to another dimension. Yes, we do have a choice and we do have free will as you stated to make our journey of truth. Love is all there is and love is all there was and in that lies the truth.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 28, 2018 @ 14:07:18

      Exactly Joseph and you are right, The Truth will set you Free.. And once you understand the Real Truth of this world it does shock you, but there is no going back..
      I agree with you about the Shift, and this being a time to sort out the Wheat from the Chaff…. Those of us who have lifted our vibration to a certain level will move forward into that higher level of vibration… When we come to learn LOVE is the only way, which means we have to learn there is no room for judgement and hate.. Love was the message taught 2,000 years ago.. Yet we still have not heeded that vital message.
      Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.. 🙂



  22. Trackback: Divine Mission-Possible – Beyond the Sphere
  23. Tom Merriman
    Nov 27, 2018 @ 21:40:15

    Thanks for this, Sue. I think we think we know what we want and who we are, but then realise we aren’t really that sure after all! Or perhaps that’s just me!
    I think it is time to wake up and get serious now though, and overcoming that fear is the best way to get started.I’ll do it as soon as I get free of the chains that are holding me back!
    I’ve waffled on about my own Divine Mission-Possible here: https://wp.me/pVkLb-4mg

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 28, 2018 @ 18:13:18

      Loved your Waffle, which was far from waffling.. And when you are ready, the chains will release themselves.. Remember, You are so much more than you think you are.. Embrace that gift my friend and embrace who you really are.. 🙂 Much love and Blessings.



  24. Dewin Nefol
    Nov 28, 2018 @ 05:36:16

    Namaste dear Sue, how are you? 🙂

    You know, sometimes it’s not until we come to understand the depth of another person that we fully acknowledge the truth and sincerity held deeply within their soul. You truly are a most wonderful person Sue, whose life in no small way has been dedicated to serving others, to guiding those who need a gentle hand to reflect deeply on who and what they are and with Love guide them to reach a little higher: to raise themselves above anger, pain and fear and to become far more than they ever thought possible. I know you’ve touched my life and inspired me with your Loving words and relentless enthusiasm and energy: an energy that is directed consciously towards anyone, (indeed everyone on beautiful Earth!), whose path intersects with your own. You are remarkable, a gift to all human-kind, thank you. I think this is the true nature of all Light Workers/Peacemakers whose selfless undifferentiating heart extends always in all ways out into the wider world with the single desire to progress and evolve our species and improve our one world in the most positive ways. I am Blessed to have met you and consider myself most fortunate to have done so. Indeed you are a Star-seed brought to Earth for the benefit of human-kind: tis why ‘they’ gave you a Drum! 😉

    Thank you for being a true friend to me and to our world dear Sue. Light-up that path-finding lantern and lead the way!

    Namaste ❤


    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 28, 2018 @ 19:42:02

      Dear Dewin,
      I don’t quite no what to say to that most beautiful compliment that you have paid me Dewin.. But to say a most Humble Thank you.
      I just treat each as I would wish to be treated.. Trusting in the words given to uplift, enlighten, and heal and soothe… and on occasion share Truth. 🙂
      Its time for truth..
      Whether others are ready to listen, I hope I am given the right ways in which to express that which I have come to understand..
      Many thanks for the mention of the Drum… Its vibration is powerful… and we now need more to gather in harmony to beat their own drum…
      Again dear friend, thank you for those complimentary words.. They meant a lot..

      Sending continued thoughts and well wishes,
      🙂 💜🙏

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Nov 28, 2018 @ 20:17:37

        Namaste Sue 🙂

        I simply write it as I see it and sense it – as I suspect you always do as well. You are deserving of praise, and my gratitude: serving others is a true labour of Love and I’ve never known you to miss a beat. Words are incredibly power things that originate in both heart and mind simultaneously and travel miles without us ever knowing their destination or indeed quite where they’ll take seed and grow. I’ve never doubted the sincerity of what you say or the message you convey. There is always Truth in your message and I appreciate the beauty in that that in all ways 🙂 Thank you Sue for all you do flying the flag of Love.

        I think it time to beat that Drum of yours again and inspire others who share their gift without condition to gather on-mass and move hearts and minds up~and-onwards towards betterment for one and all.

        Thank you for your generosity and kindness and above all else, thank you for your friendship.

        Namaste Sue 🙂


        Liked by 1 person


  25. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Nov 28, 2018 @ 20:27:06

    Dear Sue, everything about you is Light. Thank you for sharing the beauty, truth, and wisdom of your words. More importantly thanks for being you. ❤ Hugs on the wing!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 28, 2018 @ 20:50:22

      Bless your heart Teagan… Its a pleasure you return tenfold with your beautiful creative story telling, which I love to read when I visit my friend.. They always Light up my day..
      Much love and Many thanks for your kind compliments.. ❤ Mega Hugs back. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  26. Bela Johnson
    Nov 28, 2018 @ 21:40:23

    I think it all boils down to this: be the change we wish to see in the world. However we perceive the world! Peacemaker is grand. I am a Walker Between Worlds. We all have a calling. Getting attuned to that is most refreshing. 😘❤️🌺

    Liked by 2 people


  27. da-AL
    Nov 29, 2018 @ 05:57:51

    so sweet!

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Resa
    Nov 30, 2018 @ 03:13:04

    Interesting, thanks for the insight, and more!
    Sue, your posts are very positive. ❦❦

    Liked by 1 person


  29. dreamingthruthetwilight
    Nov 30, 2018 @ 09:10:37

    Coming this way after a very, very long time and what a beautiful serene read to resume my reading on wordpress .

    “But if you ask me what I believe. I believe am a soul-part of many. And my Higher Divine-Self knows my soul part better than anyone else, because my Higher-self My God part-self Knows all of my other soul parts..”….I quite relate to this. A big, warm hug Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 30, 2018 @ 17:37:07

      Awww, Nadira, Wonderful to See you here again.. I hope you are well my friend and enjoyed your travels…
      Many thanks for dropping in you left a great big smile on my face dear Nadira.. Much love 🙏



  30. kowkla123
    Nov 30, 2018 @ 10:59:36

    bei mir soweit alles gut, ich wünsche dir ein gutes Wochenende trotz des nicht so schönen Wetters.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 30, 2018 @ 17:55:00

      Danke, lieber Klaus, gelinde gesagt war das Wetter stürmisch. Ich wünsche Ihnen ein schönes Wochenende und hoffe, dass Sie die Sonne sehen … Wir haben heute hier ein paar Stunden ohne Regen gesehen.
      Liebe und Segen



  31. bwcarey
    Nov 30, 2018 @ 17:04:51

    thanks for the post Sue, well said too, labels are for those who later judge, blessings,

    Liked by 1 person


  32. robbiesinspiration
    Nov 30, 2018 @ 17:18:24

    I love your seed analogy, Sue. It is true we are all seeds, and seeds need nurturing and light to grow well. You are a lovely guiding light in this world of ours.

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Barbara Franken
    Dec 01, 2018 @ 14:47:57

    How delightful your Divine Mission Possible reads Sue and just love how you have never faulted in communicating the word of love to everyone that appears on your path. I just love your wisdom about labels and shining the light outside the box… outside the matrix where the truth can be found and just maybe more and more will find the courage to step over the line and join us as very soon we will be celebrating the manifestation of new earth we have all first birthed within. So looking forward to dancing with you dear Sue… In the meantime we enjoy and love and know that all is perfectly well. love to you dear Sue, Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


  34. prenin
    Dec 01, 2018 @ 16:11:28

    I think we are all seeds awaiting our time – and I think mine has finally come.

    I feel like I’ve come home. 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 2 people


  35. Ka Malana - Fiestaestrellas.com
    Dec 04, 2018 @ 18:59:10

    I saw and reflect on your focal point as communicator – this is indeed a goal of mine to continue developing my voice. Oftentimes it means not pushing myself in this area, but doing more listening within. I think your reflections here are beautiful and respect you for expressing yourself as you have, sharing your truth and recognizing and affirming that individuality in others while engaging in oneness with love.

    Liked by 1 person


  36. House of Heart
    Dec 07, 2018 @ 21:49:38

    Such a deep and important message Sue, always you bring hope to us ! ♥️

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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