Look UP! and Soar…

When you awoke this morning, did you look in the mirror?

I did.

I looked deep into my eyes beyond my eyelids

I travelled back in time before technology took hold

Before it sucked us from reality, into its social media fold


To a time when children would play outside in fresher air

When parents wouldn’t worry about the dangers out there

I went back, before we numbed ourselves in computer game fads

Before we were swamped in consumerism, and online shopping Adds


I travelled to the family dinner table, where all gathered in discussion

As their days events unravelled in polite conversations

Exchanging news, while eating their meal

While today, no one speaks, except for text spiel


No one looks up at the sky anymore

Earphones plugged in, downloads the score

Is it any wonder Nature is a mess?

She just reflects back our own destructiveness


We’ve forgotten to Respect, Care for and Love

The very gifts that were given from Source, above

So, this morning I gave thanks, as I travelled back in time

For the gifts I need to nurture, and resurrect as mine


When we become Creative, and align with our true essence

We’ll find ourselves in the flow, of our Now experience

Synchronicity will astonish, when you Dream a better self

Your Intention creates an Outcome, creating pure wealth.


And I am not speaking of Gold, or monetary gain

The wealth I speak of is much more plain

When you give birth to your dream, when aligned with your heart

Believe in its Magic,

Look in the mirror

Make a Start!.  

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I hope your year has begun in its own high flying start. Some of you may have noticed I am not on line as much. I am just embracing each day, going within its flow. I took myself off for a  lone walk in the chilly sun this afternoon. It was a great afternoon for blowing away cobwebs. 

And often while walking, I ask for Sign that I am on the right path. And sure enough I saw this buzzard, it looks further away on the photo slides than it was, and I was able to tell it was a  UK buzzard by the pattern beneath its wings.  Part of what Buzzard is teaching says this~

“( …… It is time to soar above your perceived limitations. Are you currently undergoing an internal death and rebirth cycle? Are you ready to assert your actions from your ideas? Buzzard will aid in transforming knowledge to bring the unconscious to conscious and teach how to soar above it and bring the transformation you are needing at this time. Are you ready for these lessons of awakening? ……. (He teaches efficiency in actions and promises that changes are imminent. He shows how to restore harmony of thoughts and feelings so one can reach new heights with little effort. Buzzards will aid in uncovering truths, clarifying previous conceptions, and allow to see and hear subtle hidden qualities using intuition and awareness.)  “

For those interested in finding the  Full Totem meaning you can find it at this link, just scroll down alphabetically to Buzzard.   Our UK Buzzard looks like this 

Are we ready to soar?

Are you reinventing yourself? 

Are you following your Dreams?

We are all of us filled with wonderful capabilities. Sometimes all we need is to trust in the flow and go with it. 

I am in the FLOW 

Love and Light!


153 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Betty Hayes Albright
    Jan 30, 2018 @ 22:40:58

    Love and light back to you, Sue! An inspiring post, thank you. 💕

    Liked by 1 person


  2. thespiritkeeper
    Jan 30, 2018 @ 22:56:41

    Thought provoking poem and as I read your piece the voice that was reading was a woman in a real low voice.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. auntyuta
    Jan 30, 2018 @ 22:58:19

    “Sometimes all we need is to trust in the flow and go with it.”
    This is very inspiring! There is much to reflect on in your blog. Thank you so much for sharing, dear Sue. I am very much getting on in age, but maybe sometimes I can still soar a little bit too! 🙂
    Cheers, Uta

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Infinite Living
    Jan 30, 2018 @ 23:41:11

    I simply loved your poem! Synchronicity, Intention, Magic are such pure treasures, can never be described, only to be experienced. It is mind blowing how rich it feels when immersed in them, yet they do seem to be plain to those unaware and oblivious. So glad to have you back with your beautiful words!

    Liked by 2 people


  5. Dewin Nefol
    Jan 30, 2018 @ 23:52:01

    Namaste Sue 🙂

    Loved the poem, very refreshing, fluid and flighty. (Has Merlin been visiting and advising, ‘cos I’ve wondered where he might have headed off to 🙂 )

    Enjoy your week. Take care.

    Namaste 🙂


    Liked by 1 person


  6. House of Heart
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 00:21:55

    A beautiful and thoughtful poem Sue.It brought back the simpler times of family and friends and I must wonder what all this technology is doing to our lives. Enjoy your hobbies and your family. Much love Sue, ♥️

    Liked by 1 person


  7. litebeing
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 00:28:07

    Thank you for such an inspirational message. Your process with nature and guidance is similar to mine. Let’s soar high together!

    love, Linda

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Sageleaf
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 01:17:12

    Beautiful poem. I’ve often wondered what life would be like say…in 10th century Europe or in the time when the Pagans honored the feminine so much more than the divine feminine is honored now…but there was no technology and people relied more on their intuition and instinct…but I also like living in the present for the long life potential we can lead now….
    I just hope, as you allude to in your poem here, that we humans can overcome ourselves: overcome our desire for “tech and consumerism” and actually take on responsibility for having less kiddos (because there are so many humans on the planet now), actively protecting the planet, figuring out a way to make the world equitable for all (not just the wealthy nations), figuring out a way to eradicate homelessness, get rid of poverty, classism, sexism, racism, and built a world without borders…
    We are all different…and I’m while I don’t have a perfect solution to the world’s problems I do know this: if we can learn to send out love and to receive it, we will go a long way to deflecting the world’s woes. It was either Buddha or the Dalai Lama who said that if we could teach an entire generation of young people the art of meditation, we’d figure out how to eliminate war, pain and suffering in that generation, too. Just imagine…
    I love that you got a sign from the buzzard on your walk. I do the same thing on my walks – looking for and asking for signs that I can understand to help guide me on my own path. The answers sometimes are so poignant and startling and yet I’m always appreciative of the true gift that they are.
    I wish you a lovely Tuesday/Wednesday, my friend. You make me smile, so. I suddenly got this feeling that you’re working on a new art project. And well, I can’t wait to see it. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 31, 2018 @ 11:13:46

      There are many of us who are protecting and projecting Light and Love into the world Cynthia, and that is the most powerful thing any of us can do.. And by looking within our own mirrors seeing what it is we in turn are reflecting back into the world.. What we think, as we know, we create..
      I know if more were mindful of their thoughts and actions, the world could indeed be transformed in the blink of an eye..
      Many thanks my beautiful friend.. I hope you enjoy the Super Moon this evening and all it brings 🙂 xxx ❤



  9. dgkaye
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 02:23:13

    Loved, loved your poem. So much truth Sue as many miss so much of life glued to their digital devices. I’m glad you’re finding some time for yourself and that you got a sign from the Buzzard to confirm all is right. ❤ Hugs and love xx Deb

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Mark Lanesbury
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 02:54:36

    An amazing day Sue. I too was given a nudge by spirit this morning…tonight (in Australia) a full moon and a total eclipse to boot…the beginning of something special I think, for us all 😀

    Liked by 1 person


  11. balroop2013
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 04:19:19

    It is indeed enlightening to look in the mirror the way you have suggested Sue…eyes give many messages, some of which are reminders. My right eye often tells me to keep away from digital devices but the twinkle in the left one reassures…’keep going!’ Both of them together love to look at the drifting clouds, the changing hues and wonder what a great artist is around us, inspiring us to soar with the thoughts.
    Love and light follows us when we choose to walk with such lovely thoughts as you have shared. Love and hugs dear friend.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 31, 2018 @ 11:25:14

      Argh yes, I too have the other eye too dear Balroop, we all of us do, Not letting one rule the other and keeping balance and within the flow is something we each of us try our best with. 🙂 May we keep appreciating the clouds, and Keep Going as we choose to walk in the path of love and Light.. Thank you so much 🙂 Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  12. IreneDesign2011
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 05:14:55

    Very inspiring post, dear Sue 🙂
    Wish you a beautiful day ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Paul Handover
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 05:56:44

    “No one looks up at the sky anymore

    Earphones plugged in, downloads the score

    Is it any wonder Nature is a mess?

    She just reflects back our own destructiveness.”

    Sue, in just a few lines you get to the heart of humanity’s predicament! Incredible!

    Liked by 2 people


  14. Paul Handover
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 06:00:10

    This was the very next thing I read: https://ashdsolomon.wordpress.com/2018/01/31/this-psychic-energy-healing-to-empowerment/

    The fickle finger of fate hard at work!



  15. Annika Perry
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 07:24:16

    Without connecting with nature I’m totally unbalanced and walks as yours here are central to my being…wonderful photos and thoughts, Sue. I loved seeing the buzzard and learning about their hidden meaning. Keep embracing the moment and finding the inner depth and wisdom of yourself. Hugs xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 31, 2018 @ 11:34:05

      Thank you Annika, yes Nature is central to my well being also, I so need her energies to keep me in balance. And this January with the horrid weather has kept me indoors much more than I like.. I am happy you learnt a little about the Buzzard Totem.. I knew there was a message in it.. And I knew I would find it.. Technology has its place in all of our lives if we do not allow it to control us and take over at the expense of neglecting and disrespecting Mother Earth and our fellow human beings.. Thank you Annika.. The Moment it is ALL we have isn’t it.. And I intend to keep embracing it .. Much love Annika.. HUGS right back xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  16. New Bloggy Cat
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 08:01:31

    I hear you, my friend. Yes, we need to trust in the flow and go with it. Much love and hugs to you, Sue. (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡

    Liked by 1 person


  17. Soul Gifts
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 10:51:12

    I certainly am – the current amazing ‘superbluebloodmoon’ is helping 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  18. derrickjknight
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 11:01:11

    An inspirational message

    Liked by 1 person


  19. Miriam
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 11:28:07

    Sue, this post resonates so very deeply with me. Just like you I’m taking steps to reconnect with nature and, amazingly, like you I’ve also had encounters with my own soaring visitor which made me question so much. It’s more important now than ever before to get that balance right isn’t it, that connection with the world to the deeper connection we have with ourselves and others. A beautiful post, thank you. Let’s keep looking up. Love and hugs xo 💕💫

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 31, 2018 @ 11:41:01

      Yes I think Miriam many are being guided by their inner intuition right now to reconnect with SELF.. Balance is very important, and I know you are also Creating.. as I am, all be it in different ways..
      I am delighted you enjoyed the post.. And sending Much Love back.. 🙂 Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Miriam
        Jan 31, 2018 @ 11:48:46

        Thanks Sue, presently just watching the start of this lunar phenomenon here. 🌗 xo



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 01, 2018 @ 17:47:45

          Fabulous, I bet in your hemisphere it was spectacular. We saw a beautiful large bright moon with halo around it.. and for once our skies were clear.. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


          • Miriam
            Feb 01, 2018 @ 21:18:53

            Yes, it was truly magical here Sue. It had been cloudy for days but then the clouds shifted and we had a glorious clear night. And what a night. Not only did I see the entire eclipse but also two shooting stars and two extra visitors that came in the night, ie owls. It’s a night that will always stay with me. ❤️💫

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Feb 02, 2018 @ 18:29:34

              So pleased you have had ‘Magic’ in your life, both in the Moon and the Universe speaking to you and delivering!.. Magic indeed. And so special to see shooting stars… Maybe a sign.. ( A star in the making ) 🙂 Wonderful. Have a lovely weekend Miriam. xxx

              Liked by 1 person

            • Miriam
              Feb 02, 2018 @ 20:44:19

              Oh Sue, your comment brought a HUGE smile to my face. Thank you for your lovely words. “A sign … a star in the making” I love the sound of that. We’re all stars in our own way though aren’t we? 🙂 Enjoy your weekend as well my friend . xo 💕💫✨

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Feb 03, 2018 @ 09:05:26

              Big smiles back Miriam. you too my friend 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  20. Miriam
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 11:39:52

    Sue, this post resonates so very deeply with me. Just like you I’m taking steps to reconnect with nature and, amazingly, like you I’ve also had encounters with my own soaring visitor which made me question so much. It’s more important now than ever before to get that balance right isn’t it, that connection with the world to the deeper connection we have with ourselves and others. A beautiful post, thank you. Love and hugs xo 💕💫



  21. kowkla123
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 11:43:01

    trotz des unangenehmen Wetters wünsche ich einen angenehmen Tag, Klaus



  22. inavukic
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 11:47:59

    Your poem reads like a story, Sue. A story close to most of us and so – I am in the flow also 🙂 carving up a new path for the next news stage of my life I call another life ❤



  23. -Eugenia
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 11:56:30

    Beautiful and inspiring, Sue. I feel we need to take time to appreciate the beauty of mother nature, and just enjoy life!



  24. Plantsandbeyond
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 12:34:07

    As you do, Sue, I share the search for the sole behind the eyes and look up into the sky daily. Perhaps one day we can have tea together, lying on the grass, barefeet, meditating and giving thanks. What a welcoming site you have and wishing you a Wonder Wednesday with all the protective signs guiding you on the right path.



  25. Ka Malana - Fiestaestrellas.com
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 15:07:25

    We are in sync. I’ve been absent mostly from being online for blogging, even at my own blog. My work has me tied up in its own thought processes, investigations and learning which often I do enjoy, as what is emerging has required so much dedication from me. Fortunately I am outdoors often, regularly meditating and exercising because of my need to balance my work. I feel private and inward. I’ve enjoyed the privilege of taking small ‘times out’ for WP and temporarily sacrificing art and writing projects offline for a bigger picture and a greater service. I trust that everything comes in its own time. My practice witnessing with astrology has demonstrated that. I also love seeing what might channel through, as so often happens, when natural moments “let go.” I like the buzzard’s medicine of efficiency in actions… beautiful share, Sue. I enjoy all the extra walks I get to take through blogs these days as I see more and more are doing it 🙂💓



  26. Ka Malana - Fiestaestrellas.com
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 15:13:24

    I might quickly add that my “sacrifice” is temporary until my spirit and physical being incorporates and ties together what is being built many years over – but we have years to go before that finalizes, fortunately. This is the love for the long term! 💖💖💖🐈 & and the present moment that supports it. Wishing you another brilliant day!



  27. robbiesinspiration
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 17:25:51

    A gorgeous poem, Sue. It is true what you have written that we are two deeply involved in technology and most of us need more balance.



  28. Visionkeeper
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 18:32:02

    Soar onward DW….One day we’ll pass by each other high amongst the blueness of the sky…Lots of truths are being revealed right now. Hang on for what is about to rock the U.S. any day now. Talk about change….This info will surely instigate it.
    Hugs to you…VK ❤



  29. stephensmustang1
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 18:42:35

    Lovely post.
    I’m too tired to soar and am definitely NOT living my dream. Just saying.
    Love ya



  30. Renee Espriu
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 19:25:57

    A so true read, Sue. My oldest daughter’s children grew up more with technology simply because she has Lupus and is sick so often. So now as adult children they are on their phones and what not often. My youngest daughter who is fortunate enough to be in somewhat better health has always had her children out whenever possible (in the Western WA wet weather) so as they only do some tech stuff when indoors, they are being raised with a good mix of the two. But I do remember when I was growing up that outdoors was the thing unless mom called you in for a meal or to do a chore so times are very different. I find it a bit easier to look online for a new apartment but flustering too as most of the time I have to make calls besides driving around and meeting anyone face to face simply does not happen until something is available. I am so happy for you that you live in an area where you can take these long walks in nature. Being in the city does not allow you that and I do love nature. Must stick close to home more now I have had surgery. Hope you are enjoying it out there on your walks and please do enjoy them for me as well. xoxo 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 01, 2018 @ 19:18:07

      I am so lucky Renee, in that I can take a walk and five minutes from our home we are in amongst countryside as shown here.. And yes like you, living in a small village in the countryside as a child.. We only came in for meals too.. Today it is not such a safe environment to allow young children out on their own.. When I was smaller say aged ten.. I would wander miles over hills, and never a fearful thought would enter either my parents heads or mine.. For we felt safe.. Unlike today when we hear of such horrors taking place..
      Wishing you well, and thank you so much Renee for sharing that.. xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  31. Val Boyko
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 19:36:09

    A beautiful journey into ourselves. Thank you for such an inspiring poem and post Sue. Have a wonderful week tuning into the Flow. 💕

    Liked by 1 person


  32. Erika Kind
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 20:18:37

    We are miracles, each one of us is a divine miracle. And in looking in the mirror we can find the secrets of the universe. I love your poem, Sue. As always, it flows right through and to a place that stirs the inner world.
    Thank you for sharing the photos and that I see them these days and reading the meaning of the Buzzard I can only say… it was meant that I see it today… thanks for the confirmation, Sue 💖

    Liked by 1 person


  33. David
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 20:32:16

    The only way to soar is to leap out of your comfort zone, take note of where that courageous jump takes you and act oct what you find. Love it Sue! Love, David

    Liked by 1 person


  34. InfiniteZip
    Jan 31, 2018 @ 20:51:49

    at the start of the new year, a flock of buzzards (FL?) moved into the neighborhood. I think they’re roosting as they watch us every morning as we walk by. But I have found some nice large lovely brown feathers, though the birds themselves look black, I suppose it teaches us to not assume anything when looking at something. They creeped me out at first, now I just wish them a good morning as I stroll past with the dogs (although the younger dog does not trust them, keeps looking behind her as if they’re gonna ambush her or something). ❤ peace and love Sue, always.

    Liked by 1 person


  35. AmyRose🌹
    Feb 01, 2018 @ 16:37:19

    Sue, I bear GOOD news. I am seeing more and more people out in Nature without cellphones! I’ve seen some so entranced with what is around them they have a look of awe on their faces. I’m seeing kids (teens) in groups walking talking among themselves without cellphones seen. Could we finally have arrived at a place people are now willing to put the technology down and start again to interact with one another and Nature? As for your soaring visitor, I too get signs WHEN I am seeing properly and not all focused in my “head”. Soar, my friend, and I shall be there right next to you soaring as well! The time has come! 🕊🕊🕊

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 01, 2018 @ 16:54:15

      Thank you Amy for sharing that, Its wonderful Good news indeed. I also see more of us in our WP Community here, also stepping back from the internet and embracing more of Nature.. Something I know we often do, but Let us hope that that Time has come!.. Love and Hugs and yes, May we keep flying High. 🙂 ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • AmyRose🌹
        Feb 01, 2018 @ 16:57:57

        I have stepped away from the computer more these days, Sue. I’m chilling with a good book instead or crocheting a baby blanket, or hiking and walking in Silence. I “feel” a “movement” that has begun. It makes me tingle and puts flutters of excitement in my stomach. Let us have FAITH that the time has come that humankind stops the insanity of disconnection and gets reconnected. YES!

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 01, 2018 @ 17:22:11

          Well said Amy… I am all for Humanity reconnecting.. 🙂 And likewise, busy painting a large canvas at the moment, And just dipping in and out of WP when I feel the urge and no longer feeling I HAVE to be here.. And I know you know what I mean by that.. Mega Hugs Amy.. We will keep on keeping on.. In love and Light xx ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  36. laurabruno
    Feb 01, 2018 @ 17:02:49

    Powerful poem, Sue! Well said, and yes, it’s good to remember those times, some of them not even that long ago. We are not too far away to recall ourselves to Nature. Blessings and Love, Laura



  37. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Feb 01, 2018 @ 17:49:16

    Groan… how I hate mirrors… But I LOVE this post and your words and energy, Sue. You are a treasure. Hugs.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 01, 2018 @ 19:38:29

      Hi dear Teagan.. first thank you for your patience.. I called by the other day and have missed much of your series, and while I read one episode, I had to come away.. I want to devote some quality time to catch up with Thistledown and not skip your amazing story.. So I will be back to read in bulk..
      Mirrors often do not always show us our good side, lol. but then the good thing about mirrors, is that we get to preen, and present ourselves at our best… And when we next look, we have tried our best,.. And that is all we each can do..
      Sending Love and Many thanks for stopping by in what I know is a busy day … Love and Blessings xx ❤



  38. Bela Johnson
    Feb 01, 2018 @ 21:50:42

    Such a timely post, Sue – with this full blue howling Super moon in Leo! Very much about creativity and reinventing (reacquainting with?) the self. Aloha, dear. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  39. michnavs
    Feb 02, 2018 @ 01:08:27

    A very inspiring post especially at this point in my life..

    Liked by 1 person


  40. Hannah (BitterSweet)
    Feb 02, 2018 @ 01:13:07

    Through difficult days, your words give me hope… This is so beautiful, as always, and endlessly inspiring.

    Liked by 1 person


  41. JoAnna
    Feb 02, 2018 @ 04:53:59

    Powerful, true, and exciting! It’s important to remember that wealth is more than gold or money. And to remember where we came from. Great post, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


  42. prenin
    Feb 02, 2018 @ 07:02:56

    Good Poem hun and very true! 🙂 ❤

    I have a mirror, but when I look at it I see a crazy guy staring back at me!!! 🙂 ❤

    Love and hugs! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person


  43. Inese Poga artist, writer and life sciences specialist
    Feb 02, 2018 @ 17:46:02

    You are definitely on the right path! I wish I could just disregard the reality and flatter high above the ground, yet, I am aware that is not going to happen. I enjoy being very realistic and very pragmatic, but totally inspired by imagination and art.
    What sometimes stops me from reading some content is the extreme sweetness and too much honey on everything. I mean, I like pickles as they are and the bitter and sharp taste of horseradish and black radish. I love your inspirational posts, but I also appreciate you not sliding too deep into positive illusions.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 02, 2018 @ 18:36:26

      🙂 Thank you Inese, 🙂 I like horse radish too 🙂 my friend, and I am far from flying above reality.. 🙂 And I am more than aware of all that is wrong with the world.. But I was referring to my rising up above it all, not allowing it to drag us down, when there is nothing we can do, except create Positive Energy to add to the mixture which surrounds the world, rather than stay stagnated within its gloom.. 🙂
      I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Happy Painting.. That is what I have been doing the second half of the week.. And totally getting lost in the clouds 🙂 ❤



  44. Jo Bryant
    Feb 02, 2018 @ 19:10:14

    It is time to soar above your perceived limitations. Are you currently undergoing an internal death and rebirth cycle? Are you ready to assert your actions from your ideas?

    Those words struck a very definite chord in me, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    Feb 03, 2018 @ 13:12:37

    What a wonderful text, I think I have a very serious problem in my family, I hate headphones, my brothers are addicts, I barely get on my cell phone, I also have no patience, I like to feel nature and to be connected to it always , look at the sky so it’s wonderful, I’m living the phase of using less technology and enjoying the best in our surroundings. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  46. MichelleMarie
    Feb 04, 2018 @ 15:49:02

    Wow Sue this is beautiful. I always have my head in the clouds and only wear my earphone at work to concentrate better. I love all you said here blessings to you sweet Sue. Spring is almost here 🌼💛🧡❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  47. Maria Wind Talker
    Feb 06, 2018 @ 10:10:54

    Fantastic 🙂 ❤ xx

    Liked by 1 person


  48. The Emu
    Feb 11, 2018 @ 02:19:40

    Beautiful words Sue, and as to be expected, thoughtful and insightful Wisdom to learn from, I share with you Sue this piece of writing, author unknown and appears to be translated.
    Unknown author text..
    In the belly of a pregnant woman, two babies were found. One question to the other:
    – do you believe in life after birth?
    – of course I do. Something must exist after childbirth. Maybe we’re here because we need to prepare for what we’ll be later.
    – nonsense! There’s no life after childbirth. How would that life be?
    – I don’t know, but surely… there will be more light than here. Maybe we’ll walk with our own feet and feed our mouths.
    – that’s absurd! Walking is impossible. And eat by the mouth? That’s ridiculous! The umbilical cord is where we feed. I tell you one thing: life after delivery is excluded. The umbilical cord is too short.
    – well, I think there must be something. And maybe it’s just a little different than what we’re used to having here.
    – but no one has ever returned from the beyond, after childbirth. Childbirth is the end of life. And at the end of the day, life is nothing more than an agonizing existence in the darkness that doesn’t lead to anything.
    – well, I don’t know exactly what it’ll be like after childbirth, but I’m sure we’ll see mom and she’ll look after us.
    – Mom. Do you believe in mom? And where do you think she is?
    – where? All around us! In her and through her is how we live. Without her, this whole world wouldn’t exist.
    – well, I don’t believe it! I’ve never seen mom, so it’s logical that she doesn’t exist.
    – well, but sometimes, when we’re quiet, you can hear her singing or feel how she caresses our world. You know?… I think there’s a real life waiting for us and now we’re just getting ready for her…
    This story may have many interpretations. From an emotional point of view we can say that by much darkness that we have around us will come a moment when the light will be made, even if we do not know it.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 11, 2018 @ 12:56:36

      Ian, this was just wonderful.. I am so pleased you added it here.. And such a good perspective of looking at life Before Birth, as looking at life after Life.. 🙂 For I know there is no ‘Death’ as we perceive it to be. Just one transition to the next:-) And yes.. each of us are travelling from one tunnel or another.. Many thanks Ian.. I am delighted you enjoyed .. I can honestly say I really Enjoyed your comment.
      Thank YOU Ian.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


    • Mark Lanesbury
      Feb 11, 2018 @ 21:03:20

      Great comment Ian, ‘unknown author’ has written some wonderful pieces in our time. Maybe that is God’s pen name 😀
      Our world does take great faith…but so many hints are there if we look 😀

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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January 2018

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