Love Over Fear.


Hello my beautiful WordPress family,

Returning here after my holiday, I have to admit, it’s been hard, as I wanted to disappear and stay within the Sanctuary of the peace I felt in Scotland and within my garden on my homecoming. Yet that Peace has been shattered by the grief shared around the world in the recent events of Manchester Bombing here in the UK.

How does one convey through the tears of heartache, the grief shared by so many for the people of Manchester.

How can you understand the minds of the misguided who turn on their own,  in such an horrendous attack upon the innocent?

I have cried tears along with many more whose empathy is reaching out to one another.

Manchester is 68 miles from where I live, and I refuse to Live in Fear..

No amount of Tyranny will divide us, for our LOVE is much too strong to separate us. These kinds of acts are not dividing us, in fact they only serve to pull our communities together.

The Spirit of Manchester is Strong,   and if anything, this event like many more around the world, is only serving to strengthen our Love and Unity.

I am just returning here and have so many comments waiting moderation after my vacation. I am working my way around to answering you so it may take time before I land upon your blog again..

Sending you my LOVE and Well Wishes, Hold each other that bit closer, and love and Live in each Moment. And reach out your hand to one another to share your LOVE.

These Terrorists are the minority who are choosing to try to disrupt our lives by terror..

Let us show them our real Power.. And that is that LOVE Conquers Fear.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Love and Blessings..

 ❤  Sue ❤


121 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Seenorway
    May 24, 2017 @ 22:20:46

    Living a life in absolute solitude? I really don’t think that’s possible in 2017, Sue?
    Perhaps if you had a lot of money and no family to speak of, but as it is your best shot is to adapt as best you can! The world will find you – eventually!

    Liked by 3 people


  2. Renee Espriu
    May 24, 2017 @ 22:22:14

    My heart goes out to those lives lost in Manchester and to those still recovering from their injuries. As well, I think of the families left to feel such loss, to be left without understanding of why. It is best that not one of us live in fear for that certainly is not living. It is the one thing I try my best not to do for if I did it would paralyze me and I would never leave my home. People, such as the ones responsible for these and other injustices toward others, prey on those who fear and want the response to be one of fear for it feeds their own insecurities and their inability to rise above ignorance and narrowness of mind and heart. You set an example that needs to be followed and I, for one, am hopeful I am setting the same. Be well my friend.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 24, 2017 @ 22:50:26

      Yes, placing yourself within their shoes is to open your heart to their loss and sorrow..
      Now is the time to open hearts, when we all open our hearts to another’s pain, and share as one.. We really are making strides to bridge the gap of separateness.. For in essence we are ONE.. What we do to another we do to ourselves.. xx
      Sending love and gratitude dear Renee.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  3. Mark Lanesbury
    May 24, 2017 @ 22:31:46

    My sentiments exactly Sue…united we stand, divided we fall ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    May 24, 2017 @ 22:40:18

    So sorry that your serenity was shattered by the bombing, so close to your own gps location. The video pairs well with this, and it made me cry… It seems so easy – for some of us to love our fellow man, yet there are others who have been coached in hate by others with darkened hearts and disregard for that same fellow man.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 24, 2017 @ 23:04:37

      Yes tears are easily shed right now dear Lisa.. And for those of us who love as we do, we find it so hard to see how those with dark hearts can be so callous and calculating as to do the deeds they do around the world.. Indoctrination for some, brainwashing for others,
      Its hard for us to relate to these dark souls.. Yet it may well be these dark souls who help us all reach out further with our hearts and hands to unite and bridge the gaps between us in love and Light.. One has to have faith their is a higher Plan for Humanity..



      • Playamart - Zeebra Designs
        May 24, 2017 @ 23:08:09

        You are so right, and even the presidential elections have helped others awaken and find voices… it’s in our best interest that we try to see this through evolved eyes and yes, bridge those gaps.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 24, 2017 @ 23:13:10

          Yes, I feel is the only way forward.. I have seen so many people co me to offer support over this. Strangers helping each other. People just taking to the streets with a placard saying its time to Hug one-another, offering hugs to strangers..
          Its only, as you know only too well with the Earthquake, how a community pulls together even more in the events of turmoil.. Gaps are being bridged slowly, but surely. ❤



          • Playamart - Zeebra Designs
            May 25, 2017 @ 04:24:32

            Yes, we embrace those happy events that connect us, but it’s those challenging ones that bind us closer.. Two years earlier an epidemic knocked most everyone down, but we all emerged and were partners in that suffering.. and yes, it bound us with unspoken ‘connectedness’.. a year later the earthquake really re-enforced those bonds.

            you are now witnessing that same effect…

            Liked by 1 person


  5. Bill
    May 24, 2017 @ 23:08:26

    It truly is heartbreaking to think of those innocent lives destroyed by a twisted monster. Sending best wishes for blessings and peace. Thank you for your consistent messages of love and hope.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 24, 2017 @ 23:16:00

      Hi Bill.. Yes lots of innocent lives lost.. Lets also not forget the innocent lives of many many more children brutally killed and abused in Syria.. and surrounding areas.. Via these like minded monsters..
      Many thanks Bill for those blessings for love and Peace my friend.. They are very appreciated I know .. EACH thought of LOVE and Peace adds to the Matrix to beat the evil in the world.. xxx



  6. The Coastal Crone
    May 24, 2017 @ 23:40:26

    Yes, love over fear! You must feel the sadness as you are so close. In March my son went to one of her concerts in California and a few years ago he went to at concert in Manchester. No real for killing innocent people. Sending peace, love, hope and courage to you and those affected. We are all in this together.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2017 @ 14:02:21

      Yes, a great sadness is being felt by many.. But those who have suffered the loss of their children are already standing up in public and asking everyone to join in LOVE.. Its heartbreaking to witness.. Thank you for sharing that about your Son, to be honest I am not into the Pop scene so I had never even heard of the young lady whose concert it was. Many thanks Jo for your heartfelt wishes.. Much love back.. xx



  7. Dewin Nefol
    May 24, 2017 @ 23:52:50

    Hey Sue,

    Welcome back to English soil…and a new England where 3000 soldiers are now on the streets ‘protecting us’ by supporting police ranks and making up for the loss of 20,000 front line police officers who were removed from service by Theresa May and her ego-centric money-grabbing self-serving government. It is our PM’s actions that are a threat to our national and individual security. The people may wish to Love and promote peace and understanding but we have no control over the spurious decisions of our government who hide behind high fences, 24hr police guard and surveillance, (and the military) protecting themselves at the tax payers expense, whilst the remainder of us are left exposed.

    The events in Manchester are tragic, and diabolical, of that there is no doubt whatsoever, and I like millions feel the pain and suffering of loss of human life at the hands of mindless evil. It is imperative that we, the people, do not give in to fear or have fear erode the language of Love.

    But I do fear the activities of governments around the world, who time and time again carry out atrocities under the banner of ‘democracy’ or ‘freedom’ for reasons never explained with either clarity or openness. We are merely fed rhetoric, lies and unconvincing half-truths presented by state controlled media empires who serve the machinations of grossly wealthy politicians and their peers. Do we as a people see their actions as being any different or any less impacting on the lives of other people around the world than the atrocity carried out in Manchester? Or do we accept that they are acting in our best interests and in the interests of national security? I guess it comes down to individual perspective, a perspective born from either ignorance and apathy or arrived at by informed opinion.

    I was curious to know the number of deaths that have been ‘attributed’ to foreign policy by our government and the American government and came across these frightening statistics.

    Grand totals of deaths (both indirectly through political allegiance/support, or directly through boots on the ground involvement) by UK Government since World between: 8,174,605 and 14,103,255 –

    US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II –

    To put these figures into context….the UK population currently stands at about 65 million. Deaths attributed to foreign policy since World War 2 by these two nations alone account for 50% of the current UK population.

    One could suggest that it is not each other that we should fear, but the decisions of government which are instrumental in creating/exacerbating conditions around the world that inspire hatred.

    I pray for world peace as I know you do Sue, but I do not know how this will come about when it is evident from historical record that governments are hell bent on killing and enforcing their subjective world-view on all. This is not God’s Loving will but the misguided will of man.





    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 26, 2017 @ 22:31:54

      Hi Dear Dewin.. So pleased to see you once again my friend.. And to deliver such an interesting comment.. One I find very hard to disagree with.. Knowing the world as we do, We both know this world is geared up differently than what most people perceive it to be. Apologies for the delay in my answering you.
      When we really wake up to the REAL world and all its conniving, manipulations, and why Wars are started, we then see a bigger picture of reality..
      This does not detract from the suffering of those in Manchester or anywhere else in the world where these evil acts are committed..We see News headlines so often of suicide bombers on foreign shores, in markets Mosques and Bus’s laden with families.. They become statistics in headlines.. And as a population, subject to the News daily, we are desensitized to the traumas around the world.. Until they happen upon our own doorstep..

      Like you say Millions die, children, all innocent victims of War, waged in one form or another..
      I am reminded of a poem I wrote in the Yugoslavian War in the Nineties.. Entitled Unite for Peace.
      Unite For Peace.
      Everywhere around the world is darkness and despair,
      Lord Help heads of Nations a better future to prepare.
      I cry from the Heart to All of those in power.
      Look to your people in their darkest Hour.
      Leaders gather together, Listen and unite,
      Stop this senseless slaughter, end this bitter fight.
      What do you gain? Tell me whose the winner?
      Who pays the price? Whose the greater sinner?
      Where is the glory in the torture and the death?
      Where is the victory for the homeless and bereft?
      Families and their homes are ripped and torn apart.
      Broken bodies, tortured minds, A Mother’s broken heart
      War has always been a part of Man’s lurid past
      Peace only seems to be a myth, never meant to last.
      Why is there distrust, Anger, Hate, and Greed?
      Has Man progressed? Or has he become an ugly breed?
      It only needs a spark of faith to kindle and to brighten,
      Those embittered souls who deal in death, their reason to enlighten.
      Healing Hands of friendship held out for our tomorrow
      Show them that the Power of Love can wipe away our sorrow.
      So leaders of the World, Lets stop all this oppression
      Only Peace and Love will guide us through to Man’s Progression!

      I know.. Leaders have long gathered.. Yet they still yearn and create war.. And If you have not already seen this video then I hope you watch it in full for it speaks a lot of truth.. Its called the AWAKENING on my Wake up page.. Here
      Sending Blessings your way my friend.. and thank you again for your valued imput..

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        May 27, 2017 @ 08:19:01

        Hey Sue,

        It’s lovely to be here again after spending brief moments away from the WP interface.

        Thank you so much for your reply….the poem is poignant, direct and imploring, and as always rhyming with the pulse of Love. Thank you for sharing those excellent words.

        I watched the first video that you referenced end to end and found it very engaging, well written, and powerful. Even though I have heard much of what was said before (by David Icke, for example) the contents remains a real fascination for me. I would encourage others to view it.

        Included within the video is a statement made by Brzezinski, former advisor to Obama declaring that in this so called modern, progressive age, ‘it is now far easier for those who wield great power to kill 1000,000 people than it is for them to control 1000,000 people.’ This is one very real reason why the people of the world must take back control by non-violent means and peaceful protest and evolve/return our collective consciousness to a state of being that turns on an axis of Love.

        I believe as you believe Sue, that the time is now right for significant social change around the world to take place. People must wake up to the perfidy, the lies, the deceit and the arrogance of governments who perpetuate a course of action that provides wealth and opportunity to the few. Our politicians are the weak link in this drive towards creating a new Eden. Social change must incorporate dramatic change at the very heart of government itself.

        Jeremy Corbyn’s speech delivered a couple of days ago stated quite clearly that the way in which the UK government has operated abroad has in all likelihood given a pretext to hatred. He stated that all terrorists who seek to kill and maim would always be reviled, but that bombing nations is not the way to manage terrorism. I do not know what policies or methodology will be used instead, but Corbyn’s statement offers a significant step forward towards smarter more effective policies. Personally, if Labour are voted in by the electorate, I really want them to set an agenda for World Peace, and lead this nation and the other nations of the world towards a brave new world based on mutual Love, Trust, Compassion and Respect. The world cannot and should not endure another century whereby 44 million people are killed so that the select few can enforce their will on others. I want to have faith in my government, I want to have belief in my government, and I want transparency in every action undertaken. Without this there will be no Trust in their actions. Governments must start serving the people, and not insist the people serve them. Their egocentric self-serving ways cannot continue any longer and the people of the world must insist on this being curtailed now. There can be no further procrastinating by the public.
        Sue, thank you for sharing your thoughts and promoting the virtues of Love. The message delivered here by you is just the beginning of a journey for all of us back into the heart of the Universe itself.

        Hoping that the storm just passed aided the allotment and gives you a day-off from digging. Have a wonderful bank-holiday weekend.

        Take care of one and all!

        Namaste 🙂


        P.S: Regards the video…I took exception to the narrators incorrect and misinformed comments regarding Druidism and Holly. The Druids were Nature lovers, the Holly emblematic of the changing year as it moved between summer and winter solstices.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 27, 2017 @ 15:05:43

          Correct about Druids Dewin.. 🙂 Alas my faith in politics has long been disappointed… and I have voted for many different parties over my life time, I am not affiliated to anyone. Only those who propose measures for the good of the majority.. Which throughout my many years I have seen eroded also as manifesto are broken repeatedly..

          When NEW Labour got in with a Huge majority and held its position for many years they could have done anything they wanted.. Yet they also with their current leader at the time took us into War.. And it is these individuals of that time which have our countries actions have created the domino effects of the world we see today in the chaos of Terror via the fragmented fractions left behind..

          New Labour then promised the world to Britain.. In 1996..,_New_Life_for_Britain
          They pledged similar things then.. Look at the pledge card of the above link.. And had over ten years to deliver. And when they finally left office we as a country were broke..
          The Conservatives are the same.. Each promising the Earth and failing the people who matter the most.. And those ‘JAM’ Just About Managing, are way up in the list of those who are way down, who are Really Struggling.. As statistics reveal the average income, which is still way beyond what my hubby and I combined ever earned..

          But The PM has done herself no favours in alienating the Pensioners Vote.. They say they are well off.. Those who have worked hard, saved, and put money early on into private pension schemes may be better than most. And let’s not forget these people have been the taxpayers that have contributed all their working life…

          Those who have paid off their mortgage, like us are fortunate.. But many only get their Old Age Pension and still live in rented accommodation.. So many rely upon the cold weather payments and Heating contributions..
          While those on Benefits will be unaffected.. There are many in the middle who will be..

          I am still undecided as to where my vote will land.. Lots to still way up on both sides for me right now..

          As for the storm.. It was one thunder-clap here, five minutes of rain and that was it.. But it has damped the dust down.. We were watering the garden at 6am this morning.. 🙂 Now its turned very windy.. So hope our Beans and Sweetcorn are not getting battered.. 😉

          So pleased you enjoyed the video.. 🙂 and for anyone not understanding how the world works.. One should view..
          May the New Moon that has just passed bring about the correct changes..
          Sending Positive Energies your way and may your own weekend be relaxing..
          Sue 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • Dewin Nefol
            May 27, 2017 @ 16:20:30

            Hey Sue,

            I think most people’s faith in politics and politicians, manifestos and rhetoric is being sorely tested and stretched to breaking point. Perhaps it is a case of choosing the best from a rum-bunch and hoping for the best. We have to have faith in democracy at some level and in the people who lead or else there can never be any kind of progress at all. In discussion with other friends, we all but arrived at the conclusion that a Federation of States would be a plausible alternative to traditional politics and serve as a step forward to unity amongst nations. As it is countries remain disparate and desperate to retain their individual identities and all then compete for supremacy against one another.

            You speak of May’s derisible taxation of the elderly and her imposition of the Dementia Tax. She is wicked and self-serving, pillaging and plundering and twisting every last penny out of us all to feed her own fat inflated bank account. Did you know that one of the largest Insurance Companies, Legal and General, who hold a 29% market share in the UK, and who in all likelihood will be managing the estates it plunders from those in later life…well unsurprisingly the Prime Minister’s husband is a senior executive of that Insurance Company, and will make millions out of the deal. When people use the phrase ‘conflict of interests’ and ‘self-serving’ this really is what they are talking about. It is vile and blatant and yet permitted by the laws governments put in place to serve themselves.

            I have not yet decided where my vote will go either, but I know I cannot tolerate May or the lying, thieving conservatives. What is left is slim pickings but I will not waste my vote by not voting. I feel more in accordance with Labour, but as you correctly point out, they do not have the best record…and we are all still waiting for the Chilcot enquiry (6 years waiting) to reveal the truth behind Blair’s decision to take us to war under highly spurious circumstances. A decision that is now recognised as being a possible pretext to the escalation of terrorism in the UK. Blair should be severely punished if found guilty and all his assets taken and used to fund humanitarian work in the war-torn middle east.

            Thank you once again for the video. Indeed, I would also encourage people to watch it (with an open-heart and an open-mind) and discover a personal meaning for ‘Love’ for themselves from the information given.

            As for the Druids and Holly…the guy is Australian, he can be forgiven for being a little incorrect. I wondered if instead of Holly wood, he was confused with Holy Rod? Just a thought when we talk about Druids and Holly and Yew Trees.

            Look after you Sue, and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of your garden paradise. Have a wonderfully energising weekend. And take care as you always do to smile inside and outside 🙂

            Love and Best wishes ❤



            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              May 28, 2017 @ 11:51:13

              One thing for certain is that I will not be wasting my vote :-).. I have never understood those who bemoan politics yet never cast a vote given them.. And I think long on the pioneers who Suffered for women especially to be allowed the vote..
              As for Mr Blair he would do well to look to his conscience.. But then they are of a different breed entirely.. Like those you have described.. Who are the parasites that live from misfortune of others.. But enough of them..
              The Sun is shining once more here this mid morning, so the afternoon will see me in my garden upon my swing.. 🙂 As the World of Material falls away to the Dreams of a Dreamer.. 🙂 Many thanks again and I am looking forward to catching up with Merlin.. When my brain will absorb his wisdom more.. 🙂
              Blessings my friend

              Liked by 1 person

            • Dewin Nefol
              May 28, 2017 @ 18:55:25

              May the Dreams of the Dreamer manifest a better reality than that provided by the parasites whose dark dreams seek to drag us all into the black-hole of greed and self-service. One hopes Love will prevail and establish itself further as more wake from the nightmare of material illusion. Perhaps as people do awaken they will become more active in how they physically express Love to each other.

              Indeed, parasites be damned….the meek, the mild, those with Love in their hearts will prevail. So let’s just enjoy the sunshine whilst it lasts.

              I’ve always thought of that garden of your as a slice of Eden, and I know just how much you Love that space. Happy lazy hazy days my friend!

              Merlin and his esteemed company will look forward to your visit, and I will be back here again soon enough to enjoy your wisdom.

              Namaste 🙂


              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              May 28, 2017 @ 19:18:42

              Bless you Dewin. I Know Merlin is going nowhere. lol.. And will be waiting.. I am putting together one such Dream now.. which I wrote in-between sleeping last evening.. I will lace it with my Scottish photos.. I think.. 🙂 .. Many thanks and I will be flying by very soon..

              Liked by 1 person

            • Dewin Nefol
              May 28, 2017 @ 19:30:52

              The Fellowship at Dewin’s will always wait in eager anticipation of your next visit, as we also wait in eager anticipation of your next revealed Dream.

              Sue, you never stop flying! It’s what angels always do 🙂

              Love and Brightest Blessings. Take care ❤


              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              May 28, 2017 @ 19:41:38


              Liked by 1 person

            • Dewin Nefol
              May 28, 2017 @ 19:47:21



  8. thespiritkeeper
    May 24, 2017 @ 23:54:22

    That massacre was an aberration to the human spirit and yes lets stand together in oneness and not to fear as this we will go forward in our resolve for peace. Lit a candle and incense for the Manchester tragedy



  9. Miriam
    May 25, 2017 @ 00:20:55

    Yes love does conquer fear, as does hope in these dark days. I will always believe that though my heart aches for the loss of these young lives. My prayers are with all those affected. ❤️



  10. Dr. Rex
    May 25, 2017 @ 00:31:36

    Tight hugs, bright light and love sent your way! ❤️🇬🇧❤️



  11. Val Boyko
    May 25, 2017 @ 01:12:24

    Thank you Sue for your loving and special reminder that we are all One. Today has been a sad and tragic day for many. My heart goes out to them, and others who will face tragedy and loss in the future. Love will help us get through this and, I hope, bring about the transformation that you and I long for. 💛



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2017 @ 14:28:22

      Yes Val, the love and transformation we both know is there and will eventually come.. Even if many may not agree.. For it is sometimes always darkest before the dawn light.. And our perception can not always see the greater scheme of things.. And how they play out in the duality of Dark Vs Light. Its often through such tragedies that hearts are opened, and unity is brought about.. Seeing the reaction of parents who have lost children.. There is no vengeance within their words, They are asking for communities to draw closer together in love and unity so that their children’s loss of life was not in vain..
      Many thanks dear friend.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  12. Paul Handover
    May 25, 2017 @ 01:13:41

    The endless battle between love and hate, between good and bad people. It’s been going on since time immemorial and it will never change. I don’t mean that in a negative sense; far from it.

    Thank goodness for the power of our digital world where those that choose love can reach out with open arms.

    Sue, welcome back and please know how many of us extend our love to you.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2017 @ 14:39:08

      I have to agree with you there Paul.. This battle has gone on since the beginning of Time.. And the digital world brings such news events closer to our hearts as we see in an instant such tragedies unfurl.. And I know you did not mean that in a negative way.. Its the way of the world.. We are hear to experience both.. This is duality.. Good Bad, Light Dark.. which ever way we look at it, we can not experience one without knowing the other..
      Many thanks for your warm welcome back Paul..
      I had a most wonderful time in Scotland.. and there was so much to do on our return too.. Now we are basking in high temperatures So I am taking WP in small bites until I get back into the swing of things.. This morning I was able to plant all my bedding plants in my flower gardens at home.. So I am feeling pleased with myself that I am now getting back on top of my gardens both at home and the allotments..
      Many thanks again Paul for your generous support and love 🙂
      Sue 🙂



  13. Teagan Geneviene
    May 25, 2017 @ 01:22:58

    Dear Sue, take your time. Grieve as you must. I’m leaving this comment in support — knowing I’ll hear from you somewhere, when the time is right.
    I’m very sorry this horrific event mares the serenity you developed.
    Love & hugs.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2017 @ 14:51:15

      Thank you dearest Teagan for your kind and thoughtful message.. Yes so many are heartbroken right now through this tragedy. Yet so many more around the world have also been left heartbroken and bereft in the senseless murders and atrocities these evil people have left in their wake. And its any wonder so many families fled Syria and surrounding nations to flee from the horrors such horrific crimes against humanity.

      Yes my heart is grieving, but I also know Teagan that LOVE overcomes Fear.. and I am witnessing so much love right now by those who have lost their loved ones.. And I am so thankful I have my own family close to give a hug too.. ❤ Much love dear dear friend xx



  14. dgkaye
    May 25, 2017 @ 01:56:14

    Oh Sue, I’m sorry you returned from a lovely getaway to the horrors of the attack. You are so right, we cry many tears but they will not break us and united we stand as our hearts grieve for those who have parished. Peace and love and goodwill toward mankind. ❤ Big hugs to you my friend. xoxoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2017 @ 15:01:41

      Thank you Debby.. It seems these events touched me deeply as I so connected to the hearts of those grieving.. The youngest was only 8 years old.. and I thought of my own granddaughter of 6.. Putting yourself in their shoes, its been heart wrenching.. But no more heart-wrenching than in other parts of the world where those who deal in terror have dished out their horrendous attacks upon other families and innocent lives going about their everyday lives.
      My heart bleeds.. But I do believe Debby that out of all of this tragedy we grow, and grow stronger in unity and community spirit, as we see care and sharing of compassion and kindness.. I know that LOVE conquers all.. and Light will outshine all darkness..
      Many thanks again Deb.. Much love my dear friend xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  15. litebeing
    May 25, 2017 @ 02:36:06

    Hi Sue,
    And welcome back. I did not realize how close Manchester is to your home. What I have discovered while blogging at WP and making so many international friends, is that I know someone almost everywhere and that any who is attacked could be your friends, relative, etc. I think that the more one is aware of the world, as opposed to being closed off, the harder it would be to see others as strangers ( meaning strange or different. We use the word stranger to mean someone unknown , but the word itself implies strange, odd, atypical, etc

    That is a myth, as we are all united in soul.As these incidents increase, it is more challenging to feel safe. How can we feel compassion and not overwhelmed and not give in to fear.? A Course In Miracles says there is only love or fear.

    lotsa love, Linda

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 26, 2017 @ 13:55:09

      Dear Linda, thank you my friend for those kind well wishes.. And yes, its not far at all really.. And we use Manchester from time to time for the airport when we fly abroad..
      And yes you are right.. We are all of us united.. One.. even though we may think each other as strangers.
      Sorry its taking a while to get through all of the comments here and catch up with posts from your blogs etc Linda..
      I have been busy since returning from our trip with the allotments which had grown a mountain of weeds in our absence.. Due to rain and humid weather.. Plus I have planted out our Summer gardens at home front and back.
      Its very hot here at the moment,, More so than we are used to this time of year, so its made me lethargic .. I am just having a hour as I put my feet up to catch up a little here..
      I hope all is well with you Linda.. At the moment Blog land is not a priority, so I am taking it in small chunks each day..
      Until I have at least visited everyone back.. 🙂 once.
      Sending hugs your way my friend.. Lots of LOVE..
      Sue ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  16. JoAnna
    May 25, 2017 @ 06:53:31

    It’s a sad and scary thing that has happened. But your courage gives us all strength.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 26, 2017 @ 14:06:09

      The courage of the parents are even greater JoAnna… and I still break down in tears when I hear their praise of everyone.. As they ask all to stand together and unite.. The real Muslim community are as much in shock as everyone else is.. For Manchester is a multicultural community and all work closely together ..
      Love and Many thanks for your prayers and thoughts my friend xx



  17. morristownmemos by Ronnie Hammer
    May 25, 2017 @ 07:35:39

    Dear Sue, beautiful sentiments that I so strongly feel and share with you. I am in. London at the moment, walking among policemen and soldiers all through the city. There is a high alert warning throughout the city. Will the world ever be the same?



  18. Erika Kind
    May 25, 2017 @ 09:34:54

    Sue, reading your words have touched me to tears. This is exactly what I think and feel about it too. The more horrendous things happen the more we need to shine our love in order to heal what has caused this terrible happening. And we need to do it for showing the victims and their families that they are not alone and support them with the power they need in these difficult times. Blessings to you, Sue for your wonderful and profound words. Much love to you 💖



  19. Trackback: Love Over Fear. – Erika Kind
  20. prenin
    May 25, 2017 @ 10:37:22

    Evil has no shame hun. 😦 ❤

    Love and hugs from Middleton, Manchester…




  21. dilipnaidu
    May 25, 2017 @ 11:39:30

    Yes Sue we share your sentiments on the tragedy befallen on these innocent unsuspecting people. May their souls rest in peace 🙏



  22. Eddie Two Hawks
    May 25, 2017 @ 12:14:07

    Heartless people are mindless too. They enjoy and appreciate negative publicity. It’s what they want, it contributes to creating fear and anxiety.
    However, as you beautifully point out, people joined together
    to show them and the world that we are not afraid and we stand
    together united in peace.
    may we all find peace in our lifetime



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 26, 2017 @ 16:00:00

      Thank you dear Eddie, yes may we find Peace in our life time, if not in our Children’s.. Peace is waiting for us all, if we but delve deeper into our hearts.. Many thanks Eddie for your precious comment.. Love and Blessings returned my friend

      Liked by 1 person


  23. Visionkeeper
    May 25, 2017 @ 13:52:10

    Hey DW….Not a fun way for you to return from holiday….I thought about you when this all unfolded….It seems never ending. I hope the joy you felt in Scotland will tide you over and keep you afloat in love and peace…We must all keep on going and spreading our messages and if we are unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, so be it and God Bless us all…We will not be deterred in any way. Hang in there my friend and stay safe. Sending love and prayers to all over there and especially to you 🙂 Go get lost in your garden this weekend and dirty up your hands while it cleans your mind….Hugs to you….VK ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 26, 2017 @ 16:11:16

      Yes you are right, we keep going my friend, and I thank you for your love and prayers my friend.. The world is in need of some.. I got lost too in the garden.. Weeds up to my ears.. ( well there were plenty on our return ) 🙂 But its now mostly sorted with other bits and pieces put in.. I was able then to concentrate upon our Home Garden and plant the bedding plants for summer front and back.. So yes, getting lost in the garden is a God send..
      Hope all is well with you too VK.. Sending Mega Hugs back.. Love and Hugs Sue xxx ❤



  24. -Eugenia
    May 25, 2017 @ 16:48:05

    I can’t add anything that has already been beautifully said. Sending hugs. 🌻

    Liked by 1 person


  25. Sageleaf
    May 25, 2017 @ 17:44:55

    Ack! I wish I’d seen this yesterday to get here sooner. ❤ So glad you're back, sweet Sue – you've been missed! ❤ ❤
    The events at Manchester…so incredibly sad, such as senseless loss, and it's hard to come to terms sometimes with the people that do this.
    But you're absolutely right: for a brief time after 9/11, it didn't matter who you were or what you might represent, EVERYONE in the US came together in a shining moment of love to say no to evil. Alas, I wish its effects were still upon us, but the human heart needs reminders of love – often – or darkness will fill it.
    Love will always find a way, though. It may look like it disappears for awhile as people process their feelings and understand (well…try to, anyways) terrible acts of violence. It is in that violence that we all have to pull out a seed of love. I'm learning to be mindful of this before I pass judgement on people. The ones who do commit atrocities against other humans or animals the very ones who are traumatized and scarred, forgotten somehow, or felt unloved. This is where the good work of compassion and love REALLY has to come in and fill the void before darkness can take hold. I was reminded of this yesterday when my doggie snapped at my husband. The context was that we were on a walk, another dog was furiously barking at ours, and our dog doesn't know what to do when it comes to other aggressive dogs, except to react with equal or greater aggression. When we adopted him as a rescue, he was 6 months old and we have no idea what his life was like before that, but he showed signs of being abused. Though we were surprised at our dog's reaction yesterday, my husband was the first to remember that our dog shows the signs of early trauma: he's afraid of brooms and vacuums, he's afraid of loud noises, he's incredibly sensitive to anger and runs if he even thinks that someone might be angry. Then I remembered, too: we know instinctively that our doggie has come a long way. He's come a long way with a lot of love and a calm environment. But…he might always be rather "reactive." Still, love has made him loyal and gentle and we try not to forget that his reactive nature is the result of a lack of love early in life. But I believe, firmly, that love will prevail.
    I've missed you but the beautiful journey of which you speak reminds us that in order to be of service to the world, lightworkers must take precautions and refill their cups so they can pour their light onto the world. I will be doing a similar journey in July….
    Sending you big hugs and light – to you, and to our brothers and sisters who are facing extreme challenges ahead. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2017 @ 22:52:38

      Your illustration of how your dog reacted is a great reminder Cynthia of how insecurities and how we are brought up to perceive the world affects our behaviors. Abusive treatment brings mistrust and it takes time for that trust to build again..
      Human nature is no different at all.. We are brought up often by the views of our societies and parents.. Knowing no other world than that which we are taught..
      Even education to some degrees only teach text book history, which we both know is not always the whole truth.. For it omits many things it wishes to forget.
      And I agree with you.. We judge.. not seeing the whole picture.. Its hard knowing so many suffer the consequences of actions… Yet we do not really understand the whole picture.. We only perceive as we have been taught to perceive via our understanding of how the world works.
      Our minds often fail to see the other side of the coin.. And what drives a person to do such acts.. What is that person lacking.. And yes, it often boils down to the lack of LOVE..that they feel so separate and apart that all they have is hate to vent on the innocent.7
      Thank you for your beautiful comment Cynthia.. I hope when July comes you can enjoy a beautiful break away also.. It is so needed…
      I have been busy since my return and my garden has been my saving grace..
      Much LOVE and Mega Hugs back.. ❤ xx



      • Sageleaf
        May 26, 2017 @ 23:42:10

        Oh, I love your response. Yes…education. *sigh* I so wish we had a place in our educational system to teach about understanding intuition, the power of love, the power of silence, the power of connection – on so many levels.
        I smile thinking that perhaps someday the human race will finally let its own greed and aggression fall away, leaving light and love in place of it. The lightworkers of the world will have to be the beacons. 🙂



  26. becca givens
    May 25, 2017 @ 18:27:28

    Sending Love and Light across the globe and beyond! I am glad you enjoyed your respite, but am glad you are back. It’s comforting! ❤



  27. IreneDesign2011
    May 25, 2017 @ 19:00:38

    Love will always beat the hate Sue, we need to believe in that. Send you and all touched by this Love and Peace ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  28. grandfathersky
    May 26, 2017 @ 02:15:27

    Reading Tobias Lars Awakening to the Sun recently he stated “we can never bomb our way back to the garden of eden”



  29. lindamartha
    May 26, 2017 @ 03:22:53

    What I found hardest to take is that the young ages of the victims was intentional. This is such a dark evil. The way Manchester is coing together with inclusion of Muslims is remarkable. That is the truw show of force- love across the manufactured divide.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 26, 2017 @ 16:27:58

      Yes I agree with you Linda.. it is a Dark Evil that will not win.. For each time they try, it brings us all closer together.. So many Countries now hit by these cowards who kill defenseless innocent people going around their normal routines..
      I hope all is well with you, and look forward to catching up with you very soon.. xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  30. Ancient Skies
    May 26, 2017 @ 04:02:32


    Liked by 1 person


  31. voulaah
    May 26, 2017 @ 09:05:20

    You give us strength, thank you for good sharing

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 26, 2017 @ 16:29:58

      Thank you for saying so Anita, but it is not I who have the strength.. But the parents, and relatives of those who have lost loved ones.. and those still battling injured in hospital..
      But May we all pass on that strength to the world in the face of terrorists..

      Love and Blessings..
      Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  32. smilecalm
    May 26, 2017 @ 17:38:22

    a dear call
    to living in love
    and overcoming
    fear, Sue 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  33. robbiesinspiration
    May 26, 2017 @ 19:01:43

    Bless you, Sue, for your wonderful words of strength and encouragement. The Manchester attack has rocked the world. People all around the world are saddened and horrified by such a wicked and cowardly deed. Love to you and yours.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 26, 2017 @ 21:49:26

      Thank you Robbie.. The Police and Intelligence here are making progress in arrests to the ring of those responsible behind the suicide bomber…. And the people of Manchester are reeling.. But are united in their stance.. That Love will overcome Fear.. And events are going ahead as normal all be it with extra vigilance and security,, Love right back.. ❤ and thank you for your thoughts and prayers xx

      Liked by 1 person


  34. stephensmustang1
    May 26, 2017 @ 19:27:59

    Such a horrific thing. We’ve been praying here for those there.
    love and hugs

    Liked by 1 person


  35. Tina Frisco
    May 27, 2017 @ 03:58:50

    You are so right, Sue. Nothing can break the bonds of love. Th chaos and hatred running rampant in our world today serves only to deepen the bonds that unite us. I hope your re-entry wasn’t too harsh. We are with you in spirit and know you shall remain safe. Peace, love, and blessings, dear friend 💛💛💛

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2017 @ 15:17:13

      Bless you Tina.. for sending your thoughts out to Manchester.. She is strong and today there is an event which is not stopping the community from joining in which is The Great Manchester Run.. .. 🙂
      Love will conquer all…. And thank you Tina.. I really appreciate your thoughts and comment.. 💛

      Liked by 1 person


  36. Mabel Kwong
    May 27, 2017 @ 10:19:23

    ‘LOVE is much too strong to separate us’. So well said, Sue. Horrible what’s happening around the world. Some people are either selfish or they just need to find their way. But reality is what it is and each of us have to do our part. Be kind and respectful to each other and there is always room for patience and getting to know each other. Hope you’re settling back well, and take care 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  37. kowkla123
    May 27, 2017 @ 11:40:12

    Liebe Sue, möge es so schön sommerlich bleiben, alles Gute wünsche ich

    Liked by 1 person


  38. Lois
    May 27, 2017 @ 20:38:58

    I hadn’t realized you lived so close to Manchester, Sue. I’m sorry this has hit so close to you but know that even though I am across the ocean I still felt the impact of knowing this can happen any where.

    I hope you go back to your garden and feel the love there. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2017 @ 12:12:46

      Thank you Lois.. I have spent many hours getting lost in thought in the garden for sure.. And yes it can happen anywhere. any time.. But Manchester is not letting it rule them.. They are pulling even tighter together. Today there is the Great Manchester Run which takes place annually.. So its going ahead as normal with added security in place.. ❤



  39. Ines Radman
    May 28, 2017 @ 17:26:44

    I agree with everything you write about Sue. Unfortunately, our governments are not tacking the “cause” issue. We can’t go around bombing and killing innocent people in the Middle East and then expect for them to thank us. We have to understand that the people in the Middle East lived together for thousands of years in harmony until Afghanistan and Iraq. I won’t go into the politics of this because we are dealing with the loss of innocent children but we must remind ourselves and ask ourselves: “How many children have we allowed to be brutally murdered by our own weapons of mass destruction?” I don’t condone what they have done, but I also understand their need for revenge. While we sit in our comforts of life, millions of people have been displaced because WE decided to impart our form of democracy on them. It’s a two edged sword and the only solution is to leave these countries alone and let them solve their own problems. Terrorism has always existed but NEVER on this scale, so we need to really come together within ourselves and ask us ourselves what we have done to contribute to this. Every second a child dies of starvation. There are 2 million children in Yemen that are dying from hunger. Why are not we sad about them? How do we choose one country’s children to be more important than another? We need to stop meddling in other countries, until we do that, we will keep getting what we deserve. I don’t fear anything because like you, I live a life of love and joy, try to be honest, decent, help others, etc. I fear that our voices won’t be heard anymore when we say we want PEACE. What are we doing about that? What are we doing to change that? I have many questions, but few answers. I feel fortunate that my life is perfect, but sometimes I wonder what good all that is when millions of others don’t have a place to sleep at night and have lost everything.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2017 @ 17:53:38

      Yes I agree with what you have said here Ines. And if you read down in further long comments you will see I have touched upon this.. Many thanks for your input here , lovely to see you again.. xx



      • Ines Radman
        May 28, 2017 @ 22:02:42

        I tried to view the earlier comments but wouldn’t let me or reply to yours, so I’m doing this through my dashboard to let you know I will try to read everything later when it works!

        Liked by 1 person


  40. europasicewolf
    May 31, 2017 @ 18:25:44

    These are dark days we live in but we must stand together shoulder to shoulder. Manchester is my home city. I have not wanted to go home and be there as much as this last weekend for a very long time. So sad.

    Liked by 2 people


  41. lorriebowden
    Jun 02, 2017 @ 22:39:19


    Liked by 1 person


  42. Nihar Pradhan
    Jun 03, 2017 @ 13:12:27

    So sad to hear such news Sue. Manchester Bombing is such a senseless act and such heinous act of death and destruction is unleashed by one human on another…such an irony of human fate, it is only to prove a point and fighting for a cause of justice through means of unjust and barbaric killing. No words to condone it then calling it diabolic.

    The world today is increasingly becoming a violent place, as you look at the number of terrorist act that has happened in the recent past, right from the series of death and destruction in Afghanistan to Syria and across different part of the world…fundamentally they are driven by certain agenda set by the group they belong, they are indoctrinated to a point of irreversibly state and they are in no mood to listen or talk, it is full of mindlessness for them it is only about death or nothing.

    Pitting hate against hate can take us no where and the world has gone no where in fighting terrorism and every other day it is raising its ugly head in newer places every time we belief we have managed to combat the act of terrorism, we are proven wrong…India is one of worst sufferer of terrorism and it’s been going on for years and one cannot find reasons and no reasons are justifiable. The fight between state and the people staying in that state who feel left out or are feeling oppressed by the govt. cannot take guns and bombs into hands. But it is happening and it seems there is no recourse, as act of deaths are responded with acts of further deaths. Today societies across the global are fast loosing their ability to absorb and the resilience to recoup from such devilish acts doesn’t gather any steam.

    Very much Sue Love with compassion is only way to liberate such distracted souls and bring them back onto main stream and make them belief in goodness and align with broader objectives of human development and growth of self and society at large. Mindfulness is what is desperately needed. The art of living. We can all pray and wish a better world for our generation next and we all need to keep the fear at bay and think innovatively to contribute our bit to make this world a better place to stay.

    Wishing much more love and world peace.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 04, 2017 @ 16:11:25

      Dearest Nihar, thank you so so much for those kind words that echo many peoples thoughts here my friend..
      In light again of what has happened last evening again in London, your words reach deep..
      Many thanks for the love you send out and your prayers.. May we indeed embrace Peace and Unity in these terrible times of such misguided individuals who deal in death and terror.
      Love and Peace

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Jun 05, 2017 @ 15:33:09

        Dear Sue, I agree things are just going out of control and this kind of senseless acts are only adding to the extreme anguish already existing in mind’s of people…What is that point one is trying to prove and is this way to get home their point. We can only pray for good sense to prevail with such people who are not in a position to listen and understand other’s point of view. So sad and we feel helpless in such situations and keep seeing the act of barbarism every other day…
        We can pray for peace and unity, hope the world changes for the better.
        God Bless the Mankind!!!

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 05, 2017 @ 19:45:16

          Yes at times we do feel helpless, except for the fact that we seemingly are joining stronger together in unity of love through these dark deeds.. Out of Darkness, Light shall grow..
          Love and Blessings and thank you dear friend 💜

          Liked by 1 person


  43. Aquileana
    Jun 07, 2017 @ 03:42:51

    What has happened at the Manchester Arena was so tragic & sad… I still can not think how the victims´families would manage to deal with the loses.
    I have been listening to the One Love Manchester concert ealier today… I think it was a great initiative and a good way to help the victims. Love shoudl prevail… as Justin Bieber said when he performed there: the best (i.e more effective) way to defeat hate is with Love…. Love should prevail: that´s my wish!
    Beautiful message here, my friend… Thank you…. Sending love & best wishes, always!<3

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 07, 2017 @ 18:47:02

      That is my wish too Aquileana.. and yes those participating with the One Love Manchester Concert all were saying the same.. It was lovely yet very moving to watch it live.. Many thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers.. xx

      Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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