
A Review of our Thinking.. 


As each year comes to an end we are often heard to say thank goodness as we say goodbye to a year that when it began started out with every expectation. Yet here we are again as we herald in another New Year as we wish and expect so much more from the year before.

 We make promises to ourselves that this year we will endeavour to  be healthier, as we start new fitness regimes, and as we say goodbye to our bad habits. Promises often we never keep up.   

We are all of us walking, searching to find ourselves and that which fulfills us. We constantly search outside of ourselves to bring us that feeling of happiness. Be it in our relationships, careers or through our possessions. We gather everything to us holding onto them, thinking all of these external things are what will bring us happiness.

So, we constantly strive, putting ourselves under pressure, working extra hours,seeking to gather yet more things we probably never really needed to fill up a yearning hole inside of us that cries out to feel complete.

I look around my own home at the ‘Things’ that I have gathered over the years, my glass paperweights from the countries I visited, my record collection, the books that I have read and re-read as I have searched the pages for wisdom to that which more of us are seeking which we call enlightenment.

Most times we are our own worst enemies, as our scattered thoughts distract us from finding our peaceful path we are all seeking whether we realise it or not.

We all too often look back and blame others for our failings, or we worry about our futures as our inner chatter is constantly pulling us down. Telling us we are not good enough, clever enough or we put things off saying when the children leave home, next year or when I retire..  We continually make excuses to ourselves as to why we do not keep those promises to ourselves.

I keep saying I am going to write a book.. Yet I make excuses to myself each year, putting it off.. I am no different from anyone else..

 Our Ego makes us defensive about our weakness’s often making us feel unworthy. We take on hurts and wounds as we take to heart other people’s opinions of us. We listen to gossip and then add our own two pennies worth to the mix..  

Our Inner Chatter often spills out in irritations as we then verbalise our dissatisfaction. Causing arguments and resentments as our pride is dented, so we bite back, lashing out with more words that wound.

We then carry guilt, holding it deep within, nurturing it as we feed that inner chatter with justification as to why we are right and others are wrong. It then festers deeper into resentment and anger bubbles turning inward into bitterness.  

We now not only hold onto our personal stuff, but as the world grows closer in its communication systems we get embroiled in politics and the weight then of the negative news that is being poured into our homes in hourly bulletins also weighs us further down..  
All of these emotions bite deep within us effective our energy body causing our dis-ease with self, allowing illnesses to manifest. Often our body kicks in as a last resort to stop us in our tracks. It’s trying to get our attention to alter our thinking and ways of being. So our body rebels with aches and pains.. As we push it too hard and we fail to nourish it and give it rest.. 

My own nervous breakdown and subsequent FMS years ago was my body’s wake up call.. Which was telling me to slow down and alter course.  All these emotions we carry weigh us down literally DE-Pressings us as our auras get blocked as the energy stops flowing.

One of the greatest lessons is learning to leave things behind as we walk our paths to finding ourselves. This is one of the best gifts we can give ourselves as we start afresh a new year is Letting Go! So we need to let go of our self expectations as well.. Stop forcing things into BEing and just allow things to BE.. Let go of guilt, regrets, anger and jealousies.As you develop patience with others and ourselves, you then begin to see how those you thought were  your enemies were in fact your greatest teachers as they helped strengthen you. 

 Learning that there really are no Cross-roads only those of our own making.. For we are stood in our own centre of our BEingness in our present Moment of Now..Making our own choices. 

Our roads are all leading us to one place. And that is to look inside of ourselves, as we alter our perspective and thinking.   Don’t let fear and anxiety take control of your thoughts… Allow yourself space to breathe. Take yourself out in Mother Nature allow her calm presence to guide you as you unscramble your thoughts.  

For by taking in the beauty of the moment, seeing how very blessed we are,  we then can stand within our own centre of happiness.. Its been right here inside of us all along.. Within our Hearts. But we got so busy with ‘Things’ We lost our Hearts connection. 

Our Futures are in our hands as we begin another year.. Let us keep those promises to ourselves.. As we open our hearts to ourselves, forgiving our faults and our failures, as we relearn how to love ourselves..

There is no greater power on this planet than Love.. Its what keeps us from Fear.. Don’t allow Fear to dominate yet another year of Expectations!..

Love and Blessings


102 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Mark Lanesbury
    Jan 04, 2017 @ 23:21:31

    Well said Sue. Like you, a forced journey within opened the portal, that one of self worth with its checks and measures being seen for what they were…expectations, and ones built from a world that had its own. It was time to look at me…and for the first time ‘see’ that truth of what I truly am, not what I had been labelled by.
    May your year be that truth, and the love that it builds 😀

    Liked by 2 people


  2. Writing to Freedom
    Jan 04, 2017 @ 23:30:18

    Beautifully expressed Sue. I just read something else today that reminded me to focus more on appreciation, acceptance and Being OK now! To be or not to be. XD

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Seenorway
    Jan 04, 2017 @ 23:31:10

    Age does have it’s advantages! I don’t much ever reflect on these things any more!
    Oh, I remember doing it it my early youth, but I can’t rememeber doing it after I passed 30! 🙂 So perhaps I lacked ambitions? Not really! I’ve always done the best I could, knowing nobody could ask for any more, but high flying ambitions?
    No thanks! How bad I (and others) would think of myself if I wasn’t able to deliver?
    Why put myself ‘in the line of fire’ quite unnecessarily?
    I feel much better being able to live my life without any kind of stress, thank you!
    Look around you. Point your finger to one thing that you just absolutely couldn’t live without?! (Hard to find?) 🙂 I think most of us are using way to much efforts obtaining things that we could really do without, don’t you?!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 05, 2017 @ 12:19:59

      Big smiles my friend, Yes I couldn’t agree more.. 🙂 We could manage with a lot less.. And half of the things we own we do not need.. And yes Age does have its advantages .. Living IN the Moment and being Thankful for those every moments as you have discovered changes very much how we view life..
      Love and Blessings and will be calling around later to view your new photo’s 🙂



  4. smilecalm
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 00:00:14

    thank you for sharing
    such a deep heartfelt
    introspection, Sue.
    wishing you love and support
    to break together this year
    more than any breaking apart,
    so that goals and contentment
    are realized with ease!
    smiles, david 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  5. litebeing
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 00:40:20

    Hi Sue,
    Your writing is full of wisdom and very appropriate for this demarcation of time we assign to be a new year. Funny how you allude to crossroads after commenting today on my crossroads post. Perhaps it led to some inspiration!

    Most of us feel empty because we have been taught and encouraged and often cajoled by advertising to be rich, successful, better looking, thinner, ambitious and to accumulate as much stuff as possible. How many have been taught to love and respect ourselves?

    I expect nothing from the outside. I set goals to keep me on the planet as most of it is meaningless. That is where I am on my journey at the moment.

    I bet if you decide to write that book that it would be phenomenal and chock full of wisdom , while also being compelling and entertaining. But again, with no expectations, lol!

    love to you,

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 05, 2017 @ 12:24:40

      I think it did Linda.. You made me ponder deeper to the meanings we have in life and to its purpose.. And thank you for that kind compliment about becoming an author. 🙂 lol..I very much appreciate your thoughts.. 🙂 ❤ Love right on back x

      Liked by 1 person


  6. dgkaye
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 02:13:49

    I don’t even know where to begin with your post. You’ve covered so much about life and BEing, and as always you are so wise and so right Sue. And I was also glad to see the *tiny bit about writing a book!
    Big hugs as always for you my friend. ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Tina Frisco
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 03:00:19

    You nailed it, Sue. All that we seek is within. If we keep our hearts open and come from a place of love, all will be well. You are right: There is no greater power than Love. And you have lovingly put up a mirror for all who read this. My heart to your heart, sweet friend … ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 05, 2017 @ 12:31:14

      Bless you Tina, thank you. Yes there is no greater power than love.. And yet its often the hardest thing to achieve.. For we may love many things and others but fail to love the most important person of all.. Ourselves.. When we come back to our hearts and open them to ourselves, being gentle with ourselves and forgiving ourselves and learning none of us are perfect.. But to accept ourselves warts and all.. We move forward.. Many thanks for your lovely heart also. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  8. Nihar Pradhan
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 03:11:21

    Such a profound post and so much to reflect at the dawn of another year, every year we go through such reflection and realization. But as rightly pointed out we get loaded with the expectations which then defines the way we think, we work and the way we live. We get entangled in the things that keep distracting and disturbing our mind, things around are many times flooded with bad news, negativity, criticism, prejudices and we just cannot escape the trap. We forget to look inside where the answer to all our problem resides, we are constantly on the hunt in the outside world. Accepting what we are and what we have rather than forcing us accept new unaccepted things and look for things that is perhaps an illusion and fighting by comparing with others. Letting go is art of living that we cling on year after year, we are emotionally bonded to so many earthly things that our spiritual thoughts get stifled and the freedom and the joy of breaking free from the clutches of worldly materialistic obsession…

    Yes, Sue every year we promise so many things to ourselves and with each passing day of the year we give that promise goodbye and the very intensity and the determination we project initially goes for ride, very quickly we get back to our usual self and forget the new agenda and new programmes that we had promised ourselves…good times makes us happy and lifts our mood and we set high goals but all disappears into thin air with thickness of the negativity and cacophony around us. This post of yours is lovely reflection to start this new year and I take the wonderful nuggets of wisdom and make this year really count and count meaningfully to all of us.

    Thanks so much Sue for sharing such a powerful post.
    take care!!!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 05, 2017 @ 12:39:35

      Thank you dear Nihar for your profound understanding to the depths of my post.. Yes I think you are right my friend when you say we are emotionally bonded to so many earthly things.. We are programmed and conditioned to Want and need things put out in the Media.. be it fashion, phones, furniture, or to get into debt.. We are programmed to work and become slaves to ‘Things’ we do not need.. Many items are plastic, and many items do not last.. We live in a throw away society whereby nothing is of real value…
      Children grow up being given far too much far too soon.. And they then grow up with Their ‘Expectations’ of wanting more.. and because they are given ‘Things’ nothing then is of value to them.. for its all so easily come by…
      They then grow up in a world where by if you can not afford something.. You can get credit.. Have now Pay later.. And pay later you will for often the debts soon mount up with the young and this then leads to stress, depression and habits that are formed as they try to escape the realities of their world..
      Yes Nihar you have given much more food for thought.. Thank you for you visit and I am working my way around to repaying those visits very soon..
      Blessings for a wonderful New year..

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Jan 06, 2017 @ 09:45:08

        Dear Sue, I have missed such wonderful exchange of thoughts and ideas with you, 2016 was a year where tried but just couldn’t motivate me and manage the time to return to the place I loved to be and cherish such lovely interactions.

        Yes we are so much bonded to things and get pulled by the forces of excessive want and desire just to create more problems for ourselves. Today’s children have very short attention span and they want everything yesterday, they live for now and today and they lost the connection nature and the essence of the journey of life. Everything gets measured and everything gets counted and the real meaning of life is lost in the digital wilderness. I agree this credit card syndrome is such a dangerous phenomena, it pulls you into a vortex and we are caught in an octopus grip and don’t know what to do and how to extricate from the clutches of worldly possession.
        Perhaps why we have so much surfacing out in terms of stress and depression, these are all self inflicted problems and we have become sadistic to ourselves, we are bonded by our bad habits we trapped…

        This year we will have many more such wonderful discussion and compensate the loss of 2016…
        take care!!!



  9. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 03:31:11

    Witnessing the destruction from last year’s earthquake (Ecuador) has helped me so much when I find myself getting frustrated — I immediately think of those living in the tent communities, who have no home, no kitchen, no privacy to speak of — and my problems vaporize.

    When a worker is sloppy or slow or – whatever, I find that I smile — we are all on different paths, and I’ve learned lessons that he-she has not…. and maybe through my patience, he’ll learn to be more attentive to details.. or perhaps he will teach me that those details really are not as important as I think!

    Thank you for all that you do as you spread light and goodness to all!!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 05, 2017 @ 12:47:43

      I am sure it has Lisa.. Only when we see this kind of environment of how the other half of the world so often suffers and has to manage through their own trials and tribulations do we see how very blessed our own lives are in comparison.. I so admire you and your work Lisa and how you share the world in which you now live with us..
      Yes would that we could all but see, there for the Grace of God go I… What often astounds me is when I see those in countries who have so little.. My own experience in Sri Lanka in the 90’s brought home to me just how so many lived in poverty with so little.. Yet each person I met, greeted me with love and a smile..
      I often think this is what the Universal plan may well hold for many within the wealthier side of the world. For we hold far too much importance to our wealth and much less to our Well BEing..
      Love and Blessings Lisa.. and Thank you for those kind words.
      Sue x



  10. Colleen Chesebro
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 03:40:57

    Excellent thoughts. I find myself reflecting more and more as Get older. I think it’s all about getting to know yourself. Many New Year Blessings to you. 💖

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Shakti Ghosal
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 04:58:21

    Dear Sue,

    While I do realise that these over-used words may not mean much, I take this opportunity to wish you and yours a joyful and healthy 2017 going ahead.

    I do confess that I am visiting you after all most a year. But then circumstances and mindset had conspired to keep me away from the Blogosphere. It was only a couple of months back that I………………… but that’s another story!

    But it does feel good to be back . And it was lovely reading your post. So what is it really that makes us hold onto things in our lives that no longer serve? This is a question that I have wrestled with for a long time now. Is it because they allow us a sense of familiarity in a dark and unknown world out there? Or is it because we get so entrenched in our grooves that we just lack the will and the energy to jump out?

    Be as it may we do need certain triggers to unpack the baggage we accumulate through the year. And I suppose a New Year allows us just that trigger.

    God bless.

    Shakti Ghosal

    Liked by 2 people


    • Hariod Brawn
      Jan 05, 2017 @ 11:22:29

      I think there’s a lot in what you say about our clinging to the familiar, Shakti, even if the familiar is unconducive to contentedness, or indeed, to any benefit at all. People may even become morbidly preoccupied with painful emotions and/or predispositions, having become habituated to them (your second point) and in gaining some perverse kind of solace in the simple fact of it resulting in them being a feeling entity – I feel, therefore I am – one who is afraid to explore new ways of feeling and being.

      Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 05, 2017 @ 12:59:55

      Dear Shakti it is indeed wonderful to see you here upon my blog again after your absence.. Time is immaterial, for we have had once before an indepth discussion of Time 🙂 I am pleased you are back.. . I think as I said to Nihar in my earlier reply.. We have been conditioned, and programmed.. And I think my answer in part did some explaining of how we have become a throw away society where we no longer value things.. Which may also answer some of your own questions you posed upon your own well written post about how we pollute our rivers with garbage..

      I think most of us lack that energy to JUMP out Shakti.. for we get stuck in the mold.. We dare not DARE to be different for fear of standing out and being labeled. So most continue their habits going with the flow.. Most of us are like sheep, following the crowd.. Fashion, Food fads, and get fooled by the hype of advertisements… So we think its ‘Cool’ to be within the In crowd of the haves not the have nots..
      We forget the biggest baggage we carry are our emotions..
      Many thanks again my friend.. lovely to exchange thoughts again with you..
      Blessings Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Shakti Ghosal
        Jan 25, 2017 @ 11:33:58

        Hi Sue,

        That’s a great take-away for me and I quote :

        “We forget the biggest baggage we carry are our emotions..”

        But that is precisely what makes us human is it not?





        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 25, 2017 @ 14:44:58

          Yes I understand that too Shakti, But our emotions as you know often overwhelm and overtake us..Learning to find balance within them and not let one particular emotion rule. For example revenge, or hate or regret or sorrow.. To be human we experience ALL of these yes.. But we are now it seems being controlled more by these and forgetting the one we came here to find and experience.. Which is Love.. ❤ Lovely to see you here again my friend 🙂 Sue

          Liked by 1 person


  12. wolfgangpowerpoint.wordpress.com/
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 10:25:35

    Danke. Freundliche Grüße-Wolfgang

    Liked by 1 person


  13. giselzitrone
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 10:56:12

    Liebe Grüße liebe Sue schöner Beitrag ich wünsche dir ein glückliches neue Jahr und alles liebe von mir eine Umarmung Gislinde

    Liked by 1 person


  14. europasicewolf
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 11:12:36

    I will settle for hopes and aspirations for New year rather than expectations! Have a good one Sue😀xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 05, 2017 @ 13:06:16

      🙂 Hopes and Dreams along with our aspirations are good Wolfie… I would expect nothing less.. Sending you hugs and my Hooooowwwwls.. for a lovely Wonderful New Year… Wishing you every success with your canine endeavors xxx ❤



  15. Sageleaf
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 12:34:26

    This idea to be kind and gentle to ourselves, to make promises to be kind and understanding with ourselves while letting Ego take a backseat…I think we need these reminders often. We all have that inner voice that threatens to derail even the best of intentions.
    But this is where our community comes in. Reading articles like these and surrounding ourselves (both online and in the real world) with folks who would lift us up can be so instrumental in helping us stay on The Path. That Path of Light.
    Love this post and many blessings for a wonderful year ahead. Sending hugs, sweet friend! xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 05, 2017 @ 13:10:50

      Thank you dear Cynthia.. and I am so delighted you are part of my community here on WP also my friend.. May we all of us keep spreading the word and the LIGHT.. Love and Mega Hugs right on back.. ❤



  16. peggyjoan42
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 12:51:51

    Life is a difficult journey and it takes a lot of strength to stay on track and prevail. I have began to write my book Sue, so go for it, write your book. The clutter in my house and life disappears now and then, because I realize how unimportant it is to hang onto unnecessary baggage. Here’s to a great year in 2017 for you Sue. xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  17. kowkla123
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 13:05:53

    hoffe, es ist alles in Ordnung rein wettermäßig und auch so?

    Liked by 1 person


  18. David
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 13:19:38

    As usual dear Sue your words are profound,
    As you will recall I have been on the path of clearing the baggage that I have carried for the last 60 years and finally I can see daylight or should that be inner light now that the corners are cleared? It occurs to me that we often carry too much but we also tend to resist instead of going with the moment, without fear to see where it takes us! We are cajoled into the outer journey as if that was all that mattered, but as you and I know only too well Sue, it is the inner journey that holds the greatest rewards and where true happiness lies. Many Blessings dear Sue and may this year bring us all truth, wisdom and love. Blessings, David

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 05, 2017 @ 13:23:18

      Yes I agree David, the walk can be long and lonesome at times.. but overcoming every pebble we tread upon helps strengthen our soul … 🙂 Many thanks David.. We are finally getting closer to that place each of us have worked so hard to arrive at.. 🙂 Love and Blessings and thank you for your continued love and support.. ❤



  19. michnavs
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 14:32:34

    I am always enjoying reading your post .this time did not only enjoy it but i also learned a lot from this post …i am not the type who would list down new years resolutions nor do i ever have any expectations for the coming..i just try to live each day and grow each day…but after reading this..i am beginning to reconsider to have some expectations for this year…expectations….attainable goals…and well its never too late to have a new year’s resolution..

    Liked by 1 person


  20. IreneDesign2011
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 16:55:34

    Beautiful message, dear Sue. I agree so much with you and I do also think, that we are relaxing more by age and experiments, which help us to reflect more, where we didn’t earlier in our life.
    I do my best to live in the moment, without forgetting the needed acts.
    Wish you a new and beautiful year.

    Liked by 1 person


  21. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 17:26:00

    I love this reminder to sift through our thoughts and let go of what does not work for us anymore or holds us back. It is so very easy to get caught in the “hamster wheel of thought” and we have a habit of turning it back on ourselves. Lets roll that wheel forward in 2017. Your wise and kind words carry us on our paths. Thanks and Blessings Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 05, 2017 @ 21:36:20

      Love that thought of the hamster wheel.. so apt for so often we can get stuck within our thoughts churning them around and around.. Many thanks Mar for you lovely feedback.. I am so grateful for your thoughts. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  22. suzicate
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 18:15:04

    A beautiful and wise post. You make many important points here. Letting go and letting be is a calm (and courageous if we add in the factor of calling out the ego!) way to live. Thanks for these gentle and intelligent reminders. Blessings to you, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 05, 2017 @ 21:39:05

      Many thanks Suzi… I think you are well on the road to conquering Suzi… I love reading your own weeks wonderful time spent in Love, Creativity and in Joy and Gratitude.. You bring such a wealth to showing us how Blessed we are if only we look deep into every day happenings and actions.. 🙂 Thank YOU!

      Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 08, 2017 @ 12:12:09

      Many thanks Suzi..I often need to keep these gentle reminders in focus.. 🙂 its so easy to get caught up within the snares of everyday living.. 🙂
      Love and Hugs again xx



  23. Erika Kind
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 19:19:00

    I go with you in every line. Reading your words I went through my past, present, and imagined future! It is so true, what we make of our lives is in our hands in every moment. Until I “broke through” the wall of limitation I thought I wasn’t even worth having a voice! Today, I barely let me limit by others and just run through the limitations my ego is about to set before it sinks too deep. But still, once things work out I don’t know how to take that blessing. But seriously, I hope I never get used to those moments of standing in awe when looking at the blessings showering over me. I will never take it for granted. Thank you for this wonderful post, Sue 💖



  24. AmyRose🌹
    Jan 05, 2017 @ 23:32:27

    What a truly uplifting and heart warming post, Sue. Oh my! Your words ring so true and ever so wise. Thank you for your Journey which enables you to turn around to assist those around you. Bless you and may this year be full of those moments when you are in awe of you. There are no limitations, just ego trying to get in the way. The Secret is to Flow and to BELIEVE in YOU! I do! When the time is right you will accomplish what your Heart desires. Much Love to you! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  25. belasbrightideas
    Jan 06, 2017 @ 02:22:58

    The thing that comes to mind by the end of your post is this story: 12 years or so ago, I met Dr. Yanzhong Zhu. He was teaching at 5 Branches (still does) in Santa Cruz where my daughter was studying acupuncture. I was having dire health issues at the time, due to being completely tapped out working as a hands-on Medical Intuitive and Life Coach, giving each client 150%, raising 2 adolescent daughters who were leaving home, and menopause was taking its toll. I sat in his office telling him all the supplements I had done and was doing, all the ‘from scratch’ foods I was ingesting, and why, in spite of it all, was I feeling so completely done in? He looked at me and said simply, “Diseases in the East are generally caused by deficiency. In the West, they are caused by excess.” I have never forgotten it.

    Setting aside food and supplements for now (for they are more obvious to examine), I think we Westerners suffer from an excess of diligence sometimes; we want to know ‘what we’re supposed to do’ with our lives; want to do it right; if only someone would tell us what It is, we’ll give it our all. Hundreds of clients and I can say this was the most common complaint I heard. Their physical ailments may or may not – depending on one’s worldview – have derived from the anxiety this provoked. We aren’t happy with a bite, we want the whole cake. We don’t accept ‘the journey’ as Easterns are more likely to do; we want to grab hold of every book, see every film, avail ourselves of every practitioner in the quest to release all our bad karma in This Lifetime.

    If love is the answer, then loving ourselves in the here and now is the only way through – at least in my opinion. Accepting what comes in the moment, instead of trying to project into the future (expectations and fear go hand in hand here). As a former AA client once said, “Expectations are like premeditated resentments.”

    Wishing you peace and sending you love, dear Sue. I hope 2017 is a year of balance and relaxation for you. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 08, 2017 @ 12:21:33

      So well said Bela.. and that Dr. Yanzhong Zhu, what a wise man.. 🙂
      Yes Loving ourselves if a major key.. Living IN the MOMENT and enjoying the Now.. We do expect too much.. I agree… Which is the point I was perhaps not clearly delivering..
      Sending Huge hugs back. I will definitely be balancing more relaxation into the Mix.. 🙂 for sure..
      Love Sue ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  26. Grandtrines
    Jan 06, 2017 @ 05:20:02

    Reblogged this on Still Another Writer's Blog.

    Liked by 1 person


  27. marjablom
    Jan 06, 2017 @ 08:20:58

    What a beautiful reflections to start the New Year with So much wisdom seemingly easy but so difficult to follow. I am blessed with nature all around me and wouldn’t have survived without it. So important. Still the worrying is a hard thing to lay off.
    Lots to learn for 2017 Happy New Year and Arohanui

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Dalo 2013
    Jan 06, 2017 @ 19:58:16

    Wonderful post, Sue, tackling a concept that is often the biggest thing that holds back our potential: expectations. The burden of which often creates depression, less energy and then eventually apathy towards the year and time. You’ve written words here that are essential to slow down and feel/understand life for what it is. Keeping things simple, sounds simple, but putting it into practice in today’s world is anything but. You lay a path for us all. Cheers to a great 2017.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 08, 2017 @ 10:05:09

      Many thanks Radall for reading deeply into my post.. I really appreciate the time taken to digest this post.. Wishing you another wonderful year in which you can merge and feel at one within which ever surroundings you choose to blend with.. I will continue to look forward to the energy you bring through the eye of your lens..
      Blessings for 2017.. Sue 🙂



  29. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Jan 06, 2017 @ 21:24:38

    Learning to leave things behind- that’s really an important lesson for me in 2016. I hope love and peace prevail and this year would bring happiness to more people.
    Thanks for such a wonderful, heart-warming post… ❤

    P.S. Loved your new picture.

    Liked by 1 person


  30. stephensmustang1
    Jan 07, 2017 @ 02:36:37

    Timely post for me. Thank you, my friend. hugs

    Liked by 1 person


  31. kowkla123
    Jan 07, 2017 @ 12:26:54

    schönes Wochenende wünsche ich, liebe Sue

    Liked by 1 person


  32. prenin
    Jan 08, 2017 @ 05:33:36

    Hopefully this year will see and end to the twisted persecution by my tormentors now that they are reduced to trying to determine if I am gay or bisexual.

    Hard to believe this has gone on for 28 years… 😦

    Love and hugs!

    Prenin… 🙂



  33. Somali K Chakrabarti
    Jan 09, 2017 @ 05:18:25

    A very self introspective post Sue – something that I can relate to very well. It is so true that we seek happiness in external things – in our relationships, career or through our possessions. When any of these do mot match our expectations, we tend to become unhappy. Our inner chatter to pull us down, we worry about our future, blame others for our failings. Though all these emotions such as regret, guilt, jealousy, expectations are all a part of our feelings, I agree that one of the best gifts we can give ourselves is to Let Go or at least try to reduce/ contain the feelings of regret, guilt, jealousy, and even our self expectations.
    Stay happy, stay blessed ..Love and regards, Somali

    Liked by 1 person


  34. Maria Wind Talker
    Jan 09, 2017 @ 15:10:06

    Reblogged this on Bear Foot Connections and commented:
    Beautiful and profound ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  35. Maria Wind Talker
    Jan 09, 2017 @ 15:12:25

    Beautiful sharing Sue, thank you.I can so relate to the book thing,ive been saying il write mine for 15years lol
    May your journey continue to bare fruit, ❤ xxxx

    Liked by 1 person


  36. Lynz Real Cooking
    Jan 12, 2017 @ 21:06:08

    Lovely Sue! Xxxx

    Liked by 1 person


  37. aussieian2011
    Jan 16, 2017 @ 11:45:18

    A beautiful and extremely honest post Sue, I made decisions to change for the benefits of others opinions, I ended up depressed over my lack of ability to change, I went back to the way I was, contented within myself and happy in life.
    Sometimes change is not a good idea if one has to alter their personality for others, I’m rambling I know Sue, giving up smoking at my age and stressing out on being physically in form just is not worth the effort for mental well being.
    Well that went way of what I meant to say.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2017 @ 12:31:57

      I know what you mean Ian.. So often we try to please others and in doing so we lose being true to ourselves.. We aim to please and it can often be at the expense of our own feelings..
      We have to change because we want that change.. which is different from others telling us to jump and we asking how high..
      Each of us are unique BEings, but in todays world so many are made into clones.. as we follow trends, fashion, and life styles.. When you state you are different.. You are then given a label and frowned upon for rebelling.. 🙂 Oh so know what that is like.. 🙂
      Good luck with those new reforms if you are trying to kick habits..
      One thing I have learnt.. Its only when we really want to do something we then achieve it.. 🙂
      Have a great Week Ian.. and thank you xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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