Everyone is Looking Outside themselves..


Below is part of a post I wrote in 2012, I was searching through my archives today as I re-read the words I had written.  The original  Full post and it’s theme is HERE with more interesting comments ..Below is an edited version of my thoughts as I picked out a few paragraphs..

Wishing you all a Peaceful Beautiful week as I send you all of my Love and Gratitude … Sue x 

We are all of us right now looking for something, whether it is peace or our fortunes, we are all of us searching for something,………….

We have all seen events around our world, where anger and bloodshed has spilled out onto the streets in various conflicts which now affect different parts of the world. And we have seen how quickly this can spread…

So those who have been following my blog will also know how much importance I have put into thinking Positive thoughts and putting Positive energy out there, for like a pebble in a pool of water it will spread out through our Collective Consciousness  just the same.. An example of that is how suddenly an event can cause an emotional response within us. Causing Anger, Sadness, Happiness, Elation, etc.

“We have to understand we are all one family.. When one member of one’s family is ill, it has an effect upon the rest of the family..In turn each person’s health is affected by the environment, community, society the whole world.. We all of us get to use our feelings and emotions as we use them to either feel strongly about global issues such as climate changes, famine, poverty and so on..adding our energy of greed, anger, hatred, guilt, sorrow or joy… it all adds to the mix.. Our family is sick, as we see many Nations now falling ill… So too our World is Sick.. she is being poisoned.

If we can change , the world can change..


“When we get a virus within our bodies our immune system kicks in to defend it.. We have to understand that we have become the Virus upon this planet.. WE are the ones destroying our environment.. We are the Cancer that is eating away at her..

When we can change our own values of living. And learn that we are ALL of us connected… The more we start and live in love and from our hearts instead of in Fear and anger, we will then start to see a world that works towards harmony and Peace..

It all starts with Self, as we begin to heal ourselves from within.. letting go of those emotions which affect our health and affect our world. We need to let go of Greed, Hate, Power and Control. 

To heal the world we have to see we are the community, we are the society we are the nation.. Once we change the way we think and perceive and behave.. We change the World…”

Everyone is looking outside of themselves for solutions!

May we all find LOVE in our hearts and begin to share it. 

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012-2015

92 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. wolfgangpowerpoint.wordpress.com/
    Nov 16, 2015 @ 18:52:20

    Gute Abend liebe Sue. Habe deinen Blog übersetzt und kann alles in Deutsch lesen können. Es ist sehr traurig in der heutigen Zeit das so etwas basieren konnte. Da fehlen mir die Worte. Freundliche Grüße von uns. Wolfgang

    Liked by 1 person


  2. David
    Nov 16, 2015 @ 18:57:59

    My tribe is the human race and home is where I lay my head, change starts from within and I change as I want to see the world change for the better, for the good of everyone of my race, my tribe. Love, David

    Liked by 3 people


  3. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature
    Nov 16, 2015 @ 19:04:37

    I really believe in the Power of Love.

    Liked by 3 people


  4. Enigma
    Nov 16, 2015 @ 20:03:56


    Liked by 2 people


  5. IreneDesign2011
    Nov 16, 2015 @ 20:15:06

    You are right Sue, love is the way.
    Much love to you, Irene

    Liked by 2 people


  6. Hariod Brawn
    Nov 16, 2015 @ 23:06:08

    I believe true revolution comes from within Sue, and only when we put our own house in order can we hope to fix those of others. This is not to say we should adopt a solipsistic frame of reference, but in purifying our own minds, our actions in the world so too become purer accordingly. H ❤

    Liked by 4 people


  7. Sonia Maria
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 01:53:34


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2015 @ 12:05:58

      Thank you Sonia for leaving me this update.. I have read it and appreciate its message But would appreciate if you just left me your own words rather than links that do not relate to my post.

      Many thanks for you support, you are appreciated
      Gracias Sonia por dejarme esta actualización .. He leído y apreciar su mensaje, pero le agradecería si me dejaste tus propias palabras en lugar de los enlaces que no estén relacionados con mi puesto.

      Muchas gracias por su apoyo, que son apreciados

      Liked by 1 person


  8. Kentucky Angel
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 02:04:47

    Sue, you said in 2012 what I’ve wanted to say somewhere since I regained my voice in 1995. We have poisoned Mother, turned what was once paradise into scorched earth filled with war, hatred, violence, all in the name of greed. And all for what? Who will win? And what will be left as the prize for the “winner”. Nothing! Complete, absolute nothing.
    Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Hugs, A.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2015 @ 13:07:49

      Thank you Angie, yes it seems we destroy many things through the name of Greed upon our planet.. And yet I am hopeful for their are many who are opening up to caring and nurturing.. Yes I agree Angie and for what?… Love to you my friend xx

      Liked by 2 people


      • Kentucky Angel
        Nov 17, 2015 @ 22:31:26

        I’ve been discovering some today Sue. I have a new Senior Companion, and she didn’t have anyone to be with, so she came here and asked if I wanted company. Of course I did, so we had a wonderful time. I’m teaching her to crochet, And telling her the sad saga of my own ventures into the craft, the balls of yarn getting loose and rolling out the door, cats tangling in them, the hemp I salvaged a month ago when it was being tossed in the garbage by the construction workers here. I couldn’t believe that one. They use it to cushion wiring, and throw it away when it is no longer needed. That costs a fortune in a craft store, and there are miles of it. I started salvaging it, they noticed and asked what I would do with it, and when I realed off at least a dozen different things, they began neatly looping it into neat ropes for me, and stashing it on tables when the day was over. One man’s trash is my treasure. What a blessing for me, and such a treasure saved from Mother’s system, although that is natural and would be absorbed again. I can use it, and then some day it can return to Mother, to be repurposed in her way. HUGS Sue.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 18, 2015 @ 15:33:32

          How wonderful Angie.. I love you have someone to chat with.. And I am loving the salvaged hemp from the workmen and that they left it you when they found out how you could use it.. Brilliant. .. Every little helps xx



  9. Rajagopal
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 10:21:35

    If I recall right, I have been following you from 2014, the year I started foraying into wp world. So thanks, Sue, for relaying this post of 2012 vintage. We all have to focus on our inner housekeeping, without sliding into solipsism, and with a regularity that will keep the house in order, which in turn radiates to good health and cheer of body politic. There is no other way…best wishes.

    Liked by 5 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2015 @ 13:19:45

      Yes I just love all the words our dear friend Hariod leaves me, She educates me.. I had to look up the meaning, 🙂 .. I am delighted we have met through WP Raj, and I thank you for reading and yes keeping good house inside and out in mind body and spirit.. 🙂 Blessings your way.. Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  10. Eddie Two Hawks
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 11:11:10

    Can we ever change the world (or community) if we don’t change ourselves?
    Always remark, thank you very much Sue for your kind reflections.

    Liked by 4 people


  11. becca givens
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 11:39:45

    May the underground movement of consciousness grow stronger and stronger … and the world see the Divine Light and Love shine brighter! Much love to you, Sue! xoxo

    Liked by 2 people


  12. prenin
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 12:19:54

    Very true Sue! 🙂

    Love and hugs!


    Liked by 1 person


  13. Val Boyko
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 12:27:37

    A powerful loving reminder Sue. Thank you for sharing from your heart. It is so easy to get caught up in the anger, fear and anxiety, yet we forget that we are then bringing that to the world.
    Om Shanti Shanti

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2015 @ 13:38:12

      Yes so many are caught up within this perpetual circle of anger, blame and retribution, I have just had to deal with a WP follower who left me a torrent of links in Spanish and several pictures of people being shot and propaganda images on my previous post that I have had to deal with.. So I censored her comment, and got a torrent of abuse.. I ask she fill her own site up… We live in a very sad world when people over step the line and then do not like the consequences.. I tried to deal with her as diplomatically as possible… But there you go that is People.. All caught up with in the fear and do not see how they are part of the problem.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  14. Maia Blessings
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 12:31:25

    More and more are seeing and awaking now ❤ Thankfully ❤

    Sharing the LOVE is essential .. in all its LIGHT & Magic .. bit also in the stuff that makes folks think and rub the sleep out of their eyes ..

    Writing the wakey wakey posts always has some interesting energetic backlash shall we say 🙂 .. although I have to say I am most grateful that it no longer feels like .. that scene in Braveheart .. you know the one … when he has to run like H*** back across a field ..followed by the hoards o savages 😉 😀 .. These days and if this was FB .. its more like an instant unfriend 😉 LOL .. so more like those stubbornly refusing to see to all to obvious truth around us .. doing the running 😉

    Beautiful post Sue ❤ Thank you for sharing
    Love Light & Abundant Blessings to you & ALL ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2015 @ 13:47:15

      Yes Maia, Big smiles.. I just got a Big back lash from someone on my previous post .. Leaving many photo’s of not nice images of shooting of people .. But dealt with it.. Thankfully I am not on FB 🙂 nor do I tweet 🙂 but I hope we all soon flex our wings as we rise up to the Truth.. Loved the imagery of Braveheart lol. sadly I have had to adjust my moderation of comments in case they leave another load while I am absent.. I wouldn’t mind so much if they posted it upon their own blog.. but they haven’t .. Sigh… Such is the World.. 🙂 Love and Blessings and Thank you Maia xx Much Love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Maia Blessings
        Nov 17, 2015 @ 14:05:21

        hmm troll’s don’t troll on their own pages … they don’t get energy from it … its ..its just a another energy vampire / drama manipulation technique .. more people than you can imagine get most of their energy this way .on the internet and in their lives . their Karma ..but 😦 .. its very old and very boring .. and their awaking is in my opinion long overdue .. but I am no loner batting my head against that brick wall . I refuse to let their bad behaviour ruin my inner peace ❤ & Love LIGHT & Abundant Blessings to you too Sue ❤

        Liked by 3 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 17, 2015 @ 14:24:39

          No she didn’t I found Silvia amusing childlike..

          Liked by 1 person


          • Maia Blessings
            Nov 17, 2015 @ 21:05:20

            🙂 that good then …
            but energy manipulation is an ingrown thing in our society … the games people play … mostly without even being aware … Did you ever read The Celestine Prophecy ? remember the poor me .. aloof … angry .. etc etc .. The old archetypes are all around us … some of the most manipulative people I have come across in life .. do childlike very well … I used to find it all exhausting but I do not play any more … Thought you were aware .. Sorry didn’t mean to offend …or open a box to stuff you’d rather not tackle right now 🙂 ❤ .. LOVE & LIGHT to you ❤

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Nov 17, 2015 @ 21:10:10

              You have far from offended, and yes I have all the series of Books relating to the Celestine Prophecies 🙂 Good for you that you no longer play… xxx 🙂 I am too old for childrens games unless it is with my Granddaughter 😀 xx

              Liked by 1 person

  15. Jacqueline King
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 12:46:07

    I read the 2012 post first, Sue and it strikes me that more and more people are becoming open to a different way of looking at the global communit nowadays. Back then I felt alone and struggling against the tide of greed and selfishness, connecting with a few like~minded souls and joining in with movements on the blogosphere to strengthen my heartfelt desire that the necessary wave of change would swell in time to save us all. In the meantime I’ve been through several ‘healing crises’, one after the other, that have tested my faith and patience ~ if we can see what needs to happen, why can’t everyone else?! Now I do feel that the collective consciousness is changing, albeit gradually ~ people who once scoffed at my ‘hippy~trippy’ ways are sharing uplifting memes on social media, signing on~line petitions and expressing more informed opinions. So, though it may appear as though the Planet is careering into chaos, I choose to be steadfast in my belief that change is taking effect, one person at a time. Great post, Sue, so thank you for revisiting it at this time of sadness and international tension. ☺️

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2015 @ 13:58:39

      Thank you Jacqueline, especially that you too the time to go read the original post in full.. It is refreshing to find there are many more like minded people around, thinking as we do.. Like you back in the 90’s I felt alone in my thoughts.. Now we see many more being aware and opening up to what is around them and how we are all of us affecting the whole..
      We can not stop wars, or the atrocities that are taking place, but we can change our own way of being.. We do that by caring, Like you say, One step at a time.. In small ways, by caring, by signing petitions, by being eco friendly, and by caring for each other and our planet..
      We are the Change.. And One by One WE do make a difference…

      Thank you for making a difference to my day today Jacqueline… Many thanks for you comment and lovely visit..
      In Love and Gratitude..
      Sue xxx

      Liked by 2 people


  16. April
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 13:07:04

    Just imagine if each one of us let love overpower any negativity…..
    Why is it that so many people are drawn to the ugly and sad?

    Liked by 1 person


  17. dreamingthruthetwilight
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 15:36:28

    A wonderful post Sue. I know you’ll believe me, but that pebble analogy has been on my mind for the last few days. When one experiences that happening in one’s own circle, one becomes certain about the truth in that. No thought, word or act of ours gets lost in a vacuum, isn’t it? Everything counts and has consequences. This whole concept of sending out positive energy may sound like a whole lot of hogwash, but I believe in it very strongly, for I’ve experienced negativity being replaced by genuine warmth. It’s miraculous, no less. Hugs dear girl 🙂

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2015 @ 20:03:42

      Bless you Nadira, Yes I have experienced it first hand through out my own life time.. Having bosses who were not too nice… Sending them ‘Love’ within my thought patterns had amazing results in a turn around of their behaviours..
      We have to understand what goes around comes around.. We are the creators of our thoughts, and thus our energy that send out, comes back to its creator.. ourselves.. The pebble in the pond reverberates outwards from the centre.. but if you look closely it also comes back in on itself as a wave..
      We all of us think we are responsible for our actions.. but we are also very responsible for our thoughts.. For each action was first but a thought.. 😉

      I am blessed to have you within my WP circle of energy dear Nadira .. Thank you _/\_

      Liked by 2 people


  18. Faraday's Candle
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 18:07:12

    Love, understanding and communication goes a long way!

    Liked by 2 people


  19. Jo Bryant
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 18:17:36

    As we seem to drift further towards an abyss I find myself with the words of one song repeatedly wafting in and out of my head…IMAGINE.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 17, 2015 @ 20:13:45

      Arrgh dear Jo… I have quoted that just recently upon Raj’s recent post.. 🙂 Yes Just Imagine, John Lennon was a beautiful soul who understood so much.. and he left us a legacy of lyrics we all should revisit.. xxx ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • pendantry
        Nov 18, 2015 @ 14:50:02

        I knew I had that song on my blog somewhere… and oddly enough (or, perhaps, not so?) the theme of that post is largely in tune with yours — ‘we are the enemy’. (I suspect, though, that you might feel that my message is somewhat less positive than your own…).

        Liked by 1 person


    Nov 18, 2015 @ 00:15:45

    I’ve just finished reading your positive thoughts and watching Braden’s video,dear Sue.Both came like an oasis of repose amid chaos.We all have been disturbed by social upheaval recently and by a series of un-humanistic behaviours worldwide that have badly affected our emotions.How can one remain apathetic in front of so much cruelty and injustice.We are all interconnected and harmony can exist only when all parts are orderly and consistent.Big the word oneness,and great the concept of the collective consciousness that affects even the universe.It might sound a bit irrational,but I have read about weather patterns caused by masses of people,by crowds,who gathered either to protest or to celebrate an unexpected event that flooded their hearts with enthusiasm,with ecstasy.I know,it sounds odd,but there is a good dose of reason behind it.It’s the power of the “collective consciousness”,the invisible power of the “whole” which is transferred in the atmosphere,in the universe like electromagnetic waves.Oh,dear friend,it’s after midnight now,I am tired and I am talking about too far-fetched analogies and situations,which are rather beyond any ordinary beliefs and reason.Sorry,but that’s how I felt after reading your enouraging and hopeful post.Our positive thinking as a whole can change the world,can overthrow rotten political and social systems.Isn’t it the moral of you post ?Sending love & blessings your way ~ I’ll be thinking of you next Tuesday and my prayers will reach out to your place … 🙂 ❤ xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2015 @ 15:40:30

      Dear Doda, you are not talking nonsense.. People do not see the relationship between our Energy and that of our Earth’s Energy it is that simple.. When 911 happened, those who monitor such readings of our Earth’s Magnetic fields saw it peek at the same time the world heard about the twin towers.. Our energy affects the whole.. Gregg Braden speaks of it on another video perfectly.. Our hearts, our Feelings connect to the pulse of our Earth.. So is it any wonder we affect our weather systems… ( Even though I know Man is also ‘tampering’ with the )… Our very emotions also affect the vibrations around us…

      We often say when we walk into a room where there has previously been an argument, ‘You could cut the air with a knife’ meaning how dense and thick it felt.. So too our Negative vibrations are dense and are weighing us down… Fear is doing that, Fear is a weapon used often .. And it is used so cunningly, every day upon the screens which tune into..
      Thank you for your prayers dear Doda.. I know all will be well, but an added thought always helps xx Love to you.. Sue xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • DG MARYOGA
        Nov 19, 2015 @ 14:27:17

        Hi dear Sue!I am so glad that you found my thoughts hold water and that they gave you a good chance to expand more and discuss here our direct connection and interaction with Earth and our universe.Your details sound so logical and I am convinced that there are certain powers and influences which are not perceptible until we personally experience them.Thank you for stimulating us,fot the energy you exude,my friend!Sending warm thoughts and blessings your way 🙂 ❤ xxx

        Liked by 1 person


    Nov 18, 2015 @ 01:00:14

    Just a clarification about the “extreme” weather patterns.I was talking about sudden torrential downpours and violent gusts of winds,which came out of the blue,there was not any forecast from the official MET …



  22. stephensmustang1
    Nov 18, 2015 @ 04:44:53

    Yes, letting all those negatives go and letting the positives flow 😉
    Together we can do so much.



  23. AmyRose🌹
    Nov 18, 2015 @ 13:45:14

    Sue, you are absolutely right and this is exactly what I keep on saying as well. Change begins with SELF. Pointing the finger at another while there is a huge log in our own eye does nothing but promote more anger. When we change and focus on walking in Peace and in Love, those around us are effected and then those that they touch are effected as well. It is the Ripple Effect. Quiet, soft, gentle … one by one, this world shall be changed. I just HOPE that it truly is not too late for our Mother and all those who live with Her. I for one will not let go of my HOPE that there is a day that soon shall come that all on Earth live in Peace and Harmony. Love, Amy ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2015 @ 15:18:57

      Worry not about our Earth Mother dear Amy.. Yes we have poisoned her and hurt her to her core.. But She will recover given time.. As for we Humans.. Maybe our Earth Time is running out.. I too hope not.. for not ALL of us have black hearts.. But Nature isn’t called ‘Mother’ for no reason.. She knows best.. And I think still has much to teach her children about Respect..
      But I will never Give up on HOPE.. or LOVE… for deep down in every soul, how ever hard it has been eradicated, I still believe they want to be Loved.. xxx ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  24. thefeatheredsleep
    Nov 18, 2015 @ 13:53:17

    You are a lovely insightful soul, the world so badly needs more. I am very glad I found you, among the stars, you light the way♡

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 18, 2015 @ 15:11:37

      Candice.. Thank YOU.. Many of the ‘Stars’ are now joining together, we but need to look Higher to see them all shine 🙂 and together I hope we all will bring more illumination to our world.. It only needs a spark.. 🙂 to ignite a fire… May we all ignite Love Sparks into the World x

      Liked by 1 person


  25. Heartafire
    Nov 18, 2015 @ 16:30:01

    Thank you for the soothing and rational thoughts Sue, they are so necessary and could not be better expressed than here.

    Liked by 1 person


  26. New Bloggy Cat
    Nov 19, 2015 @ 14:17:13

    I got it…’inside out’ *.⋆( ˘̴͈́ ॢ꒵ॢ ˘̴͈̀ )⋆.*

    Liked by 1 person


  27. dgkaye
    Nov 20, 2015 @ 02:08:33

    Amen Sue! It’s just as easy to spread kindness as it is to spread hatred. If we could all show kindness we could drown out the evil. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  28. lindamartha
    Nov 22, 2015 @ 13:12:36

    The thought that has come back to me over and over again is that these latest events are a turning point of some kind-perhaps just on a personal level. I don’t think that turning points are easy nor are they peaceful at every moment but maybe we will come through this as a more holistic society since more and more people are expressing that they are both afraid of where our future is heading and willing to come forward to change that fear into something more proactive and positive. My rational side scolds me, saying that this idea is a little too hopeful, as I have neighbors who are becoming more nationalistic by the day and I have yet to figure out a way to reach them-but maybe its not my responsiblity.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 23, 2015 @ 18:24:52

      Linda, I have seen more outpourings of Peace and Love in the last week than for a long while..
      And you are not being unrealistic in these ideals.. For it all begins with us.. One thought, One Step, One Action at a time.. I live in Hope dear Linda that we may hold our our prayers and thoughts for Unity and love and weave the threads of Unity to create that much needed Blanket of Peace for the world… And yes it is all of our responsibilities, And our thoughts all count.. And by the action of our peaceful loving thoughts we are helping Humanity…. For we are All of us ONE.. xxxx So you DO help enormously .. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  29. Maria F.
    Nov 25, 2015 @ 02:07:17

    Inner growth is a lifetime process, constantly in progress…Oh Sue!!!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 25, 2015 @ 13:03:32

      Yes, a life time!!… I agree… I little fertilizer sprinkled here and there with a few chosen words now and again, I hope gives some who may be lacking in energy a little growth spurt LOL.. 😉 .. Lovely to have you read Maria.. ❤



  30. Kourtney Heintz
    Nov 25, 2015 @ 20:24:51

    Great repost. I hope especially at this time of year more people turn inward to find solutions.

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Barbara Franken
    Nov 30, 2015 @ 10:07:46

    Remembering the live that each of us is at our core will guide us through the storms of life… If we choose to allow self to be a beacon.. Love to you sue, barbara xxxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 30, 2015 @ 10:12:19

      There are many of us that are re-igniting our Lights right now Barbara, some are lighting up for the first time, and it is good to see.. I Know that our Mission is not ‘Impossible’ 🙂 and when we look within and hold fast and send out our love-Light.. We do indeed Make a Difference.. 🙂 Many thanks my lovely friend for being a Huge Beacon of Light for Many… xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  32. maskednative
    Dec 10, 2015 @ 22:03:41

    Hi Sue, I’m still catching up with posts so apologies for late comment on this one. I am totally with you on the issue of looking outside ourselves. We are all one family and our beautiful Mother Earth can probably manage quite well without us, she is wise, she is pure, she is our saviour. I hope more and more people will look outside themselves and protect her from those who would do her harm, but you know, there are more good people than not. Blessings to you Sue x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 11, 2015 @ 16:04:13

      No worries at all Teri.. I have been more or less absent here for over a week or more.. So please do not worry..
      Yes I am sure our Earth Mother would welcome a lighter load without us, for we are sure messing her about.. But she is very resourceful and I know if left to her own devices without mankind’s manipulations she would soon recover given time..
      And yes, there ARE more good than bad.. we are just constantly fed the bad vibes of the world to make us Fear.. all part of the controlling mechanisms out there..
      Sending you lots of Love too… Hugs Sue x

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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