
My Orchid started to flower.

My Orchid started to flower.

We have been busy over the last couple of days planting out our veggies.. And all those flowers seed trays you saw, are now nice little plants, I think I must have planted around 60 or more plants this afternoon, the other half will hopefully be in tomorrow..

I loved logging back here on Dreamwalker’s this evening  to see so many comments waiting to be answered.. I appreciate and love all of your visits, and thank all of you who take the time to leave me your Drum Beats..   And hope you will have patience with me if I have not yet visited your blog to those who have taken the time to comment.. 

Here its a Bank Holiday  Long weekend… And I am so tired, I have run out of steam 🙂  I have not even turned on the Computer the last couple of days.. So I am chilling out over the next couple of days..

Above is a Orchid that lay dormant for a year after flowering.. I thought it wouldn’t flower again..

 This one is for you Maria.. I said I would get around to posting eventually!

Orchid 1

Orchid 1 flower

Patience paid off.. I allowed it to feel neglected for a while then watered it and moved to a warmer sunnier position where it started to bloom..

Amazing when we give something our love and attention how it responds.. 🙂

Orchid 2

Orchid 2 flowers

Have a Wonderful Peaceful weekend all of you.. See you next week after I have caught my breath and rested a little.. 

I will leave you with the Link to a  Poem I wrote Last year.. 

Be good to each other.. 

See you Soon.. 


Look Within Your Heart 

 Love and Blessings 



96 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Writing to Freedom
    May 22, 2015 @ 22:44:59

    Lovely poem and orchid Sue. Yes, we must water and nurture that which we want to grow, whether flowers, friends, thoughts or dreams. I hope you have a very relaxing weekend! Hugs and blessings,

    Liked by 1 person


    May 22, 2015 @ 23:35:04

    Die Fotos sind gut. Wolfgang

    Liked by 1 person


  3. lorriebowden
    May 22, 2015 @ 23:38:48

    Hi Sue! Enjoy your weekend and get some rest! Send you many blessings 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2015 @ 21:15:24

      Hi Lorrie, so nice to log in to see you here.. I had a very enjoyable LONG weekend 🙂 with family visiting and walks, gardening etc.. And in-between I did rest! honest.. 🙂 even only just a little.. but they say a change is as good as a rest… Hope all is well with you my friend.. ❤ Hugs Sue x

      Liked by 1 person


      • lorriebowden
        May 28, 2015 @ 01:28:02

        I’m happy you had some wonderful restorative time with your family, Sue 🙂 I am hanging in there…I had a complication from my surgery that has knocked me down a bit, but I’m working through it all 🙂 Many blessings dear friend ♡♡



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 28, 2015 @ 10:11:02

          Awww Dear Lorrie, I didn’t know this, and I send you healing thoughts your way.. I know you have a strong will and your inner healing will help you overcome this set back.. Love sent ❤ my friend.. xxx



          • lorriebowden
            May 28, 2015 @ 12:46:11

            Thank you Sue! I am helping my body heal by staying positive in my thoughts. Some days are just a little more challenging. I really appreciate your kindness…and support ♡ We all have our own road to travel…but it really nice when there are beautiful souls along the way 🙂 🙂 Many blessings to you my friend.

            Liked by 1 person


  4. Maria F.
    May 22, 2015 @ 23:48:35

    Thanks for dedicating this to me Sue! 😳 These Phalaenopsis Orchids look beautiful! And the leaves! I had better luck with the Dendrobiums and I keep them outside of the condo where I live downstairs. Those take full direct sun in the afternoon, without burning. Yours need bright diffused light. Maybe with this bloom this year it will start acting like an annual, since you told me it skipped a year. I see it has around 2 or 3 flower spikes. Thanks so much Sue, this has been very kind from you. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2015 @ 21:19:57

      Hi Maria, I am so pleased that you at last got to see the Orchid.. and yes I now keep in a well lit position out of direct sunlight.. And I hope now its flowered it continues to produce more.. 🙂 Love and Blessings.. Sue xxx



  5. belasbrightideas
    May 23, 2015 @ 00:17:26

    And for sure as a gardener, I affirm that love and attention works in nature! And of course we humans are part and parcel of that natural world … Enjoy your weekend, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2015 @ 21:22:50

      Bela thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment.. Nurturing is what I have been doing these last few days, all be it my garden got most of the attention.. Plus family who visited.. It ended up being a longer break away from WP than intended..:-) So nice to see you here.. 🙂 Blessings Sue x

      Liked by 1 person


  6. The Emu
    May 23, 2015 @ 05:25:38

    A pleasure to see your beautiful Orchid Sue, and a further pleasure to read your poem again, it was very appropriate.
    Wishing you a great long weekend and some relaxation time.
    Ian and Emu

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2015 @ 21:25:28

      Thank you Ian, pleased you enjoyed the re-read of the poem.. I was away longer than I intended.. but got lots of jobs done and planted out the bedding plants, boarders, tubs and hanging baskets.. 🙂 along with keeping on top of the allotments.. Walking with family and having my granddaughter .. 🙂 Relaxation was when I collapsed into bed of an evening LOL.. 🙂 All well worth it though .. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  7. prenin
    May 23, 2015 @ 06:39:12

    Hope you have a great weekend my friend!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs!


    Liked by 1 person


  8. Aquileana
    May 23, 2015 @ 07:37:44

    Dear Sue… Huge congrats … they are beautiful, my friend… My mom is also a big fn or orchids and after a good number of vain attempts her plants look lovely nowadays… By the way, I also liked the little black sculpture, near the plants… Lovely!. Have a great weekend … Much love ❤ Aquileana ⭐

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2015 @ 21:30:34

      Awww, dear Aquileana, Lovely to see you 🙂 and I am happy you enjoyed.. and your Mother too grows Orchids, they are such beautiful flowers that last for such a long time.. Yet so difficult to bloom once the flowers have all gone. I was especially pleased to see these two bloom.. I had a lovely LONG weekend.. just logging back in on WP.. and I got lots done, and enjoyed family visits.. Sending big hugs back .. ❤ Hugs Sue xx



  9. New Bloggy Cat
    May 23, 2015 @ 07:40:36

    The orchid is lovely and so is the poem. Have a restful weekend! (◡‿◡)✌

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Marko
    May 23, 2015 @ 10:32:39

    Hi Sue
    Thank you for your comment and nice visit. I wish you wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Nihar Pradhan
    May 23, 2015 @ 11:29:55

    This looks beautiful. Indeed patience pays in long run. Nurturing the nature is not an easy task and takes time produce the result. Yes, we all need break and rest, sometime it takes a toll on health and mind. Have a wonderful time and enjoy every moment of the break. Looking forward to you coming back with lot of vigor and freshness of life and living and thinking.
    take care…

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2015 @ 21:42:14

      Thank you Nihar.. I had a longer break than just the weekend.. But because I told my WP friends I would be absent, it allowed my mind that freedom to detach from the technology for a while.. I had family visit over the weekend, My Son and Daughter and we went walking, and I got the rest of my Flowering plants in the boarders and tubs and hanging baskets.. As well as work in the allotments.. So not so restful as I intended.. But very satisfying that I completed some tasks.. And feel refreshed mentally so hope to have more thoughtful posts coming soon.. 🙂 Lovely to see you upon my return.

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        May 28, 2015 @ 03:07:21

        Welcome back Sue. I was so happy that you took a break and you were fully with nature and spending quality time with family members, doing so with having the burden that I have to get back to my virtual family members.

        Yes, it is important to take such decision and take life with ease and just be yourself, life is not always about work, routine and responsibility. We can take that little liberty in life and do what we want to do and do it at our own pace without any constraints and self imposed restrictions. The joy life to cherish in its pure freedom and with nature, just nurturing nature and of course self.

        Happy to see you back with new vigor and joy.

        Liked by 1 person


  12. Visionkeeper
    May 23, 2015 @ 14:45:16

    Great orchid!! My favorite plant to keep around as the blooms go on forever it seems…Glad you are getting the garden settled in. Can you believe we had a frost warning last night? Where did spring go…We will be straight into summer now. Oh well, anything is better than snow!!! Putting the garden in this holiday weekend. Got some planted already. Doing all my annual planters as well and doing the herb garden. Wish there was more than just one of me 🙂 Don’t know how I will get everything done. But I will !!! Enjoy your down time and just be you and enjoy that! Take care. Blessings and hugs to you all…VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2015 @ 21:45:52

      Yes they bloom never ending and yet seem so stubborn in getting started again.. I was pleased this one finally obliged and my patience paid off.. 🙂 I do not know how you manage all the things you do VK.. I enjoyed my time away from the computer and got stuck into the garden.. I ached, boy how I ached.. but slept well 🙂 Love and Blessings.. and will be catching up with your good self shortly my friend xxx DW ❤



  13. europasicewolf
    May 23, 2015 @ 21:24:08

    HoooOOOooooWWWWWwwwLLLLoooooo Sue! Your orchids are beautiful and bring some nature therapy to my weary self 😉 I like you am pretty frazzled, first weeks back at work after a break are always hard going but this one has been ridiculous! Got home this afternoon and crashed out on the Wolfie bed and didn’t wake up again for hours…oops 🙂 And like you hope to be chilling over the long weekend…computers need attention and the external hard drive is causing problems but hey! Back to nature on Monday at the country show where I should meet everything from goats and cattle to exotic chickens and horses…and of course my beloved furry K9 friends since there’s a show for them too 🙂 I know you’ll agree about the virtues of nature and the natural animal world for soothing the tired and frazzled mind and body!! I hope you’re feeling much better very soon and the weekend is revitalising for you, mind, body and spirit 🙂 xxx

    (I am now off to launch a battle of wills with windows update service! The connection is terrible just now due to bad weather hurting the signal and windows 8 laptops seem to take half a lifetime just to establish whether windows actually has any updates available for it 😉 😀 Wish me luck!! Wolfie hugs xx)

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2015 @ 21:50:35

      I know what you mean about ‘Crashing out’ I rested from the PC.. but went a bit mad on the old Gardening.. and ached more than a bit.. but worth it as I got my bedding plants in and planted out the tubs hanging baskets etc.. Along with keeping ontop of the allotments.. But had a great weekend with family visiting… I hope the Updates got loaded and the signal has improved.. Always wishing you Luck my fury friend xxx ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • europasicewolf
        May 31, 2015 @ 00:07:14

        Gardening always holds too much temptation! But you obviously had a great time and lots of achievements so definitely well worth it! There’ll be time for a rest and recovery during the next spring downfall which must surely be due by now! xx

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 31, 2015 @ 13:38:51

          Yes it arrived on Friday, and was showering yesterday and today its wet and windy, much cooler, so settled into the Laptop for a while and a good book I am re-reading.. 🙂 Hope your Sunday is a restful one.. 🙂 xxx

          Liked by 1 person


  14. Rajagopal
    May 24, 2015 @ 10:23:07

    I am taking a cue from this post, Sue. I was almost losing my patience with a cluster of orchids that I have at home, all of which have not flowered for months together, positioned inside a covered car porch. I will try out your suggestion of keeping those pots out in the sun. Have a nice Sunday…

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2015 @ 21:59:39

      Hi Raj.. I am so pleased my Orchid success story has motivated you not to give up :-).. I was watering mine quite regular.. So it was suggested that I allowed to dry out for a while.. About 4 weeks maybe longer,, just until the roots looked dryer but not wizened. I then put on a sunny window sill.. Not in direct Sun, so as to burn or scorch the leaves.. And I then started to water again.. allowing the water to run through the bark over the kitchen sink.. do not allow the roots to sit in water.. And then I waited.. 🙂 and kept watering every two weeks.. Patience is the name of the game with them… But truly lovely to see them bloom again..

      I had a lovely Sunday, Monday, Tues, Wednesday 🙂 Longer than I intended… Wishing you luck with your Orchids Raj.. 🙂 And hope to catch up with your post very soon as I take off my gardening gloves and get back into WP mode 🙂 😀



  15. natswans
    May 24, 2015 @ 13:59:57

    Beautiful Orchid’s Sue it is worth the wait , to see such beauty.

    Have a peaceful Weekend relax.

    Hugs And best wishes to you.
    Sheila xx

    Liked by 1 person


  16. jacksjottings
    May 24, 2015 @ 14:34:35

    I Like the orchids Sue and when I need a rest I take a rest because as the hostess on the plane said put on your oxygen before helping someone else.
    You read my post about looking after number one.
    Being busy and being tired is good if we take a break when we feel it necessary.
    It is too easy to get snowed under in our modern life style._/\_

    Liked by 1 person


  17. irenedesign2011
    May 24, 2015 @ 15:16:05

    You have some really beautiful Orchids Sue 😀
    To start the garden up in the Spring takes a lot of time, but are worth it.
    I brought all my Orchids to Spain, when I relocated, but they did not like the movement, so I haven’t Orchids any longer.

    Liked by 1 person


  18. suzicate
    May 25, 2015 @ 22:08:04

    Your orchid is beautiful! Isn’t it exciting knowing you are going to have so many delicious homegrown vegetables this summer. I was off the computer for the weekend as well,,,what a welcome reprieve! We landscaped the yard this weekend; extremely tiring but lovely to look upon the beauty of our hard work!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2015 @ 22:22:08

      We always look forward to the home grown veggies Suzie.. you never know what will be successful.. We had purple flowering broccoli right up until April.. and Leeks up until March.. I bet you were exhausted with the landscaping of your yard.. But its so rewarding when its done.. and you can look with satisfaction upon your efforts .. I put in all of my flower beds in the boarders and filled my tubs and hanging baskets… And this evening is my first logging in for a few days on the computer.. its good to be free from technology for a while.. but good to log in and see so many friends.. Thank you Suzie for your most welcome visit.. 🙂 will be calling in on you soon also xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  19. kerlund74
    May 26, 2015 @ 06:34:56

    Sounds like you spend your time well:) Planting seeds is a nice activity, I have done that to lately, a lot of vegetables are now starting to grow in my garden. I hope you weekende turned out to be a great one! Wish you a wonderful new week, hugs:)

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2015 @ 22:23:33

      Veggie growing is catching on with a lot of people now a days.. and I am pleased to see you too are growing your own.. Nothing beats fresh produce you grow yourself.. Lovely to see you my friend.. Happy week also to you xxx Love Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  20. beverley
    May 26, 2015 @ 08:24:42

    Maybe we need to feel a little neglected to get us flowering again. Try not to overdo things just because the sun is shining xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  21. valentinelogar
    May 26, 2015 @ 10:31:00

    Lovely poem! I love the orchid, my favorites. When I lived in Singapore they grew everywhere, wild. It was one of my favorite things ever.

    Liked by 1 person


  22. gageier
    May 26, 2015 @ 14:22:13

    Liebe Sue ein schöne Woche nach Pfingsten wünsche ich dir Klaus super Fotos Sue Klaus in Frendschaft

    Liked by 1 person


  23. Ka
    May 26, 2015 @ 20:50:28

    Hi dear Sue,

    Your post gives me another reminder to have patience with my own orchids here! I, too, was feeling unable to log on for many days, and there’s been so much activity in and around my neighborhood, and exploring with my honey – which turned out to be a bit of a journey within and without, discovering a labyrinth. I felt as though we were in the British Isles again. I am delighted to come here, to your blog, and rest for another moment before switching gears. To experience the patience within all that is developing and may or may not develop. It was so nice to read your poem again, appreciating the ‘sound’ and the lyrical nature of your words as they flow… Seeing those orchid blooms goes so well with the message of patience 🙂

    xo Ka

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 27, 2015 @ 22:42:14

      Dear Ka..
      So pleased you are also enjoying your journey of discovery and I am delighted this post of Orchids resonated with you.. I think there is an acceleration at the moment.. As we tap into our inner beings and seek out the patience within, and many it seems are now starting to follow their own inner promptings which always manage to make me smile ever wider as I see how we are all as ONE. and yet we still do not see it.. For we are all of us wanting that space to BE.. seeking silence, solitude at similar times.. as we each allow ourselves to go within the ‘Flow’ of Energy… I am so pleased my Orchids was another reminder.. We each remind each other with our posts.. Thats why I so love my WP community.. seems so many of us are tuning in.. or out! at just the right time.. 🙂 LOL… Enjoy your together time.. And I am pleased the poem spoke to you.. 🙂 Love and Blessings Ka.. Many thanks my friend.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  24. bluebutterfliesandme
    May 27, 2015 @ 03:07:35

    Happy planting.

    Liked by 1 person


  25. stephensmustang1
    May 27, 2015 @ 03:59:40

    Really lovely.

    Liked by 1 person


  26. giselzitrone
    May 27, 2015 @ 10:47:07

    Einen lieben Gruß liebe Sue schöne Blumenbilder bin wieder zu Hause aber es war sehr schlimm mir geht es immer noch nicht so richtig gut brauch alles seine Zeit.Grüße und viel Gesundheit von mir Gislinde

    Liked by 1 person


  27. Maria Wind Talker
    May 27, 2015 @ 17:31:47

    Beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us al. ❤ xx

    Liked by 1 person


  28. giselzitrone
    May 28, 2015 @ 10:26:10

    Thank you lieber Gruß und ein gutes Wochenende Gislinde



  29. gageier
    May 28, 2015 @ 11:59:17

    Liebe Sue einen schönen Donnerstag ohne große Sorgen wünscht dir Klaus in Freundschaft

    Liked by 1 person


  30. aFrankAngle
    May 28, 2015 @ 13:07:54

    Cheers to your patience and love for gardening. Thanks for the beautiful orchid.

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Grace
    May 28, 2015 @ 16:32:44

    What a beautiful orchid!! I have one I received for Christmas…it’s just the big broad green leaves now. You’ll have to share your secret for making it come back to life!!

    Your planting, while sounding very tiring, mostly sounds AMAZING!!! How wonderful to have such a large space to grow in!! 🙂 Thank you for stopping by and love to you! xox

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2015 @ 18:41:46

      What I did was allow the orchid to dry out a little neglecting it tricking it.. ( as I was watering the green leaves I had regular ) so after about a month of neglect.. I transferred to a warmer sunnier position but not in direct sun as to scorch the leaves.. I then started to water again.. I do this by pouring several jugs through the bark in the pot over the sink until the roots got plumper and not so dried out looking.. I sprayed the roots also with some orchid spray feed.. And talked to it..l LOL.. encouraging it to flower.. It didn’t happen over night and after some TLC.. Tender Loving Care.. it started to produce a new shoot which over time produced the two flowers… I live in hope that the original stems will produce some flowers.. I hope so 🙂 xx Hope that explains a little of how I did it.. The real star is the orchid it did all the hard work.. 🙂 ❤ xxx



  32. Kev
    May 29, 2015 @ 15:36:58

    Love the orchid. 🙂



  33. Kourtney Heintz
    May 31, 2015 @ 01:15:19

    So true Sue. Orchids are one of the hardest plants for me to keep. Too much attention and they die, too little and they die. But they are so beautiful and worth the work. 🙂



  34. D.G.Kaye
    May 31, 2015 @ 02:06:16

    Wow Sue, good for you to ignore the computer for a few days. I wish I could do that for just two days, but I keep thinking about how much more there will be to deal with after. Even while on vacation I’m compelled to check into my blog and clear emails, it’s so overwhelming sometimes. And then look at that beautiful orchid, left on its own accord to decide when it was time to come out of hiding. We need to take a page from the orchid’s life. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 31, 2015 @ 14:05:11

      Well things are a little different for you Deb, after all Writing is your profession lol .. So I can be that much more flexible .. And yes in life too we often worry over something we can not control and when we leave it alone, the Universe usually sorts it all out anyway 🙂 .. A lesson I am still learning from :-).. Hope your Sunday is a peaceful one also xxx Hugs Sue x

      Liked by 1 person


  35. Emma Sarah Tennant
    May 31, 2015 @ 11:14:22

    Sometimes life sends us messages that it is time to be patient and gather our thoughts. I’m glad you had time to stop for a while over bank holiday and give in to exhaustion to recharge your batteries in other activities. I like taking a complete computer break at certain times of the year and definitely for holidays, finding that I’m much more productive and useful to myself and others for it! Thank you also for sharing your orchid’s rebirth 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  36. lavendermoongirlblog
    Jun 01, 2015 @ 21:17:11

    Beautiful orchid Sue. My husband agrees with you about watering and talking to your Orchid but he also says that the roots need sunshine and air, so repotting with orchid growing medium in either an air pot or a clear plastic pot will do the trick as Orchids are epithetic (air plants). He has saved many Orchids as sadly people often put them in the bin! I hope you’re having a lovely evening. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  37. Wendell A. Brown
    Jun 01, 2015 @ 22:41:28

    Sue, I missed this post and on my birthday of all days!..I love the image, so very inspiring, we have also been doing quite a lot in our efforts in our yard. Your picture I will write something to it, because took my breath away will let you know when! God bless you and your hubby dear sister! God bless!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 02, 2015 @ 19:23:06

      A belated Happy Birthday Wendell, and I am sure you had much more important things to do on your birthday! 🙂 Loved that you found some time to visit.. And Many thanks for thinking of something to write.. Please do give me a nudge if you do my friend, as I am out more in the garden these days than in my reader.. 🙂
      Hubby sends his regards back.. Blessing to you and Yours Wendell..
      Bless you
      Sue _/\_



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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