Creative Captures.. Happy Halloween Everyone

You would think that Retirement would lend itself to giving you more time . Yet as my Hubby said when upon retiring several years ago he wondered how he had found time to go to work?.

Life in the Dreamwalker household has been busy busy to say the least since I took the plunge and retired.. I still have lots of catching up  to do with your beautiful blogs . And for all those who have taken the time to visit my posts I am in the process of returning your kindness..  But for now I will leave you with a flavour of what I have been up to mostly  in picture format.

So along with alterations around our home, we have been putting the home garden to bed for winter and sorting out the allotments. Hubby moved a row of raspberry shrubs as we learn by our mistakes as they grew I got nicely tangled in their tendrils.. So more  space has been created between them and a support made for the Logan Berries..

Fruit Bushes, Black and Red currant and Raspberries,  this is the view from the sheds looking back up the garden.

Fruit Bushes, Black and Red currant and Raspberries, this is the view from the sheds looking back up the garden.


Fruit Bushes tied up and moved to create more space for picking.

Fruit Bushes tied up and moved to create more space for picking.

Click onto Photo’s for slide show or hover  arrow over picture to read writing. 

I have also been busy in the evenings as those darker nights draw in. I am in the process of Knitting a Baby shawl which I was requested to knit. I have about another 15cms to go then it will measure  a metre in length.. I then have to knit a boarder which will then be sewn all the way around it.. So still a ways to finish.

 And Lastly.. wishing you ALL a HAPPY HALLOWEEN

Below is my Granddaughter who over her last few visits has been busy with me Baking and tasting 


Pumpkin my granddaughter helped create

Pumpkin my granddaughter helped create

Have Fun!


95 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Writing to Freedom
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 15:24:46

    Love the photos, especially the garden and lovely Halloween scene. Like you and your husband, I find it easy to busy with no job. It will be interesting to see how I adjust to having work again.
    Hallowed Halloween! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


    Oct 30, 2014 @ 15:55:25

    Schöne Fotos. LG. Wolfgang

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Rajagopal
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 16:19:14

    you seem to be in a perfect idyll sue , if your delightful post and pics are any indication…may i wish you and your hubby , and your extended family a very happy halloween….raj

    Liked by 2 people


  4. Visionkeeper
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 16:47:10

    Right on….Good work DW…I do think you have forgotten about smelling the roses however. Happy Halloween to you as well. Your granddaughter is a very lucky girl to have you around….VK xxoo

    Liked by 2 people


  5. Paul Handover
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 16:50:43

    Lovely vibrations that reach all the way out to Southern Oregon!

    Liked by 2 people


  6. Lois
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 17:22:59

    Sue, I am so happy for you that you are able to enjoy your retirement with work you enjoy. Your granddaughter is growing so fast, I know you enjoy her visits and she her time with you. There is a special relationship between grandchildren and us that will last with them all their lives

    Your gardens look lovely. I have such a hard time mowing down any plants that produce food even if it make it hard for me to pick that food. What kind of fruit trees did you plant? They look very close together in the photos. I want to plant a few fruit trees next summer but didn’t realize they could be planted that closely to each other.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 01, 2014 @ 16:09:49

      Hi Lois thank you for dropping by.. its lovely to see you.. And first of all yes our granddaughter is growing fast and is very intelligent also with many questions always asking Why! LoL,,

      Second the fruit trees are two apples One and eater the other a cooker and a pear tree..They look closer than they are on the photo.. These trees have all been grafted and we intend to have them on a trellis which will be built as we train the branches along them.. Its Hubbies experiment! and he has researched it in a book.. So I am hoping he is knowing what he’s doing LOL! 🙂 xxx ❤



  7. narf77
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 17:42:00

    You are putting your garden to bed and ours is just waking up and I just got my first raspberry flower of the season. Whenever we get tired of our current gardening conditions we can hop on over to each others blogs 😉

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 30, 2014 @ 18:00:28

      Great idea Narf.. And I am with you in thought on all that hard work you are putting in both of you… We still had some Raspberries on.. and still some in flower though I doubt they will fruit when it drops really cold now.. But the season has been one of the best for both Strawberries and Raspberries.. I have lots frozen.. 🙂



  8. dilipnaidu
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 18:03:22

    Happy Halloween dear Sue 🙂 this happens to be my first Halloween as I am in Texas still. In India we don’t really know much about it. 😦

    My little Texan grand daughter too is mighty excited and we will all enjoy.

    Loved your lovely garden pictures I always do.

    Greetings to all near and dear ones. Regards.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 30, 2014 @ 18:09:54

      You are in for an experience then Dilip and enjoy your little Granddaughter too…you are in for a treat! hope you do not get many tricks played lol.. 🙂

      Many thanks for your lovely visit .. And I passed on your regards just… 🙂
      Blessings to you and yours..
      Sue 🙂



  9. lorriebowden
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 18:39:49

    Hi Sue! I just love these posts where you show us what you have been up to 🙂 Everything looks so lovely…I see (and I know) how time can fly by. I have so many wonderful projects that I just can’t get to!!! But I am thrilled with the ones that I can. Wishing you much love and peace! ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  10. Julianne Victoria
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 19:28:09

    All looks lovely! Happy Halloween!



  11. coastalcrone
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 19:35:31

    I can see that you are loving your freedom from routine work. Thanks sharing your world at Halloween. I really enjoyed the photos. And thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. It is nice to know there are caring souls like you in the world.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 31, 2014 @ 17:17:42

      I am Loving it.. Can’t you just tell LOL 🙂 Sooo pleased you enjoyed the photo’s and it was good to catch up again with your lovely blog .. Hugs and enjoy your Halloween Evening.. 🙂



  12. quarteracrelifestyle
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 19:45:36

    Oooh, you have been busy! The garden looks great and that cream can is awesome Sue. I have two here to paint but could never do that! Your granddaughter looks darling 🙂 Don’t you just wonder how you ever fit a job into such a busy life when you retire?!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 31, 2014 @ 17:15:20

      You know Wendy you would easily be able to do something similar.. All I did was look on line at various art work on Canal boat style cans etc.. And saw how they had painted it.. and then made up my own pattern from their various styles.. 🙂 I expect everything is getting even busier for you now also.. Thank you. our Granddaughter is our light.. LOL.. and the garden we are now after all day today more or less on top of.. 🙂 I will be visiting very soon.. 🙂



  13. Hariod Brawn
    Oct 30, 2014 @ 23:48:48

    I smiled at your comments on retirement Sue; it is indeed so that no matter how much time we have on our hands, it may always be filled with things that seem in any case necessary – I believe it’s called Parkinson’s Law isn’t it? The garden is looking wonderfully productive, and I’m pleased to see the milk churn is completed and has found its rightful place in your home.

    With lots of love.

    Hariod. ❤



  14. prenin
    Oct 31, 2014 @ 00:35:44

    Lovely to catch up with you my friend!!! 🙂

    Glad you are able to catch up with your blogging – you are certainly having a busy retirement!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs to you and yours!!! 🙂




  15. Trini
    Oct 31, 2014 @ 02:10:49

    Your granddaughter is so so cute!!!! 🙂 Adorable!! 🙂 How blessed you are to have each other! 🙂 Happy Halloween! 🙂



  16. Eddie Two Hawks
    Oct 31, 2014 @ 13:59:52

    Needless to say the garden continues to look stunning. All the work, and more work that you and hubby have put into it obviously shows. Your granddaughter is so very sweet Dreamwalker.
    Having too much time and not enough work or something to do becomes a real problem.
    Having too much work and not enough time is a matter of balancing time and work. You are enjoying the moment and why not. It will all balance out.
    enjoy every minute, love. Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 31, 2014 @ 16:54:56

      Thank you dear Eddie… We spend the whole day in the gardens today Eddie.. I planted many bulbs today for coming up in the Spring.. And we planted heathers and then spent 2 hours weeding the allotments and hoeing… You are right Eddie.. I am enjoying the Moments ALL of them.. 🙂 Thank you so much for your lovely comment Eddie.. Wishing you all the best for this All Hallow’s Eve. 🙂 Hugs Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  17. Fiestaestrella
    Oct 31, 2014 @ 16:30:53

    Everything about this post makes me smile and feel warm inside 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 31, 2014 @ 16:50:42

      Aww thank you so much.. its so nice to have you visit and even better that I was able to make you smile 🙂 ❤ xxx



      • Fiestaestrella
        Oct 31, 2014 @ 16:59:30

        Sue, I appreciate your kind words. I was over at Linda’s blog checking in and catching up when I saw your comment, and I missed you ❤ I delight in your pictures of your garden and of your grandchildren. I'm so tactile and have a lot of facial expressions that I never imagined getting into being friends with people online. It's still a surprise to me every time I log in and connect. ❤ I always heard of people doing this and I didn't understand how easily it does happen. Yes, you made me smile. It's the people who are the closest to us in our lives… the ground, the soil, the air… 🙂 This matters!! Much Love, Ka

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 31, 2014 @ 17:06:18

          Thank you Sooooo Much Ka.. you are not forgotten I assure you.. I am way behind many posts.. and often catch up en-block LOL.. I am hoping tomorrow I have more time as the gardening was attacked with gusto today by my hubby and I.. As we spent all day in our home garden and allotments.. Now its Door knocking time for Halloween and I await my Granddaughter.. So I am just trying to catch up again with comments..

          I also smile often online… And we really do meet the most wonderful friends.. Thank you for being among them 🙂 xxx Hugs ❤ xxx ❤ xxxx

          Liked by 2 people


          • Fiestaestrella
            Oct 31, 2014 @ 17:23:49

            Sue, thank you so much for your warm reply! Thank you for remembering me! ❤ Please don't feel any pressure from me about reading and/or commenting on my blog. You are a friend of my soul and spirit. I feel it in my heart that we can come and go as we are able. xoxo Have a LOVELY time! 🙂 🙂

            Liked by 2 people


  18. Maria F.
    Oct 31, 2014 @ 19:23:27

    The garden looks beautiful! Happy Halloween!



  19. cheryoncake
    Nov 01, 2014 @ 07:15:43

    Congratulations on your retirement, Sue. From what I have learned about you through reading your blog, I don’t think you are ever going to be one of those women who just stops and sits in a rocking chair though. Your garden looks amazing and your beautiful grand-daughter is so lucky to get all that time with you in the kitchen. It will be part of many precious memories for her when she is much older. Keep being you – you’re so lovely !

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 01, 2014 @ 16:27:49

      Thank you so so much Cherry 🙂 And no I doubt I can see myself vegetating LOL.. only among the garden Vegs 🙂 that is haha..

      I hope to create my granddaughters interests.. She loves digging in the garden and getting hands on.. And loves Baking.. And I have started her along with Knitting skills.. She sits upon my knee and winds the wool around the needle.. She sits very patiently and concentrates.. So I am going to build her skill up here with knitting.. And not swamp her all at once with too much info.. 🙂

      Many thanks for dropping in to comment loved to see you again 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  20. The Emu
    Nov 01, 2014 @ 08:43:44

    Beautiful enjoyable blog Sue.
    Your allotment always changing and producing, oh to have space like that to indulge my gardening desires, I have two rectangular above ground beds and fit everything I can into it.
    Hope your Halloween was a great success, which by the look of your grandaughters face, it was.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 01, 2014 @ 16:22:56

      Thank you Ian.. Yes Halloween was a big success at least from my granddaughters point of view.. Its the first time she has been out actually door knocking this year.. I took her along to a few neighbours who had the welcome Pumpkins out and she had a little hoard of goodies for her smiles.. She was dressed as a little She Devil Princess!.. with red horns for a hair-band.. She kept telling everyone she was a Bat as she said she was not a little devil LOL.. 🙂 We all had Fun.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  21. summerrain63
    Nov 01, 2014 @ 08:51:44

    always love the photos….course I can kill a cactus so I am jealous of your garden…

    We had a couple people here at my job retire this summer…I was so jealous…I would love to be home each day…I dont think I would mind at all…but…with an 11 year old…I think I am in this for a bit more time….lol

    thanks for the pics….cute kids

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 01, 2014 @ 16:18:43

      You know Summer to begin with it took some adjusting to retiring as I do not get the official pension for another 5 years.. But I needed to do it for me, and spend some Quality time with my husband.. Two can live as cheap as one as they say.. And to start with I wondered if I had made the right choice.. As I felt a bit lost at first.. But once I settled into the idea and began organising my days accordingly, Things have been great..
      Yes I can only image how having an 11 yr old will keep you on your toes right enough.. I remember well my two.. 🙂 But make the most of these years as believe me those years have so so flown and next year my Son has his 40th.. So Make each day count 🙂 xxxx As I know you do 🙂 ❤ Hugs to you Summer.. Love Sue x



  22. Marko
    Nov 01, 2014 @ 18:19:00




  23. LadyPinkRose
    Nov 01, 2014 @ 18:48:10

    Sue! I’ve been so busy too! YIKES! Just about the same position you are in. Just LOVED this post, my friend. I hope things slow down soon. (((HUGS))) Amy

    Liked by 1 person


  24. IdealisticRebel
    Nov 02, 2014 @ 01:39:45

    Great post. Love your photos. I agree retirement finds me doing new activities and trying new passions. I like it. For me the health issues are the shadow in my retirement. Blessings my friend, Barbara



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 03, 2014 @ 14:30:23

      Hi Barbara, I am so sorry Barbara that you are still having some health issues.. Thankfully apart from over doing it somedays and the aches and pains set in.. I am for the most part loving every moment.. Thank you so much for dropping in.. I so enjoy your visits 🙂



  25. natswans
    Nov 02, 2014 @ 13:38:29

    Wow Sue you have been busy and what a great job you both have done. Tidy it is just how do you do that. Your painting is wonderful so very artistic , a lady with many talents. Your Granddaughter looks happy there and what a great job with the Pumpkin. It’s good to enjoy the outdoors and see the children out there to.
    Hope you have a happy week Sue .
    Lovely post Hugs Sheila xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 03, 2014 @ 14:32:57

      Thank you Sheila.. Yes the evening was great too.. I took her a short walk around our cul-de-sac and gave her her first experience of Trick and Treating.. She loved it. 🙂 And looked cute in her little red princess dress little red devil costume 🙂 Hope you are having a good week too. The Sun is Up, but the temperature took a plunge 🙂



  26. Christy Birmingham
    Nov 02, 2014 @ 16:55:38

    The pumpkin turned out fantastic, Sue! My, you ARE staying busy with painting, gardening, knitting and more 🙂 Wonderful to see you making the most of retirement and having wonderful day! Sending you a big hug!



  27. Gray Dawster
    Nov 03, 2014 @ 09:29:04

    I didn’t get here in time but I surely hope that
    you had an awesome Halloween weekend my
    sweet and dear friend 🙂

    Hey and I love your Halloween pumpkin header 🙂

    Happy Monday Sue and be good, just like me 😉 lol

    Andro xxxx



  28. giselzitrone
    Nov 03, 2014 @ 10:21:16

    Einen schönen Montag liebe Sue so schöne Bilder von Halloween und guter Beitrag ich weiß ich bin was spät waren mal wieder an der Ahr.Ich wünsche dir eine glückliche schöne neue Woche lieber Gruß und Freundschaft Gislinde



  29. Patty
    Nov 03, 2014 @ 15:11:35

    😀 Have a great week 😀



  30. IdealisticRebel
    Nov 03, 2014 @ 17:10:57

    Hello dear friend. I am really grateful for my body and life. I hope you can come and pick up your very well earned award. You are an inspiration to me and so many others. Thank you for all you do for the world. Hugs, Barbara

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 03, 2014 @ 17:13:30

      Dear Barbara.. I came along via the reader and spotted my magnificent award.. And left you a comment.. It is already added to my Awards list of 2014.. Which is in real need of passing along.. But no THANK YOU Barbara for bring to the world the subjects you do. and for caring with a passion about our World..
      Love And Blessings Sue xx



  31. IdealisticRebel
    Nov 04, 2014 @ 00:55:28

    Hello! I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! Please pick up your award at

    Liked by 1 person


  32. Aquileana
    Nov 04, 2014 @ 15:14:00

    Hi dear Sue ❤
    I hope you have had a nice Halloween over there, with Pumpkins and candies… But let's put aside the creepy side please. Buh!.
    I love your post here … Your looks lovely…
    And the milk churn is a little jewel… Congrats!.
    Plus, your Granddaughter is a cutie ⭐
    Sending you hugs!. All the best to you and yours, always ⭐
    Aquileana 😛

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 05, 2014 @ 13:32:20

      Thank you so much Aquileana, I am enjoying very much my new found freedom. and of course spending time with our Granddaughter is a bonus.. Wishing you well in your Part of the world Aquileana.. Have a Fabulous Wednesday 🙂 xx



  33. lavendermoongirlblog
    Nov 04, 2014 @ 21:44:47

    It’s nearly Bonfire night, where is the time going? Happy belated Halloween Sue. Your blanket is looking beautiful and I can tell that you are having many happy days with your granddaughter, learning so much from each other! Look at your garden, it is wonderful. I love canal art too, I have many photos of it and would like to have a go one day. Has it stopped raining yet? My very late red hot pokers are sadly losing their vibrance. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 05, 2014 @ 13:55:47

      I do not know LG.. Time it seems this year has a new agenda. To tick and tock that bit faster.. or so it seems.. Yes I am enjoying my new ‘time’ all be it goes too swiftly .. I am about half way finished the edging now.. I pick up and put down as the mood suits.. I am so pleased you enjoyed the Canal art.. YOU should give it a go and paint one.. it doesn’t have to be huge.. I saw how it was done starting with various different circle colours for the roses then building up.. It really is easy..
      Yes the Autumn flowers are now fading.. I planted some winter pansies in the front garden for a little colour and some wall flowers in the back garden for Spring.. Along with some new bulbs… So after the long winter.. And I do believe we may well be in for a harsher snowy one this year.. We look forward again to Spring and her colourful blooms..
      Many thanks for stopping by.. Always love your visits 🙂



      • lavendermoongirlblog
        Nov 06, 2014 @ 20:59:22

        Canal art does sound easy and I think I’d enjoy finding an old container to paint. Pansies are a must in winter, I adore their little faces and especially the dark blue and purple flowers. We have tiny cyclamen in pots, but I’ll get some violas too. My dad always gives me wallflowers grown on his allotment, their fiery colours brighten the borders. My dogs have been terrified of the fireworks going off all week, so I hope it quietens soon. I hope you have a good weekend Sue.x:-) x

        Liked by 1 person


  34. aFrankAngle
    Nov 05, 2014 @ 12:45:52

    In terms of retirement, you’ve been busy doing things that you enjoy … so you off to a great start!

    Liked by 1 person


  35. CW
    Nov 06, 2014 @ 03:59:16

    Hello there,
    This is to notify you that you’ve been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award.

    One Lovely Blog Award,

    Take care 🙂



  36. giselzitrone
    Nov 06, 2014 @ 11:11:51

    Danke liebe Sue wünsche dir auch ein gutes Wochenende und alles liebe von mir,hoffe mal das alles gut geht habe bald keine Nerven mehr liebe Grüße und auch ein gutes Wochenende für dich Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  37. chicasl10
    Nov 06, 2014 @ 13:05:28

    awesome how the before and after shows Thumbs up Sue Love the kids haha dirty and enjoying Huggy



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 07, 2014 @ 10:08:39

      So pleased you noticed the difference MJ.. I was pleased to leave the moving of these shrubs to hubby as the raspberries are very prickly.. And yes our granddaughter just loves getting hands on with the Earth 🙂



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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