Being thankful for the road you travel on.

Roads End.

Clouds at last lift from my sky

As the road is straighter I travel by

Home is still a little ways off

The journey of discovery is it ever enough?


Do we stop to be grateful for the road we tread?

Have you ever questioned what lies ahead?

Do you now seek the key to your life?

Why is it some suffer and endure such strife?


When did you say thank you for the road that you travelled

Unlocking the doors you become less ravelled

For one by one we see the lessons unfold

Bringing us strength, helping us be bold.


So as you step upon your path today

Send out a thought of thanks to say

I’m grateful for this path that I am on

For many souls who would have loved to walk my path have now gone


They’re already exploring beyond this veil

Leaving behind only a memory trail

And that my friends is all we will take

So enjoy your Life’s Path and the memories you create


Let them be happy within your own heart

Cherish them close to take with you when you depart

Clear you mind of the bitter clouds

That inhibit your path as you struggle and frown


Walk tall and smile if you can

And remember

We are all part of a huge Divine Plan.

© Sue Dreamwalker 2011-2014 All rights reserved.

Have a Blessed Weekend ALL.. 

~See you Soon~

96 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. lindalitebeing
    May 31, 2014 @ 13:20:33

    yes we are!

    gorgeous poem my sweet friend 🙂

    glad we are walking together.

    xx Linda

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Visionkeeper
    May 31, 2014 @ 13:23:13

    Nice one DW…Well said for sure! It is indeed an amazing journey we travel and as we tire we tend to become less positive and complain, when in fact that is the very time to be thankful and grateful that we are still around to be exhausted. It just takes our decision to be mindful. Thanks for sharing….Hugs to you…VK

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 01, 2014 @ 19:10:06

      Being ever mindful VK is something we are always being aware of… Even though I know at times the road at times appears to have road blocks.. But we just flex our muscles and get on out and clear the way with our minds.. And once others get it.. and understand how our journey works.. well, who knows.. we may well speed right on by to our final destination 😉 .. Lets hope others can me mindful and realise how Mind affects our roads.. 🙂 Love and Hugs Sue xxx



  3. prenin
    May 31, 2014 @ 13:28:09

    It’s long road hun, but with companions like you on the journey at least we won’t be bored! 🙂

    Love and huge hugs!!! 🙂




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 01, 2014 @ 19:03:42

      Aww Bless you Prenin, you sure do say the most lovely things.. Thank you,, and may I also say dear Prenin you are the most loyal of all my followers… You never miss a post.. and for that I am so grateful that you walk the road with me.. Bless you 🙂 Sue



  4. Line
    May 31, 2014 @ 13:29:40

    Such a beautiful and meaningful poem Sue, I love it! 🙂



  5. Symbol Reader
    May 31, 2014 @ 13:45:55

    That reminds me of a famous, beautiful poem: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I–
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.”
    Many blessings on your chosen path.



  6. Paul Handover
    May 31, 2014 @ 14:05:00

    Was lovely to wake up and read this. (It’s 6am here in Oregon!)



  7. Amy Pinkrose
    May 31, 2014 @ 14:26:23

    Living a life of Gratitude brings one whole world into a new and higher perspective. Love this, Sue. Thank you! Love, Amy



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 01, 2014 @ 18:57:28

      It sure does Amy.. Every time I look into a flower.. Just like you! I am ever reminded how grateful I am, just to see the colour.. and I breath in the beauty of my garden as you do.. And what can be better than that? Oh yes.. Gratitude brings the whole world into a higher perspective I so so agree 🙂 my lovely friend.. Enjoy your week, and do not work Too hard! Hugs Sue xox



  8. From the Desk of MarDrag
    May 31, 2014 @ 14:26:44

    Lovely, and True, and Inspiring! You have a Blessed weekend Sue! Peace and Love to you!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 01, 2014 @ 18:55:05

      Hi Mar.. I thank you, Yes the weekend has been mixed with work.. but today its been warm and very enjoyable to sit and relax in the garden for a while.. I am ever thankful of having my Garden and the quiet time to relax in.. Love and Blessings Sue xox



  9. Deb
    May 31, 2014 @ 14:42:32

    That’s a beautiful poems, Sue, and holds the truth.
    “Being thankful for where we are today.”
    Have a great weekend!
    Love to you xoxo



  10. Valentine Logar
    May 31, 2014 @ 14:48:38

    Sue, I love this. Sometimes, when that road is full of stones and potholes we forget to be grateful, don’t we. Yet, were it not for those we would not be us, our unique selves.




  11. Hunt FOR Truth
    May 31, 2014 @ 15:35:56

    have a blessed weekend Sue; ~ Eric



  12. chicasl10
    May 31, 2014 @ 15:38:45

    im grateful My road is kind of a carpet road. Once and a while a bobble But i can manage that. But for a lot its a sandy road with rocks.
    Beautiful poem Sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 01, 2014 @ 18:49:43

      Yes MJ, compared to others our roads are indeed red carpeted… I am so grateful for the road I travel.. and MJ, you help create a much smoother road for many who have so much less than we… And that dear friend is something to be proud of. So Many thanks and Bless you xox Sue



  13. Joe Bradshaw
    May 31, 2014 @ 16:02:51

    Beautiful post Sue! I love the poem and the sentiment expressed, a beautiful road I am grateful to be traveling on even when it winds through a dark forest or two! Thank you Sue for being you!:)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 01, 2014 @ 18:47:30

      Hi Jo, how lovely to see you 🙂 Our roads I know have been strewn with some debris from time to time.. But its so good to be travelling along with your good self Joe.. Big Hugs.. Sue xox



  14. Eddie Two Hawks
    May 31, 2014 @ 16:02:56

    A delightful reminder of beautiful times past and what can be expected of the future with proper mindfulness. with love, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 01, 2014 @ 18:45:07

      You said it all with one word. ‘Mindfulness’ If only we would be more mindful as we walk our roads, how much smoother they would run… 🙂 Many thanks dear Eddie Many thanks .. Love and Blessings Sue



  15. David
    May 31, 2014 @ 17:15:59

    In my work I was good at reading plans but this one is proving the hardest to understand! Love, David



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 01, 2014 @ 18:39:19

      Yes on reflection David, it appears on the surface the plan has gone haywire.. But Like most things, its not ours to see… I am sure there is a plan but it may take a few more decades before we see it unravel.. and if I don’t see the finished result here on Earth, well, my road was well travelled with Good Company David.. So thank you for travelling along with me 🙂 Blessings Sue



  16. summerrain63
    Jun 01, 2014 @ 11:37:11

    Very lovely…..yes….I am very thankful….every day….



  17. giselzitrone
    Jun 01, 2014 @ 12:25:43

    Schönes Gedicht liebe Sue und schönes Bild der Weg ins eintlose.Wünsche dir einen schönen glücklichen Sonntag.Liebe Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  18. kp
    Jun 01, 2014 @ 14:02:14




  19. natswans
    Jun 01, 2014 @ 17:39:36

    Beautiful Sue , every day I am so grateful.
    Sheila xx have a good week.



  20. lavendermoongirlblog
    Jun 01, 2014 @ 20:31:20

    Such a poignant poem Sue. Your photo shows to me an uneven rugged road, where we watch where we tread but we enjoy breathing the fresh country air, feeling the wild weather making us feel alive and touching the tenderness of nature. It is sad and important to celebrate the lives of those we’ve lost too. Brilliant Sue. Hugsxxx



  21. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Jun 01, 2014 @ 20:52:00

    Gratitude is so vital Sue and your poem really highlights that. Lovely post. Hope you’ve had a great gardening weekend. Lots of love xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 01, 2014 @ 21:00:50

      Hi Nina… lovely to see you.. today I put straw under the strawberries to help protect the berries… Its been a good day.. I hope you too have had a good day and are well… xxx



  22. Wendell A. Brown
    Jun 01, 2014 @ 23:05:35

    Your words made my heart dance and smile…what a beautiful rhapsody you have composed. The message it contained is and will be a lasting blessing to anyone who might read it and embrace the spirit within. Breathtaking poem my sister, it is so very beautiful! I am going to reblog it on my blog…it has an outstanding joyful message. Spiritual hugs, love and blessings Sue! Have a blessed week ahead!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 02, 2014 @ 11:19:11

      Dear Wendell, thank you so much for this beautiful compliment.. And also Many thanks for the reblog.. Its lovely to see you within my little Sanctuary 🙂
      You too enjoy a wonderful week..



  23. Wendell A. Brown
    Jun 01, 2014 @ 23:07:33

    Reblogged this on Where Words Daily Come Alive and commented:
    Sue wrote a beautiful rhapsody of words…it made my heart and spirit dance and smile…please take a moment to read and enjoy…it is truly an outstanding poem!



  24. Maria F.
    Jun 01, 2014 @ 23:19:01

    What a beautiful, sensitive poem. I also love the variety of headers you always show on your blog. What an artist you are!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 02, 2014 @ 11:13:19

      Thank you dear Maria.. Thats why I love this blog theme.. Its enabled me to tweak it over the years.. And you will be in for some more art of mine shortly 🙂
      Lovely to see you and I’m looking forward to reading your latest floral artwork too 🙂



  25. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Jun 01, 2014 @ 23:57:15

    I know those questions well My Friend 🙂
    and as I wandered in a few of them today, I realized I can only be pushed away to the back of “not enough to matter” when something gives….the rock rolls away and down to the waters edge and with a splash it sends ripples to the otherside…
    and as it always seems it is a one way send, no consideration that it hurts in the silence of echoes back….. it is time for it to stop sending those ripples for they obviously don’t matter do they…

    I am very Grateful for the lessons, I am tired of the not knowing where to stand from one minute to the I think I will clear this path and create another one…
    Thank you for your words that feel deep within my soul….
    You Matter very much Sue…Take Care….!
    Have a Great week…
    just me



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 02, 2014 @ 11:11:10

      Sometimes Maryrose its our silence that attracts the ripples. I have come to the same conclusions.. Its time for a new path of thinking… As we create a New Pond of existence..

      Love back… and I am so grateful for your thoughts and presence dear sister of spirit _/\_ Sue



  26. marina kanavaki
    Jun 02, 2014 @ 00:08:05

    🙂 🙂 …and I am so very grateful for knowing you!
    2 things I value more than anything: kindness and gratitude and in fact you can’t have one without the other! much much love and hugs 🙂 xxxx



  27. marjablom
    Jun 02, 2014 @ 08:05:58

    A gorgeous poem Yes we should be gratefull for everything. When the road is not easy then we learn the most as you said it is all part of a divine plan



  28. Gray Dawster
    Jun 02, 2014 @ 09:44:28

    Nicely penned my sweet friend,
    you have a superb way of getting
    your messages across and this
    piece of writing is awesome Sue 🙂

    Happy Monday

    Andro xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 02, 2014 @ 10:52:10

      Thank you Andro… I wrote this piece several years ago.. But it still holds true to who ever reads it.. I think most of us can relate, and when we look around us, There are far worse roads we could be travelling on..
      Have a brilliant week Andro..



  29. Christy Birmingham
    Jun 02, 2014 @ 20:24:07

    Stunning beautiful – just like you are!! I love when I see poetry here and your huge heart is shining through xoxo I hope your week is off to a wonderful start, Sue!



  30. becca givens
    Jun 02, 2014 @ 20:54:37

    So beautiful and appropriate for the mindfulness of the journey; to celebrate and be content no matter where one is on this road. Happy Week, Sue xoxo



  31. amandaseesdreams
    Jun 02, 2014 @ 22:24:28

    Oh, thank you Sue!
    I got chills when I read “For many souls who would have loved to walk my path have now gone.”
    You have a beautiful way of invoking the spirit of supreme gratitude.
    Love and Hugs!!



  32. Aquileana
    Jun 03, 2014 @ 02:24:21

    Hi Sue.

    I believe that the journey of discovery is never enough… Very touching and highly evocative…Thanks for sharing…
    Best regards and wishing you a nice week ahead,

    Aquileana 😀



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 03, 2014 @ 19:48:46

      Thank you dear Aquileana… Its so good that we are sharing one part of our pathway together as we explore each others posts.. I am so grateful for having you upon my road too 🙂
      Blessings Sue xox



  33. jussaraluna
    Jun 03, 2014 @ 05:10:44

    Hello dear Dreamwalker,
    Your words have so much beauty and wisdom
    You’re right, we must always be grateful
    and say thank you!
    Your post brings me serenity!
    I wish you a beautiful day, my precious friend
    thank you and love always~~Jussara

    Liked by 1 person


  34. aussieian2011
    Jun 03, 2014 @ 14:21:37

    Beautiful words Sue
    I particularly like ,They’re already exploring beyond this veil.
    Those words speak so much and alone gives hope to our Spiritual Souls.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 03, 2014 @ 18:48:25

      Dear Ian, Yes we forget often that we come only briefly to this realm.. We spend all our time working to accumulate ‘Things’ and forget the only things we take with us upon that final journey beyond this veil, are our memories.. Lets make them good ones..;-) Blessings sent back.. to you and Ana.. xxx Sue



  35. Dilip
    Jun 03, 2014 @ 16:59:13

    Beautiful thoughts dear Sue. I am fortunate to be your fellow traveler drawing inspiration from your calming words. Be blessed my dear friend. Regards Dilip



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 03, 2014 @ 18:46:17

      Dilip, thank you, its also a pleasure to be upon the same road and your good self. As we grow our own and are full of gratitude to be so fortunate to walk in gratitude.. Blessings Sue



  36. Marko
    Jun 03, 2014 @ 18:39:00

    Hello Sue! Thanks for visiting my blog. I warmly greet.



  37. drapersmeadow4
    Jun 03, 2014 @ 21:12:59

    Hi Sue! I just discovered your wonderful blog. What a lovely, lovely poem. May your ”memory trails” be full and rich and filled most abundantly with love across the years. Be well. ~Karen~

    Liked by 1 person


  38. jacksjottings
    Jun 04, 2014 @ 08:39:18

    The painting Sue so nice and your poem fits in perfectly.
    David may not know the plan and I find the plan perplexing.
    But what a puzzle to try and fathom like the road appreciate.
    Keeping straight as we can on my chosen path.
    A quote attributed to Lao Tzu.
    The Tao that can be explained is not the real Tao._/\_



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 04, 2014 @ 09:51:19

      Very true Jack.. ” “The Good Red Road” is a phrase used by many different Native American tribal communities to represent one who is walking the road of balance, living right and following the rules of the Creator…” .. Keeping straight and along the path, following the Rules of Nature and Universal Laws.. And as in the Tao, its about ” behaviour, attitude, a way of living,”.. These are what being on the road means… Some may have strayed off the path.. But more and more I seeing the Road which lays ahead if we do not alter our way of being right now…
      We have to start and become more thankful, and live in gratitude not only in each other but with nature… We can not keep taking her for granted…
      Balance is the key… for ever action, there is a reaction. and our actions now are causing Mother Natures Reactions.. I know you know this Jack.. But lets hope some sleepy eyes will read our comments eh! Blessings as always for your wise observations
      _/\_ Sue



      • jacksjottings
        Jun 04, 2014 @ 12:26:00

        The 60s nearly did it but got hijacked by bad publicity the fashion industry and Bob Dillon went electric.
        If you and I and some of our blog friends were a band of musicians.
        We would jam so tight in tune and get the whole world dancing. We would sing songs of love and compassion, peace and contentment.
        It will take artist in every field of art with the greatest talent but that may be the way.
        To get through to people and get them off the gravy train and strolling on to the Red Road, The Eight Fold Path and back in tune with The Way. Wu wui Sue may.
        The Force be with you Dreamwalker. _/\_

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 04, 2014 @ 12:47:49

          Now that Jamming session I would love to be in Jack.! and this song comes to mind.. Enjoy



          • jacksjottings
            Jun 09, 2014 @ 07:50:57

            Nice Sue, We are on the road again.
            Finished our house sit. Buss to Perth hired campaign van, couch surfed over the weekend, headed off in to van park in van and are exploring a fantastic place Busselton.
            Pauline will give you the details.
            I am in the local library catching using their free wi-fi.
            Listening to the Beach Boys.
            What a wonderful world._/\_



  39. ctanktforever
    Jun 04, 2014 @ 12:17:48

    Wow! This poem is very touching! I believe it is very important to Thank our Lord for our lives and the many gifts he has given us through family & friends.
    Blessings to You Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


  40. Shakti Ghosal
    Jun 04, 2014 @ 14:08:49

    Dear Sue,

    What an absolutely empowering verse! What resonated with me are these lines you have penned.

    “So as you step upon your path today
    Send out a thought of thanks to say
    I’m grateful for this path that I am on…..”

    How many of us hold the consciousness to be appreciative of our own life’s journey? As we go through life and living, we are hunkered under the twin loads of ‘regrets from the past’ and ‘ apprehensions of the future’.So much so that there there is scarcely any space left for being fully conscious of our present.

    Rather that allowing our experiences from the past to light up our present from it’s learning, we allow them to colour our belief filters and distort and constrain our view of our present.

    Rather than allowing our dreams of the future to energise our movement, we remain conditioned to be fearful of leaving our comfort zone and what all might go wrong.

    So what is it we could do to enjoy every moment of our path today? I believe we need to practice the art of Self Consciousness. We do this by identifying that ‘Self’ inside us which can observe that clearing within where our entire world including our own self arises and occurs. As we do this we start gaining access to
    ‘being and dancing in the moment’.



    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 04, 2014 @ 14:47:47

      “So what is it we could do to enjoy every moment of our path today?”…
      So strange you should ask that today Shakti.. I answered another post only today as someone asked had I ever people watched.. It brought back the memory of a another poem I had written.. When people watching as I waited in a hospital waiting room.. I caught my own reflection in the glass as I was observing… and this poem was the result..

      Sitting on my seat, I watch them by the door
      Gloomy faces set in stone, eyes held to the floor
      I melt into the background of a sea of discontent
      Of thoughts they cannot hear, as their energy is spent

      A cloud that settled just above my head
      Pressed its weight, until I remembered what you said
      ‘Shine your Light Girl, Light a beacon in the Dark.
      And don’t worry if some days all you give is but a spark’

      ‘Remember a spark lights the biggest of all fires
      And I know Girl, of your inner most desires’
      So I looked up to the cloud whose colour was all grey
      And I used my thoughts to send it clean away

      Getting up from my seat I walked towards the door
      And I smiled into the eyes of those cast down to floor
      Some gazed back unsteady, as they hadn’t seen a smile
      Others lips did quiver as they hadn’t used one in a while

      Who was this strange woman, whose eyes were sparkling bright?
      As she smiled and said hello, to everyone in sight
      Heads did turn, murmurings were made
      And someone shouted, ‘maybe she is insane?’

      But I laughed now out loud as the sun shone down on me
      As I thanked my higher-self, for filling me with glee
      Happiness is all a state of mind
      So bring out the smiles for soon you will find

      You too can add your spark and brighten up your path
      So come on now SMILE! And Choose to Laugh.

      Blessings Dear Shakti.. for always making me look into ME. 🙂



  41. shamanictracker
    Jun 05, 2014 @ 21:05:22

    A great reminder Sue and a lovely poem. It just flows and makes everything seem so easy! You truly are a wonderful spirit xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 06, 2014 @ 09:49:49

      Why thank you so so much for your lovely comment, ( Blush) comments like yours makes blogging so worth while.. Shamanictracker.. But like I have often said before.. It takes a wonderful spirit to know another one.. so ditto dear one.. 🙂 xxx



  42. lorrena
    Jun 10, 2014 @ 02:22:13

    It is the frequency of consciousness that takes us down the Path.Wonderful posed here in your words Sue;



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 10, 2014 @ 10:59:44

      Lorrena, thank you dear friend, Many are walking the path more to enlightenment .. And its good to be sharing words through poetry with such like-minded souls as your good self 🙂 Blessings back.. xox



  43. Lois Field
    Jun 11, 2014 @ 07:33:35

    Interesting question you pose in your poem today. If I look back at my life there were hardships and pain but each made me who I am today. I am thankful for each experience because I know I wouldn’t be who I am today if I hadn’t walked that path and I fear I might not have liked the person I might have become without the experiences I lived through.



  44. Fiestaestrella
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 21:48:11

    What a wonderful reminder, thank you!



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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