Changing Times ~ Are Quickening!

Balance... photo from Photobucket

Changes we see occurring seem to be happening all the quicker within our reality, as many things are now brought into our awareness all at once. Our Experience was to come and understand the physical form and all the emotions that entails. And for most part our experience has centred around ourselves, as we have explored our Egos and our base human emotions of self have taken president. Our selfish greed has trampled over each other and Mother Nature in seeking our own self gratifications based upon our material possessions and carnal needs.

The cycle of change, “The Great Purification” where we will witness a tidal wave of change, not only in the climatic floods and extreme weather patterns we are now experiencing. But in the way our hearts will open up to the floods of emotions we see breaking into our everyday lives, which are so needed to clear and heal the imbalances of our world.

We will see the floods pass through our own consciousness, as it passes through our hearts and minds so it will clear away our Karmic debt which is also ‘Quickening’ as for many what goes around comes around more quickly, I am sure some of you are noticing that?

The problem is we live with many ‘Fear’ based emotions, in fact many thrive on Fear. We buy into the tabloids who are experts in fear mongering, some hanging onto their every printed word. And yet now these words are being exposed as many new truths will be unleashed which many will find hard to grasp or come to terms with. As what has been hidden from us will slowly be revealed. And those in Power will be exposed for what they are..

I know around our world we are now seeing many who are rebelling, as we are seeing breakdowns in systems of governments, exposures to lies, and cover-ups. And the greed of our banking systems corrupt policies are exposed.

The monetary systems will hit everyone’s pocket, as our governments try to put right with ‘Cut backs’ as they try to rectify man’s greed which has eaten the core out of our societies and Hearts.

All of these things are the ‘Signs’ of the Quickening, we are witnessing them now with many more upheavals and emotional turmoil yet to experience. And Time will seem to speed ever faster as we live in our Quicker paced world.

The Birthing process is always going to be painful, and many will chose to turn their backs and bury their heads and buy into the ‘Fear’. But each thought we think, creates its own reality, and for many their reality will be chaos, if they do not find the balance..

This time is of transition, we all have been given ‘Free Will’ in which we will choose are own experience , either to be swallowed up in the Fear Factor, or chose to commit to our own direction of our Future, one we can build a bridge of peace within our communities.. 

It is now in this time of our Quickening, to go within ourselves and choose to start to live from the Heart. Our paths are neither right nor wrong, they are what each of us need at this time to experience. It is no good apportioning blame… For when we do we only add to the negative Mix.

No one has the Answers, No one is solely right.

I only ask you to look within your hearts, for we are ALL upon the threshold of discovery. Fears are our natural reactions to situations we are unfamiliar with, and that reaction is either ‘Fight or Flee’ which we perceive as a threat. And when our heart centres are opened, we naturally feel more vulnerable to that which we are unsure of..

My own simple message is to trust in your own instincts, not that of the herd. Face your own Fears yes, for many will present themselves as our emotions are tossed within the stormy seas of our transformation.  But do not buy into Fear which is being pumped your way, these are not your Drama’s …I was beginning to get sucked into them, that’s why I took a break, its so easy to allow ourselves to feel depressed by situations out of our control.   I know many are feeling such emotions on a personal level..Trust in your own inner voice, Not mine or anyone else’s, Trust your own heart.. and follow where it leads.. For this is what will carry you forward when all else is stripped bare.

I feel we are all in for a period of transition, as we face our own chaotic storms as we do battle with letting our ego’s go.. As we remember who we are on our spiritual journey of transformation.

But remember all you have ever needed has always been with you, from your conception in Time, and it matters not what creed or indoctrinated thoughts we adhere to.. We are merely transcending to the next natural level on our evolutionary path. We have never been alone on this journey.

We merely need to trust and follow our own natural instincts above all else. Instincts which we all need to get back in touch with. “ Know Thyself” and let the light of our Good Intent open our heart centres to each other and our Earth Mother, as she will carry us through to the next phase in our universal journey, as our Consciousness once again lifts us up to new heights of our experience.

So let us transcend to the next cycle of our existence. As we Change our perceptions and embrace our future.

The above writing has been edited and adapted from a piece of writing I did in January 2011 you can find the full article I wrote Here

Blessings Sue Dreamwalker

36 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Dr. Rex
    Feb 21, 2014 @ 01:01:11

    Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Excellent!!! Hoping for changes!!



  2. prenin
    Feb 21, 2014 @ 07:02:12

    According to Tom it’s Ragnarok tomorrow, so maybe a change is coming!!! 🙂

    I doubt doomsday predictions as a matter of course, but it’s still fun to celebrate them!!! 🙂

    Love and squishy hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 21, 2014 @ 18:26:38

      I will have to go take a look at Toms new post Prenin… 🙂 And I do not believe in any one doomsday.. But if we keep on doing what we are doing then the world as we know it will need to start again.. Because we as a species are not going to survive if we do ‘Change’ our ways.:-) xxx



  3. beverley
    Feb 21, 2014 @ 09:40:11

    Every day the world is a new world as each day it changes. However these changes have been going on forever, through all time can we stop that change? No i don’t think we can, but if we are prepared when the dust settles we will have survived and can start again. In the new world skills will be money and money won’t buy you anything. Greed will be a thing of the past and everyone will have to work for what they need and to help provide for those who are unable to provide for themselves.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 21, 2014 @ 17:20:18

      I agree, Change is all part of progression Beverley, without Change we stand still, stagnate. Changes though are seemingly happening quicker as we get to hear about Change more quickly vis the Internet and technology.. We are getting it brought into our living rooms daily by the hour.
      Change is Good, it means we are moving forward… But my point is that we can get caught up in Drama’s around our globe which then brings us to view Change in a different perspective.. As we are only being shown the negative changes.. And its leaving many worrying as they then get pulled into the downward spiral which affect energies and we then add that negative energy into the mix which can create more negative outcomes..
      I too am looking forward to the changes Beverley which will sort out those who leach off of others via their Greed of Profits.. I am with you all the way on that one.. 🙂



  4. penpusherpen
    Feb 21, 2014 @ 10:30:03

    With you all the way Sue, where we cannot change anything as one single unit, inside ourselves lies the key to everything we need, if only we would believe strongly enough. WE know in our heart of hearts that the draining of the Worlds resources is wrong, but the money men are too strong, and continue past the outcries that are raised by those who care and can read the warning signs. . We need to live in sync with Nature not fight against her. So much knowledge gained from the past is lost to us through non belief. Look at natural/holistic medicine compared to man made chemicals which harm the body instead of healing with nature? Slow steps are happening, but maybe not fast enough. Know thyself, a mantra with which to live by and grow. Love and light my friend. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 21, 2014 @ 17:04:56

      I so agree Pen, Nature holds all remedies and Holistic medicine has been deliberately pushed out because those in the pharmaceutical industries have other agenda’s with their pill pushing and getting the Human Race addicted to pills which often create more problems than aid the cure’s.. But both you and I know that’s the idea so they can sell more drugs..
      We need to educate ourselves in many of our ancestors ancient wisdoms customs, And if we had lived in harmony and held respect for the Earth and each other, we may be have been living in a very different reality than as now Pen…
      Thank you again for adding your much appreciated thoughts here.. Love Sue xx



  5. giselzitrone
    Feb 21, 2014 @ 11:29:09

    Einen schönen Tag liebe Sue.Ja die Welt ändert sich immer gibt es was neues ,und heute durch die ganze Umwelt Verschmutzung geht es noch schneller.Ich wünsche dir ein viedfolles Wochenende.Liebe Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 21, 2014 @ 16:43:53

      Liebe Gislinde, ja die Welt verändert sich schneller als wir, über Dinge zu hören heute viel früher. Wir müssen uns erinnern, um zu versuchen und halten positive und genießen und sich um die Natur, solange wir können … Vielen Dank für das Lesen. Genießen Sie Ihr Wochenende Umarmungen Sue



    Feb 21, 2014 @ 15:11:17

    Gut geschrieben. Ein schönes Wochenende. .LG. Wolfgang



  7. Eddie Two Hawks
    Feb 21, 2014 @ 16:30:17

    Marvelous post Sue! A strong message. We are like parts of the giant puzzle. Each of us with a treasured piece. When fitted together the whole promises a fresh era of unification and advancement for all life.
    with love and peace, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 21, 2014 @ 16:48:31

      Yes, its actually amazing if we stopped to think about it.. But I am coming to realise I have no control over the other pieces only where my own slots into place 🙂 But its very satisfying to come to understand without our various pieces… We have no picture! 😉 So we need to unify in order to complete our specific journey, of which we are ALL part of the whole! as we come together as ONE! 😉



  8. marina kanavaki
    Feb 21, 2014 @ 23:12:21

    Ah, Sue, truth comes in simple words, doesn’t it and although we know we -most of the times- fail to recognize. You always speak wise and from the heart: the truth. Thank you!!! 🙂



  9. Miro
    Feb 22, 2014 @ 00:22:57

    So much goodness here, Sue. Thank you for sharing your brilliant light with us! I’m inspired!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 23, 2014 @ 15:22:03

      Miro, it is I who thank you for the Light you shine, and likewise when I read your wisdom upon your own posts.. I thank you for your kindness and I am blessed that I have inspired 🙂



  10. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Feb 22, 2014 @ 02:12:58

    your words will unfurl their wings and the energy you surround them with
    will go far….Words within a path of wisdom…..
    Good post Sue….Thank you for sharing your thoughts
    Take Care…You Matter….



  11. Kourtney Heintz
    Feb 22, 2014 @ 15:00:12

    I love that idea–we have never been alone in this journey. It changes so much to see things that way. 🙂



  12. Gray Dawster
    Feb 22, 2014 @ 15:04:49

    Great posting Sue, and I agree always follow your own instincts and never be led by the mob, so to speak 🙂 Have a restful weekend and I hope that the sun is shining a little were you live, here for once it is a pleasant weekend, so far 😉 lol

    Andro xxxx



  13. Valentine Logar
    Feb 22, 2014 @ 16:47:25

    You know where my spirit is right now, I am prayful there is a less chaotic time soon.

    I must think on what you have said here, it is a good description of much of what I am feeling.



  14. Professions for PEACE
    Feb 23, 2014 @ 21:07:23

    Beautiful and compassionate writing Sue. So touching. Thank you for sharing your loving heart with us here. xo Love and Light, Gina



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 24, 2014 @ 16:44:34

      Gina, I am so pleased you enjoyed this piece.,, Its always difficult when writing ones thoughts that come from our hearts which may tangle with others views..And I am doubly pleased you came by to visit too 🙂 With love and Gratitude.. Sue xx



  15. Michael Genford
    Feb 24, 2014 @ 15:37:04

    This is a wonderful piece, Sue.




  16. Michael Genford
    Feb 24, 2014 @ 16:30:02

    My pleasure, Sue. I enjoy reading your works.

    Yeah, I was on your blog yesterday reading (and writing) way too much! It was all good, though. 🙂



  17. aussieian2011
    Mar 28, 2014 @ 09:21:45

    Thank you Sue for taking the time to share this explicit and clear piece of wisdom.
    I have never found anything in your posts that contradicts my beliefs.
    I feel that fear of change holds us all back, fear of change in the material sense.
    If we can let go of the material element in our lives and focus on the spiritual awakening then we will progress.
    But how do we collectively overide the vast momentum of those who chase power, politics and the material life.
    I dont know the answer Sue
    But I do know , we only live once in this life, and that is as the blinking of the eye in the creator.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 29, 2014 @ 15:34:55

      “But how do we collectively override the vast momentum of those who chase power, politics and the material life.”…

      Yes you are right Ian, there is so much corruption and greed.. But the Earth is showing us on many ways as we are being shown via nature that she can cast away our material possessions in a blink of an eye, through .Fire, Storm, Flood, etc.. And once we understand the value lies not in the material goods, but in each other as people . I hope then the Spiritual awakening process will then begin to gain momentum.. Thank you again Ian for your most treasured visits and comments my good friend xx Sue



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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