Wakeup ~News~

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Continuing on this months theme of Awakening. Waking up is not just about Spiritually Awakening. Waking up means seeing the world from a different perspective.

Have you never wondered why the media constantly dishes out the negative? What purpose does it serve?

Some may say its so we can be kept informed. But why not keep us informed about all the good being done in the world too? Why not dedicate some time to the positive deeds being done around our globe. And promote how many serve selfishly to help their fellow man.

The Media is designed to create negative waves of emotion, this keeps the population in a constant wave of anxiety. This way you create uncertainty and stress and fear. This way you sell a lot of prescription drugs.

I recently re-read an article published in the early 90’s  which stated way back then, that American pharmacies filled 2-5million prescriptions for tranquilizers every week.. Yes Every Week!!.. It calculated that an average prescription is 50 pills, so on that basis America ingests over 6 Billion tablets a year. So goodness knows what it stands at in todays figures some 20 yrs later?  It may interest you to find out for yourselves who in politics have other agenda’s and  connections within the pharmaceutical industries! Waking up is all about researching for yourselves..

Finding your own truth means piecing together the puzzle.. 

While its important to be aware of what’s happening around you. You should try to defend your mind from negative waves.

At the beginning of my own awakening I think everything swamped me. Too much information too soon maybe. But I digested what resonated and threw out that which I couldn’t cope with, which at the time seemed to be coming from some Science Fiction Novel .

It was only over time-years that those Science Fiction pieces kept cropping back up, and each time they did they added more sense to the complex jigsaw I was trying to solve.

I know in various past posts I have touched upon detachment. This has upset I am sure people’s views as they cannot see how to detach from the horrors we as a species create… This was true too of myself and I still catch myself as I find myself getting so angry and depressed with the world we’re creating.  I am definitely not perfect… I am still evolving, as are you!.

Its only once you begin to understand how energy works that you see that  every time we attach our emotions on the negative, we give those negative dark forces more power. 

This is the whole intent of negative media. A trap which many of us fall into as we repeat negative News, even the state of weather we latch onto the drama and get drawn into the bleakness as we get pulled further down the black hole.

When we see the future as corrupt and getting worse, then our very thoughts create the conditions  of our external experience.. So then we too become corrupted as our mood reflects our misery as we then turn to those mind numbing pills..

Change IS happening, Change will always happen its evolution.

How life on Earth Changes IS up to us.. 

We can only start with ourselves.  Change our own Minds.. We need to believe in ourselves, Build bridges, make peace within.  I can only change my own world. and my perceptions. And if each of us do just that, if we spread out the thoughts of caring, peace and unity. We then are joining together in Unity Consciousness.

Once more people join within this wave of living from our Hearts. We then tip the scales to bring about a more Unified Harmonious World.

We can then let go of Ego and create a brighter external world, but we first need to awaken to our own Inner Healing.

So lets get to work on ourselves!

Some links you may find of interest below.. Especially the first Link, I trusted to be guided as I trust those invisible worlds to lead me to find what I need.. So I  pressed Google search, and intuition delivered on the first click.  I wish you well in finding your own pieces as you ask yourself the questions you seek..





 Wishing you well upon your journey. My Personal story of awakening is to be posted on the 23rd Jan… And still I am stretching as each day brings me more wide awake..

Thank you for reading


62 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. wolfgangpowerpoint.wordpress.com/
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 13:43:16

    Freundliche Grüße, Wolfgang



  2. Red
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 14:53:33

    We have spent a lot of time talking recently about my choice to divorce myself from public information delivered via the media. On the rare occasions when we watch television, it is educational, and then only discriminately. After my husband died, I unplugged it. For years (before and after), I have not watched because there was nothing uplifting about it. I knew it affected me and my children.

    I revere the societies who passed knowledge from head and heart to the next generations through storytelling and books. Today’s world has much to learn of the benefit of the old ways.

    Bright blessings and warm light and much love, Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 14:33:15

      I totally agree…. that is why I so love the old stories which are past down via word of mouth.. The native Americans also the Aboriginals from Australia Even those from Africa… each telling similar stories of their origins… Something the history books fail to do… 😉 We need to embrace the old ways again.. and learn to live in balance with one another and nature… Thank you dear Red, I so loved that you visited 🙂 Sue xoxox



  3. Symbol Reader
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 15:06:00

    I am also cut off from the mainstream media and I am happy about this decision. Always after reading your posts, Sue, I feel uplifted and motivated and my faith in humanity is restored. In the age of cynicism, your voice is very refreshing.



  4. giselzitrone
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 15:33:43

    Einen schönen Tag liebe Sue ja man soll dankbar sein für das Leben und wenn man Gesund ist um so mehr,und so schöne Bilder die Links schaue ich mehr noch alle an habe nur einen gesehen.Grüße dich lieb und ich wünsche dir eine glückliche schöne Woche.Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 14:26:11

      Ja Gislinde, wir sollten auf jeden Fall das Leben mehr zu genießen .. und das Leben zu fügen unsere Liebe und Frieden zu verbreiten, damit wir mehr Glück ..

      Danke. Genießen Sie Ihren Dienstag xxx Sue



  5. David
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 16:27:02

    I’ve never understood that only bad news is good news, lets make sure that we encourage all to spread the good news for a change worth having like a pollution free planet! Love David



  6. prenin
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 16:55:26

    We are at the centre of an information overload.

    I rarely watch TV, apart from the red button news text pages and ‘Stargate Atlantis’ at the moment which I record for when I need to take my brain off the hook.

    I DO listen to the iPlayer for comedies and the occasional science fiction drama, but most of the time I play race games to relax.

    I have become healthier and happier away from all the stress, so I am able to handle hassles better.

    I still have problems with being afraid to walk out of my front door, but I keep on going and always reward myself when I get home! 🙂

    Maybe one day I’ll be past this, but until then… 🙂

    Love and squishy hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 14:08:34

      Prenin, I am pleased you are feeling Healthier and happier these days… and you should give yourself a huge pat on the back for how far you have come.. 🙂 and everything takes time… you have made huge strides and be proud of your achievements and someday this fear will too be overcome. 🙂 Hugs back.. xox



      • prenin
        Jan 21, 2014 @ 16:18:25

        Thanks Sue! 🙂

        My fear is partly due to the death threat from my psychopathic father, the hassles I’ve had from the local teenagers and the ongoing hassles by my faceless tormentors.

        I now have nobody around me I can trust as they’ve all been corrupted. 😦

        Hard to believe I’ve suffered so much because I wouldn’t sell my story to the media…

        Love and huge hugs!




  7. Doris
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 17:25:20

    Hope your weekend was the best ever my friend.



  8. Kenny2dogs
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 17:49:29

    “Be glad, and your friends are many;
    Be sad, and you lose them all”

    Just keep smiling, even when it hurts.!!! 🙂 x



  9. John Hayden
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 19:11:44

    This post resonated with me, Sue, and I’m not even sure exactly why, since my awareness is so scattered this winter. I agree that news today, cable TV news, can be hazardous to our health. Not sure it’s a good idea to ignore the weather, however. I think the weather and climate change is real.

    As for corruption and the future, I think you’re onto something.

    Right now, I need to wake up in the most elemental way, in the sense of simply getting out of bed, staying out of bed, and getting out of the apt once in a while, no matter what the weather.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 14:04:17

      Thank you John that is some comment coming from your own background.. The weather reports I agree we need take heed off. What I was referring was that especially us ‘Brits’ have a tendency to moan about the weather, come rain, or shine.. LOL Instead of just waking up and enjoying the Day!.. Today was cold and frosty out. But my hubby and I enjoyed a two hour walk… lots to see and enjoy once we get our minds around getting out of bed LOL… 🙂 Thank you John for dropping in to comment, I appreciate it.. 🙂



      • John Hayden
        Jan 21, 2014 @ 19:42:34

        Ah, the weather gives us a sort of benign subject to grump about. Since it affects everyone, I think it even helps us cross class and racial divides, and helps us connect with strangers. I agree however that we shouldn’t let a bit of mildly bad weather move us off our intended course. I’ve often heard people use weather as an excuse. Of course, really severe weather should be heeded. It can change your whole life.



  10. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 19:53:46

    It is about being IN this world that has been created…but not OF it. We shine our Light despite the negative news. THAT is what will get us through and on to Healing. Thanks for sharing this. Wishing you a lovely day! Blessings!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 13:59:36

      Thank you MarDrag, and our Inner Healing is all we can start upon.. Confucius said

      To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right

      All we can do is keep working upon our hearts 🙂 as we bring the care back.. 🙂



      • From the Desk of MarDrag
        Jan 21, 2014 @ 14:18:20

        This is a wonderful quote and so true. Any change we hope to bring to the world must start from within each one of us, and as we spread our Light, it connects with the Light of the next Warrior, and grows and grows like a puddle in the street.

        The hardest part now, is getting everyone to awaken from the slumber we have been in. Keep up the good work and effort…as will I. Blessings Dear Friend!



  11. Crowing Crone Joss
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 20:27:20

    “We can only start with ourselves. Change our own Minds.. We need to believe in ourselves, Build bridges, make peace within. I can only change my own world. and my perceptions. And if each of us do just that, if we spread out the thoughts of caring, peace and unity. We then are joining together in Unity Consciousness. ”

    I think that says it all. we can become so overwhelmed with the world, the news, the sorrow of this planet that we become immobile. We start with our own self, as we heal our own life, we heal our world, our planet and the many souls and life forms upon it. Knowledge is good, awareness and healing are even more good. Namaste.



  12. cat
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 22:09:29

    I don’t watch TV at all … no news, no movies, nada … just trying to be there for my fellow citzens around me … much to be done in our immediate neighbour hood … Love you, always, cat.



  13. Lois Field
    Jan 21, 2014 @ 04:25:21

    Sue, as you know I have recently started posting good news once a week because I believe we need to hear something good to outweigh the negative media messages. I hope it helps to show those of us who are trying to create the better world we can envision see that they are not alone. It has definitely helped me to be more positive from doing this.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 13:46:36

      I agree Lois, and most I know who visit Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary understand this and mostly I am sure promote positive thinking… I think sometimes we need reminding of its affects.. as I know just recently the themes I have heard have been even more depressing which are constantly re-repeated over and over.. I do try to concentrate on the positive. I think I just needed to make a few waves so that it may make people sit up and think! Detachment is difficult in our Culture that is TV orientated with News Bulletins every other hour.. I often go find something to do in another room when my hubby watches the news..



  14. Dilip
    Jan 21, 2014 @ 08:25:12

    A beautiful post which I read twice over. Yes “Spiritually Awakening” is being connected to our inner-self when this happens all the negatives happening around do not affect our mind. Many thanks and take care.
    Cheers 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 13:40:25

      Thank you Dilip, yes its up to how we project out from our inner-self.. So what we send out into the world is reflected back… So if we project Peace we attract that energy towards us.. If we project fear and misery, then we are more likely to experience more of the same… Our inner affects our outer! 🙂 xxx Much love xxx 🙂



  15. penpusherpen
    Jan 21, 2014 @ 11:30:47

    They say we have a right to be informed, Sue, but methinks hard cash is the answer. Anything to grab our attention seems to be the order of the day. I hardly read a newspaper now, I do hear the news on the TV , but only in the background, for I think there is always an Agenda. Whatever they’re trying to do, be it keep the masses down by extolling this or that for their own ends, I’d rather not know. If we want to expand our knowledge of something there are so many ways to become informed. Freedom of choice is for me the key. to all things. be it happiness, self knowledge and of course spiritual awakening. WE grow, for how can we not and still call ourselves ‘self aware’ Another thought provoking blog my friend, Love and light xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 13:37:14

      Hi Pen, I like you do not buy Newspapers and try not to listen to the news on TV, but its often difficult to avoid as Hubby likes to be informed… I think most of us who become more ‘self-aware’ avoid the negative and promote the positive,, I just wonder how many never ever realise how they are being swept into depression as they get caught up in not only the news but the drama’s of soaps on TV.. Which I gave up watching some years ago now… Thank you Pen for always understanding… Love to you.. Sue xox



  16. Visionkeeper
    Jan 21, 2014 @ 15:01:14

    Right on DW Great post!!! It is becoming apparent to humanity, it seems, that in order to change the world we must first change our perceptions of the world from within ourselves. Finally… It is all coming together now and it looks like we are in the final push to freedom. Thanks for sharing this…Hope all is well. Our time has finally come DW….It has been a long haul but worth every moment of the journey…Blessings dear friend…VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 20:34:11

      Thank you VK, I got to listen to the Astrology video and got so caught up forgot to comment upon your post… So will rectify that now .. Yes it seems we are all feeling this final ‘Push’ and more and more events will be uncovered that will shake more to open their eyes of that I am certain… 2014 is going to be one year I don’t think many will forget… Big hugs back dear friend .. DW xxx



  17. reikiheidi
    Jan 21, 2014 @ 15:18:10

    Dear Sue, I wholeheartedly agree with this post and have often thought the very same thing. I sometimes post ‘political’ or informing articles on my FB timeline – environmental – chemical-food produce etc, and guess what? No-one likes or comments… yet post a pic of a cute cat…!
    On my FB page I recently wrote something along the lines of ‘I want to help the world, to heal the whole world, but I can’t – only the world can do that. But what I can do is to care for and help an individual… & then another… and each person can help an individual… and in this way, we halp to change the world for the better’.

    I saw a post a friend put up yesterday of a horrific news story involving a baby. I couldn’t not see it, right there at the top of my news feed. i felt so sick, angry, sad… & the worst thing was knowing there was nothing I could do. I felt angry at my friend for posting it too, and engendering those feelings in me. I had to force myself to let it go – nothing else to be done, the horror was over & done with. So this is where the detachment comes in. Its not not-caring: it’s realising that sometimes, emotions are reactionary rather than a helpful state of being.

    We need a global Paradigm shift – we need everyone to start caring about one another – then maybe these news stories won’t be posted when there is nothing more anyone can do!

    Apologies for the long comment!
    Thank you & Blessings always
    Heidi x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 20:46:08

      Heidi you have no need to apologise for your wonderful response here.. I encourage such responses.. Its only by sharing our thoughts, ideas, and voicing and acting upon them that we can bring about a change to the world.. Yes often those posts I post which are controversial will be absent of as many comments… I think its that people do not know how to respond.. I would like to think we each had a voice and would use it.. But for many they still do not ‘Think!’ for themselves.. Instead they follow the herd and the familiar and would rather be non-committal so as not to offend… But sometimes waking up is all about commitment.. and committing to a view point. and More to make a stand and a statement against the horrors of this world..
      You are so so correct when you say..

      We need a global Paradigm shift – we need everyone to start caring about one another – then maybe these news stories won’t be posted when there is nothing more anyone can do!

      The Truth is going to be a painful reality in that many will have new truths revealed to them… When that happens many will have to open their eyes and alter their perspectives.. Because we are all going to need to pull together and start Caring.. This is the Unity Consciousness.. 🙂
      Loved your comment Heidi… Blessings and feel free anytime.. 🙂 xxx



  18. Tom Merriman
    Jan 21, 2014 @ 20:06:50

    I don’t really watch much of the news nowadays, Sue. I manage to keep up, roughly, with what’s going on in the world, but I’ve noticed that things we are being told don’t add up. They don’t seem to make sense to me, as though some important piece of information is missing or wrong – but because I don’t want to get too involved in it, I push it to one side and move on. I wonder if this is another ploy to make us to look deeper into things rather than just letting them be.
    But no, I can really do without the negative!
    And thank you, Sue, for writing another great post!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 21:06:55

      I try my best Tom not to watch much news… But even when driving and listening to the radio up it pops… Hold onto your hats is all I can say Tom as more things will not make sense.. But we will ALL need to look deeper… and least not at ourselves.. for that is where change starts.. 😉 So pleased you are feeling like visiting again… 🙂



  19. jacksjottings
    Jan 22, 2014 @ 00:23:57

    Thank you Sue for all the effort you put into getting people to think.
    Not only about their self but others and what is wise and careing.



  20. Aquileana
    Jan 22, 2014 @ 15:11:38

    Dixit :”Finding your own truth means piecing together the puzzle”..

    That was beautiful. So thoughtful and thorough.

    Yes When we realize what is going on around us we are already getting a bigger perspective of what we are meant to be as human beings.

    As we live daily we are constantly change. Change is a subtle challenge… It lays among us & beneath us at the same time.

    Hugs to you, Sue; Aquileana 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2014 @ 17:30:42

      Thank you Aquileana, I very much appreciate your thoughts and love your contribution here.. And yes Change is happening around us every day.. We should embrace it.. We only fear it because it takes us from our comfort Zone.. 🙂 I hope to be back at the weekend.. Hugs back.. Sue xxx



      • Aquileana
        Jan 25, 2014 @ 12:34:40

        I´ll be waiting for you and hope you come to take a peak to my newest post as I am close to publish it.

        Have a wonderful weekened, Sue, & as ever, thanks for your twinkling words,

        Aquileana 🙂



  21. aFrankAngle
    Jan 22, 2014 @ 21:34:42

    You have good insight into the world … and today’s world is one of a constant bombardment of information of all sorts. Shielding against it is one think, which is not the same as filtering. True … one filters what they want to hear/not hear, but as a new watcher, I find myself blocking what is ideological babble to me. Then again, what I let through is babble to someone else.



  22. artevolutions
    Jan 23, 2014 @ 20:11:24

    Great insight…..I think that part of the SHIFT it to really comprehend the real essence of information as a source of consciousness and ditch all the crap that has been contributing to the not so evolved notion of communication/information that constantly occupies TV and social media…Slowly the revolution from heart is getting there….What was once told and whispered in ancient traditions can be heard by our crystal children and spread throughout changing vibrations and contributing to collective consciousness…It is a journey and it is so good to find amazing souls here in this special sanctuary 🙂 Love and Light



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2014 @ 20:16:52

      And its so good to have your own amazing presence Lizzie.. we learn from each other and we meet and greet those whose light helps illuminate our paths… I was so fortunate to have my pathway crossed with yours.. 🙂 Love and Light back..



  23. Kourtney Heintz
    Jan 26, 2014 @ 00:57:11

    Your post reminded me of a study I just read where rice was put in a jar for 30 days and one jar had nice things said to it and one mean things. The nice things jar was okay, the means things was rotten in 30 days. Clearly what we say and think has an effect in the world. Great post!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2014 @ 15:09:50

      Yes I remember this experiment, with Dr Emoto, I blogged about it some years ago now, and also how the water crystals react to our thoughts.. We are after all made up of the same stuff… 80% ish of water.. so it follows what we think we create. Thank you for reading.. Enjoy your week 🙂



  24. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 12:22:19

    It’s no surprise Sue that the advice for those suffering depression and anxiety disorders is not to watch the news! It’s lack of balance is a huge problem. Wishing you and your mission all good things for 2014. This is just a brief pop in. Hope to be more regular soon. Much love to you, Ruth xx



  25. aussieian2011
    Feb 13, 2014 @ 08:46:28

    Beautiful blog Sue, negativity in our lives is hard to shake off, particularly as you point out, the media and certain financial partys like to keep the masses in uncertainty and turmoil, I have found with the right partner, Ana, that the negative aspects of my life are waning, negative to negative does not work, but negative to positive will.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 14, 2014 @ 11:46:58

      I am happy that Ana has shown you a new door and perspective to view the world Ian… And Many thanks for your wonderful comment.. I am rising above my own negative pit I fell back into for a while 🙂 As I took time out for some reflection of my own.. 🙂 ~Sue xox



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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