Star Children~ Orbs and Angels..

Indigo Children

Have you noticed how much more intelligent our little ones seem these days?

I know with my own 3 yr old Granddaughter whose wisdom far exceeds her 3 yrs as she connects with the Earth and retains all information with a photographic memory which astonishes us all at time…Many say she is an ‘Old Soul’ and already she is reading certain words, she writes  small words, her name, and comes out with amazing statements that has us all in wonder. But then as her Gran I am bias lol..

There are many books out there upon the Indigo’s Crystal and Rainbow  Children so why would these intelligent, strong-willed children who seem to be so much more forward than in my early years be born and noticed more today?

To be honest it was only through reading about such children some 10 years back now, and I think one has to experience a connection to such a child in order to understand why they are special..

I remember vividly one day standing in line in a supermarket with my trolley waiting at the check-out.. When a small baby probably around 5 to 6 months old in her seat sat in the trolley  with her Mother who was busy unloading shopping, looked into my eyes and smiled.. …  I swear to you that in that instance there was a connection of ‘Knowing’ I saw these wonderful large wide lashed eyes blaze into my soul and an instant  there was recognition on a soul level.. I knew she was a child come to make a difference in our world..  I remember speaking to her in my mind, welcoming her and she squealed in delight, as I then spoke to the Mother saying what a beautiful child she had…

I often despair at  the world we are leaving our children’s children to inherit.. So no wonder the children being born today are so strong willed and many are so advanced as they absorb technology quicker than we do… They are going to need to be self reliant and strong to face the challengers we are leaving them to pick up of the mess we are leaving our world in.. They have come to help with the Shift we are experiencing in our world.. 

Over the Christmas Holidays I took several photos, and upon them appeared some Orbs



  which surrounded my Son and daughter-in-law.. I spotted one while looking at the uploaded photo’s and my Granddaughter spotted another pointing straight away saying ‘there’s an orb Grandma’… She instantly got what they were.. and has always had a fascination  with my Angel paintings.. ..

So this week I felt like painting a small painting and I intend to give it my Granddaughter for her bedroom.. The theme is Orbs and Angels.. And some Power Animals of Bear and Dolphin. The painting is only Postcard size.. and was just a quick fun painting to do.. and apologies as the photo was taken on my phone and not good light.


I hope you click onto the links and look up about the Star Children and find out more about Orbs.. And know there is indeed more to awaken your senses to our reality still yet to come..

Don’t take one word of what I tell you as truth.. You need to prove it to  yourself and so that is why Awakening brings us to seek out many things about our reality.. 

We have blindly followed what we have been told as truth for too long, and it will come as a shock to many to find out the many lies we have swallowed over the many life times..

Blessings for a Peaceful weekend.. and see you next week..

~Sue ~



70 Comments (+add yours?)

    Jan 17, 2014 @ 21:49:53

    Ein schönes Wochenende wünschen wir. Gruß, Wolfgang 😆



  2. iamforchange
    Jan 17, 2014 @ 21:56:18

    Awesome post Sue.. I too find the Knowing in the eyes of small children and even some older ones as I look into their eyes and the sharing of souls so to speak as they look back in wonder and filled with that knowing love. Hope all is well with you and yours.. Grandmas are given the gift of acceptance to be a little biased in their joy with the beauty of their grandchildren… Just a thought! Thanks for the post, I am off to check out your links as the subject has been one of fascination and intrigue for me. 🙂 Love and joy sent your way! Joe



  3. cat
    Jan 17, 2014 @ 21:57:21

    I am sure I have a star child … my first born … she gave me so much pain from the minute labour started … she is so smart … obtained Bachelor’s degrees and Master’s now … so gifted … I just mavel her from afar … cost me many tears … she tries to connect … I try to connect … omg … how do I explain … Love you, Star Walker … Always, cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 13:13:03

      You explained perfectly… Oh the battles of wills with my own second child…It took many years before we saw a balance between us.. Now I think we are closer than ever we have been, and I am loving the connection… We come to teach each other many things.. and the tears drops each one have been a lesson on both sides I feel… So Good to have you close Cat… and Big Hugs back.. xoxox



  4. Julianne Victoria
    Jan 17, 2014 @ 22:00:05

    Beautiful painting Sue!



  5. coastalcrone
    Jan 17, 2014 @ 22:13:34

    Your granddaughter sounds delightful and very special. I am sure she will treasure the small painting. Children today do learn and absorb quickly this new world and take us forward into the future.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 13:08:44

      They certainly do, far quicker than at our age.. I didn’t start school until I was 5 and I don’t think we could read or write as I remember learning my letters in school.. I think all our Grandchildren are special to their grandparents.. And being the only one she is something of a delight.. One we never thought to have.. So in some respects is extra special.. She loved the painting, and I hope her Daddy put it in her bedroom…. I gave her a small Rose Quartz stone crystal too with it.. She remembered its name and took it home among her treasures… As she has not been sleeping well, having bad dreams my son said. So I hope it aids a little.. to bring calm around her. 🙂 xxx



  6. lindalitebeing
    Jan 17, 2014 @ 22:36:01

    Thank you for this lively story and beautiful painting. Your inspiration is truly needed today.

    love and light,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 13:04:08

      Hi Linda, I am pleased you were inspired… Its seemed a long weekend… I did end up working! … I will catch up with your own posts shortly and lovely to have heard from you 🙂 xxxx



      • lindalitebeing
        Jan 20, 2014 @ 14:38:36

        I reread my comment and meant to say lovely! I was not feeling great when I commented so did not express myself in great detail. I want to add that seeing the orbs is amazing. I have never seen them in any pictures ever taken with me or by me. I am very curious about this phenoemenon. 🙂

        Do not work to hard Sue!

        hugs, Linda



  7. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 05:39:33

    That moment with the baby, Sue, that was fascinating. Especially when she chuckled.

    I’ve clicked the link on orbs as my friend in Perth had said he’d seen an orb outside his kitchen window and was torn between running to get his camera and just watching it. Hence he didn’t get a photo. It’s too fascinating.

    Daniel is very advanced, has always been, but still is human and here for a human experience, so I don’t know… Who knows what!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 13:00:41

      ALL are human in form, we all are .. But once you get to read more about Star Children, you will see how different they are… I have no doubts at all that Daniel is special.. He looked to be a wonderful looking child, and I am sure he is a striking young man who is very intelligent… And his coming and choosing you as his Mum, should tell you how special YOU are too.. Never forget that we as mums get to be chosen by those wishing to incarnate.. And I always feel privileged on that level.. And my children both came to help me learn my own various Earth Lessons along the way too.. As no doubt my Granddaughter will her parents ..
      Try going out with a flash camera and asking the orbs to come in and take several photos. you may be surprised Noeleen… 🙂 I hope you get to capture some on film…. xox Much Love xxx Sue



  8. Jacqueline King
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 06:45:16

    My husband and I are always wondering how our three grandchildren know the things that they do. One, when aged three, told his mother that she should ‘mindful of other road users’! You make a good point about them being ultra strong~willed though ~ it can make them tricky to deal with, they seem to have all the answers! But there is definitely a deep soul connection between us ~ I can remember looking into another one’s eyes on the day he was born and feeling that we totally understood each other. My husband ~ who was taking photographs of us at the time ~ saw it too. As for orbs ~ I am surrounded by them and can see them floating in front of me, most days. Great post, Sue! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 12:54:36

      Their inner strength and strong will is what will be needed I feel Jacqueline.. They will need to be fearless when tackling the future world.. That connection when you look into a babies eyes is breathtakingly beautiful isn’t it.. And you are so gifted if you see them with your naked eye Jacqueline. Would love to see them that way.. Big Hugs and many thanks I so enjoyed your visit.. xox Hugs Sue



      • Jacqueline King
        Feb 16, 2014 @ 11:51:45

        Their strong will makes them hard to handle, sometimes, Sue ~ but your point puts a different spin on toddler wrangling! My husband has no children of his own, so he is super~amazed by the ‘Buddhist monk’ gaze of small babies. I do see and feel ‘prana’, orbs and protective entities ~ but I’d never th



  9. prenin
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 08:26:41

    I know what you mean about old souls! 🙂

    Becky and Emily’s kids were very advanced the last time I saw them and we were all amused by their brashness! 🙂

    I have high hopes for all of them! 🙂

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 12:51:04

      They sound a couple of lovely children… Hope you are well 🙂 and had a good weekend Prenin.. xox



      • prenin
        Jan 20, 2014 @ 16:42:30

        Hi Sue! 🙂

        I brought up Emily and Becky from birth and they are now parents: Becky has Leo, Richard, Bonnie and new-born Vincent; Emily has Isabella and William.

        All the kids are sharp and very advanced for their ages, but Emily and Becky don’t want to push them, so they are going at the pace set by their teachers who have mentioned how bright they are and how well they are doing at school!!! 🙂

        Dean insisted that the boys learn how to box and now Bonnie is joining in!!!

        I’m not happy about the violence in children so young, but these days it is a necessity, so I’m holding my peace!

        I must admit both Leo and Richard are very fit, healthy and muscular for their ages, so they are looking at a long and healthy life! 🙂

        I had a good weekend, peaceful, so I only have my mail and shopping to worry about! 🙂

        The only kicker was I had to pay or my TV licence and buy more blank VHS tapes, so I’m back scrimping and saving… 😦

        Love and squishy hugs!




  10. Penny Houghton
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 11:33:27

    Yes, many children have an intelligence far beyond their years. They seem able to tap into the morphic field of energies for information more easily than us too, and so learn and pick up skills very very quickly.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 12:50:04

      Yes I agree, ALL information is ‘Out there’ in the ‘field’ and the younger mind is uncluttered and better able to access the energies.. Lovely that you dropped in to comment Penny.. 🙂 thank you xx



  11. Visionkeeper
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 13:10:04

    Oh the wonders of orbs!!! I have quite a few that share my home with me and some of them are quite large! They are also opaque with a sort of design. I just love having them be around me. I am still not certain who or what they are or where they come from, but they are other worldly and so delightful. I love your painting and am so glad you are introducing your granddaughter to this other realm of living. At three her mind is wide open and extremely creative as well. Good thing she has her Gran to help lead the way. It will be special for sure! Have a wonderful weekend DW and hopefully you will get sometime to yourself and away from work…..Blessings….VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 12:47:41

      There is so much VK that we do understand about Earth and the various dimensions within it.. The Spirit World resides in and around us, I have seen faces within some which are magnified, I can not see them with the naked eye.. but do see energy movement criss-cross in front of me at times… Yes my Granddaughter is a delight and I intend to teach as much as I am able… Blessings VK and thank you kindly for all your positive imput.. I am half way through those sets of video’s by the way, and they are VERY enlightening.. and match up with previous data received nicely.. So thank you so much.. xxx.



  12. kp
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 14:52:23

    Hi Sue: I have heard this story from other grand-mothers who have young grand-children. I have also wondered about the fact that young women today (15 to 30 years of age) are all tall and thin in build; totally different builds than those of us from an older generation. I have wondered if it is the effect of environmental contaminants but ocassionally, I wonder if this is an outward sign of a spiritual evolution. I find it hopeful to think that the younger generations may be more advanced spiritually and therefore capable of feats that our generation were unable to achieve. Kim



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 12:34:03

      Kim I am hoping those in the younger generation will stand up where we failed too.. They are so much more aware than we were of the environment and issues these days.. And I am more and more certain their presence is all part of our global awakening process as we learn we have to alter our ways of being.. For too long we have put profit before people.. We have lost our way.. So I do think they will help awaken us to our spiritual conscience.. As they bring in their abilities and will fearlessly stand up for freedoms and rights .. In some countries they are already do just that. We may term it Revolution. But they are adding their hearts to the Conscious Revolution which we all need to wake up to.. before we destroy our very planet.. Much love to you Kim, lovely to have you comment here. xxx



  13. penpusherpen
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 15:04:52

    I know exactly what you mean about ‘old souls’ Sue, It can be a strange feeling too, to see the soul in such a young body ‘surround’ but then that’s the beauty of life, we are constantly surprised by the truth hidden in plain sight. I hope and pray the future is bright for generations to come. I haven’t experienced orbs to date, but I’ve heard of them and seen videos where orbs are bringing such joy to people. Amazing phenomenon. Uplifting read my friend, and gave me a chance to view your talented paintings. love and light , and have a wonderful rest of the week-end,. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 12:25:43

      we are constantly surprised by the truth hidden in plain sight

      I think it takes a flash to bring the orbs into view, I took lots of photos via my phone and nothing because It often doesn’t flash.. My sister calls them in and gets great results a little like the link on Orbs.. Glad you visited my art hobbies again… Much love and I will be around to visit the dwarfs soon enough 🙂 have a great week xxx



  14. lavendermoongirlblog
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 18:25:34

    Lovely post Sue. I had orbs in my photos one day this week. I often see them. I love your painting too. Blessings. Xx



  15. Red
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 18:59:42

    I am an indigo. My family knew it then. I have an indigo and two crystals. It gives me hope the planet may survive. They are a constant reminder not to accept merely because someone is conveying what they have heard. They seek out the why and how. It keeps me young by reminding me to stay true to whence I came.

    Much love and bright blessings, Sue. Indeed, you are a wonderful light. You make me wish my artistic skills were a bit better. Let me try my hand at something for you. It will be nothing as wonderful as your paintings, even the postcard-sized ones, still it will have heart in it.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 12:20:55

      Dear Red, your indigo shows, 😉 and your own artistic talents are fine, I will look forward to the art 🙂 and I expect Life in the Red household is far from Dull lol… And its good to know you KNOW of your origins .. That is what makes those in those glass houses so pathetic as they see not with their own eyes.. But colour their glass with others Ink. 😉 xxx Much Love back



  16. Marko
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 19:54:56

    Cieplutko pozdrawiam z zimnej i śnieżnej Polski!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 12:11:25

      Pozdrowienia z powrotem do Ciebie Marko i mam nadzieję, że pogoda rozgrzewa się do ciebie szybko .. Mroźny, ale jej tu dziś słoneczny dzień w Anglii .. Dziękuję za miłą wizytę .. miłość Sue xox



  17. Tom Merriman
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 20:23:37

    Orbs and Angels – what a lovely connection, Sue. And I really like your painting too – a very nice balance. And I loved the connection with the child at the checkout.
    Hope you’re having a good weekend, Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 12:08:33

      Hi Tom, yes I can still even to this day see that Child’s eyes, so round and large with they and deep deep blue.. Never felt any quite like it.. I am pleased you enjoyed the orbs and Angels.. I will have a better Monday and Tuesday Tom, as these are my days off.. 🙂 🙂 Take care..



  18. Lois Field
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 21:16:37

    Sue, first I love your picture and know your granddaughter will cherish it. You are not being biased, she is very smart and shows a keen empathy for the world around her. She is fortunate to have loving family who are sharing the world with her at this point in her life that will define who she becomes as she gets older.

    I believe this to be both true and lacking in the world. I can recall my children being very advanced for their ages and being told that by teachers and adults who were shocked by what they knew and the conversations they could participate in at such young ages. My grandchildren are also very intelligent and have a compassion for nature and empathy for the planet and all that inhabit it.

    Yet, I see the other side as well. Children who are growing up without the opportunities our children have. I know children who are taken to meth houses where their parents party away while ignoring their children. These children are so far behind and it’s getting worse as the economy falters and parents do even less with their children. I worry constantly about the peers our grandchildren will grow up with and only hope the enlightened ones will help to educate the other children.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 12:05:16

      Yes I agree Lois, this is the sad side.. So many are growing up aimlessly with no purpose so their energies are being syphoned off in the wrong directions.. We can only guide and hope our teaching them in certain ways will help give them the direction for their futures.. It seems nothing is being done to help the teenagers who leave school who do not go onto further education.. Jobs are scarce.. Crazy when you think about Politics. Here they are putting up retirement ages, so people work until they drop! so to speak.. And the youth of today can find no work.. which is still costing the system in benefits.. Maybe I am lacking something Lois.. But my common sense tells me those who are destined to work until they at 70 cannot do manual labour with the same energy ALL day long. Yet we have those able bodied younger generation sat twiddling their thumbs… who often get embroiled in crime to further their incomes.. and who get caught in habits of dug abuse.. Sigh!.. I know… Oh what I wouldnt give to have that Coffee with you Lois as we sit and sew of paint lol… At least we would feel better having set the world to rights in our minds LOL.. haha… Much Love your way, and hope you are keeping warmer.. and your weather is improving.. Hugs to you xxx



      • Lois Field
        Jan 21, 2014 @ 00:40:56

        Sue, you are not missing anything. Many of the older people turn to jobs such as Walmart greeter which isn’t so taxing on their bodies, but even that would be income a younger person could earn to help support the social security and allow a person to retire when they can still enjoy it. The other thing I see happening is that many of our older people are so ill. Cancer and other debilitating illnesses make it impossible for them to work more than part time and the medical adds up.

        I suspect our crime rates will only be seen going up for a while yet until everyone learns to live with less and accept it.

        One day I hope we get to spend an afternoon together, mind if I drink a cup of tea, though? 🙂



  19. Renee Espriu
    Jan 19, 2014 @ 05:29:10

    After my daughter’s father-in-law died she took photos of the rec room in his house where the children often played (this was many years ago now) and all the photos had these in them. She showed me and said, “I believe Frank is watching over the children now.” I believe it to be so as he loved his grandchildren so much. I feel the presence always of those who are no longer here and it gives me a sense of peace. Thank you for sharing. As I say to many. I am sending you “Angels Incoming”. Renee



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 11:56:07

      Thank you for those Angels Incoming Renee, and thank you also for sharing your story about the photo’s and Frank.. Yes I too believe they are around and about us all the time.. My sister often takes photos and calls them in, like the link photos and she sees many upon her snap shots.. 🙂 Thank you for dropping in, so lovely to see you .. And hope you are not working too hard in the beginning of this New Year.. which is already racing away from us. Much love to you Renee.. xxxx



  20. Aquileana
    Jan 19, 2014 @ 12:31:22

    Hello Sue, good morning…

    How interesting this post is…

    I had no clue nor idea about “the Indigo’s Crystal and Rainbow Children”…

    The story about your granddaughter speaks loud of her…

    I agree with you when as you have highlighted that children are very intelligent, so much clever than let´s say ten years ago…

    Do you believe it has to be with a further development of New Cycle?. I think this could fit as an answer !

    As to those pictures of the orbit they are totally marvelous and mesmerising.
    Hopefully one of these days I´ll try to catch orbits with my Ipad 🙂

    Thanks for sharing you magic Sue,

    Hugs to you for your sunday; Aquileana 🙂




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 11:51:05

      Do you believe it has to be with a further development of New Cycle?. I think this could fit as an answer !

      Yes I believe they are now arriving to help with our next cycle, a cycle which we are already a part of and within at this very moment.. I am pleased to have pointed you to some new information.. and yes those orbs are truly fascinating also.. Your own Mind is incredibly bright Aquileana, and I am amazed at your own depth of knowledge you give out upon your own blog my friend.. We are learning from each other it seems 🙂 xxxx



  21. artevolutions
    Jan 19, 2014 @ 20:55:34

    Hi Sue,

    what a interesting post:) I love your artwork I am sure your granddaughter will adore it!!! Wow I was exploring and learning more about Indigo and Crystal Children understanding generations changing the frequency on the Earth:) It’s so comforting to know that there is a reason we are the way we are and we have something to give/do on the planet…I find it so fascinating that throughout what we call history in this reality we can find kids from those generation starting little revolutions of energy…It’s so beautiful to be here now feeling and contributing to the SHIFT in consciousness 🙂 I am so grateful for getting to know about “orbs” and that resourceful link….(I kinda feel them….) Such a beautiful end of the day reading and thinking about this post!!! Love and Light my friend Lizzie xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 11:47:39

      Thank you Lizzie this was just a little doodle on the art front.. But my Granddaughter loved it.. The more we delve in to find out the more fascinating this world becomes Lizzie.. I am so thrilled you feel this way when you visit.. And so happy that your day ended in Dreamwalker Land 😉 haha… Love back to you with a special Hug.. ~Sue xxx



  22. Lucy
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 04:43:48

    I so agree with you Sue – awakening brings about seeking! I will be definitely be reading more.
    thank you, Lucy :))



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2014 @ 11:42:46

      Hi Lucy, yes it only by seeking out knowledge for ones self that we discover new truths.. Each day our truth alters as we alter our perspective via the new knowledge we gain.. Thank you for I appreciate you dropping in to comment 🙂 Sue xox



  23. beverley
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 16:54:25

    Indigo children were born around 1980 they are no longer children. In every age there are those that are more attuned to the things of the spirit and many more see things that they cannot explain and so push to one side. However those that get rich on a gift given freely are just charlatans. I know that the spirits of the dead walk among us and i often see people at church who have died, just for a moment.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 14:18:50

      Its a really good job I have never got rich lol then Beverley haha… For I have shared my Gifts… There is indeed more to this world than meets the Eye! and Its good to know you too have this Gift! 🙂 Gifts are given to be used wisely and well.. and if I can help someone with that gift then I have.. Its never been done for self gain… Even my mediumistic services, I only ever charged petrol travelling costs at a bare minimum..

      Children are being born every minute who I feel will develop better their intuitive gifts, we have a responsibility to help them maintain these gifts, and not drive them from them with our own ideas and views… I hope my granddaughter develops her own independent thoughts and I will try to encourage her the freedom to be herself.. 🙂 I know having your own young grandchildren Beverly you too must see what bright little sparks they are… And Its good to share our knowledge with them.. Thank you as always for you most welcome input… Love and Light Sue xox



      • beverley
        Jan 22, 2014 @ 09:01:18

        I have spoken to the dead and the dead have spoken to me on behalf of someone else but i have never charged a penny. In fact i often know when i will be asked to read for someone well before they ask, even if i don’t know who, the spirit already knows.

        Yes children today seem to be born with much more foreknowledge than ever before. As i was putting my 1 yr old granddaughter’s shoes on her, i was saying ‘let’s put your shoes on,’ she is saying to me’yes dear’. On asking her mummy it appears that she says the words ‘yes dear’ to Amelia. Just 1 yr old and already has recognizable language is amazing.

        We need to protect them from the this greed that dwells in the world. Reading an interesting book who puts it perfectly, ‘humans are a 2.0 version trying to keep up with 10,0 version world’ we can’t do it we need to step back, slow down and take stock of the what is around us.

        You are always welcome here, Sue xxx



  24. lorrena
    Jan 20, 2014 @ 20:07:23

    Children know what they see Sue.And that is because they accept these wonders of light and the imagination of our youth is nothing more then the infant consciousness rising Sue.Just as we grow older and become indoctrinated many have this stripped away.Love this post as always .



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 13:53:39

      Thank you Lorrena, Yes many have lost their natural abilities to use these senses.. But I hope we can encourage our younger generation to use and keep their imaginations flowing along the natural flow of life… And see how by keeping their minds free from indoctrinated thought they can help shape our tomorrow’s 🙂 Namaste to you and yours..



  25. reikiheidi
    Jan 21, 2014 @ 15:25:55

    Sue, my youngest, who is 2, has always loved my obsidian crystal ball, quartz merkaba, & rose quartz wand. He has now begun to ask for “more reiki” when he is poorly – knowing instinctively the healing energy we give him on occasion! He is fascinated with our little statues of Buddha & Ganesh, & loves his freedom, especially running around in the local woods!
    My oldest who is 5… independent, strong-willed, asks questions about the gods & goddesses, how the world was made, space…
    Maybe this is normal, then again, maybe not. I await their growth with curiosity & eagerness, & can only hope their hearts & minds remain as open as they are now in their youth! x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2014 @ 21:04:00

      Heidi, your Children sound to be wonderful little lights who are definitely in tune with energies.. Your youngest sounds to be very sensitive to nature and energy… I think independence and being strong willed is something that is going to stand them in good stead.. My Little One is the same and every other word is WHY??? lol.. they have inquisitive minds and will not take no for an answer.. I know you are a great Mum and you will be able to pass on your own gifts which will strengthen them even further to grow with open hearts.. 🙂 Love and Light and lovely to have had such wonderful comments.. I appreciate your visits.. 🙂 xxx



      • reikiheidi
        Jan 21, 2014 @ 23:15:50

        We all hope to do the best we can, don’t we, so that our children/grandchildren grow up to be better than us, with wisdom & inner strength & making the most of their talents. That’s what evolution is, right? For the next generation(s) to do/be/become better!
        We can only hope 🙂



  26. zendictive
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 19:18:17

    I agree with you, but think that youth has always been smart, they/we just didn’t have the tools to expand our knowledge like they do today. In the great depression, it was the young who shined and worked at such a young age in order to provide for the family where as today it is against the law for youths to work until they are a certain age. Loved reading you as always. (!_!)



  27. aussieian2011
    Feb 09, 2014 @ 02:44:27

    A very interesting post Sue, I cant believe the speed in which my grandchildren are developing, my grandaughter who is not quite two is adebt at using her fingers to scroll pages on her mothers ipod to find the game she enjoys.
    As for the orbs, I have a picture taken when I saw the Buddhists here creating a Mandala, there are orbs floating around them in the background.
    Maybe there are many old souls returning to right that which is wrong.



  28. womenwhothinktoomuch
    Jan 09, 2015 @ 07:47:08

    Reblogged this on Women Who Think Too Much by Jeanne Marie and commented:
    I have orbs of light in my pictures all the time…and have a few Star Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren…



  29. dgkaye
    Mar 29, 2017 @ 03:46:22

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful post with me today Sue. ❤ xo

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Free E-Book True Awakening Experiences ~ Download your copy here!

Thanks to Barbara, for putting this E Book Together at

Dates Dreamwalker Beat Her Drum

January 2014

Free E-Book to download.

Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Manifesting Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Poetry Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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