Connections Via the Matrix

All of us are connected through this device called the ‘Web’ as we interlink with one another.

Meditation Grid

So too are we all  interlink with the Healing energies on the larger ‘Web’.. The Healing Grid.. The Universal Energy! Earth is crisscrossed with a network of Energy Grids –Ley Lines and vortexes which are Power points on our planet. A little like our Chakras within our body, which we now know are energy centres within our body system.. So too the Earth has portals of energy.  Some are of higher frequency, while others hold lower frequencies.

When our own Chakras are blocked and not spinning correctly we often find ourselves becoming ill So too we see places around our world which are sick with war, corruption and greed.

planetary Grid System

Actually a great many of these energy points have military or government installations built on them, simply because they are power points and energy vortexes, and they are vital to mother Earth.  And its by no coincidence that they have been placed there.

The awakening process means you begin to unravel the ‘Truth’ and what we have perceived as Truth.. We only believe our History because we have no reason to disbelieve what we have been told.. Its not until you begin to wake up and explore and open your eyes that you begin to realise this world is not all it seems to be.. And 2014 will reveal more Truths about those we look up to in this world..

The Earths electromagnetic field is similar to that of the human aura, in a way these energy points on the planetary matrix can be seen as similar to the human chakra system. You can find out for yourselves as you explore the web but I found one link which explains the Energy Grids –Ley Lines and vortexes in this site. 

I have regular acupuncture, and acupuncture is based upon targeting energy points through the body meridians/grid system, in order to restore the flow of energy to restore the flow of Qi .. ( Chee ) This is why when I was really ill with Fibromyalgia some years ago when the symptoms were more severe I found the practice of Qigong so affective.  For I was able to absorb and move the blocked Qi/energy in my body and release and let go of what was causing me to hold onto pain.  Unblocking these points and creating balance brings back the balance in our health.. So too we now need to bring back the balance of Earth… When we start living in balance as individuals in Peace and Unity, so too will we see the places around our globe unite in unity.. We are One! which many have as yet not woken up to.

We are now in that period many are speaking of as the ‘Shift’, as we each awaken spiritually, we are understanding that we need to alter our ways of being.. We need to shift our perspective, to let go of ‘things’ we no longer need.  We have become too wrapped up in our Materialistic World, and forgotten our Spiritual Path of living in harmony with Mother Earth..

Many are now awakening to the damage we are doing to our planet through greed and control, consumerism and Pollution etc.. They are moving their thoughts on how to live more self sufficient lives and are seeing the need to live a more simpler way of life connected to our Earth Mother.

The Native American Indians understood the need to live in Balance.. and long ago said

“Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.”
~ Chief Seattle, 1854 ~

We are now seeing how we are uniting via this internet-Web as we see events unfurl   as our communications speed around the world in seconds … Our Collective thoughts are having dramatic effects upon our World which are  affecting the Shift in either Positive or Negative Vibrations that travel around our Earth Mother.

We can help restore balance if we direct our energy to various points on the planetary grid system to restore harmony and balance to those areas which are suffering at the moment..   Just imagine those places around our globe in need of healing being bombarded by love and light by a few thousand people who know what they are doing with positive intentions 

We have seen how Mass Consciousness spreads  as we saw how quickly people took it upon themselves to say they had had enough as we saw the revolutions and uprisings spill onto the streets in what was termed the Arab Spring whereby a total of 21 countries took part in Governmental Overthrows in the space of two years  some of which are still on going.. This is Mass Consciousness spreading out as people seek freedom and CHANGE!    

Gregg Braden speaks of the power of our Hearts, and how the energy grid expands and pulses out from all of us… He speaks how the Earth Mirrors those Feelings sent out from our Hearts..

Join with me in Connecting via the Grid that field of energy which surrounds us all and sending out your Healing Love into the world.. 

Open your hearts and send the world Love.

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Blessings as we awaken our HEARTS!


Sources : Images~ Google Images.. 

71 Comments (+add yours?)

    Jan 13, 2014 @ 17:08:43

    LG. Wolfgang



  2. iamforchange
    Jan 13, 2014 @ 17:21:23

    Hi Sue, loved the post and the video. I have been watching Gregg Braden quite a bit as of late. Thank you for being you Sue and sharing your awesome self with our world! Hope all is well with you and your family!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 11:00:20

      Yes I have some of his books and he is right on the button in regards to how our Minds and Bodys are in sync with the Universe and what effects we create with our thought processes… Thank you for taking time out to visit Joe, good to see you again, and yes we are fine, I hope all is well with your good self.. Sue



  3. Visionkeeper
    Jan 13, 2014 @ 17:28:40

    Opening up my fields of love to send them forth into the world and especially to you DW…Good post and important for those beginning the awakening process. A very clear explanation. Bravo! Been pulling back from the internet for a while but I didn’t stop reading your words of wisdom. I just wasn’t commenting for a bit. I am inching back now….Sending love and hugs….VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 11:06:18

      Arrgh thank you VK, I have had a couple of days away from the WP world of blog, as I needed to clear my head.. It felt like a thousand voices chanting and pulling at me all at once, so I needed space to do some clearing.. and shed this bug/cold which seems intent on teaching me something lol.. I can fully appreciate why you felt like pulling back form the internet for a while.. And did just that for a few days, as I know this may sound strange I felt I was being suffocated.. I needed air..But I have a breather from my day job for a while, so I am not feeling so overwhelmed… And I now feel clearer in my mind… Much love your way too dear One… 🙂 and Big hugs back.. xxx DW



  4. prenin
    Jan 13, 2014 @ 18:29:38

    Funny this is that we know of the ley lines and the vortexes and officially they are ignored, yet the magnetic field of the Earth keeps us safe from solar and cosmic radiation that would leave the Earth as dead as Mars!

    EVERYTHING is connected – we are just taking the first steps in learning how the world really works.

    Love and hugs!




  5. cat
    Jan 13, 2014 @ 18:39:53

    My morning routine: Come off night work, cuddle with Theo, the cat, jump in the shower, talk to my husband (see what develops from that :), quick look at emails, getting stuck at some, including yours … Love you so much, Dream Walker … you are precious … Always, cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 11:11:39

      Arrgh I so Know those night workings 🙂 So well done for I often just crash out.. So I am so pleased you found time to get to read and leave me your own precious thoughts… Thank you dear Cat. xoxox Hugs to you love Sue



  6. artevolutions
    Jan 13, 2014 @ 18:57:15

    Thank you Sue for sharing this very important post:) I was just about to write something on this topic but you explain so beautifully and with great energy, love and wisdom that I will share this post…a great way to bring light into the personal development we go through and RE-Connect, understanding and embracing ONE after feeling Qi 🙂 Namaste Sue xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 11:14:50

      Thank you dear Lizzie for sharing this post.. So good to know our thoughts are in sync We are each quite rightly RE-Connecting.. We always have been connected, but are now only just beginning to understand how and why again… Love that you are on the wave=length of Qi.. 🙂 Love and Blessings and thank you for being so supportive here at Dreamwalkers xx Love Sue



  7. Sabina Brave
    Jan 13, 2014 @ 19:50:23

    I also believe, that everything is conected, and that we have great power to change the world for better. We just have to start use it 🙂
    You do great work Sue. World needs people like you 🙂
    Love and blessings to you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 11:16:55

      Awwww thank you Sabina, and thank you most kindly for dropping in to read and leave me your precious thoughts.. YOU who knows how important that power of Change is… And how to keep the positive within our energy field… Wonderful to see you Sabina and will be catching up with you when I get caught up here today.. Love to you Sue xox



  8. CMSmith
    Jan 13, 2014 @ 21:31:47

    I admire your commitment to the things you believe in and to helping make the world and universe better. I agree with all your intentions. The science training I received, however, makes it difficult for me to fully understand and completely accept some of the theories, that you speak of. Which amazingly enough many times echo those of my own sister. I don’t know what to believe about many things any more. So I’m settling into a period of simply waiting.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 12:42:44

      I fully understand you view point Christine, and this is why its hard to ‘Shift’ our perspective and let go of that which we have perceived as TRUTH .. Keeping an Open Mind to ALL possibilities is I think a good option… There will be many things which will be revealed which will shake our way of thinking in the very near future.. that I am certain… Thank you For commenting.. and Blessings to you and yours.. xxx



  9. lorrena
    Jan 13, 2014 @ 21:38:05

    I know from our visits to sacred sites all over this Earth these energetic navels or points of entry and exit exist without a doubt.The ancients tapped into this perhaps they where given the know how by the “Physical entities” that also travel this same Matrix and or dimensional field we are just becoming “re” aware of Sue..
    Einstein called this the Rosen Bridge ,a place where time and space merge and also called the String theory or the science of it all.When we understand we are not alone nor ever have been then we can accept and not just “Believe” in ourselves .
    The key to the conscious science and merging of spirit is to understand this is left within us all.The Kundalini awakening is the same knowledge that rises in those who see beyond this reality and who indeed accept we are not alone nor are we the superior beings we think we are.Justifying this is not about condemnation of our fellow man and humanity .It is a slow process that reflects that of the same cycle of consciousness “the coming of the Golden Age” that we are enduring .
    When we stand and meditate at these sacred sites it is as if a tuning fork of perfect resonance has been placed within the temple of our minds ,the pineal gland reverberates and harkens back in memory and we begin to know the truth .
    That is what life is because you sense that something wonderful was at play eons ago and you know this truth is where we are going now .Spiraling as it weaves all energy inwards and out ,the flow of the great “Anu” in its positive and negative realms .And in the end and beginning the as above so below truth of us all as conscious spiritual beings my freind.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 12:38:46

      Learning to allow our thoughts to drift into that ocean of oneness, that zone of silence which holds all our conscious thoughts. You have been privileged to travel to many sacred sites Lorrena, this I know, and so too I know how you have felt the pull within as the cord of that etheric web became activated as that connection was made. Those who are awakening to this knowledge you and I know of which you speak is the cycle we have all travelled in aeons, of past of which we have come full circle again.. Those who understand this spiral see how we have the chance to break free of the spiral of Karma and the denseness of matter as we let go of Ego and allow ourselves to be guided back home… Through Positivity and Love through our hearts.. Namaste my friend.. Love and Light Sue



  10. Jo Bryant
    Jan 14, 2014 @ 01:30:49

    loved the video Sue. i have never heard of him before but will be looking in to him and his thoughts much more now



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 12:18:31

      Hi Jo, I hope you search out his videos and read some of his books, I have admired his teachings and understandings for many a year now Jo and he speaks in ways which make you understand…. He came from a science background so knows what he is on with.. 🙂 Lovely see you here.. xox



  11. coastalcrone
    Jan 14, 2014 @ 01:41:00

    Sending peace and joy back to you.



  12. giselzitrone
    Jan 14, 2014 @ 11:20:32

    Einen schönen Tag liebe Sue schöner Beitrag und Video, ich glaube Menschen könnten viel verändern wenn sie es nur wollten.Grüße dich lieb und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 12:07:01

      Ja Gislinde, Menschen sind jetzt in Verständnis sie halten viel Macht in ihren positiven Gedanken kommen .. und Verstand .. Danke, dass du mein Freund zum Lesen, und froh, dass Sie genossen .. Liebe und Segen und genießen Sie Ihre Woche .. Liebe Sue xox



  13. gageier
    Jan 14, 2014 @ 11:39:47

    Liebe Sue der Tag ist durchwachsen und sehr mild es ist kein Winter in Sicht wünsche dir einen schönen Dienstag und sei herzlichst gegrüßt Klaus



  14. beverley
    Jan 14, 2014 @ 16:55:11

    I believe we are all connected through an invisible force, the scientists like to call it ‘string theory’ but we like them are forever learning and we are now able to share our knowledge so much quicker with each other. As for truth; scientists have proven that if you stand people in a line all looking at what appears to be the same rainbow we are all in fact seeing a different truth. Awakening comes when we are ready and i believe that guides/people come into our lives at the right time, but no one can awake someone else although we can help others find the doorway for each of us both the doorway and the pathway are different.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 11:36:28

      I totally agree Beverley we each perceive in various ways, and our Truth alters as our knowledge grows, Science once thought the world was flat, and warned people not to sail over the horizon, but people of vision and a sense of adventure went anyway and proved science of their day wrong.. Waking up is not just about being spiritually awake, its also about waking up to ones self, and seeing how we all play a part in this big picture called life.. Ultimately we are all heading in the same direction.. We each are born and each will pass from this world… What we learn along that journey will be different, but each lesson takes us to the destination we are heading to.. Whether it takes some longer or others quicker, its all a matter of travelling along those energy lines, following our intuition. We are all meant to be upon the roads we are travelling upon… Thank you for taking time to speak your truth I very much appreciate your visits .. Sue xox



  15. Kenny2dogs
    Jan 14, 2014 @ 22:00:52

    I find this a dark matter Sue to be honest. Every time I try to understand , I end up in a black hole. Wish Mother Nature had an e/mail addy 🙂 Errrrm… yes I have listened to the video.But that just proved to me, how little i know about spirituality . So what am I doing here you may ask after all these years. Answer… “loyalty” 🙂 Be well my lovely friend. x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 11:43:42

      Big Smiles Kenny, you have never changed your spots in all the years I have known you, and I am not here to change anyone’s spots.. lol, Big smiles as someday the black hole will open up to you, and maybe then as you get swirled around in the Star-soup you will have some light shed upon the subject.. One needs not be spiritual in order to see we are all in the ‘Spiral’ and we are each held within our own Web of perception… Once we alter that perception and allow ourselves to travel upon a different web of thought without the dogma of past conditioning we see ALL manner of possibilities.. And it pleases me that you took the time to comment.. ( Which in my book Kenny is a big bonus.. ) So THANK YOU for your loyalty vote.. and I appreciate your frankness, and always have… Take care of you, and enjoy your week.. Hugs Sue xox



  16. lscotthoughts
    Jan 15, 2014 @ 00:06:54

    What a wonderful post, Sue, and I also believe we’re all connected. If only there were more souls like yours! 🙂 Sending you much light and love and connecting hugs, too! ♥ xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 12:05:19

      Thank you Lauren, Many thanks, our world is full of like-minded souls, I truly believe there are very many very good souls out there helping keep this world positive… The more we understand the power of that Positive connection the more chance we have in creating a brighter peaceful caring world.. Love and Blessings to you and yours .. Hugs Sue xox



  17. summerrain63
    Jan 15, 2014 @ 06:53:56

    Another year of being around your energy…..its all good….



  18. Doris
    Jan 15, 2014 @ 17:35:13

    have a wonderful week sue, hugs



  19. Bodhirose
    Jan 16, 2014 @ 05:30:41

    Adding my beat to yours, Sue. Yes, we are all connected…Chief Seattle knew a thing or two didn’t he… Good message. Focusing our positive thoughts together can bring about positive change. Put aside fears and simply intend good…see what happens. We are more powerful than we give ourselves credit for!



  20. penpusherpen
    Jan 16, 2014 @ 10:04:50

    I try, so hard Sue, to keep my heart and spirit aligned and connected, We get so many personal knocks in this World of ours that it’s sometimes difficult enough to get out of bed. Then I read uplifting words such as yours,in response to seeing the news Headlines and the suffering felt by so many, through War, Weather Change, etc… The WWW is a great tool , helping to connect instantly, showing everyone what before had been hidden, could be hidden by those who had an interest in keeping us all in the dark. BUT now the light is shone, the connection is up and running, and nothing can stop the flow. Be it good or bad, we have the ability to reach more minds than ever before. ’tis a scary but equally exciting thought. So much can be done personally with foresightedness and personal conscious thought , multiply that with the connection? Wow indeed., my friend. I too add my beat to yours . Love and light to you and yours. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 12:01:17

      Yes the personal knocks often take some picking up the pieces, but I have found through experiencing them they allow us to grow ever stronger as we discover those inner strengths we thought we never possessed… This year I feel even more truths will come out.. And yes it can be daunting.. Change and bringing us out of our comfort zones always will bring that touch of Fear into our lives as we walk on unfamiliar paths into the unknown… But I am also excited, for CHANGE is what we are in the process of experiencing.. and there will be conflict.. Because people resist change… as they cannot let go of their old ways of being… And the Ego hangs onto Control which keeps us doing battle with ourselves…
      The Earth sees the need to alter its vibration.. and it needs to find its balance…. We need to try and ensure we tip the Qi in the right direction of Positive changes, and not get embroiled within the Fear factor… The cleansing has begun.. The Rains, the Floods, the Storms, all here to alter our ways of being.. the sooner we understand that the Ultimate changes are for a positive future whereby mankind can live perhaps more simply, but more harmonious. Instead we have a world which is split.. The haves and the have nots.. Those who live in Luxury and those in extreme poverty .. The Gap instead of closing is widening.. This has to change.. and if Man will not, Nature will… as she will sweep away his material world…
      Once we understand our HEARTS connect and what we beat out with our hearts is what we reap in reality..I hope we begin to send out the pulses of Love .. Thank you for your heartbeat Pen, so good to have you upon this journey.. xox Hugs Sue



  21. Aquileana
    Jan 16, 2014 @ 14:12:50

    Hello Sue… That was a very interesting post indeed… Thanks for sharing…
    As to the matrix , the subtle connections and that awakening inner process which leads us to unravel the truth, I feel the are sign of a sort of universal deeper change which is taking place right now (hic et nunc)…
    The capitalist society shows a counterpart paradoxical: the ecological perspective, the holistic paradigm, a sort of way to return to our essential roots. People is changing, without even noticing it… Maybe it is a barrier against self-destruction, as the dangers are diverse and multiple. We are fighting to change not only in a short-term view, but moving forward to a radical change…
    Hopefully the change will arrive and its ending results will be prosperous and positive for all of us, as human beings…

    Hugs to you, Aquileana 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 14:28:39

      Yes Aquileana, we are baring witness now to many changes and reforms which are making many feel uncomfortable.. For Change brings fear, for we do not like changes we like the familiar.. But yes as you rightly say many are changing and do not realise how they are changing.. Embracing a simpler life style, growing their own food.. Seeking out eco friendly products, taking care of Nature.. being aware of nature…
      The Controllers are doing their best to keep the fear factors going,, For when people are fearful they conform and huddle together not wishing to stand out on their own… for fear of being on their own.. But people are now seeing the damage being done in the world and are voicing their concerns and willing to join others in protests.. We see this now more and more….
      I hope people rise about their fear and understand we are One… and this is a joint venture to raise awareness so we can achieve the next level of being..
      Blessings and thank you so much for you comment here Aquileana.. xxx



      • Aquileana
        Jan 16, 2014 @ 14:44:31

        Sue, Wow your words gave me shivers, I mean it… You are right changes are taking place, and as some people is opening their minds and spirits to a new Era,others are trying to brake the mere possibility of changes… The way we focus daily in things as the ones you mentioned above (Ie Embracing a simpler life style, growing their own food.. Seeking out eco friendly products, taking care of Nature.. being aware of nature) are already the first step to lead ourselves to the flowing waters of challenges and changes. In fact I think we are alos becoming more peaceful even in political issues. New ways of solving problems in a global system without needing to apply weapons & war is a unmistakable sign of an implicit change of the individual consciences which effects may be perceptible in a global therefore holistic scale

        Great to came across this post and your blog;

        Thank you and we will meet soon again, no doubt about it;

        Aquileana 🙂



  22. ruchira
    Jan 16, 2014 @ 19:22:42

    This was an amazing blog Sue. I believe in chakras in our body but to have that matrix around our globe was fascinating cause after reading deep into it…I realize how and why some countries are suffering while some are not.

    Humans are intelligent beings and if their heart is set to do something…even science will not stop us from creating a revolution. The video was amazing and I will spread this message along in my own small special way.




  23. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Jan 16, 2014 @ 19:58:33

    Sue…this is a spectacular post! I really must find more time to spend reading your blog as we have more in common than you can imagine. Thank you for sharing all of this. It is so needed in today’s world. I send my Love and Energy out to all and know we will make a difference. Much Love & Light to you Dear Soul! And may Blessings rain down on you today and every day!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 17, 2014 @ 21:24:03

      Thank you most kindly.. We each try to make our difference within our Posts and I love reading yours.. and long may we link our energies as we spread out our thoughts as we join in the collective Unity Consciousness.. 🙂



  24. Tom Merriman
    Jan 16, 2014 @ 21:56:18

    Hi Sue, very interesting post as usual!
    I’m sure I have a book somewhere written by Gregg Braden about the Matrix – I shall have to dig it out and have another read. It’s true, though, how everything is connected. Every action has a reaction.
    Thanks for another great post!



  25. Gray Dawster
    Jan 17, 2014 @ 00:50:28

    It is a case of getting back to basics, we all engage in the high tech, want this, want that gadget frenzy, but the need to be first to own such items just prolongs the misery around the world. It is not just technological advancement in our domestic lives; it also reflects advancements in weaponry and the ever growing armies as was the time of the USSR, not that I am pointing the finger at any one nation in our past and indeed our modern world but for every breakthrough that prolongs life expectancy there is another ten that annihilates it.

    When one thinks about it we are not progressing so positively, not thinking clearly about the actions and reactions, but there are ways to collectively advance on the right paths and given that so many of us are now generating optimistic thoughts across the continents we can perhaps look to a better future.

    I have enjoyed reading your posting Sue as it is one that gives food for thought. Have a superb Friday my sweet and great friend 🙂 🙂

    Andro xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 17, 2014 @ 21:14:48

      Wonderful comment dear Andro… We live in hopes that a better future will be created.. but first many of the present ways need to dissolve before a New Way can be built.. Enjoy your weekend my friend



  26. giselzitrone
    Jan 17, 2014 @ 10:35:06

    Wünsche dir liebe Sue ein glückliches schönes Wochenende liebe Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  27. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jan 17, 2014 @ 15:32:44

    Open all channels and tune in to life around us! From the seen to the unseen there rests powers beyond our imagination. There are some who have already touch the visions and seen the peace. Soon we will all see it.
    A beautiful post dear Dreamwalker. with love, Eddie



  28. chicasl10
    Jan 17, 2014 @ 16:03:14

    a fantastic post and its for everyone on this earth.We should put this on first page of every news paper.
    Love to u to Sue..wish u well and a lovable weekend wish from rainy Belgium



  29. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 04:24:01

    experience is the word I chose for the year…
    as I wandered in that word, I felt a sense of urgency….
    like I need to get things organized in a more simple manageable way….
    things just don’t seem to matter and as each person leaves my life I don’t feel sadness more of they are where they need to be to experience what is to be for them…
    your post as always makes me pause…and pull in invisible energy in between the lines…not sure why I said it that way…
    churches are on the ley lines too as they are also where the chemtrails are most noticeable ….
    Thank you Sue…Love to you and yours..
    Have a good weekend…
    Take Care…You Matter…
    ( Greg Braden is a very special energy for our world…)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2014 @ 15:25:14

      Yes Church’s are on the ley lines and again this is not by chance.. The more you discover the less we know.. lol as our Earth is and has been manipulated by forces we are only just discovering have held Mankind in their grip for a long long time..
      We do hold invisible energy Maryrose and we travel along the grid more than we realise.. Sleep state for one..That invisible cord which binds us all can never truly be severed and we are all finding out again just how connected we are to each other..
      And yes Gregg Braden is a special messenger who is helping pull together the pieces as we once again realign our Grids turning the Negative to Positive as we bring the balance back into the world..
      Thank you so much dear Maryrose.. You matter a great deal and those who have passed from this side, I know they are helping from their side to bring about the shift.. Their time here is done and I feel great happiness for those who have taken their transition, because they have completed their experience here… And it was time to move on..

      Much love to you ..
      Sue xox



  30. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Jan 18, 2014 @ 07:05:07

    Sue, this was fascinating.

    During my time of no computer I ACTUALLY got time to read, & I read Life Alignment – It spoke exactly of the vortices.

    Yet you say it’s no coincidence power plants & military are in those places – but I can’t understand how the government would know. How would they know, they’re too dumb to see beyond. It’s puzzling that they placed military points etc on these places.

    A magnificent post, Sue, and so spot-on where I’m at.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2014 @ 15:37:21

      On the surface those who hold office may appear dumb, but believe me those individuals are not the ones running the show.. And its those who have been in power behind the scenes who hold much more power who have unlimited more knowledge about the energy of the world..
      When I first read about these facts way back in the late 80’s early 90’s even I scoffed at the idea as ridiculous.. The reason being, I was not ready for such information.. How could I be.. I had been programmed all my life with a certain set of beliefs..
      Its not until you delve and dig, and information comes through various different sources which all amount to the same conclusions that you begin to sit up and take notice.. and then you dig a little more..
      Then years later when you develop spiritually and those in spirit communicate similar things, you sit up again.. And then when people start openly speaking up and then disappear, when Presidents speak out and get assassinated you begin to see a whole different view of the world Noeleen…
      I know when the times right for you, the pieces will slot in place.. and you will nod you head in silence and shake your head in disbelief… And then one day, you will know it in your gut, that we have been lied to on a massive scale. Then you will be awake to reality.. until then keep gathering your evidence through your experiences.. and what ever you do, Know you are a being filled with love and eternal and when those times come which will be contrived to generate fear.. Hold into your Heart LOVE, and know you are safe.. for its only by not buying into their fear we defeat the darkside..
      Wishing you lots of love and many more hours of discovery.. of just who you are.. 🙂 xxxx Love Sue



  31. SeeNorway
    Jan 19, 2014 @ 11:45:12

    Hi Sue,

    You commented recently on my report from ‘Lærdal’!
    Perhaps you ought to take a look at my latest entry: ‘Breaking news’?



  32. aussieian2011
    Jan 29, 2014 @ 23:55:14

    Interesting post Sue,the net has certainly bought the world together closely, however I feel that the net has created more harm than good, in the overall picture of the spiritual development of the human being,technology has created much good but at the same time ,opened the door to further violence, greed and corruption.
    I had trouble understanding the statement,Actually a great many of these energy points have military or government installations built on them, simply because they are power points and energy vortexes, and they are vital to mother Earth, the question is, were they known as power points and energy vortexes, before the military installations were built on them ?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2014 @ 15:53:42

      It is my understanding, through reading through literature Ian, that yes the Military did know of the energy of these places,, as did the churches who built upon important ley-lines too .. There is more to both of them than meets the eye 🙂



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Free E-Book True Awakening Experiences ~ Download your copy here!

Thanks to Barbara, for putting this E Book Together at

Dates Dreamwalker Beat Her Drum

January 2014

Free E-Book to download.

Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Manifesting Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Poetry Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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