Detachment from our material world.


I remember well on Boxing Day December 26th 2004 the terrible news that a Tsunami had swept through South Asia displacing around 1 million people. Later the following year in the summer of 2005 we heard of a storm which for those who lived in New Orleans will never forget the name of Katrina whose fury displaced more than another 1 million people. 

These are just two major floods events which found major coverage via the media. There have been countless more floods and disasters around the world where people have lost everything including their lives.

Since then we have also major earthquakes, a recent one was in Japan in Fukushima as the Tsunami wave washed ashore destroying a nuclear plant. Which still is releasing nuclear waste affecting many people with radiation levels. A story which seems to have been swept under the carpet as we carry on installing Nuclear Power Plants around the world saying its Clean Energy! Hummm!..

So why am I speaking of such disasters when my Blog is to help promote thoughts of inspirational love, light and peace?

The Earth is constantly changing and for those who understand about how our vibrations of thoughts work, and for those that don’t maybe these posts HERE may help you understand some of these Universal Laws. 

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know we have to start and change our way of living and being, for on the whole we have become very selfish in our ways.. We consume, pollute, destroy, becoming throw-away societies that thirst for ‘Things’ to own, people to control. Many have forsaken People for Profit as we now place more value upon a Profit Margins and Consumer goods  than the value of a  ‘life’…  Another recent example of this was when the sweat-shop clothing industry building in Bangladesh collapsed as over 1,400 may be the final death toll, as workers were sent back to work in an unsafe building,so that consumers in the West could buy cheaper clothing..   

We may not realise it as yet, but we are being shown how to detach ourselves from our material world.  For Change to happen it often means we have to let go of old ways of being. Just like in the industrial revolution the horse and cart gave way to the motor car. Yes we call that progression!.

But what about Mankinds Spiritual progression? 

Each of us now instinctively ‘Feel’  something is happening within our climate, within our  very fabric of our existence.  We are not only witnessing this in the Violent Weather storms around the world, we are now seeing it in the disturbing outrageous  acts of violence around the world as well. We look on in shock as we ask ourselves what an earth is happening to our societies and our way of living?

We are now witnessing financial and economical depression, which is again is asking people to take stock of what they really need to exist on this Earth Plane..

Slowly as the frequencies alter they are showing us some major factors through our Earth Changes, Financial collapse and the wars which are displacing more and more as they escape  old dictators tyrannical rule. These are all causing Mankind to detach from his material possessions.

This is also true emotionally as people relocate turning back to simple ways of living as they embrace self-sufficiency and as they let go of relationships that no longer serve.

The Human race is evolving and we are all of us here at this time to help in the acceleration of this Change in the Earths vibration.  You will have noticed how ‘Time’ is speeding up, you will have noticed how your own energies have altered as you face your own letting go as we unclutter our aura’s of unwanted emotional baggage. Baggage that we may have thought we had long since dealt with will resurface confronting us to dig it out at its root.

The Mental Body is the generator of thought forms which eventually will take form as matter- the material in our world. If you doubt this then just look around your home right now, Everything was once someone’s thought put into action, brought into reality as it was designed and manufactured.

This speeding up is helping lift us out of the Fog of Materialism and selfishness. But often we do not like change and so we resist, as we cling onto the familiar.  What we have forgotten is that we are all part of the whole.. And as tragic as these various disasters are around our globe especially for all those caught up in them. They are helping us all draw together as we unite our energies in compassion and in our outpourings of love.

These energies are helping Unify and Balance as they bring communities back together. Because they are teaching us once again the art of compassion and caring..

The most powerful tool we each possess which is free to each and everyone of us, is the Power of Thought!.  We need no Weapons of mass destruction, we need no knives or guns..  We each hold this weapon within our being as we use it daily in our lives..  OUR MINDS are the weapon we are each equipped with as we deal with the various  battles of negative energy thrown our way.

We must remember we are not only  Responsible for our Actions, But we are Responsible for our Thoughts.. For it is so important that we Use our Minds in constructive ways as we remember Not to get caught up in FEAR!

If we allow our thoughts to dwell on the chaos, we only give chaos power. So we have to send with clear intent showing our love and compassion to these communities and yes even to the perpetrators of horrendous deeds. Because we must remember with each thought we think and there are no idle thoughts, for each contains its own energies……

We must be careful for what we think we create 

We can with our own thoughts generate our own battle as we transmute the negative darkness into forces of light.

The Mass Consciousness can reach more individual than any Mass Media. And our thoughts and healing prayers will help in the rebalancing of energies as we send out our intentions of love and healing to manifest on the Earth Plane.

~Love and Light.. ~Sue   

61 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. pictimilitude
    May 24, 2013 @ 15:42:16

    I needed this post today. I so love your words and this post was more enlightening and encouraging than you know. 🙂 It kills me that so many people are on the pursuit of things, that our way of life has shifted the balance, that our actions have consequences that have yet to be seen. But, with your words and others spreading their wisdom, I firmly believe we can change our human ways and move forward, toward a future of love and understanding. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 17:14:16

      Hi Cyndi, I am pleased this post resonated with you, apologies its been a few days in replying but I have had a break from the World of PC. and spent time with family and gardening.. I agree with you when you say our actions have consequences… Like you I feel we have much more yet to reap which we have sown… Thank you so much for your contribution here.. ~Sue 🙂



  2. penpusherpen
    May 24, 2013 @ 16:22:27

    Our attitudes are slowly changing Sue, and like you, I believe for the better, … ok not everyone, (for Rome was not built in a day… ) but enough to matter. You, yourself with your uplifting words, prove this point so well,… The caring wave sweeping this ‘Planet of ours’ being more careful before we commit acts that could prove detrimental, is one that will grow, for sure…. I was thinking only a few days ago, about my home, with it’s compliment of white goods etc… When the mortgage is finally paid off , it will be mine, but …for only as long as I live,…I am , as we are all, mere tenants on this Earth, nothing is owned outright ad infinitum. An uplifting Blog, heartening and bringing into line the thoughts of many… Attitudes must change, and outlooks. We are pure ‘positive thoughts’ for the future… love and light, my friend, xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 17:24:59

      Yes Pen we are custodians of this planet and we own nothing…And all we take with us in our final destination will be what we gathered in our hearts and minds.. Thank you for saying it was uplifting Pen, its always difficult when you try to put into words what is in your heart! Heres to positive progress that will help bring Balance to our world.. Love and Light Sue XXX



  3. marina kanavaki
    May 24, 2013 @ 16:46:28

    So very very true, Sue!!!



  4. chicasl10
    May 24, 2013 @ 17:51:33

    i agree with lady P
    I cant explain this in such perfect words.But i feel that we are now in the deepest we can only climb up and i pray that slowly the attitude of everyone will be better than it is now. Cos what i see whats happening now it gives me the goosebumps in negative way
    Enjoy the weekend.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 17:28:04

      I hope we are in the deepest Mj, I try so hard not to envision the further fall we could all be plunged into.. Sending you my thoughts to you in your second home Sri Lanka … Be Well… and enjoy…. Love Sue



  5. Ruchira
    May 24, 2013 @ 18:28:48

    I agree with your perspective, Sue.

    What we think is what we generate. If our mass consciousness takes a leap towards betterment…we will start to evolve.
    I am waiting patiently, my friend for this revolution process to start.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 17:32:51

      Ruchira, thank you 🙂 If we all of us turned off our TV sets, and started to embrace our family and friends With more love and respect.. The ripple effect would soon spread out into the community… I have no doubts about it… But while ever there is so much distrusting and suspicion of our neighbours as people squabble over property, boundaries, and are jealous of what each other have.. We still have some patient waiting to do for the Peace Revolution to start… But I have infinite patience.. For we are infinite beings!… One Thought at a time.. is a start!!!
      Wishing you a Peaceful week. ~Sue



  6. prenin
    May 24, 2013 @ 19:48:29

    Hi hun! 🙂

    I agree with your ideas: We are creatures of the Universe who are helping the Universe to figure itself out! 🙂

    Acts of good and evil are known and it is a matter of choice what path we follow.

    I chose the light and paid a terrible price, but those of darkness could not destroy me and have given up in sheer frustration! 🙂

    I am now damaged, but in time I will heal and in the meantime I will continue to do what is right! 🙂

    Boy does it piss off the bad guys!!! 😉

    Love and light to you my friend!!! 🙂




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 20:53:30

      HI Prenin I hope that you enjoyed a good Bank Holiday Weekend… Thank you for your thoughts.. We each will help create a better world.. Thank you for adding yours here my friend.. Sending you a Hug back.. Sue



  7. livingsimplyfree
    May 25, 2013 @ 01:29:26

    I’m not sure society or the damaging of the planet have reached the bottom where there is no where to go but up, but I do believe our thoughts and actions have a positive effect on those around us. I see my children and their spouses buying used before new, recycling and planting gardens. In my own small community at my apartment building I see everyone coming together. Where this used to be a place where people came home to sleep, now its treated more like a co-housing environment. People make a larger dinner or dessert and share with neighbors, we share tools, skills and know-how. What has developed here is truly astonishing. If one small group can set the example more will see the benefits and happiness that is the result and incorporate what works in their lives.

    And above all, we need to think good thoughts, it dies affect our energy and how others react to us, its like the domino effect. The thought and actions we have towards those we come into contact with will ripple through the day to every one else those people then meet.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 20:49:56

      Here at last to reply Lois… Ive had a few PC free days.. as its been a holiday weekend here so family and garden called 🙂 … I agree with your thoughts when you said

      I’m not sure society or the damaging of the planet have reached the bottom where there is no where to go but up, but I do believe our thoughts and actions have a positive effect on those around us.

      I think maybe we have to sink a little further yet before we get the intentions of our collective thinking on track… But we will keep working upon it.. One thought at a time.. and like you say Lois we will help create the Domino effect … Much love and Blessings I will be around tomorrow to visit as its late here.. 🙂 ~Sue



  8. Dilip
    May 25, 2013 @ 04:58:40

    The thoughts and approach are indeed worthy of introspection. Our ‘spiritual progression’ can only start inwards. As rightly said by you all the weapons of destruction reside within us and we can diffuse them only through ‘our own awareness’.

    Many thanks for this beautiful and insightful post.



  9. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    May 25, 2013 @ 05:39:20

    one thought with each step….
    a balance of action and reaction….
    your words carry energy into creating what you think and sharing it with us
    I read an article on a country, the only one that is 100% organic, population 750,00 and now I can’t remember where I filed the info *sigh* I would like to go see it…feel it…there is one step in thought…
    today I read where a piece down the road from me a Mt Lion went into a neighbor and took a dog out of a backyard….I wondered if its the one that jumped on my jeep as i drove into town….we have several around here…I thought there is an example of humans crowding out and controlling the enviroment where he lives…
    I will take this thought to sleep with me and as I draw down the moon in the early morning hours…
    as always an enlightening and thinking post DreamWalker…Sue….
    Thank you….enjoy your day off….
    Take Care…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 20:19:30

      I went searching and came across a foreign nation which was Bhutan…. about the 100% organic farming.. I am pleased to have evoked your thoughts … I trust the Full Moon shone into your dreams.. Thank you Ladyblue.. 🙂



      • LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
        May 28, 2013 @ 20:21:32

        Oh thats it! I still have yet to find where I filed it away at…it was a long night *sigh* no sleep for the wanna be wickeds
        it sounded like a wonderful place to go…
        I am not sure why…just felt good



  10. gingerfightback
    May 25, 2013 @ 13:40:01

    As always Sue you are spot on. Simple.



  11. giselzitrone
    May 25, 2013 @ 15:25:12

    Hallo liebe Sue so ein schöner Beitrag ja jeder Mensch ist selber für sein Handeln verantwortlich.Aber das Gleichgewicht unserer Welt ist schon gestört well viel Menschen unachtsam mit hier umgehen,und wann kommen Menschen endlich zur einsicht.Wünsche dir einen glücklichen schönen Tag und grüße dich Lieb von mir.Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 17:36:56

      Gislinde Danke, schön, dass Sie Ihre zustimmen … Zu viele Menschen halten Wut in ihr Herz … Wir alle brauchen Liebe und Frieden umarmen .. und wenn wir das tun, wird an uns zurück reflektiert werden von unserer äußeren Welt … Es tut uns leid, dass ich nur knapp antworten. aber ich habe eine Mini-Pause von der PC ..
      Liebe und Segen
      Sue xxx



  12. Joliana Skies
    May 25, 2013 @ 22:31:44

    Thanks for sharing Sue. We need to be reminded once again.



  13. jacksjottings
    May 26, 2013 @ 10:30:35

    Great post, there are no bad people only sick or ignorant. Our thoughts control our actions and our actions become habits. You know this, I am just agreeing with you. You are enlightening those in need of help. Thank you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 17:49:43

      Yes Jack our choices all throughout our lives have been our own.. But for some their circumstances often clouded their judgements as their environments and upbringings of views past down throughout their communities have coloured their choices… As anger and bitterness has infiltrated how they perceive their lot in life.. Making them resentful and full of hatred.. I always say we should never judge unless we have walked in their shoes.. Our perception is perceived via our surroundings and our attitudes we have since birth.. It takes a stronger soul to pull them selves out and really ‘See’ the world as it is… rather than how it appears to be presented to us.. That is why I send those who still have lots of progressive learning to do my compassionate thoughts for they do not See what they are doing, because in their thinking their habits dictate their lives and actions…
      Thank you for your foresight. ~Sue



  14. Valentine Logar
    May 26, 2013 @ 14:17:18

    You always keep us focused on what is important and real. I can only say thank you for this.

    I hope you don’t mind, but I am leaving you a link. This is for you to read, written by climate scientists from many different universities. They are looking for us, to sign on and help to spread the word, help to get the attention of world leaders.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 17:54:43

      Val, thank you for this Comment and also the Link,, I have just sped read through it at present but I will be Signing anything to help grab the attention of World leaders.. there are some pretty impressive Professors and Doctorate titled people who are all joining together on there.. They can not all be wrong… I hope others click the link and Sign too.. Much Love ~Sue



  15. Christy Birmingham
    May 26, 2013 @ 22:04:17

    Sometimes I admit I want to crawl into bed and not think about the way the world’s climate is changing.. not think about the limited resources and the effect on future generations… Thank-you for your fearless approach that makes us see we need to take change, today.



  16. dontchawannadream
    May 27, 2013 @ 17:10:07

    Thanks for sharing another great article, Sue. I totally agree with Valentine.
    Have a fantastic week!



  17. europasicewolf
    May 27, 2013 @ 18:05:21

    We should be very careful what we think…after all we are what we think! lol 😉 xx



  18. morristownmemos by Ronnie Hammer
    May 28, 2013 @ 01:18:05

    What a thoughtful and meaningful blog, Sue.With all the news commentaries and opinions it took courage to add your voice to the theories of what is going wrong with out planet and our souls. Thanks you for your thoughts; they make a great deal of sense.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 18:20:10

      Ronnie.. thank you, my thoughts are just that, my thoughts… But We are each of us adding to the mix with what we project outwards to the world.. We can either choose Positive thoughts and be more Kinder and compassionate being unselfish in our approach to those around us.. Or we can be Negative and be argumentative in selfish ways of holding onto jealousies and control… I believe what we give out we get back.. What goes around comes around . What is happening in our world at the moment via the Media is that our Planet’s disasters are being transmitted in minutes around our world.. And we are all of us becoming more fearful of events we see unfurling.. There are many Great Positive unselfish acts of kindness being done all the time.. But the Media do not transmit those.. SO we buy into this world as being a more darker place.. and so via our very thoughts we then create a darker place because our negative energy is given power…
      Hope that made some sense! 🙂 … Have a beautiful day ~Sue



  19. orbphotog
    May 28, 2013 @ 04:56:08

    I discovered many years ago that if I didn’t want someone to think about a particular incident then I had better not give that incident any thought myself. Witnessing people reacting or commenting on what I was thinking has been a powerful motivator to control my thoughts.



  20. The Emu
    May 28, 2013 @ 09:24:33

    Your thought provoking blog had me refreshing my mind on disasters in history, there has been countless tsunamis and typhoons ( typhuns ) in Japan for many decades with millions perishing, volcanoes go back over centuries, today, through technology, we are made more aware of these catastrophes so they tend to become close to home, or personal. In ancient days disasters in a country such as Japan, would have no impact on other countries or the world in general, in other words , they were isolated.With technology today, disasters and man made atrocities are in the papers and on the net as they occur.
    With disasters and atrocities we are questioning our own mortality and hence question our spirituality and where we are heading.
    A great blog Sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 19:40:06

      I agree entirely that the media bring these disasters into our very homes… Hence many add their thoughts at the same time to them.. When 9/11 took place a measured pulse was recorded as energy waves was recorded as peoples thoughts all united around the world simultaneously.. Our collective thoughts Do have an impact.. We just need to ensure we keep them on a positive track… Thank you my good friend for your most welcome visit ~Sue



  21. lavendermoongirlblog
    May 28, 2013 @ 18:35:49

    A brilliant, thought provoking and healing post Sue. There is so much pain and negativity, but also courage and great positivity and healing going on.
    I’ve ditched the TV and now listen to selected programmes on the radio or connect to selected websites. There is now more time to meditate, yoga, reiki, listen to music, write, cook, walk, gardening, chat to friends and neighbours…… time to just be in the moment and think and feel.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2013 @ 19:51:18

      Hi yes, the TV has become more than entertainment.. Its become a messenger for negativity.. Many who get caught up within the TV soap drama’s can not see how depressing the energy is having upon their own energy bodies.. Music helps lighten our vibration and listening to harmonious notes will help lift our spirits… Lovely that you relax and enjoy so many more ‘In the Moment times’.. The Moment is the only time we ever live! 🙂 .. Many thanks for leaving your own wonderful energy upon my post…… Love and Blessings… Sue 🙂



  22. cheryoncake
    May 29, 2013 @ 08:11:45

    What an interesting post – lots to consider here. My thinking has been pretty negative recently which I need to do something about. And even as I write this, I hear there has been an earthquake in North Wales this morning…



  23. Ruth Nina Welsh
    May 29, 2013 @ 09:41:46

    Hi Sue, yes we must keep being the change. Every day, in every single way – big or small. Hope that you are having a good week my sweet friend. 🙂



  24. Gray Dawster
    May 29, 2013 @ 16:10:09

    Your wisdom and light always shine so brightly here on your Space Sue and optimism and positive thinking is always the best way forward. Yes there are those that are of a negative influence but for all the bad energy in the world there is also the very good to combat it, and so creating a better future for all 🙂 🙂

    Have a truly enjoyable Wednesday Sue 🙂

    Andro xxxx



  25. natswans
    May 29, 2013 @ 19:16:47

    A very positive and meaning full post Sue thank you so much.
    Sheila xxx



  26. Cat Forsley
    May 30, 2013 @ 16:24:00

    posting some love here ………. i will get back 2 reading everything once i get back to normal sue sue ….lol ……. whatever that means ? right xxxx you have my email 🙂 xxxx love and a ton of naps xxxxxxxx enjoying my life – full on – 🙂 big GINORMOUS waves from toronto xxx C



  27. Sue Dreamwalker
    May 30, 2013 @ 18:25:14

    I should think you need to gather your energy after yesterday.. 🙂 Rest up and refresh! and know all of those Dreams are coming together! 🙂



  28. Kourtney Heintz
    May 31, 2013 @ 01:32:06

    Well said Sue. Our thoughts are so powerful, they can warp the reality around us. It’s so important to be careful in thought and action.



  29. Deb
    May 31, 2013 @ 20:40:54

    I couldn’t agree with you more, Sue. Things are not what’s important in life, but who we are, and what we have to offer to help make this world a better place. Those are are true riches, not things that will deteriorate.
    Have a really nice, weekend! 🙂
    Love and hugs xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 14:45:10

      Deb, thank you, you said it…

      Things are not what’s important in life, but who we are, and what we have to offer to help make this world a better place. Those are are true riches, not things that will deteriorate.

      And I couldnt have said it any better! 🙂



  30. Alex Jones
    Jun 23, 2013 @ 22:15:40

    It is a time of a great adjustment across the globe. It will be traumatic and challenging. During this time we have choice to walk a path in harmony with the strife that is to come, to use our minds in a positive and effective way. Great post, Sue.



  31. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Jul 12, 2013 @ 12:51:13

    Sue, I really feel this one – but so especially now on return from Thailand. I came back to the material world, and to be honest, I’m thinking of planning an escape, a departure. I can’t “do this” any more, being in an office and treated like an imbecile. I just can’t tolerate it any more – and it all comes down to the material things in life. It does.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 18, 2013 @ 11:08:01

      At times Noeleen I feel like running away from the world.. in fact, I have deliberately had a few days off from technology all together.. I sometimes come to that space of needing to be alone in nature as I see the worlds torment and so I may be absent a while longer as I need this Summer Sun and my Garden/Allotments to rejuvenate my inner me.. As my working schedule is hectic at the moment … Detaching oneself and putting One’s self sometimes is the way to inner healing… And the Material world for me at the moment is taking second place.. as I work on my innerself a little more..

      Love to you my friend and thank you so very much for taking the time to read my posts..Blessings always Sue xx



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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