Seasons Through Life

Seeing the News of Arctic  type weather conditions especially across  Europe as temperatures fall to dramatic levels of -39 deg C below Zero.  And seeing how ill equipped many find themselves in dealing with harsh weather which has led to many falling victim to the freezing conditions.  I sat looking through my own window this weekend looking at the snow fall which for us wasn’t half as bad as last years fall..

But I got to thinking about Mother Nature and her Seasons, and how we all of us have our own Seasons of Life and as the Evening drew in and the Mist rolled in with it.. these words were what came as I put Pen to Paper..

Blizzards of snow in Icy blasts

Falls from the sky like shards of glass

Biting your face and taking your breath

Temperatures plummet bringing Icy death


Gone is the beauty of softly formed flakes

Drifting and freezing on rivers and lakes

Branches that bend and twigs that do snap

All who go out pull on mittens and hat.


But what of the birds? What warmth so they find?

Huddled together in shrub tangled vines

And what about Fox held up in his den

And all our four-legged, what of them?


Do you give them a thought? Do you give them a crumb?

Have you spared a thought? For our Animal Kingdom

And what of the homeless who sleep on our streets

Have you thought of their plight as you sleep neath warm sheets?


Winter is harsh as it culls out the weak

And the mist rolls in closer even as I speak

Seasons are our barometers of life

Like the elements of Nature combining love and strife


There’s the Spring with new growth and birth

As we push on upward seeking self worth

Summer is the garden of beauty and play

As we experience the colour of life every day


Autumn are the years we mature and let go

Like the leaves from a tree we float with the flow

Winter can be a lonely place and cold

Holding Seasons memories as we grow old.


So whatever the weather of storms in Life

Hold onto your heart the Sun of all Light

Fill yourself up with gratitude and love

By loving each other, we ascend up above..

Please hold a thought for all who are affected by the elements of Mother Nature.. Whether it be through snow, Flood, Drought or Earth quakes… And lets not forget to send out our thoughts to the Animal Kingdom who too are suffering the affects not only of Nature.. But the affects of Man as we Pollute  and Poison their environments..

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.


64 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. cat.
    Feb 08, 2012 @ 17:03:31

    Greetings, my friend Sue … -39C is bad, I know … have lived through – 45C … by the woodstove, mind you 🙂 Love, cat.



  2. Gabrielle
    Feb 08, 2012 @ 17:08:32

    Lovely post Sue, thank you. It’s good to be reminded of the homeless and the animals. If we all do what we can to help, we can make a big difference!
    Love and blessings, Gabrielle xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2012 @ 17:20:02

      Yes just checking a neighbour is ok or needs some shopping as one slip in this icy weather can lead to a nasty fall with the elderly.. And making sure we put something on the bird table.. it doesnt take much.. and yes it ALL makes a huge difference when everyone pulls together as a community should. xx Hugs to you x



  3. Visionkeeper
    Feb 08, 2012 @ 17:25:08

    Love it DW! Very well said and thought out. Seasons are beautiful in so many ways but also harsh, putting us to our ultimate tests. The animals survive because they are well prepared, humans and their need for creature comfotrs have forgotten our skills at surviving. That will be our downfall for falling into greed and allowing ourselves to forget what is important. Now if people just can get off the pity pot and instead of bemoaning misery took the time to embrace the lesson they were being taught and wake up all would be far better off in the world…Oh well, life goes on for those who always search for greater understanding….Thanks…VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2012 @ 17:38:59

      As always a wise reply my friend.. Yes many are still within that pot.. and many more soon to come.. Nature is showing us every day, as she asks us to wake up to ourselves.. And until she shouts VERY LOUD I fear many still are sound asleep.. xx Thank you VK xxx ~ Dreamwalker 🙂



  4. Deb
    Feb 08, 2012 @ 20:12:37

    Oh my that is dangerously cold weather. I’ve not ever experienced it that cold, but have experienced 20 degrees below as a child, and 14 degrees just 2 winters ago.
    I keep my empty frozen pie pans to feed the birds on snow days, or just when it is very cold out, and food is scares.
    Excellent post, Sue!
    Hugs, xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2012 @ 12:12:13

      Hi Deb thank you.. Yes many of us feed our birds and yet I wonder how many of us help those who sleep rough on our streets… And It shames me to say I dont do enough in that direction .. But I help when I see someone is in need.. and so long as we all do a little bit to help each other whatever the weather.. then we add our Light to the world to bring it that Caring so many now seem to have lost.. Thanks Deb for your comment xxxx Hugs



  5. Red
    Feb 08, 2012 @ 20:58:11

    What an enlightening poem. A very beautiful way to teach such an important lesson, Dreamwalker.



  6. prenin
    Feb 09, 2012 @ 08:53:04

    Good poem Sue and very true! 🙂

    In five minutes I am going to order a taxi so I can go see the Vampye for my blood tests.

    I am NOT looking forward to it – I HATE needles – but it’s important…

    Love and hugs!




  7. rosemarymonteith
    Feb 09, 2012 @ 09:12:05

    Love it Sue, we are very lucky at the moment very cold but just rain, we may have avoided the snow.



  8. Christy
    Feb 09, 2012 @ 17:15:36

    As well as thinking of those in the Animal Kingdom I think about the homeless people out on the streets. I am so lucky to be able to sleep under blankets in a home with heat and food. Thanks Sue for always reminding me to be thankful for what I am so lucky to have. xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2012 @ 12:26:35

      I think Christy that we maybe should all be thankful for the many blessings we have.. Often we go around our lives wishing for this and wishing for that, and its not until you stop and take stock.. and see the suffering and difficulties others have to endure that you become Thankful for all we have.. Thanks For adding you most welcome thoughts here Christy.. xx



  9. Sabina Brave
    Feb 09, 2012 @ 17:21:50

    It’s still cold here. Everyday when I’m puting the wood into the stove to warm the house I’m thinking about people, who have less luck.
    Love and hugs,



  10. granbee
    Feb 09, 2012 @ 19:12:41

    Oh, we need you in the U.S. as a spokesperson for the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), dear Sue! I have deliberately planted, and continue to plant more, as many berry-bearing shrubs and large seed-producing wildflowers and grasses as I can find room for. I also refrain from pruning away low-hanging limbs that provide much needed shelter for the dear critters! So true that as we love each other, ALL of creation’s beings, so we ascend up above. This is one of my favorite posts of yours since I found your blog last autumn. The celebration of the seasons in your poetry is lovely and very dear to my heart. Love you, Sue! Bless you always.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2012 @ 12:36:53

      Arrgh Granbee, thank you for saying so.. 🙂 Yes I too didnt prune hard the shrubs this year either as we had the birds in mind… especially the evergreens as We find the birds take shelter in them alot when its raining or snowing… So many neighbours have cut down conifers now and the birds have to go further away to roost … I am happy that you enjoyed this post Granbee.. xx 🙂



  11. zendictive
    Feb 10, 2012 @ 00:09:20

    the earth wobbles while rotating.. we seem to be at a point when the winter is later and later till it wobbles back to where we will again get winter back in November. The harsh weather is mother nature’s balance… unknowing that her passengers are being overwhelmed by the cold. Those who fail to prepare …prepare to fail (!_!)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2012 @ 12:43:44

      Yes Art, we are wobbling and the poles are shifting inch by inch even as we speak.. weather patterns alter and merge creating later and earlier Seasons.. I was amazed at how many double crops happened last year.. Farmers here had record Apples, and a second crop of strawberries.. Nature always provides and it is us Humans that miss what Nature is giving us as a sign towards bad winters..
      My Dad always took note of nature and could forecast the weather as he watched the birds and animal life.. He would have seen the amazing amount of berries in the hedgerows and said we are in for a cold long winter.. Some of these ‘Old Wives Tales’ are not so much Tales..
      Good Moto there too my Zen friend xx



  12. giselzitrone
    Feb 10, 2012 @ 12:04:58

    Liebe Dreamalke viel viel Schnee Grüsse dich Herzlich und wünsche dir ein schönes weekend 1000 Grüsse Gislinde.



  13. Sheila
    Feb 10, 2012 @ 12:45:42

    Very good post Dreamwalker this makes me grateful for what I have got, and the garden here is a wildlife haven. We never trim Hedges till the harsh weather has passed but not to cut down as nesting time approaches. A little juggle here and there. Rain here so lucky so far to have missed the very Harsh weather.
    Hope you find time to have a restful weekend.
    Hugs Sheila xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2012 @ 13:59:11

      Hi Sheila, I admire your devotion to your garden and your own sanctuary you have created.. It always looks so inviting to wild life in your photos.. I do hope those late arrivals of ducklings are doing ok too.. 🙂 Hugs .. And Yes I intent to have a restful weekend now I have finished a few chores that needed doing. xx



  14. The Alternate Economy
    Feb 10, 2012 @ 13:42:49

    Beautiful Poem.

    I live in Ottawa Canada, and it is generally -20C to -30C here in february. For the last couple weeks it has hovered around -3C even rising above 0C every couple of days.

    Something is definitely up with the climate these days…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2012 @ 14:01:44

      Yes Tristan, the climate is changing.. As we know Mother Earth is showing us in many ways the ‘Signs’ I just wonder when Mankind will start and pay attention! 🙂 For Nature is well aware.. many thanks for commenting. 🙂



  15. Doris
    Feb 10, 2012 @ 14:06:52

    hi my wonderful friend, have a great weekend hun… love, hugs & kisses



  16. rastelly
    Feb 10, 2012 @ 16:33:55

    I love the kind of person who never
    thinks about their fellow man without
    considering the animals as well. We
    live in a universe that is about infinitly
    more then human beings. So easily
    we forget we are not alone.

    I think this is my favorite poem from
    you. I live on the gulf coast where the
    winters slowly turn to rainy seasons
    as one approches the equator. Winter
    crops such as turnups and cabbage
    are grown at this time, and the rain
    never quits – temperetures are insane,
    mild one minute, freezing the next, like
    mother nature can’t quite figure out
    what to do with our lattitude. Here
    nothing is more beautiful, or more
    terrible then freezing rain – that
    encases everything in icy glass.

    I’ve always thought of beauty as
    natures way of apologiseing in
    advance. 😉



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 10, 2012 @ 20:15:37

      Hi rastelly your weather sounds to be very extreme at the moment.. Its a wonder the crops haven’t rotted in the ground with all that rain and zero temps.. Freezing rain can do lots of damage.. worse than snow.. Many thanks for adding your thoughts here and Im glad you liked this one. 🙂 xx



      • rastelly
        Feb 11, 2012 @ 01:16:32

        Then it melts and chunks of
        ice sickles fall on your head –
        it’s rare, but snow is rarer.
        Things are actually pretty
        mild at the moment. Thanks
        for reading.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 11, 2012 @ 14:18:48

          You are welcome and Ice can be dangerous when it starts to thaw and fall.. The River Danube in Germany had frozen over and I saw a picture of the Ocean which had lashed up on a pier and frozen solid in huge chunks of ice.. around lamp-posts… Amazing to see… But not nice if one has to try and keep warm there.. Thanks for calling back..:-)



  17. Poetically Undone
    Feb 10, 2012 @ 18:28:52

    We don’t have much snow here in Toronto. Winter has been kind to us this year! An enlightening poem indeed.



  18. Androgoth
    Feb 10, 2012 @ 23:59:45

    Well done you, this is a truly wonderful poem
    my great friend, it has everything that combines
    the seasons and the hardships, not just for our
    wildlife but for those on our streets, breathing
    in the cold air, feeling the pinch as icicles form
    and snow fall collects at their feet…

    The street is a lonely place to be, without a friend…

    Let us hope that they are fed and given shelter, a
    nice warm bed for the night and our animals and
    birds… Well we can all help those by putting some
    food out for them 🙂 🙂

    A very nice offering Sue 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 11, 2012 @ 14:08:32

      Thank you Andro, yes still bitter out, but we are not so hard as our European Cussions who have had a much bleaker and harsher frozen Winter.. But do keep feeding the birds Andro I am sure you do.. 🙂 ~Sue



  19. jennygoth
    Feb 11, 2012 @ 00:18:13

    you have a lovely way with words dreamer and they really make us stop and think its been very cold the seagulls at redcar all fighting for the smallest scraps i took a loaf of bread today and it was gone in a few seconds hope your well im feeling much better miss heidi but eana is helping to heal my heart xxjen



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 11, 2012 @ 14:13:28

      Great to know you are on the mend Jen, and although I know Heidi will never be replaced with the love you held for her, Eana will find her way into your heart and as you say is helping to heal it.. We can always tell when its bad weather on the coast as many seagulls fly inland and squabble over themselves.. Landing on the Nature bird reserves they compete for bread with the ducks.. .. Many thanks for your kind comments Jen.. Stay safe and warm and have an enjoyable weekend xx ~Sue



  20. lorrena
    Feb 11, 2012 @ 04:20:07

    Yes my friend all life suffers.Of course humanity has conjured up so many obstacles of the material world to deal with these ..natures elements..and we have adjusted Mother Earths own balance.So what kind of justification can we expect because often we overlook the ignorance and neglect we cast down into her womb.How we exhale poison into her air and blacken her waters.
    Irony runs deep as the sword that pierced her own life will return in concert with the cosmos to cut us all.a vengences,not revenge ..just renewal as it always has done.
    The great spiral of life here is coming to its end and humanity never had a choice but without conscious essence had the gift given to them all long ago,.That they have never learned ,to be simple and in grace play with Earths own living essence ,not destroy her.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 11, 2012 @ 14:31:14

      Cycles of Life are just that… Renewal.. Lorrena, We all think that ‘Death’ is the end.. and yet ‘Death’ is just the beginning.. To me that will be when my greatest adventure starts 😉 .. and I have no Fear what so ever of that day…
      But While I am still here on this Planet.. I am driven to call to others to Look after her.. She is our Mother.. She provides ALL we need.. And it saddens me greatly that we should ill treat our Mother so… For we Rape and Pillage, Poison and Wound, just as you say… And then we expect her to smile and heal as if everything we have done will not have an effect upon her…
      Do we really think that by belching our pollutants into her skies and leaking oil into her oceans, not to mention all the nuclear wastes we dump and bury .. And Nuclear Bomb testing under the ocean… What affects do we think we are creating.. The Ozone, Her Forests destroyed.. Is it any wonder our Aquatic life is dying and our birds falling from the sky, and we are contracting more and more Cancers?…..
      May we all be given ‘Grace’ Lorrena, as we see the errors of our ways, which is already probably too late to undo.. But that is why our thoughts play such an important role.. We can still stop more destruction and begin to live in harmony and unity of spirit and begin to heal our world with love and tenderness of caring once again for our Plant and Animal life and each other.. I do so hope we can bring about a shift in our awareness as to what we do to others/ the earth/ our animals/ we do unto ourselves… Blessings my friend xx ~Sue



  21. Jo Bryant
    Feb 11, 2012 @ 19:37:02

    We don’t have those issues here in the North Island so this really made me think



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 12, 2012 @ 12:41:48

      We don’t often see other countries and their plights Jo.. But I know you understand drought and have visited and have empathy with other countries where this too along with poverty is such a problem… Many thanks for dropping in to say Hi.. 🙂 ~Sue



  22. zumpoems
    Feb 11, 2012 @ 22:28:11

    Wonderful eco-poem! Very well done!



  23. Renee Espriu
    Feb 12, 2012 @ 06:06:27

    Beautifully written, Sue. Weather patterns are changing everywhere it would seem. Seeing my car incased in ice after our snow storm where the snow still remained on the ground was something I had never seen here. So many people are unaccustomed to weather they’ve not had before but do have now. Nature is a force to be reckoned with as ever changing on this earth.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 12, 2012 @ 12:55:48

      Hi Renee, yes our weather along with many other of Nature’s signs are shouting out at us to take heed, but we still are never prepared and think all will stay the same for eternity here on our planet.. Our Earth is changing, moving, as is the Universe. As are all of us as we evolve and grow… Change! is Part of Nature, the natural cycle that goes around .. Mankind has become so arrogant in his thinking he is in charge.. He has get to meet Natures True force and understand that we are part of nature.. And that we are all passing through here.. Growing, evolving,. And yet still we do not see how our thoughts and actions contribute to our destruction.. as we blindly take nature and each other for granted…
      It will not be until Nature shows mankind her wrath of power that he will sit up and pay attention.. For we cannot continue to abuse our planet or each other and expect not to reap what we sow..
      Many thanks Renee :-)… Hope you stay safe and warm my friend xx



  24. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Feb 12, 2012 @ 18:35:22

    A nicely thought out poem, Sue, that takes us through our lives as the seasons change, and makes us think for the other inhabitants of the planet as well. Very nice indeed!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 12, 2012 @ 21:56:07

      Yes Tom, so happy you enjoyed .. and yes each Season has its merit.. and Winter makes me thankful I have a roof over my head. food to eat, and fuel to keep warm.. Simple things that many do not have.. .. Thank you for your thoughts Tom



  25. giselzitrone
    Feb 12, 2012 @ 18:49:12

    Lieber Gruss und einen schönen Abend Grüsse dich lieb Gislinde.



  26. zolemia
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 16:47:34

    Thoughtful words Sue! The weather, the seasons, shelter and nourishment fluctuations are similar to our internal storms, sunny days and hunger. We all need to stop abusing our planet, each other and ourselves…turn destruction into growth and nurturing actions.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 13, 2012 @ 20:00:43

      Hi Zolemia, well said, Yes we need to once again find that balance, and Care… and indeed nurture ourselves.. we have lost that Love not only of others, but of self.. Thank you for adding your thoughts here.. 🙂 xx



  27. Raven of Leyla
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 18:05:44

    Lovely poem, it covers it all my dear Dreamwalker,
    It appears the animals are in your thoughts of late kind woman. We should all consider their welfare these days. We need them as much as they need us. 😉
    warm feathery,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 13, 2012 @ 20:04:30

      Yes we are all of us part of the whole.. Although I am sure the animal kingdom could well survive without us Humans 🙂 .. But could we exist without them? And our planet Raven is getting ready with all her signs that Mankind is so turning his blind eye too… Aho.. my fine feathery… xx



  28. Oceanwaves
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 21:27:31

    What a beautiful and enlighting read Sue. So very true! Earth is becoming a concrete bowling ball. Homeless wildlife forced or diven away with out a say or simley killed.
    I saw a film not so long ago..well, it was more of a documentary.. what would happen to the earth if man lefted the face of it. In 30 years everything would be covered in green, nature would take over it again.. roads building would be over grown with green. Incrediable how strong nature is.. full of life.
    We should all appreicate more yes 🙂

    Sue, sorry for my late reply..have been busy for quite some time.
    Was lovely to read from you, thankyou so much for yur thoughts.

    Have a lovely Valentine’s day if you are celebrating.
    Hugs Tracey



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 15, 2012 @ 12:07:06

      Love your anology of Earth becoming a concrete bowling ball… We are deffinately spinning out of control and the strike will certainly not make mankind the winner!.. Lovely to see you here again Tracey.. 🙂



  29. beautifulchaos2
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 17:46:17

    wow that’s alot of snow! is that photo of your yard? I hope it’s gotten warmer over there now!
    That’s a really great poem Sue, and you’re a great lady.
    Big hugs, Nikki



  30. anilraheja
    Feb 20, 2012 @ 12:47:52

    such beautiful thoughts enhanced by even better words…God bless & love always.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 20, 2012 @ 22:14:48

      Many thanks Anil.. Thank you so very much for continuing to read my posts.. Im affraid my life has been a little busy with a few things these last few days, but I have been reading your lovely poems via my phone email. although I cannot get onto comment via phone.. I will visit shortly again 🙂 xx



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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