The Beginning.

The Journey~

Where does one start? I’m told the best place to start is at the beginning.. But just where did it begin? Did it start when I was a child who went into her shell, the one who spent time alone inside her head. The one who was the eldest child of 5 who was nicked named ‘Little Mother’.

Just when did my searching begin? Was it through the bed time stories I would make up to my siblings as I lay in our bedroom shared with 3 other sisters, and my brother across the landing that would spin a little magic each night. Or was it the nights I lay with curtains wide open looking up at the Moon and Stars? Feeling alone, and just wondering about all those different planets out there.Yet at the same time feeling a Knowing within that I couldn’t explain.

Maybe it was the Night when aged around 12 when out playing on a winters evening with friends as it grew dark and yet the snow made it lighter on the ground as it sparkled like diamonds, reflected by the Moon  and with one sparse street lamp, when we saw something flash in the field next to our homes and the street lamp and electricity failed for a few moments as the power cut out. And we all felt something eerie.. and we ran on home.

Or could it have been when my Father came home in a panic  saying something strange had followed him home down a lane he often walked at night, saying he felt he was being watched and that something seemed to hover above the trees, as he heard a low hummm .. I remember how spooked he was, and Dad was never one to be spooked.

Then again it could have been the time around 13 yrs old when I was walking up our stairs and saw a Nun in full habit cross our landing. I was told not to be so silly.

Perhaps it may have been when I got all emotional aged 11, I was allowed to go to with a Chapel Day outing for a long long day out at London Wembley Stadium, when I joined in the hysteria of others who cried out loud at a Billy Graham Crusade.

Or was it when my brother  came home to not quite believing what he had seen, as his mate had died aged 18 in a lone car accident on a lonely country road, and yet two days after his funeral, he and 2 others saw him as large as life standing on the Village Cross, as he waved to them all then disappeared.   

Then again it could have started when I would lay at night with ear trained to the floor, with heart in my chest beating loudly as I waited for parental arguments to start.

When ever my journey started, I learnt to pray.. I learnt to send out my thoughts. For Prayer is sending out our thoughts into the Cosmos as we link with that which we are one with.

I would pray for the arguments to stop, I would pray that everyone would be alright.I learnt to pray for lots of things.. I learnt to send out my thoughts and Listen back, for I wanted to know my prayers were being answered.

As a small child to 15yrs old I went to Sunday School at our local Chapel. Religion, Bible study as a child played a Huge role in my upbringing. And as I’ve mentioned before in other posts I thought of GOD as this white bearded man in a heavenly cloud, listening to all I had to say..

Today my perception of our Creator has changed, so too has the world grown with knowledge gained.  We now know that we don’t fall off the edge of the ocean as we’ve discovered the world is no longer flat. But long ago, such were our beliefs.

It isn’t until we are given knowledge and like those first explorers be brave enough venture a little further into the unknown, that we make new discoveries. The boundaries are being pushed all the time, as our view of the world and our perceptions change. To those that sailed off into the unknown, many thought they would fall off the edge of the earth, for such were their perceptions given the knowledge they had at that time..

Now our perceptions are based upon the knowledge we too glean from our parents, our surroundings, our History books etc.The Media, our Newspapers, We all assume that what we are being told is the Truth….

I remember too when my Mother told me I was born under a Gooseberry Bush, and I got into a heated argument aged 6 with my best friend defending my Mum who was right, and said No! I didn’t come out of my Mummy’s Tummy as her Mummy has said..beacause  MY MUM was right and Her Mum was wrong..

You see we get into this indoctrinated way of thinking, for we have always been told its this way or that way, and why would we need to question it.. When our parents pass down their thoughts and beliefs. This has happened throughout many generations.. 

 I have known from a young age that I needed to seek the Truth, I needed Answers, I have to explain that I have always looked up to the sky and known I come from Way up there somewhere… there is this connection, even as a small child I felt I was on a kind of Mission. I knew that there were ‘others’ out there, listening, Watching, waiting.. So maybe that was the beginning of my journey, as all of these life experiences made me think, question, and sit within the silence of my own thoughts and just wonder.. Why are we here?

The Journey of discovery first starts with oneself.

And to find oneself, sometimes you have to lose yourself for a little while in order to find yourself again. I did that too…. Many years later experiencing A  nervous breakdown… through stress, over work, juggling career, family, guilt, inadequacies, rejection from my Mother, a whole range of emotions..

It was then that my real journey of self began.. when I asked the question..

WHO am I? …in fact just who are WE? …and Where do we come from, and What are we doing here, and Where are we going?

Questions I know Many more are now starting to ask.. and as we Wake up to the Truth of who we are, we see that what we have been told we need to Question. And find out those answers for ourselves..

The journey has begun~ As  in coming posts I will share my own thoughts… and I hope you too will share yours, and remember you don’t have to agree… For YOU too are on your own Journey..

Together I hope we find some Answers.. 🙂

39 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Cat Forsley
    Jan 17, 2012 @ 22:33:23

    Just beautiful !!!!!!!!!
    that’s all i can write !
    Cat xx



  2. becca givens
    Jan 17, 2012 @ 23:27:12

    Beautifully expressed … I have been asking many of the same questions – who am I? why am I here? am I as far along my journey as I should be, or am I woefully behind and need to run faster to catch up? why was I given a second chance in life, after only a 5% chance of survival? Some times I am very calm about it, and at other times I feel a panic of “missing the obvious” and I cannot figure it out!!! Thank you for sharing your journey with us ~~~ Namaste, dear Sue Dreamwalker!! xoxo 😀



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2012 @ 12:35:18

      Becca, Thank you.. I often ask myself those same Questions, Am I woefully behind, I think Becca our awakening comes in many forms, its a little like when I was 23 I passed my driving test, I disliked driving,and thought Why am I doing this, and would only go short journeys, I gave up driving the car for several years then a few years later got a job where a company required me to use their company car…. So fearful was I, I had to retake some driving lessons again to regain my confidence, I still get very nervous on Moterway-or FreeWay driving as you may call it.. But I drive quite happily upon the roads and feel very confident there.. At that time aged 23/24 I didnt need to drive, Now in my type job as Support Worker its vital I drive to get to visit the people I support.. What I am saying here, in this long winded reply is that often we don’t see, or understand WHY at the time, its not until years later we understand.. So too as our Earth and its people are going through various upheavals of change, disturption, destruction.. we do not see the overall plan… But there is a Plan.. and we are all playing our part in it Becca, whether we see it or not..
      Your 5% servival and your surviving.. was meant to be.. sometimes we just forget to be the “” in life and enjoy its experience… The signs will present themselves in due course.. that I am certain of Becca..



  3. Raymond alexander kukkee
    Jan 18, 2012 @ 04:34:22

    Sue Dreamwalker, this is so beautiful and well written, you write and teach so well. It seems you carefully observe humanity much as I do. Your path is beyond interesting, as most critical footprints seen in life are. Does your ancient soul recognize we are spiritual beings from beyond, and always have been? Shall true knowledge be revealed to these generations, or shall they remain blind for a time? Are there enough observers now to gently touch humanity and dream them into necessary paths, or shall they continue to fall off of the edge of the Earth? The Truth awaits.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2012 @ 12:22:31

      Hi Raymond, yes our souls are ancient; for they are as old as the beginnings… we are souls evolving, learning, transforming, and transcending through the gates of dimensions we are beings of energy experiencing this reality, except we have developed amnesia as we have been tampered with.. Manipulated, and controlled to become something we were never meant to be.. Separate.. Once we go back to our roots OUR Beginnings!.. we may discover we are Not at all what we think we are.. Many are now Awakening up to the process, for some it is in striving for FREEDOM and Liberty, for others it is finding their own path to one of service, For others its become an emotional roller-coaster ride as their world turns upside down.. Each of us has our own WAKE UP Call.. Each are being SHAKEN up to their selves, Each are finding Truths deep within, If we do not wake up, then we will indeed Fall into the abyss of darkness.. Sometimes Raymond, its always darkest before the dawn light, and this is what our Earth now finds itself in, as we see the transformation of Consciousness around our Globe..
      Many thanks here for your most enlightening comment.. 🙂



  4. granbee
    Jan 18, 2012 @ 08:03:27

    I believe we are here to journey into our souls deeper and deeper in order to reach higher and higher into the stars! I believe we can only do this if we reach out and connect in peace and goodwill with many, many others. We are meant to live in fellowship with each other and the Creator, thus touching the entire Universe eventually.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2012 @ 12:42:17

      Oh Granbee… how I so love you….. We so do, and we are in need of gathering together now our fellow Light-Workers to bring about that fellowship, We are indeed off to the Stars!… one way or another…. to once again become at ONE with the Universe. 🙂



  5. prenin
    Jan 18, 2012 @ 10:16:10

    So true Sue.

    We start as a question and spend our lives looking for the answer.

    Only at the end of life will we know for sure…

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2012 @ 12:48:15

      Hi Prenin, Why wait until the end of our lives?.. I know Life goes on, I KNOW I will survive this life into the next one, But its into which next one I wish to be projected.. .. and that isnt Hell or Heaven..I mean which Dimension, I wish to be free from this density of matter which keeps us here, in perpetual cycles, as mad as this answer may appear to you, I wish to be ONE again. 🙂



      • prenin
        Jan 18, 2012 @ 13:11:41

        Believe me hun you’re NOT mad! 🙂

        Live life now, do what needs doing and look forward to the life after death.

        What the caterpillar sees as death we call a butterfly…

        Love and hugs!




        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 18, 2012 @ 15:02:40

          Prenin…. you’re a sweetie.. I so know.. remember my little story of the caterpillar! :-).. I guess I just get fed of of all these cabbages .. and can’t wait for my wings!…. But Im practising my flying techniques … Happy Wednesday x



  6. Sheila
    Jan 18, 2012 @ 10:59:01

    Beautiful post Dreamwalker mmmm
    Sheila xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2012 @ 12:51:36

      Hi Sheila, Thank you for commenting. 🙂 I hope I have given food for thought 🙂 and hope I give much more to others who visit here.. 🙂 Hope you are well, and Wile-e is ok, its turned milder and brighter so hope Wile-e is wanting to venture out if its not wet?



  7. Visionkeeper
    Jan 18, 2012 @ 11:30:19

    Hey DW…Great piece. Yes we often wonder where it all started and I would say it started the day we left whatever planet we were on to come to earth. The rest is just bows and ribbons. Thanks for this….VK 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2012 @ 12:54:25

      You are so right VisionKeeper, we agreed to come, and we knew it would be a tough task.. pity though that we dont all live within the ‘Present of Life’ as we undo those ribbon and bows which unfurl in the form of Gifts we each should treasure in this Earth Life.. I will be around shortly to say hi.. promise.. x



  8. davidtenn
    Jan 18, 2012 @ 12:07:31

    Were we on the same path or parallel ? You in the East and me in the West, or just One. My white nun was in the grounds of the Abbey just behind our house. Echoes are beautiful Sue. Love david



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2012 @ 12:59:51

      Parallel lives are often something many would not understand. or how lives touch even for the breif of moments, and yet leave lasting imprints..
      My Nun has been with me for as long as I remember, and oh how much hair-pulling she must have done… Patience has been her greatest lesson, she has needed much to stay with me…:-) 😉 Love and Peace David



  9. zendictive
    Jan 18, 2012 @ 18:13:46

    life is a cycle …circle… then where is the begining?
    of course we start out as babes and end later…
    is there really a begining of a meal and an end to a meal or a gap between meals… is life such… that each life has a gap between lives? interesting and thought provoking post.




  10. dogkisses
    Jan 19, 2012 @ 01:46:14

    Beautiful, my friend 🙂
    I have come here once again when I’m sleepy, or I would have read the comments too, as this is a lovely post. I loved hearing your memories of how and when your “journey” began. Your words took me back into my own journey, thinking about the same. I may think on it a while, as I drift into dreamland tonight.

    I find it rather hopeful to think that many more people are beginning to ask the question(s) that you speak about, such as why are we here. Questioning our beliefs is sometimes crucial to growth and healing.

    Thank you, as always, for sharing with us your stories.
    Love and Blessings, Michelle.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 19, 2012 @ 10:46:58

      I hope you managed to settle back to sleep Michelle, and loved that you thought to drop in on your sleepless night.. Many of us now are starting to question our origins and really look beyond that which we see.. I hope that along this journey of Life we can shed a little light between us all, as this is a collective journey, and it is now time for us to start and open up and share with each other our expereinces, and help each other wake up and remember along the way xx Love to you both xx



  11. lorrena
    Jan 19, 2012 @ 02:19:33

    The end of the wonderful poem by Robert Louis Stevenson…Foreign Lands “”If I could find a higher tree
    Farther and farther I should see,
    To where the grown-up river slips
    Into a sea among the ships,

    To where the roads on either hand
    Lead onward into fairy land,
    Where all the children dine at five,
    And where all the playthings come alive.

    Yes Sue as we become lost and or forced into this other land of the human way.The one were we are fed constant lies that we grow to perceive as the very truth that has conquered many and left us intertwined in this conscious conundrum we call reality.
    I always say to others on this same journey,welcome ,take a seat in the classroom of life ,there are many empty ones still.Were it is time to learn the truth and were we are all each others teachers.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 19, 2012 @ 10:51:53

      Here is to the Lessons as they unfold my lovely friend, And what a beautiful Poem, one I havent read or if I did I am sorry I didnt remember it.. As I have a R.L.Stevenson book of poems.. I loved those lines you have shared with us here, and we are all of us teachers in one form or another so very very true.. xx



  12. rosemarymonteith
    Jan 19, 2012 @ 17:52:36

    Wise word Sue, and very interesting



  13. Raven of Leyla
    Jan 19, 2012 @ 18:25:11

    Our paths have been so similiar DW that I got shivers from your stories. I the eldest, telling stories to my sibs, me being a Mother to them (Mom left when I was 11) to being in Sunday School feeling so strong in my faith, I wanted to marry Jesus…be a Nun. I had asked the questions of life climbing out of the box, looking for answers…I went to a Born Again Christian Revival…scared the crap out of me! I have seen what I think are spirits, had visions that amaze me and friends but I still haven’t found what I am looking for. Before my cousin died he told me “I think I have it, I got it …it is clearer, you know it cuz” ! What did he mean?
    Oh what stories we can tell, my Soul Sister 😉 I am looking forward to your follow up on this “Journey”.
    Love and hugs,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 19, 2012 @ 19:53:43

      🙂 Paths sometimes have parallel levels within them, and often we come across others who’s paths have taken similar roads, my own journey along with yours serves only to strengthen us with those obstacles we both uncounted.

      All lessons come for a reason, and at the time of learning them and experiencing we ask the question “WHY ME” as we feel our loads are too heavy to carry on..
      I was once told by my spirit guide Raven when a friend of mine who was also a medium asked me to link in and ask ‘WHY ME?’, as she was going through a set of terrible lessons, both in her health, and family crisis and bereavements.. The answer came back “ Because you asked it”.. She said “No” I would never ask all of these events to unfold.. He answered her back, and said “Yes because you wanted to experience all of this in one life time”,… He went on to say, ‘that it was sometimes those greatest and hardest lessons we endure that takes us further in our evolutionary paths. For as we learn compassion, Love, loss, we grow in light’.. I have always remembered that Raven.. So no matter how tough the going gets, I know that my inner strength is growing brighter.. I felt I needed to tell you that today
      Plus as your Cousin was passing away, He saw his purpose unfold, he in that moment understood the reason why he was here, why he had been through all he had, and understood that it was all ok.. As it became clear… as he found that inner peace as he passed .. Love and Light ~Dreamwalker



  14. Raven of Leyla
    Jan 19, 2012 @ 21:47:51

    You have a gift of clarifying what I know but don’t see is right there, in front of me.
    Your story in your reply reminded me of one I’ll share with you.
    Once while working with crystals, I put my Sacred Amethest in a bowl of seasalt water under my bed just below where my head lies. I asked for vision in my dreams of future. Oh my, I was told of things I didn’t want to know…deaths of loved ones 3 family, 1 of them, my husband and finally my terrible auto accident. I will never ever ask to know of such things again. I respect the gift of Stones, Crystals and Seeking but be wary for you may find what you seek. LOL
    Love, Peace and Happiness to you my dear friend,
    Raven xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 19, 2012 @ 21:55:29

      Aho Raven… Crystals hold many such secrets, as well as healing, A lesson was learned that Day Raven… it is never wise to see our Future, but to enjoy the Now moments, for once they have gone, they never return.. 🙂 Thank you for sharing that gift with me my sister.. We share much in common x



  15. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Jan 19, 2012 @ 21:50:24

    Very nice post, Sue. I have a ‘pull’ to the stars… and to the year 1642… and both of these connections give me the same questions you ask yourself. I know I will find my answers one day… have a good evening, Sue Dreamwalker! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 19, 2012 @ 21:59:24

      Many Thanks Tom, and I will be flying my way over to your blog very soon, I have all your posts red-flagged in my inbox ready to return to… Your Anwers will come Tom when they are ready.. I find the more we push to find them as we WANT to know.. we are Left WANTING.. 😉 .. enjoy your evening too



  16. Cmsmith
    Jan 20, 2012 @ 01:52:41

    Great examples of mystical or spiritual experiences. The one about your dad gave me goosebumps.



  17. Sabina Brave
    Jan 20, 2012 @ 19:06:21

    Since I remember I tried to understand all. Many questions were borning in my mind all the time. Some of my friends told me, that I was thinking too much, that I was too serious, that I was trying to understand all instead of stop thinking, and start enjoying.
    I was also looking at stars, and thinking about different worlds there.
    My father was telling me some stories about ghousts, but I’m not sure were they real or only common legends.
    Love and peace



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 20, 2012 @ 22:17:45

      Its always good to think, and to question, legends too, and Myths are all part of stories told.. Maybe they are truths too, which have been distorted along the way such as serpants and dragons etc… All things have come from somewhere.. even though throughout History many things get disorted and moulded into different meanings.. love and Peaceful thoughts back Sabina. xx



  18. The Belmont Rooster
    Aug 09, 2018 @ 09:16:09

    Very good! I think most of us have had a lot of questions about life when we are young. Fifty years ago finding the truth was not as easy as now. Now that I have found more truth I feel like I have been set free. AWESOME POST!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 09, 2018 @ 16:05:17

      Agreed Mr R… A life time of questioning, just ‘Knowing’ there is more to what we have all been educated in. Today we have access to so much more information at our finger tips.. We just have to discern the Truth from the Lies, and when we do, and know it to be Truth, we are indeed set Free!.. Many thanks for your visit and for reading.. 🙂 Take care.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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