Re:Blog Gaia~ Earth Changes

Earth Mother

I have been  re-reading back through some of my automatic writings that I posted in WL Spaces way back in 2008 In Gaia The Earth Changes  And I have been amazed at what was channelled then in my automatic writings and how we can now see how many of the things are now coming together. I have took another look at what was said then and you can read the transcript for yourselves and add your own interpretation to what your thoughts may be.. Please feel free to add your own comments…

As I read this piece once again, this was transcribed on October 28th 2006. It occurred to me that what was said, has since come to pass.. and/or is still in the process!

Below are some of the excerpts from the transcript.. and further below still is the Communication in Full.


"The first wave has begun. A cleansing, a baptism of fire," This I thought back to the fires that swept the USA and other parts of the world..( also the devastating fires in Australia and other parts since then.)

"Followed by storms",How many storms of more powerful magnitude do we now get. The Tornados the Hurricanes and the Cyclones… Burma came into my mind..(  Burma was fresh in my mind when I first blogged this in 2008 since then we have seen much Bigger storms world wide..)  

A stirring deep within the core, and a bleeding of hearts, shall pour forth and shake all to dust. China so fresh in my own bleeding heart I thought of instantly.( China which at the time of 2008 was so close to our thoughts which sustained such devastation due to the Earthquake then there has been Chile and other places around the world and volcanoes re-erupting  And more recently Japan with the Earthquake and Tsunami )  

"Gaia shall then reform and after clearing her throat, shall drink of the waters, drowning her sorrows. But emerging a new virgin land. For the Light to shine forth and blend once again in All things. For ALL for each to be as one". Is this yet to come I ask my self… as the waters rise, the Poles Melt?.. Or could it be a Flood that we could not envisage?( since then many, many places around our Globe have suffered floods of huge proportions) 

I will leave you my friends to Ponder… But this is what I received it is unaltered except for punctuation and paragraphs as the writing came all joined together..

This I received on the date below.


I welcome those from the world of light, as I sit and await your communication from the realm of spirit.

“We welcome you again amid the clutter of your thoughts.

Your desires and wishes are at this time beginning to materialise much quicker, have you not been aware of that?

We ask that your thoughts be monitored for the frequency of the energy waves of thought are magnified 10 fold at this time.

Many times we speak of Earth changes and we say you are aware of them. But in discussion amongst ourselves, you know very little, only that change is upon you, and your planet.

Throughout your Earths History the world as know it has gone through many changes. This is no different within the evolution of the Earth.

However the difference comes because at this point in time the Earth’s evolution, mankind is also at the point in the Earth’s evolution.

Mankind is also at a point of change within his/her evolution. And like all humans—when confronted with change, it creates fear. For fear of the unknown change leads one to be fearful, afraid of the unknown.

As a child within the human form—you are, if you are born within your civilised society, protected and nurtured. Fed and clothed. Sheltered and schooled are you not?

Feeling the umbrella of Love and comfort of family surrounding you at most times.

Only a minority of humans are left to fend and defend themselves in childhood.

It is accepted that as a human—children need that protection and love, to help their development.

And for centuries now as humans, you accept and have become accustomed to your way of life. You have adapted to the modern developments that are labour saving and assist in your living life at a faster pace. This includes your method of travelling, to your communication with each other across the vast distance, and your technological developments.

You have become wrapped up in these processes, moving forward in your technology, but stagnating on the whole, in regards on not developing on the spiritual.

You have as a race—become to regard your possessions as your priorities. Your possessions have taken president over Life.

Your regard for Life as expendable, to gain Property. You take Life, for Control, you abuse Life, for Power. This you do not only to yourselves as a species of the human race, but you destroy the Life of your co-habitants; That of your animals with out whom yourselves or the earth need to exist.

For the earth to be balanced needs the flora and the fauna in order to flourish.

As a species, you were meant to progress. You were allowed free will. But in the process you have forgot the nature of the experiment upon the Earth plane.

You have forgotten who you are, from whence you came, and where you are going.

More are awakening, more are remembering, and saying I Am, I Am All that there is. I Am a Devine being, I Am Eternal. More are recognising who they are, whence they have originated from, and to where they will return.

And that Light permeates All things.

The stages of evolution once again are set. Mankind will be witness to this next stage. For many this stage will be Transition, for others Transformation, for others it will be Travesty.

The earth changes have begun. And for many it will be the end. But for those who are awakened and truly embrace who they are, and say I Am, and know beyond doubt, I Am All. They shall receive the Light of God in ALL things.

Be not fearful of the Earth’s changes, be not the Child. But behold, bear witness, that you little sister will help spread the Light. Do not doubt your part, have we not stated previously. We gather our warriors of Light to do battle with the negative?

The first wave has begun. A cleansing, a baptism of fire, followed by storms, A stirring deep within the core, and a bleeding of hearts, shall pour forth and shake all to dust.

Gaia shall then reform and after clearing her throat, shall drink of the waters, drowning her sorrows. But emerging a new virgin land. For the Light to shine forth and blend once again in All things. For ALL for each to be as one.


And so it is.




© Sue Dreamwalker – 2011 All rights reserved.

14 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. davidtenn
    Oct 11, 2011 @ 16:45:34

    Your prophetic words ring true now, little sister. May I call you Little Sister?
    Many blessings on your Divine Mission. Please continue to shine your light. Love



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2011 @ 20:39:11

      Thank you David for your comments here.. Sometimes I feel my Divine Mission has lost its divine plan.. but I still keep sending out my thoughts into the Universe and listen to what echoes back.. 🙂



  2. unsungpoet
    Oct 11, 2011 @ 20:40:24

    Thank you for sharing this…it spoke to me very loudly and touched my heart.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2011 @ 20:47:59

      Im pleased that it spoke to you Unsungpoet… I re-read and it still speaks even now to me.. 🙂 And when I channelled this Writing it came so fast and flowed over the paper no sentences etc, or punctuation I had to put into sentences when I originally typed it up.. I used to get quite alot of info like this… But recently I hardly sit with pen and paper for channelling.. I maybe should sit again and see what transpires..



  3. Androgoth
    Oct 12, 2011 @ 00:21:55

    I have just read this one Sue but I will call again on the morrow so that I can digest it properly before adding my thoughts, you know I am getting further behind on here…
    I’ll Be Back…

    Have a wonderful
    Wednesday Sue and be good 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



  4. Rosemary Monteith
    Oct 12, 2011 @ 02:11:51

    Yes Sue, I remember this , perhaps you need to start channeling again



  5. Renee
    Oct 12, 2011 @ 02:20:55

    I do believe that at times each of us, if we but choose to, can have a knowing of things that may happen. You seem to be very attuned to the earth and what is happening in its’ turning. Thank you always for sharing and for speaking with the wisdom that is yours. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Enjoy!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 12, 2011 @ 12:15:42

      Many Thanks Renee, and I am flattered that you thought to choose me among your many friends..Thank you! 🙂
      And yes each of us can tune into that knowing Renee, one has only to open up ones awareness to what is happening around them to see that our Earth is evolving and changing and we cannot possibly carry on destroying the way Humans have been doing.You only have to see how in this Last 100 yrs we have cut down Forests poluted the oceans and skies,.. Something has to Change..



  6. Androgoth
    Oct 13, 2011 @ 01:10:14

    If only the whole world spoke with a singular and positive voice my great friend, then we would see the real power of thought. I think that your optimistic voice and thought processes help, as do others that have a similar voice, all reaching out and pushing the envelope of positivity outward, into the universal plains of hope and beyond. One can only live by the positivity of true thought, the power of which unlocks the reality and thus enables a more contented, more stable world for all of us to live inside, not a bubble that can be easily burst but with a true understanding of the worldwide elements that bind us as humankind all together. Let us hope that these dramatic changes happen sooner rather than later…

    Be very well my great friend and do keep that wondrously responsive optimism flowing every day, and one day that crescendo of thought will have the desired effect…

    Have a lovely Thursday Sue and be good 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 14, 2011 @ 18:17:28

      I like that… “Crescendo of thought!…” a little like the ” Ripple Affect”.. we can only just hope Androgoth that as we throw in the pebble of our good intent… it will gain that crescendo and ripple outwards and touch more and more…. Humankind and the changes we all bring about via our thoughts are going to affect us all.. For we each are responsible for our thoughts and actions.. Bring on those changes…and let us pray they bring about a more positive way of being in the future..



  7. aussieian2011
    Oct 14, 2011 @ 13:36:25

    You are from the past Sue and comprehend the present but your soul lies in the future, I will meet you in times to come, your words are from the chronicles of time that you have read in times long ago



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 14, 2011 @ 18:42:39

      Hi Ian.. many would not have a clue… as to what that conversation was about… But you know I understand it fully… I may yet catch myself travelling backwards into the future! and If I do I will be sure to say hi to you as we pass in that time tunnel my friend! 🙂



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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