Lonely Young Man



Lonely Young Man.

This Poem I wrote around 15 yrs ago, When our young Children in Society  were just starting to experiment with solvents  for drugs.. I wrote it after seeing a headline in the paper of how a young lad had died after sniffing lighter fuel. Today they have exchanged solvents for hard core drugs.

Today many of the youth  still seem to have no direction. Street crime is on the increase, and this week another young man has lost his life as knife crime in teenagers is rampant.. It seems to be the in thing to carry knives, be in a gang, or take drugs. Steal cars, and Joyride.

I don’t know what the answers are…. But there must be many children out there who are homeless, confused, abused and lonely, as well as all the hardened young criminals who steel and rob people to supply their addictions a spiral easily led into, yet so hard to escape from …..

We as a society have to take responsibility too.. For we create the conditions that in many ways enhances the actions of violence.. via glamorising violence in films and TV.. fast cars and advertising.

We as parents   are guilty, for we give and give to our children, and they expect more and more. We are guilty too for not paying attention perhaps to our children, whose only need in life is to be loved. 

As a government we are guilty, for the do- gooder’s  sometimes can’t see the wood for the trees. I know from my own upbringing, how if any of us were caught scrumping the village Bobby would catch us telling us off and if anyone was cheeky would get a quick reprimand.. Then taking us back to our parents, who would dish out another quick slap around our ears.

Laws change, and are put into place with the best intentions to protect our children, 

 But all of the laws that are put in place, will still not stop child abuse of one form or another.. It still goes on behind closed doors.. 

Our Children are our tomorrow, what sort of a Future are we witnessing?… And what sort of a Future are we creating for them?




Drizzling, grey, damp and cold

A bench in the park sits a child alone.

Head bent in jeans, sad and dejected

Defiant, hurt, lost and rejected.


Feet with umbrellas hurrying home

No time to notice who sits alone.

Head bent in jeans, with aerosol can

Tearstained, glazed, lonely young man.


Tired and alone, empty and confused

Away from reality, no longer abused.

Head bent in jeans, deep breaths getting high.

Hysterical fighter pilot, now rules the sky.


Drizzle stops, the sun breaks out.

Umbrellas down, a woman’s voice shouts.

Head bent in jeans, crowds gather, sirens blare.

All just too late to show that they care.


We blame T.V. for the crime and violence

Adult’s creation for the viewing adolescence

Head bent in jeans just followed the flow.

With no sense of purpose or direction to go.


Our values in life have all gone astray

We need to guide and protect, our children today.

Head bent in jeans, life’s harshness was dealt.

We need the balance of discipline and love to help.


For who can they turn to, when in need?

Its not money or gifts, but affection they greave.

Head bent in jeans just craved for attention.

He needed our love, our trust, and our protection.


We’ve got to realise, it’s our responsibility

To set the examples to give them dignity.

Head bent in jeans, never had that chance.

So communicate, don’t hide in ignorance.


For the children of today, are the adults of tomorrow.

To love and protect, to keep them from sorrow.

Head bent in jeans was just one of a few,

Pray to God it never happens to you.

Dreamwalker .


18 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. ☆° Lady Jude
    Jul 02, 2008 @ 04:18:50

    A sad reality of todays society, well written



  2. She Wolf
    Jul 02, 2008 @ 04:54:02

    "As a government we are guilty, for the do- gooder’s  sometimes can’t see the wood for the trees. As we take away the rights of reasonable discipline. And the young now see that in some respects it cannot touch them if under age. "
    I really hear you with this sentence Dreamwalker. Even today this poem although written 15 yrs ago is so very apt!!
    Such a sad reality to life, this reminds me of an afternoon when billy and i were in town and there was this VERY young boy sitting in a corner of a shop out of it. Everyone just walked on by, even Billy did until he actually seen whhat i was doing. He was barely 18 and i sat with with him asking if he new where he was if he needed help and to be honest if he wanted he could have came home with us, bless him. I will never forget the look he gave me as i left him only to return with a McDonalds huge burger meal for him. I cried and i have never forgotton him, the smile he gave me when i returned, and still they walked on by. Thank you Dreamwalker for writting this tonight, it reminded me that i am not one of those people who walk on by  :O)
    Your Scottish Friend Lonewolf…xxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Sue
    Jul 02, 2008 @ 09:14:12

    Some people just dont want to know what happening around then any more and that so sad because one day this could be there child, Thank you for writing this and make us all think about it and how life is for some of our young
    Take care



  4. Vicky
    Jul 02, 2008 @ 10:06:07

    Yeah, their is something wrong with our world. Respect and love starts at home, and everyone should take responsibility, their is something broken in these young people, and we won\’t change it with violence around them.



  5. Aussie
    Jul 02, 2008 @ 10:08:30

    Stark reality of the existence of many our young
    and yet its the love and friendship with acceptance
    that is the answer to many young souls



  6. Zeynep
    Jul 02, 2008 @ 14:21:08

    Very impressive entry. Today\’s children with bad experiments
    tomorrow\’s adults who had stolen their lives. Thanks for sharing
    your early words too. Have a good day, cheers, Zeynep xx



  7. H
    Jul 02, 2008 @ 15:29:14

    Hi Dreamwalker … so many don\’t want to involve themselves .. so many are wrapped up in their own business that they never truly see …. you my friend have \’seen\’ and that is so inspiring, open and honest to the core. Take care, love H xo



  8. Hayat
    Jul 02, 2008 @ 15:48:02

    Oh God!!!
    I`m really speechless…
    Is it the fault of parents???Or community???or the two together???
    Lack of morals, lack of faith, lack of beliefs…
     Indeed God help`m and Guide them to the right path>>>



  9. Sheila
    Jul 02, 2008 @ 20:03:18

    Well written Dreamwalker so true who,s to blame though, .My heart is saddened by todays standards , when
    no one cares..



  10. ECE
    Jul 03, 2008 @ 02:23:16

    Hi dear,oh god! I ll say three words think explain:…….SAD———-TRUTH———FUTURE?????????????? Thanks for sharing and attention about this big problem.Appreciated….ece//



  11. Zeynep
    Jul 03, 2008 @ 16:10:55

    Hi Dreamwalker!! Thanks for stopping by and sharing
    your thoughts about my latest post. Have a good day,
    cheers, Zeynep xx



  12. T
    Jul 03, 2008 @ 17:40:55

    You put the right words in this poem! I was working with adolescents last year. Although we were trying with all possibilities, there were not much of success. The cause is that all the problems arise from their families, which are disfunctional. How can a child change and starts with better life if parents stay in their old habits?! This is one thing. And the second is, that we couldn\’t do much because of incomplete laws. There are many holes. You can\’t do nothing unless the person agrees with accepting help or treatment,… no one can be forced to something. And the court gives many second chances, perhaps too many. And kids are falling deeper and deeper, from the marihuana to kokain, from burglary to car accident and to commiting a murder because of their thoughtlessness. It\’s so sad. And the future?!
    Thank you Dreamwalker for this blog. It\’s a reminder and another chance to think about and find a solutions.



  13. Valerie
    Jul 04, 2008 @ 11:27:38

    Hello my friend…I am glad my 3 sons are married…but admit I do fear for my 4 grandchildren…there are many drugs out there today…I just pray that they never try drugs and realize that they do not solve lifes problems. Love Valerie x0x



  14. AB
    Sep 16, 2014 @ 06:18:49

    Thank you Sue, for sharing this heart wrenching and absolute grim reality at our door step. I wish I could say it is parents fault and absolve ourselves from all responsibility, however that is not true. The way societies are being created and values being preached of materialistic possessions and money be all and end all of everything, it will only lead to more poverty, more crime and more injustice. The answer is right in front of us, our laws are quite good, all we now need a social revolution to wake up humanity from this deep slumber and make all of us who have power and willingness to do something for our brethren to activate a social code which ensure no ones sleeps hungry, or remain homeless or exploited to the core by human vultures. Future is in our hands and I hope we don’t lose this precious opportunity.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 16, 2014 @ 10:27:28

      Dear AB,,
      Thank you most kindly for this wonderful Feedback. I am all for a social Revolution to wake others up to how we should ALL of us be responsible. And how in small acts of Kindness we can help others integrate back to feeling like they belong to the community..
      So many young children of today are left to fend for themselves, All around the world.. And they grow up feeling unloved and separated..
      That isolation is growing ever stronger with today’s technology of Ipads and computer games as they sit indoors on their own, Playing Games that are teaching them its ok to Kill.. It is becoming second nature to many..
      I am not saying all our younger generation are the same.. Many are also aware and care for this planet and others on it… But the Media too is portraying a world of violence to them, and they do not escape it.. So many join gangs to feel part of something. they are peer pressured into exploring drugs that get them in a downward spiral. Yes the Future is in our Hands AB, I hope we will grasp it..

      Many thanks for this lovely response my friend…
      Sue x



  15. lynnemichellegreaves
    Dec 13, 2014 @ 12:26:18

    Beautifully written, so powerful in emotion xx the children are the future yet so many have no tomorrow, it is a great sadness I pray society will wake up and heal their future xx thank you xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 13, 2014 @ 13:55:46

      Yes Lynne, We have to remember we are creating our future within every thought we think.. Having a granddaughter whose path is just starting out I pray and send along my thoughts with you ..
      Many thanks for taking the time to backtrack and to read some of my earlier poems.
      Blessings for a wonderful Weekend



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