Crystals and Things

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You will find listed here different properties of various crystals stones and Gems.. They have been listed alphabetically for reference. This page you will find stored for future reference when you come to my pages which will be Headed Under Crystals

Agate (General, All Types)
Agate is good protective energy stone, especially for children, and is very calming and soothing. It also can help strengthen the body’s connection to the earth. It can give courage, energy, strength, and dispels fears, all of which increase self-confidence. It can also lessen feelings of envy by grounding the emotions. Agate is also used in crystal emotional healing for resolving bitterness and resentments. It is also called and believed to be a stone of harmony. These two factors makes it a stone that’s said to help improve and harmonize relationships. Also, by bringing the elements of one’s being into harmony it greatly enhances healing. Agate also enhances creativity and stimulates the intellect. Agate is considered a stone that brings good luck. It works with chakras according to stone colour. Agate is said to help with issues of the teeth and gums.

Amazonite is a mint green to aqua green stone of truth, honour, communication, integrity and trust. It is said to enhance intuition, psychic powers, creativity, intellect, and psychic ability. Amazonite is often associated with the throat chakra, and as such, can be beneficial to communication. It aligns the physical and astral bodies. It can lessen stress and self-defeating behaviors by calming and building self-esteem. Amazonite can assist with peacefully making the transition out of this life. Amazonite is said to heal emotional disturbances and the after effects of emotional trauma. It is reputed to have spiritual energy healing powers of preventive energy that’s good for one’s health in general, decreasing heart problems, benefitting the muscles, helping the nervous system, lessening tooth decay and osteoporosis.

Amethyst has long been called the “sobriety stone.” In ancient Rome, crushed amethyst was added to wine cups to prevent drunkenness. It is said to assist with healing alcoholism, compulsive behaviours, and addictions of all kinds. Amethyst brings energies of stability, peace, calm, balance, courage and inner strength. It has been used to protect against psychic attacks. On the spiritual level, amethyst can help open to communication with angels, telepathy and other psychic abilities. It is an excellent stone for meditation or dream work, past life work, and can help you see your path. It has also been used to help ease the pain of grief, and promote happiness. Amethyst is reputed to be beneficial when dealing with legal problems, and money issues, which can lead to prosperity and abundance. Amethyst is also used as protection for travellers. Physically amethyst is said by spiritual healers and mystical lore to heal the withdrawal symptoms of any sort of addiction, help with headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system issues, endocrine system problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, and general healing.

Apache Tears

The Legend of the Apache Tear is this:

One day a party of Apache Indians was ambushed by an enemy tribe. The Apaches fought bravely but were greatly outnumbered and driven to the top of a high bluff. Their arrows gone and unable to fight and unwilling to be taken captive, they leapt from the cliffs to their death. Their women were understandably grief-stricken and wept over the bodies. Their teardrops froze when they hit the ground to become the lovely stones we know today as Apache Tears. It is said that whomever owns one of these stones will never cry again, for the Apache women shed enough tears already.

Apache Tears are said to especially relieve grief and sadness as well as assisting in giving and accepting forgiveness. They can help release negative emotions, and they also can balance one’s emotional state. They are good luck stones, said to bring good luck to anyone who has one. They are excellent meditation tools, especially for clarifying issues and gaining insight. Apache Tears are a gently grounding stone. In the physical realm, Apache Tears are reputed to alleviate muscle spasms and eliminate toxins from the body.

Apatite is a stone that mystically can stimulate the thoughts and ideas. It is said to increase intellect, imagination, and intuitive awareness. As a meditation or awareness tool It is said to help you maintain focus, learn, concentrate effectively, think clearly, and communicate better. Apatite can be used to enhance the energies of other crystals and stones. Having apatite near you can bring harmony on all levels, and brings inner peace. Apatie is reputed in mystical lore to physically apatite assist with nail problems, allergies, arthritis, bones, muscles, nervous system.

Aquamarine is metaphysically known as a stone of courage and fortitude. It is said to assist with quick intellectual response. It gives peace, and shielding for the aura. Aquamarine is reputed to assist with calming communication issues. Mystical and folk lore states that it is attuned to the sea, and protects travellers on water, and sailors.

Aventurine (Green)
Aventurine is said to benefit one in all areas of creativity, and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. Lore says that it enhances prosperity and brings career success. It is a gentle stone energetically that gives a sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness. It also helps one to see alternatives and potentials in all situations, giving a positive outlook, courage and inner strength. It is also said to bring luck, especially in games of chance. Green aventurine is also a mystical stone of prosperity. Aventurine bring friendship to one’s life. It is also a stone of protection energies. Folklore and metaphysical lore say that physically it is beneficial for blood, circulatory system, headaches, general health, and sleep disorders. Aventurine is associated with the heart chakra.

Aventurine, Peach
Peach aventurine gently increases the energy of the sacral chakra. It helps with decision making and can boost creativity. Physically it is beneficial for the lungs, heart, adrenal glands and urogenital system.

Azurite is called the “stone of heaven.” It aids in developing psychic awareness, psychic skills and abilities, enhances intuition, and is said to guide you to be accurate in depicting psychic experiences. It is also an excellent stone for meditation, allowing you to enter a meditative state easily. It can enhance prophesy and divination. Azurite is said to help control energy flow and bring just the right amount of energy to any situation. Physically, azurite is professed by folklore to be helpful for healing in general, cancer prevention, liver issues arthritis, joint problems, depression, sinuses, skin problems.

Binghamite (Silkstone, American Tiger Eye)
Binghamite was named for W.J. Bingham. It is also called “Silkstone” for the silky look of the colors and strings of “silk” in it, and sometimes called “American Tiger Eye” because it resembles a tiger eye. Binghamite is a stone that is said to bring all manner of good things, particularly good fortune. It is also said to have the energies of fairies and elves, which is a very positive energy. In crystal work, Binghamite is used to communicate with the inner child. It is also used by metaphysicians for clairaudience and communication with other worlds. Physically, in crystal healing lore, Binghamite is used to regenerate energy flow in the body, renew cells, eases disease, Theta brain wave patterns, burns, convulsions, anemia, and ear nose and throat problems. Binghamite is also used in crystal healing to energize and direct other minerals energies.

Bloodstone is a deep green stone with small red specks. The small red specks are where the stone gets its name. They make the deep green stone appear to be spotted with blood. Bloodstone is excellent for centering and grounding. It is said to help with calming, particularly in survival situations. It brings mystical energies of increasing adaptability and organization, and lessening confusion and anxiety. It is said to be a a stone of courage, bringing mental, physical and emotional renewal by releasing blockages. It is said to be particularly good for helping emotional traumas and grief. It also enhances the intellect. Bloodstone is mystically used to bring energy to one in many ways, including bringing abundance and prosperity, as well as smoothing the way with legal issues. It is associated with the base, sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras. Bloodstone is said by intuitive sources to be helpful in treating anaemia and other diseases of the blood, blood pressure, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, kidney, bladder, physical strength issues, physical traumas, and post-surgical issues.

Blue Calcite
Blue calcite is a calming and soothing stone. It amplifies energies, particularly in the areas of communications and thought. In the physical realm, blue calcite is used for the throat, lungs, tonsillitis, thyroid, joints, arthritis, and high blood pressure.

Blue Chalcedony
Blue chalcedony is a stone with a gentle energy that feels kind of dreamy. It fosters balance between mind, body and spirit. It is a stone of calm and peace that reduces or negates hostility, anger, and irritation. Blue chalcedony soothes and fosters mental and emotional stability and can engender emotional honesty. It also encourages and eases communication, particularly what would otherwise be emotionally charged communication. Blue chalcedony is excellent for the psychic work and skills of clairvoyance, intuition, and energy healing. It also helps reduce or eliminate bad dreams by getting rid of the influences that cause them. Blue chalcedony has a very protective property, which is evidenced in both the physical and emotional realms, and it is used often for protection from the evil eye and protection from evil, particularly evil magic. Physically, blue chalcedony has been used for the eyes, open sores rapid healing, Alzheimer’s, lactation, blood, circulation, bones, spleen, and gall bladder.

Blue Lace Agate
Blue lace agate is a gentle, calming stone that engenders tranquillity. It assists in flight, grace, reaching higher Spiritual planes, communicating with angels and activates the throat chakra. It can ease the harsh edge off communication in difficult times, enhance public speaking, and smooth discussions. It is an inspiring stone that can assist in inner attunement, and has been used to perform miracles. As with all agates, it is a protective stone. Physically it has been used to aid with arthritis, headaches, digestive issues, growth, and bones. Blue lace agate is related to the element of Air.

Blue Quartz (aka Dumortierite Quartz)
Blue quartz, sometimes called dumortierite or dumortierite quartz, enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline and orderliness. This enhancement is believed to be due to the effect it can have of balancing the throat chakra and enhancing communication between lower chakras/physical energy and the higher chakras/mental/spiritual energy. It highly reduces difficulties of scattered mind and disorganization. In addition, it encourages one to see and accept reality, and react to it in an intelligent manner in one’s own behalf.

Calcite increases and amplifies energy. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channelling, as well as with increasing intuition. All calcites are helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. Calcite is a protecting, purifying, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. It also increases creativity, imagination, and prosperity. Calcite is also a stone of spirituality, wisdom and reconciliation. Calcite of different colors is great for using to open and balance the various chakras. Physically, calcites can heal back pain, increase physical strength, heal teeth, and are generally good for healing. Green calcites helps overcome addictions, heal joints, bones, kidney, bladder, and the endocrine system, relieve pain. Green calcite also helps with manifestation, abundance, and intuition. Blue calcite is particularly good for channelling and increasing energy. Yellow calcite is also particularly good for Shamanic work, meditation, channelling, intuition, and amplifying energy. Orange calcite reduces chronic fatigue, and increases psychic abilities. Red calcite brings courage and inner strength and energy to handle survival situations, and benefits sensuality/sexuality. Honey calcite is also very good for increasing energy. Optical calcite is beneficial for headaches. Pink calcite (manganocalcite) is a stone of love and amplifies Reiki and other universal life force energies.

Orange calcite is a stone that is particularly helpful mentally. It can relieve emotional fear, mental breakdown, depression, accidents, rape, divorce, suicidal thoughts. It is particularly helpful with phobias. Orange calcite restores mental and emotional equilibrium.

Orange calcium can also give a gentle boost to psychic abilities and intuition.

Physically, orange calcite is helpful for the reproductive system, genitals, intestines, irritable bowel syndrome, kidneys, chronic fatigue, calcium intake and assimilation. It is also helpful for balancing sexual energies.

Carnelian is an agate class of chalcedony that is a stone of creativity, individuality and courage. Like all agates, it has protection energies. It can aid memory, including recall of past lives. It can assist one in finding the right mate. It is also a stone of protection in general and from anger, jealousy and fear. In addition it can help with manifestation of one’s desires, and brings good luck. Carnelian can help ease or remove sorrows. It also helps stabilize energies in the home. It is sometimes called the “actor’s stone”. Carnelian is associated with the root and sacral chakras. Physically, carnelian has been used to heal open sores, rejuvenate tissues and cells, rheumatism, kidney stones and other kidney problems, gall stones, colds, pollen allergies, and neuralgia.

Chrysacolla (Chrysocolla)
Chrysacolla (chrysocolla) is a stone of harmony, both on a universal level and a very specific level. It can be used to purify a place or remove negativity from a person. It is a very gentle stone and its energy works in a gentle, harmonious way. It can help ease fear, anxiety, and guilt. It is also used to communicate with the spiritual forces of the Earth. Physically, it is good for treating asthma, emphysema, TB, pneumonia, muscle cramps, spasms, arthritis, headaches, particularly tension headaches, and is used for protection during pregnancy and childbirth.

Chrysoprase is powerful stone. It brings good fortune and prosperity, as well as business success. It facilitates self-expression and courage and the ability to use them wisely. It can bring happiness, which is partly because it helps its wearer get rid of negative thoughts and irritability. It also enhances and strengthens friendships. Chrysoprase is a stone of balance that equalize yin/yang energies and allows deep meditation. It can mend broken hearts and remove inferiority or superiority complexes. It is a powerful healing stone that aids failing eyesight or other eye problems, immune system response, fertility issues, gout, mental illness, relieves fevers and excess body heat, and can help guard against sexually transmitted diseases. Chrysoprase is related primarily to the heart chakra, which it activates, opens and energizes. It also aligns all the chakras.

Citrine is known as a “success” stone because it is said in folklore to promote success and abundance, especially in business and commerce. Its lore also says that it enhances mental clarity, confidence, happiness and will power. Citrine is purported to bring good fortune, sometimes in very unexpected ways. Citrine is also a good general protection stone according to crystal healing lore. It is said to alleviate depression and self-doubt, and diminish irrational mood swings due to the effect of mental clarity it has. In traditional folklore and crystal healing lore it is said to aid the digestion and eliminate nightmares that disturb one’s sleep.

Copper is considered a mineral of energy and mental agility. In legend, copper is said to be the metal of the God Hermes, who facilitates that mental agility, and quick wit. Copper is an excellent conductor of energy, from electricity to the mystical subtle energies emanating from higher planes, etc. Thus, copper is said to enhance and transmit thoughts, even over long distances. Physically, copper is used in traditional folk remedy and crystal healing lore to bring in additional energies for all types of healing, treatment of arthritis, relieving pain of broken bones, sexual instability, and low energy.

Crazy Lace Agate
Crazy Lace Agate is a balancing and protecting stone. It brings laughter and absorbs emotional pain. Crazy Lace Agate is used to help with decision making by balancing the physical, emotional, and mental so that it is easy to make decisions. It also helps one stay focused. It is generally a protective stone, but is particularly emotionally protective. It is also said to ward off the “evil eye.” Physically, crazy lace agate is excellent for increasing stamina and energy, and is good for skin disorders such as acne, exema, etc., is beneficial for the endocrine system and the heart.

Dalmatian Jasper
Dalmation jasper is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality. Dalmatian Jasper increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. It brings a sense of fun to one’s life. Physically it can help purify the blood. It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking. It is also particularly beneficial for healing people who have trouble relaxing and having fun.

Diamond is a stone that bonds relationships and enhances love. It brings longevity, particularly to relationships, balance, clarity and abundance. It can amplify one’s thoughts, strengths, and weaknesses. It gives one who wears or carries it courage and hope. Historically, crushed diamond has been used as a cure for many ailments.

Emerald is a stone of love and romance. It brings and enhances joy, cleansing, clairvoyance, memory, and faith. It also benefits intuition and communication, and promotes truthfulness.

Fire Agate
Fire agate is a stone of courage, protection, and strength. Mystical lore says that it relieves fears, halts gossip and even reflects any threat of harm back to the source. Fire agate can help with spiritual advancement and progression. It promotes and enhances energy, including meditation, ritual, and spiritual healing energies. It also balances masculine (active) and feminine (receptive) energies. It is also said that it can take the edge off the emotional charge of problems. Fire agate is often used in spells to increase skills in communication in writing and speaking. It can also heighten creative visualization. Metaphysical healing lore professes that fire agate enhances all healing energies, and assists with healing of the circulatory system, lymph system, intestines. Fire agate is associated primarily with the sacral and root chakras.

Fluorite promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection, and brings peace. It protects psychically and in the physical realm. It helps one meditate and learn to go past the “chatter” that our minds tend to generate when first learning to meditate. It can help get rid of mental blocks and similar mental issues. Physically it helps general health throughout the body’s main skeletal and muscular systems. All colours are also good for auric cleansing. Mixed colours bring enhanced protection in the areas enhanced by all combined types. Clear fluorite guards against psychic attack and strengthens consciousness. Blue fluorite has the quality of protecting the emotions and restoring emotional balance. Purple fluorite strengthens mystical insight, psychic awareness, and can open the third eye. Green fluorite is an excellent all purpose healing stone that promotes healing on all levels. It also promotes self-love.

Garnet is a stone of romantic love and passion. It is used in metaphysics to enhance sensuality, sexuality, and intimacy. It is said to bring positive thoughts and boosts energy, and be excellent for manifestation. It can also assist mystically with success in one’s career and building one’s self-confidence. It is also a protective energy stone which is especially effective for protection from evil, and is used for gentle spiritual healing. Lore says that garnet can heal the blood, heart and lungs. Garnet is associated primarily with the root chakra, but also with other chakras depending on its color.

While the 14 Karat gold filled jewellery is not solid gold, the gold in the gold filled wire can still have an energetic impact. Traditional folklore and crystal healing metaphysical lore say the following about gold. Gold can balance energy fields, and is beneficial for opening and balancing the third eye and crown chakras. It can also balance the heart chakra. It can remove negative energy from the chakras and bring in the positive from the stones it is with. It has been used to bring wealth, happiness and good feelings. Gold is a mineral of spirituality, understanding, and attunement to nature. It attracts positive energy and is a great healing mineral.

Goldstone has been called the stone of ambition and drive, and as such is said to help attain one’s goals. Goldstone is also said to help one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It can be used as an energy generator and can deflect unwanted energies, making it used as a protection stone. It is also used for long distance healing and revitalizing one’s energy field. Goldstone also has many of the metaphysical properties of copper, including strengthening the circulatory system, strengthening bones, and easing arthritis pain. Goldstone is actually a manmade glass with flecks of copper suspended in it, which give it the sparkles. Goldstone was originally created by French monks, and in time the secret was lost. It’s been rediscovered or recreated in modern times, though, and goldstone is a popular material because of its beauty as well as its metaphysical properties lore.

Hiddenite is the green variety of spodumene, as kunzite is the pink variety, and it is a stone that is known best for attracting prosperity. It also is a heart chakra stone that provides protection and support for the emotions. Hiddenite helps relieve loss, particularly in the areas of love or money. It is a very calming stone, and helps engender compassion for others. It also brings trust to relationships of all kinds. Psychically, it is said to help connect with other worlds and help transfer knowledge from them and bring insight. It also stimulates the intellect. Physically it is helpful for helping regain youthful-type vigour, skin issues, and circulation, plus any diseases from repressed emotions.

Howlite decreases an overly critical state of mind, selfishness, stress, pain, and rudeness. It increases subtlety and tact. It helps bones, teeth, calcium levels and leg cramps. It also heightens creativity.

Iolite is popularly known as water sapphire, although it is not a type of sapphire at all. It is, however, one of the best stones to use in psychic, healing, and spiritual activities. It can open one to psychic talents and expand them, and is excellent for use on the 3rd eye and crown chakras. It was used in thin sheets by the ancient Vikings as a “lens” to see during their ocean voyages, as the world’s first polarising filter, and is often known as the Viking stone. It is thus said that iolite can bring clear psychic vision. It can also enhance curiosity. It is also an excellent stone for meditation and astral travel. It helps one grow spiritually in a gentle fashion. Iolite is considered a very strong “Shaman” stone, and can stimulate visions. Iolite is very helpful when dealing with addictions, including alcoholism. It is also said to help build relationships of all kinds. It assists in detoxification as well as maintaining sobriety. Iolite is also said to help build relationships. In the physical realm, iolite is used to help heal sore throat, varicose veins, and blisters.

Indicolite (Blue Tourmaline)
Indicolite is blue tourmaline, which is probably the rarest form of tourmaline. Indicolite corresponds to all chakras in terms of clearing, but particularly to the throat and third eye chakras. It is said to aid in the quest for spiritual growth. It increases psychic awareness, and increases healing powers. Indicolite can also bring happiness and laughter to your life. It also promotes inspiration of all kinds, and lessens fear. Indicolite is a protective stone that can dispel curses and protect from all dangers. In the physical realm, indicolite is said to benefit the lungs, larynx, thyroid, heart, internal organs, and parasympathetic nerves.

Jade (General, All types)
Jade is a stone of the heart. As such it is related to the heart chakra and has a beneficial effect on all heart chakra related issues. So, of course, it can attract and enhance love of all kinds. It is also a stone of fidelity and generosity. It is also considered to be good for the physical heart and for emotional balance and stability. Jade is also very helpful as a stone of abundance. Physically, jade is used to heal lung problems, kidney problems, immune system weakness, PTSD, and nervous system overwork.

Jasper (General, All Types)
Jasper is a stone of gentleness and relaxation. It enhances one’s ability to relax and brings tranquility, comforting, wholeness, healing, and gentle endings. It is sometimes called the nurturing stone for its nurturing and protective energies. Psychically, jasper is used to assist with astral travel. In the physical realm, jasper is used for the liver, gallbladder, soothing the stomach, and balancing yin/yang energies. Jasper is a variety of quartz, so it also has the metaphysical and healing lore energies of Quartz.

Jasper, Black (aka Blackstone)
Black Jasper is a stone with a highly protective energy. It also has very healing energy. Black Jasper is said to bring good luck to the bearer in a fight, whether it be a mental, political, legal, or other type of fight. It is also used for protection against lightning. Black jasper is said to have energies of determining value; It was used as a touchstone for determining gold content in allows for thousands of years. In addition it has the other properties of jasper. Physically, black jasper is said to be helpful for relieving pain, stomach ailments, foot problems, and hip dysplasia. Black jasper is related to the root chakra. Black jasper is sometimes called “blackstone”.

Jasper, Exotica (aka Sci Fi Jasper)
Exotica Jasper, also called Sci Fi Jasper or Science Fiction Jasper, feels to me like a cool milkshake on a hot day, it’s so soothing. There’s nothing bland about its energy, though. In addition to the general properties of all jaspers, It has a subtle and deep energy that seem to nurture one on a soul level. This is a stone I would choose to use for protection and nurturing during soul retrievals, healing of traumas or other deep emotional wounds, and the like, both for the healer or those being healed.

Jasper, Kambaba
Kambaba Jasper is an exotic looking jasper from Africa. It is said to mystically soothe the nerves and state of mind. As with other jaspers, traditional lore says that it is good for grounding and protection. It is purported to be beneficial for plant growth and health, particularly in arid environments or where the soil is poor. Crystal healing lore says that Kambaba Jasper helps dietary stabilization, assimilation of vitamins and minerals, and cleansing the body of toxins.

Jasper, Leopard Skin
Leopard skin jasper (also called leopard stone) is a stone of shamanic journeying. It also aids in service to others. It helps discover and connect with one’s animal totems or “power” animals. It makes it easier for one to take responsibility properly. Helps with creative visualization. As with all jaspers, this is a protective stone, and it is particularly protective during shamanic journeying. Physically it helps eliminate toxins and decrease body odour, and is very helpful in self-healing. It has properties of protecting the third chakra, but is associated mainly with the root chakra.

Jasper, Ocean
Ocean Jasper is very soothing and helps to love one’s self as well as others. It is very healing of the emotions and brings peace of mind. It helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience. The circulars patterns on ocean jasper symbolize and help us realize that we are all interconnected and nature is a cyclical pattern. It can also help with circular breathing for healing or meditation. Being a type of jasper, ocean jasper is a very protective stone, and any orbs (“eyes”) enhance this in regard to protection from the “evil eye.” Physically, ocean jasper is beneficial to the digestion, digestive organs, removing toxins, lessen body odour. Ocean Jasper is related to the heart chakra.

Jasper, Picasso
Picasso Marble (or Picasso Stone) is sometimes called Picasso Jasper. It has strong metaphysical qualities of grounding and calming. It also promotes weight loss and assists in the development of creativity, as well as engendering strength and self-discipline.

Jasper, Picture
Picture jasper helps create harmony, proportion, creative visualization, positive things in business pursuits. It brings and shows hidden messages from the past as well as hidden thoughts, fears, and hopes. These qualities make it useful as an emotional/psychological healing stone.

Jasper, Red
Red jasper is called a stone of fairness and justice because mystical lore claims that it decreases unjustness and helps in unfair situations. It is also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in mystical dreamwork, it can enhance dream recall. It is said to assist in protection and rescue from danger. Red jasper is associated with the first and second chakras. Metaphysically, it is purported to have a stabilizing effect, and help one take all one’s energy and use it in a balanced manner. It is also said to be a stone that helps in all areas of survival, and is a very protective stone. Red jasper said in gemstone lore to be a stone of controlled passion and used to help control one’s own passions. Crystal healing lore says that physically it assists in healing by maintaining positive movement with all types of disorders and disease.

Jasper, Yellow
Yellow jasper has characteristics of helping one be strong and balanced in the social arenas and protects one’s social welfare. It is associated with the solar plexus (belly) chakra. Yellow jasper is a protective stone that particularly gives protection during travel, both physical and spiritual. It also shields one from negativity, and can protect from depression.

Kyanite is a stone of channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall, and visualizations. It gives protection during these states. It brings loyalty, honesty and tranquility, and diminishes anger and confusion. Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing. It does align and balance all chakras, often very suddenly. Kyanite can remove energy blockages. Green Kyanite is particularly good for balancing the heart chakra and maintaining heart balance. Blue kyanite is associated with the throat chakra and is a boost to meditation. Black kyanite is also a boost to meditation, and is associated with the root chakra. Black kyanite is also very protective and deflects negativity.

Labradorite (also called Spectrolite sometimes) is a considered by mystics to be a stone of transformation. It is said to clear, balance and protect the aura. It is purported to help provide clarity and insight into your destiny, as well as attract success. It is used in metaphysics for dream recall, and finding ways to use dreams in daily life. Mystically, energies of stress and anxiety are reduced by labradorite. Labradorite is said to increase intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom, help with subconscious issues, and provide mental illumination. Labradorite is associated with the solar plexus and brow chakras.

Lapis (Lapis Lazuli)
Lapis (lapis lazuli) brings truthfulness, openness, inner power, intuition, creativity, virility and manifestation. It strengthens the mind and body as well as increasing awareness and spiritual connection/evolution. It can help organize daily life as well as organizing and quieting a busy or restless mind. Lapis is also used to contact guardian spirits. Lapis also helps build self-confidence, and is a stone traditionally for royalty. Lapis bring spiritual love and is also known for enhancing love and fidelity within marriage. Lapis is also said to help one overcome shyness. It is associated with the throat and brow chakras and can help one say just the right thing, as if by magic. Lapis is also a stone that protects from both physical and psychic attacks. Lapis is also helpful for sinus ailments, headaches, nervous system, speech problems, pituitary gland and pain relief.

Larimar (Blue Pectolite)
Larimar, blue pectolite, found only in the Dominican Republic, is a stone of “answers from the sea of consciousness.” The blue color of the larimar reflects the “sea” of all consciousness, which gives freedom from self-imposed limitations and a sense of peace in finding truth. Larimar has excellent energy for working with sea creatures of all kinds. It is particularly good for communication with dolphins. It has some ability to enhance communication in general, with other animals, as well as people. It can be used for dimensional and cellular work, and stimulates the heart and higher chakras. Being open to answers from the sea of consciousness gives a sense of serenity, love and peace. Larimar is good for calming excess energies and it balances energies. It is also used in crystal healing and folklore for healing maladies of the throat and upper respiratory system, schizophrenia. In addition, it can help one maintain one’s personal energy and independence in a calm, collected fashion. Larimar is associated with the throat chakra and the Water element.

Lavulite (Sugilite)
Sugilite is sometimes known as “the healer’s stone” because of its great ability to enhance healing. It is associated with the third eye and crown chakras. It lessens effects of shock and disappointment. In addition to its well known enhancement of crystal healing ability, it also strengthens spirituality, psychic ability and channelling. Sugilite is a stone that helps perfect spiritual love and open the heart chakra to unconditional love. It can help manifest one’s natural gifts and protect against harsh realities. It lowers hostility, anger, jealousy and prejudice and gives a sense of freedom. Psychically, it is excellent for all kinds of psychic and spiritual protection. It has been used for headaches and to decrease all types of discomfort.

Leopard Skin Jasper
Leopard skin jasper (also called leopard stone) is a stone of shamanic journeying. It also aids in service to others. It helps discover and connect with one’s animal totems or “power” animals. It makes it easier for one to take responsibility properly. Helps with creative visualization. As with all jaspers, this is a protective stone, and it is particularly protective during shamanic journeying. Physically it helps eliminate toxins and decrease body odor, and is very helpful in self-healing.

Malachite is a stone of transformation and helps with change and spiritual evolution. It can clear and activate all chakras, as well as balance them. Malachite is a stone that bridges the energy of the heart and root chakras. It is particularly useful for balancing and clearing the heart chakra. As such, it helps balance pure love, romance, and one’s own well-being. Malachite is a stone of good fortune and prosperity/abundance, too. Malachite is also a very protective stone, being especially helpful for general protection, protection from evil, protection during pregnancy and childbirth, and protection for children. It is also an excellent protection stone during flying and other travel. Using this stone, one can counteract self-destructive romantic tendencies and help encourage true, pure love. Malachite is also good for enhancing emotional stability and balance in general. It can decrease one’s tendency to radiation illness, asthma, arthritis, and tumours.

Mexican Fire Opal
Mexican Fire Opal shares the properties of all opals and also has its own personality and energies. Mexican fire opal brings vitality and a creative energy to endeavours. It also had energies of ability to handle change well and comfortably. Mexican Fire Opal is also a stone of sensuality and sexuality, enhancing those energies. It is often used in clairaudience as well. Mexican Fire Opal is said to help with headache pain.

Moonstone is associated with the heart chakra. It can help calm responses and avoid overreaction; enhances feminine energies, sensitivity, intuition, and psychic abilities. Moonstone is a stone of protection, especially during childbirth, pregnancy, and travel at sea. It is also associated with love of all kinds. Physically it aids the pituitary gland and digestive system, obesity, water retention, hormonal problems, menstrual problems. Moonstone is also used as a stand in for pearl, when pearl is not available.

Moss Agate
Moss agate is sometimes called the “gardener’s stone” due to its properties of helping ensure a full crop. In addition to a full crop, moss agate brings general abundance, success, and prosperity. It can also help one gain peace with extreme or excessive duties in life and brings self-confidence and higher self-esteem. Moss agate is also a protective stone, as are all agates. It can reduce the difficulties associated with overcoming addictive behaviors. Moss agate is associated with the heart chakra, and is a stone of compatiblity and friendship. It is also believed to help improve circulation, enhance healing of all types, overcome digestive or intestinal disorders. Green moss agate is said to assist in finding hidden treasure, and is a stone of prosperity.

Obsidian, Black
Obsidian is a very protective stone, and is excellent for removing negativity. It is also excellent protection against psychic attacks. In particular obsidian protects the gentle from abuse. It is a very grounding stone, and very healing. Physically it benefits the stomach, intestines, muscle tissue, and can rid one of bacterial or viral infections. It sharpens and focuses internal and external vision, and helps get in touch with buried issues before they explode. Obsidian is related to the root chakra.

Obsidian, Snowflake
Snowflake obsidian has the property of bringing things to the surface. The things brought to the surface could be positive or negative, love, anger, secrets; but with snowflake obsidian, these things are brought to the surface more gently that they might be otherwise. Snowflake obsidian can provide balance during times of change. It aids in seeing patterns in life and recreating them in a more beneficial way. It is a stone of serenity and purity, and can shield against negativity. It is associated with the root chakra and is beneficial for the veins, skeleton, and smooth skin. Snowflake obsidian gives protection from physical and emotional harm.

Ocean Jasper
Ocean Jasper is very soothing and helps to love one’s self as well as others. It is very healing of the emotions and brings peace of mind. It helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience. The circulars patterns on ocean jasper symbolize and help us realize that we are all interconnected and nature is a cyclical pattern. It can also help with circular breathing for healing or meditation. Being a type of jasper, ocean jasper is a very protective stone, and any orbs (“eyes”) enhance this in regard to protection from the “evil eye.” Physically, ocean jasper is beneficial to the digestion, digestive organs, removing toxins, lessen body odour.

Onyx is associated primarily with the root chakra. It assists with challenges in life, especially those caused by a drain of energy. It prevents the draining away of personal energy and can be used for protection from such. It also helps with grounding and controlling or eliminating excess or unwanted energies. It has been used for wound healing, childbirth and to increase stamina and self-control.

Orange Calcite
Orange calcite is a stone that is particularly helpful mentally. It can relieve emotional fear, mental breakdown, depression, accidents, rape, divorce, suicidal thoughts. It is particularly helpful with phobias. Orange calcite restores mental and emotional equilibrium.

Peach Aventurine
Peach aventurine gently increases the energy of the sacral chakra. It helps with decision making and can boost creativity. Physically it is beneficial for the lungs, heart, adrenal glands and urogenital system.

Quartz Crystal (Colorless, aka Clear Quartz)
Quartz is a power stone that harmonizes and balances. It enhances energy and thoughts, and purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical. It is also a powerfully protective stone, bringing the purified energy in. Historically this crystal has been used to counter black magic, to perform diagnostic healing, and to communicate with spirits and other worlds.

Quartz, Red Orange River
Red Orange River Quartz is found in South Africa, at, you guessed it, the Orange River. Red hematite gives this quartz its deep orangey-red. The combination of the quartz and the hematite energize and at the same time ground you. Red Orange River Quartz is good for helping accept one’s life path, and is excellent for self-realization and acceptance. It is helpful for clear thinking and decision making. It aligns the lower chakras.

Quartz, Rose
Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Rose quartz has excellent protection energies during pregnancy and childbirth. The elevated energy of quartz gives rose quartz a property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. It also brings gentleness, forgiveness, and tolerance. Rose quartz is also said to be helpful with weight loss. Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra.

Quartz, Rutilated
Rutilated quartz is said to assist with tissue regeneration, assimilation of nutrition, and slow the advancement of aging. It is also said to boost the immune system and treat respiratory illness. Rutiliated quartz is also a mystical crystal “diagnostic tool” which can help discover the true cause of an ailment. Rutilated quartz is also purported to enhance mental and physical stability, self-reliance, and meditation on feminine ideas. It is reputed by intuitives and folklore to diminish fears, depression and issues with decision-making. Rutilated quartz is associated with the solar plexus chakra.

Quartz, Smoky
Smoky quartz is a grounding and stabilizing stone. It brings calm and centering, lifts depression, enhances practicality, and generally removes negative energies, bringing happiness. Smoky quartz is also a good luck stone. It can also assist in tapping subconscious wisdom. Smoky quartz is a protective stone, particularly for physical protection, protection from negativity, and psychic protection. Physically, smoky quartz is helpful for kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, fertility issues, water retention. Smoky quartz is associated with the root chakra.

Snow Quartz
Snow quartz is a stone that brings good fortune. It is also a calming and soothing stone. Snow quartz is helpful for meditation, and looking within. It also has all the properties of clear quartz to a lesser degree. Snow quartz is often used for purification. Physically, it is beneficial for the immune system.

Quartz, Tourmalated
Tourmalated quartz, also known as tourmaline in quartz, is an excellent protective stone, and brings balance and inner strength. It deflects and grounds negativity, and reduces anxiety and depression.

Rainbow Moonstone
Rainbow moonstone has a gentle, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception, and enhances creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. It is a stone that brings balance and harmony. The Rainbow effect brings in a spectrum of light, and can help with clearing and bringing in uplifting energies. It has been said to have the power to grant wishes.

Rainbow Obsidian
Rainbow Obsidian (Sheen Obsidian) is called a “stone of pleasure” because one of its most notable attributes metaphysically is bringing pleasure, enjoyment and joy to one’s life. It also brings love and light to one and can bring out the Spiritual. Rainbow Obsidian is used psychically to enhance clairvoyance and is an excellent scrying stone, especially in the areas of love, relationships and self-development. It is also a very protective stone, and is especially effective in protection rituals and amulets, where it works by grounding out negativity to let light in. Thus, it is also a very grounding and centering stone. Rainbow Obsidian is primarily associated with the root chakra.

Rainforest Jasper (aka Australian Rain Forest Jasper, Rhyolite, Ryolite)
Rainforest Jasper or Australian Rainforest Jasper, is more specifically known geologically as rhyolite or ryolite. It is known as a stone of resolution and perseverence. It is said to help communication of all kinds, and helps one listen easily and without distorting the message one is hearing. It is also a wonderful stone for meditation. Rainforest Jasper balances the Yin/Yang (masculine and feminine) energies. It can help one allow other people into their lives, even if one has been reclusive or solitary. It is also a stone of protection. Physically, Rainforest Jasper is used for cleansing the liver, regeneration, and general healing. It is related to and helpful with the solar plexus chakra primarily, and also the throat chakra.

Red Aventurine
Red aventurine has the properties of aventurine, plus more because of its color and composition.Red aventurine enhances creativity and ability to see possibilities. It can heal the reproductive system, and sometimes reverse diseases. It also can bring prosperity and lessen negativity. Red aventurine is associated with the sacral and root chakras.

Red Calcite
Red calcite brings stability to one’s will, and increases inner strength. It assists with problem solving. It can also attract love. Physically red calcite is beneficial for genitals, reproductive organs, gonads, ovaries, hips, lets, feet, stiff muscles and joints.

Red Jasper
Red jasper is called a stone of fairness and justice because mystical lore claims that it decreases unjustness and helps in unfair situations. It is also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in mystical dreamwork, it can enhance dream recall. It is said to assist in protection and rescue from danger. Red jasper is associated with the first and second chakras. Metaphysically, it is purported to have a stabilizing effect, and help one take all one’s energy and use it in a balanced manner. It is also said to be a stone that helps in all areas of survival, and is a very protective stone. Red jasper said in gemstone lore to be a stone of controlled passion and used to help control one’s own passions. Crystal healing lore says that physically it assists in healing by maintaining positive movement with all types of disorders and disease.

Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Rose quartz has excellent protection energies during pregnancy and childbirth. The elevated energy of quartz gives rose quartz a property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. It also brings gentleness, forgiveness, and tolerance. Rose quartz is also said to be helpful with weight loss. Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra.

Rubellite is pink to red tourmaline. It is a stone of balance and calm. Emotionally, rubellite helps bring emotional balance and helps open up, relax, and detach from personal pain. It can be used with lepidolite as a super-powerful energy for calming people in distress. As prosperity is a natural effect of a life in balance, rubellite also brings abundance. Rubellite is also a stone of passion, bringing passionate energy and love. Physically, rubellite balances the body’s electrochemical system, strengthens immune system, heals backaches, and reproductive system disorders, detoxifies the blood, assists with recovery, and eases the effects of radiation poisoning. Rubellite is associated with the sacral and root chakras, as well as the heart chakra.

Ruby brings integrity, devotion and happiness. It also enhances generosity and brings prosperity. Ruby brings and increases romantic love. Ruby is a stone that has been known to be very protective of home, worldly possession, children, and psychic protection. It is a stone of high energy and power that promotes healing on all levels. Ruby is associated with the root chakra.

Ruby in Zoisite
Ruby in Zoisite is an energy amplification stone that can energize the entire field of one’s body. It is used for psychic ability and empowerment, as well as altered states of consciousness. Ruby in Zoisite stimulates the crown chakra. Physically, it is beneficial for heart disorders, and physical vitality.

Rutilated Quartz
Rutilated quartz is said to assist with tissue regeneration, assimilation of nutrition, and slow the advancement of aging. It is also said to boost the immune system and treat respiratory illness. Rutiliated quartz is also a mystical crystal “diagnostic tool” which can help discover the true cause of an ailment. Rutilated quartz is also purported to enhance mental and physical stability, self-reliance, and meditation on feminine ideas. It is reputed by intuitives and folklore to diminish fears, depression and issues with decision-making.

Sapphire is a stone of creative expression, intuition, and meditation, and enhances all those things. Sapphire is corundum, and comes in virtually any color of the rainbow including blue, pink, purple, orange (Padparadsha), green, colorless, and red (known as
ruby). Sapphire is beneficial for mental clarity and depression. Physically it is good for lowering fevers and inflammation, hearing problems, cancer, and burns. Sapphire is associated with the brow chakra. Various colors of sapphire have properties in addition to the general sapphire properties.

Schorl (Black Tourmaline)
Black tourmaline, also known as schorl, is associated with the root or base chakra, and is excellent for grounding excess energy. It is a well known as a purifying stone that deflects and transforms negative energy, and thus is very protective. It can transform and remove negativity from an individual or an environment. It is often used as an aura cleanser, and can help one attain higher levels of awareness. Black tourmaline is also used for repelling and protecting one from black magic, and is often said to return the negative spell to the sender. Some claim that black tourmaline deflects all kinds of energy, but my personal experience is that it’s not so. It is possible that the black tourmaline’s effect of grounding excess energy gives this impression. Black tourmaline has also been used to deflect radiation energy from TV’s and computer monitors. Emotionally, black tourmaline is excellent for dispelling fears, obsessions, and neuroses, bringing emotional stability. Physically, black tourmaline can strengthen the immune system, help with heart disease, arthritis, and gout.

Silver is a mineral that is said to mirror the soul, strengthen the connection between astral and physical bodies, and enhance intuitive and psychic energies. Silver is mystically considered to improve speech, bring eloquence. It is also purported to attract, enhance and store the energies of gemstones, as well as draw out negative energies. Silver is related to the moon, and moon energies. Physically, crystal healing lore indicates that silver is has been traditionally used to aid hepatitis treatments, eliminate toxins, expel toxins through the pores, headache, rheumatic pain, nausea and gastritis, obesity, diabetes, and increase assimilation of vitamins A and E.

Silver Topaz
Silver topaz is a stone of success and manifestation when directed toward the highest good of all. It promotes creativity and individuality. It replaces negativity with love and joy. It enhances healing and visualization, and aids in the healing of depression, wounds, and skin problems. It helps communication with animals and plants. Silver topaz is associated with the crown chakra, but will work with all chakras. Topaz is associated with the astrological signs Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Smoky Quartz
Smoky (or smokey) quartz is a grounding and stabilizing stone. It brings calm and centering, lifts depression, enhances practicality, and generally removes negative energies, bringing happiness. Smoky quartz is also a good luck stone. It can also assist in tapping subconscious wisdom. Smoky quartz is a protective stone, particularly for physical protection, protection from negativity, and psychic protection. Physically, smoky quartz is helpful for kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, fertility issues, water retention. Smoky quartz is associated with the root chakra.

Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake obsidian has the property of bringing things to the surface. The things brought to the surface could be positive or negative, love, anger, secrets; but with snowflake obsidian, these things are brought to the surface more gently that they might be otherwise. Snowflake obsidian can provide balance during times of change. It aids in seeing patterns in life and recreating them in a more beneficial way. It is a stone of serenity and purity, and can shield against negativity. It is associated with the root chakra and is beneficial for the veins, skeleton, and smooth skin. Snowflake obsidian gives protection from physical and emotional harm.

Sodalite is a stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. It is helpful for work in groups and stimulates thought. Sodalite is a stone that is good for healing breaches in communication. It is a stone of truth, and brings this to all communications. It can help end arguments or other disagreements. It is particularly useful for honesty of emotions. It increases intelligence, knowledge and learning, and can unite the logical with the spiritual. Physically it is beneficial for the glands, digestive system, relieving insomnia, and decreasing calcium deficiency. It can also be useful for quicker healing of head colds. Sodalite is associated with the throat and brow chakras.

Spinel is a stone that comes in so many colors it’s often confused for other stones. It’s a valid mineral in its own right, though, and has many positive energetic properties. In metaphysical and crystal healing lore, spinel of virtually any colour is known for the following energetic attributes. It is a stone that can bring high energy to all efforts and all realms. In the outer world, spinel is used to attract money, wealth and prosperity. It is also said to be a stone of immortality. Spinel is used in the mental realm for intellectual power and alleviating forgetfulness. Psychically, it is used for aura cleansing, astral travel, channelling, and clairaudience. Emotionally, spinel is used for alleviating stress and depression, bringing calm to those within its energy field. In the physical realm, it is used in folklore and crystal health to benefit teeth, spine, gums, whole body healing, cancer healing, slimming to a healthy weight, and increasing physical energy and stamina. It is related to particular chakras and colour healing work according to its colour, and is said in all colors to assist with raising kundalini energy.

Smoky Quartz
Smoky quartz is a grounding and stabilizing stone. It brings calm and centering, lifts depression, enhances practicality, and generally removes negative energies, bringing happiness. Smoky quartz is also a good luck stone. It can also assist in tapping subconscious wisdom. Smoky quartz is a protective stone, particularly for physical protection, protection from negativity, and psychic protection. Physically, smoky quartz is helpful for kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, fertility issues, water retention. Smoky quartz is associated with the root chakra.

Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake obsidian has the property of bringing things to the surface. The things brought to the surface could be positive or negative, love, anger, secrets; but with snowflake obsidian, these things are brought to the surface more gently that they might be otherwise. Snowflake obsidian can provide balance during times of change. It aids in seeing patterns in life and recreating them in a more beneficial way. It is a stone of serenity and purity, and can shield against negativity. It is associated with the root chakra and is beneficial for the veins, skeleton, and smooth skin. Snowflake obsidian gives protection from physical and emotional harm.

Sodalite is a stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. It is helpful for work in groups and stimulates thought. Sodalite is a stone that is good for healing breaches in communication. It is a stone of truth, and brings this to all communications. It can help end arguments or other disagreements. It is particularly useful for honesty of emotions. It increases intelligence, knowledge and learning, and can unite the logical with the spiritual. Physically it is beneficial for the glands, digestive system, relieving insomnia, and decreasing calcium deficiency. It can also be useful for quicker healing of head colds. Sodalite is associated with the throat and brow chakras.

Spinel is a stone that comes in so many colors it’s often confused for other stones. It’s a valid mineral in its own right, though, and has many positive energetic properties. In metaphysical and crystal healing lore, spinel of virtually any colour is known for the following energetic attributes. It is a stone that can bring high energy to all efforts and all realms. In the outer world, spinel is used to attract money, wealth and prosperity. It is also said to be a stone of immortality. Spinel is used in the mental realm for intellectual power and alleviating forgetfulness. Psychically, it is used for aura cleansing, astral travel, channelling, and clairaudience. Emotionally, spinel is used for alleviating stress and depression, bringing calm to those within its energy field. In the physical realm, it is used in folklore and crystal health to benefit teeth, spine, gums, whole body healing, cancer healing, slimming to a healthy weight, and increasing physical energy and stamina. It is related to particular chakras and colour healing work according to its colour, and is said in all colors to assist with raising kundalini energy.

Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye (Tiger Eye) is a stone of protection that is also very grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. Tiger’s eye is also a very protective stone which is especially protective during travel. It can also help one see clearly without illusion.

Topaz is a powerful stone in the way that quartz is. It is a balancing and calming stone that balances emotions, releases tension, balances emotions, and can bring joy. Topaz is also believed to bring success and good fortune, and synchronicity. It is also used for protection, particularly protection from the evil eye and greed. It also is said to bring creativity, individuality, true love, and hope. Spiritually it brings in spiritual love and peace. Physically, topaz aids with gout, blood disorders, haemorrhages, poor appetite, tissue regeneration, tuberculosis, aging (reverses), endocrine system.

Topaz, Blue
Blue topaz brings leadership ability to anyone who wears or carries it. It also enhances and improves psychic knowledge, spiritual growth, and psychic insight. It also lends and air of tranquillity in those endeavours.

Tourmaline increases flexibility, happiness, objectivity, compassion and serenity. It also enhances tolerance and understanding. It is a stone that is very helpful for channelling. Tourmaline is also a very protecting stone. Tourmaline is often associated with the heart chakra, particularly watermelon tourmaline, where it opens one to accept love. Other colors of tourmaline are associated with the chakra of the same colour.

Tourmaline, Black (Schorl)
Black tourmaline, also known as schorl, is associated with the root or base chakra, and is excellent for grounding excess energy. It is a well known as a purifying stone that deflects and transforms negative energy, and thus is very protective. It can transform and remove negativity from an individual or an environment. It is often used as an aura cleanser, and can help one attain higher levels of awareness. Black tourmaline is also used for repelling and protecting one from black magic, and is often said to return the negative spell to the sender. Some claim that black tourmaline deflects all kinds of energy, but my personal experience is that it’s not so. It is possible that the black tourmaline’s effect of grounding excess energy gives this impression. Black tourmaline has also been used to deflect radiation energy from TV’s and computer monitors. Emotionally, black tourmaline is excellent for dispelling fears, obsessions, and neuroses, bringing emotional stability. Physically, black tourmaline can strengthen the immune system, help with heart disease, arthritis, and gout.

Tourmalated Quartz
Tourmalated quartz, also known as tourmaline in quartz, is an excellent protective stone, and brings balance and inner strength. It deflects and grounds negativity, and reduces anxiety and depression.

Tree Agate (Dendritic Agate)
Tree (Dendritic) Agate is said to assist with introspection and self-discovery. It can give a wider viewpoint of the world. Tree agate relives tension, fever, and skin eruptions. It also brings plentiful crops.

Turquoise is sacred to both Native American and oriental traditions. It is associated with the sky, and bringing sky energy to earth. It can help promote honest and clear communication from the heart. It is also said to protect against pollution in the environment, and to bring abundance. Turquoise can also help speed the healing process, and is known as a master healer stone. It is very powerful for grounding and protection also.

Unakite (aka Unikite)
Unakite (sometimes spelled Unikite) is a stone with gentle but powerful energy. It can assist one in finding one’s animal guide. It is also a stone that is helpful for gardening. Unakite is also a good protection stone. Unakite brings unconditional love of humanity, connection and reunion. Unakite is considered to be very helpful for pregnancy and childbirth. It can help with healing of abandonment and separation issues. Unakite is said to benefit the heart, circulatory system, female reproductive system, male reproductive system (to a lesser extent), and ease pregnancy.

Wulfenite is a crystal seen in reds to oranges to orange-yellow most often. As such, it is associated with the lower chakras, particularly the solar plexus chakra. It is said to harmonize emotions and help get in touch with them. It is also a nice grounding stone. Wulfenite is used mystically to clear emotional blockages and get blocked energy of all kinds moving again. Wulfenite is also used in white magic rituals of all kinds, and is said to bring moving energy to this type of magic and is used for astral journeying and communication with higher beings. In crystal healing lore it is used for healing the reproductive system, energizing and revitalizing the body systems encouraging healing of all types.

Yellow Calcite
Yellow calcite stimulates the intellect. It can help one organize intellectual thoughts and information. It is also good for psychic abilities. In the physical realm, yellow calcite benefits the stomach, upper intestines, upper back and upper spine.

Yellow Jasper
Yellow jasper has characteristics of helping one be strong and balanced in the social arenas and protects one’s social welfare. It is associated with the solar plexus (stomach area) chakra. Yellow jasper is a protective stone that particularly gives protection during travel, both physical and spiritual. It also shields one from negativity, and can protect from depression.

Zoisite (Green)
Zoisite (green) is considered in mystical lore to be a stone that brings and enhances trust in the universe and trust in the ultimate goodness of life. This brings trust in general as well as releases fears, which can bring a depth of happiness to one’s life. Zoisite is also said to bring energy and dispel laziness. Crystal healing lore purports that zoisite is good for vitality, adrenal glands, reproductive organs, and strengthening the heart.


Birthstone Gemstone Chart
Traditional Modern Biblical/Old Testament
January Garnet Garnet Jasper
February Amethyst Amethyst Sapphire
March Aquamarine or Bloodstone Aquamarine Chalcedony
April Diamond Diamond Emerald
May Emerald Emerald Sardonyx
June Pearl or Moonstone Alexandrite Sardonyx
July Ruby Ruby Chrysolite
August Peridot or Sardonyx Peridot Beryl
September Blue Sapphire Blue Sapphire Topaz
October Opal or Tourmaline Rose Zircon Chrysoprase
November Topaz Golden Topaz Bloodstone
December Turquoise or Lapis Lazuli Blue Zircon Amethyst

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

87 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. fivereflections
    Jan 21, 2012 @ 18:44:33

    very very very nice



  2. Red
    Jan 28, 2012 @ 21:59:47

    What a fabulous resource! Thank you, Sue 🙂



  3. Oceanwaves
    Feb 18, 2012 @ 22:32:56

    I actually collect these kind of stones..all different ones..that have different healings. But I usally buy them because I like the colour.
    I do love the green ones although I do have a tigereye necklace.

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Unsungpoet
    May 02, 2012 @ 00:09:23

    I am very impressed by your knowledge and understanding of the gemstone/crystal properties…Excellent references source…thanks for this.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 02, 2012 @ 16:07:03

      The knowledge is out there too.. but I put together also some of my own findings as I used to heal a lot with Crystals as well as Hands on Spiritual Healing… thank you for commenting here Unsung 🙂 xx



  5. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Jun 17, 2012 @ 20:49:58

    a great post…very resourceful
    I have crystals and stones with me in my everyday life…
    I like this very much
    Thanks for sharing



  6. Waverider1
    Jul 09, 2012 @ 01:30:14

    Thanks for posting this info. I just acquired two crystals that were recommended to me by a fellow blogger on WP (Yamya), and it was nice to find another fellow blogger with all this great reference info on one page. Excellent!



  7. Androgoth
    Jul 11, 2012 @ 15:29:05

    Wow this is a very large list but one that
    has such a vast amount of information 🙂

    I hope that you are enjoying a nice week
    Sue, and hopefully you have managed to
    hang up the umbrella and hide your wellies
    out of sight 🙂 It has certainly rained a lot 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 11, 2012 @ 18:40:24

      Yes it is a long list Andro, I put together lots of info from my own knowledge and that of a friend who has excellent Crystal knowledge.. It took a long while to compile but I had that information for yrs sitting in my PC so thought I would share.. Its better to let others share than sit in an unopened window in my PC.. 🙂 ..



      • Androgoth
        Jul 11, 2012 @ 21:34:29

        I agree and a worthy subject matter too,
        indeed there is somewthing for everyone
        in this posting 🙂 Thank you for adding it 🙂

        Hey and have a lovely evening too 🙂
        I added a link from my Space to yours
        in my side bar the other evening, I hope
        that the graphic I chose is acceptable 🙂

        Androgoth XXx



  8. Androgoth
    Sep 17, 2012 @ 14:21:36

    I have just been looking
    at all of your treasures 🙂
    I know that I have said it
    before but this posting is
    really brilliant 🙂

    Have a great Monday Sue 🙂

    Andro XXx



  9. Cat Forsley
    Oct 02, 2012 @ 23:40:41

    I never looked at this page on your site before !
    ROSE QUARTZ AND BLUE TOURMALINE have always been my faves 🙂
    i love your collection 🙂
    truly magnificent !
    huge love xo and hugs xo



  10. purpleskyz
    Oct 08, 2012 @ 21:17:05

    I love this page. have many crystals that have been given to me through the years. Now I know where to go to find out what they mean. 🙂
    P.S…… I LOVE your art also. Very nice.



  11. Bumba
    Oct 22, 2012 @ 00:46:27

    Lots of information here. Thanks.



  12. brusselsislove
    Nov 09, 2012 @ 15:59:16

    Super! Thank you for this one! 🙂



  13. brusselsislove
    Nov 09, 2012 @ 20:22:52

    I wonder if other people do this too: I have a clear crystal under my pillow. Sometimes when I m a bit stressed or worried, I hold it in my hand and it helps me find peaceful sleep. Better than a pill! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 09, 2012 @ 20:27:42

      Ditto… I wear various stones to help my mood and health… Pills only poison the system even though they are meant to cure.. you then need a second pill to counteract the side effects of the first, Such is how the pharmaceutical industries make their profits from keeping us dependant upon Pills…
      Nature holds all remedies as does the Mind… Mind over Matter..
      I should add more photos of my crystals here Ive been meaning to.. 🙂



  14. iamforchange
    Dec 09, 2012 @ 17:14:31

    I love your pages and your form of self expression, it is a pleasure to have you share your gifts through your pages Thank you. I have nominated you for blog of the Year please visit my page Blog of the year awards and nominations Thank you!
    Posted on December 9, 2012



  15. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Mar 03, 2013 @ 01:01:48

    I wonder what your home is like. I’ve never thought of that before. Now I imagine crystals, beauty, art, peace. This is precious info, Sue. I wish I had a room full of crystals to sleep in!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 03, 2013 @ 18:44:48

      If you do I recommend Rose Quartz a healing one which connects to the heart… You can look upon my list to find which one might suit you.. 😉
      I have that along with a dish full of various crystals which my Granddaughter who is only 2 already knows the names of and just loves touching them.. An Earth Baby! I think 🙂



  16. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    May 31, 2013 @ 03:46:33

    what a great reference source…
    Wonderful DreamWalker….



  17. shreejacob
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 14:52:13

    This is an awesome page Sue! I have quite a few of the stones that you have listed. I’m just going to bookmark this page and come to it for reference 🙂 Thanks so much for pointing it out to me 😀



  18. lindalitebeing
    Sep 19, 2013 @ 20:20:08

    I decided to search for Sugilite on a whim, and was surprised to see this post come up! I love semiprecious stones, especially turquoise. I have been drawn to wearing sugulite again and want to reaquaint myself with it’s properties!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 19, 2013 @ 20:28:40

      I wear lots of turquoise and I am pleased you found what you needed in your search 🙂 I am always delighted when people find this page and connect with crystals, something I have done for many years,

      I have given many crystals back to our Earth Mother, placing or throwing them in rivers, the oceans etc.. As I charge them with Peace and Healing thoughts….:-)



  19. Richard Newman
    Nov 12, 2013 @ 09:44:53

    Hi Sue – Beautiful site – I have a question- My daughter was struck with intractable epilepsy at 14, 4 years ago – she uses black tourmaline to protect against electromagnetic forces which can affect her, however if she touches any black tourmaline it just crumbles into powder at her touch ! Is this a common phenomenon?- I am aware that tourmaline is brittle and can suffer after tectonic or blasting stress – but this seems to occur with all examples we have come across.
    Thanks Richard



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 13, 2013 @ 16:54:35

      Hello Richard, thank you for taking the time to comment.. I am sorry to hear about your daughter’s epilepsy, I have not heard of this happening to Tourmaline, as you can shape and polish it to shapes.. I can only imagine that your daughters own energies are such that they alter the frequencies properties of the Tourmaline.. Crystal are living rocks, vibrating at their own frequencies.. Have you tried any other protective stones?
      Regards and Blessings Sue



  20. lindalitebeing
    Dec 11, 2013 @ 02:56:36

    excellent post Sue! I was in the cyber neighborhood and wanted to learn more about some new crystals that have come my way.

    xx Linda



  21. jacksjottings
    Apr 19, 2014 @ 05:50:58

    I am an old ‘Rock Hound’ I have a garden tittered with gem stones and chrystals.
    You may have noticed them in some of Pauline’s posts.
    Interesting reading Sue all the things attributed to them.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 21, 2014 @ 12:48:33

      Jack I am not surprised you are an old “Rock Hound” .. I remember well I did a profound healing with Crystals once upon a time.. The person who received their healing was amazed at their powerful energy.. My collection of them and understanding their ‘Magic’ has been with me since I was young and saw the quartz shimmering among the stone walls where I lived in Derbyshire.. What fascinates me more are the huge crystal caves beneath the Earth ..

      Many thanks for browsing my pages Jack.. 🙂



      • jacksjottings
        Apr 21, 2014 @ 16:22:26

        I get a lot of pleasure finding beautiful gem stone specimens. and have crystals hanging where they catch the sun and I sometimes spin them to fill the room with rainbow couloured light. 🙂



  22. irenedesign2011
    Apr 13, 2015 @ 14:43:35

    You have a lot of treasures here Sue, they are wonderful and show a lot of power even I sit behind my PC 😀
    I do have several kind of wands too, also Selenite, but not as large as yours. I have never seen them so large before.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 13, 2015 @ 14:49:28

      Thank you… I too used to give Crystal Healing.. 🙂 and one day I may share an experience with you.. But I am now signing off as I have some work to to away from Blog land.. Many thanks for your perusal of my blog it means a lot that you have taken so much interest here.. I hope you discover a gem you do not already have among the descriptions.. Love and Blessings for a wonderful day Irene.. Hugs Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  23. dogkisses
    Apr 26, 2015 @ 05:38:43

    Sue, I used to have many stones. After reading this (some of the page), I want some Orange Calcite. I have a stone I really love. It looks green, but has all the colors in it. Not sure the name as I forget so much lately. (I need one for memory too, but the Orange Calcite is surely one I need). I have a lovely and big Rose Quartz. I recently moved it from the kitchen to my desk area. I sure need some healing.

    I’m tired and woke up at midnight not feeling great. So, I come here.

    Thank you for all you offer and give on this blog. After all these years, I am always amazed and feel blessed to have been here.

    Sue, my friend, sweet Ruthie Mae, passed away. She went to Rainbow Bridge the first day of Spring. I guess, that is a good time to go there and play with her mate, Tiny. I miss her so much. She didn’t suffer much, I don’t think. The doctor said she was utterly fatigued when I took her to the hospital. I sure know how that feels and I loved her so, that the decisions were very clear that night.

    This is a new era in my life. In a way, I feel that Ruthie knew that and so, I am working to honor her in doing all that I am able to do so that I may return to a better state of health.

    Peace and Blessings, Love, your friend, Michelle.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 26, 2015 @ 14:35:26

      Awww… Michelle, my dear, you have my heart felt blessings, I know how close you and Ruthie were, I feel your sadness. I am happy to learn she did not suffer Michelle… I know you know better than anyone when its time to start a new era.. Only you dear Michelle can muster new strength to bring about a new regime or way of being into a new phase of wellness.. I am doing better since altering my diet.. And feel so more energised. Sending my sympathies your way Michelle, and I know you can achieve all you put your intention into.. Love and Blessings. Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • dogkisses
        Apr 26, 2015 @ 16:35:58

        Thank you, my friend. I’m also changing my diet, slowly, but am leaning toward fermented food. I’ve been in a lot of pain and my girl Ruthie knew that. I miss her so much, but like you say, I am really grateful that her life was good until she had to leave this earth. I’m glad you are feeling better. I appreciate your sympathy. I felt that things just weren’t right until I told you. Thanks too for your inspiration. With all my love, Michelle.



  24. stillsearching2
    Oct 05, 2015 @ 03:04:55

    I have a few stones that I don’t know what they are. One day I’ll post them and you might know. I have books but some things look similar to others.

    Liked by 1 person


  25. Sam Red
    Dec 15, 2015 @ 19:24:18

    An incredible source of information, Sue 🙂 Congrats, on the huge work to put it together! A blog post to refer back to, for sure. I recently started wearing a clear quartz pendant to promote healing. I’ve really enjoyed wearing it. However, when I wore it for some days together with a citrine pendant, I experienced the energy as quite “chaotic” i.e. I felt restless/agitated. Maybe just a coincidence? Love & blessings, Sam 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2015 @ 14:58:02

      Thank you Sam for visiting my Crystal page.. Sometimes we can experience a change of mood or energy levels when we wear a combination of crystals.. I am sure you are aware to cleanse your crystals regularly and some crystals can absorb different types of energy.. I wear Turquoise often the most.. it just seems to balance me.. and it has a history within a past life recall which is why I am drawn to it I think..
      But I often swap what crystals I wear to bring an energy boost or a calming peace that I feel I need..
      And some times all one needs to do is to intuitively be guided as to the choice to wear each day… Citrine will also help cleanse other stones too, so maybe the imbalance was because if you had charged your clear Quartz to promote healing, the Citrine was working against it in cleansing it…
      Many thanks for telling me about this experience.. Love and Gratitude.. Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Sam Red
        Dec 17, 2015 @ 18:15:47

        That’s a very interesting perspective, Sue, on the Citrine and Quartz. Yes, that could be right. Today, I’m wearing just the Citrine and all’s jolly 😉 Thanks so much for your feedback. Love & blessings, Sam:)



  26. Marje @ Kyrosmagica
    Sep 16, 2017 @ 18:31:16

    I love crystals. My first purchase was a Malachite. I adore to write stories with crystals woven into the narrative. You have a lovely blog Sue. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  27. Somali K Chakrabarti
    Nov 05, 2017 @ 14:18:39

    Hi Sue, you have such an extensive collection of crystals! It’s amazing to see that you know so much about their uses and their even their association with the chakras. Loved the statues of the smiling Buddha as well as the resting Buddha. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post.

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Mary Strong-Spaid
    Feb 13, 2018 @ 07:05:55

    How wonderful to find this much information gathered in one place.
    Thank you for this!



  29. jussaraluna
    Mar 01, 2019 @ 07:36:47

    Wonderful post dear Dreamwalker!!
    Much love snd good vibes ❤ ❤
    Take care my beautiful friend.
    A big hug



  30. Deb Villines
    Dec 07, 2019 @ 16:21:57

    I found this article very helpful, and enjoyable;)) I wanted to learn more on crystals readings, and I didn’t realize the line up with checkras? Thanks for all your info here Sue; Hope you have a blessed day;))) Deb



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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