Growing Season Within & Without

Hello again to those of you who bare with me through these times of shifts and changes. So much is happening within our world, both within a consciousness level, and within our own personal lives. In which so many lives have been tipped upside down within this Upside Down World.

We each have had to learn to navigate through these changes and shifting energies as best we can. And while the outer world is plunged within the fear, I have for the most part been able to ground myself within the growing season of planting and tending our large allotment plot. As well as connecting back within, to the things my heart is guiding me to, such as my painting and crafts.

Like any one who starts out creating a garden, you have to put in the hard heavy ground work… We have to dig and overturn the Earth. The soil needs to be fed nutrients. And we need to plan our crop rotation. So as not to take too much out of the soil, and learn what crops give back the nutrients into the earth.. We learn what crops grow in harmony together, and what plants to mingle within them, to offset damage due to aphids etc. And we mustn’t be afraid of getting our hands dirty, learning what to keep and what to discard, or that we get aches and pains within our bodies through all the efforts we put in. Gardening teaches us many things, and while we have many successes, we also can expect some disappointments. Not all gardening is a bed of roses. Such is Life

Navigating Life means we also have tend our inner garden, in preparing our Inner world. As we reconnect with our Hearts. As we strengthen our connections with those around us, as we use our discernment, our compassion and our awareness. Along with our love and our common-sense of reasoning via our internal compass using our in-built gifts of Intuition! We learn to separate from our Heads of our indoctrinated teachings, back into our Hearts, which connects us back to Source. This is always difficult because of our ingrained thought patterns, we have to be prepared to view life from alternative perspectives. As we learn to let go of our Ego minds to be right.

The world is going through some of its own heavy turmoil right now, as we Unearth the Truth of our Reality. People are digging and weeding out their own information, and having to learn to navigate and separate the disinformation from the truth….. The Wheat from the Chaff When you plant your seeds, be it of what ever variety, you have to be patient… You plant them in the dark, cover them with Earth, and you wait… If you neglect the seeds, and don’t water them, then they perish , if you over water them, that too can cause them to rot.. So learning Discernment is vital, for what we focus upon is what we create.

We need to tend to our thoughts right now, and weed out that which we do not wish to create, and only cultivate the thoughts we wish to manifest within our New Earth

The world reflects back to us all the time what we are manifesting. And if our roots are not strong or we neglect to nurture ourselves, we become overwhelmed by the weeds within society which for the most part, not all, for some weeds are useful. But many can choke out and overtake that which is wholesome and good.

A good gardener knows patience. My fruit trees have taken several years to bare fruit. And this year I thought with all the blossom we would have a good crop of apples. But they are covered in leaf mildew, such has been the weather. You have to take the good with the bad. We grow organic, so we don’t use any chemicals. I mixed up a spray from natural ingredients. We wait and see if this has helped. Patience is at the core of any gardener. This year here in the UK we certainly have been pushed way beyond our Patience Barriers and people have had to adapt. And Humanity is going to have to adapt within these coming changes and shifts. For many as yet do not foresee the challenges yet to come. So we have to hold steady in the belief of our future New Earth and what we wish that to look like..

So we need to harness those visions of how we can change ourselves and the world for the better, not focusing on what is always wrong with it.. But pulling upon our strengths not our weaknesses, looking for new ways in which we can unify and heal, and work in cooperation with each other instead of competition. Just like when you plan your garden, you hold a vision of what the end process will look like… You see your crops delivering a good harvest.. You see your flowers and shrubs in full bloom, as you plan how your garden will look once it is mature.

And although your garden will hold many different varieties, of flowers, each plant is unique. Just as we are. You will learn what plants thrive in shade or direct sunlight. They care not what labels WE give them. All, if nurtured correctly should thrive, given their roots are firm in a well tended environment and they have enough light, water and nutrients, specific to their needs.. We have much to learn from our Gardens, and while many plants have many fancy Latin names, they all belong to the Mother Earth. As we Humans do, We All have our needs..

It matters not what labels we give ourselves or others.. We are ONE family, The Human Race. We need to understand the importance once again of being Grounded within Mother Earth instead of giving each other labels and pointing out our differences. For this is how we are kept separated. We have to find our commonalities. Rediscovering our communities, and our inner wisdom. When you look at nature, each and everything is unique. We now have a unique opportunity in which we all can grow through these bitter sweet times. As we grow from the Inside Out!

Within our world there is always going to be the Bitter and the Sweet!

Bitter to Sweet!

And when the world finally wakes, there are going to many bitter pills to swallow. In that we trusted those whom we thought had our best interests at heart. When the seeds so many tried to sow, to show the world the truth of their understanding, which was censored and thrown out, like weeds on the rubbish heap. So many are going to need our help.

We who hold within our being, the conscious Light of Knowing. For it is then the Lightworkers will be needed to heal, to bridge the wounds, as we connect with each other around the globe to unify in our common purpose of why we incarnated at this time in our Earth’s Evolution. We then will need to rely upon each other more than ever and learn new skills, not only in new ways of living in harmony within a community, as we adapt to the changes to come. But as we rediscover just who we are and our inner abilities which stand us apart as Human Beings. As we rediscover our connections back within Mother Nature.

The Seeds of Knowledge  come to us in many ways, just like our jigsaw pieces making little sense on their own.. But when we plant nurture and tend them they grow and flourish. 

We are all seeds….. Each of us upon our own journey each of us appearing as separate, and yet we are all of us linked together.

It is now time to gather together and spread out our own seeds of love compassion and understanding, and sow them and nurture them. For our Earth and our Brothers and Sisters around this Earth need to feel that love.. We really do now need to start and visualise and live from our hearts as to what type of world we want to live… It is as simple as learning to live from your Heart.

We are Many, Each a separate head, but each connected to the same Heart and Root. Which is LOVE.

Love and Blessings to you All

154 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sue Dreamwalker
    Jul 03, 2021 @ 16:34:32

    Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Garden and commented:

    Hello to my gardening friends… I have been absent for a while… But I have not been idle… I thought to share some philosophy here combining both blogs today with my gardening world one… Love and well wishes in your growing season.. Sue

    Liked by 5 people


  2. Timothy Price
    Jul 03, 2021 @ 16:44:59

    You’ve done a great job. Beautiful garden, Sue.

    Liked by 4 people


    Jul 03, 2021 @ 16:47:40

    Freut mich das ich dich wieder gefunden habe. Wolfgang

    Liked by 3 people


  4. derrickjknight
    Jul 03, 2021 @ 17:04:54

    You have certainly not been idle – rather most productive

    Liked by 3 people


  5. Visionkeeper
    Jul 03, 2021 @ 17:12:45

    Great pics of your hard work DW….The results look fabulous! What gorgeous lettuce! Makes me want salad right now! So glad you have that joy of working the soil to bring you some peace in these crazy times. We all need a space we can be in and feel safe with ourselves. You have made great beauty in the world around you. Therein lies the key to surviving these times of great change….Having a passion that can carry you through hard times, a passion that makes life worth it, a passion that delights your heart. Go for it my friend!!! I’m loving it for you….Hugs…VK ❤

    Liked by 5 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2021 @ 11:32:10

      Yes the lettuce is tasty, and working the earth grounds us, and a little dirt does no harm… In fact that is what many more could do with instead of living in a sterile solution… Hope your own garden is thriving, although I know you have had to limit it this year… But sounds as if you have some good things growing…. Keep your heart strong VK…. we have got this!… ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • Visionkeeper
        Jul 04, 2021 @ 13:46:57

        Yeah, we have got this. We tend to overlook the fact the light ALWAYS wipes away the darkness….The two can’t exist together. If someone turns on the light in a dark room there is no way it can remain dark….This craziness is doing it’s job of freaking the sleepers out and soon the numbers of enlightened souls will multiply beyond the darks control….Until such time I will commune with my plants and soak up the sunshine( if it ever stops raining! lol) and stay in my small world of peace. Much love and many hugs DW.. Hi to hubby and Biscuit….VK ❤

        Liked by 2 people


  6. Renee Espriu
    Jul 03, 2021 @ 17:20:02

    I like the way you have entwined your writing with your garden photos. Your garden is coming along beautifully as always with your hard work. I am doing alright but still adjusting to a new way of life in a small town…of which I got a taste while living at my daughter’s house. Older people set in their ways takes lots of compromise most certainly. Hope you and your family are doing well, my friend. xoxo

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2021 @ 11:48:08

      Good to know you are okay Renee, and that you are finding your way around your new environment and the people, which often need more care as we learn to navigate around them LOL…
      Yes our family is fine thank you Renee…. And yes respect and compromise we have plenty of… Sometimes though I find it sadly lacking in others as the fear of the environment overtakes reason or logic…
      Sending love and well wishes Renee and thank you for your visit and comment ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  7. Tom
    Jul 03, 2021 @ 18:09:45

    Nice post, Sue, which promotes introspection. Go within to grow without! 🙂
    I feel you’ve posted at just the right time for me, as (today especially) I’m feeling a little lost. But we must keep moving forward, shining our lights, sowing our seeds, and keeping strong; keep Feeling Good!
    Oh, and nice crops there as well! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2021 @ 12:17:57

      So pleased to learn my post was well timed Tom… Yes I know those days and those feelings Tom…. Some days we could just scream… BUT we keep on keeping on. Knowing that those seeds of truth and our lights are being sown.. We are only not seeing the results because as yet the msm is not on board with the truth… But know those seeds are growing and germinating, and spreading ever outwards to grow further towards the Light my friend…. Keep faith in your open heart Tom… 🙏✨

      Liked by 2 people


  8. michnavs
    Jul 03, 2021 @ 18:16:43

    Wow, your vegetable and flower garden is just amazing Sue😊😊😊

    Liked by 3 people


  9. Writing to Freedom
    Jul 03, 2021 @ 18:23:41

    Nice to see you and your gardens thriving Sue. Clearly, you’ve put in the work and love required. Gardening is a great way to ground our energies and life wisdom. Thanks for sharing your beauty and wisdom. 😍

    Liked by 3 people


  10. The Path to My Heart
    Jul 03, 2021 @ 19:17:05

    Excellent metaphor gardening and planting to what is going on with the world and the light workers who are replanting seeds now for a better future – but not without the struggle up from the ground to the first rays of sunlight. Grounding is very important as you mentioned, in preparation for what’s to come. Your gardens are amazing – so much leafy greens ready to eat!! Lovely flowers too – and the ingredients for my favorite pie – strawberry Rhubarb, yes the sweet counteracts the bitter. Really enjoyed your post!!! Much love, Donna

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2021 @ 17:42:21

      Thank you Donna, yes lots of metaphors in gardening to life.. And Rhubarb and Strawberry Pie… Yum….. If we all paid more attention to our Inner garden’s maybe our world would become a Walk in the Park! 😉 😂🤣 We can only wish!….. Many thanks Donna… much love right back ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  11. CarolCooks2
    Jul 03, 2021 @ 20:44:32

    Hard work certainly pays off your garden looks lovely Sue the rhubarb caught my eye…I love how wove the 2 posts together I hope you are well, Sue Hugs xx

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2021 @ 17:56:33

      Thank you Carol…. We both know how hard gardens are, and both appreciate good home grown, home cooked nutrition .. Thank you, thought I would weave the two together…. Happy the Rhubarb caught your eye lol…… Lots of love Carol… hugs right back ❤

      Liked by 3 people


      • CarolCooks2
        Jul 04, 2021 @ 20:54:21

        It is hard work Sue but so rewarding…Rhubarb is very scarce here, forced and hasn’t got the taste I remember it made me think of gooseberries as well which I love…Lots of love Sue keep tending that garden and the soul I find it very therapeutic Much love xx

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 04, 2021 @ 22:03:03

          We have a gooseberry bush Carol but something has eaten the berries we can only think it is pigeons as the top branches of the bush were broken and the underlying hard to get to berries were still in tact.. Lol…. A mystery… Unless its of the human kind.. lol.. But I doubt they would just head for the gooseberries lol when my strawberries were left alone which were netted.. lol…. And yes very therapeutic for sure … Much love ❤

          Liked by 2 people


  12. Mark Lanesbury
    Jul 03, 2021 @ 23:29:52

    It all looks good dear lady, in fact it is very balanced, healthy and pleasing to the eye. So is the garden 😂 🤣
    Glad to hear your heart here dear lady, and it sounds very healthy too. The rest is doing you good, and those wise words are our garden in life we just have to recognise them before we waste them and dig them back into the ground.
    I think at this time we all need something to do that will ‘let go’ this world for a while so that we can remove the stress of hanging on to every word coming from the media etc (like your garden). To just relax, de-stress and allow us to just be in the moment. The world isn’t going anywhere, and all we need to do is change us and in doing so we will add to it a little better. A smile can go on forever, the best virus there is if we would just see it 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2021 @ 18:07:44

      Thank you Mark

      The world isn’t going anywhere, and all we need to do is change us and in doing so we will add to it a little better. A smile can go on forever, the best virus there is if we would just see it

      So True… Taking time out, creating and just allowing ourselves to absorb the gifts right on your doorstep, and appreciating the wonder nature has to offer in the little things in life Mark… All gifts in a busy life we take for granted..
      Learning to discern the values in life… I am rich beyond compare, because we see truly SEE a smile is worth a thousand words.. I hope people soon re-awaken to their own smiles and the power of them, and their own inner abilities in overcoming all odds…
      Many thanks Mark for being a teacher along the road of discovery.. We are working towards the New Earth within our Hearts… All is well in our world, let it be so in many others.. ❤ 🙏💛

      Liked by 2 people


  13. writegardener
    Jul 03, 2021 @ 23:47:15

    Splendid post, Sue. So very true, so very encouraging. You know I understand the lessons of gardening. Let us envision a delightful variety of seeds sprouting from the warmth and light, from a flow of love, respect and kindness into an abundant garden of unity. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2021 @ 18:54:07

      I do know you know dear WG and the analogy of our gardens shows us that sometimes we also have to be ruthless and cutback in order to encourage new growth… We are now going to see many thorns that will tare at our hearts, but remember the rose…. It’s stem has many thorns, but it leads us to a beautiful bloom… that opens up to perfection…
      We are now travelling through that stem… But we are almost at the bloom…. I can see it, just beginning to open with the light….
      Keep pouring the light of love into the world and I know the love will activate our world to bloom as she was always meant to…. We are the catalyst to trigger her bloom…. Know we have already done the hardest part…. Have faith…
      Love and Hugs dear WG..

      Liked by 2 people


      • writegardener
        Jul 04, 2021 @ 20:06:29

        What beautiful sentiments, Sue, and not just for us gardeners but the world abound. The rose is a great analogy to keep our focus on and right now mine are thriving and bountiful. 🙂 Love and Big Hugs to You…and a HUGE Smile too! 🙂

        Liked by 2 people


  14. SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
    Jul 04, 2021 @ 02:08:54

    Dear Sue,

    Thank you for all of your wonderful messages and wisdom.

    “In SUMMER the song sings itself” ― William Carlos Williams

    Happy Sunday!
    Happy July!
    Happy Independence Day!

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2021 @ 21:30:08

      Many thanks S. E. and thank you for the graphic, May you also enjoy Summer, We certainly need to free ourselves and become independent thinkers within our environments… As we unite in our Song of Summer…. I love chamomile, soothing, calming and a wonderful healing plant.. Many thanks again my friend.. Appreciate your Song of Summer.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
        Jul 04, 2021 @ 21:44:49

        You are very welcome, Sue.

        May you celebrate the 4th of July with glee to your heart’s content!

        Thank you for visiting and commenting on my special post entitled “💬 Misquotation Pandemic and Disinformation Polemic: 🧠 Mind Pollution by Viral Falsity 🦠“. It is so delightful to have your feedback there. I would like to inform you that I shall endeavour to respond to your comment with a highly bespoke reply. In fact, this reply will also contain some eye-catching animations, which will be the very first comment in the said post to do so — all for you to enjoy and savour. Hopefully, I shall be able to create this reply before Sunday is over and before you retire for the night. Stay tuned!

        Yours sincerely,

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 04, 2021 @ 21:58:35

          You are very welcome SE… and many thanks…. Do not rush my friend its late here already nearly 10pm, so I will see when I am meant to….. Again a great post of in-depth insights into the truth of misinformation being utilised by the corporation!… ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  15. Miriam
    Jul 04, 2021 @ 02:20:25

    Dear Sue, this is wonderful. I love the way you’ve used your beautiful garden and all the effort that goes into it as a metaphor for our times. There’s so much in here, so many seeds and so much depth for a world of hope that you’re planted in your words. I agree, it’s all about finding balance and keeping our focus and patience as we see the good slowly unfold. Thanks for always shining your light. 💛

    I’m currently on a big road trip around Australia with hubby and have my focus set on freedom and the flow of living each day as it comes. Happy gardening to you dear friend and sending much love from the road. xxx 💚

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2021 @ 21:54:34

      I hope dearest Miriam that your road trip is full of freedom to BE… WOW, that is one beautiful long epic trip… Thank you dear Miriam for reading, and yes we just need to focus and know that Patience is the key in seeing that what is unfolding has had to occur to bring more to open their awareness to the realities of the huge deception going on around the world.
      The only way is to live in the moment.. Each day unfolds bringing with it different challenges, different perspectives and ways in which we grow to overcome those obstacles which often are put in our way in order to see how we navigate over them…
      Have a safe trip Miriam… Sending LOVE and well wishes to you both…. Love and Hugs my friend ❤ 😘

      Liked by 2 people


  16. inavukic
    Jul 04, 2021 @ 03:21:18

    Enjoyed this post very much, Sue, and while reading it I could almost smell the smell of freshly dug, upturned soil I love so much when gardening.

    Liked by 3 people


  17. David
    Jul 04, 2021 @ 09:20:58

    So true Sue our little garden is my passion, not on the same scale as yours but still through all the aches and pains and disappointments it is where many of the lessons of my life have been learnt. Bless you Sue and may the Lord Bless us all in all our endeavours.

    Liked by 3 people


  18. marina kanavaki
    Jul 04, 2021 @ 10:08:50

    The garden of your heart blooms abundantly giving hope and light.
    Thank you, my dearest Sue.

    Liked by 3 people


  19. Newbloggycat
    Jul 04, 2021 @ 11:01:09

    Ahh thanks, dear Sue for sharing these beautiful photos of the plot and garden. Looks like you’ve been keeping yourself busy. Thank you for your insightful message of wisdom, love, growth and healing. We’re still in lockdown 3.0 and it’s kind of depressing. But we’ll get through this. Much love and hugs to you, my dear friend ◟(◔ั₀◔ั )◞ ༘♡

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 06, 2021 @ 15:43:40

      Thank you dear Pat.. and yes we will get through this and come out stronger the other end… Sending love and well wishes… I do not know where time has gone this year dear Pat.. Already in the seventh month…. Sending love to you and the girls… Lots of love my friend ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  20. srbottch
    Jul 04, 2021 @ 13:26:51

    Beautiful pictures and words.

    Liked by 3 people


  21. boundlessblessingsblog
    Jul 04, 2021 @ 14:53:34

    Dear Sue thankful and full of gratitude for your brilliant and full of wisdom and love that you poured in this marvelous post. Our world is surely going thru a major upheaval and the Lightworkers will definitely have to work much harder to bring it back to Normal and it will surely happen but we have to keep Faith and Trust in God who knows what he is doing. Loved your garden it was awesome and amazing. Love and light to you. We are All One.

    Liked by 3 people


  22. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jul 04, 2021 @ 16:42:10

    You’ve been a busy little bee yourself dear Sue. Lovely garden, great post!
    hugs, Eddie

    Liked by 3 people


  23. Baydreamer
    Jul 04, 2021 @ 17:29:51

    Good to see you, Sue, and I love your beautiful garden! We’re in a severe drought, but we’re babying our hydrangeas and they’re thriving, so is the lantana. Stay well, dear friend! Sending love and hugs! ❤️❤️

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 06, 2021 @ 17:27:48

      Good to know all is well, despite the drought…. Wish I could send a little of our rain we have had over the last few days in heavy thunderstorms and downpours…. Yes Hydrangeas certainly need plenty of water….
      Hope all is well with you my friend…
      Sending Love and Hugs over the airwaves ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  24. -Eugenia
    Jul 04, 2021 @ 18:21:53

    I am delighted to see you back, Sue, and obviously, you’ve been busy. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos and words of wisdom. Sending hugs!💖

    Liked by 3 people


  25. robbiesinspiration
    Jul 04, 2021 @ 18:59:42

    Hi Sue, it’s nice to see a post from you. I am glad to see your garden/allotment doing so well again this year. Your message is a wonderful one although I don’t see much worry in the UK any more. Judging by Wimbledon, the cricket, and the soccer, it looks like business as usual this summer. We are in the middle of a terrible wave of Delta Covid and my dad is terrible ill. It is stressful but we are managing. I am treating him at home with injections of blood thinners. LIfe is never easy…

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 06, 2021 @ 16:12:11

      Hi Dear Robbie, so, so sorry to hear about your Dad… Sending thoughts and prayers my friend..
      The media only show one side of the coin to the world dear Robbie… It certainly isn’t business as usual here..
      Truly hope your own treatments are helping your Dad…. Ivermetin is something to look into if its covid related… I understand the worry…
      Many getting ill after having both inoculations here.. I have known at least eight people in my own personal proximity falling very ill… I will continue to send prayers and best wishes…
      Lots of love and thank you so much for taking time to read.. Really appreciate that with what you are going through with your Dad.. ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • robbiesinspiration
        Jul 06, 2021 @ 18:46:34

        Hi Sue, thank you for your honesty. The picture being presented by the UK media seems to be that covid is no longer a problem and it is quite confusing and misleading. I am so sorry about your friends. I know your son was ill and I hope he has recovered. My dad does not have covid. He has a pulmonary embolism which has caused damage to both his heart and lungs. Usually with thrombosis there is intense pain but he had none so the blockage was there for about three months. He seems a little better today. I am treating him at home because the hospitals are full of covid patients and it is not safe for him.

        Liked by 2 people


  26. J.D.
    Jul 05, 2021 @ 01:39:13

    What a magnificent garden, Sue. You so deeply understand and convey its symbolism. Hard work and patience pays off. Much love to you, dear one.💖

    Liked by 3 people


  27. The Coastal Crone
    Jul 05, 2021 @ 22:16:57

    Your allotment is always impressive! Gardening is good for the soul. I limit my gardening to pots on the patio. A lovely post to remind us of the connection we have with this Earth and our soul. Be well, Sue! Enjoy your garden but don’t work too hard.

    Liked by 3 people


  28. House of Heart
    Jul 06, 2021 @ 16:59:32

    So beautiful and inspiring. I started a small garden and I’m really loving the peaceful escape. Of course I had encircle it with wire to keep critters out 😊. Your garden is lovely dear Sue and your words always uplifting and wise. Take care and be safe. ❤️

    Liked by 3 people


  29. walesforevercymru
    Jul 06, 2021 @ 18:01:44

    There’s some great lessons here, Sue. Thank you.

    Liked by 3 people


  30. insearchofitall
    Jul 07, 2021 @ 00:12:57

    I’ve had this page open for several days since it’s one of the posts I most want to read. I’ve been way behind but there is only so much I can get done in a day and they are indeed longer. The weather and gardening are perfect metaphor for our lives. You garden is massive and looks so healthy. Mine is so much smaller but still requires a great deal of work to keep it healthy. We had the massive heat dome last the last week of June that put such a strain on everything outside. Much survived, some did not. I’m doing the same excavating internally. It’s taking a great deal of my energy. The world is definitely changing. I’m not sure I’m up to it or at least as I am now. I’ve missed being here.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2021 @ 17:31:00

      I know how you feel Marlene dear friend.. Forgive my own very late responses.. I have had to take some time away from blog land and recoup my own health. And only just feel like I need to clear my backlog of comments which need answering.. I am writing this with blurred vision at the moment… As if the universe is telling me its not yet time.. LOL…
      I hope all is well with you my friend… Sending love and well wishes Marlene.. And I too have missed being here..
      I hope I soon feel more ln the spirit of communicating soon..
      Lots of love dear Marlene.. Love Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  31. Infinite Living
    Jul 07, 2021 @ 04:56:38

    Dear Sue so much gratitude for your rich nourishing post, it is so grounding and calming to walk with you through your garden and the garden of life itself. You truly put your head, hands and heart together in the creation of this New Earth. The calming pathway made with rocks, the blooming quiet corner, the abundance of fruits, vegetables, flowers that signify so many inspiring qualities to imbibe from, the tremendous care and wisdom acquired and applied in this patient process of gardening and harvesting – I am in awe of it all, just imagining the contentment and meditation derived from it all. I am inspired to attempt to make my hands dirty in the earth and clear the hesitation in my heart as I feel very unprepared/unknowledgeable in any gardening matters. What a beautiful metaphor you draw to life and living with harmony & diligence. The world is certainly shifting and there is both turmoil and peace in the shifts. So wonderful to experience and immerse in your post as always!

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2021 @ 17:43:03

      I am so pleased my post inspired you to dig in the earth dear Pragalbha, and forgive my very very late response here.. Circumstances and illness have led me to nurture myself away from my blog for a time.. It is always such a delight to read your thoughts, for knowing I inspire others helps keep my going when at times I often feel like giving in..
      I have missed being on our plot for the month as I have felt too unwell to garden.. But I have sat grounding into Mother Earth and can honestly say I am I feel at last turning a corner in my well being…
      Sending love and gratitude and I have missed our interactions and conversations here…. Much love dear friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Infinite Living
        Aug 04, 2021 @ 20:23:31

        I feel deeply to know that you have been unwell. And also very much relieved and joyful to know you are turning a corner. These are such intense times for a lot of us – I feel as if life itself is shape shifting and I need to dig my heels in to stay standing and oriented, dropping all things head into my heart or else I will lose myself in the fluid reality. You are so present for me here in your absence too, I think of you often, honoring your time to stay away. Conversations with you have been a fuel for my Being. Wishing you all the healing forces gathering, giving you exactly all that is needed for ease, joy and wellbeing ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 04, 2021 @ 22:49:16

          Bless you dear friend. You brought tears down my cheeks. We are transforming and morphing within Gaia herself. Days merge into weeks Time speeds up. And thoughts fly faster than dreams, I hold fast to faith, as I trust the process.
          I will know when it is time, just as I will know we will be given that inner strength to stand within our heart space.
          We came to ride this storm, with all its bumps ..
          Hold on dearest Pragalbha, we are not yet done with the bumpy ride. But the end is in sight.
          Truth and justice are about to set humanity free. But not without some disturbing turbulence of resistance from the deep shadows of rule.
          Hold faith. And many thanks for your love and we’ll wishes.
          In love and gratitude ❤️

          Liked by 1 person


  32. AmyRose🌹
    Jul 07, 2021 @ 15:12:46

    As one gardener to another, I understand the relationship between the hard work that is required to create what is to come. The more we choose to focus on the fruits of our labor by maintaining a determined attitude Within that no matter what is unfolding in our present, we know that such as it is, is contributing to the outcome we have held firmly in our hearts. I’ve attained healing in so many ways living by my motto ….. know that what is yours by Divine Right is, even if I do not “see” it right now. Knowing that seed is germinating and bursting underground, going through all kinds of initiations of struggle and pain, that will eventually lead to a gorgeous flower that bursts free of its constraints, brings great assurance that ALL is as it needs to BE.
    I’m also realizing that respecting everyone’s space brings about positive outcomes and it is awesome for me to drop the “fight”, and “you are in the wrong”. I treat all with love and kindness unless they cross the line which invades my space. Oh then I will stand up for myself and speak my Truth strongly. All deserve a safe personal space for in that space, as with the seed, Divine Intelligence connects in the correct time in order for that seed to begin to grow and change. It is through our example of peace and love that turns heads and produces change.
    Keep on walking to the drumbeat of your drum, Sue. Your path is your path and no one has the right to say otherwise. We’ve had some very painful growing experiences yet with this too, we adjust, we go Within, and we change what we know, with our Divine Guidance, how to change.
    Sending you much love this day!!! xo

    Liked by 4 people


  33. Superduque
    Jul 08, 2021 @ 08:13:50



  34. roughwighting
    Jul 08, 2021 @ 19:47:16

    The gardening of our soul – so worth the work, the ferritization, the dirt, the pruning and weeding. Look at the beautiful blooms we can produce! (Great metaphor usage and photos, Sue. ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2021 @ 18:08:28

      Thank you dear Pam.. Apologies for the lateness in replying to all of these pending comments… I appreciate your kind words Pam… I have not been 100% so followed the Universal flow of nurturing myself as I have not felt up to blogging in recent weeks.. Sending you well wishes my friend.. and Hope all is well with you ❤



  35. Bela Johnson
    Jul 11, 2021 @ 20:55:31

    Beauty! Wow. We don’t even get a start until June 1 around here, and sometimes even that is early. We can get frost at any time. So we have decided to focus on creating an aquaponics system up in the old adobe building that came with this property. The former owner did quite a lot on the building, saving and enlarging it. But it needs a roof! So that is our goal, anyway.

    Agreed on navigating the changes. We have finally (at long last, after almost a year) found our community. And with it, we have others reaffirming our own truth, contributing to the shift, each in their own way. It’s a beautiful thing to witness, as so much of the rest of the world goes utterly mad with fear and panic. So we are lucky that way.

    Btw, I just last night referred a new and powerful friend to Time of the Sixth Sun. He’s a longtime student of Martin Prechtel, a shamanic teacher living nearby. I think all earth based teachings revolve around the same Maypole. It is time. Now. As ever.

    Love. ❤

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2021 @ 18:15:15

      Oh Wow.. Bela… so nice to hear from you and know you have found a solid community … That in itself is everything.. We will need such solid communities in the future..

      Great the Sixth Sun is still doing the rounds… Earth is teaching us if we listen within our hearts instead of the fearful machines churning out its rhetoric.

      Apologies for the late response, but ill health and just following my intuitive instincts told me to take a huge step back and nurture me… So I have been doing just that.. And the land of blog has not held its magic for me in recent months, So I have been following my inner guidance..

      I hope all is well with you, and while the rest of the world falls apart, I hope we are gathering our inner strength to the next phase of our journey…

      Much love dearest Bela… I appreciate you my friend.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  36. dgkaye
    Jul 12, 2021 @ 00:49:42

    Great summation as always Sue with your wisdom. You said it, “so many lives have been tipped upside down within this Upside Down World.” It’s astounding. And we’re hanging on for dear life and hoping people will become woke. ❤ xx Off to visit your garden xxx

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2021 @ 18:19:42

      Dearest Debby.. Forgive me my friend in the long absence here and on your own blog… Especially as you have been going through your own grieving process… I have had you in my heart often Debby.
      I have been going through some internal changes and ill health.. So for the past few weeks have left the blogging community alone as I nurture and sort out my own health and thoughts..
      I have missed being in our plot for the last month.. I took a walk today for the first time in weeks to see so much growth ..
      I hope this upside down world soon rights itself … To what is real and not imagined..
      Sending love and Blessings dearest Debby… and much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • dgkaye
        Aug 05, 2021 @ 14:27:56

        So good to hear from you Sue. I’ve had you in my thoughts as I noticed no new posts from you. I do hope you are on the mend. As for this upside down world, we must keep wading through til we see the light.
        I hope you continue to heal. So many people have been plagued with sickness and loss this past year it’s astounding. Sending lots of healing light to you ❤ ❤ xox

        Liked by 1 person


  37. Trackback: Life Waves | Infinite Living
  38. stephensmustang1
    Jul 13, 2021 @ 02:17:26

    Beautiful photos and words.
    Weeding my own thoughts..this is the part that speaks to me most. 😉
    Love and hugs

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2021 @ 18:24:36

      Bless you Elizabeth… So missed being here, yet ill health and my own self preservation have kept me from blog land for a time..
      Sending you loads of love dear friend to you and yours… and hope to visit you very soon ❤



  39. Seenorway
    Jul 22, 2021 @ 19:32:04

    Well, now! Detaching yourself? (To find yourself?) Does that work for you?
    If we all tried your method, Sue, it is going to be rather quiet on this net all of a sudden?!
    I have not seen your signature in months, but looking in on you I find that you are still alive and you do publish post from time to time, but relatively quick close down the comment section? May be I should try out that method, warm summer and
    all . . .

    Liked by 2 people


  40. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Jul 28, 2021 @ 16:40:17

    Great to see your words of wisdom, Sue!
    You have been in my thoughts, I send you many positive vibes.
    I too have been tending to my inner garden, weeding out what I no longer need and watching the new growth with patience, compassion and love.
    Many Blessings to you and your family,
    Lisa xoxo

    Liked by 3 people


  41. Nihar R Pradhan
    Aug 09, 2021 @ 14:17:17

    Dear Sue, its been long, pretty long must say, and when I landed here, there is sheer magic. Nature at its best, gardening and plantation is not just about the metaphor of life, there is so much to it, the more we delve deeper into the wombs of nature the more things get unravelled about our own nature. There can’t be anything more beautiful than nurturing nature in the midst of nature giving back and being there where it matters the most, the place where nature meets human nature. We have been so obsessed with the world of our own which unfortunately has been uprooted from nature and we have forced ourselves to live such an artificial life devoid of the beauty and bounty of nature. And then we keep complaining about what is happening to our life, not to our liking and why things are not happening our way, we are drawn into the false way of living life. The more we distance ourselves from nature the more desperate we are becoming and we have deprived ourselves from harvesting the bounty of nature that is out there but we are nowhere to be seen anywhere nearby. It squarely falls on us…

    Nothing can be more nourishing and nurturing than doing the gardening, and the way you have done is something we can see and experience the joy of it. But as you have so rightly put, therein goes the hard toil and the heavy working, loads of patience, it is a world onto itself, and it has is set of whims and fancies, there are so many nuanced aspects to cultivating and harvesting we just don’t realize it unless we dirty our hand and put our heart and soul into that work. It appears deceptively simple and easy, but the scene is totally different when we are into it and doing it ourselves. It just changes our whole perspective towards life. And in the process what we get back from nature is truly incomprehensible. Once we do we get back our mojo, the missing connection get re-established.

    Indeed what has happened in the last one and half year, it has only reinforced that disconnect which was anyway growing but we were so busy doing things, we simply couldn’t figure out how big has been that chasm. Not just between us and nature, but between who we are pretending to be and we are actually are deep within, the self. The inner voice was there yelling and shouting for years together, and we have somehow master the art of not listening and silencing such profound sounds. Little knowing that we were harboring a storm to hit us hard and harder than anybody could have ever imagined, and it did, we were all caught napping, and haplessly nowhere to go. Survival became the thing which we had taken for granted and we took so much pride in our medical science and the scientific invention that we shamelessly gave nature the royal miss and going farther to make a mockery of it, and it was waiting in the wings to clip our wings, and it did on its term…indeed, “The world reflects back to us all the time what we are manifesting”.

    Dear Sue, hope your health is absolutely fine, everybody in family doing well, sorry for such a long gap, always wanted to get back but thought you are not spending much time here in the online space, wanted you to enjoy your time with painting and nature. Always such a joy reading your thoughts that flows like magic…thanks as always.

    Take Care!!!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 30, 2021 @ 12:56:32

      Thank you dear Nihar..
      Last but not least as I get around to answer your most profound response to my post which seems a life time away back in July… About our gardening skills..
      Without that connection to our Earth Mother, I think I would have lost the plot by now, considering the rules and regulations which have only sort to separate Humans from their natural habitats and instincts of social interconnective beings whom love to see each other’s smiles and touch and feel, hug and interact with family and loved ones..

      So our Allotment has been a life line, to dig and get our nails dirty as we ground ourselves back in Mother Nature’s wisdom.. As we breathe in her good clean air with NO FEAR…

      Indeed what has happened in the last one and half year, it has only reinforced that disconnect which was anyway growing but we were so busy doing things, we simply couldn’t figure out how big has been that chasm. Not just between us and nature, but between who we are pretending to be and we are actually are deep within, the self. The inner voice was there yelling and shouting for years together, and we have somehow master the art of not listening and silencing such profound sounds. Little knowing that we were harboring a storm to hit us hard and harder than anybody could have ever imagined, and it did, we were all caught napping, and haplessly nowhere to go. Survival became the thing which we had taken for granted and we took so much pride in our medical science and the scientific invention that we shamelessly gave nature the royal miss and going farther to make a mockery of it, and it was waiting in the wings to clip our wings, and it did on its term…indeed, “The world reflects back to us all the time what we are manifesting”.

      Your words above needed to be highlighted because they are so, so true.. And Yes the world is reflecting back… We are the creators of our destiny and what we are creating one only has to look in the mirror and then outside one’s door.. To see the fear and that lack of connection with Nature…

      For Nature knows always what she is doing.. It is when we as a species as mankind, who as we have often said is far from Kind… Goes about controlling and manipulating nature not only from the point of greed..
      But he thinks he is Bigger than nature and can then start messing with our genetics and DNA Codes,,,

      He will find much to his cost, as humanity too who has bought into the fear will also see much to their shock and horror in the not too distant future the error of all our ways..

      But this is a living evolving planet.. And we as a species are so infinitely small in the scheme of things…

      So no doubt one day in the ‘Universal Calendar’ dear Nihar.. The Human Species may get the balance right.. So far we do not seem to be working with nature anymore, but we are being programmed in robotics and AI synthetics which is separating us even further from Mother Earth and our connection with Consciousness..

      Until then, Nature’s own natural rhythms will keep is in check and sift out the wheat from the chaff… Mankind has within this cycle as yet not witnessed her real power and might… But if we keep ignoring her signs… She may well delve us a blow, in her lesson to Humanity and those who think they know better, whom seek to control nature and plunder Earths own natural resources further. We all need to ponder upon our future,
      But mainly where our own connectivity lies… Do we still keep choosing Greed by allowing fear to dominate.. Or do we choose our namesake… Man~ KIND… and learn to be kinder and more tolerant of others and see through the veil of illusion and deception… The choice is always ours to make…

      Many, many thanks dear Nihar… I look forward to many more in-depth conversations with you dear friend..
      In gratitude and with Much appreciation for our friendship..
      Sue 🙂 x

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar R Pradhan
        Dec 01, 2021 @ 03:18:54

        Indeed Dear Sue, anybody who is close to nature can find the difference in one self with those who have distanced themselves from nature. One could always argue we are moving and doing things for our living but there is always a choice, the question shall remain are we exercise that choice or are we forcing ourselves to do something that goes against our fundmental thinking. Never easy to balance out a healthy living, striking that harmony with nature and nurturing our nature. We can feel the difference when we soil our hand and dirty our legs, there is a connection we establish with Mother Earth.

        Unfortunately, with urbanisation and manufacturing of things, we have taken nature for granted and we grant no leeway for nature to have it say and we force our way into the den of nature. There has been so much water that has flow below the bridge, though we manage to cross the bridge but we have missed the direction and the plot. It is only when we are hit by natural calamities that we are waking up and we do so for that short tenure and we are once back doing our way, we aren’t changing for the good. Nature has been extermely kind and we have been very fortunate the way it has behaved with us but there is limit to everything and we are frequenctly crossing that limit, testing the temeparement of nature, we have seen what it can do when we don’t mend our ways…COVID is the case in point.

        With technology at the fore front of everything we do, we have taken to robotics and we have become artificial with AI, we aren’t stopping there either, we are on a march and we have gone so far in changing the very way we are naturally composed that is the genetic makeup and we are breaking it up with genetic editing technologies, and there is no limit when we cross that bar. We are already facing the issue of ethics in AI and with Genetic Editing, we really don’t how far we will go and how things with turn up…more importantly, what are we upto and what kind of society we are looking upto or have we stopped seeing, we are blindfolded and we don’t know…

        This break must have given you such a beautiful space to dwell. Hope you had a wonderful dialogue with nature, and it is something we miss a lot and I can feel the difference when I take a small break and wander in the beauty and bounty of nature. I cannot complain, just that I have to learn how to exercise better choice…

        Thank you so much Dear Sue, have a wonderful day, and take care!!! 😀



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 03, 2021 @ 11:50:31

          No I thank you dear Nihar.. for your patience, and your presence… For your listening, and understanding.. And for your compassion and empathy for the world of nature and seeing how the natural balance will always win through no matter how mankind thinks he can control or how often he squabbles over trivia… Mother Nature has Billions of Years of experience here on planet Earth..
          She is evolving, shifting her patterns, and if we do not decide to live in harmony with her, or embrace the Natural Laws of doing no harm, and to exchange energies, such as giving back, instead of Take, take, take.. As we learn that ALL of nature has its part to play.. And we cannot continue to play God! as we have done in thinking we are superior over animals species as we continue to poison our atmosphere with Geoengineering our skies to control weather, as we poison our crops, poison our bodies with all the unnatural E numbers… Is it any wonder Natures defences begins to reach humans a lesson..
          But also at the same time she brings us balance, because she has given ALL of Humans a Precious Gift.. A time to reflect inwards upon their lives and is this really how we want to continue to live.. And its making people aware of those Choices.. And opening up their eyes perhaps for the first time to perceive this world from looking from a different perspective..

          Many thanks again dear friend… And at last my first post in nearly 6mths is now posted..
          Blessings your way dear Nihar.. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • Nihar R Pradhan
            Dec 04, 2021 @ 02:43:50

            Indeed dear Sue, there is an art and science to our living. We have become so obessessed with the science of living, we have missed out on the art of living which is so important, in fact it is the essence of life. Science is necessary but not the sufficient condition for us to make us lead a good life. We need to learn and understand nature better, make ourselves aligned to the natural ways of living life, and that’s the best way our body and mind grows to its full potential without any obstruction and resistance.

            Unfortunately, we have distanced ourselves and going the other way.
            We are doing everything to tweak and tincker with nature, the fertiliser we use to the destruction of forest we are doing to make space for our dwelling to the way we extract minerals and leave the place…so much more we need to do mend our ways of doing things, and start pausing and pondering what are we upto, and what is it that at the end we are trying to acheive, we have become madly obessessed with things and our acts are acts of sheer madness…let some sanity prevail on mankind.

            Always my pleasure dear Sue and thank you so much, have a wonderful weekend. Take Care!!! 😀

            Liked by 1 person


  42. Barbara Franken
    Aug 29, 2021 @ 10:45:57

    So love your gardening news sue and how you tie it to our inner journey! Glad you are enjoying this time and appreciate you sharing your loving wisdom❤️ I’m not far at the moment staying in Derbyshire with mum for a bit… giving her some much needed tender care to keep her going through these end days and new birth💃🏼❤️ Sending much love to you x

    Liked by 2 people


  43. pendantry
    Aug 31, 2021 @ 11:34:28

    Hi Sue, hope all is well with you! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  44. rabirius
    Sep 04, 2021 @ 14:01:07

    I just read this now.
    Made me think a lot, especially because harvest season has started over here. So we will reap what we have sown now.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 29, 2021 @ 16:00:01

      Thank you Rabirius, Autumn Harvest come and gone… Our Harvest was plentiful and loads to spare and give to neighbours , friends and family….
      And true…. we are seeing the reaping of what was sown…. May we who are aware sow more seeds into the ethers of awareness and kindness for what we know is yet to unfold…
      Good to be reconnecting back here today within my blog after such a long absence..

      Liked by 1 person


  45. Mother Wintermoon
    Sep 30, 2021 @ 21:09:49

    Thinking you, my dear friend. Your words of wisdom always ring true. Sending oodles of loving and caring energy your way. {{{❤️}}} MW

    Liked by 2 people


  46. natswans
    Oct 08, 2021 @ 11:52:22

    Hi Sue just popped by to say hello and to visit your lovely garden works.
    Hope all is well with you
    love and hugs
    Sheila xx

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 29, 2021 @ 15:38:29

      Bless you Sheila, lovely to find you hear upon my return… and I thank you for your well wishes.. And appreciation of our efforts within our allotments..
      Sending love and hugs right back to you Sheila.. x

      Liked by 1 person


  47. Dalo 2013
    Oct 09, 2021 @ 16:27:36

    You have inspired so many with your words and thoughts, and now you take it to a whole new level with your gardening, Sue! 🙂 Such a beautiful garden, and like with your poetry, there is a great blend of everything with the sweat & tears of hard work to make it special. I loved this post, take care and wishing you a magical autumn ahead.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 29, 2021 @ 15:35:08

      Thank you dear Randall… Autumn came all too quickly, but like the leaves we see falling now they are never lost, for they nourish the new growth still to push through the hard Winter Earth in Spring..
      Much like our Human Spirits, never to be dampened or controlled for long… Until the new growth awakens to push forth from its darkness… I have High hopes for the Spring and our Growing Season 😉 :-D…..
      Many thanks dear friend… As I return to my blog after a long, long pause… ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  48. Anita
    Nov 26, 2021 @ 12:10:52

    Coucou Sue
    Merci pour ce post très intéressant, tu nous inspires toujours par tes plumes
    Je suis très contente d’être de retour ici

    Liked by 2 people


  49. SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
    Nov 29, 2021 @ 21:18:45

    Dear Sue,

    I am very delightful to hear from you, not to mention that your presence and spirit have been missed whilst you were away from the blogosphere.

    Thank you for commenting so commendably on my post entitled “💬 Misquotation Pandemic and Disinformation Polemic: 🧠 Mind Pollution by Viral Falsity 🦠“. I have already responded to your comment there with a special, bespoke reply bearing some gifts for you. Looking forward to your reading my said reply there.

    May you take care and prosper, and happy December to you very soon!

    If you are already seeing or pining for beautiful snowflakes, then I shall usher you to a highly immersive and dynamically animated post illustrating the world of snowflakes in all their wonderful forms and allures, accompanied by my ten-stanza poem, recently published at

    ❄ ❅ ❆ Snowflakes, Tell Me Why You Are…

    Yours sincerely,



  50. kentuckyangel24
    Dec 02, 2021 @ 02:14:37

    I hoped I would find you again, Sue. My world is shrinking but looking at your photos has given me new hope. being shut inside is not the right environment for anyone, but I still have some of my plants to keep me company. My undying love and gratitude to you for helping me remember the important things in life even as some of them say goodbye to us all. i know we will reunite some day. Now I need a lesson in patience.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 03, 2021 @ 12:01:55

      So happy you have found me too Angie…. And yes we often forget the importance of nature and our needs as humans to interact and be tactile with each other and our plants… I am honoured my post brought some comfort your way Angie in helping you navigate this reality at this time..
      Lots of love your way x ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  51. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 23:24:04

    Sue, you are an extension of the earth. Some of us would atrophy is not allowed bask in nature.

    It’s easy to understand how/why you need long sessions of timeout – as I do as well. Now that the show has opened I am at the museum each day, and leave just before sunset. As much as I love interacting with the people, I also feel that balance being tweaked. Yesterday friends visited, and I mentioned my search for a few hectares of land in the country. The friend exclaimed, ‘No! We want you here in the city!’ and I reminded her that I am my best in the solitude in nature. It’s hard for others to grasp if they haven’t unlocked those secret passageways – and to know that less is much much more.

    This show merges augmented reality into the images, and you will most likely embrace this as much as I did. The program I use was designed for artists and museums, and has a free option for 100 views each month, which is plenty unless one has commercial plans, or a big show. I just checked the stats for my account: 640-something views since Nov 27th…

    If you email me at_____________, I will send you a few images with instructions for activating the augmented reality, and most likely you’re going to have a lot of fun with this – right here at christmas time. It’s actually helped me to create stronger images, as it rates them from one to five – five being one that works well, and 0 or 1 as one that the smart phone might have trouble reading.

    Curious? This is when it would be lovely for us to be neighbors!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2021 @ 11:06:52

      Wonderful to hear from you Lisa and I have deleted your email for privacy, now we have safely connected..
      Many thanks for that Huge compliment of your opening statement.. Nature has been my saving grace, and like you, built up city environments I can no longer tolerate, I feel more like a hermit and recluse these days, but that suits me just fine, while I know it doesn’t suit everyone… I am very comfortable within my own space and own company… Give me some plants, some earth or the trees to lean against or the sky to watch the clouds forming and give my hands something to do, like paint, knit or as the new skill I have been mastering Crocheting and I am contented..

      I so appreciate you taking time out to visit Lisa, and oh yes to be neighbours and enjoy conversations together… I am sure we would have plenty of long discussions putting the world to rights from our inner perspectives. lol..
      Much love and gratitude..
      Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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