Awaken People from your Sleep!

  The post below, and poem I wrote some seven years ago… I have no words at the moment, as I am busy just being in balance with nature, tending my plants and pricking out seedlings, as I think deeper, observing the Play and the actors within it.  Knowing soon the grand-finale is about to take it’s curtain call.. 

It is amazing though how  information seems to always fall just when needed… As if I am fed them to make more sense, as  yet more pieces of the puzzle slot together making more sense of the senseless within my mind.. What I am greatly aware of is TIME… It is speeding up even faster…. And TIME is running short..  I recently wrote another poem about time, I have yet to share…  Maybe it will follow… Who knows..  But TIME is precious, and we cannot waste a moment of it..  I have added extra thoughts in Italics. 

Time Ticks on as the Earth Watches

Awaken in the Sleepless Zone.

I’ve been here before at this hour of the clock
Staring in darkness with mind in its dock
Of recounting the day as we replay our mind tapes
Images play with the shadows miss-shapes
We each need to wake up form our sleepless zone
Get out of your heads and off of your phones
Open your eyes to the Real World at large
And see the truth to this game of charades
Where we mimic and mime as our strings are all pulled
And the adverts co hearse to the falsehood we’re lulled.
Its time to awaken and open your hearts
To the pain we create by our thoughts thrown like Darts
We stab and we torture we kill and we maim.
We may not hold weapons but our thoughts do the same.
Its time of forgiving its time to let go
Of hatred and Anger we unleash like a bow
Our journey is over its almost complete
When will you see through the Lies and deceit.
One message stands out and we each know its theme
Its one based on Love and hope for our dreams
So stop all these nightmares we create with our thoughts
Let go of your worries in which we get caught
And Wake up to your power you hold in your mind
As your hearts beat as one as Peace we each find.
So look deep within to the darkness we each keep
And release it to Love for its wisdom to seek
Rise up with your joy in the Light of your beam
And know we are eternal So follow your Dreams

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2013 All rights reserved.

I wrote this as I tossed within a sleepless night, its words flowed from my pen in my journal. I ask you as you read it to think about the world, and look beyond that which you ‘See’ presented to you! 

We are ALL of us going to need to wake up pretty fast to the realities this world is pouring forth as we wake up to its increasingly obnoxious lies and deceits in its portrayal of being integral in its activities for our benefits..

Open your eyes and explore that which we have perceived and dig deeper to uncover the Truth. But understand we are each of us responsible for our actions and our thoughts…

The world is in need of your thoughts, and I ask you to send it your compassion, Your Love, and Healing. ( As you now be gentle with yourselves as you heal your inner world ) 

For the World Needs YOU to lift it from itself… As we can all get caught within our own webs of doubts and shadows.. ( And what it needs most of all is LOVE!… Love yourselves, know you are here at this time for THIS  TIME… Its Your Energy that now has purpose, As we Shift out the Old programmes as we relinquish Fear. Open your hearts in Unity, let not it be separated and Controlled in Fear..)

What we think we create…

Help Heal the world.. She is in our Hands .. ( As is our progression within this Time Line of Experience ) 


In Love and Light! 

148 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eliza Ayres
    May 21, 2020 @ 23:10:10

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.



  2. rabirius
    May 21, 2020 @ 23:10:17

    Interesting thoughts on the concept of time.
    Excellent post and lots to think about.



  3. Mark Lanesbury
    May 21, 2020 @ 23:30:33

    Thankfully the change has begun Sue, time has indeed reached a point where we are no longer following the minute hand around in circles but wanting to step off its rigidity. And in that courageous step will follow many sights, sounds, feelings and senses that we have denied ourselves. Those changes we now ‘feel’ will at last become this new world we envision. And that most certainly entails us doing ‘us’ for we cannot give from an empty basket.
    May your garden fill that basket dear lady, enjoy what makes the heart stir 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2020 @ 11:48:49

      It has indeed begun Mark.. And while this breaking down of the old paradigms is not easy, and it’s painful to be within, even those of us who are aware are not exempt… But at least we have the hindsight of Knowing and Inner knowing.. And much like in our own personal shadow work, we sometimes need those dark pits in order for us to realise we were residing in them being a victim within them, in order for us to climb out of the them and set our Sovereign self free.
      Many thanks Mark… Our Garden has been our Haven of both refuge and balance.. Sending Huge hugs down your way my friend 🙂 🙏💚🌈

      Liked by 1 person


  4. JanBeek
    May 22, 2020 @ 00:28:25

    Yes, the poem is so pertinent to today and everyday. We need to “look deep within to the darkness we each keep
And release it to Love for its wisdom to seek.” Love is the answer. Let’s just focus on that thought! Have a good night, dear Sue. 💕



  5. Val Boyko
    May 22, 2020 @ 00:32:13

    How immense and profound. Thank you Sue. Time for me is no longer linear (apart from zoom yoga classes that give my mornings foundation, mind focus, and a sense of purpose) Otherwise I’m moving at the pace of birds to the feeders, dandelions getting themselves established, poison ivy on woodland paths reminding me that nature is in charge and to be careful.when the sun shines I feel the warmth fully and let it sleep into these bones that are standing guard. Awaken and embrace my friend 💕🙏💕



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2020 @ 11:56:17

      Exactly Val.. Being in the moment of Nature, being aware of what Nature holds, both positive and negative, and yet all in perfect balance.. I had a Sparrow Hawk fly right over my head as I sat on the swing, Such a commotion in the garden as Birds called their warning, feathers flew, and in an instant a young sparrow was whisked off of the fence behind me as I saw the Hawk fly away holding it in its talons … My heart dropped for the loss of life for the sparrow.. Yet somewhere in that Hawks nest it chicks thrived because of its sacrifice…
      I feel this TIME is a little like that right now.. We may not see the hidden gems of our sacrifice just now, but if we hold love in our hearts and not allow fear of controllers to dominate us… I see a New Earth that is set to Thrive, if we Unify in Harmony and Love..
      Bless you Val and thank YOU.. ❤ 🙏💖

      Liked by 1 person


  6. dgkaye
    May 22, 2020 @ 02:21:25

    Oh wow Sue, so spot on to how I’m feeling. I said to Colleen a few weeks ago, the collisions are increasing, it’s like implosions are happening so fast and I can feel that energy, like something hugeeee is about to emerge. I’m staying buckled! And omg Sue, time. I’ve been obsessed these fast few months with how much too quickly the hours and days are passing. I know we all say that as we age, but seriously, it’s like another dimension sometimes! Hang on my friend, and keep keeping us inspired. ❤ xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2020 @ 12:04:22

      Yes, we will witness yet more to come.. with a lul inbetween… So we had better not be fooled.. This is the final curtain call, and we need to step up to the plate and throw all our Love Energy into our final Act… before this curtain/window/portal/time-line/ closes. with the controllers winning…
      And you are right in your saying

      it’s like another dimension sometimes!

      So very true… because for those of us who are aware, and intuitive, WE are Shifting, and time is no longer in control… Thank YOU dear Debby.. Your encouragement means a lot to me… ❤ ❤ ❤



  7. JoAnna
    May 22, 2020 @ 03:12:17

    Two things we have control over are our thoughts and our actions. It’s not always easy, but always possible. Our thoughts are powerful. I can always use a reminder of this. I ask Love, Healing, and Compassion to fill me and overflow to the world. All these blessings are heading your way! ❤



  8. simplywendi
    May 22, 2020 @ 03:24:42

    “Get out of your heads and off of your phones
    Open your eyes to the Real World at large”

    This poem is amazing and it spoke to me in a very big way…………the above lines are the ones that literally jumped off the page!
    I have mentioned this to my family over the last two months…….time has sped up. Thank you for being such a light in this world Sue!



  9. wilsonagaba
    May 22, 2020 @ 04:15:12

    Sue, thank you so much for sharing the blissful message to the world!!! Bless your heart.



  10. Teira Naahi
    May 22, 2020 @ 07:12:39

    ‘What we think we create’….Love it…Really felt this one….Kia Ora Sue…



  11. New Bloggy Cat
    May 22, 2020 @ 07:13:40

    Ahh….beautiful poem, dear Sue. I’m going to follow my dreams now.
    [( ु⁎ᴗ_ᴗ⁎)ु.。oO]..zzZ Wake me up when this nightmare is over. On a
    serious note, yes I am still digging to find the truth. May we all heal and help to heal this world. Much love and light to you this fabulous Friday, my dear friend



  12. Visionkeeper
    May 22, 2020 @ 10:09:22

    Greetings DW….It always is interesting to re-read our thoughts from years ago and realize how right we were then without really fully knowing it. As time passes we begin to complete our puzzle and soon we will be down to that last piece everybody hopes to put in place. Unfortunately this puzzle was not a fun one to put together. But we were lucky enough to all find one another and establish close friendships and we shall hopefully remain that way. I too have been absent from writing very much, my brain just doesn’t have the energy to put all my thoughts together right now. The sunshine has been wonderful with very little rain(for now) so I have been outside playing in the dirt and making friends with all of my nesting birds who returned again this year. I love welcoming them back. I hope my brain can create again soon, I know it wants to!!!! Be well my dear DW and enjoy your playtime outside. Hugs and love to you and hubby….VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2020 @ 18:07:06

      I agree VK.. as we fit more pieces, it seems the puzzle is never ending… As as more pieces fit, we see new images that were hidden from sight before.. Which were just out of reach in the shadows.. But now I see those shadows emerging, because the Light is bringing them out..
      I fully understand you wanting brain rest… So much transpiring now that hopefully will soon blow the lid off things.. At least in one direction… Which maybe will then get people to really start to question and do their own researching rather than taking everything as gospel the media tells us..
      I think the second half the year should get very interesting… And perhaps even more chaotic.. But this purging has to take place… We just never envisioned it to take this course..
      Much love your way dear VK.. ❤ and Thank YOU ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  13. Visionkeeper
    May 22, 2020 @ 10:11:09

    Oops forgot! I love your new gravatar pic. Very nice and your words were as always, right on!!!



  14. Jane Sturgeon
    May 22, 2020 @ 11:12:52

    Wrapping you both in much love, Sue, always. ❤ I can see you with your seedlings and feel a re-birth in a different space and time. ❤ ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2020 @ 18:13:54

      Oh so felt that virtual hug dearest Jane… Yes I was in my own little piece of heaven yesterday in our home greenhouse.. Love transplanting seedlings.. And yes.. In a totally different space when doing so.. Good luck with your move Jane… Thinking about you, and hope all goes smoothly for you… Bet you are getting quite excited..
      Sending Love and hugs from hubby and I…. Huge Hugs ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Jane Sturgeon
        May 23, 2020 @ 10:47:10

        Thank you, my lovely. I can feel your love. Transplanting seedlings is such a loving thing to do. ❤️❤️ I am knitting to keep myself grounded! Huge hugs flowing to you both. Xxxx 😘❤️🤗❤️

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 24, 2020 @ 15:59:57

          Knitting inbetween too… Though I have never taken so long with a project… I did the back and left front and nearly finished the right front.. Got sleeves to do yet.. But I swap from knitting to reading to painting to gardening… lol… So picking it up as and when.. Not a rush in me.. 🙂 ❤



          • Jane Sturgeon
            May 25, 2020 @ 09:03:01

            I love it. 😊 I have unpicked two part way projects. No rush and they needed a different approach. Huge hugs and much love flowing to you both on this day of glorious weather. Xx ❤️😍❤️😘❤️

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              May 26, 2020 @ 18:42:08

              Yes exactly NO rush… there isn’t a rush in me. A project worth doing is worth doing well… Hubby can never understand how I can unpick hours of work…. But to continue knowing its not going to work out right! …
              Wish the world would look at it from our point of view LOL.. Lots of unravelling yet to happen there 🙂 😃

              Liked by 1 person

            • Jane Sturgeon
              May 27, 2020 @ 08:08:53

              I am so with you. I will pull something right back, to start afresh if it feels unbalanced.. Yes, much unravelling is crying out to happen. Much love flowing to you both. Xxx 💕💕


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              May 28, 2020 @ 19:09:23

              And to you Jane… Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather I know we are ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Jane Sturgeon
              May 29, 2020 @ 08:04:18

              Isn’t it beautiful. ❤️❤️

              Liked by 1 person

  15. Barbara Franken
    May 22, 2020 @ 11:34:44

    A beautiful poem you wrote and always good to read about your daily goings on Sue… Our life is certainly changing now, as everyone is quite naturally awakening. I feel we’re done with, all the reminders, by sharing our own awakening… now it’s time to observe others doing it for themselves. AND feel proud that we helped it all happen and now is time for us to be in joy, gathering our kindred friends to birth our NewEarth from within. Wondered how you felt and also if you have a story in your collection that you could add to my writing challenge, magical new earth❤️ much love, Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2020 @ 18:19:04

      Thank you dear Barbara… you know I just may sit and write something… I have no idea as yet… It feels right now to do so… Is there a time limit upon it? ..
      As to our awakening… Its been a pleasure to share our journeys and experiences Barbara in expressing our casting away our shadows and learning to love ourselves.. I am observing more and more… The world is cracking open its shell… little by little, pieces are falling off.. as we get to see what lies beneath…. Its certainly a Magical journey…. Once you step back and see just how far we have travelled..
      Bless you Barbara.. And thank you… ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  16. AmyRose🌹
    May 22, 2020 @ 12:05:19

    Tears are in my eyes, Sue. Your words are so true and so prophetic. I FEEL the momentum gaining speed and I am FEELING that what is about to transpire will leave all the world stunned and rejoicing at the same time. However, what I am witnessing here is the fear fanaticism is growing leaps and bounds with media still pounding fear and people wearing such thick masks I don’t know how they are breathing at all.
    Time …. as I just said to someone, I got “lost” these past few days soaking up the glorious sunshine and the sites and sounds of Perfection that Mother is showing me. My heart is at such peace yet when I see these people in such profound fear I have no more patience with them. With your words in mind, I will change my attitude and send them LOVE and take the thorn from out of my breast. I’ve also developed intense hate for specific some, who yes do deserve it, yet I must and I will transmute that hate into LOVE. I walk my talk as you do, and despite the insanity that still roars we shall overcome!!
    I do send you so much love and hugs over the water! (((HUGS)))! xoxoxox
    PS You are a breath of fresh air!!!

    Liked by 2 people


    • AmyRose🌹
      May 22, 2020 @ 12:16:42

      PS …. Your courage to speak Truth especially in these times makes me want to cry. I’ve been guided to have messages within my writing but nothing even close to coming right out and saying it how it is. People have been so programmed that when I do say something they are insulted and get angry. *sigh* God bless you for your unbreakable Spirit. Our light in this world is so so important in order to bring back a semblance of normalcy. xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person


      • Sue Dreamwalker
        May 22, 2020 @ 12:20:23

        Thank you Amy.. these words were given many years ago… I hope people go look at the attached link to a book… If they read that it would really open their eyes… 🙂 And it was endorsed my Robert F Kennedy Jr … 😉

        Liked by 1 person


        • AmyRose🌹
          May 22, 2020 @ 12:31:47

          The book is out of stock, Sue. I’ve listened to a lot of videos by Dr. Judy so I am very familiar with where she is coming from. I happen to agree with what she says.

          Liked by 1 person


          • Sue Dreamwalker
            May 22, 2020 @ 12:44:45

            Yes I believe those who were banning her left right and centre did her the greatest favour, as they put her right where she needed to be. In the limelight…. Her mission has also been a tough one… But her New Mission is now loud and clear, in awakening others to what her Science has proven… ❤ Big Smiles… 🙂 And thought you would be on the same page dear Amy.. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2020 @ 12:18:09

      Dearest Amy, I just have to jump the cue as I saw your comment come in here.. And say thank YOU… Yes its so hard not to judge and send that judgement of hate and bitterness into these warped minded people whose energy is dense and so lacking in love..
      This is why they DO need our love vibration.. this is why and I am not religious was the meaning behind the words Jesus said on the cross.. ” Forgive them, for they know not what they do”… Because they are so deeply programmed and have layer upon layer of dimensional baggage which they carry, which have buried their soul so deep and their consciences…
      But that is going to be exposed very soon.. And the Shock waves will reverberate..
      But we have to also then step back another pace.. And see there are NO Victims, and that is hard.. Very hard to comprehend… Because even innocents agree to their blue prints prior to this incarnation..
      Those whom we call as evil, because they Lack LOVE, also are playing a role within this duality… Which again is hard to always see..
      But these are showing us the contrasts… and within those contrasts of Light and Dark are what we are given a choice within our free will to choose.. Do we choose Love over fear and evil.. or do we really want to stay in Fear and be controlled and manipulated, herded like sheep into the obedience of Do as I say, or this is the consequence if you don’t…
      Which by the way, I feel many in their controlling positions have already been given those choices… And so we have to look from a deeper perspective at motives and why people are manipulated and corrupted..
      I choose Love…. I choose Life… Because I know there is NO Death… Not in the sense some think there is… We are eternal BE-ings and our Mission here Amy is now I feel vital, in spreading even more love into empty hearts… ❤

      Thank you so much Amy… Love and mega hugs your way ❤ ❤ ❤ 🙏

      Liked by 2 people


      • AmyRose🌹
        May 22, 2020 @ 12:26:42

        Your wise words are just that …. wise. In order for me to really FEEL love towards those who birthed hate in my heart, I have to work through these emotions honestly so that I can once again stand only in love. Yes they are playing a role and I thank you for reminding me of that. In going beyond the hate, I transmute it into love with the assistance Mother offers me. This is the only way I know how to do this. My Walk is Peace and Love. No-thing shall take that from me. Bless you for this post …. I will be rereading it often. We are eternal and I agree with you …. there is no death. Much love!! xoxo

        Liked by 2 people


  17. peggyjoan42
    May 22, 2020 @ 12:27:51

    Perfect poem for this time. People need to wake up and help us save this world. I do get tired of those in this world who will not follow the rules and help make this world a better place. In our area it seems to be the 20-40 age group who will not get on the band wagon and help us control this virus. Like you – I choose love and life. Great post Sue. xoxoxox



  18. derrickjknight
    May 22, 2020 @ 13:59:15

    Your poem has stood the test of time



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2020 @ 18:29:59

      Thank you Derrick…. it could have been written yesterday.. And I am often surprised at what I did write.. And how today it seems to have even more meaning… 🙂 And how I am often guided back to my posts to revisit them just when needed… ..
      Many thanks again Derrick.. really appreciate your visits my friend. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  19. -Eugenia
    May 22, 2020 @ 14:49:55

    Sue, I find it amazing that your poem, written in 2013, is still applicable today! Interesting how some things progress and others stay stagnant or even worsen. Peace and light and have a lovely weekend. 🧡 💛 💚



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2020 @ 18:33:12

      Thank you for that lovely comment dear Eugenia.. I am often more than amazed at how I am guided to revisit them and how appropriate they seem today more than the day I wrote them.. 😀 Thank YOU for reading.. And wishing you the same my friend ❤ 🙂



  20. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    May 22, 2020 @ 15:01:38

    Thanks for sharing Sue. Your wisdom is timeless, as we are experiencing another awakening, if we choose to see it. This may sound strange… I have been writing, but I also find myself at a loss of words for what is being experienced in this moment. I spend a lot of time, going within. There are many deep layers being unearthed. Many blessings to you Sue, may you be well, Lisa xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2020 @ 18:56:52

      You are spot on correct lisa…

      Yes another awakening, if we choose to see it

      I know what you mean Lisa.. My journal is full of my thoughts, scribbles and a few lines of poems here and there.. Yet when I want to write a post… Words fail me.. I think because I have too much to say and just do not know where to begin…
      Sometimes what I want to say is not all love and light, because the world is duality and we have shadow and darkness, its part of this experience in order that we choose and graduate…
      Like you meditation is my bliss, as is my garden…
      Sending you lots of love Lisa.. THANK YOU my friend… Always appreciate your thoughts and visits…
      Take care also.. Much love 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Lisa Hutchison LMHC
        May 23, 2020 @ 14:20:33

        I agree Sue,the world is duality and as lightworkers, we experience the dark moments as well as the light. I have found some of my writings are healing for others, while some are just meant for me to process and release. You are most welcome Sue! I appreciate your wisdom and am grateful to read it. Blessings of love, light and peace, Lisa



  21. Eddie Two Hawks
    May 22, 2020 @ 15:22:07

    We need to know what you know, be it from a day past or a day ahead.
    Thinking of ‘now’ moves through time like sugar through water.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2020 @ 19:04:01

      Dearest Eddie… Bless you for this comment… My Now moments melt into oblivion some days… 🙂 And I need to share more of what I know, both from yesterday and a day ahead.. The problem is do others really want to listen???
      Many thanks my dear friend…. Love and Blessings.. Dreamwalker ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  22. robbiesinspiration
    May 22, 2020 @ 18:01:33

    A lovely post and poem, Sue. I hope you are all doing well and you are finding lots of light and love in your life.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 22, 2020 @ 19:19:10

      Thank you dearest Robbie, yes we are well, and keeping busy, I am trying NOT to bake as much… LOL… I don’t think my waist line is thanking me.. 🙂 The exercise in the gardens are keeping me fitter… And I have a painting I have just started that I hope is going to be something special… Its the last canvas I have in stock… But I am spending some time on it and can visualise in my mind what I want, but its not transferring to canvas as well… But we will see what it ends up to be. Sending Huge hugs and thanks dear Robbie.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  23. Colleen M. Chesebro
    May 22, 2020 @ 18:25:09

    Thank you so much for your shot of reality, Sue. I’d just finished a lovely chakra balancing meditation when I found your post. Huge hugs. ❤



  24. J.D. Riso
    May 22, 2020 @ 23:18:43

    Time does indeed seem distorted, or maybe it always has been and I’m just exiting the illusion even more. What is time, anyway, but a human construct, a way to organize “reality”.

    Words haven’t been coming to me much lately as well. That used to be upsetting, but I’ve surrendered to this whole process. The words will find me if/ when they are ready. Now feels to me like a time to just let myself settle after this recent, deep shift.

    Take care, dear Sue. 💖



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 24, 2020 @ 18:06:22

      I think dear Julie, you may well be exiting the illusion.. 🙂 Time is an Illusion within this construct… And when we are within our own space’time’ 🙂 it can seem to fly or stand still… Words will come when they are meant to.. And I had a few sentences come in the middle of the night a few nights ago… and that was it.. 🙂 So I am painting, gardening, and knitting… And you do right to surrender to the process…. ALL is as it should be, just keep sending love into the ether and into Mother Earth.. And My mantra is All is well in my world.. 🙂 an offshoot of the days with Louise Hays book.. You can heal your life.. 🙂
      Stay Settles and in balance…
      Much love and Many thanks dearest Julie… 🙏

      Liked by 2 people


  25. inavukic
    May 23, 2020 @ 00:03:30

    “What we think we create.” To the point! Truer words never spoken.

    Liked by 1 person


  26. thespiritkeeper
    May 23, 2020 @ 00:07:46

    Beautiful poem that impartss wisdom to your reader as well as your blog. If we open our eyes and hearts we will awaken to the truths set before us. As they say the truth is all hidden in plain sight. So true. I fear sometimes people will not awaken in time or at all but I trust in Spirit that all our love and healing will be answered. Be well my friend ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 24, 2020 @ 16:06:14

      Yes that is sometimes all it takes Joseph, to open our hearts and eyes.. But some do not even see things when placed right in front of them.. So it is what it is…
      And so, those who have eyes to see will see… 🙂
      Thank you Joseph.. both very well thank you.. Sending hugs right back 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  27. Inese, artist, writer and life sciences specialist
    May 23, 2020 @ 02:22:38

    Great to read your poem.
    I liked the picture of you which I hadn’t seen yet.
    I am too, just busy outdoors.
    I think summer is so short that is very sinful to simply waste it at computer instead of being close to nature.
    Wishing you well and stay safe! Nature takes good care of you!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 24, 2020 @ 18:21:10

      Thank you Inese.. I would be lost with out my outdoor space and garden… And like you do not like to waste a good sunny clear day inside on the computer.. Sending Love and well wishes to you Inese.. ❤



  28. stephensmustang1
    May 23, 2020 @ 04:57:51

    Absolutely one of my favorite poems of yours so far. 😉 Love it.
    Hope all is well with you and yours. Much love

    Liked by 1 person


  29. macalder02
    May 24, 2020 @ 01:58:25

    In other latitudes, change comes slowly. It is very sure that from the moment you can leave the confinement and in accordance with the new health regulations, we will find another way of living life. We can only take advantage of the fact that the many hours of silence have allowed us to reach inside and correct what we had done wrong.
    Perhaps now we give more importance to the word “love” and that being romantic does not mean being silly.
    The positive part of the quarantine also lies in the fact that we have left nature alone and that she has enjoyed not being mistreated. It is time to value it in its true dimension.
    I will treasure your poem in a very important part of my life. It has touched the sensitive fibers of my soul and I think I will turn to it so many times that I feel confused.
    Thank you Sue for these wonderful verses.
    With sweetie as always

    En otras latitudes, el cambio llega lentamente. Es muy seguro que desde el momento en que pueda abandonar el confinamiento y de acuerdo con las nuevas regulaciones de salud, encontraremos otra forma de vivir la vida. Solo podemos aprovechar el hecho de que las muchas horas de silencio nos han permitido entrar a nuestro interior y corregir lo que habíamos hecho mal.
    Quizás ahora le demos más importancia a la palabra “amor” y que ser romántico no significa ser tonto.
    La parte positiva de la cuarentena también radica en el hecho de que hemos dejado a la naturaleza sola y que ella ha disfrutado de no ser maltratada. Es hora de valorarla en su verdadera dimensión.
    Atesoraré tu poema en una parte muy importante de mi vida. Ha tocado las fibras sensibles de mi alma y creo que recurriré a él tantas veces me sienta confundido.
    Gracias Sue por estos maravillosos versos.
    Con cariño como siempre

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 24, 2020 @ 18:32:56

      I hope you are right dear Manuel. In that we have used our isolation to go deeper within our own hearts, and explore the love within..

      I hope it has given people that space to explore what is truly important in our lives… And that the freedoms of being with our families and the freedom to be out of Nature are true Blessings..
      And we have been given a wake up call of what it feels like when we have those freedoms taken from us.

      It is a question of how far we are prepared to allow our freedoms to be erroded … If we do not open our eyes fully to the possible adgendas lurking in the sidelines which are presented as solutions…

      Waking Up means looking deep into the Shadows, and learning to distinguish Truth from Lies.. While continually holding compassion, love and acceptence all at once..

      It is hard observing the reality of a world when you also understand it is just an Illusion…

      Many thanks my dear friend… I am grateful for your friendship and reading of my blog…
      Sending Many thanks and much gratitude your way Manuel..
      Blessings Sue ❤ 🙏

      Espero que tengas razón querido Manuel. En eso, hemos utilizado nuestro aislamiento para profundizar en nuestros propios corazones y explorar el amor en nuestro interior.

      Espero que le haya dado a la gente ese espacio para explorar lo que es realmente importante en nuestras vidas … Y que las libertades de estar con nuestras familias y la libertad de estar fuera de la Naturaleza son verdaderas bendiciones.
      Y se nos ha dado una llamada de atención de lo que se siente cuando nos quitan esas libertades.

      Es una cuestión de hasta qué punto estamos preparados para permitir que nuestras libertades se vean erradas … Si no abrimos los ojos por completo a las posibles adgendas que acechan en el margen que se presentan como soluciones …

      Despertar significa mirar profundamente en las Sombras y aprender a distinguir la Verdad de las Mentiras … Mientras mantienes continuamente la compasión, el amor y la aceptación de una vez.

      Es difícil observar la realidad de un mundo cuando también entiendes que es solo una ilusión …

      Muchas gracias mi querido amigo … Estoy agradecido por tu amistad y la lectura de mi blog …
      Enviando muchas gracias y mucha gratitud a tu manera Manuel ..
      Bendiciones Sue ❤ 🙏



      • macalder02
        May 25, 2020 @ 05:24:11

        Reading to you is a unique opportunity to be close to a truth that is sometimes elusive for not looking beyond our eyes. Thank you Sue for your words of encouragement.
        A big hug for you and thanks also for your blessings.

        Leerle es una oportunidad única para estar cerca de una verdad que a veces es difícil de no mirar más allá de nuestros ojos. Gracias Sue por tus palabras de aliento.
        Un fuerte abrazo para ti y gracias también por tus bendiciones.

        Liked by 1 person


  30. Jennie
    May 24, 2020 @ 14:27:08

    Well said, Sue!



  31. roughwighting
    May 25, 2020 @ 17:27:09

    Your poem is AMAZING, and just as relevant (maybe even more so?) today as when you first wrote it. But since time is fluid anyway, it doesn’t matter. I have a weird relationship with time. I don’t like it because it seems to march too fast for me, and yet I realize that in some ways, “time” is irrelevant. ;-0



  32. Baydreamer
    May 26, 2020 @ 18:40:37

    Your terrific post of motivation and wisdom is timely, Sue. We need to wake up and prepare for what comes next. I don’t see the yesterdays becoming our tomorrows anymore. Things have changed and we are evolving into a new normal. A new normal is what we’re currently living in, and yet, even a newer normal will emerge over the horizon. I agree with what you said about time, too, and as Debby said, I’m buckled in. We shall see, but we also need to take responsibility, like you said. This is a perfect start to my week. Much love and many hugs to you, my friend. xoxoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2020 @ 19:25:18

      May thanks dear Lauren.. really appreciate you stopping by.. Yes lots of changes on the horizon… all about choices made .. So happy this post enabled your week to start of well.. Hope it continued so….
      Many thanks again for your encouragement and compliments.. 🙂 May we all evolve in Unity rather than in division.. ❤
      Sending LOVE.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  33. Miriam
    May 28, 2020 @ 08:46:37

    Hi Sue, loved your poem. And your words are so true, time is indeed rushing by so quickly and life is so precious, we can’t waste it. I know for myself the past month had seen me immersed in nature and really tuning into my senses, moment by moment. As we slowly emerge from our cocoon I’m almost reluctant to step back in to the whirlwind of it all. Perhaps I’ll just stay here in my cave a bit longer! Hope all’s well with you my friend. Sending love and warmest wishes xx 💙🙏



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2020 @ 19:13:06

      I know what you mean Miriam… I have had to force myself to turn on the computer… As all I want to do is be within my own creative space, as I paint, or garden, or just sit on the swing outdoors and swing, listening to the birds and watching everything bloom… While not a lot has changed within my own reality since lockdown, apart from not seeing family… I feel deeply this is changing us from the inside out… to take a look at ourselves and what is important.. As we have slowed down and paused to reconnect both within ourselves and with Mother Nature… And appreciate her gifts all the more..
      Sending Love Miriam… Take care ❤ 🙏😘

      Liked by 2 people


      • Miriam
        May 29, 2020 @ 08:24:36

        Yes, I feel the same way too Sue. Deep changes on the inside, at least for those of us, that have taken the time to immerse ourselves fully in nature. What a blessing that’s been! Take care. xx 🙏💚

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 30, 2020 @ 22:12:06

          Agreed Miriam,… I no longer have that urgency to be on line, or interact as I once did.. This is not to say I am cutting myself off.. Just that I am now not putting pressure upon myself to fill my ego, that says you should write a post.. and you should go visit other blogs.. While my online family are important.. I am at peace within my own space.. And I am reluctant to share precious day light hours, when i could be in nature.. Which is where I have been… LOL… And I have been painting more too… So yes… I agree.. What a Blessing it has been. in that we are being truthful with ourselves 🙂 Honouring ourselves.. 🙂
          Much love dear Miriam.. ❤ and thank YOU..

          Liked by 1 person


  34. Nihar Pradhan
    May 29, 2020 @ 04:10:32

    Another timeless piece and so timely. Dear Sue your beautiful words are so poignant and soothing, nothing can beat the profoundness that goes behind all your wonderful writing. The deeper thoughts. The purpose of life. The meaning of our existence. This poem of yours is no exception, it has captured all those nuanced thoughts that we have all missed to contemplate. We are all muddled with murky thoughts. These are tough times, and time is indeed running away faster than we all had imagined. In fact as aptly put we were either sleeping or pretending to close our eyes. The problem is we are pretended, and we can wake up somebody who is sleeping and not who is pretending. The world has been pretending with nature that it is doing so much and is trying to take care of nature. This climate agreements to sustainable developments were all hogwash. It was bound to be exposed, and it did. There were so much death & destruction around us and the way we have been dealing with nature, this pandemic was inevitable, and the consequences was only a matter of time, and it has come much faster than anybody could have ever imagined. Fully agree, it is all in our thoughts, we are so deeply entrenched in negative thoughts and these thoughts are wrapped with deceits and treachery.

    Nature has a threshold limit to which it can accommodate the abuse of mankind, unfortunately mankind has turned so unkind towards nature that this was waiting in the wings to happen, we cannot complaint about what is happening with us, we need to accept this harsh reality, it appears as a nightmare, a bad dream and will disappear. No, it is not going to go away without the collateral damage it had to inflict, and we all have to go through the pain, things won’t change unless we mend our ways and amend our actions of how we have been handling nature. The care and compassion was thrown out of the window. The paradox is that we have developed such thick skin and we have become immune to these goodness of life, we have thoroughly disconnected ourselves from within and also from the world of nature outside of us. It’s a double whammy and we are caught in no man’s land. Atleast this time the nature has not be partial and has not shown its bias in meting out the punishment, it has taken the whole world under its control, no one is spared in this declaration of justice by nature.

    Just look at the irony. The rich people have loads of money but they cannot spend. The poor people are badly in need of money but they cannot earn, that is unfortunate. The roads are empty but people cannot go for a drive even having so many cars parked in their garage. We all have lot of time but cannot meet our near and dear ones, we are forced to get virtually connected and miss those face to face conversations that we had taken it for granted. We had taken nature for granted and we have not only used it but we have crossed the border and abused nature, this was to happen.

    Unfortunately due to the mad thoughts of those at the helm of affairs, many innocent people and poor people are suffering the most. We need to wake up, and we should have done it much early but in this world of nature where it has so much time for itself but we mortal human beings have little time, and we need to quickly learn to respect the timeless power of nature, and start nurturing our nature. We should have done it yesterday.

    Dear Sue, earlier I tried to connect but your comment section was closed, I thought you must be with your world of painting and nature, the thought of it gave me peace of mind, nothing can be better than with the world of creativity and carving our little space in the beauty of nature. Hope all well, stay safe and take care!!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 03, 2020 @ 11:03:12

      Dear Nihar… so wonderful are your deductions as always my friend… And yes there is Irony in this… And we do truly need to open our eyes to what the Greed of mankind has wrought upon our Mother Earth and the the loss of life we have contributed to along the way to our so called prosperity as we evolve..
      We have forgotten the basic principles of Gaia.. And that is something which the true Indigenous Peoples around the world never forgot.. They learnt only to take that which was needed, and always to give thanks and to give something back in return…
      It may well be Mother Nature is just giving us back that which we have given her….
      They say the world is a mirror of ourselves… And I would hope for the most part.. Most humans have a kind heart, and respect each other and nature.. But unfortunately we have also been programmed in the scheme of things… And especially within the last thirty years the progress within Technology systems… We have become separated even more….
      What we have been witnessing is Fear and how it soon separates even the kindest heart… Because the most fearful factor of them all, is the fear of Death…
      Isn’t it strange Nihar, when you really think about it… When people are told their very planet is falling apart and may not sustain them in the future.. Most people think well its someone’s responsibility, Big Business etc… Yet they fail to see their own part in their consumer habits that drives the big wheels within Business…..
      This has been a whole different separation.. And those most vulnerable still are the worse off. And how people can not reach out to those in most need because of fear is often beyond me….
      On a lighter note.. within my own community we have drawn closer… Helping, caring, shopping for each other when need arises, giving, exchanging, lending, laughing, joking, and drawing upon the LOVE and compassion that is inside all of us… We have united stronger…

      I feel many communities were joining this way… But I also know a knowing deeper than most.. And this is not the intended end game.. Love and Unity is not what is desired… But separation and fear is….
      So my dear Nihar… I continue to enjoy our garden.. our allotment, growing veggies.. this is a busy time of planting and maintaining.. And my creative side in painting and crafts have been given more time….
      I am sorry that comments were off on a particular post you visited… It would only have been that one… I do that from time to time, as I dislike leaving comments too long in the pending box…. But sometimes I just have to give more time to my own personal space… Which is why I have not been visiting as many as I used to…
      So I so thank you Nihar… Your visits and comments when ever you spare the time are also much appreciated my friend…
      Enjoy your own surroundings in beauty my friend..
      Much love returned your way 🙂 🙏

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Jun 04, 2020 @ 06:16:39

        Indeed Dear Sue, life begins where fear ends but now we are under the tight grip of fear psychosis. So true we have completely forgotten the basic tenets of Gaia. She is life and the soul of Mother Earth, and we have abused it thoroughly. She has given us everything we wanted and whenever we wanted, and we have long back crossed the limits of need and have become a prisoner of greed.

        This materialistic world, and the power of wealth and money has made many blind to the realities of life, sitting on an ivory tower those power people aren’t deliberately not seeing the way we should all be seeing at things as they are instead we are pretending to smart and have literally played with the art of living.

        When I look back to these last two months of lockdown and the way we people and community have managed to stay together, how people have spend so much quality time with themselves and also with their family which most avoided and were always on the run.

        There are many of those people who scorn at the idea of spirituality and they question those gurus and wise people who wants to spread peace and happiness, and those who preach of pausing in life and reflecting on things that really matter to us. Most of us have been searching for those elusive moments and those exclusive time for ourselves but this mechanics of life driven by greed, money, power, position had paused us to the corner, and there was no space for sane voice.

        And top of it, the nature was yelling at us, and was constantly warning us from indulging in such hara kiri. We had become deaf hearing such high decibel noise all around us, we had closed our channels of listening to the whispers so important in reconciling to such deep thoughts and important things in life. The inner voice and the voice of nature…

        Indeed world is a mirror and we can see everything that we do and it provides us with that image where we can correct ourselves but unfortunately we have all stopped seeing at that mirror.

        It is so strange that when nature was telling us in such kind words nobody listened and today when it has used the factor of fear through this pandemic everybody has listened with silence and have followed the diktats without any question. Yes, there has to be an end to this misery but we didn’t take the permission of nature to start it hence it is in the hands of nature to end it when it feels appropriate, the most unfortunate part is many innocent and helpless people lost their life, and many underprivileged people suffered without food and without livelihood.

        Is life unfair? How can we question life when we have never treated life in fairness.

        Dear Sue, thank you so much, our conversation is special and it is always such a lovely feeling to share these profound thoughts and exchange such fundamentals ideas most of us somehow forgotten. I feel so happy when I see you enjoying the bounty of nature and nurturing your wonderful creativity through those colors and canvas…

        Take care and much more love returned with joy & delight!!!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 05, 2020 @ 09:55:15

          Loved your response dear Nihar… indeed many shout life is unfair… But as you rightly point out, when have we been fair to nature… Even now I hear there has been a huge Oil spill in the Artic where over Twenty thousand tonnes of diesel fuel has been spilled into a river in the Arctic Circle forcing Vladimir Putin to order a state of emergency. I did here he was fuming that the company had not informed anyone for several days making it even worse a disaster…
          What is it with Big business and how they seem to destroy nature..
          My husband also read out an article the other day where on a mining company in Australia had blown up a sacred site of the indigenous people’
          The Juukan Gorge cave, a 46,000-year-old sacred indigenous site in Australia, was blown up by Rio Tinto mining company… How do you mistakenly do that…
          You see Nihar… there is a war on consciousness and those with ancient knowledge… Trying to bring down the vibration of the planet… So many things which will seeming happen as separate things yet all connected…

          Gaia is rumbling underground and Nature is always mightier than any human…. And yes, Nature has been yelling her lungs out for some time… But one has yet to understand her might..

          Thank you dear Nihar, always so good to correspond and chat our inner most thoughts..

          Many thanks my dear friend 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • Nihar Pradhan
            Jun 05, 2020 @ 17:26:43

            Inspite of such a crisis, many on the helm of the affairs of running our state and in governance have learned any lesson. They have taken some drastic measures, imposed controls, it was military like and since it was with the intention of save our life we have abided by it.

            The bigger question remain how much has this crisis served their ulterior motive, political forces and politicians are mad at power and they go any distance to grab that position and they have been doing for years. When it comes to our individual life and people like us have no say beyond our limited capacity and circle,

            We can talk but cannot break that hegemony of system that is controlling us. It is the political system. It is the economic system. It is the health system. It is the education system. How can the politician survive without indulging in corrupt practices. How can economic survive without the power play by the capitalists? How can healthcare system survive without the business of pharma companies. How can education survive without the private players, who have made education a pure play business venture. In India, these private schools make more profit than any other business, such an irony and we all know it, and nothing is done about it. There are few social activists and few sane voices protest and raise their voice to be silenced by powerful media houses and propaganda machinery in operations.

            The incidents that you have cited on Oil Spill at Arctic and Mining Company destroying a sacred site, these are abuse we do and we turn a blind eye, and then expect nature to be kind to us. We are to blame ourselves for the pandemic crisis we are going through but the irony is that those people who have forced us to face this situation are somehow being protected and are escaping the malady, unfortunately the common people are suffering the most and innocents are getting trapped in this awful mesh.

            This nature is interconnected and what is happening in Arctic or in Australia has a consequence for all of us in some form or the other, just that we don’t accept or realize unless we are personally affected, otherwise we don’t connect.

            We are entrapped in a state of illusion and we are mesmerized by the mirage, and we don’t want to dismantle that status quo, and there is an innate comfort that is holding us back from moving forward in life…there is so much vibration but is not producing the music but resulting in noise, we have turned a deaf ear to good things in life. We are attracted by negativity and instant gratification, care and compassion is comprised, we are deeply imprisoned in delusion.

            Let’s hope something positive emerge out of this crisis and let the sacrifice of thousands of fellow human beings don’t go waste, and let sanity prevail.

            Thank you so much Dear Sue, always always a delight to exchange such deep insights and converse with such heightened perspectives.
            Take Care and Bliss!!!



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jun 07, 2020 @ 23:00:07

              Wonderfully said Nihar… And yes everything is Interconnected.. and all has a ripple effect.. a consequence… All of Nature is connected.. and the chain always leads back to us….
              It is my hope too Nihar that out of Chaos there is clarity…. and that those sleeping souls begin to wake up and take responsibility in that it is not someone else’s problem… Its Our Problem… because we are all of us part of it… We the consumers… who drive big business to cut corners to make more profit.. We who want cheap goods… We who want it yesterday, delivered to our door… We who eat unhealthy foods, who desire more things, who become the cogs in the wheel that drives the machine…
              My hope resides with yours my friend..
              Thank you. 🙏

              Liked by 1 person

            • Nihar Pradhan
              Jun 10, 2020 @ 04:33:52

              We are the creators of solutions and every such solutions becomes the harbinger of newer problems, there is always a cost we need to pay for the comfort and convenience that we are constantly hankering for, we cannot get something without giving something in return.

              It is indeed an interconnected world and everything is chained, there is this chaos-order theory, we have to go through a phase of chaos to reach a higher order of existence, and sometime as is the case now we pay a high price for our own wrong doings…perhaps we are learning the lessons much faster and mending our ways.
              Take care!!!

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jun 10, 2020 @ 21:44:34

              Yes Order out of Chaos…. Much like any personal trauma… we have to sometimes sink to rock bottom often in order to see there is no where else to go, except to climb back up, swim to the light… Or we drown…
              Many thanks Nihar…. 🙏

              Liked by 1 person

            • Nihar Pradhan
              Jun 11, 2020 @ 14:54:00

              Yes, we are in that middle of that massive churn and as rightly put there are these different outcomes, and we will soon see whether we are able to swim out or sink…
              Dear Sue, always a pleasure.
              take care!!!


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jun 11, 2020 @ 19:22:18

              Thank you dear Nihar… Got my water wings at the ready!! 🙂 lol

              Liked by 1 person

  35. Stine Writing
    May 31, 2020 @ 03:18:39

    With what is going on all over the US from riots, this writing would be perfect to pass around!



  36. Paul Handover
    May 31, 2020 @ 14:18:19

    Are you alright? I’m sure you are but just missed you over at my place.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 03, 2020 @ 11:15:16

      Hi Paul… So wonderful you came by Dreamwalkers asking after me… its been such a long while also since you dropped me a line here… We are well thank dear Paul, I hope you and Jeanie is too…
      Sorry I have not been over in a while, or many other places recently… I have been resting from WP for a time and concentrating on our allotments and a painting I have been absorbed in… I hope to remedy my AWOL in your own blog as soon as possible… And hope all the four and two legged at your place are also happy and well…
      Sending Huge Hugs your way Paul and thank YOU for thinking about me and asking after me… I really appreciate you doing so Paul 🙂



      • Paul Handover
        Jun 03, 2020 @ 12:28:07

        You are most welcome and I am sorry I haven’t been across to your place as often as I should.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 03, 2020 @ 14:05:34

          Paul Please don’t worry about it… We do what we can when we can… and I now just follow what I feel to be right and say What I feel to be right….. I have stopped worrying over the little things in life… There are going to be far greater things on the horizon that all of us need to be aware of and contemplate how we are going to navigate through them… I hope we choose love and compassion over Hate and Fear… And keep our thoughts focused on what we want to create, and not on what we do not want… So my garden, and allotments.. My family and my crafts are getting all of my attention right now…. Sending Huge hugs and love to you both 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • Paul Handover
            Jun 03, 2020 @ 15:26:32

            Yes, and yes to that dear Sue. I have been very preoccupied by my second book and the blog and, frankly, I spend too much time at my computer as it is. Plus, cycling every other day, and stuff ……

            So you are a dear person and I sense also feeling that you going back to nature has some obvious benefits! It’s a strange time and I could write so much more about it. For example, see my post today!

            And much more!

            Liked by 1 person


  37. Krishna Chaitanya
    May 31, 2020 @ 19:26:13

    Well said Sue ma’am. It’s been a long time since we interacted. Hw r u doing ma’am? Hw’s the situation of COVID-19 in your place? Sue ma’am pls do check out my new blog

    To read my blog, click on the link below:



  38. Aussie Emu
    Jun 04, 2020 @ 11:15:07

    Thanks for sharing Sue, good to read your words in these trying times, I have become aware these days that time is really of no consequence, it is nothing more than the blinking of the eye in our creator, our existence is a trivial speck in the cosmos of eternity, our Soul is the only proof of our existence as it echoes throughout eternity, a pleasure to read your post Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 05, 2020 @ 10:22:47

      Yes time is of our own 3D world, of our own making here… And as we shift… that Time reality is speeding up rapidly… We are less than a spec dear Ian… Yet Humanity thinks its self Sooooo, important and superior… It has a huge wake up call waiting in the wings… Many thanks Ian… I appreciate you taking time to read and respond my friend… Special thoughts to you and Ana… ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  39. sibyl X
    Jun 10, 2020 @ 19:48:21

    You really don’t need me to say anything, do you Sue…May the Light & Life Forces always be with you Dear Friend XXX



  40. marina kanavaki
    Jun 13, 2020 @ 16:07:04

    Oh, Sue, I can’t tell you how much this resonates with me. I’ve been coming back here again and again…
    Sending love and many hugs your way, my sweet friend.



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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