The Puzzle of Life ~ Part One.


The woman now understood so much more within her Being. She had for over Fifty years been seeking the truth, yearning to satisfy her thirst for knowledge of who we really are, and why we are here.

She had read deeply, researched deeper still, and she had tapped into her inner wisdom and that which had guided her to re-connect to her ‘Higher-Self’ in the realms beyond.

Her spiritual path a perfect learning ground had moulded each step of her journey to her point of now.

Even through her childhood, her loneliness, her reserved nature, all had played a part, even her long hours of repetitive labour within the confines of industrial walls had taught her patience and tolerance of others.  Each step driving her back out into nature, to breathe in the clean air where she had sought solace of the freedom she craved just to BE, as she appreciated all of Natures gifts.  Her choices all along her road, all had primed her for this point in her existence.

And now with all the pieces of knowledge she had gathered, she set about arranging them one by one, turning them over in her mind, seeing how each piece had led to the next.

Her awakening had begun way, way back in her childhood, from Sunday School and Bible Study groups when she was but Thirteen years old.  Her desire to know more about a man who walked this earth and who performed miracles and yet whose mortality was to end, yet rise again to show us all we were the same. We were eternal Beings of Light! And that what He could do so we could do also, if only we believed that we were more than our bodies when we truly understood Christ Consciousness.

She set the pieces down before her now reviewing their content, she smiled at how orchestrated this life had been.

The woman saw how her path had been a winding labyrinth, a maze of discoveries. Some were straight and true, while others had led her along detours. But even the detours were all part of her journey, because each bend, each obstacle, each rock and hard place had strengthened her resolve, bringing inner courage to be the best she could be.

Because each piece however small she turned over in her hand, held within it were the colours she had needed to nurture and blend and had all been placed there to help her seek out the reason why this journey more than another other was so very important.  That this time, her remembering needed to be complete.

For each experience, each emotion, each choice had brought her to the point of her Now.

And as she looked at all of those hundreds of pieces she had sieved through, each piece was unique, and each held an invisible thread, like a hologram of light held within.

Often one had to unravel the many layers that laid on top of each other, which hid the truth, and the true light within. Turning each over one by one, took patience and time. Each piece could only be fitted when others had already been placed. 

This often could take many attempts of going over the same piece. It wasn’t until the light caught them, and their colours shone and caught the inner eye,  they had led her to re-connect with those whose Light was also threaded within the very same holographic colours. Each holding an essential part of the whole, and who were all turning their own pieces over and over just as she had in unison. Each were finding their own Lights within just at the right moments in their lives. And all were uncovering various parts of the puzzle..

Together we were all sharing our Knowledge and Lights. 

For Now it was time ALL Star Seeds were joining together as ONE 

So many did not recognise the colours that threaded through their own lives were also connected to the world as a whole, she was just one piece among so many more. Now all of those pieces were connecting together, as one by one more were searching and finding their own missing pieces as they learnt how to build their own Bigger Picture of the World around them, and their own reasons for being here right now.

It was good to see more were waking up and beginning to slot their own puzzles together, and more and more were beginning to pick through their piles of confusion, searching outside the box as they began to make more sense of the Big Wide World  forming before them.


(This series of the ‘Puzzle’ are leading up to the final piece which will be revealed on the 26th October).

117 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Seenorway
    Oct 17, 2018 @ 23:28:18

    And how do you and I bridge the gap between two different galaxies? 🙂
    I recognize your position, the ever new questions with no answers and the somewhat growing frustration over something just not making any sense at all. However, I won’t tell you what to think. I trust you’ll find the answers that will satisfy your thirst for the time being, and – that is probably one of the most important things: To feel that you’ve found the answers and give you peace at mind, but whether you’ve found the ultimate (and correct) answers, I wouldn’t know.
    Suddenly something happens to our world that doesn’t quite fit into the equation any more and there you are again – looking . . .! 🙂
    Me – I’ve reached that peace with myself! As you – thinking I’ve found the answers, but I have a feeling they’d be totally differeent to yours! (And might even be the wrong ones at that! 🙂 )

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 18, 2018 @ 12:44:35

      Will any of us ever know the real BIG PICTURE dearest Svein, remains to be seen… Our awareness grows at its own pace, no right or wrong answers, just that subtle knowing when something fits and is feeling right.
      The goal is to reach that place of Peace Svein, and when we are content within it matters not, what others think or what conclusions they say are right or wrong.. For what we search for all along is already held within us..
      Yet as a species, we crave for external stimulus looking outside of us for answers… 🙂
      So I thank you so very much for your insightful comment … Much love your way.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Seenorway
        Oct 18, 2018 @ 13:33:53

        About that last piece I think you’re absolutely right and couldn’t agree more!
        It’s all inside us and has always been there. That said, I believe that we are all responsible – and foremost to ourselves, which ‘doors’ to open, leaving ajar or closing down completely, even at times ‘throwing away the keys’ 🙂
        And – when we – ourselves’ take the full responsibilty of our lives, the way we live, how we behave and what we say and do to our fellow men, perhaps this world of ours will slowly be getting a better and safer place to be?
        No religions nor religious leaders of any kind needed! Nor religous hate, brainwashing or persecutions! Our responsibilities is towards ourself first and foremost and – to our fellow beings (all included) on ‘Mother Earth’!
        I think it stops there! No heaven in sight, nor is there a threatening hell down under! I’m told that’s called Australia?! (Which by the way, is a very nice place) ;-D

        Liked by 4 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 18, 2018 @ 14:24:44

          Loved this reply Svein.. Indeed personal responsibility has always been the key.. We all have freewill to choose what paths we take including how we treat others. Religion has been manipulated in many respects to be used as a tool to control and threaten.. When there was only one real message.. That of LOVE and respecting all life.. Heaven and Hell are of our own making and we will be our own final judges..
          And your last sentence made me smile…. 🙂 Enjoy your day my friend.. I am off out now while there is still a little sunshine.. ❤ 💛



  2. Miriam
    Oct 17, 2018 @ 23:35:05

    Sue, I felt so connected to this piece and it was as though you were speaking straight to my heart. I’ve been away from my blog for awhile and to come back and read your beautiful post was just what I needed today. So much searching for this woman too, over 50 years worth, and still the maze of life continues as we weave, search, ponder, connect and hopefully help to make the world a better place.
    Thank you for your beautiful, thought provoking and wise words here. Much love and hugs to you from me. xx

    Liked by 1 person


  3. thespiritkeeper
    Oct 17, 2018 @ 23:55:54

    Your journey is similar to mine with pieces of the puzzles and how all interlock to make the whole. I think for me it is a graduation of puzzle pieces that create the whole and then when all is settled another piece of the puzzle makes itself known. For me, it is neverending although I get the sense of completion or the jist of the whole. It can be frustrating at the time as you don’t know what to make of that first piece of the puzzle and it can be easily dismissed. I like the way you narrate the story and I look forward to October 26th

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 18, 2018 @ 12:39:32

      Yes, I agree Joseph. It may take years before you see how once piece which you held onto, never fitted anywhere, then suddenly another piece comes to light and the two make perfect sense, as they sit snugly side by side … And you then have that Ha-Ha! moment… Then all the other pieces take on new meaning..
      Many thanks again dear friend… I hope the finale piece will make sense.. As I have a lot of ground to cover to get there.. 🙂 LOL…
      Hugs … 💚

      Liked by 1 person


      • thespiritkeeper
        Oct 18, 2018 @ 14:06:08

        That is correct about the pieces fitting together and that Ha ha moment arrives. I agree with this. Maybe I am not finished with all the pieces at the moment. All I know is the call from the ancients to take me home. Sometimes I hear it and other times not. I think they are toying with me LOL I get the whole earth thing and I get the crossing over thing. Pehaps the pieces I am getting are from past lives as a warning or not to go down that road but as you say every bend is supposed to happen and is a step to another puzzle piece. Even though I get some puzzle pieces I still feel clear about it all that is why it is puzzling me no pun intended that I don’t feel perplexed with another piece of the puzzle but just knowing and being. Hope you are having a great week. Hugs back ❤



  4. thespiritkeeper
    Oct 17, 2018 @ 23:56:42

    Jist not just

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Writing to Freedom
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 01:06:42

    A lovely journey and metaphor. I seem to be still muddling through the pieces in confusion and not seeing how the pieces of my life fit together. 🙂 Kudos Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Val Boyko
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 01:19:56

    I love this Sue 💛 Especially how you bring your own awareness to what is happening within you and then reach out to come together and find our own light. Thank you so much for spreading light from you heart and embracing everyone. Its an amazing puzzle that is unfolding 💕💐🌈

    Liked by 1 person


  7. aFrankAngle
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 01:21:51

    For me, this is the part to hit me the most: “And now with all the pieces of knowledge she had gathered, she set about arranging them one by one, turning them over in her mind, seeing how each piece had led to the next.” Well done!

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Puzzles of the Soul
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 01:27:29

    I really like the way people latch on to my Website Name of many years using Puzzle in their titles and jigsaw puzzles. Puzzles of the Soul –

    Check it out if you already have not done so.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 18, 2018 @ 11:25:38

      Thank you for your comment Puzzle of the Soul.. I think Many use the analogy of The Puzzle, simply because it is.. And thank you for the link to your Site.. May we all begin to solve it piece by piece.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • Puzzles of the Soul
        Oct 18, 2018 @ 23:59:43

        In all the years I have had my website Puzzles of the Soul it is the first time I have seen another person use my expression. The title came from my Soul and God it is unique. I would politely say you should use a unique expressions in your work and start by working through your soul and ask God before you begin. Also you used a Jigsaw which is often used within my work and once again this is unique and apart from yourself now, I have not seen it used. I have often seen Life Coaches and “spiritual” workers from the USA copy others work and send it out as their own. I do not normally read your posts but this one was highlighted to me by Jesus Christ. Try to be unique in your thinking and work. All true workers from God and the Divine have their own unique expressions and style.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 19, 2018 @ 12:50:04

          Dear Puzzle of the SOUL…
          I have been using the Jigsaw for many years.. and the PUZZLE pieces as an analogy longer still.. I see your blog dates from August 2015 in your archives.. My own dates back to 2007.. Here is a post I did way back in 2012… Using the same analogy.. My post back then was called Fitting the Pieces Together! Here is the link to that post.. The painting of the jigsaw piece was painted by myself, The painting I called way back then.. THE PUZZLE OF LIFE.. was painted back in 1998…

          So if I was to lower my vibration to the level of expression you are implying, I could easily say dear Puzzle of the Soul,where did you first get your idea from? could well have been from here…

          But I do not need to sink to such levels, because I know from which my own source of writing came, and it most certainly wasn’t your blog that I had only visited back upon your original comment the other day.

          But it really doesn’t matter What You think.. it just shows me how narrow you think GOD is in his abundance of sharing information via our consciousness in that you would think you are unique in this analogy of the puzzle of life..
          Do you really believe GOD consciousness is yours alone?
          As for being original.. MY words are my own, and if I use a quote, I say its a quote…
          It is you I feel sorry for, for you obviously have not found the most essential piece of all… Or you would not accuse me of such a thing..

          Liked by 1 person


          • Puzzles of the Soul
            Oct 21, 2018 @ 01:41:58

            I have had many websites in different formats and as technology changed so did I. I have been using Puzzles of the Soul. For a long time.

            It looks like you enjoy a fight and this is not my way. I highlighted the fact you were using my work, titles and similar image. You can say what you like. I connect to many who are genuine and unique in their work God works in many ways, I love to see the variety in HIS work. I know when people are working with God it shows in their expressions, creativity and understanding. I will no longer connect to you as your has little value in the way of life. Very New Age.



          • Cats Rule
            Oct 28, 2018 @ 15:07:20

            Friend Sue, I went to Nanette’s site and, indeed she offers good food for thought … sadly, she thinks she “owns” her teachings instead of freely sharing them … Okay, ‘nough said ’bout that, and now I will go and work on the jigsaw puzzle called life some more … Much love, cat.



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Oct 29, 2018 @ 10:57:24

              Bless you dear Cat, for even taking the time to follow the link.. Yes, sad when ego drives that part which rises its ugly head of owner-ship… Hope you are mending nicely, good to see you, and sending Much Love right back ❤


        • thespiritkeeper
          Oct 19, 2018 @ 13:44:00

          Dear puzzles of the soul. Your name is not unique. I used the term many years ago being over 30 years ago. Did you get this from me??? Your accusations are uncalled for and are not of God’s work they come from the ego which is an instrument of good or bad. You using this shows to me a lot of insecurity. Like I said that title was used in my poetry years ago. Quit copying my stuff lol

          Liked by 3 people


  9. Soul Gifts
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 02:23:05

    This is a wonderful write Sue. It’s almost like I’m reading my own story. We walk together xxx

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 18, 2018 @ 11:32:53

      Thank you Raili.. we are I think Raili, now finding our similar pieces and as we do, so our work is bringing those of like mind together.. Our combined thoughts and energy is now needed more than ever to project love and harmony into the world..
      And its a privilege to be among such good company… ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  10. litebeing
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 04:44:57

    I love this Sue! This line really spoke to me:

    “Turning each over one by one, took patience and time. Each piece could only be fitted when others had already been placed. This often could take many attempts of going over the same piece. It wasn’t until the light caught them, and their colours shone and caught the inner eye, they had led her to re-connect with those whose Light was also threaded within the very same holographic colours.”

    In my experience, so many “pieces” are subtle and only show themselves after what seems to be eternity in human terms.

    I look forward to the next installment.

    love, Linda

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Renee Espriu
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 05:20:28

    Look forward to reading more, Sue. I believe each individual’s journey is a similar one and is only noticed in its’ detail by some. Hence, the mystery of life and being continues. Be well my friend. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  12. derrickjknight
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 10:51:12

    Thought provoking as ever. Do I see a painting coming on?

    Liked by 1 person


  13. JoAnna
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 16:30:01

    So much wisdom. I love how this starts with pieces of personal history I can easily relate to, the comfort of nature, learning that even the detours were all part of her journey, and then you shine your light on Christ consciousness and the importance, the necessity, of diversity for all our experiences and wisdom are needed. Beautiful and brilliant. Is it okay if re-blog this?

    Liked by 1 person


  14. Bela Johnson
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 18:00:56

    Labyrinthian, indeed! It’s like a really complex choreographed dance going on, both fascinating as well as vexing at times, attempting to interpret the movements. As for me, I am content to understand some and let some be until more is revealed. Nicely done, Sue. 😘💕🌷💗



  15. robbiesinspiration
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 18:54:16

    This is an extraordinary and beautifully descriptive post, Sue. I love your analogy of the pieces of a puzzle and the different colours and threads that run though it described in the context of our lives and world.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 19, 2018 @ 13:37:19

      Many thanks Robbie.. its a theme that has run through many a post.. I was doing a rather special jigsaw with my granddaughter the other week, and will weave in the puzzles progress as we made it.. 🙂 ❤ Love and Blessings



  16. -Eugenia
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 19:31:30

    Mind-stirring post, Sue. A little thinking in the right direction is good for the soul. The pieces will come together if we want them to.

    Liked by 1 person


  17. Erika Kind
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 20:25:00

    Wow, so many ways to compare life and our own development with a puzzle. I just thought, how I love it to look back from a certain situation and reconstruct how one step, one incident, one decision, leads to another. It is sooooo amazing!!! Thank you for spreading so much awareness with this story.
    Big hugs 💖

    Liked by 1 person


  18. The Coastal Crone
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 22:44:14

    Looking forward to the final piece!



  19. dgkaye
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 23:27:42

    Sue, thank you for sharing those intimate parts of your younger self. I also feel more pieces beginning to fit the puzzle and a different type of buzz in the air. Something is definitely brewing so I look forward to learning more about the puzzle from you.
    Love and light my dear friend. ❤ xoxo



  20. insearchofitall
    Oct 18, 2018 @ 23:43:32

    So beautifully written and I love how you see it as a puzzle. Had not thought of it that way but it is. It’s interesting how similar our paths are. Not exactly the same but at some point we connect the dots and see the whole picture. Soon I hope.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 19, 2018 @ 13:47:52

      Hi Marlene.. Yes those pieces are all beginning now to reveal themselves, one by one.. You and I have read many similar books and understand a lot deeper than many what this fabrication of a world is about.. We may not have at our means, this method of creating or communicating at our disposal for much longer. I just hope more people connect Dots.. and see the Whole Picture too…
      LOVE and Blessings Marlene.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  21. Infinite Living
    Oct 19, 2018 @ 00:27:13

    This is a gorgeous read Sue! The perfection of the design is indeed miraculous and the way you weave words to describe it, makes it feel so beautiful. It is so amazing to know the awakening of each piece for what it is and where it fits as part of the whole. I personally feel like I am moving towards integration of what it means to be a person of myself – in simply Being and then in relation to the whole.



  22. David
    Oct 19, 2018 @ 08:58:33

    Another first Sue, a brilliant analogy between a life path and the jigsaw puzzle. Strange how it all sounds autobiographical!! Love it, well done Sue. Love, David



  23. Annika Perry
    Oct 19, 2018 @ 11:26:48

    Wow! Sue, this is wonderful and powerful … a post traversing the mystical realms of life to its earthly bounds. It’s a gift to see the puzzle unravel to a whole, where each piece, each light and colour builds to a unity. How true that the road to such wisdom is never linear but it takes time to understand that the meandering ways are never a wasted time rather, as you write : ‘But even the detours were all part of her journey, because each bend, each obstacle, each rock and hard place had strengthened her resolve, bringing inner courage to be the best she could be.’ I look forward to reading more … hugs & love xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 19, 2018 @ 14:06:08

      Many thanks Annika.. lovely to have you, I am working my way around, my hobbies have been taking me away from blogging recently, but one knitting project completed as another began yesterday… I saw Sammy’s wonderful music again, I mean to go over and tell him so, as it popped up on my screen from YouTube, You must be so proud of him…
      Many thanks again for your lovely comment Annika.. May all of those bends in our roads show us we will overcome all obstacles in our path and we will find and arrive at our final destination, wiser for our travels here.. ❤
      Much love.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Annika Perry
        Oct 20, 2018 @ 08:44:18

        Sue, first thank you so much for your interest in Sammy’s music … that is wonderful and means a lot to me and him. I do feel so proud and very blessed.

        How wonderful to be so immersed in different projects …

        I’m sorry to read about the accusation of plagiarism. You handled the comments very well, with clarity and with dignity. 🤗

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 20, 2018 @ 09:31:36

          Hi Dear Annika.. Hope to catch up with you later today, and Sammy too… And thank you for your kind support.. means a lot Annika.. All let go of now.. and I feel foolish for making the reply public, but at the time I was hurt that someone would think such a thing.. LOVE and Hugs…<3

          Liked by 1 person


  24. InfiniteZip
    Oct 19, 2018 @ 16:01:35

    I found as i read each sentence, I could sense a piece of myself in that mix of words, a most timely and excellent work Sue and I look forward to seeing the rest/end result…I found two white feathers today, waved them about as I walked and once again felt connected, happening more and more with each day that goes by, like an inner balance beam sitting on its spot level and true ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 19, 2018 @ 23:13:31

      Oh wonderful you found more feathers… Haha.. fabulous,, that Dreamcatcher I see will have enough feathers soon to hang above your bed.. LOL.. 🙂 Happy you enjoyed Kim.. We are all of us connected.. LOVE and HUGS.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  25. Tom Merriman
    Oct 19, 2018 @ 22:28:45

    And you can’t have colour without shades of grey, white without black, and light without darkness. Everything fits together in its own way, although sometimes, at the time, it isn’t as clear as how it should be. And the more we think, the more puzzling it becomes.
    Looking forward to reading the next part, Sue… for now, I wish you a fabulous weekend!



  26. Mabel Kwong
    Oct 20, 2018 @ 10:10:15

    Coming from your other post, I read your above exchange with Puzzle of The Soul with a bit of amusement. Applaud you for holding your ground and stating your opinion in a forthright, level-headed manner, and you also were resourceful to check out her blog to see her side of the story. Also enjoyed reading the responses of others As you mentioned to Collette, more than likely all of us have a collective consciousness – which would explain how we can feel energies around us, how we can feel each other thinking, guess what someone is going to do next and so on. The concept of puzzle has been around for a very long time and it really can be applied to describe any part of life really.

    You are definitely an original; we are all originals with our differences. But all of us are also similar in many ways so we may all share similar thought patterns and processes. Her comment on your blog does come across as one with a stickler for a certain belief and a certainty for what’s right and wrong… In reality we all are on different continuums and can learn from each other, or at the very least respect differences. As you said in this post, ‘Together we were all sharing our Knowledge and Lights’. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 20, 2018 @ 10:24:34

      Thank you Mabel, I agree with you my friend, we are all unique and are on different continuum’s, so very well said..
      And yes the puzzle is old hat and describes many variables..
      I maybe shouldn’t have responded so publicly, but we have both learnt a lesson here I feel, I in learning not to let others wound me, when I know I stand in my own truth.. And I hope she has also taken something away with her when she reads the answer and the many other comments in regarding the Puzzle is not hers exclusively given by God..
      But I am just about to post a tongue in cheek cartoon, Comments will be closed.. As I let it all go..
      Sending love Mabel and will look forward to catch up with you later too… Hugs..



  27. balroop2013
    Oct 20, 2018 @ 21:16:13

    Hi Sue, I must apologise for missing this post and now I am coming back from your explanation to the kind lady who claims a copyright to word or phrase, which has been used by thousands of poets and authors…only reveals how minuscule one’s knowledge could be…a drop of water in the oceans around us! “Puzzles” around us have been there for times immemorial…we all have been engrossed in these puzzles of life, trying to set them right in various ways. I remember when I was in middle school and had a penchant for collecting quotes, I had read, “Life is a puzzle, solve it.”
    I marvel at the language you used to respond to the absurd accusation. Well done dear friend and your latest “let go” is an icing on the cake you offered to the kind lady! Stay blessed. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 21, 2018 @ 11:57:01

      Thank you Balroop, your love and support are very much appreciated.. Let it go I have, though the lady came to leave me her parting shot on this post.. I will not even bother to reply… It just shows the depth of her understanding.. I feel sorry for her..
      Many thanks again dear Balroop… ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  28. smilecalm
    Oct 20, 2018 @ 21:37:41

    wonderful, Sue!
    you’re certainly one
    of the most original
    beautiful hearts
    in creation’s
    jigsaw puzzle 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  29. stephensmustang1
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 02:16:32

    Couldn’t find a way to comment on the post after this one. I thought your answer to the woman was brilliant. Quite frankly, it was probably MUCH nicer than mine would have been. Apparently, you are correct..her image and thought of God is that He is very narrow in who He gives ideas to. I’ve read the analogy several times. Maybe now as well put as you did but still. You were very kind and spot on in your response.
    Love and hugs

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 21, 2018 @ 11:50:42

      Thank you dear Elizabeth, I closed comments, as I felt enough energy had been spent.. 🙂 But the lady in question has come back to leave me her views again on this post.. I am not even going to lower myself to reply..
      She is a lady who I think requires help in seeing what Jesus and God is about, and I think her mental state lacking security … LOVE and Hugs dear friend.. and thank you.. ❤



  30. Jane Sturgeon
    Oct 21, 2018 @ 11:20:13

    You write so beautifully Sue and lend others expression through your voice and wisdom. Sharing open heartedly. It is always a joy to visit and my soul sighs ‘Yes’ each time. Xxx Thank you. Xxx 😘 💗

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Christy B
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 17:36:20

    The pieces of life… they start at the heart and extend outward into the world… let’s connect with others in ways that fit a happy puzzle and help one another… your messages in this post are beautiful, Sue, and those are the words that came to my mind after reading them 🙂



  32. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Oct 22, 2018 @ 20:57:13

    Oh Sue, I am so sorry that someone challenged you about this post and the origin of your inspiration.. I well recall when someone wrote me and demanded that I stopped using the word, ‘Sonrisa’, as she stated that she had copyrights to it.. It distressed me very much, as I would never intentionally hurt another, nor would you…. when in the USA I visited with a copyright attorney who assured me that no one could copyright ‘sonrisa’ and he had checked to find that she did not own the copyrights to her own company that used sonrisa in the title.

    I read your post offline, so am now at a cyber — but the comment on the most recent post won’t work.. it’s most likely a glitch from my computer or the slow internet…

    Anyway,it’s easy to say, ‘don’t let this bother you,’ but sensitive people are easily wounded, as we would never want to cause conflict with anyone.. I suspect there is an army of concerned ‘souls’ who adore and cherish you — and every one is sending strong energy in your direction…

    Thank you for sharing what’s happened, as I know from experience that even dong that often backfires… but you have a right to share whatever the higher realms prompt you to share…. thank you for all that you do!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 23, 2018 @ 13:46:39

      Dear Lisa, sorry you too have had this similar experience, it is upsetting, then after the first initial wound, it was laughable. And like a blogging friend said to me recently I should just have deleted her comment and not rose to her bait or sunk to her level.. But we live and learn and grow as we go along… I was just so shocked to think she thought I had copied her analogy of the puzzle.. I eventually said on her second appearance to go Google it and it may open her eyes.. And yes, I have let it go..
      The posts I closed the comments too, So it wasn’t cyber space..
      My part two of the puzzle is posted and part three tomorrow, I am on a role for Friday’s last piece.. lol.. And no its not going to put me off from sharing what I am inspired to share..
      LOVE and wonderful Hugs your way.. You take care Lisa.. Much love Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Playamart - Zeebra Designs
        Oct 24, 2018 @ 07:09:55

        Yes, if we remove our egos and view conflicts from a neutral vantage point, it’s easier to let it go.. it’s also easier to find compassion for that other person… there are many lessons we learn, somethings through others who kick against the current! May this week be one where the wind blows your sails to serene locations!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 24, 2018 @ 15:05:46

          I think often we learn the most from those whom we may class as our enemies, for they come to teach us much about ourselves… :-D… Bless you Lisa… Take care where you are.. (( the Earth is moving strongly again in many new places across the plate )) So keep your ear to the ground as they say.. Lots of love… ❤ Sue ❤



  33. Nihar Pradhan
    Nov 02, 2018 @ 02:08:02

    Dear Sue, such a wonderful story and every word so subtly connected, the discovery, it was sublime and profound meaning was deeply driving. We are a body of knowledge, we are part of the whole, we are a mystery, we are a puzzle and all part of this beautiful journey of life. Every small to big things, every experience to emotion, every success to failure, every incident to accident, every setback to progress add up in creating who we are and we are all unique and therein lies the beauty of life.

    Yes, we learn so much in our schools and colleges, temples and churches, factories and offices but we are in a motion, so we miss soaking the emotions that come along with. It needs time. It needs peace of mind. It needs loads of patience. It needs being there. Just BEING. I fully agree with you dear Sue. And we gather so many different experiences in the work place and we experience different facets of life as we graduate to being a professional and to leading a family, as we see our children grow in front of us and we see them go to school and we reflect on our journey and there where we pick up many missing dots as a similar story of our life gets unfolded.

    Indeed every detour has shown us something new and every obstacle has only reinforced our resolve to do better and grow higher. Every rock has a story to tell and every step takes us closer to the path of progress and growth. Growth is life and the growth is not merely physical, material, mentally but so much about being spiritually enlightened and enriched. And this happens when we connect with self and come close to nature. The holistic growth what ultimately matters in our life.

    Dear Sue you have brought out such a wonderful perspective of how we need to pause and reflect, and connect all the different pieces of puzzle that has perplexed us, that has amazed us, that had awed us, that has questioned us and now it is time for us to discover the answers hidden in this maze of life. The joy lies in unraveling the hidden layers, as with time memory gets overloaded with so many things that it is essential that we work our away in those labyrinths and by-lanes of our memory bank, and just being help us immensely in distilling out those nuggets of wisdom reluctant to come to the forefront…

    Thanks so much dear Sue, I will go through the next parts and we will continue a wonderful conversation on this profound thought…
    Take Care!!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 03, 2018 @ 13:25:46

      As always you bring with you your own deep understanding into this puzzle we call life here within our Human body dear Nihar. It is often fraught with many obstacles along our paths, but even these in hindsight were set to forge our inner strengths as we learn to manoeuvre through them and discover that through peeling back those inner layers we come closer to that which we were all meant to delve and dive deeper into, and that is the core of our selves.. For held within each of us no matter how deeply buried within some, is that which we need to awaken to fully understand that ALL knowledge is held within. And that we have perhaps always been searching outwardly for answers, along with seeking externally for that which fulfils us. Thinking as we gather our material goods around us these are the things we seek to fill the void of existence.. When all it is we need to discover is our true selves, as we open our hearts in love..
      Many thanks dear Nihar… Always a great pleasure to have you and your delightful comments here my friend, I always look forward to our conversations 🙂
      Enjoy your weekend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Nov 04, 2018 @ 12:21:24

        Yes dear Sue we are so much deeply entangled in the paradox of life. When everything is inside us we still keep searching in the world outside of us…the external factor, there is that glitter we can see and there is that material and the success that wraps us and we want more as others appreciate and make us feel proud and great. It is such a vicious cycle of life where one takes us to another and the need becomes a want and want becomes a desire and the desire become a greed and we are churned and we meshed in that maze of life and we then try to solve that puzzle, and never easy and as we unwrap one layer we have one more and as we open one door we have one more, and instead of being and engaging with self and realizing our being and recognizing the innate potential of ours.

        And the possibilities we can explore the moment we are seize of the moment, invariably we fritter away those little windows of opportunities. There is a puzzle and it is in the way the opportunities disguised in the form of challenges. This is saga of life till we are alive and every time it happens there is something new and different and there is that element of unpredictability and uncertainty that makes the art of solving that puzzle bit intriguing.

        As we read the philosophies of great thinkers of yesteryear, we find how their thoughts resonates so well with us after hundreds of years and the way they could think so deep and wide and how they could present such powerful perspective that transcended time and generation. They all have looked inwards and have discovered the answer that they have been searching and as and when they connected with the self and with the nature, they had the answer and that is universal in nature and eternal.

        Dear Sue, always our interactions makes us think deep and pull out new dimensions to the way we look at life. It is the thought and the care that goes in crafting that thoughts makes our conversation profoundly enriching and engaging.
        Hope you had great weekend.
        Take Care!!!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 04, 2018 @ 16:08:07

          Many thanks dear Nihar… Indeed so many fritter away future possibilities by not seeing their own potential.. And you are right, the challenges that arise are grand opportunities to expand, and grow in confidence and strength.. Its often not until we look back, we see how the moments we thought were our darkest, were in fact sent to illuminate us to become all we are meant to be..
          Have a blessed day and wonderful week my friend 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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