Native American Wisdom~ Three in One

A Watercolour-Native-American Chief

It never fails to amaze me how the Universe conspires to guide us and also sends her signs for us to follow, should we be alert enough to take notice of her messages. 

While I have hopped on my blog many times to answer comments over the last week,  I have also been trying to compose a post.. But due to some technical issues I had with my internet, and planned day trips out, the Universe thought it better for me to wait a while longer. So I am combining the post with some photo images from my Trip out and my garden visitors. 

So while I waited, not one but two of my Blogging friends asked if I would take up the three day quote’s challenge.. Now every so often I am up for a challenge.  

I didn’t have to scratch my head for long as to  what great quotes I could share, there are so many that inspire us. But then as it often the case when we open ourselves up to the ‘Signs’, As I opened up my cupboard door one morning, while I was looking on the top shelf for some art paper, a miniature book  dropped out at my feet. A sure Sign it needed to be read again. And wouldn’t you know it, this is a little book of quotes entitled Native American Wisdom, Miniature Edition, In the book are various quotes from Native American Indians from Mourning Dove, to Chief Seattle  the brilliant  photography is by Edward S Curtis .

The book I bought oh way back in the 90’s when my life then was full of all things Native American, for as my Spiritual connections were strengthening as my Spiritual awareness expanded, their presence became stronger in my day to day world. 

So I have to thank Wendi over at  Simply Chronically Ill.   for her kind nomination.

And to Paul over at Learning From Dogs for nominating me to take part in the three-day quote challenge.. However my Three Quotes will all be within this one-off post.  For they are all related.  So already I am altering the rules, but if you wish to take part the rules as such will be included at the end.. 

So I flipped open my little book and on page 30 and 31 I found two of the quotes perfect for some photos I also wish to share with you, so you see, the Universe does know what she is doing, all we have to do is go within its flow, and all things blend perfectly. 

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Quote One. From Eagle Chief [Letakots-Lesa] More can be found here about this quote and Eagle Chief  ( Late 19th Century) Pawnee

“In the beginning of all things, wisdom and knowledge were with the animals, for Tirawa  , the One Above, did not speak directly to man. He sent certain animals to tell men that he showed himself through beasts, and that from them, and from the Stars and the Sun and the Moon should man learn……. All things tell of  Tirawa.”

One only has to look up to the sky and see the changes within it to see that ALL things change, and we too need to adapt and change. We humans often interfere with the animal kingdom forgetting their vital roles in their parts in keeping everything in perfect balance.. Only now man is beginning to see how his interference in nature and the environment is causing huge problems for all living things both on land and in the ocean, as our greed consumes even our own safety.  As we pollute everything we touch.. Even outer space is now littered with our debris. …We would do well to look to the Stars and Look to the Beasts.. and LEARN..

Blackbird feeding his fledglings either side of the post.

 Quote Two From Mourning Dove [Christine Quintasket] More can be found here about Mourning Dove and her contribution as an author.(1888-1936) Salish.

” ……… everything on the Earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a Mission. This is the Indian theory of existence “

How many of us feel we are on a Mission.? I know I certainly have felt strongly I was here for a reason, as I explore my own existence upon this planet. So too all things have purpose.. One can not exist without the other.. The very air with breathe is being created by the trees, what the trees breathe out, we breathe in and visa versa..

We have to look to nature not chemicals for cures, but more importantly, seek out that which is causing sickness. Is is not just the diseases which cause illness.. But the Dis-ease in which we live..  When we each of us learn to live in Balance, and not from a point of Lack, we may then begin to live in harmony with one another, when we learn to share that which we have.   

Now my last and final quote is from this book also, on Page 96, and if you should click the links you can find out so much more about the life of this lady and all others mentioned here. Each of them very wise, and I am sure many will agree, it’s time we started to embrace their wisdom once again. 

Quote Three.FromGertrude Simmons Bonnin [Zirkala- Sa] -meaning in Lakota: [Red Bird] (1876- 1938 ) Dakota Sioux. 

“…..  the voice  of  the Great Spirit is heard in the twittering of birds, the rippling of mighty waters, and the sweet breathing of flowers.  If this is Paganism, then at present, at least I am Pagan.”

(The above photos were taken at Chatsworth House RHS Flower show. One of my planned days out. ) Click onto the images to take you to a larger view.

Gertrude at the age of eight was taken for ‘education’ to the White’s Indiana Manual Labour Institute to be separated from her family.  We can only imagine what some of those camps were like.  She later wrote about the misery of those early days in this school in her later published book ‘The School Days of an Indian Girl’   I have included the pdf link to some of her book in the link. 

I will leave this video with you to explain the life of Gertrude Simmons Bonnin a most remarkable woman who stood up for Native American Women.. 


May we see all things as opportunities and gifts to be used in beauty and love..  We are all of us going through a cleansing process, the world is mirroring this.. So do not get embroiled in day today negative drama, step into your own power and into  your own world of peace. Embrace Nature, See beauty in ALL things, Open your hearts and as you do so will your world about you change into one of harmony and balance. 

You may find yourself needing extra rest, and sleep, I know I have, so allow yourself to go with the flow…

And know All is well in your world..

Love and Blessings 


So here are the Rules if you should wish to take part.. But you know me, Rules are meant to be bent a little now and again also.

1: Thank the person who nominated you.

2: Post a quote for 3 days and explain why it appeals to you

3: Nominate bloggers each day! (Or as in my case.. You are all invited to take part if you so wish.. ) As I couldn’t pick just a few..











139 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. litebeing
    Jun 14, 2018 @ 16:13:00

    Wonderful quotes and photos here Sue. I love when life flows so seamlessly. I figure that it actually always does flow that way, but our egos and programming interfere.

    love to you, Linda

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2018 @ 16:15:37

      Yes you are right Linda.. Often our own unintentional interference’s can play havoc with the flow..
      But once you align within it.. ( that Blissful feeling you have ) begins to permeate all things 🙂 LOVE and Mega HUGS Enjoy your weekend Linda.. xxx ❤



  2. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Jun 14, 2018 @ 17:28:30

    Sue, this is such a stunning combination post! The quotes are perfect. Your painting is breathtaking! Truly gorgeous. I’m beyond impressed with your artistry.
    And I so enjoyed seeing the blackbirds in your garden, particularly after your other post mentioning him. Well done, my friend. Hugs on the wing!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2018 @ 15:58:42

      Thank you kindly Teagan so pleased you enjoyed the artwork and blackbirds.. The art is an old piece I did which is now in my art folder .. But I thought it fitting to bring it back to life in this post.. 🙂
      Many thanks for reading Have a wonderful weekend xx ❤ Hugs xx

      Liked by 1 person


  3. colettebytes
    Jun 14, 2018 @ 17:33:53

    What a joy, this was to read, lifting my spirits no end. Thank you. 💓

    Liked by 4 people


  4. simplywendi
    Jun 14, 2018 @ 18:46:44

    Sue, thank you so much for taking part in this challenge. It was such a delight to read your quotes, which of course I love, and to see all the amazing pictures! You my dear are a blogging treasure!

    Liked by 4 people


  5. laurabruno
    Jun 14, 2018 @ 19:34:52

    Oh, I adore hedgehogs! I didn’t know they eat slugs. Even more reason to love them. I have little hedgehogs all over the house — a stuffed animal, one made of pine cones and some kind of seeds, a crystal one, and one made of I don’t know what. I just love them. Thank you for the photos and for the quotes. Love you, Sue!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2018 @ 15:17:38

      Yes the hedgehogs have given me pleasure.. He goes into that little green hedgehog box of an evening where we put some dried hedgehog food.. But they eat dog food too.. as well as slugs etc.. They are definitely garden friendly.. So we should be mindful of not putting down slug pellets as it affects the hedgehogs too. So I do not use any thing, which can be annoying when slugs eat the tops of your plants to stalks.. Which happened to some of my Cosmos and Hollyhocks.. 🙂 But hey even slugs have to eat.. Which is why in the allotments we always plant more than we need.. 😀 so all get a share and what is left gets given away.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • laurabruno
        Jun 15, 2018 @ 17:12:32

        Great ideas! I don’t think we have wild hedgehogs in the states. At least, I’ve never heard of them. I met someone who had one as a pet, and it was the cutest little thing! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 15, 2018 @ 17:40:04

          Yes they are, but so many now can not get into gardens because of tight fences etc and so the road kills are on the increase.. I was distraught the other week seeing a roadkill near by, but our hedgehog came along at his usual time.. ❤ xx

          Liked by 2 people


  6. Infinite Living
    Jun 14, 2018 @ 20:06:23

    Such peace flows under and in those quotes! The pictures you share are a piece of Beauty of Existence it self 🙂 I am always so happy to land on your posts. I do believe we are here with a purpose and that becomes our mission – it is beautiful as the path unfolds perfectly with the signs from the Universe.

    Liked by 3 people


  7. thespiritkeeper
    Jun 14, 2018 @ 20:28:37

    A beautiful post. Yes, we must live aligned with Spirit as I call it. It is amazing what happens when you align with Spirit. When you do so a lot of coincidences happen but I believe that coincidences do not happen. A lot of what you ask for is presented singularly and in the plural sense. Both if you allow yourself to read to read the signs and allow yourself to receive the gifts of what you asked for will make your head spin. You do feel tremendous peace and of knowing you are with all…Oneness as you will.
    Like you I love nature where some of my friends are not friendly to nature I even tell them that ants must eat and house themselves. If they are in your wood then it is time to fix that area of your living. Therefore the ants are giving you a warning that something is wrong with your abode. A friendly reminder as it is. If you can see the signs in nature as well you will align yourself with one component of oneness then your life will be rich and wonderful and you will see how magnificent nature can be.
    Beautiful quotes you have selected from Native American individuals. Profound and so much meaning to each one. On a side note but not really I have a Native guide. Don’t know his name just a description of him and he plays the drum within my soul to the point of feeling the thumping of the drums in my chest cavity but not coming from the heartbeat of the physical heart. It is very strange at first but I have gotten used to it and it is a drumming of peace I believe.
    The hedgehog images and your side excursion to the flower are beautiful if you are able to look at them as art.
    Thank you for this thought-provoking post. Enjoyed as usual

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2018 @ 14:57:03

      Thank you Joseph for that wonderful comment.. And I am not surprised about you having a Native guide.. I had a close couple of guides throughout my own spiritual journeying.
      One who came when I was a healer.. He never gave a name, names are really not that important in the spirit realm, He showed himself to me first by a sensation upon my cheek while I gave healing.. Later as our connection grew i saw him more clearly and the sensation imprinted was a scar upon his own cheek, a battle wound.. He was only a young brave.. I also channelled in trance a Chief called White Feather,, But again he never gave that name.. Only our group did.. His words of wisdom are within my Native American pages on Trance.. you can find in my categories section..
      I was very reluctant to go into trance.. and he had a lot to settle me at times.. And spoke to the group about my doubts.. lol..
      And many thanks Joseph for your wonderful comment.. I greatly appreciate your thoughts and experiences.. 😀

      Liked by 1 person


  8. Tom Merriman
    Jun 14, 2018 @ 20:39:25

    Great quotes, Sue, and lovely garden visitors you have there also.
    We really should do more to encourage the animals to come closer, we all have to live here together. Mind you, I don’t for one minute blame them for being very cautious around us.

    Liked by 3 people


  9. Writing to Freedom
    Jun 14, 2018 @ 20:49:13

    Wise musings and quotes Sue. May we learn from our elders.

    Liked by 2 people


  10. Mark Lanesbury
    Jun 14, 2018 @ 21:08:12

    Mother Earth will balance herself Sue and I don’t think it will be a pretty sight 🙂
    Another great post, especially the Indian woman ‘Gertrude Simmons’, I can see many equivalents for the Aborigines here in Australia, and for that matter, all over the world. But in hindsight it is a birthing, needed to bring about that last cleansing of hearts to find the new spirit within. All events take us closer to the spirit, even though we appear to be stepping away ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2018 @ 14:18:04

      I have that same ‘Knowing’ feeling too Mark,
      And yes its strange or not so, that those who hold the OLD wisdom of the True Way connecting Earth and Spirit both find themselves subjected to annihilation as their sacred lands were taken while they were moved to reservations!..
      I once read a book a great read by the way if ever you should come across it about living with the aboriginal tribes called Mutant Message Down Under by Marlo Morgan. A spiritual journey of an american woman in Australia who was called by the Aboriginal tribe so accompany them on a walk about through the outback.. She faces some daily tests but through it she is transformed.. The underlying message is it is not too late to save the world once we learn to live in harmony and respect ALL life.. A great read Mark.
      I agree with you about the Birthing.. We are only just beginning to see the contractions of pain.. When it really begins we will need to trust and hold our hearts open.. And yes, its always darkest before the dawn light…
      Many thanks dear Mark..
      Blessings your way ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • Mark Lanesbury
        Jun 15, 2018 @ 22:20:34

        I will have a look for it Sue, it sounds like an interesting read. I have a friend who has been through much of their ways and she did say they are totally connected to the Earth spiritually and physically. Now like the Indians, they have been pulled apart from that way of being, as we now also have been from our religious ways.
        But that ‘birthing’ is a very singular and mass event at the same time, I think we’ll all be tested in that journey as well as our own beliefs regardless what part of this planet we are on.
        Just as you are going through dear lady, to find that blessing within ❤



  11. Renee Espriu
    Jun 14, 2018 @ 21:43:12

    A wonderfully thought filled post, Sue. My great grandmother was Seminole and my younger sister resembles her greatly. I always appreciate hearing of the historical impact these people have had on all lives and that they have affected you, a woman so far away, is telling, indeed. Thank you! xoxo

    Liked by 3 people


  12. Val Boyko
    Jun 14, 2018 @ 22:24:22

    A remarkable post, Sue. Thank you for taking us back to your awakening inspiration. The quotes are remarkable. I’ll be back for a second read 💕

    Liked by 3 people


    Jun 15, 2018 @ 01:26:35

    I have known for years now that you speak the language of the universe and that you frequently communicate with her.Fascinating post with lovely photos and quotes efficiently interwoven into a complex whole and enhanced by your beautiful thoughts and your love for all the forms of life.I can feel the Universe vibrating with the energy of your intention,I call it synchronicitydear Sue,and I believe that we are all intimately connected via a collective universal consciousness.
    I don’t have the time to participate in challenges,but as you know,I love quotes,they are so comprehensive.Here is one that I like,It will make me feel that I participated in a challenge assigned by you …
    “A woman said to the universe: “Sir, I exist!” “However,” replied the universe, “That fact has not created in me a sense of obligation.”Stephen Crane
    It’s human freedom and the individual’s responsibility to accept consequences of choices;don’t you think? Night,night,dear friend,and dear hedgehogs in Sue’s garden 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  14. balroop2013
    Jun 15, 2018 @ 02:07:59

    Thank you dear Sue for picking up these less known unique quotes, which speak volumes about the wisdom of those people who greatly revered the forces of Mother Nature and found cures from her herbs. I am amazed at the way you have synchronized the images from your garden with the quotes…so relevant even in present times.
    I have read about the ordeal of Zitkala Sa, who has written a poignant account of her ordeal of being forced into a school with rigorous discipline and how she fought bravely (though unsuccessfully) to save the shearing of her long hair.
    I appreciate your thoughts Sue. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2018 @ 13:37:45

      Yes the trauma of being alone not speaking any English at the time she ran under a bed to be dragged out kicking and screaming to be tied in a chair to have her hair cut short..
      I know from reading other Native Science Books that her experience along with many others was very traumatic.. As their spirit was broken and they were made to follow the White-mans ways and religion.
      Thank you very much Balroop for reading indepth.. Love and Blessings my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  15. dgkaye
    Jun 15, 2018 @ 02:21:42

    Wow Sue, I don’t even know where to begin. This post was so bang on with the state of the world, the quotes you chose were timely and apt, the video of Gertrude was fascinating, and I want to get that book!
    The world is going through a tumble right now and we must hang in. because from chaos will come something better. ❤ Thank you my friend for your always uplifting wisdoms. ❤ xoxoxo

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2018 @ 13:10:16

      Arrgh yes, the state of the world.. As percieved to be… A view I am trying to escape from these days Debby.. Which is why you will find me in the garden more often.. And Sleeping!! 🙂 shutting out the din of those who procrastinate in our never never world of doing things tomorrow.. and tomorrow never comes.. 😉
      We have to begin to use our own power of creation.. And you are right.. Yes we must hang in there.. We are going to experience some turbulence shortly which is why we need to focus upon the positive aspects.. Nature knows what she is doing. So does the Universe..
      And when we are all in alignment and find our own inner balance, we will begin to witness changes which need to come into being.
      Thank you dear friend.. SO very much.. Have a wonderful weekend xxx ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  16. PlantsandBeyond
    Jun 15, 2018 @ 02:49:24

    Wow, I learned so much, Sue. The video at the end was very educational as well. Love the quotes and esp the one that indicated that purpose to a disease made me stop and ponder. Will take it with me tonight and think about it some more. Thank you dear teacher to all. Only wish more would listen

    Liked by 2 people


  17. New Bloggy Cat
    Jun 15, 2018 @ 07:08:03

    Awe-inspiring post as always, Sue. The painting of the Native American Chief is outstanding. Thanks for sharing the videos on the hedgehog and the life of Gertrude Simmons. And not forgetting the lovely photos. There is so much wisdom in the 3 beautiful quotes. I did the quote challenge last year. Just to share with you, Happy Friday to you my dear friend. Much love and hugs, Pat ( ⌯◞◟⌯)♡♡♡♡♡

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2018 @ 13:03:34

      Many thanks Pat for reading and enjoying.. Life is a series of learning from those who have always been wise.. And that is how I find many of the Native American’s First Nations peoples to be.. Living in balance in harmony with nature, taking only that which was needed.. A pity others thought to wipe them out and portray them in a darker light.. mirrored against their own..
      Love and Blessings Pat.. Enjoy your weekend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • New Bloggy Cat
        Jun 15, 2018 @ 14:14:43

        Well said, Sue. Our ex-Prime Minister almost wipe out everything. Will talk more about this later. Btw, I was just thinking that Sydelle do look quite a bit like Gertrude Simmons. And I think she has the most beautiful skin tone. Much love to you too, my friend (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

        Liked by 1 person


  18. David
    Jun 15, 2018 @ 09:10:53

    Dear Sue, thank you for this great reminder: My copy of the little book of Native American Wisdom is in my hand as I type, with the inscription on the fly -Dear Daddy, with lots of love from Cassie (My youngest) – dated 15.11.96 with references to pages 26, 42, and 119 all about Red Cloud who played such an important part in my development. Again we meet across the Internet with so many shared memories! Much Love, David x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2018 @ 12:50:09

      Yes David, wonderful to know you too own such a book and what a treasured gift for sure.. I know my own guides, one healing guide I had, never told me his name.. I would feel his presence first by a sensation across my cheek when giving healing..
      Later I came to know he was a young brave who had a scar across his cheek in battle.. I drew him one time but since lost the drawing.
      Then I had White Feather come through in trance sessions.. He was powerfully Peaceful and strong.. And chastised me for my doubting often to the group.. 🙂
      Great memories of our spiritual development David.. And thank you so very much 🙂



  19. Jane Sturgeon
    Jun 15, 2018 @ 13:58:54

    Quotes that resonate, thank you Sue. ❤ Acceptance and rest, lots of rest! xXx Hugs ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  20. Dewin Nefol
    Jun 15, 2018 @ 14:20:35

    Namaste Sue 🙂

    Synchronicity, photographs, video, perspicacious quotes, landscapes, wildlife, gardens, hedgehogs and wisdom – what a web of wonderment you weave upon your wonderful loom! 😀 The hedgehogs photographs are such fun. My favourite image is the first of two showing the Blackbird: a bird’s eye-view of a an archway leading into or out-of a secret kingdom…I have expect the Blackbird to say ‘follow’ me as it disappears through the arch.

    Your painting is a delight…you should be self-publishing books and anthologies. Thank you for sharing more of your creative sprit with us. Is that a recent painting?

    Of the three quotes this is my favourite: “….. the voice of the Great Spirit is heard in the twittering of birds, the rippling of mighty waters, and the sweet breathing of flowers. If this is Paganism, then at present, at least I am Pagan.” It is an open path to all who dream, who might envision a brighter, bolder, more Earth-centred and aware future: a future that flows from our natural state of being as Nature’s children not her dominator.

    My lunch-break from work had me venture into town in search of noodles and en route I passed a shop window displaying two dream-catchers. They were set in the window alongside a collector of wall-plates with wonderful paintings depicting Native American Indians. I was put in mind of you Sue, knowing as I do of your connection and respect for their lore. I smiled remembering Hiawatha, and conversation here on your blog…and then to return home at the end of the day and find notification of your post centred on this wisdom: well it somehow reminded me of how fascinating life can be and how all things flow as all things flow when all things flow as they should. I wonder if you have a Native American Indian guide who comes to you at this time…if so how wonderful! 🙂

    Thank you for a great post with so much to consider and ponder upon 🙂 Wishing you a great weekend Sue. Take care, have fun!

    Namaste 🙂


    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2018 @ 18:42:29

      Thank you Dewin for your lovely comment, and yes the archway leads to the greenhouse and water collection and potting tables. But screens the rest of the garden..
      My vision of the arch took years to perfect. But what we think is what we create..
      The painting I did in 2013 I think it says the date on it. And was a lazy afternoon’s pastime one winters day.

      And the quote you liked took my own point of view that Paganism is Natures Spirituality. The source of All Life.

      I smiled at the synchronicity of Dream catchers and wall plates, at one point I had wall to wall plates along a picture rail. 🙂 of Native American’s All collectables now boxed up. 🙂

      Hiawatha was one of my Grandad’s favourite poems He could recite to me from memory. 🙂

      I am sure my Native guides still hover in the background, though I do not link as closely these days, to draw in their vibration. But I did have two very close at one time.. More about those can be found here on a post.

      Mediums~Natives~And Healers.

      Thank you for your generous comment Dewin.. Have a wonderful weekend.
      Stay Blessed

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Jun 15, 2018 @ 19:18:16

        Always a pleasure Sue 🙂

        I think archways in a garden are very atmospheric: at once romantic, mysterious, and nostalgic and always enchanting. Your vision brought to fruition looks great Sue. 🙂

        I missed seeing the date on the painting: I was too busy reflecting on the content. I hope you’ll gather these images together and publish a book: a winter project perhaps?

        The set of native American wall-plates may well have been the same set as the one you collected. I too smile at recalling you introducing me to Hiawatha and to Longfellow as well. Great stuff.

        I imagine our guides are always somewhere close by: perhaps they do move away over time, but I’m certain we are always kept in view 🙂

        Thanks for the link Sue and for the post here. Another pondered upon read.

        I always look forward to the weekend: chance to leave the perilous coal-face and breath fresh air 😉 Have a wonderful evening and an even better weekend!

        Namaste 🙂


        Liked by 1 person


  21. Annika Perry
    Jun 15, 2018 @ 21:15:47

    Sue, I love how the signs took you back to this wonderfully special book; allowing us a glimpse of their wisdom whilst shared with your lovely photos and stunning painting! This is a post to savour, rereading and I want to follow the links and learn more about Gertrude and the others. Your words at the end bring serenity and peace to us all … it is hard to learn to go with the flow, allowing time to be, to rest, feel. The outdoors calls to me relentlessly these days, when possible enjoying being amongst nature, the warmth of the sun, the flowers and birds. And not long until the sea and lakes of Sweden! Wishing you a restful and joyful weekend, my friend! ❤️🤗

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2018 @ 22:42:06

      Thank you dear Annika.. So pleased you enjoyed the post.. And I hope you find the links as interesting as I did.. The outdoors is calling me too Annika.. And I will be there more often than here in the Summer months.. And I will picture you curled up in your seat as I will be within mine as we swing away.. 🙂 ENJOY and do not feel guilty of enjoying the NOW of Nature… Breath her in.. And take her to your heart.. She rewards us with her beauty and Bird song.. Now Sweden is something to look forward to again.. ENJOY.. LOVE and HUGSxx and ENJOY a relaxing weekend.. ❤ HUGS xx

      Liked by 1 person


      • Annika Perry
        Jun 16, 2018 @ 09:12:26

        Sue, I loved the links and particularly touched by Gertrude’s life. I had no idea how talented she was but feel so much for her. She was so torn, education brought her untold possiblities and without it her stories would never have been known but it must have been unbearable to feel so different from ones original life. An amazing woman, a trail blazer … one to be featured on Bernadette’s blog! I’m very taken with your book and have it on my wish list … a birthday present hint, I think!

        I am loving spring particularly much this year, tapping away whilst watching a sparrow find some nesting material, admiring a Rose determinedly growing taller than the rest. Off to the coast today for a long walk and lunch! Heavenly… I’ll try not to feel too guilty about what I should be doing! 😀 hugs and enjoy your Saturday. Xx

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 17, 2018 @ 15:31:28

          So very true, without her education those stories would not have been written, Ironic really.. The little book is a gem of a book and while it fits into the palm of your hand has some wonderful photography taken by Edward Sherrif Curtis .. Whose photos you can find on line..

          The birds in the garden have brought us both joy this year.. And I hope you had a wonderful Day out by the coast..
          Never feel guilty about enjoying Natures beauty…
          I used to feel guilty about neglecting WP.. Now I know those who truly SEE Life and Living understand that for me Nature comes first.. I was too many years cooped up inside a buildings with no windows.. During my textiles years… 😀
          Have a Wonderful Sunday.. ❤ 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  22. Superduque777
    Jun 15, 2018 @ 21:57:03

    Liked by 1 person


  23. Tina Frisco
    Jun 16, 2018 @ 02:25:05

    This beautiful post touched me deeply, Sue. I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around all the emotions I’m feeling right now. A poem, perhaps…a poem…

    To listen to Mother Earth and all creatures upon her
    To hear the song of Nature in forest and sea
    To feel the rhythm of wind and fire and water
    Is union with Spirit in eternity…

    Thank you, my lovely friend. Sending love and blessings. Mitakoye Oyasin (We are all related) ❤️

    Liked by 4 people


  24. IreneDesign2011
    Jun 16, 2018 @ 06:15:40

    Beautiful art and quotes, dear Sue. By connecting more into the nature, it becomes more easy to search for purposes, I think. I feel the joy, while being in my garden among beautiful flowers and singing birds. This gives me peace in mind.
    You are right, we need to connect with our nature so much more, than usual these days.
    Much love to you ❤



  25. kowkla123
    Jun 16, 2018 @ 10:33:45

    herzliche Grüße aus dem Norden Deutschlands von der mecklenburgischen Seenplatte, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  26. Visionkeeper
    Jun 16, 2018 @ 15:17:44

    Great weaving together of thoughts and photos DW….We sure have similarities. I remember well before I delved into spirituality I was heavy into the Native American way of life and their beliefs. I still live by them or at least try to. One segues into the other for sure..And here we are on yet another part of the journey! Quotes much like Haiku’s are beloved by all it seems. To me if I search deeper into why it suggests to me that in true reality we tend to find comfort and meaning in simplicity. The less stuff the clearer we feel. The less words written or spoken seem to capture us more powerfully. I hope eventually we end up realizing the power and peace in simplicity and bring it into our lives. Thanks for sharing DW. Wise words as always 🙂 Happy weekend & dirty hands…Love and hugs to you….VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 17, 2018 @ 15:24:53

      I agree with you VK.. We make life far too complex, when in reality it was always meant to be simplistic in nature.. But we are creatures of Want, and Wanting More, never satisfied it seems..
      So Greed takes its toll, and we have become slaves to its wheels..
      Breaking free in Mind Body and Spirit is something the Native Americans already know.. They lived by their code of never taking more than was needed and always giving back..
      Simple rules we have all forgotten..
      Perhaps we will once again see simplicity return, and like the ants in my last post, I wonder if humans can repair their abodes and forage for food?.. I often think those who live by their simple ways now, will fair best in the long term..
      LOVE and Mega Hugs my friend.. Sending Love and Blessings xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  27. smilecalm
    Jun 16, 2018 @ 17:19:09

    i’m touched by your quotes
    and sentiment to touch
    native wisdom, Sue!
    so beautiful!
    my mission has been staying
    fresh, grounded & free
    of anger, with some
    wishing you happiness 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Maria Wind Talker
    Jun 16, 2018 @ 18:45:07

    Sue what a great post. I also have that tiny book. You chose some great quotes too. Thank you for always coming up with what is needed, synchronicity runs rife. Love the pictures too. Looks like you are having a good summer so far over in Blighty. Enjoy. Xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  29. roughwighting
    Jun 16, 2018 @ 19:11:39

    YES, you were “meant” to find that book of quotes and share with us here. I loved them and read them and took them into my heart. After the quotes, you add your own wisdom, which kind of mirror the ‘go with the flow’ time I’ve been experiencing during my own healing necessity to “do nothing.” A cleansing time. A time to look around us and recognize beauty and love – perhaps that is our mission. Open eyes, let Nature reveal itself to us, and breathe it in.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 17, 2018 @ 15:17:14

      I agree Pam, the mission to realise the importance of spending time in reflection in the beauty of nature.. Nothing quite like spending time inside ones own thoughts and meditations..
      Seems our energies have been showing us recently there is no need to rush,, And when we allow ourselves to go within that flow, we become peaceful and at ease with ourselves.. Like a weight has been lifted.. And we suddenly find our lungs filled with fresh clean air… Our Heads become lighter and clearer…
      A beautiful sense of Well being overtakes us..
      Now who would wish to come back to the worlds reality when one can vanish within such magic.. ❤ 🙂
      Lovely to read your wisdom Pam.. Thank you so so much xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  30. europasicewolf
    Jun 16, 2018 @ 21:36:02

    A little knowledge I gained studying Marine Biology…did you know trees are responsible for only about 27% of our oxygen supply on Earth? The rest comes from the algae in our oceans…trees alone would not be able to maintain us and we would all die…and when you consider how fast we are destroying the algae in our oceans that is a very scary thought!! We need to live in balance and harmony with our oceans too…they are where life began and yet, with all the beauty and peace the trees and forests bring us, it is easy to forget that microscopic life evolved and moved out from the oceans onto the land…and yet the largest part of our planet is not land but seas! Marine Biology has so much to teach us, and in starting to understand it we also find a greater sense of completeness in our world…the balance and harmony we instinctively seek 🙂 xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 17, 2018 @ 15:10:39

      While I knew about Algae, I did not know about the percentage.. and yes given the rate of deforestation its a good thing we have our small algae to bring us so much oxygen.. Which brings us to a more serious point of ocean pollution and damage being done..
      I bet that cause on Marine Biology was very interesting Wolfie and eye opening too ..
      Thank you again for your lovely comments and for getting through so many posts.. ❤ HUGS xx



  31. Christy B
    Jun 16, 2018 @ 21:56:00

    Hi Sue,
    I’m glad you took up this challenge and you’re right that the universe has a wonderfully mysterious and wonderful way about it. I particularly like Quote #2 about having a purpose and, for me, knowing that purpose gives me daily strength. Sending love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  32. JoAnna
    Jun 17, 2018 @ 03:03:36

    Your quotes are beautiful and important in their messages. I like how you altered the rules. I’m very thankful to have finally learned about Zitkala Sa. If I heard about her before now, maybe I wasn’t ready to pay attention. Her quote about paganism intrigues me as this is a big issue in my life. Hearing the voice of the Great Spirit in nature only seems natural. Great Spirit/God created nature to reflect great love and divine design. I imagine some of her white teachers did not understand this. I’m glad Zitkala maintained her connection to nature and the culture of her birth. I love that that little book fell out of your cupboard and that I wrote about Native Americans, without planning to- before I even saw this post! Makes me feel like we’re on to something. 🙂 ❤ Peace and Blessings, my friend!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 17, 2018 @ 15:06:28

      Thank you kindly JoAnna. and so pleased you learnt more about Zitkala Sa, a remarkable woman. Paganism is often coloured and tainted by those wishing to discredit the power of nature and her healing properties JoAnna. And the Great Spirit/ Source/ God is within ALL things.. So many religions lay claim to their ways being the only way. When Natures Kingdom is the real doorway..
      And I loved our thoughts synchronised JoAnna.. 🙂 Showing we are ALL Connected to the Great Spirit 🙂 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • JoAnna
        Jun 17, 2018 @ 22:44:00

        Yes, many references in the Christian bible about pagans are derogatory which reminds me of the polarizing dichotomies of our political world. I hope more people realize over time that we are all connected. For me, Saint Francis has been a bridge connecting my love for nature and the teachings of Jesus.

        Liked by 1 person


  33. insearchofitall
    Jun 17, 2018 @ 03:43:57

    Another lovely post to soothe my soul. You are always so on target. Interesting how we are drawn to certain cultures that we are not born into this time around. It’s like a soul memory. Your sentence ‘But the Dis-ease in which we live..’ is one so few understand. Things don’t happen to us, we allow them by our unbalance. This is a big one. I’m needing more meditation time with it. Wonderful quotes and I’ll check out your links. As for the children being ripped from their parents, we are still doing that here. I had no idea the practice has been in place for illegals trying to cross our borders through several administrations. This one is getting the most flack for it but he wasn’t the first. Both parties have done this. I am stunned at learning this. They hide so much of their horrendous behavior. It’s all coming to light now. We call ourselves human? Where is our humanity? I pray every night for a change.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 17, 2018 @ 14:54:43

      Thank you Marlene, Yes so much imbalance at work as well as evil ways of the world still working behind the scenes, And it is appalling to note such crimes against children still take place.
      But I think Marlene as we move through the ‘Shifts’ we see occurring my friend, more revelations and exposures will come to light as the cleansing process starts to unpeel itself. And while many harrowing stories I know will emerge it is all bringing things into the Light so it can be dealt with.
      Such things have been exposed now going deeper within the Churches and their cover ups and misconduct. You will always find the trail leads further to the Top of the Pyramid where it began..

      Which is why we turn off the news and tend to our gardens Marlene.. Praying is about all we can do, and alter our own ways of being.. If we all did that, we could make great strides in changing the world..
      But that is why those who deal in fear, keep perpetuating such crimes.. And why the Media focus upon the negative..
      Yes, we both understand Much,, and see much more… We do not turn our blind eyes, but focus upon what we can change in our hearts.. That is the Key, Peoples hearts and Caring and Kindness
      When we each learn to open our heart this way, we help bring about a change in energy..

      LOVE and Blessings my friend and thank you once again.. ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person


  34. stephensmustang1
    Jun 17, 2018 @ 04:28:15

    Quote 2 was my favorite. I loved all of them though.
    Hope all is well with you. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


  35. Sageleaf
    Jun 17, 2018 @ 15:47:23

    Sweet Sue – such a beautiful post, as always. I love the bits of wisdom and quotes you have shared. As always, you’ve given me much food for thought. When you were talking about the trees breathing, I recalled two things: how a tree trunk and all its leaves look surprisingly similar to the bronchia and the branching out that the lungs do (though upside down compared to the tree). The other thing I thought of is how the trees really do breathe, too. In spring and summer, they do one great big inhale (and reduce the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere) and then one big exhale in the fall and winter. I’ve seen those beautiful time lapses of the way the trees breathe in and then breathe out with the seasons…such as this one:
    And I’m always thinking about what us humans are doing. That what if we drastically changed our lives and finally said, YES to the needs of the planet…and acknowledge that we have the wisdom and power to change everything…
    I just hope we realize our own potential before there’s no turning back. Eep!
    But on a happier note, I’m feeling gratitude for your wisdom, beautiful gardens, and the inspiration you provide as a service to your fellow humans. You, my friend, are a gift!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 18, 2018 @ 21:21:41

      Many thanks Cynthia, and yes the tree does remind us of the bronchia of the lungs.. And when you also strip a tree down to see its roots system they branch out in similar fashion.. ( As Above So Below ) I did a painting of a tree which I name that here.

      Which shows exactly what you mean.

      Thank you for your amazing video of showing how trees show their green through the seasons.. Just wonderful to watch..

      I know your frustration about our human habits .. And Sigh often along with you..
      But while we can only keep on doing what we are doing, sharing about Nature and sharing Love and the importance of how our thoughts create everything in our world.. We can only do so much..

      The rest, we have to work upon ourselves, and as we have awoken, pray others will wake up in time too..
      Many thanks for your kind words dear Cynthia,, You do not know just what gifts you too share my friend..
      Sending Love and Joy over the ocean and hope all is well in your world..
      LOVE Sue xxx ❤



  36. Paul Handover
    Jun 17, 2018 @ 19:31:42


    Liked by 1 person


  37. bwcarey
    Jun 18, 2018 @ 11:09:38

    I was at home one day recently, and there was a big bumble bee flying about, this is tricky I thought, he will want to leave and get outside, as i watched him, he found a little hole between the wooden frame and the window, and slipped out, as if he knew it was there all the time, nature teaches us plenty, we just need to value it, rather than exploit it, thanks for the post, happy days..

    Liked by 1 person


  38. kowkla123
    Jun 18, 2018 @ 11:50:00

    trotz aller Enttäuschung bezüglich Fußball wünsche ich eine gute erfolgreiche Woche, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  39. nhpureandsimple
    Jun 18, 2018 @ 18:15:27

    I have never heard of Gertrude! But would love to and will check the links. I love the second quote. It’s so true. Thanks Sue so much for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person


    Jun 19, 2018 @ 02:19:11

    To my English Angel Sue ❤

    "I believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would end up with wings." Gustave Flaubert

    Have a Beautiful  Summer Solstice too,dear Sue ❤ 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  41. robbiecheadle
    Jun 19, 2018 @ 19:33:24

    Absolutely lovely quotes, Sue. I really did enjoy reading this advice from the native Americans.



  42. Bela Johnson
    Jun 19, 2018 @ 20:32:52

    Great quotes, Sue. I think if there is a simple answer for the mess we’ve gotten ourselves into (to the point that all life on earth is imperiled), it’s that humans separated from nature. From that place, all evils have arisen. It’s not that we were a perfect species before, but we were a more whole one. Aloha, dear. ❤



  43. aussieian2011
    Jun 20, 2018 @ 07:51:33

    Wonderful quotes Sue, your eyes are certainly open to the Wisdom of those from ancient times. The indigenous peoples of all Nations have a special link to Mother Earth, as well as a special knowledge in the Spirituality of their existence.
    Great pictures you posted Sue, love that video clip of your nighttime visitor, looks so much like our Wombat who is blind and forages at night, they must be related I think.
    Best wishes and kind regards Sue



  44. Aquileana
    Jun 20, 2018 @ 14:59:13

    Beautiful selection of quotes, dear Sue… I firmly believe that ancient civilizations and pre – conquering cultures were wiser than us…
    We might embrace at times a more holistic and pantheistic way of life… or perspective… But it is hard to deny the influence of Technology and the fact that we are sons of the industrial Revolution and Capitalism…
    Life could be easier and we would be happier if we´d pay more attention to the ancient legacies. I really think so. ((And life would be a more complete experience as well)).
    Much love & thanks for the beautiful reading ❤ xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 22, 2018 @ 18:33:01

      Thank you for those wise words Aquileana, Yes we could learn much by delving deeper into Ancient wisdom and text!.
      So pleased you enjoyed.. Have a Lovely Weekend my friend ❤ xx



  45. New World Ascending
    Jun 22, 2018 @ 02:53:02

    As always, I totally relate to these thoughts. Loved the quotes, but that last full paragraph below the video picture at the end – that one truly resonated. The world is changing rapidly now. It doesn’t mean we have to go into overdrive and quickly count off 50 jumping jacks. It means we need to get in touch with the essence of who we are, even if it takes a nap to fully assimilate the energies.

    Liked by 1 person


  46. rabirius
    Jun 24, 2018 @ 12:02:05

    Excellent quotes and artworks.

    Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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