Trusting in the Choices we make

It may  appear we are surrounded in Negativity as we stand alone in our thoughts.

As I awoke from the dream where many voices were all trying to be heard at once, yet no one voice could make themselves understood. I reached for my journal. My pen hovered over the blank page, knowing I should write, I waited. Sending a thought out to the Universe in acknowledgement that a message would be forthcoming.


I awaited the words that would follow, as I trust in the process of my guided thoughts, the pen then moved and  ……………………………….          TRUST       was  the second word that appeared upon the page.  Trusting in the process, something I’ve learnt to do all my life.  And so, the words  began to form. 

Trusting in the choices I’ve made, choosing to trust in those choices. Trusting our instincts.

Each day we all have choices to make, some small, some large. Each of us knows somewhere deep inside of us if those choices feel right or wrong.  No, I won’t say wrong, because even wrong choices we chose for a reason, and they can also end up to be the right ones.

Trusting our instincts, our gut feelings have led me to make some wonderful choices. And when I have knowingly gone against those better instincts, when I have not followed my gut, and instead listened to my ego head. I have also instinctively known, I could have made a better choice.

But they were my choices, my decisions, I made them. And in making them, they have also led me deeper to TRUST in those instincts, to follow the ‘Signs’ the ‘Synchronicities’  that lead us onto our chosen pathway. So even when those choices could have been better, they also led me to knowing myself even deeper.

Last week I made a choice to disconnect for a time from my blogging world. I knew instinctively, I needed time out for ME.. Time to recharge, to create, to be still, and collect together my thoughts.

A family bereavement nudged me to make that initial choice of retreat for a while, as I wrote a Eulogy that ended a chapter of a well-loved life. As I was asked and given the honour to speak at my sister-in-law’s husband’s funeral last week.

 But we are never alone. We are Many hearts gathered together in Love. 

So, I made the choice to embrace Nature as I walked in her fields.  I created space to meditate, to draw and doodle, paint. I baked, I sat in silence, I played music, lighted candles, and prayed. I Sang, laughed, cried and wrote poetry.

I turned on the modem several times, intending to reconnect, seeing the beauty of hearts that collect here in Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.  And I thank you for your hearts, your comments and your patience in my still getting to reply.

Yet I followed my Instincts, as I stayed within my silent space a little longer. As if to back that up, I got an eye infection a couple of days ago. Another Sign I needed to LOOK at. While I am using eye drops to clear the infection, I know there is still something within me that is shifting, that is still needling to be cleared.. So I am trusting in the process, following my instincts.  

The world is in this process of clearing and cleansing. My thoughts turn to Texas and the many places around our globe who have suffered disasters recently found themselves under the deluge of our Earth Mother’s Tears.  As she attempts to clear and cleanse.  So many lives, grieving and mourning their loss of loved ones around the world.  Many who are now having to make new choices, as they learn to let go of the material world we surround ourselves with, as possessions are lost.  

This morning I was all set to reconnect, and catch up with your beautiful comments.. Yet a long very long new Windows 10 update put paid to that. Another ‘Sign’, I am taking as I take a few more days to allow my eye to heal..

Taking time out to reflect, and pull in the vibration of Calm, Peace and Love.

I just ask that each of you pay heed to the choices you are making right now..  Trust in the process as you allow yourselves to go deeper within, Trust, in your choices, to let go of fear. Embrace Peace and Love in your hearts.

I am taking time out to align and adjust to the frequencies that I feel are coming into Earth right now since the Luna Eclipse. Is there not something within you right now, speaking to you to turn off the technology and reconnect to your Inner Being? Have you felt these changes?  I feel we are within an interesting month. Allow Love and Peace to be your reality and avoid if you can getting caught up within all of the Fear Mongering.

Love and Peace..


175 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Writing to Freedom
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 16:31:50

    Kudos Sue. I appreciate your wise words of encouragement to trust ourselves and choices as you’ve clearly been doing. That is still an area I have room for growth.
    to more trust and flow. Enjoy your quiet time my friend.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 16:04:01

      Dear Brad, I know that Trust will become stronger with practice Brad.. learning to trust our inner promptings has to be tried and tested.. And throughout the years, when I have ignored those inner prompts I have regretted it.. So listening to my gut is now second nature.. And I so thank you for your patience and continued support my friend.. Blessings your way 🙂



  2. robbiesinspiration
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 16:51:45

    I am sorry to hear of your family’s loss, Sue. It is right to take time out and reflect at such times. The world is a strange place at the moment so your call for people to consider their choices and decisions is well timed.

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 16:08:09

      Hi Robbie, thank you my friend.. Yes the world is indeed a strange place with many things happening within it right now we must be aware of.. I so hope you have enjoyed your Holiday break .. And yes, we must follow our instincts and I felt compelled to go quiet for a time.. And it will be a little while I feel before I get back into full swing, but today is a start.. 🙂 Sending Huge Hugs and thanking you for your kind support Robbie xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  3. Seenorway
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 17:06:03

    Your choices, your decisions, your responsibilities and- you’re the one that will live with the consequences for the rest of your life. Who’s to say whether it was right or wrong in that moment in time? Life is full of ‘side roads’ open to us all. Wrong today and possibly right tomorrow?! Who are we to know it all?
    Our judgements form our lives. As simple as that!

    Liked by 3 people


  4. Superduque777
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 17:18:53

    Liked by 2 people


  5. barczablog
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 17:34:21

    This message has great resonance for me today. I was walking along, wondering about the cumulative effect of worry & fear in the world, of creative voices that might doubt. Thank you for sharing and articulating your positive energy.

    Liked by 3 people


  6. thespiritkeeper
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 17:46:49

    Take your time in answering your email. People will understand that you need not to be rushed in answering your emails but to come to them with peace and calm. Sorry to hear about your sister in laws passing. Although sad time but one to reflect on the new door that is opening for her.
    I always walk with spirit which I do not call god but energy as that is the closest I can explain what I am experiencing and yes to trust spirit in our daily living and also to be open for spirit’s guidance as well.
    I have been for some time that Spirit is working behind the scenes with me as to where there is a rush for them and for me I do not feel rushed but am doing things as I am able to…mind you our time and their time are two different things. I trust although it can be scary as you are thrown into unknown territory or territory that is new and unexplored.
    Yes to clear the energies coming to earth is a wise choice but also to clear the energies upon the earth that need attention at the moment. I call it the birthing of a new age. Most women know what the birthing pains are like. Stay well

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 16:20:30

      Dear Joseph.. Thank you as always for your understanding presence here.. Yes, trusting in Spirit and yes totally agree about their time and ours being two different things.. 🙂 This Birthing is one that for me has held many layers in need of peeling.. Another one triggered by recent family loss, brought I feel another layer in need of letting go, I had not totally understood until a dream a few days ago.. And once I delved into that deeper I began to see why a void within had crept into my life and I needed to withdraw for a time to work deeper within my self…
      I thank you Joseph,, you see much and through out the years I have learnt to trust Spirit and those inner promptings that have guided me.. There is a great need right now for our energies to be focused upon our Earth Mother.. We would all be wise to Listen to her vibes…

      Many thanks, and Much Love .. Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • thespiritkeeper
        Sep 03, 2017 @ 17:22:36

        Yes taking time for oneself is necessary for the healing process. If we are not good to ourselves how can we be good to others and yes the birthing process is layered in as much as we have to divest to enter the new age. Sincerest condolences upon you loss…depending on how deep the relationship the grief that much greater not to diminish any type of grief….a loss is a loss and one to be healed upon our journey. Yes our energies are to be focused on Gaia who keeps on giving and we keep on taking without leaving anything in return of our rape and pillage of her…well some of us. Also to send our love to those who wish to harm Gaia with war and further wars. Be well.

        Liked by 2 people


  7. Denzil - Life Sentences
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 18:35:41

    I wish peace upon you Sue, as you have brought peace to so many who read your words/

    Liked by 3 people


  8. Erika Kind
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 18:56:04

    I love this in many ways, Sue! For once because I think exactly the same about choices. They are either good or bad. They simply are ways for us to learn, experience, and develop.
    And here again, this speaks to me in a personal way too since a choice was already made but not realized yet. You gave me another hint that it is time to do so.
    Another point I think is important is that (if possible) we should take our time before making choices. Not because we are making a “better” choice but because we see clearer that it is what we want/need to do and are more likely to trust ourselves and go for what we chose!
    Again, a wonderful post, Sue! Thank you very much 💖

    Liked by 4 people


  9. smilecalm
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 19:21:34

    thank you for invoking fearlessness
    in the form of trust, dear Sue!
    smiling to your innate wisdom
    to do what is right,
    finding your contentment
    and sharing the journey
    with compassionate guidance 🙂

    Liked by 3 people


  10. Bela Johnson
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 19:36:15

    Absolutely. Turning off technology and connecting with Earth, yes. I’ve backed WAY away from Facebook (was never manic, but still), and, though the words keep coming, I only post once a week to WP on purpose. It feels important in maintaining equilibrium in these changing times. Sorry to hear of your brother in law’s death, Sue. Sending you love and healing ❤

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 16:31:26

      Hi Dearest Bela.. Thankfully I never joined FB, and can totally understand your reasoning in backing away from it.. While it has many good uses, I can only say I have seen many of my work colleagues in the past have many a fall out with family and friends over what each other posted, So I always saw it as a negative so was never tempted.. 🙂
      Its funny how many of us now who once felt the need to blog and make a difference, are now feeling the need to withdraw back into ourselves. Thank you for your condolences Bela.. A sad loss to his immediate family.. And one that I did not foresee opening up past wounds for me.. But I feel it acted as a trigger to release much pent up grief from another passing.. I so thank you for your Love and Healing vibes my friend.. And I look forward to catching up with you soon.. ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  11. Visionkeeper
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 20:04:51

    Oh so well said DW ! I so love the whole process of following the signs we are given if we are awake enough to notice them and listen to them. It’s what makes life magical and heaven knows we need some magic right now. We are way past time for reconnecting to ourselves.The insanity all around is rising up from empty beings who are not connected with themselves or reality. Scary! But forward we go…Glad you took time off and RECONNECTED yet again. It brings great strength. Stay peaceful. Hugs and love…VK 3

    Liked by 3 people


  12. Visionkeeper
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 20:07:52

    My heart never finished printing out up above here…Odd…Only the three came out! That’s okay, 3 is my favorite number…Here is your heart dear friend…. ❤ I hope!

    Liked by 2 people


  13. Infinite Living
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 20:54:25

    I read your post and I receive it …I exactly think like you but when I read your words I feel peace and relief and affirmed …I don’t have ti ‘think’ this anymore. There is great treasure and solace in following our knowing and making choices from there. There is so much of dropping in and listening involved …you are right to point out to not have fear in doing so. Thank you.

    Liked by 3 people


  14. Val Boyko
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 21:11:05

    This feels just right for me, and the times Sue. Thank you for the gentle reminder to always listen to our inner guide. 💕🙏💕

    Liked by 4 people


  15. Mark Lanesbury
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 22:32:40

    The journey of listening to our hearts takes much courage Sue, and as our fears are understood that self love becomes our light to guide us 😀
    Your light is well lit, and heeded as that inner love should be ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 17:15:44

      I thank you Mark for your continued support and understanding of the journey we go through that enables us to listen and to heed our inner promptings.. And I thank you for your encouraging comment.. Many thanks 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


    Aug 30, 2017 @ 22:41:25

    Your message of wisdom has made me think that I too, should recharge and figure out the choices of where I stand today and look for the unexpected futures to come. Thank you sue for you always being you.

    Liked by 3 people


  17. Renee Espriu
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 23:11:21

    Ultimately, Sue, you are taking time out for yourself and for that you are a much healthier person. I, myself, did not take enough time out for myself before my illness, strokes and heart failure in 2015 and it took its’ toll. Worried about losing my job that would then mean losing my home and on and on did me no good. I got so tied into it and could see no way out as my life of caretaking did, indeed, take me there. My children, my mother, my partner and due to my own innate personality and how I was raised, it was bound to happen. But I did make the choices that have brought me here and now it is, as much as possible, to be a time to heal and to move forward. At just 65yrs of age I say this but do know that if a family member needed me badly enough I would yet go to be of assistance to them, to know I did what I could. No complaints at this point. I use to wonder why I did not make other choices but the ones I made, I now know, were mine to make. I commend you always for how you have chosen to make yours’. Be well. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 17:24:10

      Yes it is an important lesson to listen and take that time out for ourselves Renee, But as you say a life time of conditioning and being there at the beck and call of others often would make ourselves feel guilty for taking time out for self.. Learning to love oneself is a great healer and understanding that it is important to devote quality time for ourselves is not being selfish..
      Sometimes Life’s illness’s come to act as a warning, to take stock at our own lives and to slow us down.. ( my breakdown did just that, as did my FMS ) So Now when these feelings swamp me to take time out and to go within and find some inner peace I listen intently.. Trusting these feelings I have learnt to do, as when I failed to listen in the past something would come to make me listen.. 🙂
      Many thanks dear Renee.. I thank you for your continued friendship and love..
      Wishing you a Peaceful week and I hope also you are well ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  18. MrsCraft
    Aug 30, 2017 @ 23:16:17

    Take care, I hope you recover soon. I find trusting in my own choices one of the hardest and scariest things about being a grown up. X

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 17:30:11

      Yes, trusting our choices can be scary. Learning to Listen to our intuition can be daunting.. Until you begin to recognise those inner feelings and promptings of what feels right to us.. Thank you Mrs C.. I hope you have had lots of creative fun in my absence.. and look forward to when I get to do my catch up with you 🙂



  19. balroop2013
    Aug 31, 2017 @ 03:01:31

    Choice and trust are interconnected, we can only make a choice if we trust ourselves and once we do, choice proves to be a blessing! My heart has always made the right choices, whenever I got the opportunity…trusting those choices and moving ahead with them proved that they were the right ones! I absolutely agree with you dear Sue…trust your instincts and yes, gut feeling is always right, whatever name we may give to it.
    Nature is a natural healer and I am glad each time you disconnect to be with nature, you feel rejuvenated. Sending you love and healing vibes dear friend, both for the bereavement in your family and eye infection. Hugs. Stay blessed! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people


  20. dgkaye
    Aug 31, 2017 @ 03:27:44

    So important to follow our instincts Sue, I know all about that. And I do envy you for following your instinct when it tells you to take a time out. I have to learn to listen to mine. And, I’m sorry for the loss to your family. Sending love and hugs! xoxo ❤

    Liked by 4 people


  21. Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, MCC, SCAC
    Aug 31, 2017 @ 04:07:34

    Lovely, Sue. I add my condolences to you and the extended family of your sister-in-law’s husband. He is with SOURCE, as those left behind to stare at the hole in the fabric of the family and try to embrace it with Spirit. I’m sure your eulogy was lovely and healing, yet grief knocks us all for a loop, no matter our beliefs. Time.

    The prompt to see your world through new WIndows was a Timely nudge to continue to take care of YOU at this Time. I hope your eye is healing and that all is calm in your world.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 17:45:18

      Thank you dear Madelyn for your healing thoughts, My eye healed well, and yes you are right my sister-in-law’s husband is indeed with Source and will no doubt be enjoying his new surroundings..
      I was knocked unexpectedly sideways, as grief came knocking to open up a door I had thought long closed.. It took some time to come to understand why I had felt this void so deeply when my own attachment was not so connected.. I went deeper and found its cause, and it related to my mother, not surprising really.. But I hope another layer has been peeled from that particular onion..
      Love and Hugs and Many thanks dear Madelyn.. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  22. maskednative
    Aug 31, 2017 @ 07:42:37

    Sorry for your loss Sue. While you retreat, grieve and find comfort, you follow your guidance to share that with your WordPress family, and the path you tread is spread with love being shared back to you. Much love, Teri xxx

    Liked by 4 people


  23. derrickjknight
    Aug 31, 2017 @ 09:45:43

    My thoughts are for your bereavement. I agree entirely about trusting one’s instinct. When I have suppressed mine regrets have generally followed

    Liked by 3 people


    Aug 31, 2017 @ 10:02:56

    Your remarks regarding the catastrophical flooding in Texas are very much disturbing and irritating in a sense that you find a religious excuse for that all because Mother Earth is now cleaning and cleansing!? A mother does however normally not kill her children? In the meantime you sit in your nice garden, adore and nourish your flowers and have time to reflect about mental techniques being suitable out of discussion.

    So, you have an easy life while others in Texas struggle for their pure existence. In the past philosophers find similar justifications for war as a cleaning process such as Hegel which compares war with “the blowing of the wind that preserves the sea from the foulness which would be the result of a prolonged calm”. Well, I do not like wars and catastrophies, because they can and will never be the basis for a better world.

    Liked by 2 people


  25. David
    Aug 31, 2017 @ 10:45:33

    Many of us have problems choosing, making up our minds in case the choice we make is the wrong choice which then brings with it regret and thinking oneself daft or at worst idiotic. I have to say that my guides tell me that we need to make that decision because to hold oneself in limbo is no way for the Universe to expand as it needs to – just think what would happen if we all refused to make a choice! I believe that all choices are right because there is no wrong and all choices are for a reason, often hidden from our current thought, and often as a means to fulfil a Soul set-up! As you say Sue in retrospect we often find the relevance of a choice which when made seemed not in our best interest, especially if it led us into a challenge we would rather not undertake, but isn’t that what life is all about, meeting those challenges? How else is the Soul to experience all that life has to offer in this unique environment of life on Earth? Take your time Sue and enjoy the precious moments of recharging and allowing yourself to experience all of those many talents that you are best with. We all understand. Love, David :)

    Liked by 5 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 18:00:37

      Yes indeed David, which is why I said there really are no Wrong choices, for even those bring us to where and what we need along our pathway. Thank you so much my friend for your continued support and love my friend.. Wishing you and yours well 🙂 Love and Blessings Sue 🙂



  26. -Eugenia
    Aug 31, 2017 @ 14:59:23

    Beautiful post, Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


  27. stephensmustang1
    Aug 31, 2017 @ 16:16:45

    I am so sorry for your loss.
    Glad and grateful you had some ‘time out’.
    Your post…a reminder that choices we make usually, not only effect us, but those around us..We must choose wisely even when our choices are between ‘a rock and a hard place’ as the saying goes.
    Much love to you, my friend.

    Liked by 3 people


  28. Ka Malana -
    Aug 31, 2017 @ 16:32:07

    I’m sorry for your loss of a dear family member, Sue. My wishes are for you to be surrounded in love as you take your important and nurturing time. 💗 Many are going through tremendous transition right now, and your words are always offering of support.

    Those windows updates can really be something, and I’m really hoping your eye clears up soon. Calling in a lot of gentleness and the sweet moments where you grow into the new spaces being created within you, as you grow so serenely as the beautiful being that you are 💗 🙏🏽 Thanks for you, Ka

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 18:03:21

      Thank you Ka.. yes, the eye has healed well, I finished the drops yesterday.. 🙂 And I am feeling brighter in Mind Body and Spirit thank you dear Ka.. Much love for you kindness and for your support.. Love right back xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  29. michnavs
    Sep 01, 2017 @ 00:16:28

    No, I won’t say wrong, because even wrong choices we chose for a reason, and they can also end up to be the right ones.

    This line really hit me..sometimes we can easily judge ourselves or other people on the basis of our choices ..and yet, yes you are right Sue even the wrong choices we made could turn out to be good in the end..thank you this is such a beautiful thought to ponder upon..

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 18:06:05

      Hi dear Mich, big smiles, and I am so happy this sentence made an impact upon you.. Yes we can so often get stuck in the choices we made that we maybe think were wrong.. Yet in fact they perhaps only made us detour a little off course so we found something out about ourselves along the way.. So they are to embraced, and if seen in a different light they perhaps strengthened us along our journey.. Thank you so much for sharing that with me..
      Love and Hugs Mich.. xxx

      Liked by 2 people


  30. InfiniteZip
    Sep 01, 2017 @ 15:03:48

    even in your “not being” here, your being still radiates the light through your words. Peace, love and trusting the choices, always, K ❤

    Liked by 4 people


    Sep 01, 2017 @ 15:29:38

    Our Sue when we lose someone in family is something sad, but also it is in the light, and of course we always need to disconnect something, which in your case was a blogger world, always take time for you, all positive energy to you. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people


  32. JoAnna
    Sep 02, 2017 @ 06:27:02

    Shortly before I saw this post, I made the choice not to go to a training I’ve gone to every year for my addictions counseling license. Funny how hard it is to let that go. But I think 30 years is enough. Now, I am pulled in a new direction of creativity, nature and family, and it FEELS good and right to follow that pull. You words affirm me now and often. Your wisdom reminds me to find ways to take more breaks from technology. Perhaps that will help us to connect with ourselves and also our Earth Mother.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 18:14:58

      That must have been a well long thought out choice after all these years to give up your Licence. But 30 years is a long time in helping others.. Now is the time that you follow your own inner promptings JoAnna and as you listen to your own inner promptings, I know your pathway is already opening up to your new creative direction.. Keep following your heart and and I know it will allow you to connect deeper within as well as helping our Earth Mother. I feel excited for you.. Love and Blessings my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  33. Lois
    Sep 02, 2017 @ 21:27:45

    Sue, I am so sorry for your loss but I am sure your thoughtful words were a comfort to the family.

    Choices….boy I’ve thought about the choices I’ve made over the years so many times. I know there are some that could be viewed as wrong or bad choices but each choice, good or wrong, have helped me to grow as a human being and become the person I am today. Therefore none of them have been wrong for my growth and I am grateful for them and the lessons they brought.

    I loved your description of the hurricane’s rains. “Earth Mother’s tears” how appropriate. My heart breaks for the people suffering from the devastation but being how the chemical and oil industry have been affected seems to me that Mother Earth is trying to send us a message….telling us what has been harming her. My thoughts after the people affected falls on the hope that the environmental damage from this storm won’t impact the earth and the gulf waters too badly.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2017 @ 18:22:42

      Thank you Lois, yes our choices all are relevant and correct for that moment of time.. And yes, My heart also breaks for all caught up within the floods. And while I so feel for the 40 plus lives lost in Texas, and all who have suffered loss, my heart goes out to the South Asia Flooding Where over 1,200 people have lost their lives.. And 40 million people have been affected.. Something our British News is neglecting to cover sufficiently.. Which has led people to question why it has been neglected.
      Yes Mother Earth is sending a message and I feel we have not heard the last of her voice..
      Good to see you Lois and thank you I am feeling stronger in Mind Body and Spirit my friend.. xxx ❤



      • Lois
        Sep 04, 2017 @ 06:52:17

        I mentioned in one of my last posts the flooding in Mumbai and how it’s gotten so little coverage here in the US too. It’s almost as if the only coverage we get here centers on mainly Europe and the US. We are so close to Mexico and yet we rarely hear much from there either

        Speaking of the US there is another hurricane headed our way. This thing is a monster and even though I live quite far inland it’s possible my area could be affected by rainfall and some damaging winds. If so it will be the first time a hurricane was able to come this far inland. If that doesn’t wake people up nothing will.

        I’m glad you are feeling better. Keep taking care of yourself and we will be here when you are ready to come back.



  34. natswans
    Sep 03, 2017 @ 09:44:25

    Beautiful post Sue , I am so sorry to hear of your family loss. These awaken us and we make choices , so your words are true indeed. Have a rest and hope the eye heals soon, you are wise to take a break.
    Hugs and Love
    Sheila xx

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  35. thetruthaboutmentalhealth
    Sep 03, 2017 @ 09:46:31

    Beautiful post Sue. I’ve been feeling like that too and also had a cold and have been blogging/ using the internet less. Something is changing shifting.. yep I think we all feel it. I wonder what is needed from here? .. I’ll try to trust!!

    Liked by 2 people


  36. lorriebowden
    Sep 04, 2017 @ 02:18:47

    Hi Sue. I’m sorry for your loss and I am certain that the words you wrote to honor your loved one were from the heart and full of love.
    I also get the fact that you had to disconnect…sometimes we just have to take that time and do what we need to do to recharge. I have missed you, though 😉
    There is just so much going on in the world it is hard to stay focused on the good and true.
    I hope you are doing things that make your heart sing…and that you will write all about it when you feel ready to come back.
    Much love to you 💜

    Liked by 4 people


  37. mariewilliams53
    Sep 04, 2017 @ 12:41:12

    While I’ve been busy delving into your ‘older posts’, Sue, I now realise that a lot has been happening for you in the present! I’m so sorry to hear of your loss, so sending much love your way and hope those health issues continue to improve too.
    This post is so full of wisdom and so relevant right now – you often speak of ‘disconnecting’ for a while in order to ‘connect’ again and that is such an important life lesson – and one we should trust ourselves to make the choice to do.
    Love + blessings dear Sue!

    Liked by 3 people


  38. Smorgasbord - Variety is the Spice of Life.
    Sep 04, 2017 @ 16:15:33

    So sorry for your loss Sue and I am sure your family drew a great deal of comfort from your eulogy. I have just been away from blogging for three days but found that just focusing on my sister’s visit, laughing about 64 years of shared memories and experiences brings sad and good times into perspective. Most of us at this stage in our lives will be losing those close to us and know that we might have less time left than we have had… we need to take time to reflect on what it is we would like to do with it.. hugs ♥

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 08, 2017 @ 13:13:42

      Dear Sally, first apologies my friend for the oversight of your comment, It seems I missed several that either did not appear in my notifications or disappeared before I got the chance to answer..
      You hit the nail on its head Sally about us taking out time to reflect .. And yes at 63 those around us now are coming to that stage in their lives when ailments befall them and affect them quicker.. And it indeed has made me take stock of my own nearest and dearest..
      I can imagine your visit with your sister being a joyful yet tearful one.. I know when my sister and I get together, we often go back recalling our past, and shed a few tears along the way.. But we try to concentrate upon the happy memories..
      I Have yet to finish your book,, Nothing much has been holding my attention of late, so I have just gone with the flow and sort of drifted in and out of creation and relaxation over the past few weeks..
      In fact I can honestly say I think the Eclipse has been affecting me as ever since I have felt listless and have been undecided as to what direction I want to take . So have not made any choices, lol just trusting in the Universe Delivering what is needed at the right time.. 😀

      Thank you again Sally.. I really appreciate your comment.. Sending Love and Blessings back..
      Sue ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  39. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Sep 04, 2017 @ 16:35:44

    You are so right Sue. I made such a bad decision in coming to this place that now I feel I’m not capable of making a good one.
    I see your post has resonated with many already. Love & hugs.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 08, 2017 @ 13:05:33

      Hi Dear Teagan.. thank you so much my friend I had it seemed not seen several of the comments left here until I went to view the post in full and not just the notifications section.. So apologies my friend..

      Yes I know what you mean.. WP is like an elastic band.. it stretches you and yet you ping back time and time again.. LOL

      I am endeavouring to catch up with that lovely tale you spin so well.. and hope to do so over the weekend my friend.. Love and Light to you and yours xx Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  40. Christy B
    Sep 06, 2017 @ 02:36:54

    Take as long as you need to re-align, Sue.. I am sorry for your loss and send gentle hugs to you and family.. I recently trusted my gut and it led to a difficult ending with heartbreak but I think it was for the best. Your post reminds me that negativeness, such as jealousy, is not what I want to draw into my life. ❤ Love to you

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 06, 2017 @ 15:25:31

      I was brought up surrounded in such negative energy Christy, and you have done what your heart feels is right my friend.. You do not need negatives like jealousies to surround yourself in.. It is a killer of love.. And I am sorry that you have been on this heartbreaking journey recently Christy.. But I feel you already know you have made a wise choice..
      Sending continued love your way.. and many thanks for your kind thoughts Christy.. Love Sue xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  41. lindamartha
    Sep 06, 2017 @ 10:22:57

    My condolences to your family. I think I have also needed a break from blogging.I havent seen it as a concious choice but one that is happening on its own. I’m choosing to go with the flow of it. I’ve tried to write and even have a post saved as a draft. Just one click and it would be done. It just doesnt feel right;)

    Liked by 3 people


  42. kowkla123
    Sep 06, 2017 @ 12:30:19

    lass dir die gute Laune nicht verregnen, Klaus

    Liked by 2 people


  43. kowkla123
    Sep 06, 2017 @ 12:31:03

    entschuldige, das war voll daneben, tut mir leid, kann es wohl nicht löschen

    Liked by 2 people


  44. AmyRose🌹
    Sep 08, 2017 @ 22:59:10

    Forgive the short response, Sue, but the words are brief today for you. Like you I’ve had signs regarding choices and seeing “right”. I am contending with a sinus infection having been exposed to a lot of toxicity in my family. Nothing happens for no reason. Take your time to heal in your own way much the same as I do. You are such a Blessing and such a Bright Light that when the tests do come, they usually are very difficult. Sending you Much Love and (((HUGS))) Amy🌹

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 09, 2017 @ 08:55:36

      Thank you Amy, you understand perfectly.. This passing opened up a deeper wound, one I have explained to you previously.. And I thank you for taking the time to respond as you go through your own healing and grief Amy.. So thank YOU.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • AmyRose🌹
        Sep 10, 2017 @ 13:26:54

        Ah, yes, but in the opening of that deeper wound, healing comes, and a deeper aspect of YOU emerges, like the butterfly from the cocoon. And so it is for me as well. Picture a rock with water dripping on it and for centuries that water drips until there is a dip in the surface that appears. That dip is now filled with water. You. 🌈

        Liked by 1 person


  45. Brenda Davis Harsham
    Sep 09, 2017 @ 03:49:12

    I hope your eye problem clears up quickly. I’m sad for your loss. I hope you feel rejuvenated and revitalized by your taking time away. Blessings.

    Liked by 2 people


  46. Miriam
    Sep 09, 2017 @ 07:52:59

    It’s interesting Sue because the last few weeks, more than ever I’ve felt drawn outside, to disconnect and to embrace more fully nature. I hope that you’ve found healing and peace in your quiet time. Beautiful deep thought provoking post. Hugs and much love to you xo

    Liked by 1 person


  47. Mabel Kwong
    Sep 09, 2017 @ 13:48:13

    So heartening to hear that you followed your intuition, disconnected and let yourself just be, Sue. Sorry to hear about the family loss. Times like these are never easy. Sometimes we just have to disconnected from this online world in order to find what’s important and what really matters to us again. Sometimes I like to disconnect from social media like Facebook and Twitter for days or weeks, just because I’d rather live in the real world and be present.

    ‘Trust in the process as you allow yourselves to go deeper within, Trust, in your choices, to let go of fear.’ Thank you for saying that. I needed to hear that right now. Much hugs to you and feel the stars ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  48. gageier
    Sep 09, 2017 @ 14:37:16

    Liebe Sue danke für deine schönen Worte ja es regnet mal wieder ganz liebe Grüße Klaus in Freundschaft

    Liked by 2 people


  49. Somali K Chakrabarti
    Sep 11, 2017 @ 12:44:51

    You have touched upon a very deep topic, Sue. You have written it with so much of conviction. I took time to assimilate it. I realize that I too am strongly guided by my instincts and sometimes make choices which may apparently be diametrically opposite to my previous actions. Time and again doubts surface and I wonder where I am heading to. External triggers (or signs) are needed to get back on track. As you say you should trust in the process as you allow yourselves to go deeper within. Maybe I need this reassurance from time to time. Thank you for sharing such a meaningful post.
    Btw your poem on Change is very relevant. I particularly loved the following lines
    Changes are a part that makes us move and grow
    But we need to change the seeds that we all sow

    Liked by 2 people


  50. Michael33
    Sep 12, 2017 @ 21:33:01

    I was just wondering how you manage to post such words of significance that resonate so deeply within my current state of being. Perhaps that too is synchronicity. This was so beautifully written Sue. Thank you for reminding me… when I so very much needed to be reminded to trust in my choices. Sometimes we all need to be reminded to listen to the wisdom of the voice within.

    Thank you so much for always brightening the world that surrounds me.

    I am saddened by your loss and sending love and hugs to you and your family.

    Sending light your way…

    Love and Peace


    Liked by 1 person


  51. lavendermoongirlblog
    Sep 13, 2017 @ 12:09:23

    I’m sorry for your loss Sue. Sometimes we need to retreat and release . Your post is very poignant. We do need to trust our instincts and make our own choices in life. Take care. Xxx

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 13, 2017 @ 14:40:16

      Thank you LG, lovely to have you visit today.. Many thanks 🙂 and I hope all is well with you and yours xx



      • lavendermoongirlblog
        Sep 16, 2017 @ 06:45:13

        Thank you Sue. I hope you are okay. Our family is going through a sad time of serious illness and the arthritis in my spine has worsened, I heard from my doctor yesterday after facet joint pain relief injections. I will keep walking and doing my yoga to help healing and retreat to my garden and studio when I can. I need to rest and then reenergise! Hugs to you and yours. Xxx

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 16, 2017 @ 08:54:19

          So sorry to hear your family is going through this sad time also.. And that you are not well. Yoga will help you I am sure as well your Garden retreats etc will help you heal.. I know you have the tools and knowledge of self-help to enable you the best possible chances of recovery and helping ease the painful condition of arthritis.. I know I have spondylosis in my neck and some days is worst than others, depending upon what I do.. So my sympathies to you as it is very painful… LOVE and HUGS and I am sending you some healing thoughts your way xxx ❤



  52. Dina
    Sep 16, 2017 @ 14:52:32

    I’m so sorry for your loss, Sue. Life choices are difficult. I remember reading Dina Glouberman’s “Life Choices Life Changes” many years ago and found it helpful.
    Hope your eye problem is quickly solved and that you feel better by taking some time away. All the best, hugs. x

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 17, 2017 @ 20:21:17

      Thank you dear Dina.. My eye thankfully completely healed apart from a little dryness now..
      I am afraid my followers here have to put up with my coming’s and goings to WP.. Life gets in the way far too often lol.. 🙂
      Change is constant.. and I embrace change.. For change is good.. Its learning to trust in our choices.. For me, I have learnt to Listen to that inner voice.. And it usually leads me to my correct path..
      Thank you Dina.. So good to have you visit and leave your comments.. Many thanks 🙂 Big smiles.. 💜💚💛



  53. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Sep 20, 2017 @ 03:43:58

    Sorry to hear about the loss in your family, Sue.

    Sometimes, we need time to reflect and go through our thoughts. The introspection helps us to understand everything better. I loved your words of encouragement about choice and trust. We all need to have trust on our choices. That’s the simplest way to happiness…. ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  54. da-AL
    Sep 23, 2017 @ 01:53:27

    Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Wishing you the best ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  55. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Sep 24, 2017 @ 05:01:14

    We’re wired so much alike… going inward is a very quiet and unhurried process…..

    your words were surely a comfort for the memorial….

    on a different note, i’ve done a little bit of ‘searching’ for a smoke signal from our eddie 2 hawks in florida.. have you heard anything from him?



  56. Barbara Franken
    Sep 27, 2017 @ 11:40:57

    Taking care of yourself is my no 1 rule, followed by trusting your instinct and make choices… Thankyou for sharing your beingness and being an example of doing just this… Remembering great times with loved ones past can reveal essential wounds of old that are ready to be be acknowledged, embraced and released. Funny how life works sometimes, but it can only happy when we focus on love instead of fear. Love to sue in your quietness… everything is being revealed to each of us. Isn’t lisa awesome and mind blowing to the ones who begin to awaken! Barbara ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 27, 2017 @ 13:27:52

      Yes, she is, and it is mind blowing how fast we are feeling these changes right now, as we open up and let go of even more of that which has laid dormant within.. Thank you Barbara, you are a great inspiration also my friend 😀

      Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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