The Elder~ Shedding of Skins~ Part3

Things with Wings

Things with Wings

The woman had to leave the painting alone for a while, but the Elder was never far from her thoughts as she pondered upon what the Elder had spoken of regarding the Renewing and Regenerating.

She thought about her beloved forest walks and in particular the Standing Ones of the Oak Tribe who had always drawn her to their energy.

On her walks she would often reach out to touch their bark, their outer skin, gnarled and cracked, marveling upon their ages.

The forest of Sherwood that she loved so well held one of the oldest and well known, The Major Oak  Whose Standing had seen so many changes during at least 1,000 years reign over his domain.  She thought of the changes still to come as she had signed petitions to try to prevent Fracking from under his roots.  She again sent a silent prayer out to her Earth Mother as she thought of all the destruction Mankind had caused upon and deep into her own Earth Crust skin.

The Major Oak is now supported with beams and wires .

The Major Oak is now supported with beams and wires its age is approximated to be over 800 to 1,000 years.. Can you see the Elephant within its trunk?

By the time the woman returned to pick up her brushes, the woman was eager to learn what the Elder had to teach her. Today she filled in more details to the bark, the tiny brush strokes making patterns she picked out the creepy crawlies, spiders, and grubs now forming. The woman thought deeply upon the thousands of insects that made their home in the bark and among the crevasses and branches of the Standing Ones.

Trees are home to Thousands of insects and wildlife

Trees are home to Thousands of insects and wildlife

The Elder remained silent, allowing the woman to penetrate each crevasse with her brush stroke as deeper she sank into her own world of thought.  She painted the skin of the snake as it twisted up and out along the branch of the Elder, and thought of the many symbols mankind had used in which the snake had played a part.

ELDER Snake branch

The serpent representing both good and bad.  The secret to a snake’s success was its scales providing both impetus and resistance. It shed many skins to allow it to keep on growing. It glided over everything managing to climb trees, swim and bury itself beneath the earth.  She thought deeper to the various cultures which had created both Fascination and Fear.

 Quetzalcoatl the Feathered Serpent came to mind.

 Scholars had twisted the snake symbol for use of many of their own interpretations. The snake reminding her of the Kundalini, providing the Spark of Life, a great healer in many symbols.  As she thought of her own snake-like-spine, and that of the Standing Ones trunk. Connecting both Heaven and Earth.  As she thought of the times she had meditated her spine pressed against their trunk as she asked for The Standing Ones Healing.

She thought of healing and remembered the medical profession who also had it within their healing symbol The Caduceus entwined around a staff with wings. And the Rod of Asclepius  And wondered upon how these symbols had been created.  She assumed the snake meant both Life and Death which was what the medical professions dealt with at all times.

So many interpretations Mankind had given to the snake, both positive and negative which she had read about, ‘Which were correct?’  she thought.

The Elder picking up on her question answered. “ All of them,” said the Elder, “The snake is neither Good or bad, it is the cycle of Life itself. The Ouroboros  The snake shows you by leaving your skin behind life begins anew. Your Human skin is but a shell and so too will be left behind.

In your world, there can be no birth without death. It is a perpetual cycle.  You will see this again and again in nature. But your Human Tribe do not follow the natural law of the predator-prey cycle. Your Human Tribe has killed all the animals it deems as bad.  Such as the Wolf , Bear and Fox.

Then you cry when your forests get overrun with Deer and Elk and Rabbits. Who then strip the forests and grasslands bare and they then suffer and starve as the balance is upset. You Humans then take it upon yourselves to cull and thin out the over population of species. Causing more suffering”.

She thought of the disease  Myxomatosis introduced to Rabbits  And the many Rabbits she had seen affected as a child in the country. She also thought of the Elephant tribe and wondered at the suffering of their tribe at the hands of mans ignorance and greed. It was no coincidence that the image of the Elephant had crept into her painting embedded within its roots.Or the horrendous culling of young seal cubs that were clubbed to death. This too was woven within the roots of her painting.

“Yet” continued the Elder, “If you had let well alone Nature would keep the balance by its own natural cycles..  Each living thing that is placed upon your Earth Mother has purpose. And is subject to natural law. Including you Humans. But you have long forgotten the natural laws of Cause and Effect. You think you are superior to them. But the Universe as a whole is governed by them, there is no escape.”


This has been digitally enhances to these shades.

As the woman continued to paint, eyes appeared in her imagination which had transferred to the bark which peered deeper into her soul. She thought upon the many times she had sort out the Standing Ones healing. And to the shedding of her many tears pressed up against their trunks. How many sobs had they listened to? never judging, always steadfast, silent but for their whispers on the wind as they imparted their calm reverence.  

They replaced her own sapping energy with their own as she often felt their pulse beat up through her spine. They had become bound by their roots as she imagined her energy tap-root from her spine going down around theirs into Mother Earths Heart as she meditated.

She knew the Standing Ones were the wisdom keepers, each year witnessing the changes, information contained within their own growth cycles of both good and bad years. Each inner ring a record, yet its outer skin/bark remained the same. Showing us how we have so many layers and yet can hold a constant mask to our outer Being.

We all grow from our inner centre outward from our hearts. And how important it was to go within and find those years which had affected our growth.

The woman stood back from her painting. She thanked again the Elder for the wisdom, knowing that as a world right now, we were but shedding another skin. Mankind was in yet another cycle of Learning, growing in inner wisdom as he woke up to himself.

To be continued.. 

© Sue Dreamwalker 2017.

102 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. IreneDesign2011
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 15:33:54

    I love your writing, dear Sue 😀
    You are so very creative and I’m looking forward to see the whole paint, when you end it.
    Wish you a beautiful weekend,
    Love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  2. David
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 15:54:12

    This is wonderful Sue and sorry to take up so much room on your comments . but I could not resist sending you OMANAK:

    Plunged into darkness the Divine Plan is awakened.

    In the warm, moist, darkness of the womb of Earth an acorn sends out its first root tendrils searching and exploring for food and water.
    Further into darkness, further into earth.
    The urge to fulfill its inner potential, the oak tree within.

    The first feeble stem with twin leaflets breaks through the surface of the earth and into light, into the blazing, life giving light of the sun.
    It seeks the light.

    Its growth is slow, a little at a time, it grows in strength, it puts out more leaves, it develops branches, it experiences every season, every year of its life.
    And it remembers.

    It produces seed each year and has the potential to reincarnate itself many times.
    It develops the wisdom of ages.

    It grows into a symbol of strength, it lives for many, many years and has within itself the power to heal.
    Giving of itself to others in a life of total service.

    Keeping its feet firmly anchored to the earth and its head in the clouds ever reaching upwards into light.
    It aspires to the heaven world.

    But what or who is this we speak of, does this not ring a bell of remembrance?
    For is not the seed of man plunged into the womb of darkness upon the Earth, and when partly developed bursts forth into the light of the sun?

    To live life anchored to earth with aspiration to the light.
    Is this not the way?

    The development of wisdom through experience, the opportunity to return and the inherent
    potential within to heal.
    Is this not the truth?

    A life of true experience living each day in the cosmic moment, in the now, the way the oak tree knows how.
    Is this not the life?

    What lesson then can man learn from the oak?
    It is that man is part of the whole, not just the oak, for it is said: “we cannot pluck a flower without the disturbing of a distant star.”

    Can you see man in oak?

    When you see man in all things,
    this is the way, the truth, and the life.

    © David Tenneson – 1997

    Liked by 4 people


  3. Writing to Freedom
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 16:15:11

    Wonderful paintings, lessons, and musings on life. Thank you Sue for your deep caring and wisdom. May we learn to live in harmony with nature. I wonder if it’s possible the harm we are doing serves some grander purpose. And if not, I trust nature can purge us and continue on with the cycles of living and dying, shedding us like a pest on her skin!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2017 @ 17:35:44

      Yes I am sure in many part of our World we are like pests upon her skin.. I am also reminded of parasites as we suck the life out of her.. But Mother Nature is resilient and I am sure has seen many changes along with many challenges within her environmental evolution.
      We too as Human Beings are also witnessing many changes and challenges.. All part of our evolution… These changes are not always comfortable… But our Love and Unity and our Compassion will bind us all together to form the foundations of our roots to hold us steadfast for the future we wish for our Grandchild.. ❤ Many thanks again Brad.. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people


  4. Sageleaf
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 16:24:53

    Sosososo fantastic, this story. So moving and felt from within. You had my heart at Quetzalcoatl. I once started a fiction story about the Legend of Chocolate.
    Wow – you’ve given me an idea!
    But..the painting and the story you’re weaving is so what the world needs to hear. Beautiful imagery. The snake used to be a known symbol of the feminine and it’s also a symbol of kundalini. I actually quite like snakes. 🙂
    These “dark” times right now…I really think people are actually going through a metamorphosis – which, I think, is an underlying theme in your words here.
    It’s amazing how with the “travel ban” how people are coming together at US mosques to show support for Muslims – that has definitely never happened before. I have Muslim families in my after school program and I just send them so much love. I also send all our immigrants so much love.
    And there is so much love here. Love of life, soul, spirit and if we just pay attention, we can heal. Humans have caused much damage, but there is the capacity for love and healing…
    Beautiful story and I just love following along. Keep on keeping on, sweet friend! xoxo

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2017 @ 18:02:08

      Bless you Cynthia..
      Yes this story is weaving its story not only about our trees and their wisdom.. But I hope that wisdom passes along into our modern day existence which I am so, so pleased you are picking up upon.. We are not separate from Nature and we have much to learn from our Mother.. And It’s wonderful that you keep sending Love.. That is one thing all of us can do.. People forget that we manifest first with our thoughts putting them into action which then creates our reality..
      Many thanks for you wonderful feedback.

      Love and Blessings Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  5. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 16:26:05

    Sue…my heart is beating loudly reading your words. They take my breath away in their importance and relevance. The Higher Powers do, indeed, speak through you and your art. Blessings and Thanks and Love to you!!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2017 @ 18:05:23

      Dear dear Mar. thank you so much.. I speak and write down always what I am inspired to bring forward and I hope to be an instrument for such truths to be brought forward. And you yourself are a great channel of wisdom for such truths to be heard..
      In love and Light my friend xx Thank you ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  6. Erika Kind
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 16:29:47

    Shedding our skin: The perfect story for these days (although this fits our whole human history). The constant growth and leaving the old “me” behind. I love that photo with the elephant in the tree, Sue!

    Liked by 2 people


  7. kerlund74
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 16:38:49

    Such wonderful part of the story. So much spirit and closeness to our roots and nature❤️ Hope you are fine, and having a great weekend. Hugs

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2017 @ 18:10:03

      Hi dear Kerlund.. so lovely to see you too.. And yes we both love Nature so much and know how deep our own roots are set into our Earth Mother’s own Story.. You too enjoy a fabulous Weekend.. Love and Hugs back ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  8. Heartafire
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 18:13:34

    This is beautiful Sue. I interpret this painting as a rebirth of man . Thxnk you for this inspiring write and painting. ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  9. mihrank
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 18:26:02

    creative, perfect introduction, great art work, and wonderful image to learn and enjoy.

    Liked by 2 people


  10. lorriebowden
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 20:30:01

    These lessons are so powerful, Sue! I’m so happy for you to have had such a deep connection to the earth…to all of life…and to receive this wisdom by words and by art! I am so taken with your tree that has the elephant in it!!! It is so incredible!!!! So much exists in the years this tree has witnessed. Thank you for offering us this treasure…I so look forward to the finished painting (which is amazing, my friend!) and final words. Bravo!! Much love and light ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2017 @ 10:25:12

      Thank you Lorrie, your thoughts and encouragement is so appreciated my friend .. Yes I love the old trees and often will find many a tree spirit and faces in their bark.. 🙂 And yes I remember as a child visiting this very same tree, The Major Oak.. Back then it was not so protected.. and the woodland path ran straight up to it.. The large hole in its centre as small children with our Grandparents we would be able to go inside and explore it..
      Now its fenced off in a large wide circle to protect its roots from the thousands of visitors it gets from all over the world.. Sherwood Forest is about to get another make-over and plans to alter and extend the visitors centre have been approved.. But I do worry for all of the district of which I am part as plans for Fracking are being granted permissions left right and centre.. The whole area is already riddled with Coal mine workings so goodness knows the repercussions if Fracking gets the go ahead.. ..
      Thank You Lorrie.. I hope you have a restful Sunday xx



      • lorriebowden
        Feb 05, 2017 @ 15:03:58

        It’s heartbreaking, Sue! Sometimes, many times lately, I just don’t understand how people can be so far apart in what they think is good for the world! I pretty much can’t even look at the television anymore because there are so SOOOOOO many things that I can not condone. And it feels terrible to know that the highest office is the one pushing most of these things through. Disturbing is all I can say.
        We have to unite our light energy…and our prayers!
        Much love, friend ♡♡

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 05, 2017 @ 15:19:55

          Yes I know Lorrie.. But we also have to realise that as much as WE do not condone these things being passed in our world right now.. It is causing People to stand and Unite in standing up for what is Right.. And to stop injustices in our world..
          Out of the Darkness the Lights are flickering and the Sleep is being washed out of peoples eyes as they now are Waking up to Governments, an how they work.. Think how many more exposures are being revealed now about corruption and abuse.. Here in the UK its a mega reveal as police and local authorities have hidden for years child sex abuse scandals in children’s homes and within the Churches . Now it’s turned to revealing how it happened in football clubs young boys were part of… Its a time for opening up of these past wounds and past hurts..
          I do not feel 2017 will be pretty… It will hold many I feel in heart ache.. But it Will be the catalyst in which the Newly Born of those new awakened souls will play a major shift in our Mass Consciousness Which is why I promote Harmony, Unity and Peace.. These things must be foremost in our heart.. We can not allow the Fear, and these destructive forces to rule our lives.. And I am with you on keeping my head out of the media and its news.. its generating much of the frustrations we are seeing in the world. ❤ xxx Much Love dear Lorrie xx

          Liked by 1 person


  11. Mark Lanesbury
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 21:20:26

    Cycles within cycles Sue, each integrating within another and another. If we only knew just how profound the whole, and each part is beautifully woven…as is your painting 😀
    I’m enjoying the journey with you, thank you for sharing my friend 😀

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2017 @ 10:29:17

      Many thanks dear Mark.. I am pleased you are still enjoying my friend and staying the course lol.. I feel compelled to keep writing and want the next chapter to be the last.. As its gone on quite a bit..:-) But who knows.. Yes I have lots of thoughts upon those cycles too my friend.. Thank you so much again for reading 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  12. Paul Handover
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 21:32:45

    Perfect art: In both words and pictures! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  13. litebeing
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 21:48:23

    Hi Sue,
    Your art is enchanting and I adore the wise old oak. I have an old ( not quite as old as your elephant oak) watching me a yard or so from my back terrace. I gaze at it as I type. On my last blog I mentioned how the human body is like Gaia and Alia said she read that in a channeling about the Pleadians. I see this in your story – the layers of life and the complex interdependence of all consciousness.

    thank you for this glorious ever-evolving tale.

    love, Linda



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2017 @ 12:09:04

      Yes I love the Oaks too Linda.. Many thanks for relating that too me.. It means a lot.. We are all pieces of work in the process of creation.. 🙂 Evolving and developing at our own pace within our own Tree’s of Learning.. 🙂 taking one Branch at a time.. climbing ever higher to the top.. Sometimes we take detours, sometimes we lose our grip and fall away back down before gaining our foothold again.. But when we are surefooted.. and set our goal and Look UP.. we will soon find ourselves among many more shimmering leaves, as we open our hearts to the Sun=LIGHT.. 🙂 Love and Mega Hugs xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  14. belasbrightideas
    Feb 04, 2017 @ 23:34:01

    Being a snake lover, I especially loved the references to my sister Snakes. (I was also born in the year of the Water Snake). Much maligned and misunderstood, snakes are sensitive creatures who would rather retire under a rock somewhere to rest and observe. I don’t understand human fear of the species. They’re not on a march to hurt us and seek only to protect themselves when frightened or attacked. Wouldn’t we do the same? Our last snake, a Florida King, used to sleep under the covers between us in the winter (not all the time, but sometimes). He loved the warmth. Such amazing creatures! ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2017 @ 12:18:52

      How fascinating.. I think that would be a snake-step-to-far for me Bela.. haha.. I had to look up what a Florida King snake looked like.. and although I have no fear of snakes.. I have held them in our local Farm Park.. Brave girl that I am.. lol.. Our snakes here are mainly Grass Snakes, and Adders .. They are poisonous but not deadly.. And I agree with you on them going about their business and only act in self defense if startled or trod upon.
      When out in Sri Lanka I was taken behind the factory there to be shown something I will never forget however.. A huge Python type snake was in the process of swallowing a small dog.. Something I have never forgotten…. 🙂

      I am delighted the snake references resonated with you Bela.. 🙂 Much Love my friend 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  15. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Feb 05, 2017 @ 00:02:40

    That elephant in the tree is so real that it has to be intentional.. of course it represents the strength of an elephant, and to ponder what it’s witnessed…

    It served as an amazing muse, and your painting is full of movement and emotion as well as mystery.

    Story, photos, art, inspiration – well done!



  16. inavukic
    Feb 05, 2017 @ 06:11:13

    All for playing nice to each other and love to spread, Sue. Love your writing, your art your heart and mind. Hugs and love 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    Feb 05, 2017 @ 07:52:39

    As long as the human species takes itself so important like in comments “Do you see the man in the oak?” or “Can you see man in all things?”, I doubt that things will change. Well an oak is not a human being, it is a plant with a complete different life cycle, standing in nature and intelligence. The Earth can live easily without the human species, but plants are really essential for life as we know it today.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2017 @ 10:44:17

      Hi Transmutation.. 🙂 Yes The Earth can I agree quite easily live without us Humans.. and most probably will the rate we are going..
      Mankind will always I feel SEE Man – faces- Eyes- human forms- for its in his/her make up.. And its her/his Ego that tends to put themselves upon the pedestals that they Think they are superior above other species. Whether it be Animal or Plant..

      But Plants are not JUST plants. They are living BEings in their own rights.. Just because we as a Human species think we are superior and know it all.. We do not Know it ALL at all.. In fact.. You see we put ourselves at the top of the Tree in our Earths Evolution.. But I think we are inferior in lots of ways compared to the adaption and creativity of Mother Nature .. Plants evolve to work in harmony with one another and with insect and animal life..
      One only has to study the life of an Ant to see how great it is in working for the whole of its colony and not for itself. 🙂
      We humans could really take a leaf out of Nature’s book.. 🙂 ❤
      Many thanks for those wonderful thoughts..
      We certainly could not survive without PLANTS.. or TREES.. 🙂 ❤



  18. derrickjknight
    Feb 05, 2017 @ 09:55:46

    Magical. I’ve never seen the elephant before. I, too, remember myxomatosis. You use it so well as a symbol of interference with nature.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2017 @ 10:55:09

      Thank you Derrick.. Yes we medal and upset the balance.. We have only to look at the Grey Squirrel introduction here.. Then there is the Mink.. Also the American Signal Crayfish which was introduced in the 1970s it has decimated many waterways and rivers with its predatory traits .. This was bred on farms for the restaurant trade and escaped into the wild.. Now there are millions of them in the UK..
      This is but a few of Man’s interventions that upset the Balance in Nature.. Sadly..
      Thank you again for reading Derrick.. So much appreciated.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  19. Lynz Real Cooking
    Feb 05, 2017 @ 14:58:16

    Your writing is magical sue! Xxx

    Liked by 2 people


  20. -Eugenia
    Feb 05, 2017 @ 15:09:54

    A fascinating story and lovely paintings, Sue. If only trees could talk or I should say if only we could hear them talk.

    Liked by 1 person


  21. Tom Merriman
    Feb 05, 2017 @ 15:47:27

    Fabulous once again, Sue. And yes I saw the elephant in the trunk. We are shown many things by nature, some lessons are learned by some but ignored by others. When these lessons are learned then someone else comes along and the process starts again… cycles indeed. Looking forward to the next part.

    Liked by 1 person


  22. Enigma
    Feb 05, 2017 @ 21:11:38

    Why u dont vote us?
    Priscila Peres
    and many others


    Liked by 1 person


  23. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Feb 05, 2017 @ 21:15:50

    I was away from WP for a while and, as I’m back, I’m so glad to read all of the three parts at a time. An exhibition of creativity, wisdom and love of life these posts are. Thanks so much, Sue, for presenting such beautiful reads 🙂 I really, really liked them and will be waiting for the next part… ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  24. Barbara Franken
    Feb 05, 2017 @ 21:34:34

    Just love this continued true story that you are lovingly sharing with us all… thanks sue x much love x barbara

    Liked by 1 person


  25. voulaah
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 14:28:10

    wow you always have inspiration Sue, thank you so much for sharing to us your creation
    Have a very nice week

    Liked by 1 person


  26. Eddie Two Hawks
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 16:58:00

    Beautiful art, thoughts, wisdom and post. Another of which that continues to connect us to all there is and all there will be.
    Thank you dear heart, blessings Sue

    Liked by 1 person


  27. Ka Malana -
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 17:56:47

    This is a bittersweet pause point for me Sue. I love what you wrote about the center of the tree and the outer mask. The elephant in your own tree and the Major Oak remind me that all is not forgotten, and the center can be known ❤🌿🦋 Thank you for this nutritious and wise sharing.

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Ka Malana -
    Feb 06, 2017 @ 18:00:30

    It was my good fortune that time arranged itself for our communing 💕

    Liked by 1 person


  29. stephensmustang1
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 03:14:19

    Enjoy your writing my dear friend.
    I like touching the bark of a I especially liked reading this. Cause and effect is something I think we all forget at times..a needed reminder for sure.
    Looking forward to the rest of the story.
    hugs and love



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 07, 2017 @ 13:04:39

      Yes I think many of us forget the principles of those core Universal Laws Elizabeth, yet time and time again the energies come back full circle.. and that old saying of ‘What goes around comes around’ is true. Because once we create an Energy of thought and send it out eventually it has to come back to its source of creation, so imagine what an Action does.. 🙂

      Which is what we are all of us striving to do, as we move through our lives as we strive to connect back to the Goddess/God Source of Creation. 🙂
      I am really happy you are enjoying the story Elizabeth.. When you think about it.. How often do we like to touch wood.. Your hubby who made that wonderful Christmas gift.. Using his crafting skills in wood.. The energy of the Tree is still within the wood.. And we feel compelled to connect to it.. 🙂



  30. summerrain63
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 09:40:24

    I like the snake and rebirth idea a lot…otherwise snakes are just cold and uggh…they eat the moles…give me heeby jeebies….

    You are quite the artist in painting and writing Sue…I do love the story…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 07, 2017 @ 13:28:31

      Yes snakes are far more than what they seem.. And if snakes were not needed upon the Earth they wouldn’t be here.. I am glad though that I live in the UK and not where the most venomous ones and largest ones live 🙂
      I am delighted you are enjoying this story my friend.. I have really enjoyed painting and connecting it to the thoughts given.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  31. New Earth Paradigm
    Feb 07, 2017 @ 16:36:00

    Hi Sue — As your story and painting grow, so does my awareness of the connections we Humans have with All our Relations. Currently, I am reading the series of books by Tom Brown, Jr., wilderness tracker and teacher here in the States. His writings are also perking my awareness of just how many species we share our Mother Planet with and how each of them knows their place and purpose in the Grand Scheme of things. It is only we Humans who have lost our understanding our our purpose and place in Life’s Circle or Web or Tree — however you want to describe it. Blessings! Very powerful message, Alia

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2017 @ 14:08:07

      Hi Alia. Yes we are so so connected.. And we are all part of the Grand Scheme.. And I so agree we humans have so lost our way in the way we should have been.. Many thanks again for your contribution here, I value your thoughts Alia .. And enjoy the book you are reading.. A wilderness tracker has to have great awareness with his surroundings. Tom Brown sounds the equivalent to our UK Ray Mears who is similar in exploring and writing books and on TV..
      Many thanks for continuing reading I really appreciate the time taken in doing so.. Hugs Sue xx

      Liked by 1 person


  32. laura kilty
    Feb 08, 2017 @ 02:35:24

    Gosh, again Sue, I don’t feel I can eloquently convey how deeply moved I am by this continuing story. Just so beautiful .You weave such profound images with your words alone; the painting and pictures add even more depth and beauty. I found myself sobbing for the Major Oak, just as I did for a beautiful oak tree I tried to protect when I was younger (I did not succeed). I feel I needed to honor that grief once again as I had attempted to block it from my memory- it had felt such a profound loss and no one around me seemed to in any way understand why it was so upsetting to me. I think we truly need to own our hurts and shadows in order to let them go, so thank you for this gift…. If human kind is to truly flourish, we need to grasp the concept of living together with all life forms, without hierarchy, here on this beautiful planet…. Thank you again for sharing such wise words in such a beautiful way. I so look forward to more!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2017 @ 14:18:13

      I thank you Laura for ‘Feeling’ again and allowing your grief out, it is much better to blend our tears in the rivers of Mother Nature than keep them inside.. For our suppressed grief does more harm than good to ourselves.

      I am overwhelmed that you should be affected so, with the words of my dialogue with the Elder.. Yes I remember years ago petitioning and supporting others who had come from miles around to try to protect a very Old Oak Tree 500 year old who was eventually felled to make way for a new road to a housing estate.. What was really Maddening was that when the road was finally built it went over a 100 yards away from the place the tree had stood.. And the field remained in tact..

      I totally agree with you when you said

      If human kind is to truly flourish, we need to grasp the concept of living together with all life forms, without hierarchy, here on this beautiful planet….

      I can not agree with you More Laura.. xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  33. Renee Espriu
    Feb 08, 2017 @ 19:45:03

    The tree with the elephant within it is a marvel. I love everything in nature and trees are something I have always felt an affinity to even as a child.



  34. Val Boyko
    Feb 09, 2017 @ 17:33:17

    Such wisdom weaved into each branch of this wonderful offering Sue 💛
    The Elder’s message is powerful and reassuring as more and more of the world awakens.

    Liked by 1 person


  35. New Bloggy Cat
    Feb 13, 2017 @ 13:53:24

    A thought-provoking story and beautifully illustrated, Sue! May we all be awakened.╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡

    Liked by 1 person


  36. aussieian2011
    Feb 17, 2017 @ 06:38:46

    Beautiful writing Sue, you have the gift of bringing Nature to life and only the chosen ones have that gift.
    That Major Oak is incredible, how can one not stand before it and look in awe at its power, a power of Spiritual movement and endurance.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 17, 2017 @ 12:45:05

      Yes it is magnificent for sure Ian… And when you visit it, I like to go early mornings when the visitor centre is not as active.. Its presence demands respect.. As you think of the hundreds of years it has stood… It wasnt until years later, I have been going to see this tree since I was 7. 🙂 that I saw the Elephant if you stand at a certain angle. Like the Elephant.. The Standing Ones, never forget.. and hold a tremendous amount of knowledge.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  37. Maria F.
    Feb 20, 2017 @ 02:11:47

    What a gorgeous tree

    Liked by 1 person


  38. simplywendi
    Jun 03, 2019 @ 03:02:09

    this post is purely magical. i loved how you wrote about the trees………..and now i will pay even closer attention. bless you!

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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