Revamping Garden Furniture~ Nature breaks

Making the most of Sunny days in between showers is what most of us in the UK are used to. I have to say this week has been topsy turvy weather-wise, with Sunshine and Showers at at times high winds. which reeked havoc in some coastal places such as Devon and Cornwall . 

So in-between the showers this week I have had a project on going. I decided to repaint the garden furniture, which must be at least 15 yrs old. It was looking very shabby and by the time I had scrapped yet more lose paint off it, it was looking even more worse for wear. 

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I have to say painting these three pieces look me longer than I thought. and by the time I finished my arm and hand knew about it 🙂 

But the finished results were well worth the discomfort and aches for a few days.

Finished Two-seater

Finished Two-seater


Table and chairs with their new look

Table and chairs with their new look

We have been busy in the allotments and I took down the nets from the loganberries as they were about all finished and gathered in. I gave half a net to hubby who had ideas for the small fish pond

Subakin and Goldfish

Subakin and Goldfish

 The wind meant the leaves were coming off our evergreen bushes fast and furious as old leaves died. So the pond was needing to be cleaned most days from the debris.

So Hubby made a frame using the fruit net to help as a barrier. The Fish also love the screen as they now no long submerge when they see our shadow. So we get to see them, and they don’t get a fright from us.

Hubby made this frame to stop the leaves from falling in the pond

Hubby made this frame to stop the leaves from falling in the pond

All creatures great and small 

Spiders have been making their presence known to me all week. They no doubt have been prompting me in my creative skills,  And not only the spiders but I had a lovely long visit on my washing line from this lovely butterfly  The Red Admiral. 

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I have also had some time out to meditation and over several of them I kept seeing within them a face.. So yesterday I sat down with sketch pad and tried my best to capture the image of the face that kept popping into my meditations.. I have yet to find out his name.. but his smile was enough to reassure me all is well in my world.. I feel he is Tibetan .. So here he is 


My Tibetan Monk

My Tibetan Monk

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend as I am taking a Nature Break .. 

Sending you all my love 

See you all Very Soon 


132 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. litebeing
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 15:50:58

    Hi Sue,
    Your home and grounds seems so alive and yet peaceful. I see eyes all the time when I meditate so it was cool to see your face.

    love and hugs, Linda



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 13:30:55

      Hi Linda.. lovely to log in and see you, and so many more here enjoying my garden past-times. 🙂 Its been good to get away for a while and enjoy my nature break with family.. 🙂 good that you get eyes. 🙂 Hope all is well in your world. 🙂 Love and big hugs back.. I will be catching up after I moderate my comments list.. 🙂 xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  2. Sue Dreamwalker
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 15:56:26

    Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Garden and commented:

    Have a fabulous Weekend.. and Happy Gardening xx Love Sue



  3. sophiaschildren
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 15:59:54

    This is so lovely, Sue. Thank you for sharing. And wow, what a beautiful rendering of the face you were seeing in meditation! Spider seems to be reaching out to several of us! xoxo Jamie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 13:34:08

      Hi Jamie.. I still do not think I have done the Monk justice.. LOL.. but it was as close as my memory would allow and my art skills. You too have had Spider.. well just to make me sit up and notice some more.. a huge one made a web over my door to the patio.. and a smaller one must have come in with some flowers and made a web from my plant pot to my blind over night on my kitchen window sill.. I had to apologise to the smaller one as I removed her outdoors.. Telling her she wouldn’t catch any thing on my window sill :-D.. ❤



  4. mudpilewood
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 16:00:02

    Nice work on the chairs. I love the colourful fish but have a feeling Bob would only scoop them out and eat them if I put fish in my pond.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 13:36:54

      Lovely to see you 🙂 and a few years back a neighbours cat fished a couple of ours out of the pond.. One we rescued the other didnt make it. The net is a good protection for them from Cats.. 🙂



  5. Heartafire
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 16:17:19

    Awesome pic and post! Thank you !



  6. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 16:23:23

    Beautiful work Sue…I was working on the back porch this morning…now it is too hot, so quilting for awhile and writing is on my agenda 🙂
    I envy your rain….103F yesterday and today the same…..

    Enjoy your weekend…
    Take Care My Friend…You Matter….



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 13:40:07

      I hope your weather has cooled down .. It sounds as if its been really hot.. Yes I have had a wonderful weekend and week.. spent time going out on trips with family. and exploring, walking, and just relaxing.. I hope all is well with you too Maryrose.. 🙂 and I am sure the back porch is looking fresh and gleaming new also 🙂 xxx ❤ love to you x Sue



  7. sriramjanak
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 16:51:02

    a beautiful post Dear Sue…:-)
    love your monk…:-)
    you matter



  8. prenin
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 17:09:12

    Good to see you’re still keeping busy! 🙂

    Love the Tibetan Monk – he looks a kindly sort! 🙂

    God Bless!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 13:43:45

      Hi Prenin.. and good to see you too.. Yes I have been busy.. and enjoying time out with family and gallivanting here and there and enjoying merging with nature on my trips out.. 🙂 I hope too you are well? and all is good with yourself. I will be popping by later once I moderate and catch up with comments.. xxx



  9. irenedesign2011
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 17:16:09

    Really a beautiful post Sue. Your garden furnitures looks so new 😀
    Smart with the net over the fish pond both to avoid the shadows, but also to avoid cats hunting. I needed to use net once, when I had a pond to secure the fish.
    Your Monk looks very kind. Enjoy your beautiful garden Sue
    ❤ Irene



  10. Writing to Freedom
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 17:52:40

    Wonderful Sue. I love the pond screen and newly painted furniture. The projects are piling up at my place.

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Rajagopal
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 18:26:34

    Your domestic scene brings to mind a few scenes from the movie, ‘Ryan’s Daughter’. The restoration work on garden furniture really makes it look worth all the labour that went into it. The meditation sketch of Tibetan monk stands out for the serene look on his face. And that serenity is my wish for you, Sue…Raj.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 13:52:43

      I remember that Movie Raj.. in fact I saw it at the cinema when it first came out.. Hummm that’s some years ago 🙂 Thank you Raj for your wish of serenity.. I have had a wonderful week filled with just that, and lots of laughter and fun with family.. 🙂 Many thanks Raj.. and I wish you and yours a wonderful weekend to come. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  12. Crowing Crone
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 19:02:45

    rejuvenation, protection, and claiming a vision. How wondrous life truly is.

    Liked by 1 person


  13. silentlyheardonce
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 20:43:31

    Your furniture looks great!!! Enjoy your nature time.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 13:55:57

      Hi Kim.. thank you.. Yes we did enjoy nature and family time.. 🙂 each day different, each day precious, and each day has been a delight. 🙂 Lovely to log in to find your comment.. I hope you too are well? and enjoying some relaxing time. xxx ❤



  14. Paul Handover
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 20:46:30

    What a beautiful post from you, Sue. Beautiful in thought and deed! Have a wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 1 person


  15. marina kanavaki
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 23:03:49

    Oh, your hand must still feel it!!!! …but so worth the pain! They look beautiful in your lovely lively garden! Enjoy your break, my dear friend! 🙂 love and hugs

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 16:09:03

      Thank you Marina.. 🙂 its had a week now to recover.. and I spent an enjoyable relaxing week with family in nature so I really did enjoy my break.. Thank you for your love and Hugs..
      I hope also you enjoyed your own ‘Me’ time.. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  16. belasbrightideas
    Aug 08, 2015 @ 00:43:15

    Sue, wow! Great job on the refurbishing. Nice furniture 😉 We would never have that here in Hawaii, for it would be rust and then dust. Or it would have to be repainted constantly. Love the fishies – I long for a koi pond, which we plan on having one day. Lots to do before then. Love the portrait – I, too am a portrait artist with pastels. Interesting he looks like a mull of two beings – hold a card over the left, then the right sides of his face. Anyhow, thanks for sharing, have a pleasant weekend, and Aloha! ❤ Bela

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 16:05:53

      Bela.. thank you.. I can imagine.. And if it hadn’t had such a good paint job to begin with here in the UK I am sure it would have been even more rusty underneath than it was.. 🙂 I did hold a card over the drawing of my Monk.. and see what you mean..
      I think its because I know in my medi’s he appears older.. than I managed to capture him in my minds eye.. So to me he is sort of old and young at the same time..
      I am not that good at portraits much preferring my animal portraits than of humans LOL .. And I had a wonderful weekend and week thank you.. Love your new log image too 🙂 xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  17. inavukic
    Aug 08, 2015 @ 05:32:28

    Love the result in garden furniture – that type is very stubborn and difficult to clear old paint off and repaint but, oh, you’ve done such a grand job, Sue – marvelous 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  18. New Bloggy Cat
    Aug 08, 2015 @ 07:35:14

    Lovely! Have a wonderful weekend! (❀▿❀)✌



    Aug 08, 2015 @ 09:17:13

    Schöne Fotos. L.G. Wolfgang

    Liked by 1 person


  20. europasicewolf
    Aug 08, 2015 @ 11:14:48

    Fantastic job! Enjoy your nature break! xx

    Liked by 1 person


  21. The Emu
    Aug 08, 2015 @ 12:02:37

    Great job you did on the garden furniture Sue, came up really well, now give the Owls near it a bit of a brown paint job, and all will be pristine in Sue’s paradise.
    Like your Tibetan Monk, definitely a happy chappy.
    Best wishes for a great week end.

    Liked by 1 person


  22. lavendermoongirlblog
    Aug 08, 2015 @ 17:38:15

    I love the beautiful dark indigo colour of your furniture Sue and your little pond is very pretty and hubby’s made a great job of the netting. It’s very hot here today for doing too much. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 14:05:36

      Hi LG.. so pleased you enjoyed this post.. Yes the netting has certainly made the fish feel more secure and we are not constantly looking when cats take a short cut through our garden 🙂 I hope you have enjoyed the Sun.. We picked the right days for our trips out.. So we had fun with family.. xxx Love and Hugs Sue x



  23. lavendermoongirlblog
    Aug 08, 2015 @ 17:40:48

    I have just seen your stunning Red Admiral and love your spirit drawing of the kind faced monk. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 14:08:17

      Thank you LG.. I haven’t seen as many butterflies in my garden this year as last.. Lots of ‘cabbage whites’ .. But I went into the countryside on Wednesday and saw lots of various species, so I was happy to know they are flourishing elsewhere .. 🙂



  24. Emma Sarah Tennant
    Aug 08, 2015 @ 22:12:06

    Your renovated garden furniture is so inspiring – I’m waiting for end of summer sales before we buy our garden table and chairs, but first the decking, fences and old bird houses need some touching up! So lovely to see your fish pond looking sparkly clear and the fish so happy and healthy. I love the fish frame and found our fish behaved exactly the same. They now come out to see us since we put a frame over the pond and don’t hide away at the bottom or under lilies, it’s like they know it’s safe to swim about and be seen. Clever fish. Do you use a filter for the pond, your water is like crystal 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 14:29:27

      Its wonderful isn’t it how the fish have responded to the fish frame with netting. 🙂 Ours too reacted the same before hand.The quality of the pond water improved Emma after your own suggestion of using rain water top ups.. My Hubby put a large rain barrel to catch water from the green house.. We treated the pond with an algae treatment that solidified the pea green water we did have.. we then did a Third part water change adding only rain water .. and topping up with only rain water.. since then the quality has improved weekly and you can now almost see to the bottom.. 🙂 Blanket weed is still growing off the sides but the fish themselves are keeping this down eating it. ..
      We have a small pond pump that is used to make a fountain.. We clean daily when in use and clean the small filter out under the outside tap to get rid of the algae that builds up.. this seems to be working.. ( So thank you about the tip of rainwater top ups.) The Tap water will be a last resort now and treated and left to stand like you suggested 🙂 ) ❤



  25. Genie
    Aug 09, 2015 @ 00:43:28

    I have a round table and two chairs just like those, and the paint is looking drab and dull, great idea! …to repaint them!

    Liked by 1 person


  26. stephensmustang1
    Aug 09, 2015 @ 01:09:53

    The furniture looks brand new. Awesome job.
    Love the butterfly–so beautiful. I’ve gotten a few pics of the hummer, cardinals and a butterfly, I”ll post later on.
    Cool pic. I”m sure you’ll figure out who he is and how he fits into your life.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 14:32:38

      Ooh I so hope to catch up with your pictures Elizabeth.. As for the Monk.. at the moment he is patiently watching me. as I observe him 🙂 I am not forcing anything, I am sure when the time is right he will let me know.. 🙂 xxx



  27. Kourtney Heintz
    Aug 09, 2015 @ 01:28:48

    Wow, you really did a fantastic job revamping that garden furniture. I want to climb into your blog and sit on that bench. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Lois Field
    Aug 09, 2015 @ 04:24:08

    Sue, every time you show another picture of your property I can’t picture you living any where else. It’s a beautiful home.Too bad you don’t have little ones around who like to work. I began the scraping of the shed to repaint it it and soon had three young boys wanting to help. I gladly handed over the tools and they did the work for me. 🙂

    The settee and table and chairs did come out lovely and now you should be able to get another 15 years of good use out of them at least before needing to spruce them up. Love the netting to protect the pond from falling leaves, hubby is brilliant.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 14:45:46

      I know what you man Lois.. and to be quite honest..another property would have to have lots of boxes that I ticked before I moved LOL.. I am so pleased you got help with your shed. I am way behind with your posts again.. But hope this weekend I will remedy the gaps and be by your place for a lovely long catch up. 🙂 I am sure they are good for another 15 yrs 🙂 so needed worry about a repaint job 🙂 just yet Lol.. And Hubby enjoyed being called Brilliant.. 🙂 He was beaming!! 😀 ❤



  29. Nihar Pradhan
    Aug 09, 2015 @ 11:53:30

    Sue, these are wonderfully crafted array of beautiful thoughts…the painting is symbol of giving a new dress to the furniture and nurturing imagination through meditation.
    Life is doing things differently and also doing different things, and adds to beauty and purpose in life. Here you have been so meaningfully and so beautifully engaged with work of repainting to put putting those fishes under protection and seeing them enjoy life the way they should have enjoyed out there is a pond, butterflies are the epitome of beauty and freedom of nature, they come with such beautiful and wide range of colours it keeps us wondering the way they keep wandering in the nature.
    In such serenity of nature meditation is what comes to us naturally and we enjoy being in that state of thinking nothing and giving our mind the much needed break but the visual scenes keep coming and we see what perhaps we have seen someone or something in real life…the portrait you have etched out of your memory is a reflection of peace and composed thoughts.
    Have a lovely weekend and with lots of joy and happiness surrounding you, yes the combination of sunshine and shower encompass those beauty of nature.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 14:53:47

      Dear Nihar.
      Thank you for your wonderful comment it was a delight to read.. 🙂 Yes I suppose this post reflect me.. One who is content within her work what ever that maybe. And to also be observant to what is happening around me.. I will often stop and grab my phone or camera if nearby and take a shot of an insect or if I am lucky an butterfly.. And one afternoon I was wanting to draw and so thought to try and capture the image invading my meditations.. He appears older in them, but you can not always capture what is in your minds eye as well as from something solid in front of you.. So as I drew the memory was all I had to focus upon..
      Many thanks Nihar for your patience in my replying.. I have been enjoying some vacation time out with family 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  30. kowkla123
    Aug 09, 2015 @ 12:45:15

    ich wünsche einen schönen Sonntag

    Liked by 1 person


  31. lscotthoughts
    Aug 09, 2015 @ 18:32:36

    Your furniture looks wonderful, Sue, and I love the fish pond, too! Happy gardening and enjoy your Sunday! ♥

    Liked by 1 person


  32. CMSmith
    Aug 09, 2015 @ 19:27:28

    What a transformation on the furniture. Way to go on re-using.

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Val Boyko
    Aug 10, 2015 @ 01:26:04

    I love the practical refurbishment Sue!
    Hope your weekend has gone well 💛

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 15:02:51

      Hi Val.. Thank you.. Yes I have had a wonderful few days in total love surrounded by family enjoying nature and some of their vacation time.. Its so nice to log into so many wonderful comments.. and hope to catch up with you soon xx



  34. Jo Bryant
    Aug 10, 2015 @ 02:08:45

    what a wonderful job you did Sue

    Liked by 1 person


  35. Shakti Ghosal
    Aug 10, 2015 @ 10:40:31

    Dear Sue,

    Somewhere, I sense a great communion with ‘here & now’ as you go about dallying with nature in that universe of your garden. Fascinating isn’t it how one thing leads to another? From the need to improvise the human seating to the habitat of the gold fish to the likely intentions of that friendly neighbourhood spider!

    Do you see how blessed you and yours are to be able to be in the present like this?



    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 15:08:07

      Dear Shakti..
      yes I know how very Blessed we are.. 🙂 And I smile as you have captured how often I will flit from one thing to the next, within the ‘Moments’ within my garden.. as I get absorbed as one thing runs into another.. 🙂
      Many blessings dear Shakti for your thoughtful and most welcome comment..
      I hope you and yours are also enjoying many blessed ‘moments’ also 🙂



  36. Visionkeeper
    Aug 10, 2015 @ 15:08:37

    Busy and creative girl again DW ! You put me to shame. Your do doing drive must be a strong part of who you are. Everything sounds content and wonderful. So glad you are enjoying your time and producing so many wonderful things. Wish I had your art talent! Amazing. Keep at it girl but keep smelling those roses as well.
    Be well. Hugs to you…VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 15:12:19

      I am sure VK you have more than enough work to keep you busy,I am also sure if you put your mind to it.. you too could create some very wonderful artwork.. My art is like a muscle,, it has to be exercised.. and the more I exercise my art the more it flows.. Like poetry. The Roses have well and truly been smelt this week VK..
      I enjoyed time out with family.. exploring places and chilling.. 🙂 I hope all is well with you? and will be calling by later to see how you are. 🙂 xxxx Hugs DW ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  37. jacksjottings
    Aug 11, 2015 @ 01:33:22

    Sue your post made me think how different we are in some ways and yet so similar in others..
    Ten or so years back at a tip shop I bought two cast iron chairs they had been painted more than once and what I liked about them was the way the paint had randomly weathered leaving them multi-coloured.
    They are still crying out for paint but nature has not finished working on them, there is no rust yet. When I see rust I will touch them up with a bit of zinc rich paint as rest rubs off and stains.
    I relax on those chairs and watch the fish they are not spectacular as your fish.
    How did you get them to pose so well for their photo?
    The big gold fish I first had in my ponds the birds liked in an appetizing way.
    So I have replaced them with smaller live bearing tropical fish. That are prolific breeders and not an easy target for the birds.
    Those chairs are location ideally for meditate secluded and surrounded by nature.
    Mother Nature is always close by working on those chairs.;-)
    You captured real character in the Tibetan Monk, the eyes and he has Buddha’s ears. Ears that were stretched by heavy gold ear rings in his years as a rich boy.
    May the sun keep shining on you Sweet Sue and your garden flourish. _/\_

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2015 @ 15:19:55

      LOL.. loved your comment Jack.. I can well see how you love your cast iron chairs.. But rust was setting in all be it not as visible where i had scrapped off the paint.. 🙂 but around the nuts and bolts underneath especially.. But then the UK gets a fair bit more rainfall I would think along with foggy misty days in winter..
      The Fish’s photo shot was easy.. remnants of food on the water edges.. I have watched how they often gather together and blow out which then dislodges the more solid food pellets from the side of the pond that then floats towards them.
      The Monk is still there smiling.. But he is older within the meditation.. Yet as I look here he appears both old and younger at various times of viewing.
      Thank you Jack.. the Sun has sure shined this week.. and a happy time spent with family within their vacation time has been most enjoyable this week..
      And will look forward to catching up with your good self and with Pauline’s posts over the next few days. _/\_ Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  38. valentinelogar
    Aug 11, 2015 @ 11:06:50

    First, I love your monk he seems to have humor and joy in every line. I have been having terrible nightmares for the past two weeks, something I haven’t done for weeks so this was a nice vision.

    The garden Sue, the garden furniture. I wish I had your energy these days. So lovely. So peaceful.

    Liked by 1 person


  39. megdekorne
    Aug 11, 2015 @ 20:20:28

    Dear Sue ….your musings and photos are a pure delight and your monk drawing …stunning ! Love , megxxx

    Liked by 1 person


  40. becca givens
    Aug 14, 2015 @ 03:17:05

    Lovely garden furniture you will certainly enjoy now that they are complete. Wish you could send some of the rain our way 🙂 … I love the expression on your Tibetan monk — all is indeed well! Have a blessed weekend!

    (Sent you an email question about Kombucha)

    Liked by 1 person


  41. Jay
    Aug 14, 2015 @ 19:12:28

    Everything looks so good!

    Liked by 1 person


  42. Ka
    Aug 15, 2015 @ 00:49:17

    Hi Sue,
    Thank you for visiting my blog, I am so glad to connect with you! I’ve had a bunch in the queue to be written, and I have a bunch in the queue to be read….
    I love what you wrote here. It made me chuckle, “I have to say painting these three pieces look me longer than I thought. and by the time I finished my arm and hand knew about it 🙂 ” It just made me smile- it’s very zen.
    xo Ka



  43. Hannah (BitterSweet)
    Aug 15, 2015 @ 02:22:58

    Beautifully salvaged furniture! They’re so perfectly suited to the garden, too. It looks like such a magical, peaceful, and meditative place. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  44. kowkla123
    Aug 15, 2015 @ 12:35:47

    einfach mal so, ich wünsche ein schönes Wochenende

    Liked by 1 person


  45. kowkla123
    Aug 16, 2015 @ 12:42:48

    Liebe Sue, schönen Sonntag wünsche ich

    Liked by 1 person


  46. Maria F.
    Aug 16, 2015 @ 13:53:31

    Sue, I love the title of this post, you’ve created a beautiful and therapeutic area, with fish and all. Your grandaughter must like it so much! The whole area looks so inviting!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 16, 2015 @ 13:58:31

      Thank you Maria… its our little bit of a peace haven.. And I will be going out there again in a moment.. The Sun is shining and I enjoy just watching the bees flit between flowers.. 🙂 and my granddaughter yes she enjoys.. Yesterday she came and was picking up caterpillars from the leaves and letting them crawl on her hand.. 🙂 along with the odd ladybird bug ..



  47. Unsungpoet
    Aug 17, 2015 @ 08:37:37

    Loved escaping into your world for a little while!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 17, 2015 @ 13:14:38

      Hello Unsung… Hope all is well with you.. and so pleased to have you within my world for a time.. And so happy you enjoyed escaping within my Sanctuary for a time. 🙂 ❤ Hugs to you xxx Sue



  48. Aquileana
    Aug 17, 2015 @ 13:06:18

    Dear Sue!… Hi again 😉 … The little garden reminds me of a novel I once read called The Secret Garden… It is so poetic and beautiful!… I have always wanted to have a small fish pond, such as yours.. Maybe because they had one in my Kindergarten!… I guess it is a legacy of wish I have been holding on for many years! ha… Also a detail that I loved was the little fountain with the two owls, which, as you know are related to Wisdom!… No wonder why this garden fits you so well. Poetry and Wise words, all available there!.
    Hugs and wishes to you!. Have a wonderful week. Aquileana ⭐

    Liked by 1 person


  49. Maria Wind Talker
    Aug 17, 2015 @ 18:56:38

    Great work on the garden furniture Sue and awesome picture of your guide. He looks very wise and gentle. You are very gifted, my drawings are like a childs lol 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person


    Aug 17, 2015 @ 23:13:05

    Oh,you are such a multi-talented lady in every way,dearest Sue!The garden furniture looks brand-new and all pieces grace the garden so pleasantly!There is so much harmony in your personal micro-cosmos with the little fish pond and all the uninvited visitors around.This butterfly on your washing line is nicely displaying the symmetrical beauty on its wings and helped you to bring out your visions …
    Wondrous the sketch of your Tibetan Monk with his peaceful smile and his captivating stare.He is the one who led you up to higher paths,where you had the absolute control of your mind and your emotions.Thank you for the incentives and the pleasure your post gave me!Love & Hugs to you my very special friend * 🙂 ❤ *

    Liked by 1 person


  51. Wendy Gillissen
    Aug 18, 2015 @ 11:02:13

    I love your garden furniture, very stylish! And what a fascinating picture of your monk… I feel he has a great sense of humour 😉 I hope you enjoyed your Nature Break! We are having very English summer weather here too now… but the weather man has promised the sun will return in a few days 🙂 Hugs, Wendy

    Liked by 1 person


  52. insearchofitall
    Aug 19, 2015 @ 14:10:43

    Love what love you added to the patio furniture. What a lovely thing your husband did for the fish pond. I like your smiling monk. Have been wondering about the other artwork I see on here. Do you do it all yourself? It’s intriguing. I really love it.

    Liked by 1 person


  53. lindamartha
    Feb 03, 2016 @ 19:18:11

    Sue, I love the chairs in black. Much nicer than the green I think. I will be thinking on that this spring. And I have to say that your space seems very magical. Do the fish stay in their pond during winter? I recently saw that one of my cousins had a pond but had his fish there under the snow. And that drawing is wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 03, 2016 @ 19:26:25

      Yes I love the black.. 🙂 and the fish yes stay in the pond.. We stop feeding end of November and they go into a dormant mode, they still swim but their metabolism slows down..
      We now put a piece of Polystyrene you know the sort that come in packages.. it floats and we put in to keep the temperature a bit warmer of the water so it doesn’t all freeze up .. This year has been mild so far.. But a few years ago we lost 5 fish and about 8 frogs which froze in the ice..
      We start feeding again in March.. We had one new baby fish the other year, it was black for about 2 years then turned gold 🙂
      So pleased you enjoyed 🙂



      • lindamartha
        Feb 03, 2016 @ 22:53:18

        They change color? Wow. I wonder if you couldn’t make a type of passive solar heat system for them. I was going to try that out for the stock tank but we got rid of our camelids. I use passive solar in one unheated room upstairs-my husband scavenged the thicker greenhouse plastic-the inflexible kind. We put them on French doors that face south and the room is heated with that on sunny days. We loose heat at night though. It heats to about 65 degrees in a large room so there are things to know if you are dealing with living beings. Might get too hot I suppose.

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        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 04, 2016 @ 12:10:49

          Yes we didn’t know that.. It was a lone little fish I guess the others got eaten by the other fish when small. It makes sense they are black in colour when very small and young so as to camouflage themselves.. 🙂 And the heat saving idea is a good one that you have too 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • lindamartha
            Feb 04, 2016 @ 12:42:00

            Neat. I have a neighbor who moved hers into the basement and then got rid of them because it was just too hard to upkeep in her life but they were a pleasure. We used to have a pond in the church yard when I was growing up as well. They are delightful to have.

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Feb 04, 2016 @ 12:59:17

              Yes I have in indoor tropical tank, and they are very restful, we have them in the dinning room end and watch while we eat.. As soon as we sit down they come to the front knowing it is also their time to be fed … They are very individual too.. I have some shy ones and some bullies, so even in the fish world they fight LOL..


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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