Weekend Away with Spirit

How can I convey a weekend full of wonderful light as I met old friends from previous gatherings of like minded individuals whose aim is working for the Spirit World to bring illumination and understanding into this realm of existence,  to prove that there is no death.. that we are All of us Spirit first and foremost.

PhotobucketHow can I express the joy and delight of listening to those departed souls who lived their lives as you and I going through their own experiences of living within the human form, and recounting their transition into that next vibration as they shared their stories of what awaits every soul.

Where do I start in telling you of the unconditional love of Spirit as they endeavour to communicate to us our lost ways, when much of humanity has Exited God Out with his EGOtistical ways

What can I write to convince my readers that those across the divide are trying their hardest to reawaken that Spirit within as we remember from whence we came and where we return.

How can I convey that all I’ve been writing about has been confirmed by Spirit to be Truth.. That our World is changing- rapidly so now, and that within our life time Money will cease to have value, And that much more chaos will be felt before we find our Spirituality again as a race of Human Beings..

And how throughout all of this they ask us to Trust in its process and not add our Fear to an already Out of Balanced world where Fear has been a key force in holding the Human Spirit down. As they ask us to love each other more and care..

How do I make all of you see that each of us are agreed to be here at this time of Great Change. We came to Free ourselves from the constraints we’ve created as we fell from our intended pathway of experiencing this wonderful Planet, this Living Library called Earth.

How do I tell you the excitement of of hearing from my own Father today who has been in the spirit world from 1998. He brought evidence through direct voice of a cockney boy Daniel. who relayed his message.. Letting me know to the exact time I called the Dr the night he took his transition .. 

He also brought evidence of his illness,and a memory only I remembered and which had been a family joke for many years when I was a small child. My Dad had taken me on a bus journey into a small town near our village and along the route ran a railway track, back then there were stream trains, and Dad said to me, I was 5 years old at the time.. “Look there’s a Chew Chew….” I apparently look at my father and said “ Daddy that’s not a chew chew .. Its a Train’… and the people on the Bus started to laugh… He told me that story over and over when I grew up saying I had made him feel so small that day with my grown up talk and his baby talk.. Smile  Today, he came through and said to Daniel, tell her about the Chew Chew train…. .. my heart leapt and tears sprang for this confirmed everything.. He also told me of his tobacco box he kept odd screws and bits of things in And a photo album that was battered which I have of his. And he said “ Girl, you will be alright, you will be fine Girl” those words to me are everything..

After a whole weekend workshop from 10am to 5-30pm and two evenings of talks and demo’s I more than tired, But so full up with love…and so very blessed to have witnessed the wonderful Physical Mediumistic Skills of Scott Milligan again both in Deep Trance and with Ectoplasm, as direct voice was used along with the construction of the voice box external to the medium whereby those from Spirit can blend their energies and speak in their Earth voice once again. We heard the Voice of Judy Garland who has been perfecting her skill at using the voice box as she sang with her pure voice for 5minutes in a range which is enabling the voice box to be developed so that soon loved ones who have passed to spirit can come and talk directly with sitters in the séance room…

My thanks go out to all those who helped bring our two worlds together this weekend,

And I shall be around to visit all my friends sometime soon during the next week.. Please have patience with me..

Love and Light to you all.. Sue Dreamwalker


53 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. cat.
    Mar 04, 2012 @ 23:45:32

    So glad for you, my friend … hold on to this powerful experience … Blessed be. Love, cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 05, 2012 @ 19:24:05

      Hi Cat, yes it was so good to get confirmation I feel Dad around and smell his tobacco smoke often, but this is the first time he has come through like this. Big Smiles still my friend.. Love to you my wonderful friendx



  2. morristownmemos by Ronnie Hammer
    Mar 05, 2012 @ 01:55:26

    How amazing that you had this spiritual experience. Imagine that you will remember it for a very long time.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 05, 2012 @ 19:22:08

      Hi Ronnie, Yes the experience of my Dad coming through this time was really the icing on the cake. I have sat in many such sessions as these and had wonderful experiences, shaking hands of those in Spirit …. There is life after Life believe me.. 🙂



  3. becca givens
    Mar 05, 2012 @ 07:06:29

    Oh Sue, what a blessed weekend you had being with like-minded people, doing spirit work and getting confirmation for so many important events – and receiving such a blessed gift from your dad. It is an exhilarating time – but it is also tiring to the physical body, and often to the mental one as well. As your spirit soars, downloads the information and begins to assimilate it — take the time to nurture your physical self this week to recuperate. I look forward to hearing more about your spirit work through your upcoming creativity of sharing. Many blessings for the upcoming week ~~ xoxo



  4. Visionkeeper
    Mar 05, 2012 @ 13:04:18

    Glad you got away DW and enjoyed yourself and got yourself rebooted!!! We all need to do that more often and stop playing into the illusion. We are here in life to live it and enjoy it not work until we drop….Keep smiling and laughing and yes you have a seat saved on the boat so don’t worry. Champagne for all!!! VK 😉



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 05, 2012 @ 19:30:35

      :-)… Hi My friend,.. yes it was a wonderful weekend full of energy and love of Spirit.. and Mine is a water.. with lots of bubbles LOL.. 🙂 right now Im off on my rounds.. 🙂 xx



  5. granbee
    Mar 05, 2012 @ 17:50:34

    Sue, these words hit me right in the gut where they were confirmed:
    “That our World is changing- rapidly so now, and that within our life time Money will cease to have value, And that much more chaos will be felt before we find our Spirituality again as a race of Human Beings.. ” Also, your dear father’s assuring words that you would be alright is such a blessing to read here! Drumbeats and lightbeams we must keep going with together in love, dear Sue!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 05, 2012 @ 19:33:19

      Arrgh Granbee, its so good to know you understand… and its all happening.. those in the world of Spirit are trying their best to help us help ourselves.. We certainly need to beat that Drum Loud and clear my wonderful friend.. xx keep marching on..



  6. anilraheja
    Mar 05, 2012 @ 19:32:38

    I second what VK just said…Glad to have you back Sue & what an absolutely amazing experience!!! God bless & lots of love…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 05, 2012 @ 19:38:32

      Anil I thank you, and I am on my rounds now for this evening… getting caught up in short bursts.. over 300 emails of new posts in my inbox wow!! I will never catch up with all of those new posts, but I will get around to some.. 🙂 Blessings sent your way my with lots of love in return… 🙂 ~Sue



  7. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Mar 05, 2012 @ 20:47:22

    You’re amazing. It’s like your eyes see various dimensions. I am glad you felt comfort, in light.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 05, 2012 @ 20:54:10

      Hi ,.. Thank you but, No I am not amazing. but there are many who are and who give their lives in service to others less well off than ourselves.. They are the Amazing ones, the ones who carry on behind the scenes helping others with no thought of reward… but that of living and serving others in love…
      We are ALL of though Amazing Beings of Light who need to once again find our how to shine..
      I am just a small beam… trying to make a glow in the darkness… and make others see there is more to this world, and for them all to remember we are ALL one upon it..
      Love to you and many thanks for calling in, 🙂 xxxx Hugs to you xx



  8. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Mar 05, 2012 @ 21:29:48

    Wow, Sue, you have had a wonderful experience there. Thank you for sharing it! 😀



  9. rosemarymonteith
    Mar 05, 2012 @ 23:03:23

    I am sure you were delighted that your father sent you a message, especially as proof, something only you and he could know.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 07, 2012 @ 15:51:01

      Yes Rosemary the proof was very nice that it was indeed my Dad.. Proof of the Spirit world I have long known its existence.. his communication made my weekend all the more special.. Proof of that higher spirit realm that I know that both you and W- have long known to be true…. Love to you and W.. ~Sue



  10. Androgoth
    Mar 06, 2012 @ 00:31:01

    You have certainly had a very nice time my great friend, yes it must have been very draining but what a wonderful experience for you 🙂 Don’t worry about getting behind on your commenting, I mean you cannot be as far behind as I am Sue, indeed I am surprised that anyone calls into my Space with the lack of visiting that I do these days…

    Have a good rest and lots of TLC and come back to us all refreshed and ready to post something equally as interesting as this posting clearly is 🙂

    Be good too, or else? 🙂 😉 lol

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 07, 2012 @ 15:55:17

      Thanks Andro, I must say that my time away has been both refreshing and draining.. And its amazing when you havent been visiting updates of New posts others have posted just how many drop through your email box… over 400 but I will not even attempt to wade through them all.. But I do promise to visit all I can.. I have half a post finished in my drafts.. as for as interesting? well… it may make a few Think!!!.. dropping by shortly.. 🙂



      • Androgoth
        Mar 09, 2012 @ 21:19:41

        I hope that you have had a good week
        and not been working too hard Sue…
        Hey it is the weekend next so it is time
        for a nice relaxing break from the work
        place and a more slower paced do what
        ever you like kind of weekend 🙂 😉

        In other words kick of your shoes and
        hop onto the sofa, it’s telly and chocs
        time 🙂

        Androgoth XXx



  11. beautifulchaos2
    Mar 06, 2012 @ 02:06:30

    Wow Sue what you wrote about communication with your dad is so amazing!!, how wonderful and comforting for you it must have been, especially hearing those words you will be fine. Big hugs to you. Nikki



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 07, 2012 @ 15:57:53

      Hi Nikki… Yes great comfort knowing he took the effort to cross the divide and communicate. because its not easy to come back through the Dense layers of this lower vibration of Planet Earth.. Nice to see you here Nikki.. Love and blessings xx Sue



  12. Bodhirose
    Mar 06, 2012 @ 04:48:08

    What a wonderfully powerful experience to share, Sue. I too think we are in a place of change and transition and wonder how it will all play out. Your father coming to you and giving you that most poignant message was a most amazing gift. So happy for you. Thank you for sharing.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 07, 2012 @ 16:01:34

      thanks Gayle.. and yes it was a total surprise too… I have felt my Dad often and being mediumistic I communicate with others and have given them great evidence of loved ones who have past over.. But for myself I am never given anything via the Spririt world in regards to any messages for myself.. So for my Dad to say I will be fine with those words I knew he was telling me a deeper message which confirmed my inner most thoughts.. Thank you for dropping in.. Blessings sent your way xx Sue



  13. Angelwings6
    Mar 06, 2012 @ 08:10:52

    I’m so happy for you…..



  14. ravenofleyla
    Mar 07, 2012 @ 00:42:10

    I was touched by your train experience myself…how magical that moment when we see the other side. smiles, rx



  15. lorrena
    Mar 07, 2012 @ 06:57:58

    Your own prophesy Sue,,and you understand this within my friend….we are like seeds who grow to children and then to these human forms were the imprint takes so many and leaves them stuck.We then become these earthlings who challenge with their light the right to this truth,,the spirit world,the etheral.
    And when you had this message from your father he was telling you only this Sue,that you will become the next and final one in all these stages,,,,,,,,the being,the being of love and of light .It is almost time to fly.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 07, 2012 @ 16:11:53

      Yes Lorrena, my wise friend, That message held much love, and I agree we transform through many stages within this Cosmic Consciousness.. And if others could see those other dimensions, they would be amazed at how our world is full of Darkness at our own hand.. And they too would be amazed if they but understood all could be transformed in the blinking of an eye..if only they changed their thoughts… Flying is something I do often in Dream state..But this world should get ready, for I see it will be a time when many will want to spread their wings.. Blessings to you ~Sue



  16. Cat Forsley
    Mar 07, 2012 @ 23:26:10




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 08, 2012 @ 20:25:38

      You are welcome Cat.. and you have hit the nail upon its head.. For Intention is the key to our thoughts.. I am always saying thoughts are living energy and go out to their destination.. Such is a prayer when sending out healing.. Such also is a thought of ill intent… This is why I am always saying to be resposible for our thoughts. WE create our own experiences within our thoughts.. The more Intent and Power we put into them for its the ‘Feeling’ within them that adds to that energy. they go out and gather to them more of that same energy.. If enough of us can think those positive good thoughts and Peace and Healing and Harmony as we unite our thoughts as one.. We add to that Mass Consciousness of which we are all connected to..
      I am Happy Cat that your life is brighter and we each of us Unite at Just the RIGHT TIME>>… for ALL of us are Part of a Greater Plan… Love and Blessings to you 🙂 Sue xx



  17. giselzitrone
    Mar 08, 2012 @ 13:39:48

    Wünsche dir einen schönen Frauentag und ein gutes weekend lieber Gruss von mir Gislinde.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 08, 2012 @ 20:28:58

      Vielen Dank Gislinde .. Ist es wirklich fast das Wochenende noch einmal? Verzeihen Sie mir nicht die Fortbewegung zu besuchen .. Die Zeit ist noch nicht weg laufen wieder .. 🙂 Aber ich schickte dir meine herzlichsten Gedanken mit Liebe und Licht, damit Sie Ihre eigene Wochenende zu genießen .. Liebe Sue xx



  18. marja
    Mar 09, 2012 @ 04:52:47

    What a special experience you had with your dad and your memories are touching. Oh and I do worry from time to time and then when I read your words I know that all the pieces will fall into its place again. In new and better places. Arohanui marja



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 09, 2012 @ 22:09:26

      Yes very special.. and when the pieces are meant to fit they will do Marja.. So just go with the flow and enjoy the moment.. for that is all there is.. This Moment! not the past one or the next… Just live for the now.. Love to you too xx



  19. eddietwohawks
    Mar 09, 2012 @ 12:45:25

    An amazing account of activities Dreamwalker coming from an amazing woman. Your past provides you with a rich foundation upon which to continue to build on ever powerful sources and spiritual connections.
    You possess an eternity of knowledge.
    peace in our lifetime, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 09, 2012 @ 22:14:22

      “Amazing Woman” why thank you Eddie, I am far from that.. I am what I am, and I just wish to share that which is so real in my life.. The love of those in Spirit and how all of us can embrace that Spirit within.. If we but reach out from behind our closed lids and open our eyes to awaken to that which surrounds us… Love and Light my friend.. And continued Peace and Harmony be with you ~Dreamwalker



  20. Oceanwaves
    Mar 09, 2012 @ 23:23:04

    What a truely confirming experience Sue…you must feel an even stronger bond now..and this is such a special feeling to live on with…that this happened for real
    your connection with your father.. you must be over the moon.
    Very happy for you 🙂
    hugs Traceyxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 10, 2012 @ 12:57:30

      Being a Medium, I often smell my Dad’s tobacco smoke as his calling card, but have never had a communication from him so clear as this, and only had vivid Dreams of him since his passing as I think he has tried to convey message that way.. Dad and I always had a special bond while he was in the physical, and I know he watches over us all… I was over joyed that he chose to connect with me at this gathering.. And evidence only he and I and close relatives knew. so very Happy! 🙂



  21. jennygoth666
    Mar 09, 2012 @ 23:32:33

    i keep looking and never get a message that i can fully relate too it was driving me mad so ive stopped for a while dreamer im in limbo not knowing what to believe have a lovely weekend xjen



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 10, 2012 @ 13:01:03

      Sometimes when we stop looking Jen, we then get what we seek.. The universe gives us what we want… and if you keep on wanting something to happen.. It dilivers… And just keeps you WANTING!.. So to let go.. helps as it then sends the signal out you no longer want.. so it allows in that which you desire… Glad you are ok Jen~ Life is there After this Life Jen.. I promise you that hand on heart… Love to you xx 🙂 Sue xx



  22. mysterycoach
    Mar 11, 2012 @ 14:01:22

    I believe you. 🙂 I’ve had experiences myself in dreams. Very vivid dreams … of people who have passed. You gave me goosebumps Sue. 🙂

    I believe there’s something more past where we are now, after we pass I mean. Because I’ve had my mother come back, only once … my dad came back three times, and my ex hubby (the mean one) came back to apologize to me after he passed. And last but not least, when my Boy boo (my german sheppard who had to get a new home when I became a single parent, heart wrenching) he came twice …

    I believe. I wish we were closer, I may be freaked out but I would love to see this. I mean… LOL 🙂 I don’t mean you guys would freak me out, I mean that a dream is one thing… you know? You can wake up… live and up front would be unnerving to me maybe… It’s all SO kewl though!

    I’ve had messages all my life … I think it’s cool.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 11, 2012 @ 14:07:19

      Hi Mystery, yes I have had the privilege of sitting with some of the best UK physical mediums and have shaken hands with those who have been in the world of spirit for over 100 yrs as they used the energy of ectoplasm to form their own hands into.. There is nothing to be frightened of in these meeting,, Those in Spirit who come are full of love, its those here within this realm of existence we need to watch out for.. Thank you for dropping in to comment today 🙂



      • mysterycoach
        Mar 11, 2012 @ 14:30:31

        This is sooo amazing. I haven’t come over in quite a long time Sue. No excuses…

        Really? You mean they’re not some bad spirits too? You know… who come through? I’d worry about that too, I know there are some bad ones. I guess it would be the energy of those in the room as to what would be attracted. I have no idea what I’m talking about right now. LOL 🙂

        I was just watching a show on mediums the other day, I’m fascinated by it… I don’t discount things simply because I’ve never experienced it. Doesn’t make it not true.

        M.C. xo



  23. Sabina Brave
    Mar 11, 2012 @ 19:24:57

    I’m glad, that your previous weekend was so nice, and I hope that this one is even better 🙂
    Love, and blessings,



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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