How Planets are affecting our moods

Planets, Moon, Earth.

Planets, Moon, Earth.



How planets are affecting our Moods..

I have just finished a long stint at work.. And so haven’t had much time on Spaces, and yesterday afternoon I just crashed out in bed for a long sleep as my energy seemed to be zapped..

What a week too, where everyone has seemed to tell me their problems and cry upon my shoulder as well as trying to do my job, which has also had its challengers this past few weeks..

We have all heard the saying ‘being ruled by the Moon’ haven’t we, and in a way that is true as the Moon affects the tides of our Oceans pulling the energy back and forth.. So too are we ruled as we are made up mostly of water too.. And so our emotions are pulled back and forth with the energy of the Moon..

Well as if to confirm what I already felt, my daughter sent me a link to a site which confirmed how I was feeling and made sense of others reactions over the last few days.. We are now entering a powerful phase of our planets alignments and none more so than on the Full Moons Lunar Eclipse on June 26th This will have an effect like at no other time.. Even the astrologers are recognising this. 

There is a planet alignment of 5 planets which is apparently called the Grand Cross, which frequencies resonate a magnanimous change which can have chaotic affects upon our emotions if we are not careful.

It is a time when we have to carefully consider our actions, Think before we speak!  And I for one today got very upset for several reasons, one this morning I saw the criss-cross of Chemtrails in our skies and let myself get  very upset over some written words..  my Hubby told me there was nothing I could do about the Chemtrails in the sky, and told me to ‘Chill’ as I got very angry as I saw the web of lines I counted 12 you could even see the curve as one plane turned around to start another trail to rain down its cocktail of delights upon our poor unsuspecting heads..  Many people are so unaware of it all.. The anger that boiled within me was so unlike me.. I felt like I wanted to scream at the sky… But I chilled…. lol.. eventually..

I then read about this Lunar Eclipse and I have always known that we are affected by the planets being made up of the same stuff as the stars. And so found it no surprise as it said our emotions would be pulled all over the place, as Anger, envy, depression, guilt and doubt would invade our energy systems.  But this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is a double edged sword, for it is also allowing us to release and cleanse, so shedding our baggage so to speak.  It is a time to learn to use our time well and cast off all the things we no longer need.. As we find our purpose in our life’s path..

So my friends… I thought I would share that piece of  information with you, if you should suddenly find your patience running thin, and tempers are a flying.. Take a deep breath and chose to stay centred and calm and ask that as the Full Moon Eclipse shines its light upon you..  Chose to use its energy wisely and keep calm.. May also lighten your burdens and clear your energy centres..

May love light and Peace be with all of my friends


20 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sheila
    Jun 25, 2010 @ 23:48:26

    Every word you speak here is true I shall remember these words taking a deep breath , and wish only good thoughts. Thank you for this Dreamwalker many blessings xx



  2. Summer Breeze
    Jun 26, 2010 @ 00:07:25

    Hello my Dear friend, This Blog is so true… still having alot of probs here, many blank pages including my own profile page, I have to keep signing in then out then in, just to get here!! has taken me ages today to set it all up again… I will take a deep breath &………. chill…….lol 🙂 have a great wk end, Hugs



  3. Natural ♥
    Jun 26, 2010 @ 07:08:16

    The planets in my opinion do have an affect on peoples lives. We need to keep our thoughts positive to minimize these effects, so we can remain happy. Thanks for sharing my wonderful friend. Hugs~



  4. Babblelot
    Jun 26, 2010 @ 07:47:44

    Ya know as ah kid my ma would tell me not to let the moonlight shine on my face when I sleep as I\’d grow up to an idiot….seriously she did. Well did I prove her wrong or what? LOL!!! The moons light changes tide and lots of other things now I forgit. I wonder if they are spraying to keep the ash from the volcano down. I am sorry if it is the chem trails for weather I think it is. Enjoy your weekend my friend…hugs!



  5. Eddie
    Jun 26, 2010 @ 17:37:31

    Excellent observation. What happens "out there" effects us on Earth. Just as what is happening in your skies with Chemtrails affect you and others. Perhaps all to simply put "what is outside is inside". This is a major planetary alignment involving Sun, Moon, and 5 planets all within 5 degrees of the 4 cardinal points. Perfect time for a "giant leap forward on your path".



  6. T
    Jun 28, 2010 @ 13:23:16

    I was feeling effect of full moon on saturday. I was without energy. I had a very hard time just to walk my every day circle. I am not an expert for astrology but believe that planets are very connected with our lifes.Thanks for your sweet comments on my photos. Was freedom indeed!Hug,T



  7. Rosemary
    Jul 01, 2010 @ 02:04:56

    I did not know about it. This is the first time I have been able to get into your site.AS regards your photo, you need to upload a new one on Windows Live, as it would not accept profile picture fromspaces and just deleted it. Hope this helps



  8. SunjDub
    Dec 09, 2012 @ 19:39:07

    What was the name of the Site your daughter sent you to ?



  9. kowkla123
    Jul 12, 2015 @ 12:43:18

    hab schon viel davon gelesen und glaube, ja, da ist was dran, liebe Sue, beste Grüße, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Stephen Elliott
    Jan 21, 2016 @ 16:34:15

    Will the irregular occurrence of the alignment of the 5 planets have an effect on my mood swings in the next couple of days as my mind seems to be racing recently?



  11. dr sweetyshinde
    Sep 27, 2016 @ 14:46:12

    There’s a reason why mental disturbances are associated with moon- Luna is moon, and ‘luna’tics are driven by moon vibrations

    Liked by 1 person


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