Light Verses Dark!

Light verses Dark..

Many things in our world seems to be of that darker vibration at the moment, or is it perhaps that we just get to see all those darker elements as they filter into our homes via the media of TV channels and Newspapers.. And let’s not forget all the many DVDs and the Xbox games etc. which all seem to thrive on the Darker themes of blood and violence.. It seems we are experts at Killing on this planet, not only ourselves, but we are also succeeding to Kill our very Planet! Our very own habitat.

I’m sure to those who work in our medical professions on A&E would also say especially on weekends that violence spills out of the Pub doors into their hands as Humans by nature seem hell bent on Darkness and destruction of one another.

For some it may be they have neighbours from hell, or have experienced the rip off cowboy merchants or maybe it’s street crime, as we have had a spate of burglaries around us at the moment, not to mention our own allotments being picked through taking not one but rows of home grown vegetables at a time etc.. And you think what is this world coming too..My Elderly Aunt says this world has gone Mad..

But then you look back in history at the wars waged, the lives lost, and how people have always seemed to have waged this battle of Light verses Dark, Good against Bad.. The difference is now is the speed at which all this Bad news is brought to our Doors.. Via the TV, Radio, and Tabloids.

We have to understand that we are living within a Free Will zone, a planet we chose to occupy and inhabit..All of us have a choice.. No one tells us what we should or shouldn’t do, all be except the laws of the land which we have to conform to, to avoid yet more chaos.. But we are governed not only by the laws of the land.. But more importantly the LAWs of the Universe..

I’m going to side track here a little, and say that when I grew up I was the eldest of 5 siblings and was called the little Mother, as I worried and clucked over my brother and sisters, and we were brought up within a strict home with very little frills, and if rules were broken you expected to be disciplined. The same went for School and the policemen on the beat on the corner of the street wouldn’t be afraid to give you a sharp reprimand to if you were caught doing something you shouldn’t..and your parents would give you another clip around the ear if they found out..  And yes I may have gone scrumping a couple of times with my brother as look out!, I was a tom-girl and loved to jump the local brook and climb a few trees… and get up to the childish mischief most youngsters do as they explore growing up.. But I never put another life in danger or bullied or beat up someone as many find themselves victims of today.. The Do-gooders of society have now made it illegal for discipline to be administered affectively today, and we are now reaping those results in our homes our schools and on the streets of our communities.

Today many youngsters seem to want to see bloodshed or crave daredevil stunts such as play Chicken across the road or on railway tracks.. or mug and steal..Many I am sure don’t see the consequences of their actions..

I’m not saying all youngsters are like this, just saying that for many their ideas of thrills have got a lot Darker.. and one can’t help but wonder about the violence they watch and accept as normal with TV in bedrooms and video-games watching late into the night. As the pull of TV advertising allures the young mind to WANT more of life’s gadgets and the Credit companies tell you how easy it is to get into debt to buy them.And they watch such violence of how one can bully and steal to get what they want on these films of TV and computer games..

The other weekend I was driving home from a weekend seminar with my hubby and friend in the car, when we approached a Footbridge over the dual carriageway. On the Bridge stood two youths in hooded jackets aged approx. 12 to 14 yrs, they proceeded to throw stones as big as golf balls from the bridge at cars passing underneath.. How the stone missed us, I still don’t know, as I saw it come in slow motion towards the windshield and then disappear thinking it would hit the roof of the car,… looking behind me through the rear view mirror the lady driving the car behind had slowed down considerably to miss it also.. But a Van the opposite way wasn’t so lucky and had obviously been hit and was on the phone to the police by the looks of it as we passed.. If that had hit and come through the windshield the horrors of it are too horrible to contemplate.. I probably wouldn’t be here typing to you now if it had..

So getting back to the Universal Laws… and to one which most of us do every day without realising it, is Creation of Thought, we are the creators of our own reality, by Free Will Our choice, we chose our pathway, and as we think so we create it into being. But by the same token as we get bombarded with thoughts, over and over replaying the negative over and over Like the TV News Bulletins repeating the harrowing events of tragedy, we become like magnets for Like attracts Like.. so the more we get pulled into the negative/bad the more we attract and visa versa…

 Our thoughts are Energy i.e. positive or negative, and as such go out into the ether creating the vibration of the collective consciousness Creating more of the same for our experience.

What is happening around our world at the moment is that we are escalating the negative, we are being sucked into that Dark Hole if we keep viewing it, listening to it and letting it take hold of us, it will drag us down with it. So that we too  will then feel ill, and get caught in the same trap of its negative web, feeling low and depressed as all of it spills out into our living rooms every day… and to think we sit our young children in front of the TV every day.. They absorb it in ..

So Please Turn off your TV’s once in a while and Go spread some Light in the world and join and walk in Nature and give thanks to many of her blessings, send her some thoughts and start to heal her wounds and as we think, so shall we create..

Let us start by trying to create a Better more harmonious world in which our future generations can grow up in a more positive peaceful world.

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2011 All rights reserved.

36 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. freefaith1
    Jul 27, 2011 @ 22:54:10

    How true Sue….I can see how the Darker Side is attracting many people these days, but admit it scares me a lot. I prefer the lighter side of our lives.
    To live in darkness is something I have not been introduced to, so reach for the light.
    Love how you have explained how you feel, & I agree with you.
    Love Always, Valerie x0x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 27, 2011 @ 23:13:00

      Thanks Valerie, Yes many get caught within its lure Valerie and I have to say I agree we should all strive to reach out and embrace the lighterside of Life and help each other. Wishing you a Good night and pleasent weekend xox



  2. Androgoth
    Jul 28, 2011 @ 00:11:51

    As always thou hath given us, thy readership an in depth enjoyable feast of writing, in this posting we have an observation of the finer intricacies of our everyday lives, yes there can be many negative aspects thrown into our midst, we constantly see a rich vision of the world around us as it seems to implode with every tragedy, the unprecedented horrors that evoke such angry responses, and of course the sorrowfulness of heinous and most monstrous deeds such as blatant massacres and wars that never seem to cease.

    All this negativity is thrust upon us with twenty four hour news bulletins, the tabloids and radio as thou hath already suggested to us, and the mention of television with its hard hitting and graphic natured features, the gaming industry with violence induced platforms introducing children and adults alike into oblivion, but thou knowest, not all of these things cast a negative side, we as human beings have to be the Moderator, the Diplomat and the Level Headed Representative.

    Thou hath mentioned the past and it has been a very bloody past, and all of this long before we had our super gadgets and out of this world technologies, we have to adapt and realise that for every negative in this world we also have positive vibes that strengthen our resolve, push the envelope of goodness, forge ahead with that multifaceted glow of optimism, quench the line of malevolence and crush those negatives that fuel the perfidy, the brutality and nastiness of this world arena.

    It is true that morals have been brushed aside and replaced with disrespectfulness, and logic tarnished with illogical and irrational mindsets, but we must continue to seek out the goodness of this world of DarkenedSshadows, believe me there are many lights that shine a wondrously graceful course, indeed the direction of the inconspicuous will be the way forwards, and although subtlety is quite often an unseen quality, be assured that the will is still there in the midst of all thy fears my wickedly fine great friend.

    Sleep Well Tonight Sue…

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 28, 2011 @ 23:09:14

      Thank you Androgoth for that lengthy reply.. I agree we do have to be moderators and take responsibility for we are all of us part of our societies.. If we wish to change society we need to look at ourselves and change our way of being.. Its all too easy to throw stones in glass houses as they say.. And point the finger in others directions.. We can all be guilty of that Dark side.. For its inbuilt within each of us.. Dark and Light are simply forms of energy in which we resonate and feed from.. Some use Fear based emotions to use it to feed the negative aspects on this planet. While others use Love:. There is far more than meets the eye on the surface of this planet Androgoth… and even your darkest dungeons my friend would appear light by some of the deeds committed upon this planet which have gone under the guise of Religious indoctrinations going down throughout History.. Many to suppress and to keep that Spirit from discovering that Hidden knowledge we long forgot.. as we became subservient to the masters who now rule the world .. It would make your works of Fiction seem Tame in comparison…
      But I agree with you whole heartedly also that there is Far more Light-bearers upon this realm than we see.. for the media only promote the Dark.. IF we had a Good News Network.. broadcasting 24/7 just think of the Feel-Good-Factor that would generate and .. as I always say.. “ As we think, so we create”… have a Great Weekend Androgoth..



  3. Androgoth
    Jul 28, 2011 @ 00:15:36

    I am sorry about my typo in the last paragraph, I guess I got a little bit carried away with my comment and I didn’t think to check before adding it…

    be good now, or else? 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



  4. douginator
    Jul 28, 2011 @ 00:51:39

    Surviving a terribly horrid childhood and looking at my country I can say with the utmost certainty that FEAR outsells Sex any day of the week. Look at the United States’ Media Headlines. America is the most violent in general per capita than anywhere else on the planet. Last year alone, we suffered over 3600 murders with the use of a handgun.

    The world listens to the same music as I do, same video games, same TV Shows, Movies, ect, ect, ect. Meanwhile Japan had only 18 murders with the use of a firearm. Australia tied Canada, and these two countries have more handguns per capita than the United States. Yes, they both had a mind-staggering 12.

    Now, what is the difference in America than these countries who also have very liberal gun laws, video games, heavy metal music, and watch the same stuff? (talking about Australia and Canada.)

    There is only one thing, FEAR. FEAR consumes, makes you buy 40 different kinds of sh… Crap.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 28, 2011 @ 23:26:05

      I agree here Doug.. Fear is the Key…. Fear is the Game… Fear is created by those who would control us, which is on top of their List.. Fear of Drugs in which we know many of those who class themselves as élite are in control of.. , Fear of disease as we are threatened with viruses, Fear of War, Fear of the Law, Fear of Crime, Fear of Debt, Fear of Terrorists , Fear of losing one’s job, Fear of just about everything you can think of.. The human race has learnt to live in Fear and that Fear is escalated by the media.. The Difference I feel in Japan… is that their culture commands Respect Those in Japan Respect their elders, look after their parents, etc and honour a code of conduct which has stayed as tradition throughout….We here in UK in USA and other countries have lost alot of respect for each other.. In Fact We have also lost our identities as well as our traditions..
      Thank you Doug for joining in to comment upon the subject of Dark Vs Light!.. have a great weekend my friend.



  5. anita
    Jul 28, 2011 @ 09:25:34

    Lovely to read Sue. Its so true. In our younger days there was more descipline, and and were frightened of the policeman on the beat.

    Today the youngsters arnt happy until they are creating mayham. Not all of them are the same there is good and bad in all of us, light and dark as you say.

    Just wish that the world would pull together.

    much love Sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 28, 2011 @ 23:29:58

      Hi Anita,, yes so do I my friend, I so wish the world would pull together, but I think that is along way in coming.. Something very drastic I think would have to alter Man’s selfish ways of thinking to allow him to pull together to enable peace and harmony to be felt once again.. Thanks for your imput here xox



  6. Angelwings6
    Jul 28, 2011 @ 13:25:37

    We had some youths caught for that very same reason over here, throwing stones off the bridge unfortunately the car that got hit lost control and the vehicles occupants were killed as a result and those kids will be living with that guilt forever…. I just wish the youth wouldn’t do these harmful acts… Wishing you love and light… Hugs Jude



  7. aussieian2010
    Jul 28, 2011 @ 13:46:01

    That very short video says it all , it was powerful to say the least , illusion is taking over the mentality of the human mind , this generation is a generation of illusion , a generation that is derived from as he said from the world of entertainment , the TV , we are being programmed to move onto the next technologial tier of human evolution , our thoughts and movements and very being is controlled by the media , Murdock is such a person in that he can manipulate the masses through the power of money , I give up , stop the world I want to get off



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 28, 2011 @ 23:38:07

      This World is Full of Illusion Ian… some of us are aware of just how much illusion is present.. while others are blindly led by the Tube! 🙂 have you noticed how many Game-shows are now on our TV screens another Mind numbing exercise.. I signed a petition against Murdock’s take-over with SkyB.. He didn’t get his way this time around and those who fly in high places sometimes fall hardest when their empires come a crashing down.. (( Watch this space- as the monetary situation unfurls )) and stocks and shares plummet… and the Dollar goes a cropper!



  8. jennygoth
    Jul 28, 2011 @ 22:50:07

    i think theres a difference between the thrill of a scarey movie and the films that show violence of stabbings and worse i hate those sort of films my interests in the darkside are with clothes the goth culture vampires i watched the dracula films as a kid but didnt grow up wanting to bite everyone your right kids and adults get away with crime and not punished enough for it so it goes on and on not enough is done to make our world better our lifestyles have got rushed and its hard to keep up with all that is happening i see us rushing into disaster unless a change comes xxjen



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 28, 2011 @ 23:51:52

      We all of us have Free will Jen, and watching a movie doesn’t make anyone a Bad person.. But have you not noticed how some of these X-box games and online games become addictive.. It has been proven in some cases that many hold subliminal messages hidden .. Which can affects behaviours . My point about the News Bulletins is that it goes on and on.. Repeating over and over. And Many of these Young offenders hold NO respect even for their parents let alone anyone they meet… And they know that justice as such isn’t dealt out until they become a certain age so they grow up thinking they can get away with murder.. and some do just that!.. Thanks Jen for adding your views here.. x



      • Androgoth
        Jul 29, 2011 @ 00:23:16

        You know I have heard of movies having been spliced so that every so many frames they have something hidden within them, such as at the cinema for instance where popcorn or ice creams are a feature, of course the brain identifies these split second images, and thus triggers a response, a craving shall we say? Nowadays, in the digital age that is, I guess any kind of code can be written into it, and of a similar nature I would imagine but I have no real evidence of this and so I won’t further a comment.

        But you know I do play many violent games on my PS3 but they are just fictional, and don’t change my moods in any way shape or form, of course I am not denying that they are often extremely lifelike, bloody and scary, with often some rather brutal interactions within them, but this is where the fictional side remains, they are just games my wickedly fine friend, the only problem is, is that parents of a lot of children do not follow the guidelines of the products that are geared towards and indeed produced solely for adults, even with eighteen certificates clearly added, this does not stop young children and adolescents from playing them, which is a serious flaw in parenting.

        Of course not all parents have this incredibly poor judgement where their children are concerned, but there are many that follow the ridiculousness of out of sight, out of mind characteristic and that lack of principles just adds another growing problem, which is on our street corners pushing the fear upon innocent law abiding citizens, a lawlessness where gangs of children run riot without caring about anything that they do.

        I could go on but you already know all about this as it is clearly visible almost everywhere we look these days, but these are some of the negatives, we have to look beyond this finding and push the positives forwards in order to regenerate a common ground where respect and morality are the fundamental key to a better world for all.

        Be very well now Sue and be good too, or else? 🙂

        Androgoth XXx



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 29, 2011 @ 00:41:51

          Thank you Androgoth.for those of us with sound judgment and a balanced mind.. I agree watching and playing isnt going to be a problem.. and again I agree with parental guidlines.. Children at too young an age are being suject ot violence as being the norm… hense the dare-devil games they play… the difference is those who they hurt do not always get up and walk away like the actors within their films or to press a reset button and play again…
          We are consentrating on the Darker aspects here because That is what is seemingly surrounding us… Maybe in my next Blog I can highlight all the wonderful works Humans do on this planet that go unheard and unseen…. Wishing you well.. and dont get lost too long in those playful depths of your dungeon.. 🙂 😉



          • Androgoth
            Jul 30, 2011 @ 00:01:12

            I agree with you my wickedly fine great friend, the youth of today that choose the Darker path opposed to the Light have little or no understanding of how to behave in a civilised fashion, they are like Drones mindlessly destroying anything and everything in their path in a rather anarchistic and diabolical trend that is fuelled by negativity and pessimism, and as for consequences, well Sue unfortunately there are no consequences as all the chastisement and discipline has been chiselled away, and in the wake of this parliamental stupidity we are left with a somewhat lawless batch of wasters that thrive on making respectable peeps lives a complete and utter misery.

            Let us hope that good sense will prevail and in the future a more level headed playing field is revived. It’s not just about unruly teenagers either Sue, did you see the news this evening about those mindless and cruel yobs’ terrible and sadistic cruelty to pigs and chickens, this was aired on the news before 18:00 hrs, I mean can you believe that my great friend when the Government are always restricting viewing and setting the watershed for something like 21:00 hrs, put it this way I hope that children did not see that grotesque horror, even I was truly disgusted and enraged by those brutish and most violent actions against innocent animals and birds.

            Yes do add something that encourages one’s belief in the good side of human nature, I think that would be a lovely idea Sue… Be very well now

            Androgoth XXx



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 01, 2011 @ 17:36:08

              Yes I agree with your comments Androgoth about the parliamental stupidity.. And thankfully I didn’t see the News as I was away.. But I don’t want us to condemn all of our Youth of today, for there are many caring and light bearing individuals whose light we do not see…. My point being that Light and Dark like Icewolfie said has been around for Aeons.. it’s part of Nature the Ying and the Yang, Good/ Bad.. Light Dark.. we have to have the energies of these different polarities in order to experience.. For if we didn’t have the Bad how would we experience the Good etc.. But the Balance is now overwhelmingly out of sync and the Media is promoting more of the Darker energies by what it reports and portrays.. and our young children are growing up with it as this Darkness as being the norm.. and so end up being more likely to act in violent ways etc than in a caring fashion… because our way of life is forgetting to teach our children these important values…
              Thank you as always for adding your most interesting comments here Androgoth.


  9. Sue Dreamwalker
    Jul 29, 2011 @ 00:46:03

    Thank you All of you who have contributed to the subject matter here… I just want to add that Im working away over the weekend so I will get back to moderate any further comments ASAP… In the mean time… Wishing you all a Great Weekend..Sue Dreamwalker x



  10. summer breeze
    Jul 29, 2011 @ 02:52:18

    Hello dear Dreamwalker 🙂 yes your video says it all, we live a world full of illusion. times have changed so much for the youth, and each generation are getting more violent acting out the things they see on TV or games. great blog my friend, have a wonderful weekend with sunshine and light 🙂
    Hugs, Summer



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 29, 2011 @ 08:54:14

      Thank you Summer, I’m sure our Grandparents looked upon our generation saying what an earth is the Youth coming to today! about us lol… especially in the swinging 60’s.. Wishing you a very special weekend too Summer.. Much love and light returned xox 🙂



      • summer breeze
        Jul 29, 2011 @ 09:19:51

        Oh yes Dreamwalker.. Now we are the Oldies saying the same thing haha 🙂
        Life is a never ending circle 😉



  11. europasicewolf
    Jul 31, 2011 @ 13:37:35

    Not sure that we “chose” to inhabit and occupy this planet! It’s not like we’ve discovered anything else out there capable of supporting human life yet!
    Darkness and negativity has been around since the beginning of time…history shows us that…trouble is today we often forget or have never been taught that much of the horror stories we see on TV, or the internet etc are only modern day, repetitions of past sins that were swept under the carpet as deep dark secrets never to be talked about. They are not new, only in our minds as we convince ourselves todays world is much bigger and badder than any other generations throughout history. I did not choose or ask to be brought into this world but like it or not I am here because someone else desired it to be so. Of course we should all seek to find and share as much positivity and light in our world as we possibly can because it is indeed a very dark world we live in…but it has always been so…and tv and internet etc is on the overall scale of things, a very very recent acquisition!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 01, 2011 @ 18:11:00

      Hi my Wolfie furry friend… so pleased you dropped in to give me a howl…. arrrh herein lies another Blog completely of other life bearing planets!… there are many worlds within worlds and if we think we are alone in this Vast Universe we are very much mistaken… But because we haven’t developed the technology to discover these planets doesn’t mean to say there are none out there.. I am told there are many that can support and sustain life far more intelligent than our own primitive species.
      You say you did not ask or chose to come into this world… this is where my own knowing and teachings beg to differ.. for we do indeed travel to experience this dimension of the material planet called Earth choosing to exist within this realm and choosing the life enhancing experiences necessary for our soul growth.. But each of us upon our Earth journey has to come to that point of re-awakening his/her own memories upon this subject and I’m not about to preach to anyone in that quarter for each and everyone are entitled to their own views upon this most interesting of subjects..
      However to get back to your point of Light and Dark, Positive and Negativeness being around since the dawn of time.. I will totally agree with you my furry friend.. Indeed it has, as I commented in a previous reply we cannot exist without both polarities of energy.. for one is a positive charge while the other is a negative charge, both necessary to keep the Earths energy vibrating and in constant flow.. We all contribute to that flow with our thoughts which many do not see as a living energy, but it goes out into the ether none the less and gathers to it like attracts like as a magnet similar thought-forms/energy creating the imbalance… What Im saying is that this imbalance is being amplified by the media as they spew out more Negative than positive and our young are being enveloped within this day in day out… and are now growing up within this world with a very Negative attitude and outlook which is eroding the light of Good such as the values of caring and kindness upon this planet and disrespecting both elders and wild life and nature… as well as each other.. This is then adding a dangerous mix for the future as violence will spill out more so than love and compassion.. This has to be addressed not only by the Media but by each of us.. For each of us are responsible.. For it starts first and foremost with what we think.. For what we think, so we Create.. hence….. the media are influencing thought!… be it what to buy, wear, eat … or how we behave and act…The ultimate responsibility is ours .. We all have to look at how we as individuals thank and act and start to live from the heart… and LOVE!
      Thank you my most lovely friend for your time and trouble to comment here, I love to converse this way with you my fine friend x 🙂



      • europasicewolf
        Aug 02, 2011 @ 23:03:48

        A new consciousness is develooping, which sees the Earth as a single organism, and recognises that a single organism that is at war with itself is doomed. We are one planet One of the greatest revelations of the age of space exploration is the image of Earth, finite and lonely and somehow vulnerable, bearing the entire human species through the oceans of space and time.

        The Earth is the only world known to us so far to harbour life. there is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit yes. Settle no, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment Earth is where we make our stand.

        Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

        ~ Carl Sagen (Who speaks for Earth?/Pale Blue Dot)



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 03, 2011 @ 17:50:08

          I have to agree with you here Wolfie… We are destroying ourselves in fact exterminating our species and many other life forms on a daily basis.. and still we keep on keeping on in our arrogant selfish ways…. Wishing you a Great rest of the week my wise 4 legged friend… Long may you keep howling your beliefs … Special Hugs my furry friend xxx



  12. Androgoth
    Aug 02, 2011 @ 12:55:50

    Hi Sue, I have just replied to your comment on my earlier posting and as it is quite relevant to this current post of yours I thought that I would add it here too, so I hope you don’t mind me doing that? Be careful of your answer here though as I have all my Skeletons, three hefty Ghouls, one rather scruffy Werewolf and a hoard of Zombies just waiting to see your reaction 🙂 lol

    My reply:

    Thank you for calling by Sue and I am pleased that you enjoyed this alternative to my Gothic Horror, perhaps I should add more of an assortment so that everyone can see a different aspect of my writing, I do tend to favour horror over various other genres but once in a while I do enjoy writing alternatives, which seem popular as I guess some peeps find my horror poetry a bit too graphic in certain areas, though I do tame them, or should I say tone them down somewhat for WordPress.

    I think that you are right about dreams and fantasies Sue we all have them and the daydream side of human thought can be very rewarding, well depending on the subject matter of course lol The mystery aspect emerges when one considers the fact that we humans only use a very small percentage of our brain power so there is much to learn about the psychology of dreams and the perplexity of the mind, as our thought processes are, shall we say immeasurable. As we humans evolve this complex field of knowledge will increase and one day the real power of thought and of course our daydreams will perhaps be realised. Thank you for your wonderful thoughts on this posting Sue…

    Have a very nice rest of day and hopefully where you are
    the Sun will be shining, as here it is rather dull at the moment 😦 lol

    Androgoth XXx



  13. Ann Best
    Aug 06, 2011 @ 02:20:56

    How beautiful you have expressed what I call the Law of Opposition. To know pain, you have to know the absence of pain. To know good, you have to know evil. To know what light is, you have to experience the dark.

    The power to choose is crucial. I choose, like you, to seek the light. I find light in my family, in my friends. My daughter and I no longer have TV in our home. Instead, we watch movies–we CHOOSE the ones we want to influence us. Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about behaving in ways that emit positive, not negative energy. Trying to control my temper (which isn’t all that bad, but there are times….sigh, I wish I were perfect!).

    Speaking of perfection, I think the beauty you have brought into your blog with these beautiful photographs on your sidebar is close to it!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 06, 2011 @ 07:43:17

      I admire your dedication Ann to your family especially your daughter, you said “but there are times….sigh, I wish I were perfect!)”. … Perfection is in the eye of the beholder… We are all perfect reflections, each one unique in our own way.. And if we were indeed a perfect soul… we would not need to travel and experience this realm within its denseness of matter…. But we Chose to be here and experience this life with all its imperfections so that we may grow and expand that light within us…so that we can join in the evolution of this wonderful consciousness in the perceptual motion of our eternal progress.. Life with all its imperfections has its place within the Scheme of Universal Laws of Attraction, For we emit our own energy blue-prints as we strive to attain and progress back to the source of Creation- Unconditional Love… Blessings



  14. Raven
    Aug 12, 2011 @ 05:26:23

    First let me say I am so glad nothing happened to you! I agree with what you said about how we are not allowed to discipline children the way in which it was once done. I know it may have been overdone at times, but I think it can be done in a way that isn’t abuse. I also have noticed few of our young seem to learn to respect everyone, including themselves.
    Oh the Universal Laws of Attraction, I have worked on those…wonderful wonderful.
    My dear Sister, LOVE is the key to everything…all for one…one for all.
    Great work and Bless you.



  15. penpusherpen
    Oct 29, 2011 @ 15:38:45

    I feel we’re on the brink of something terrible Sue, or mayhap on the brink is the wrong word, recent riots have underlined the fact that any slight change will result in lawlessness and violence. Any goading will result in a murder for want of nothing more than you have what someones else would like. The wonder is, how we came to this crossroads… and the video says it all… I fear for us as a race, I fear for the wild life and it’s habitat, and I fear for the future of the World itself in our mismanaged hands. How did we get to living in fear?… Ok all is not lost, there are God fearing and loving people out there, I only hope that they are enough to turn the tide in the direction of light against the dark… xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 29, 2011 @ 16:42:48

      Yes we are on the cusp of something Pen, and it can goe either way.. Fortunately there are more ‘Lightbearers’ out there than we think… As the News Media is controlled by those forces which dominate the Dark to hold us within the Fear.. the trick is not to get swept up in the Fear.. and send out love and compassion where ever we can.. Thoughts do manifest, and our thoughts are like ripples which once sent out gather to the same vibrations.. Positive or Negative..
      That is how the lawlessness in the foreign lands to overthrow dictators came about.. as likeminded thoughts go out.. adding to the Mass Consciousness… So we need not to buy into what they show us on TV.. and Hollywood too portraying invasions etc…
      Yes ET’s exist, and there are several kinds.. But I have been informed that soon they will let themselves be known.. But not yet, as the Fear those in power put out will be false as they have worked with ET’s behind the scenes for a while now.. This is why I say there are several ET;s out there…
      First to allow the Earth to go back to how she was intended to be.. Things have to change Pen, and this is why the Monetary systems will in the future start to fail and those in Power in their towers will crumble.. But this will cause much panick and Chaos.. We have to be careful not to get caught up in all the media news.. and read between the lines..

      I have researched many things myself.. and if you click the 2012 site on the Best and beautiful blog.. I have only recently found Jeans site and her posts are things I have read about ages ago.. and the most your seek the more you find…..But know if you live true to your heart with love and compassion and care Pen which I know you do, from reading all your comments on others posts.. you will be fine.. 🙂 Sue



  16. Christine Grote
    Oct 30, 2011 @ 21:29:40

    You make some very valid and important points. I worry about what our next generations will be like if we stay on this track.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 01, 2011 @ 17:15:25

      Yes Christine, we need to see how the next generation is behaving, Here in the Uk recently we had riots, that spread around the Nation to various Cities which unfortunately resulted in death and untold damage to property.. Many of those taking part were teenagers who went of the rampage.. And who rebelled against the police and authorities.. And when some were interviewed on TV asking about their part in the demonstrations some said it made them feel alive, as no one listens to them.. And it felt good to be part of something.. Now many of those arrested although there were known gang members and criminal elements many were from well-to-do backgrounds… This is a sad state of affairs when the Youth have no direction or purpose and would sooner riot and steal and damage property and throw stones at each those in authority.. We are breeding a troublesome world for the future when we forget to show respect and love to each other and throw disapline out the window… For we are sowing now what we shall soon reap when society turns its back on the younger generation as their appears from their view point no prospects, no jobs, and so no self worth…
      Thank you for taking the time to travel around my posts Chrsitine



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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