Healing Wood~3

Old Oak Tree

Old Oak Tree

Ask Mother Nature to let you see

All of her wonders created for thee

As you take yourself off for a walk


Look to the skies

At the Rainbow she supplies

As you take yourself off for a walk

© Sue Dreamwalker 2013-2015

My thanks go to Kim over at Silentlyheardonce  who is a wonderful poet. Kim asked if I would take part in the 5 day photo challenge.. While I have given up accepting Awards this challenge is an easy one for me to take part in, as I had a set of photo’s I was going to post. But now with this challenge I will  add a poem I wrote a few years ago now a couple of verses at a time to each photo.. And bring you the last photo with the complete poem at the end.

The Rules are as follows..

Here are the rules for the “Five Photos Five Stories” challenge: “Post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge.
(Sporadic posting is alright if you’re unable to post each day.)

My Third nomination today is Teri over at Masked Native  I hope you go and pay her a visit.  

Sing for the Trees~ Earth Day

Where ever you are on Planet Earth on the 22nd of April at Noon,

Sing for the Trees!


My Earth Day Painting, in tribute to our Earth Mother and Nature

You can find out more about Singing for our Trees Here   and why its important to honour our sacred trees which are fast disappearing from our Earth.

In celebration of  connecting with Gaia our Earth Mother I spent the weekend Painting. I wanted something Light, bright and showing the love.. Hence all the hearts and flowers.

 But can you spot a Fairy two little elves and a new born, mouse and pot of gold in there?

Below are some photo’s   taken from my garden and while out walking.


What ever you are doing this week, I hope you will spare a few thoughts for our trees, and especially think of the rain forests.. Every year the size of England is cut down and destroyed, not to mention the indigenous people who are displaced and even killed through the big corporate powers overtaking their lands.. For more on these stories then go to  Survival International

And Lastly I have enclosed video, Not even two minutes which I have on my about me page.. here is  a  Song I love to Sing along and drum to. I hope as you go about your day you too will Sing and bring your love and vibration into the heart of Mother Earth and Sing to her ‘Old One’s’ the Trees who give us our very breath.

Have a Joyful week… Love and Blessings



Tree Medicine..


It was only in dreamtime that those memories came to haunt her.. She had always been a restless sleeper, and her grandmother had long known that her dreamtime experiences went further than normal dreaming.. Aponi’s wisdom had known even before her birth that she was going to be a special child. She knew she was a Dreamwalker, one who could travel beyond this vale.

But she also knew that her granddaughter needed much guidance to be able to develop her skills for she was fragile in her emotions.. But Aponi had been told by the wisdom keepers that her granddaughter had much work to do, she needed schooling in the old ways.. A task Aponi had much pleasure in teaching her.

The Spirit Elders watched over Aponi’s task, which they had charged her with to teach her granddaughter  Muna all she knew. Muna’s name had been well chosen, it meant Overflowing Spring  in her Hopi tribe.  They had watched over the infant and would travel in and around her world until she was ready for the task she had come to this earth to fulfil in this modern age where the old ways would be needed to be called upon again. 

So Aponi had taught her grandchild the Earth medicine and she had done it in such a way even her grandchild was unaware that these were in fact lessons. For they came as natural as breathing to her. Such was her love of the outdoors and all of Nature she absorbed each piece of information Aponi gave her and remembered everything.

Aponi had only been too pleased to teach her granddaughter to connect with the Forests, and about the many animals. She spoke of the Trees being the Lungs of this earth, and how they gave us not only the air we breathed in, but the tools to live.. She taught her about the various varieties of Trees and their uses, and how their barks and fruits, leaves and shoots could all be used in various ways…

Coming off the Moor we enter a beatuiful Silver Birch wood.One of her Granddaughter’s favourites was that of the Silver Birch, it is graceful in form with its silver bark, was known as ‘Lady of the Woods’.. Aponi took pride in teaching her how its medicine had been used throughout the centuries and told her how it was a cleansing tree..

That the Silver Birch Twigs were used to make Brooms to sweep clean, and beat out negative influences, clearing the way for renewal. She was told how in the past Criminals were thought to have come under the influence of ‘Bad Spirits’, and were ‘Birched’ as an act of cleansing. And how land boundaries were beaten with Birch twigs each year in order drive out the spirits of the old year, the old energy which may have got stuck there, and let the new energy flourish . . Aponi taught her how the Birch shed its leaves and twigs and even its bark, teaching us to let go of unwanted aspects of ourselves to be free to move forward to new beginnings. The heart shaped leaves reminding us to follow our hearts desires.. ..

Aponi had taught her how the sap was tapped in March for syrup which was used as a Sugar, and could be used to make wine. Also Oil made from Birch bark was used in tanning of leather and the oil too when added with almond oil soothed aching muscles when used to massage the skin.

She taught her how the bark is water resistant, containing large amounts of resin, and how in the past it was used for roofing, shoes, and making canoes and in baskets and paper making. The young leaves too could be collected in late spring and early summer to be dried . These could be used in infusions such as teas, to act as a gentle sedative, to break up kidney stones, or gallstones, or to use as a mouthwash for sore mouths..

Birch leaves are a tonic as well as an antiseptic and Aponi had many women from the town come seek relief from cystitis and other urinary infections which the Birch medicine helped relieve. ..

Aponi taught her Granddaughter many things,  how to be careful when removing the bark from trees and to do so in small patches, for as to remove it in a continuous ring around the trunk, the tree would die… This was just one of the many lessons of nature her Grandmother gave in her teachings of Earth medicine. 

Many more were taught not only on the medicinal properties of Natures larder, But of the Spiritual elements of them too.. Birch brings boldness, helping to clear a path in our energy, as changes come. Aponi taught her the great wealth of knowledge that comes from the Earth, that many now didn’t even remember or practice.

Aponi too was saddened as many of her own Native tribes had also lost their ways and forgotten to live in harmony and within the balance of our Earth Mother. Forgetting the Ancient ways. Many were now lost.. 

One of the most revered lessons Muna was taught was that of the Trees, was that Trees span the five elements . Their branches held high in the AIR, they take their energy from the FIRE, the Sun, and their roots go deep into the EARTH, drinking from the living WATERS of the Earth. Aponi also taught Muna, that they inhabit the fifth element, SPIRIT, and that we are all able to connect with them..

Aponi told the story of the tree spirits in one of her bedtime lessons, and how important meetings were held under large trees, And how they listened to us, and shared their energy, and if we listened how they would speak to on the breath of the wind, as their leaves shook and branches creaked… And how they shared their gifts of fruits and nuts and most important of all, giving us our very life’s breath to breathe. And how they sacrificed themselves for fuel and shelter, and how important it was to communicate with their wisdom, for they were old and wise. Holding a wealth of knowledge as they had stood and watched the comings and goings of human kind some for hundreds of years..

Aponi spoke on how if one were to cut down a tree, or take a branch, a limb, one should always ask the trees permission, this allowed for the Tree spirits to withdraw, allowing the tree to die, however Aponi told her that even after the tree was cut down and the wood was used, either carved or polished into a piece of furniture or some ornament, some of the trees spirit would still be within its wood, and how people would always want to reach out and touch it, stroke its smooth surface admiring its colour and grain, thus touching the wood for luck.. as they felt the Trees spirit.

Muna sat now remembering once more all the Tree Medicine, as she sat with her back connecting to her favourite tree.. It was indeed time to reach within and bring out the wisdom she knew she had within her..

It was time for her to awaken others, she was ready.. As she became like the Birch Tree she sat beside..   It was time to let go of unwanted aspects of herself, to be free to move forward, to new beginnings… She turned to the four directions, and bowed respectfully to each.. She gave thanks as she gave the tree some tobacco from her medicine pouch

Her journey was just beginning.. 

© Sue Dreamwalker  2015 All rights reserved.

 This is short story Part of one I wrote some years ago..Its message is too good not to share, Thanks go to Brad over at Writing for Freedom  whose own recent post Native Winds  prompted me to post this old chapter that I tweaked a little     



Walking the Road to Peace

Walking the Road to Peace

Many of us are now on our Roads of discovery as we walk our own Sacred paths in finding out just who we are…

Before we can get to our  New  Peaceful Beginnings  we are often taken through some rough terrain as we learn to navigate the roads that lead us to our final destination.

Today I just wish to share a little of that Peace, in the form of three walks I have done recently.. Two on Sunny days, and One today within the Mist and Fog.

So too in life we have our Sunny days,

Sun over the Nettles

Lime Leaves shining in the Sun

And life just flows along nicely

Autums Flow

The Flow of Life


Could that be a little Orb that is following me from the Sun?

Can you Spot it again??




Autumn Fruits Rose Hips



Life is full of colour, we just need to open our eyes to appreciate what surrounds us every day



Standing Tall


We may at times think we stand alone..


But when you look around you will see many more shedding their past and letting go..


Woods shedding Leaves

Releasing and Letting Go means we allow more room for those Golden Opportunities into our lives

Golden Fall

Bridges to Cross


We all have our Bridges to cross..






Foggy HazeAt other times we may seem as if we are traveling through a fog uncertain of what is ahead..





We need to keep moving forward and as we do, so too a little more of the road is revealed to us.  All we need is a little Self Reflection!

Reflecting and all becomes Clear

Don’t get caught in the Traps of Fear,

Webs we all Spin

We all have our Warts  We all have our Warts And can carry our loads

( can you see the face? )

Loads we carry

(And How about the Monkey?)

But we all of us Walk our Paths

Trail over the bridge

And ALL Pathways lead us Home!

All paths lead Home

  We really are on this Road Together..

Golden  Moments

 Enjoy your Golden Moments Each and Everyone of you..

Golden Moments

You are never Out there on a Limb ..

You are never out on a limb

Don’t forget your roots.. We are All of us Natures Children

Replenish, and Remember your Roots









We are not alone.. Our strength comes in standing together

Fungi  The Trees Communication System

Rose Hips.. Natures own Vitamins  Vit C

Nature cures all ills, and brings us inner peace..   All we need is be Grounded as we learn ALL things are in Balance. 

Have a wonderful Week all of you.. I  hope you enjoyed my collection of photo’s and Keep Walking on your Path..

And Know the Sun is Always Shinning . Even over the Nettles Patch.

The Sun is always Shinning

Love And Blessings..


Life’s Force ~Love

The Wood

Today I took a walk; it led me to a wood. ………………………..

Winter is upon us with frost and it was cold as I stood.

Beneath my feet were oak leaves crisply sparkling

Above my head the rays of light reflecting, glistening.


I took a breath of clean fresh air that billowed out as smoke

Flung out my arms and turned around, as the woodland spoke.

My heart beat slowly like a drum, to a rhythmic beat.

I listened to it’s sound, while the energy pulsed through my feet.


My head did spin, I wanted to laugh, instead I hugged a tree,

I’m alive, and was part of that wood, and it was part of me.The Wood 2

Tears of joy sprang to my eyes that glistened like the frost.

For at last my heart sang, my soul I’d thought I’d lost.


You’re part of me, the trees the flowers and the sun,

The Universe and God, are waiting, we are One.

We are all connected, in a moment I just knew,

The key is Love, Everything, Everyone, Especially You.


Each of us is special, unique unto his own,

In that moment my heart felt light, as if I’d just flown.

I am the Lord of the Dance said he- echoed in my head,

At last I knew- I’d met the source- We are One it said.


Peace and Laughter filled my heart, I laughed or I should cry,

I wanted to embrace the whole wide World, and to tell it why.

Love is the answer, Love is the Key,

So simple, yet so hard.

Love is the answer Love is the key,

Grasp it- hold it, Love is now for you and me..

…. Love is the Answer!


© Sue Dreamwalker – 2013 All rights reserved.

I wrote this poem I back in 2008, but the Wood photos were taken only a couple of weeks ago as we walked a favourite walk.

We can all help the flow of our World’s Life Force.. and that is to start sending LOVE out into it.. Instead of making judgements, we need more tolerance, and compassion, care, and understanding.

For what we give out comes back…

So send out what you wish to come back around

And Help the World Heal

With your Love!

Thank you for reading


A Major Oak ~ Medieval Days

I have not been around Blog land all that much recently, partly due to the fact that as the weather warms up there is much to do outdoors..So for those of you who I have not been around to visit recently my apologies. I would also like to take this opportunity in thanking those who have nominated me for various awards this year.. Time is really flying and as good as my intentions seems to be, I have still failed to honour them, but you all know who you are and I thank you most sincerely for my nominations.

Thanks also go out to those New subscribers, the numbers are slowly swelling and I hope that you will not be strangers and make yourselves known.. I try to interact with all those who regularly comment upon Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary. I do hope you find my posts and pages of interest. 

This weekend has been a Holiday for May Day, and the Sun came out in all its glory for the weekend I thought I might share what I was up to.

So here is a glimpse into my day in Sherwood Forest.. Its right on my doorstep and I love going walks in the Woods around and about here.Trees are such wonderful beings, each one  as unique and individual as you are.

As well as walking I saw some wonderful Butterflies too which was a great surprise as some are out early. I will comment upon them and the variety I saw in a separate post to follow soon..

Please click on the photos to enlarge and find our more.

The Oak Tree has to be on of my favourite Trees.. The English Oak ‘The tree of courage and the doorway to inner strength’ representing endurance and self-determination. Known as ‘The King of the Forest’ and the King of the Trees it holds not only my heart but a special place of affection in many a heart.

The slow growing Oak can live for 1,000 yrs  and can hold over 500 species of insects, butterflies, bats, and birds, all making their home in the bark or branches. .. 

In the past Oaks were planted to mark boundaries as they are so long-lived. The Druids taught under them, and later the clergy would read the psalms and gospels under them as they walked the parish boundaries. The Oaks then became known as Gospel Oaks.

Special Oaks that were used for marriages became known as Marriage Oaks. The sky Gods were said to send  down their power through the lightning bolts, and we saw some Oak trees in the wood which had the markings of a lightning strike..

The Oakleaf was used as a symbol or longevity and strength and was engraved upon coins.. this was in later years replaced by the Lion. Oak leaves and acorns are often found on coats of arms and within family crests.. The acorn the symbol of immortality the strength and power of Nature . Mighty Oaks from little Acorns grow. Acorns were also carried in pockets to bring increased vitality and strength. Acorn bobbins too were hung on windows and above the fireplace as charms against lightning bolts. We saw many carvings of Acorns and the GreenMan in the craft tents.

You need to go and seek out the Oak when you are weary and you feel life challenges. Oak helps us reconnect with the pulse of energy, bringing its strength into your veins, it helps us let go, as it warns us about our own stubborn strength. teaching us that if we do not bend and go with the change we can break in the storm.. I love nothing better than to sit with my back against an Oak and feel its energy.

During the Middle Ages Oak became the main construction material for building homes and ships. Many of the Royal forests were planted with Oak trees to ensure the supply for British navel fleets.. Oaks were also cut down in vast numbers to provide charcoal for the Blacksmiths who worked making the armoury and weapons as well as tools.

Oak Bark was also used by the leather industry to process in the tanning of raw hides.

Younger Light Oak branches are still in demand for furniture making, doors, and coffins..

Oak leads the way when you need strength and courage to carry on. It brings deep calm and inner peace, helping you sort our  your inner turmoil’s. It restores your will and determination which may have been weakened through stressful situations.. It helps restore faith in our way forward ..

I could go on and on, and no doubt many may think I already have as I look at my word count. Below I will post a selection of photos some of the mighty Oaks as we walked through the wood … And the Major Oak in particular.. if you click onto the photos more information I hope will be there as you can view larger.. The other selection are of the medieval market and shows the armour and costume, skills of the past.

I do hope you have a wonderful weekend … Much love to you all. as I send you the Spirit of the Oak and my Day in Medieval Times!. 

Click each photo to enlarge and find out more information.

A competition of Longbow and Crossbow was had  A fine display of archery skills from both men and women

A competition of Longbow and Crossbow was had A fine display of archery skills from both men and women

My Creative Art~Trees

Oh mighty brothers that reach up high

Your branches swaying in breeze from sky

Tell me as I sit beneath your shade

What wisdom have you for me today..

Spring one with your leaves so fresh

Your colours of green replenish and re-fresh

Your blossoms shower us in petals so light

From winters sleep you grow in delight

Summer Oh how you please

As you rustle your full grown leaves

Your breath so pure so we may breathe

I pray this Earth you never leave

Autumn of golden rich fruits you carry

To sustain life in harvest berries

Fallen leaves and wood for the fire

Replenishing larders, of you I never tire

Winter with your ever-greens

White coats of snow on branches gleam

In your forests shelter you bring

Silent and tall as you sleep until Spring

Lets not forget our brothers the Tree 

Hundred of years they stand still and ‘see’

Majestic and strong they give life to all

Save our trees don’t let them fall.

Spring VortexSummer Vortex

Autumn GoldWinter Silence

Above are the paintings I did,while taking time out. Trees are so important, and I love nothing better to sit beneath a tree and meditate feeling its energy.

Our Relationship to the Earth has changed as we have become more aware of how our actions can affect the balance of Nature, we are beginning to see ourselves as part of the Global Community and we are embracing a more heart-centred common goal of preservation. Trees are part of that community and we need to understand how important a part Tree’s play in our lives..

They not only bring us the very oxygen we breath, but they give homes to thousands of species of insects and birds providing not only food and shelter but the very habitat that those species need to survive, as well as food, fuel, and shelter for us Humans, When the trees start dying, then the insects have no home and also die, this has a knock on effect around the whole eco system.We must not forget we are part of that knock on effect.

Trees teach us the importance of renewal as they shed their leaves and seeds, their outer achievements and find strength and vitality through a period of rest in the winter months, They teach us stillness, about slowing down, and finding contentment within. They show us the importance of having strong roots to maintain stability.

We are destroying the lungs of the Earth as the many forests are cut down.. Here is a site which explains what you can do to conserve Trees.

Remember the ‘Standing Ones’ as they were once known, and let us remember they give us our very breath we breathe, we owe them a debt of gratitude. They need our respect. Enjoy your walks, Enjoy your Trees, and Enjoy Nature..

Blessings Sue Dreamwalker

Paintings are 38cms-20cms

The Spirit of Autumn

Spirit of Autumn

I am back after giving myself some Breathing space for a couple of days.. I swapped the click of the mouse for a stroke of the paint brush. as you see from my artwork above..

Trees are the Lungs of the Earth, they give us oxygen-rich air which we all rely upon to breathe. And often we have forgotten just how to take in  those Deep breaths and relax..  Trees have always played a huge part in my life from growing up surrounded by them and later learning how to interact within their energy exchanges, I’m a big advocate of ‘Go Hug a Tree’..especially when you feel a little low of energy yourself.  

Trees are a living presence and I am sure many of you can sense their energy, you have only to go outside and listen to the stirrings of their voices as the leaves gently rustle in the breeze, or hear how they screech and moan as the wind whips through their branches in a storm.  They like our Mother Earth are givers and ask noting in return. They bring us shelter and warmth with their timber, shade from the Sun, fruits  and Nuts, and lets not forget their many healing properties.

Tree’s teach us the importance of renewal, as they shed their leaves and outer attachments as they go into their slumber of winter rest..

They teach us so many qualities and teach us stillness and contentment as well as learning how to stand strong within our roots..

So many places around our world Tree’s are being destroyed this always is heart breaking.. And if you are conscious of recycling as I am, I am sure you look to buy recycled paper and products, for we need to protect our life giving trees of our Mother Earth.

There are many Tree myths and legends and tree-lore preserved for us both in folksongs and folktales, which show us that our ancestors had a deeper relationship with Trees than we know of today..

It was once commonly known in most parts of the world that within the tree lay a living essence of a Spirit within it.. The Druids called them the “ The Many Eyed Ones” or “ Hooded Ones” and they believed they watched the comings and goings of the Human Race… When you consider how old some trees live to be, its no wonder,  as many live over 200 yrs and some 800 yrs plus,

Important meetings were held under trees, Kings were crowned, and Laws were passed, Marriages were held and at many a cross-roads Tree’s were planted as markers and boundaries at significant points on the land.

A Tree Spirit, or as they are know. a Dryad, can be understood as a huge energy field radiating outwards from each tree, It is said it can radiate out for several miles… During the growing season in Spring and Summer it is easier to make contact with a Dryad than in the Autumn or Winter as the energy drops down into the Earth for Renewal or so I’m informed… For me I just like to link into the Spirit of the Tree as I give thanks for their life giving oxygen and healing peace.. 

Its always good to go out and connect back into Nature and there is nothing like communicating with the Trees.. For those who have never done this you do not know what you are missing..

When walking out, feel which Tree you are drawn towards and then reach out with your mind and feel the Tree’s energy as you slowly approach it.. Open your hands and start to feel your fingers tingle… Stop and I always ask in my mind for permission to step closer, you may feel you need to walk around the tree in a circular fashion, See if you can feel the layers of energy the tree sends out..

Make contact placing your hands gently upon the bark and feel the pulse of energy surge upwards from its roots… ( this is better felt in the spring and summer months ) .. Feel yourself developing strong roots down into the earth like the tree and feel your strength grow as the tree gives you its own healing nourishment… Or sit with your spine against the trunk and connect by meditating with the tree to share with you some of its wisdom…

Nature has for us in her hands its gifts of healing, by being out-doors experiencing Nature, we can also find the  many healing properties found in Trees and Plants around our world as there are many cues for many ailments. 

Above  you see is the painting I did, It took four hours to paint, of which TIME just flew.. I painted in Acrylic’s on Canvas size 22cms by 30cms  I named this one ‘The Spirit of Autumn’

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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