My Awakening~ The Signs.


This post is part of Awakening to who you truly are… Whereby bloggers are posting each day in January their own experiences of awakening. In Barbara Franken’s Awakening Month..

Waking up does not always mean a spiritual awakening, of becoming aware of those energies and the life force’s ‘Chi’ around them.. We are all of us capable of feeling these forces, but most of us have forgotten upon entry to this world how to use our Mind and Energies. Plus our young minds are often suppressed at a young age to forget the nonsense of invisible playmates.   

Barbara asks us to give us a brief description about our backgrounds. That is is the easy bit.. The harder bit is telling you what constitutes to the Awakening process, as its a very different set of experiences for all of us.. 

I don’t wish this to sound like a biography, so for those wishing to learn more about my early soul journey they can read more in My Soul Journey series in my first draft of that series Here.. I wrote

“Since being a small child I felt I had a mission to complete……”

For those interested enough you can find in part 2  of My Journey  my early life experiences in my spiritual awakening, where I saw spirit in the form of a Nun, which many years later was confirmed to be one of my guides helping me through my young life.

I was destined to follow the ‘Signs’ to follow my spiritual path in the form of a Newspaper add  which literally jumped out at me as I wanted to de-stress.  That’s how I first came to  go to a Meditation class held in our Local Spiritualist Centre.  From there one step led to another as I enrolled in development and awareness classes as I re-discovered my mediumistic abilities and became a Spiritual Healer.. Later taking classes of my own .  The story of this Stage can be found in Part 3 of My Journey .

Finding oneself and waking up! often means we need to lose ourselves first

This came in the form of a Nervous Breakdown which can be read in more detail Here in part 4 of My Journey.  What isn’t discussed there is how I  healed,  and what inner work I did upon myself..


‘Signs’ are everywhere if we take heed of them.. But at that times I was blind to them, I had been given a ‘Sign’ in the form of my breakdown, I had been given a Sign when I was made redundant, and I was given the ‘Signs’ many times,which I ignored and sometimes these come in various forms, such as the time on my way to interview as someone drove past my car knocking the wing mirror off..  Another ‘Sign’  not to be on the road I was!..But I ignored it and took a job I regretted from the very first day.. . I should have followed my gut I knew even at the interview the job didn’t feel right. But I had ignored my ‘Gut’ .. I left after a few weeks.

So I climbed down my ladder, I had had enough responsibility so thought OK, I am going back onto Machines, and just going to sit and sew. I knew all the machine processes and could use each one, so  I can go back on Piecework  and go to work and come home and forget about it.. I did this for another 3 yrs being made redundant twice more as the textile industry in the UK came into decline as work went more and more overseas… The places I worked were also going down hill, as they were nothing but sweat-shop types of factories.. Still not listening to the Signs of my redundancies! as factories closed I hung onto what I knew… ..  During these 3 yrs my health took a dive to the point I would sit and cry in pain at my machine as my muscles felt like they were being shredded and fatigue would sweep over me.. 

A Dr finally diagnosed I had Fibromyalgia after repeated visits to the surgery with muscle pain, the hospital confirmed it and I had 6 months off work.. This time I Listened to my body.. I had not listened before to change my career direction, and as I have so often found if we do not listen to the ‘Signs’ they keep being repeated until we learn the lessons.  So this time my body had made me take notice and stopped me literally in my tracks.  Plus throughout all of my day job working life I was still working with Spirit, I was still serving Spiritualist Centres giving messages from loved ones from the other side…  This too I put on temporary  hold so I could heal from within..

You might ask How if I was so attune to Spirit ,and healing with the spiritual realm did I not get answers to my own pathway or at least glimpses of an easier way physically and emotionally.. Believe me I did ask .. And I was told quite simply from spirit, we are each on our own pathway to learn through our experiences…  I am no different than anyone else in learning lessons and through them we discover ourselves in the process, This is the Awakening Process.  Many are now going through these dark tunnels as they discover who they are..

Knowing what I did, being a Spiritual Healer, I spent the time off work nurturing Me.. I painted more, I set about clearing the Raynaud’s Disease, you can found our how I did that in my Past Life Regression part 1 and my healing of the symptoms in part 2 .  What I have not really wrote about is healing my Fibromyalgia.. Healing which took me from fatigue and intense pain out of breath and hardly managing my stairs to back to full health and walking for miles in the countryside.. I still need to pace myself, and not over do the muscle strain.. but I am 100% better than I was and its up to me to keep it that way.

To heal the body, we first need to work on the mind… I did that with You can Heal your Life with Louise Hays book.. with affirmations  and I also started upon Spring Forest QiGong.  This was another ‘Sign’ which I followed as I bought Master Chunyi Lin tapes and video which offered his unique method of healing with some amazing testimonies of healing miracles can be found too if you look on the net..This literally dropped through the door one day in some ‘junk-mail’ as it too leapt out at me to be read, it turned out to be the best ‘Sign’ I followed..  

It didn’t happen over night, I meditated daily and I would do my Qigong exercises and deep breathing and focusing my intent.. My pains became less and my fatigue diminished, I pulled in energy and felt more alive than I had for a long time…  I had Gong Baths from spiritual friends, I embarked upon a course of Body Talk too and learnt the art of tapping my body for answers, and incorporated it to help others.. I had Spiritual Healing,  and Reiki  I also joined a self help group which my Dr had put me in touch with The Expert Patience Programme for those with Chronic  Conditions.   Which showed me to take small steps and achievable goals..

Finally I knew I had to change career paths, A ‘chance’  ( I have learnt nothing is ever by chance! ) conversation with a colleague about where her daughter was working in Support came about and I decided to apply for an interview as they were recruiting.. It felt right! and the interview felt right.. I was honest with my condition and left nothing out including the need to have Sunday ‘Service’ nights and Monday group nights off… Everything fell into place..  That is some 10 years ago now, 8 yrs I have been working in supporting adults with learning difficulties within their shared homes. And 2 yrs with my present Support work.  Now once again, the Signs are pointing me to take another look at where I am and what I wish to do… This time I think I am going to listen!  

We Wake UP to so much along our journey, I see the world as being connected, and how each of us are a vital piece waiting like a giant jigsaw to be fitted together when the time is right.. Sometimes it takes us a while searching for the right piece until we fit. We may turn over our pieces many times until they slot together with the right one..  

Slowly as we join together we are at last I think realising that we are ALL ONE and ALL part of this Giant Universal Plan in which our lives are part of the process as we evolve along with Earth .. We are now each of us waking up to ourselves and our potential as we understand the Power of our Minds and that our energy is all connected in the Matrix of those invisible realms that pulse through us all… We are Beings of Light.. and its time to wake up to who we really are..   Thank you for staying the course if you are still reading.. The next in this series tomorrow is

 SeeingM ../…Life through the eyes of M

24th    M…          –
25th    Brian G    –
26th    Dotta       –
27th    CW          –
28th    Laurie       –
29th    Debra       –
30th    Linda        –
31th    Michael     –
1st      Leigh        –
2nd                     –

 Thank you for reading  




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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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